Author Topic: 2020 Presidential election  (Read 179384 times)


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #151 on: June 13, 2019, 12:25:30 PM »
"To Biden's credit, Trump seems to fear him, so maybe Trump's polls are showing Biden strength too."

Trump's attacks are intended to bolster Bad Touch Grandpa with the left. Bad Touch will still have to go hard left to win the nomination, then alienate the working class whites that are on the bubble between Trump and Bad Touch.

As far as the polls, the vast majority are just trying to push-poll the public.


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2020 Presidential, Harris poling 4th - in California
« Reply #152 on: June 14, 2019, 06:26:57 AM »
A lot of the really smart people (sarc.) think Harris will emerge as the nominee. part of the logic is that she will pick up all those California delegates and then be acceptable to all as the others stumble.

LA Times poll today has Biden Bernie and Warren all leading Harris in California and booty not far behind. Early polls mostly don't matter but if Californians don't prefer her, no one will.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, first debate set
« Reply #153 on: June 15, 2019, 06:23:25 AM »
Night One: June 26
Cory Booker
Julián Castro
Bill de Blasio
John Delaney
Tulsi Gabbard
Jay Inslee
Amy Klobuchar
Beto O'Rourke
Tim Ryan
Elizabeth Warren

Night Two: June 27
Michael Bennet
Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Pete Buttigieg
Kirsten Gillibrand
Kamala Harris
John Hickenlooper
Bernie Sanders
Eric Swalwell
Marianne Williamson
Andrew Yang


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2020 Presidential election, Klobuchar running 4th place n MN
« Reply #154 on: June 16, 2019, 12:42:14 PM »
Shortly after LA Times poll showed Harris running 4th in Calif, a new poll shows the 'popular' MN Senator Klobuchar running 4th in Minnesota.  [5th really because Trump will likely carry MN.]  She is the choice of only 16% of Democrats in her home state.  She has a better chance in Iowa where people don't know her.

Does anyone see any of the so called top tier candidates as Presidential?  Not Harris, not Klobuchar (not top tier), not Warren, not Biden, not Butti, not Booker, not Gillibrand and certainly not Bernie.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 12:45:44 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #155 on: June 16, 2019, 07:17:47 PM »
"Does anyone see any of the so called top tier candidates as Presidential?  Not Harris, not Klobuchar (not top tier), not Warren, not Biden, not Butti, not Booker, not Gillibrand and certainly not Bernie."


but the polls Drudge keeps showing us are not encouraging.

If one defines "presidential" as including an honorable character then polls may be showing 
 the middle of the roaders have had enough of the character we have now in office.

I hope the polls are wrong and we do have a ton of time left . 


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #156 on: June 16, 2019, 07:28:11 PM »

"Does anyone see any of the so called top tier candidates as Presidential?  Not Harris, not Klobuchar (not top tier), not Warren, not Biden, not Butti, not Booker, not Gillibrand and certainly not Bernie."


but the polls Drudge keeps showing us are not encouraging.

If one defines "presidential" as including an honorable character then polls may be showing 
 the middle of the roaders have had enough of the character we have now in office.

I hope the polls are wrong and we do have a ton of time left .


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #157 on: June 17, 2019, 04:39:10 AM »

True but he did lose the pop vote and he barely one in the iron belt states and due to a perfect outcome in Wi, Mi, Pa, Ohio, he did win electoral college.  And to my knowledge he simply has not expanded his base.  And I believe it is HIS character that is why he is stuck in 40s.
He could have just as much fight in him without the tweets the silly name calling making unnecessary enemies etc.

That all said I am pulling for him .
no one else would have gotten this far on the Repub side. 
 If we get butti pochahontas, obama lite plugs, the reparations queen , and bernie kruschev we can then kiss the nation goodbye forever.

If character is the reason he may be polling bad then he is in real trouble .  We know he can't change.
We could only hope enough people will see the Leftist as worse.  Same as 2016.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 04:41:34 AM by ccp »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #158 on: June 17, 2019, 08:03:29 AM »
2016 score was 304 to 227 and some of her state wins were closer than his.  It was close but it was a shellacking in that he ran the table on those states.

Trump has gained with blacks, women and Hispanics since then.  5 or 10 points on the margin matter in key demographic groups.  He has a strong argument to make with gays as well if Butti is not the nominee.

