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Politics & Religion / Re: Rubio for VP
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 07:53:29 AM »
Rubio has been a distinct pleasure over the past yr every time I have heard him speak.

He has clearly become the warrior for us.  Always was, but now he has extinguished the final Rino tendency in his rhetoric and policies.

I would vote for him for VP
however, I don't know if he would be best pick for Trump.

I don't know who would be.
None are slam dunk to me and all have some pros and cons.

I still like Pompeo but he would probably be better as SoS.

As for checking DEI boxes - my thought - to hell with that.
We want the best.

Doug Bergum would be a top choice for me.

I don't know either but add this appearance to the mix:

Since 2016 when I supported Rubio for President I have found issues and positions where I disagree with him.  But still, I would be very happy to have him on the ticket.  Like a believed then, he puts a pleasant and positive voice on conservatism.  Very skilled in answers and presentation.

Sean Trende:
"Rubio makes so much sense. He takes Florida off the board (to the extent that it isn’t already) and probably ices Nevada and Arizona as well. He might put New Mexico into play. He’s reassuring to suburbanites, and beloved of anti-anti-Trump Republicans. He sounded Trumpian themes on working class woes before Trump."

[Doug]  I'm not sure about what he says about those states.  If true, that is huge.  I like what he says about suburbanites.  I believe THAT is the battleground.
Politics & Religion / Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Last post by ccp on Today at 07:52:13 AM »
I just did quick search on "felons for Trump"
and "ex cons for Trump"

Another example of how the LEFT distorts search

The only items that come up at least on first page

is "felon" = Trump
   "ex con" = Trump

search automatically links those words together in a distinctly Democrat BS way.

Politics & Religion / Re: Energy Politics & Science
« Last post by ccp on Today at 07:48:12 AM »
watch the greens and thus the Dems go nuts over this.
Politics & Religion / Re: Political Economics
« Last post by ccp on Today at 07:47:18 AM »
the free shit crowd

make the rich pay!

that will solve everything.

Politics & Religion / Re: Immigration issues
« Last post by ccp on Today at 07:45:41 AM »
these people will simply HAVE to be found and sent home
this cannot stand!
I don't care we will get CNN and MSNBC crybabies showing sad illegal faces.

Myorkas should also be held accountable .

Biden too somehow.
Politics & Religion / Rubio for VP
« Last post by ccp on Today at 07:43:30 AM »
Rubio has been a distinct pleasure over the past yr every time I have heard him speak.

He has clearly become the warrior for us.  Always was, but now he has extinguished the final Rino tendency in his rhetoric and policies.

I would vote for him for VP
however, I don't know if he would be best pick for Trump.

I don't know who would be.
None are slam dunk to me and all have some pros and cons.

I still like Pompeo but he would probably be better as SoS.

As for checking DEI boxes - my thought - to hell with that.
We want the best.

Doug Bergum would be a top choice for me.

Politics & Religion / Re: Political Economics
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 07:42:25 AM »
Cherrypicking economic results to show that Dem policies don't work is kind of easy these last 4 years.  Today's sampling:

Federal Reserve Report:  65% report they are worse off last year due to inflation.  (The other 35% don't know it?)

CBS:  New College Grads face cooling job market

WSJ:  Parents getting hit hard with inflation

USAToday:  Largest rent increases are in swing states

Trump:  'I'm embarrassed to only be leading this guy by a few points.'
I receive mail as a landlord (coming to past tenants) the rest of you may not see.

The ACLU (and every other Left group) is going after the felon vote.  Obviously they see them as liberal Democrat voters, but why?

'Brave' search reveals this:

"In Minnesota, felons who are on probation or parole are now eligible to vote once they are out of prison. The ACLU’s efforts have helped to challenge the state’s voting restrictions and promote voting rights for all citizens, regardless of their criminal history."

This gives me an idea.  We get on our soapbox here but need to get out where someone might listen. Where is a more captive audience than your local prison?  Why not offer freedom seminars in the prisons?  Like the people who formerly lived under communism, maybe a good number of inmates would be receptive to the idea of living under greater freedom.

The Left is aggressively going after the felon vote and winning.  What is their message, soft on crime, shorter sentences, free stuff??

What is our message?  We favor a robust entrepreneurial, ownership, freedom-based economy that favors those willing to take risks and work the hardest.  Felons very end up in gig work or owning their own businesses, as the largest employers require background checks.

How about putting a message of economic freedom up against the hope you will get ahead dependent on government programs?  If we were to win half of them, the Left's get-out-the-felon-vote operation would lose its value.

Is this worth it?  2020 was decided by 40,000 votes(?). In 2019, there were 631,000 releases from state and federal prisons in the United States (per Vera Institute of Justice).
Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Energy issues, energy technology
« Last post by Crafty_Dog on Today at 06:44:13 AM »
A key concept, well articulated.
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