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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1950 on: March 30, 2018, 01:25:57 PM »
Did the jury know about her father-in-law being an FBI informant?


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1952 on: March 30, 2018, 04:59:16 PM »

"  Did the jury know about her father-in-law being an FBI informant? "

apparently , no :


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« Last Edit: April 27, 2018, 06:55:20 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Syrian imam who endorsed suicide bombing touring US mosques
« Reply #1956 on: April 27, 2018, 07:12:15 AM »
third post

Syrian Imam Who Endorsed Suicide Bombing Tours U.S. Mosques
by John Rossomando  •  Apr 25, 2018 at 9:22 am


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Judicial Watch: Arizona Border Ranchers live in fear
« Reply #1958 on: May 18, 2018, 09:56:21 PM »
Maybe these Americans have need of at least an AR-15 with a 30 shot magazine:

Arizona Border Ranchers Live in Fear as Illegal Immigration Crisis Worsens

Our southern border is an abstraction for most people, a topic for talking heads on TV. But for those who call it home, life on the border is a gritty and dangerous reality. And the reality is, despite dramatic change in approach to border issues the Trump administration, our Southern border remains largely open to illegal aliens.

Our Corruption Chronicles blog provides an unsettling and astonish first-hand look.

More than half a million illegal immigrants of several dozen nationalities have been apprehended on John Ladd’s sprawling cattle ranch in southeastern Arizona. Ladd has also found 14 dead bodies on his 16,500-acre farm, which has been in his family for well over a century and sits between the Mexican border and historic State Route 92. The property shares a 10 ½-mile border with Mexico, making it a popular route for human and drug smugglers evading a meager force of Border Patrol agents in the mountainous region. “As big as that number sounds, many more got away,” said National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd of the hundreds of thousands arrested on Ladd’s parcel. Judd spent a chunk of his decades-long career with the agency patrolling the area and he knows it well. “It’s gotten more violent. It’s gotten worse.”

As part of an ongoing investigation into the critical security issues created by the famously porous southern border, Judicial Watch visited frustrated ranchers and residents in Sierra Vista, a Cochise County town located 75 miles southeast of Tucson with a population of around 44,000. The town sits in the picturesque Sonoran Desert and is surrounded by the scenic Huachuca Mountains. Illegal immigrants and drug smugglers are devastating the area and many longtime residents live in fear. Some are too scared to enjoy a simple pastime—horseback riding on their own land. “I can’t guarantee there’s not a dead body somewhere in my ranch right now,” said Ladd pointing to his property as he stood in front of the U.S. government’s border fence, an area known as the “shit ditch” because illegal immigrants use it as a toilet and trash. Sporting a thick, gray mustache and a dapper cowboy hat, Ladd said 200 to 300 illegal aliens are caught daily passing through his property. “We don’t have any control of the border,” he said. “I see it every day.”

A 60-foot wide dirt road, known as a federal easement, separates Ladd’s ranch from Mexico. Some portions have an 18-foot iron fence along the border that Ladd says illegal immigrants “easily climb with a pack of dope.” Other sections have a laughable wire fence that has been repeatedly penetrated with vehicles speeding through from Mexico. Some areas have been visibly patched where holes were carved out for passage. The fence is such a joke that the Border Patrol installed concrete barriers along a busy two-mile stretch across the 60-foot dirt road, right in front of the barbwire barrier on Ladd’s property line to stop smugglers. “Smugglers even put a hydraulic ramp, so a car or truck could blow through,” Ladd said. He estimates that around 70% of the traffic that comes through his ranch is human smuggling and 30% is drug smuggling. In the last three years most of the illegal border crossers have been Central American, Ladd said. The veteran rancher first became concerned with the unprotected border decades ago because sick Mexican cows threatened his herd. The problem became more serious over the years. “First it was Mexican cows, then people then dope,” Ladd said. “Now it’s really bad.” Ladd has traveled to the nation’s capital seven times to bring attention to the crisis in Sierra Vista, but Washington bureaucrats have failed to take any action.

Instead, the federal government has placed ineffective or faulty surveillance equipment in the region that smugglers easily evade. “The smugglers know the radio range and avoid it,” Judd said, adding that cameras are installed in the wrong spot and don’t have great resolution. On a hill adjacent to Ladd’s ranch stands an imposing camera tower that could never capture illegal border crossers because its view is completely blocked by a sea of lush trees below. The government spent $1.3 million on the useless equipment and never bothered to study the terrain’s impact on the technology. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) simply installed the equipment based on a predetermined formula that separates the cameras by a fixed number of miles without considering the landscape, according to Judd. “They didn’t do any research on the topography,” he said. These kinds of failures frustrate local ranchers, who feel increasingly threatened by the barrage of illegal crossers rampaging through their property. With both thumbs resting on his thick, bronze belt buckle, Ladd looked up at the pointless camera tower smiling and quipped: “Now that’s a big boondoggle right there, a total waste of taxpayer dollars.”

Another troubled property owner, John Guerrero, took Judicial Watch on a nighttime tour of a nearby smuggling route that is inexplicably unprotected. The dirt road runs through the Coronado National Forest and Guerrero, a retired U.S. Army Ranger and intelligence officer who served in Iraq and Somalia, has felt the impact of the government’s failure to adequately guard it. Five strands of barbwire serve as the physical boundary between the U.S. and Mexico in a remote portion of the park, which is closed to the public at night and is heavily transited by drug and human smugglers. Illegal immigration has had such a devastating impact on the area that Guerrero wrote a book offering detailed anecdotes of what he and his family endure because they live near the Mexican border. This includes drugs and illegal immigrants piling into vehicles on the road adjacent to his four-acre property and ultralight aircraft flying near his rooftop, just above the trees, en route to make a drug drop. “Local residents are increasingly fearful,” Guerrero said.