These polls are wrong but a good early warning that he needs to behave, get his act together and play a perfect hand to win again.  Early polls were wrong with Carter, Reagan, Clinton and I don't know who else but that already makes more wrong than right and Trump out performs his polls because it isn't very fun to say you support Trump in a lot of circles.

The key generic determinant is the economy.  What are the growth numbers in Q1, Q2 and Q3 2020 which we obviously don't know yet.  What will be the public perception of the foreign policy issues that will dominate the news at that time, we obviously don't know yet.

The Dem nominee, let's say it's Biden, Butti or Harris, needs to turn left to win that and turn to the center to win the general, meanwhile take incoming arrows from Trump who has the bully pulpit.  How can the opponent not also be damaged goods in the end?  This will not an Obama v. McCain fight happening with no incumbent and a historically collapsing economy.

His trash talk of grabbing pussy and the Stormy Cohen Avanati thing is way behind him.  He is a model husband now.  )  The Russian collusion story sets him up to run as the underdog and outsider against the swamp and the system - again.

Like a long baseball season, all you can do is make every pitch, every swing of the bat, every ground ball throw out to first matter for every player on the team.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #159 on: June 17, 2019, 08:27:46 AM »
yeah but the tweeting hurts him more than it helps in my ho

then calling everyone names is just beyond not helpful

and stop doing LONG standing Democrat OPERATIVE faux jornolist(er)  stefadouche interviews -  lying slimeball - remember when he first came on the scene for clinton with his starbucks coffees lying and sleazing every answer to every question that was thrown at him.  he was the first one to spin everything around beyond any common sense that I would think of.  Now it is common to do this but he brought it to a higher sleaze level from what I remember......

Trump of course thinks he is the smartest person in every  room but is still too freakin impulsive that he could not resist blurting out his first impulsive thought

I mean . ,  why would Trump go on this guys show if he wasn't convinced of his brilliance that he could handle Step who very fox like handled him  instead.

Well another reason for the poll numbers I guess could be the tariffs ......

Or that the LEFT juggernaught is finally having the effect it intends ......


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #160 on: June 17, 2019, 11:11:19 AM »
ccp,  I agree so you and I may be two among millions who disapprove but will vote for him.

This will be an election for the House, Senate, Presidency, and the Supreme Court and Democrats are running hard Left. If you have any non-Leftist leanings, you will have one choice for President.


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Klobuchar first 100 days
« Reply #161 on: June 18, 2019, 03:01:17 PM »

nearly all social justice stuff and reversing EVERYTHING Trump has accomplished - over night .

Gotta love this one:

***Restore protections for journalists and protect the First Amendment. Senator Klobuchar will restore former Attorney General Eric Holder’s guidance on protections for journalists so that they are not jailed for doing their jobs.***

Can anyone name a single journalist in jail in the US?
No one on the right is shutting up journalists.  It is all coming from the LEFT


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Re: Klobuchar first 100 days
« Reply #162 on: June 18, 2019, 06:55:35 PM »

nearly all social justice stuff and reversing EVERYTHING Trump has accomplished - over night .

Gotta love this one:

***Restore protections for journalists and protect the First Amendment. Senator Klobuchar will restore former Attorney General Eric Holder’s guidance on protections for journalists so that they are not jailed for doing their jobs.***

Can anyone name a single journalist in jail in the US?
No one on the right is shutting up journalists.  It is all coming from the LEFT

**The left projects more than a movie theater.


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Four Reasons Trump is Cruising to Reelection
« Reply #163 on: June 20, 2019, 10:12:24 AM »
This does not appear to written by a supporter of Trump.
1. The economy, the state of the US economy is excellent.
2. Moderate Republicans got what they wanted, tax cuts etc.
    The Christian Right got what the wanted, Gorsuch, Kavannaugh etc.
    Trump core supporters will stick with him to build the wall, drain the swamp, etc.
3. Majority of Americans are uninspired by a divided Democrat party.
4. Trump actually runs a very effective campaign.
He is popular enough to be (comfortably) re-elected.


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2020 Presidential: Dem debates, Night 1 - Warren and the underdogs
« Reply #164 on: June 27, 2019, 06:03:00 AM »
Pretty good recap here of a debate last night that more than 97% of Americans did not watch. 
One main point stands out, they all agreed to but constantly fought the socialistic division of time available to them.  "I want more time." "No, I want more time!"  And the winner was ... ... ... Donald Trump.  Night two tonight.  We can hear about utility billing in South Bend and getting along with segregationists - in your own party.