The event that has most impacted Guerrero occurred when smugglers burned down a beloved chapel, Our Lady of the Sierras, situated on a hill across the road from his home. A 75-foot Celtic cross outside the chapel remains lit through the night and serves as a navigational tool for smugglers and the grounds are regularly used to transfer drugs. In 2011, illegal immigrant smugglers started the fire along the border to escape the Border Patrol during a pursuit. Besides the chapel, which has since been rebuilt, the fire destroyed nearly 30,000 acres and dozens of homes. Guerrero and his family were forced to evacuate. Widespread media coverage omitted that illegal immigrants were responsible for the fire, but a local news station finally reported that the Cochise County Sheriff confirmed the fire started 200 yards north of the Mexican border in an area known as Smuggler’s Gulch. “There was absolutely no mention by the federal government as to the true origin of the fire,” Guerrero said.

Judd, who heads the union that represents some 16,000 Border Patrol agents nationwide, says the border can be secured. “There has to be political will to secure the border,” he said. The frontline agency had tremendous faith that the Trump administration would finally get the job done, but the stats tell a different story. Shortly after Trump became president there was a dip in the number of illegal immigrants entering the U.S. through Mexico, Judd said. However, “by April 2018 we were back to the Obama high of illegal border crossers,” Judd confirmed. Sierra Vista residents like Ladd and Guerrero continue to suffer the consequences of anemic border control and worry about the crime that has infested their once-idyllic town. The problem is so rampant that Ladd often sees smuggling spotters from his property on the nearby mountains in the Mexican side. “They’re right there every day,” he said. “They live in camps and have solar generators. Their job is to look out.” Residents in Sierra Vista feel no one is looking out for them.

Thanks to our Judicial Watch team who traveled to the Southwest border to compile this report. We will follow up with more investigations and, I’m sure, lawsuits as part of JW’s efforts to secure our borders through the rule of law!

Until next week …


Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch 


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Stratfor: Assessing the Returning Jihadi Threat
« Reply #1960 on: May 29, 2018, 03:00:51 PM »
Assessing the Threat of Jihadists Returning From Syria
By Scott Stewart
VP of Tactical Analysis, Stratfor
Scott Stewart
VP of Tactical Analysis, Stratfor
A picture showing the Aleppo headquarters of the Islamic State after being seized by fighters from several Syrian rebel brigades, Jan. 8, 2014.

This column was originally published in April 2014. In light of recent attacks in Indonesia committed by returning fighters from Syria affiliated with the Islamic State, we are sharing this article once more.

We have been closely following the events in Syria since the demonstrations in spring 2011 that led to the civil war. Over the years, we've discussed the beginnings of foreign intervention in 2011 to its becoming a widespread phenomenon. We've also tracked the spread of jihadist groups in Syria over the past three years to the present point where the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant has rebelled against al Qaeda and formed a second pole of jihadism.

All this is to say that we watch Syria carefully and we read a lot of reporting from various sources about the many facets of the civil war raging there and the implications for the region. One of the narratives regarding the fighting in Syria that has become very pronounced in recent weeks is the threat foreign jihadists currently fighting in Syria will pose when they return home. There has been some very good, detailed reporting and analysis on this topic, but there has also been quite a bit of hype accompanying it. By some accounts, the foreign fighters in Syria pose a threat akin to the fictional zombie apocalypse.

Certainly, foreign fighters in Syria who survive the conflict and either stay in the country or return to their countries of origin will pose a lingering threat. But I believe several factors exist that will mitigate that threat, helping ensure it remains modest.

History of Foreign Jihadists

First, it is important to remember that the return of foreign fighters from war zones is not a new phenomenon. Thousands of Muslim men received training at camps in Pakistan following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and thousands more received training at camps in Afghanistan between the Soviet withdrawal and the U.S. invasion in 2001. While nobody, including the groups employing the fighters, has accurate numbers, it is believed that at least 20,000 foreign fighters cycled through Afghanistan between 1979 and 2001, although it is unlikely that there were more than 3,000 to 4,000 in the theater at a given time. Al Qaeda emerged from among these fighters, and the current al Qaeda leadership, including Ayman al-Zawahiri and Nasir al-Wahayshi, had their roots in the jihadist struggle in Afghanistan. Many foreign jihadists remained in Afghanistan until they were either killed or driven out by U.S. and Afghan national forces in 2001.

Other foreign jihadists migrated to the Afghanistan-Pakistan region to fight following the U.S. invasion, although this flow was reduced dramatically following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Iraq, the ancient seat of the Abbasid Caliphate, was seen as being at the heart of the Islamic world, rather than a backwater like Afghanistan. It was also easier to get to Iraq than Afghanistan. Because of these factors, Iraq supplanted Afghanistan as the most popular destination for foreign fighters, and thousands of jihadists flocked to Iraq. Most of these fighters were from the Middle East, but there were also a number of jihadists from Europe and the United States. The U.S. Army reported that more than 1,000 foreign fighters were captured or killed in Iraq in 2006 alone.

There were also significant numbers of foreign jihadists involved in the first Chechen War (1994-1996) and in Bosnia (1992-1995) but these numbers were far lower than those in Afghanistan or Iraq. Like Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation, Muslim fighters traveled to Chechnya and Bosnia to fight a defensive jihad to protect fellow Muslims rather than traveling there to attempt to establish (or re-establish) an Islamic state like we saw in post-U.S. invasion Afghanistan and Iraq. Smaller numbers of foreign jihadists have also fought in Somalia, Libya, Mali and elsewhere.

Yet despite the tens of thousands of jihadists who have fought in these various conflicts since the 1970s, only a very small percentage have returned to their countries of origin to conduct terrorist attacks. One important reason for this is ideology. While many Muslims feel compelled to travel to places like Syria to fight, many of those who do so are not jihadists. Furthermore, there are also differences among those who hold jihadist beliefs. For example, even among the jihadists there are many who believe it is religiously permissible to travel to a place such as Syria or Iraq to fight for Muslims who are being oppressed or attacked (defensive jihad), or who they see as being locked in an internal sectarian fight in Syria, but who do not believe it is permissible to conduct terrorist attacks against civilians outside of such theaters of war. Such people have no qualms about killing armed combatants in a war zone, but they believe that Islam clearly prohibits attacks against noncombatants.

Jihadist infighting in Syria has also proved to be a significant ideological arrestor. First, the more divided the jihadists are, the less attention they have to give to areas beyond Syria and to pool their resources for strikes farther abroad. Second, some foreigners who have traveled to Syria have left after becoming disillusioned by internal ideological squabbling and backbiting. The bloody infighting has also increased the number of jihadist deaths, since foreign fighters are often fighting against the regime, Syrian jihadists, Kurds and other non-jihadist Syrian rebels. Many Syrian rebel groups have come to view foreign fighters as a potential threat, and the days of the "five-star jihad" are now over.

Training and Capability

While many foreign jihadists who have traveled to various theaters to fight are provided with some rudimentary training, it is very important to remember that the training they receive is normally restricted to the skills needed by a guerrilla fighter in a war zone. These include things such as physical fitness, some hand-to-hand combat and the use of small arms, such as assault rifles, hand grenades and pistols. Very few of these jihadists are ever provided advanced training in the types of skills required to successfully conduct a major terrorist attack in a hostile environment, or what we refer to as terrorism tradecraft. These skills include such things as obtaining fraudulent travel documents, clandestine communications, weapons procurement, bombmaking, surveillance, etc.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and even the al Qaeda core have encouraged would-be grassroots jihadist terrorists to conduct simple attacks that are within their capabilities: In other words, to fight like they have trained and to conduct attacks that do not require advanced terrorism tradecraft. But despite this encouragement, very few grassroots jihadists follow this advice. Even among the very few who have undertaken such attacks, most have sought to conduct spectacular attacks that are beyond their capability, and are frequently caught in sting operations as they seek outside assistance with weapons procurement or bombmaking.

I anticipated back in 2010 that we were going to see a shift in jihadist tactics away from sophisticated bomb plots and toward simple armed assaults that most jihadists are capable of conducting without outside assistance. I based this assessment on the widely hyped success of the Fort Hood shootings, the ease of conducting such attacks and the exhortations of jihadist groups to emulate Maj. Nidal Hassan. But I was wrong. The shift has never materialized. For every successful simple attack such as Fort Hood, or last year's Boston Marathon bombing, there are many complex plots that are either botched by those planning them or thwarted by the authorities when the wannabe terrorists stumble into law enforcement stings. This could still change, but to date, the desire to conduct spectacular attacks has served to blunt the threat posed by simple attacks.


Perhaps the most powerful of the factors that will help mitigate the impact of the threat posed by jihadists returning from Syria is awareness. The fact that I am writing this is proof of that awareness, and this awareness is greater than ever before. When I traveled to Yemen with a colleague from the FBI to investigate the December 1992 attack against U.S. Air Force personnel in Aden and the January 1993 rocket attack against the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, our initial working theory was that Libyan operatives or surrogates had conducted the attacks. It was only after we investigated the attacks that we determined the perpetrators were jihadists who had been trained in Afghanistan and who had returned to Yemen. That is when we first began to realize that returning jihadists posed a threat outside Afghanistan.

Shortly after I returned from Yemen, I was sent to New York to assist with the investigation of the February 1993 World Trade Center bombing. Within days of that bombing, the outstanding investigative efforts of my forensic colleagues determined that the truck had been rented by a group of jihadists with links to Afghanistan. Sadly, the core group behind the bombing had been investigated by the FBI, which determined it did not pose a threat despite the fact that a member of the group had assassinated Meir Kahane in midtown Manhattan in November 1990. But that case, along with the related 1993 New York landmark bomb plot case, helped raise awareness of jihadists as a transnational threat to the West.

That threat became acutely obvious on 9/11, and was re-emphasized by the attacks in Madrid in 2004 and London in 2005. Today, there is not one security or intelligence service in the world that is not intensely aware of the potential threat posed by jihadists returning home from fighting in Syria.

Things have changed dramatically since the 1980s and early 90s, and massive international efforts are underway to identify and monitor foreign fighters in Syria due to the potential threat they pose.