On a sweltering night in Miami’s Arsht Center for the Performing Arts, a 90-year-old building slightly older than Joe Biden, 9 candidates with no shot at anything and the tenth, the first fake Native American candidate, gathered to humiliate and be humiliated on national television.

On a set designed to look like a cardboard cutout White House, 10 cardboard cutouts of candidates, hoping to sit in the real White House, frantically searched for their 15 seconds of fame, while ignoring moderator questions and going over time.

All the millionaire candidates agreed that the economy wasn't working for ordinary Americans like the ones they see on TV.

The speeches about the misery suffered by ordinary Americans in a booming economy at the hands of giant evil corporations fell flat to a base in which a third of Democrat primary voters earn over $100,000.

"Who is this economy working for?" Elizabeth Warren asked, doing a hand hatchet chop in a tribute to her imaginary Native American heritage while claiming that it was just working for those at the top.

Like her.

Not only was Warren wealthier than most of the other candidates on stage, but she was called on three times as often.

As part of their commitment to redistribution, the socialist candidates redistributed each other’s time. But, despite their supposed commitment to redistribution, they resisted speaking time socialism.

This was supposed to be a debate and the moderators did try to ask occasionally challenging questions, while the candidates courageously evaded and avoided them and instead delivered prepared speeches attacking Trump and insisting that the economy wasn't working for most people who weren’t as rich as them.

Instead of going after Warren, the field of starving losers went after the weakest member of the herd who still had a few percentage points to his fake name. Bill de Blasio and Julian Castro jumped on Beto O’Rourke, like starving hyenas pouncing on a midget gazelle, in an orgy of blood and talking points.

Despite O’Rourke’s Kennedyesque buck teeth, he went down like a marshmallow.

Democrats wondering how he would perform in a debate against President Trump could only imagine the hipster being slapped around a stage for three debates straight.

Castro and Bill de Blasio went after O’Rourke from the left in a radical primary where the moderates were on the run and the only acceptable non-radical position was protecting union health care plans.

Julian Castro declared that transgender people aborting babies should be paid for by taxpayers as his idea of “reproductive justice”. Then he demanded that the other candidates agree to legalize illegal migration or be forced to listen to him practice enunciating, “Guatemala.”

Elizabeth Warren delivered all her remarks in the hysterical pitch of a paranoid schizophrenic grandma demanding to know why all the songs on the radio are telling her to kill her parrot. That included a call to take away everyone’s health insurance and replace it with filmstrips of Karl Marx lifting weights.

Bill de Blasio smirked his way through a call for a 70% tax rate. "There's plenty of money in this world," he gloated. "It's just in the wrong hands."

The wrong hands were any but his own oversized mitts which clenched greedily at the touch of money.

The moment they had a chance the 2020 losers, whose campaigns never even took off, launched into one single factoid that would make them stand out to the audience of confused viewers wondering who they were and where Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden were.

Cory Booker reminded viewers and voters at every opportunity that he was not only African-American, but lived in a "low-income" black community. Booker claimed that people had been shot on his block. His neighbors have said that he hardly shows up at his official New Jersey address.

He actually lives near a miniature indoor golf course in Washington D.C.

"As an African-American man in an African-American community," Booker began one of his speeches, convinced that the audience would forget he was black unless he reminded them of it every time.

Julian Castro claimed that his working-class background meant that he knew what it was like to rent a house. Castro, who doesn't speak Spanish, pronounced "Jose", "Oscar" and "Honduras" with the exaggerated care of a white Dos Equis pitchman.

Tulsi Gabbard constantly reminded viewers that she had served in the military. Tim Ryan wanted people to remember that he was from Ohio. Not everyone in Ohio was as happy to be associated with him.

John Delaney wanted people to know that they would never have to look at him after this night.

Beto O'Rourke randomly broke out into awkward Spanish while Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren looked on in horror. Booker's horror was understandable. He had memorized his own speech in bad Spanish and Beto's stunt had upstaged his stunt.

The high school Spanish got worse with a panicked O'Rourke being asked a question in Spanish.

Bill de Blasio announced that what set him apart from all the other candidates was raising a black son.

And then there were the bizarre and goofy proposals.

Jay Inslee promised to put union members to work in the wind turbines of the future, offering two contradictory proposals in one.

"We must understand that this is a climate crisis, emergency," Jay Inslee rasped. "I am the candidate who said this has to be the top priority."