In the 1980s and 1990s, when returning jihadists were largely ignored, Sgt. Ali Mohamed — who was convicted for being involved in the 1998 East Africa embassy bombing plot — told his U.S. Army supervisors that he went to Afghanistan to fight while on vacation. Incredibly, Mohamed was still permitted to retain his job. Things have changed dramatically since that time, and massive international efforts are currently underway to identify and monitor foreign fighters in Syria due to the potential threat they pose.

In some countries, these returning fighters are questioned and released. In others, they are monitored. And in some countries, like Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Jordan — where it is now illegal to fight in Syria — returning jihadists face jail time. It is far easier to travel to Syria from those three countries than it is to return to them from Syria. Other jihadists who train with organizations that have been designated international terrorist groups can also face prosecution in their home countries on charges of providing material support for a terrorist group. Some countries, such as the United Kingdom, have begun to revoke the citizenship of their citizens who travel to Syria to fight.

And the awareness of the potential threat is not just confined to the government. Muslim communities have also become very aware of this potential threat over the past few decades. In many cases, we have seen families approaching governments to tell them of children who have left home without permission to fight in jihadist theaters. In other cases, family calls to law enforcement agencies have resulted in young men being arrested before they could leave the country to travel to Syria and to the identification and arrest of people recruiting fighters. This community awareness can also place ideological pressure on returning jihadists to help prevent them from conducting attacks against innocent people in the countries where they reside.

Jihadists returning from Syria will pose a threat for the foreseeable future, but due to the factors we've discussed, that threat will remain chronic and low-level. It is something that should be of concern, but not a cause for panic.


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WSJ: Upgrade America's 19th-Century Electric Grid
« Reply #1961 on: June 05, 2018, 08:59:15 AM »
Upgrade America’s 19th-Century Electric Grid
The U.S. relies on regional networks vulnerable to terrorism and blackouts.
Upgrade America’s 19th-Century Electric Grid
Photo: iStock/Getty Images
By Charles Bayless and
Thomas Petri
June 4, 2018 6:52 p.m. ET

The U.S. electrical system is inefficient and vulnerable to natural and man-made threats—from severe weather and solar storms to cyber and electromagnetic attacks. To stay competitive in the 21st century, the U.S. should upgrade its system before it’s too late.

What is commonly known as “the grid”—consisting mostly of aboveground transmission wires—is actually a patchwork of three regional networks that share few interconnections. Periods of high demand, such as a prolonged heat wave, can trigger regional imbalances in electricity supply and demand, leaving consumers to contend with price spikes and blackouts or brownouts. Insufficient transmission capacity also means that during periods of low local demand, surplus electricity is wasted rather than sold to other regions.

The U.S. grid relies on alternating-current technology, a legacy of its 19th-century creation. But a direct-current system would be far superior. Thanks to technological breakthroughs, direct-current technology can now transmit electricity over longer distances with less power loss than existing alternating-current networks.

The Climate Institute has proposed constructing a new overlay network that balances the generation and consumption of electrical power. The North American Supergrid is a concept for a multinodal, high-voltage direct-current transmission network that would extend across the lower 48 states, eventually linking with Canada and Mexico. The new grid would work as a resilient backbone to the existing electrical grid. Built largely underground alongside highways or railway rights of way, it would also be less vulnerable to attack.

By creating a level, nationwide market, the supergrid would allow energy generators throughout the country to compete directly. Because transmission distance would no longer be a constraint, the grid would promote the easy transfer and trade of energy—from renewable and traditional sources—between power-abundant and power-hungry regions. The increased transmission capacity would turn America’s enormous size into an advantage. It would permit, for example, the transmission of inexpensive energy produced by Mojave Desert solar farms or Great Plains wind farms to East Coast urban centers, supplanting more expensive power derived from fossil fuels. A 2016 study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Earth System Research Laboratory estimated that a similar supergrid could achieve roughly an 80% reduction in power-sector carbon emissions, relative to 1990 levels.

Upfront private investment could reduce costs for consumers and taxpayers. The projected cost of as much $500 billion over 30 years to construct the North American Supergrid would be outweighed by eventual savings to U.S. electricity consumers, according to the NOAA study. And construction of the new grid would create between 650,000 and 930,000 jobs yearly across the entire energy sector over the estimated three decades needed to build and maintain its necessary infrastructure, according to a 2017 Climate Institute study. Many of these jobs would come to economically depressed rural areas.

Other nations are embracing advanced direct current transmission. China is moving aggressively to build nationwide high-voltage direct-current lines, investing $88 billion between 2009 and 2020. As a part of its energy-transition strategy, the European Union plans to invest some $1 billion toward 17 new supergrid projects on the Continent.

The Trump administration can propel the U.S. into the supergrid era by expanding upon the president’s infrastructure permitting executive order to cut still more red tape. It should push Congress to streamline the grid-permitting process to promote far-reaching infrastructure proposals. The White House also should direct the Energy Department and other executive agencies to develop plans for interregional transmission, then work with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to implement such plans. Congress should allocate federal funds to study the future of U.S. electricity transmission.

The North American Supergrid could transform the country, much like creation of the interstate highway system did in the 1960s and ’70s. In contrast to the localized economic payoffs received from new roads and bridges, it would benefit the entire U.S. economy and produce significant environmental and security improvements. Constructing it will require leadership from the highest levels. It would be fitting if the real-estate developer president paved the way for the U.S. to enter the supergrid era.

Mr. Bayless is a former CEO of Tucson Electric Power. Mr. Petri, a Republican, is a former U.S. representative from Wisconsin. They are board members of the Climate Institute


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Huge scandal : heavy on sarcasm
« Reply #1962 on: June 09, 2018, 11:29:34 AM »
Big deal. TSA did a quick pat down on a 96 yo.

Now the Left will turn this into a "me2" thing and Gloria Allred probably has one of you goons calling now:

People are so naive to think a 96 couldn't be used as a mule ?



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JW: Public Middle School Terrorized by MS-13
« Reply #1963 on: June 13, 2018, 11:42:36 AM »
Public Middle School Terrorized by MS-13
is a “Ticking Time Bomb”
A violent street gang energized by the steady flow of illegal immigrant minors is terrorizing a public middle school less than 10 miles from the nation’s capital while administrators cover up the problem and the feds ignore the crisis.

Teachers are afraid, drugs are sold, gang graffiti litters the area surrounding the campus and gang-related fights are a daily occurrence, according to a lengthy mainstream newspaper report published this week. Most of the dozens of teachers, parents and students interviewed for the story refused to be identified for fear of losing their jobs or being targeted by the gangbangers that have taken over at William Wirt Middle School in Riverdale, Maryland.

Wirt is part of the Prince George’s County Public School system, which has more than 130,000 students. “The school is a ticking time bomb,” according to one educator quoted in the article.

The culprits belong to the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), a feared street gang of mostly Central American illegal immigrants that has spread throughout the U.S. and is renowned for drug distribution, murder, rape, robbery, home invasions, kidnappings, vandalism and other violent crimes.

The Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC) says criminal street gangs like the MS-13 are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs. Judicial Watch has reported extensively on how Barack Obama’s open border policies helped criminal enterprises like the MS-13.

When the barrage of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) began four years ago, Homeland Security sources told Judicial Watch that the nation’s most violent street gangs—including MS-13 and the 18th Street gang—were actively recruiting new members at U.S. shelters housing the minors.

A year later the Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that the MS-13 is a top tier gang thanks to the influx of illegal alien gang members that crossed into the state under Obama’s disastrous program, which saw over 60,000 illegal immigrants—many with criminal histories—storm into the U.S. in a matter of months.

At last count, more than 200,000 UACs have entered the U.S. through Mexico. The Texas Department of Public Safety disclosed in a report that the number of MS-13 members encountered by U.S. Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Valley sector increased each year, accelerating in 2014 and coinciding with increased illegal immigration from Central America during the same period.

When dozens of MS-13 members were indicted in Boston a few years ago for murder, conspiracy to commit murder, drug trafficking, firearm violations, federal racketeering and immigration offenses, federal prosecutors revealed that the gang actively recruited prospective members in high schools situated in communities with “significant immigrant populations from Central America.” The recruits are known as “paros” and they are typically 14 or 15 years old, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ). During a tryout period, they must engage in violent criminal activity before becoming a full-fledged MS-13 member.

At the Maryland school a short drive from the White House MS-13 aggressively recruits students recently arrived from Central America, sources say in the news story. One eighth-grader said the gang “dominates the school.” Teachers are so scared they refuse to be alone with students and many said they repeatedly reported gang activity to administrators who simply ignored them.

“Teachers feel threatened but aren’t backed up,” an educator says in the news article. “Students feel threatened but aren’t protected.” Wirt’s principal declined reporters’ repeated requests for an interview, which is very revealing. The school’s resource officer, from the Prince George’s Police Department, declined to comment about gang activity on the campus.

Records obtained by the newspaper reveal that as of May 1, police were called to the school 74 times. One parent predicts that “there’s going to be a tragedy at that school.” A teacher said the administration’s attitude about gangs is “don’t ask, don’t talk about it.”

It’s important to note that Prince George’s County, where the Riverdale middle school is located, provides sanctuary for illegal immigrants and defies federal requests to hold illegal aliens arrested for state crimes until immigration agents pick them up.

Besides Prince George’s County, three other large Maryland jurisdictions shields illegal aliens from the feds and deportation—Montgomery and Baltimore counties as well as the city of Baltimore. Maryland’s Attorney General, the state’s chief law enforcement official, issued a legal memo last year defending the practice.

Complying with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainers for criminal illegal aliens is voluntary, the Attorney General writes in the document, and state and local law enforcement officials are potentially exposed to liability if they hold someone beyond the release date determined by state law.


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Re: Until the Wall, a Wall of Troops
« Reply #1965 on: June 14, 2018, 07:28:42 AM »

Yes, this is a war requiring military level involvement as crucial as any other US deployment in the world.  Everyone seems to know that brutal Mexican gangs control the border in our absence.  Fewer troops will be needed after the wall and fencing systems are designed and built.

With DACA and "comprehensive" immigration reform, Democrats enjoyed keeping illegal immigration a permanent issue for their political benefit.  Now the mandate is to secure the border and with the failure to build a wall after a decisive election it is (mostly) Democrats keeping it a permanent issue to their detriment.  Ironically it is Democrats who should want the 'Secure the Border' issue that swept Trump into power to be solved and off the table. 


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Some say confused, I say Stupid!
« Reply #1971 on: July 31, 2018, 06:05:59 PM »

6:30 PM 07/31/2018
Christopher Smith | Contributor

Democratic Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono received a quick lesson on U.S. immigration law from ICE official Matthew Albence during a hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.