Tim Ryan called for "trauma-based care in every school" and announced that he wanted to "dominate the solar industry".

Cory Booker claimed that African-American transgender people were being lynched.

Tulsi Gabbard claimed that appeasing Iran would put the American people first.

The single most shameless moment may have come when Bill de Blasio, who refuses to use his father’s last name, Wilhelm, tried to exploit his father’s service in WW2.

The highlight of the loser debate was when a technical malfunction shut down the debate at the top of the second hour. Rachel Maddow, a Russia conspiracy theorist, somehow exercised enough restraint not to shout, “It’s the Russians. They’re finally here.”

But Maddow brought her own obsession with locking up Trump to the table, demanding to know if the President of the United States might be impeached and forced to watch MSNBC for the rest of his life.

Indeed, despite all the obsession with a Russian conspiracy, Beto O’Rourke was the first candidate to mention Russia, 95 minutes into the debate. Russia, as a topic, did not come up until the very end of the debate when more candidates cited the weather as the greatest geopolitical threat than Russia.

A technical malfunction was the perfect embodiment of a technical malfunction of a debate of losers.

9 politicians with no future met up on a stage, made promises that they don’t understand and will never be able to keep, recited simplistic talking points, and doubled down on every radical position.

And the tenth, Senator Elizabeth Warren out-radicalized them all.

The losers would almost all clamber back into the Iran nuclear sellout. Almost all of them wanted to ban guns, borders, and the economy. None of them had much in the way of a plan.

All of them had rhetoric.

And that’s all the loser debate amounted to.

9 losers with less chance of becoming president than freezing to death in a Miami summer met on a neon stage. Don’t bother remembering their names. By 2020, you won’t hear them again.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 06:16:18 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #165 on: June 27, 2019, 06:12:54 AM »
"One main point stands out, they all seemed to fight the socialistic division of time available."


Whenever eluding to Trump they all say "no one is above the law"
while the rest of the time telling us 20 million people who came here illegally all are.   :-P

We just heard on Project Veritas how Google manipulates everything in favor of the Democrats. One guy on the other night telling us how Google can manipulate our thoughts enough to swindle 15 million voters "WITHOUT THEM EVEN BEING AWARE OF IT"

YET NOW  we are being told to believe who has the most Google searches after the debate.  I will never believe ANYTHING  GOOGLE SAYS , MEASURES , OR CLAIMS.

So if Julian Castro had 10 searches previously and last night got 2,000 he is up 200 times but still only 2,000 people. 
Maybe another manipulation of statistics to give a false impression ?

Someone should ask Julian if he would pick his twin as his running mate.
(or AG?) .  He could get the "TWIN vote". 

« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 06:28:31 AM by ccp »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #166 on: June 27, 2019, 06:37:27 AM »
Yes, the google lookup score I heard was won by Tulsi Gabbard(?) who was raised in a cult.

Taking identity politics to the limit, one of them pushed for better abortion rights for trans women - who are biological men and generally don't have a uterus.

My guess is that Trump was going to lose that vote anyway. No harm done.

Very extreme politics on display.  This is not a race to capture the center.

The economy is only performing well for the very few while wages and employment are at record highs for every major Democratic constituency.  Snopes and PolitiFact are blank at this hour.  Cat got your tongue??

Wash Post "fact checker" found some errors:


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2020 Presidential election, Dems off by more than 50-fold on key statistic
« Reply #167 on: June 27, 2019, 06:58:12 AM »
Democrats say only the top 1% benefited from Trump's economic policies.  Rasmussen says more than 50% say they benefited.  Tax Policy Center says 80% of taxpayers benefited from tax reform.  I say 100% benefited but some did not want to.

Booker brags that he lives in a neighborhood with gunfire at night, a city where he was recently in charge of reducing violence.  He actually lives in an upscale DC neighborhood next to a miniature golf course.

NBC News recap says Amy K "underperformed".  That's hard to do when you look at where she started, at zero.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2019, 07:03:36 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Tulsi gabbard
« Reply #168 on: June 27, 2019, 07:31:42 AM »
My theory is that Tulsi Gabbard wasn't the most searched because people thought she was Presidential.  That's not what people use the internet for...


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #169 on: June 27, 2019, 07:47:23 AM »
"My theory is that Tulsi Gabbard wasn't the most searched because people thought she was Presidential.  That's not what people use the internet for..."

Her favorite color is red I notice. 

she is only 38.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #170 on: June 27, 2019, 10:05:33 AM »


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Obama's VP
« Reply #171 on: June 28, 2019, 04:42:32 AM »
AFter 8 yrs of Joe standing alongside the first half Black president we find out he is a racist all along......... :-P

Race card again.........


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #172 on: June 28, 2019, 04:50:10 AM »
I keep meaning to post something, but as soon as I see Tulsi, I forget.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #173 on: June 28, 2019, 05:14:59 AM »
I thinks she has locked up the young hetero male vote......


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #174 on: June 28, 2019, 09:49:21 AM »
Truly an impressive photo there , , ,

Endeavoring to return to the subject at hand , , ,

"Free health care for illegals who will be caught and released for the parking ticket violation of entering the country illegally and/or through the asylum petition loophole" , , , helluva platform , , ,


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #175 on: June 28, 2019, 10:03:27 AM »
expressed goal - beat Trump

real goal - turn as many states blue to forever maintain power.

citizens get chucked out the window.

if we can't get enough citizens to vote for Dems then open of the borders and promise them everything

George Will and the never trumpers thinks this is not a problem.
even Nikkie Haley thinks this is fine

sure - we just need to turn them into Constitutionalists and we win!



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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #176 on: June 28, 2019, 10:35:03 AM »
"expressed goal - beat Trump.  real goal - turn as many states blue to forever maintain power.  citizens get chucked out the window.  if we can't get enough citizens to vote for Dems then open of the borders and promise them everything"



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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #177 on: June 28, 2019, 11:43:52 AM »
"expressed goal - beat Trump.  real goal - turn as many states blue to forever maintain power.  citizens get chucked out the window.  if we can't get enough citizens to vote for Dems then open of the borders and promise them everything"




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Sullivan: Advantage Trump
« Reply #178 on: June 28, 2019, 04:23:51 PM »


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Re: Sullivan: Advantage Trump
« Reply #179 on: June 28, 2019, 09:13:48 PM »
Some of his numbers dramatically understate things, but the big gist of it is on target:

These dumb fcukers don't realize just how pissed off actual Americans are getting. Trump and ICE are the nice solution.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #180 on: June 29, 2019, 11:19:33 AM »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #181 on: June 29, 2019, 08:05:41 PM »
POTH's House conservative:

Wow!, great analysis!  Stephens has it right. It isn't what one of them said, it's what all of them said., we are against you. Advantage Trump.


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Re: Sen. Kamala telling a whopper?
« Reply #183 on: July 01, 2019, 02:34:38 PM »

Good to see Kamala called out on her drama BS.  All she really said was that she rode a bus to school for a year before leaving the country for most of her childhood.  Born of two parents with PhDs, she more likely lived in the white area than with blacks. No mention of the bus ride being about race. In a majority white California classroom, she was very likely the only one there who was a descendant of slave owners.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 02:41:26 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #184 on: July 01, 2019, 05:00:27 PM »
but she is likely going to get all the breaks the Leftist media can give her just like Brock

Her opponents will have to call her out but do they have the balls.

Biden won't.

I doubt any of them will.

They may be afraid to as the MSM will relay around her likely.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election, Amy
« Reply #185 on: July 02, 2019, 07:09:00 AM »
A positive article on Amy. I don't agree with it but still real observations from a conservative attending an event in Iowa.  She seemed shocked by his question on Omar but handled it reasonably well. A 5th place finish in Iowa does not set her on any path IMO, only the implosion of the other 23 does that.


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Re: 2020 Presidential, backlash on Kamala
« Reply #186 on: July 02, 2019, 08:18:09 AM »
"too cute by half"


Also interesting to see conservatives defend Biden.  It is partly good to see the Left face the tactics of the Left.


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Re: 2020 Presidential, backlash on Kamala
« Reply #187 on: July 02, 2019, 08:22:38 AM »
"too cute by half"


Also interesting to see conservatives defend Biden.  It is partly good to see the Left face the tactics of the Left.

The left always feeds on it’s self.


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racism etc theme
« Reply #190 on: July 03, 2019, 09:15:08 AM »
I am surprised to see Mayor Pete getting grief from Harris fans over a police officer who the story goes was taken off guard by a 52 black male lunging at him with a butcher knife and then in self defense killing the man.

Blacks are saying Pete does not stick up for them.