“Would you send your child to [the Family Residential Center]?” Hirono asked.

Albence appeared to be losing his patience with the senator’s line of questioning and perceived lack of understanding of the issue, saying, “Again, I think we’re missing the point. These individuals are there because they have broken a law. There has to be a process.”

The senator, not liking where Albence’s answer was leading, interjected: “They have broken a law only as deemed so by the president,” she said.

“No, ma’am. They’re there for violation of Title 8 of the immigration of the U.S. and Nationality Act. OK? They’re 8 USC 1325 — that’s illegal entry — is both a criminal and civil violation,” Albence retorted. “They are in those FRCs pending the outcome of that civil immigration process. They have broken the law,” he concluded.

Hirono, now visibly both flustered and frustrated, tried to draw a distinction between civil and criminal proceedings, but was again quickly shot down by the ICE representative.

“There were criminal proceedings when the border patrol prosecuted them, but at the conclusion of that process, once the individual came into ICE custody, they would go through administrative proceedings,” Albence told the Senator.

Albence’s answer appeared to be too much for the Senator to handle, as she responded by simply saying, “I’m confused.”


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More peacefulness from the religion of peace!
« Reply #1973 on: August 08, 2018, 07:55:11 PM »

Really, really peaceful!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 08:32:34 PM by G M »


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"Don't we have a similar rule for Cubans landing in Florida?"
« Reply #1975 on: August 19, 2018, 07:12:25 PM »
apparently not

We no longer have that policy since obama wants only future Democrats to enter the country:

as for the Africans running on the beach , I don't know how long their journey is but I assume they are looking for toilets


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1976 on: August 19, 2018, 07:32:13 PM »
No?  How awesome!!!


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The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime
« Reply #1977 on: August 23, 2018, 02:36:31 PM »

The November Election Is About Illegal Alien Crime
 Kurt  Schlichter |Posted: Aug 23, 2018 12:01 AM
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If you’re cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens, this November you should vote Democrat. They’re certainly cool with Americans being butchered by illegal aliens. Oh, in theory they would probably prefer that the foreigners sneaking into our country in defiance of the laws we American citizens made through our elected representatives would stop butchering Americans. They don’t particularly want your kids to be butchered. They just want uncontrolled illegal immigration more than your kids’ safety. So, they’ve made a choice to be the party of illegal immigration. And the resulting body count is a price Democrats are willing to pay to replace an electorate of Normal Americans who refuse to obey.

The Democrats are the party of No Borders, of Abolish ICE, and of murdered Americans. You cannot howl and shriek in support of X yet deny that you accept the foreseeable, demonstrated consequences of X.

Now we know Mollie Tibbetts was murdered by an illegal alien. Add her name to the butcher’s bill. And who was shocked? Who said, “Gosh, that’s surprising!” Who said, “Whoa, I don’t believe it!”

No one. Because it happens all the time. Her life, like the lives of so many others, was snuffed out because our elite made a conscious choice to risk our lives to satisfy its own interests. She was just more collateral damage. We better decide in November where we stand, because a Democrat majority means this bloodbath continues.

Your daughter, shot dead in front of you on a wharf. Your son, knifed by gang members. Your daughter, murdered and dumped in an Iowa cornfield. That’s what you get if you elect Democrats, because that’s what their open borders policies enable.

But our elite can live with that. They will live with that behind their communities’ gates, where their only experience with illegal immigration is their friendly, cheap nanny and industrious, cut-rate gardener. A few lives of people the elite will never meet is a small price to pay for a massive new Democrat constituency. And they’ll happily pay it.

Am I being unfair?

Is saying this outrageous?

Go to hell.

We’re sick of American citizens paying checks written in blood by a Democrat Party that absolutely refuses to allow our government to do the two most basic jobs of any government – securing our country’s borders and protecting our citizenry.

Our citizenry, not foreigners. They have no right to be here. None. Those that are here stay here by our grace and at our pleasure. We are American citizens – and that includes my legal immigrant wife. This is our country. We rule, not an unaccountable elite that wants to import a more pliable electorate and a more pliable serf class to do the jobs Americans don’t want to do because the Chamber of Commerce types don’t want to pay them fairly.

No more Americans should die because of our worthless elite’s greed.

Not one more Jamiel Shaw.

Not one more Kate Steinle.

Not one more Mollie Tibbetts.

How about our cities be sanctuaries for our children, not alien thugs? No more slaughtered victims sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

This fall, we need to stand up and demand to be heard. The Democrats will never listen, but the Republicans will. Some will listen because they get it, because they understand that this can’t go on. And others, the weak and the bought off and the feckless Fredocons of Conservative, Inc., will listen because if they don’t we’ll crush them at the ballot box.

Sen. Warren On Mollie Tibbetts: Yeah, It Sucks She's Dead, But Illegals At The Border Are More Important
Matt Vespa
Here’s the platform.

No amnesty. None. Go home.

Abolish ICE? Quadruple ICE.

Build the wall. A real wall, the kind that keep people out – and that keeps out the opioids and meth that wreck so many American lives.

What are your questions, Republicans?

Democrats, why are you willing to let even one more Mollie Tibbetts die?

That’s what our platform must be, because these midterm elections are about our children’s lives. And maybe our kids don’t matter much to our useless elite, but they matter to us.