Glad to see HIM get a taste of his own SJW medicine though the whole thing smells like every other situation
Black committing crime armed and refuse to follow the officer's orders.

Perhaps the policeman didn't have his camera on because he only was able to see some feet sticking out the door
 perhaps he simply forgot to turn it on .

Does anyone believe the MSM will EVER give Harris any real challenge
I would be quite surprised if even the other Dems will have the guts to .

But they should.


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Re: racism etc theme
« Reply #191 on: July 03, 2019, 09:17:55 AM »
I am surprised to see Mayor Pete getting grief from Harris fans over a police officer who the story goes was taken off guard by a 52 black male lunging at him with a butcher knife and then in self defense killing the man.

Blacks are saying Pete does not stick up for them.

Glad to see HIM get a taste of his own SJW medicine though the whole thing smells like every other situation
Black committing crime armed and refuse to follow the officer's orders.

Perhaps the policeman didn't have his camera on because he only was able to see some feet sticking out the door
 perhaps he simply forgot to turn it on .

Does anyone believe the MSM will EVER give Harris any real challenge
I would be quite surprised if even the other Dems will have the guts to .

But they should.

It’s not difficult to forget to activate a body camera.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #193 on: July 03, 2019, 04:06:17 PM »
" .granddaughter of SLAVE owners "

do we really know this ?

I see this in places but how does anyone know this.

she is not old enough to have slave owning grandparents.

"Perkins Cole’s political law group"

mafia lawyers for the Democrat crowd


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #195 on: July 04, 2019, 05:06:58 AM »
" .granddaughter of SLAVE owners "

do we really know this ?

I see this in places but how does anyone know this.

she is not old enough to have slave owning grandparents.

Her Grandparent(s) were descendants of slave owners, meaning she is also, certifiably. Her name should lbe stricken from the US Senate roll call!

Irrelevant and unfair except it makes a mockery of the whole idea of paying people for their heritage based on skin color when some blacks participated in the slave trade and most whites didn't. .   

Unlike Obama's white Kansas side, this was on her 'black' side. It's silly to even call her black.  Her father married 'outside the faith'.

It makes you want to narrow the payments, if we make them,
to people who can prove ALL their grandparents were descendants of slaves, receiving from people whose grandparents alll were descendants of slave owners.

Or we could.consider the $6 trillion war on poverty the payment and be done with it.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #196 on: July 04, 2019, 05:13:11 AM »
"Her Grandparent(s) were descendants of slave owners,"

OK big mouth Dems SJW candidates:

in next "debate" (these are not debates their one or two sentence slogans fest)

lets see her competitors calling for HER to pay reparations to slave descendants.

Yes you are 1/2 half Caribbean Black but you are from slave owners!

How about you Indian half pay reparations to those in India who were from lower castes!

(of course we would never hear these truths from the Dems because the truth hurts their phony narrative ) but we better be hearing it from our side when the time comes.


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Re: 2020 Presidential election
« Reply #197 on: July 04, 2019, 07:22:57 AM »
If I have it right, Cory Booker's parents are one white, one black.  Would reparations mean that one has to pay the other?


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2020 Presidential Democrats, none of the above
« Reply #199 on: July 11, 2019, 06:14:17 AM »
Some on the left are beginning to agree with me. The Democrat who can beat Trump is dot-dot. None of the above. Both Harris and Biden were damaged in there famous Exchange last week. Tom Steyer is in, of no real consequence. Eric Swalwell is out, of no consequence. Last poll of significance had Biden at 30 and Harris, Warren, and Sanders at 15.  Buttigieg had dropped  to 5, Beto at 4.  Who is the winner out of that group or out of the others that are pulling essentially at zero? Biden is the known commodity, front runner, and yet 70% of Democrats don't choose him even with his name presented to them.

Biden showed he couldn't defend himself. Harris proved she can be a drama queen but doesn't even support the policy she is suggesting, neither do 95% of Americans.

Warren and Sanders combined have the support of Biden, but they aren't combined, they are all running against each other.

No one of any significance has stood up to the nuttiness of the left in their party with any success. Show called moderates are not really running as moderates and yet still show up around zero, Hickenlooper, Klobuchar and whoever else.

In the end it may be none of these 25 people on the ballot opposing Trump. I hate to say it but look for Michelle Obama to pop out of the woodwork at the last moment. I can't think of who else of significance is still on the sidelines?