Donald Trump tapped into the anger of Normal people at this outrage, this utter betrayal of American citizens, when he dared break the taboo and tell the truth about illegal immigration. It destroys American communities, it destroys American livelihoods, and it destroys American lives. As my upcoming book Militant Normals: How Regular Americans Are Rebelling Against the Elite to Reclaim Our Democracy explains, we Normals see what’s happening, and we’re fighting mad at an elite that does not care.

To the elite, our protests are an annoyance. Another wonderful life gets snuffed out at the hands of someone they tolerated coming here illegally and being here illegally, and their first thought is how this is probably going to help Trump.

Well, it better help him. You better vote like your life or your kid’s life depends on it, because it does.


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House acknowledges the need for a national terrorist registry
« Reply #1980 on: September 17, 2018, 05:13:48 PM »
House Acknowledges the Need for a National Terrorist Registry
by Patrick Dunleavy  •  Sep 17, 2018 at 11:46 am


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Re: House acknowledges the need for a national terrorist registry
« Reply #1982 on: September 19, 2018, 09:10:25 PM »
House Acknowledges the Need for a National Terrorist Registry
by Patrick Dunleavy  •  Sep 17, 2018 at 11:46 am

Funny how that works. I again thank Bigdog for pointing out the disproportionate number of terrorists muslim immigration brings here.


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Funny how this works elsewhere
« Reply #1983 on: September 20, 2018, 02:59:08 PM »


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1985 on: October 16, 2018, 10:03:47 AM »
"  President Trump threatens Honduras over Caravan  "

The exact right response, but apparently symbolic :
 Compared to private investment in Honduras  government aid is less then ~ 1.5 million .

Wonder if the caravan obviously  designed with help from  the Democrats will get to the Texas border just in time for the election .

Drag all their kids with them , some maybe pregnant , and holler my life is at risk and I seek asylum.
With English translation cards provided by DNC and CNN and ACLU and immigration lawyers swarming at the border reception (Nov 4 or 5 ?).


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1986 on: October 16, 2018, 11:21:20 AM »
If I read that source correctly, (btw outstanding work in finding and posting it!) that $1.5M is but one program.


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Honduran government asking cartel to desist.
« Reply #1988 on: October 17, 2018, 04:21:50 AM »
CD's post above - sounds good
Hopefully another Trump "victory"
we will see if it works or just temporary
Last night on Ingraham the total aid to Honduras is noted to be 65 million -  not a small sum
She had guest on who thinks the caravan was organized by the cartels
when she asked , like me,  who is funding and organizing this.

some how I think it is somehow more then just cartels and related to activists her in US possibly with funding by the Left.
just a hunch .


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Re: Honduran government asking cartel to desist.
« Reply #1989 on: October 17, 2018, 06:56:50 AM »
CD's post above - sounds good
Hopefully another Trump "victory"
we will see if it works or just temporary
Last night on Ingraham the total aid to Honduras is noted to be 65 million -  not a small sum
She had guest on who thinks the caravan was organized by the cartels
when she asked , like me,  who is funding and organizing this.

some how I think it is somehow more then just cartels and related to activists her in US possibly with funding by the Left.
just a hunch .

Look for Soron and Hoyer money.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1990 on: October 17, 2018, 08:17:58 AM »
President Trump has added Guatemala and El Salvador to the list.


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A bunch of foreigners trying to influence our election
« Reply #1992 on: October 18, 2018, 05:45:27 PM »
So we have been hearing how Russia tried to influence our election in '16

So what do you call 4K or more Hondurans making a planned spectacle to show up at our border just before an election ?

Leftist media suddenly finds foreign influence into an election to be used as a weapon to use against one party .

I pray it backfires

It may be already too late ; Trump can't seem to stem the tide ....

The distance fromo Honduras to Texas is roughly 1441 miles

Thus it would be impossible that they are walking 70 miles per day to get here
The Dems are financing their food their transportation
and will have an DNC army waiting for them at the border

And the Ryan Repubs did nothing for 2 yrs


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Re: A bunch of foreigners trying to influence our election
« Reply #1993 on: October 19, 2018, 11:51:23 AM »
So we have been hearing how Russia tried to influence our election in '16

So what do you call 4K or more Hondurans making a planned spectacle to show up at our border just before an election ?

Leftist media suddenly finds foreign influence into an election to be used as a weapon to use against one party .
The Dems are financing their food their transportation
and will have an DNC army waiting for them at the border

Political analysis home run for ccp there.  Projecting is what Leftists do.  What they accuse is what they are doing and hiding or denying.  "Influencing elections" is something akin to treason they imply yet they are constantly doing it.

Obama people tried to defeat Netanyahu in Israel and Tories in the UK, both allies.  Then they scream, how can Trump even talk to someone, Putin, who allegedly did that here?

It turns out Trump did not collude with Russia in 2016, but Clinton via Ohr and Steele did.  Lucky for them 100% of the news coverage cut in their favor on that for some unknown reason.

Look at the whole immigration debate.  Leftists motives don't even try to hide in plain sight.  They want more Democrat voters and will do anything to get them.  Add felons to that list, shamelessly.  Illegals vote, perhaps millions, and Democrats oppose all Voter ID measures, they oppose all efforts to identify fraud, and then they initiate government efforts to target them for voter registration as documented in the Immigration issues thread, motor voter and tenant voter initiatives.

Trump the extremist candidate's most extreme issues was immigration.  Instead of calling him out on that in the debates, Hillary took an even more extreme position, her far left party line's position of no border enforcement whatsoever and voting rights to anyone who successfully crosses.

That isn't about trying to influence elections?  That's exactly what it is and both sides know it.  Somehow they get away with framing it in reverse, that Republicans don't want an invasion because they will bring their third world voting habits with them.  On that I plea guilty as charged.  It's not because they are Mexican, Honduran, Somali or terrorist, I don't want anyone to come here FROM ANYWHERE en masse with the intention of disrupting our political system and turning us into a third world country.

Regarding the money, let's track it.  If this is the same George Soros backed groups that are putting something like a half billion into the midterms, let's stop just alleging it and prove it and call them out on it.


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Re: Homeland Security, Border Protection, and American Freedom
« Reply #1995 on: October 20, 2018, 08:16:16 AM »
A high ranking friend in Border Patrol tells me that this is accurate.


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Re: CNN pipe bomb harmless, Shiny Media Object
« Reply #1998 on: October 25, 2018, 07:20:52 AM »

What we know for sure is that whoever sent these wanted to create a media and public attention circus at this particular time which happens to be just before the midterm elections.

There was zero chance that some kind of an obvious or fake explosive was going to make it through Secret Service who protects two ex-Presidents.  In the case of Hillary Clinton, the sender didn't even try hard enough to track her public appearance travel schedule before sending to her.  She was in Florida, but took the time to make a public statement on the matter.

We will know more when the facts come in.  Hopefully they solve this faster and better than anthrax scare of a number of years ago.


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Re: CNN pipe bomb harmless, Shiny Media Object
« Reply #1999 on: October 25, 2018, 01:29:20 PM »

What we know for sure is that whoever sent these wanted to create a media and public attention circus at this particular time which happens to be just before the midterm elections.

There was zero chance that some kind of an obvious or fake explosive was going to make it through Secret Service who protects two ex-Presidents.  In the case of Hillary Clinton, the sender didn't even try hard enough to track her public appearance travel schedule before sending to her.  She was in Florida, but took the time to make a public statement on the matter.

We will know more when the facts come in.  Hopefully they solve this faster and better than anthrax scare of a number of years ago.

This is the pipe bomb sent to CNN
By Larry Celona, Aaron Feis and Bruce Golding October 24, 2018 | 1:44pm | Updated
Modal Trigger
This is the pipe bomb sent to CNN
They all arrived in identical packaging.

The five apparent pipe bombs sent to former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, CNN’s New York City headquarters and others were each placed in a nondescript manila envelope lined with bubble wrap, the FBI said Wednesday.

The mailers all bore six American-flag “Forever” stamps and computer-printed address labels.

 CNN building evacuated as anchors cover bombs sent to Clinton, Obama
CNN building evacuated as anchors cover bombs sent to Clinton, Obama
“All packages had a return address of ‘DEBBIE WASSERMAN SHULTZ’ [sic] in Florida,” the FBI said in a statement
The envelope sent to former CIA Director John Brennan at CNN offices in Manhattan also had his name misspelled, as was Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s home state, according to photos released by CNN.

That envelope didn’t bear a postmark, and law-enforcement sources told CNN it was delivered by a courier.

Photos of the device show a cylindrical object, about six inches long, wrapped in black electrical tape and with wires emerging from either end.

The wires — one red and one black — lead to a digital clock or timer taped to the middle of the tube.

A senior law-enforcement official told The New York Times that it resembled the others, saying, “Same package. Same device.”

The FBI described the devices as “potentially destructive,” and law-enforcement sources told The Post that the first one discovered — in a mailbox outside the Katonah home of billionaire George Soros Monday — had black powder on it.

But a source briefed on that device and the one sent to CNN told The Post on Wednesday that they couldn’t actually have blown up because neither was equipped with a blasting cap or other means of detonating explosive material.

“There was nothing to ignite it,” the source said. “There was nothing there.”

The source also said an envelope of unidentified powder contained in the CNN package was too small to create a radiological or biological “dirty bomb.”

The fact that none of the bombs blew up suggests they were built by an amateur, former FBI Agent Steve Gomez told ABC News.

The NYPD used its rarely seen Total Containment Vessel to move the CNN device from the network’s bureau at the Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle to the Rodman’s Neck police facility in The Bronx.

Members of the department’s elite Bomb Squad carefully loaded the device into the back of the TCV, placing it onto a suspended net inside the chamber designed to minimize jostling, police sources said.

The TCV, which is mounted on the back of a NYPD Emergency Service Unit truck, is engineered to withstand a blast from within should the device trigger during the trip, minimizing damage to those outside.

In the early afternoon, police blocked off a route to Rodman’s Neck, providing the TCV with quick access to the facility with minimal risk to motorists.

Escorted by a convoy of emergency vehicles, the TCV wound its way to the remote firing range and training facility.

Now, technicians from both the NYPD and FBI are figuring out how to safely transport the device to federal labs for further examination, NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller said in a press briefing.

The process is being hampered by the envelope of powder included in the package with the bomb, Miller said.

Ideally, investigators would like to disarm the bomb without detonating it, allowing them to comb over it for any clues to the maker’s identity, including fingerprints and DNA, sources said.

A TCV was also used to transport one of Chelsea bomber Ahmad Khan Rahimi’s undetonated pressure-cooker explosives to the facility in 2016.