Author Topic: The Alt Right  (Read 3709 times)


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The Alt Right
« on: November 17, 2016, 09:10:34 PM »
I've been hearing about "the Alt Right" without really knowing much about it.  Here is an article that assays a description:


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Re: The Alt Right
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2016, 10:24:06 PM »
I identify as Alt-Right, I'm not racist, I have no problems with Jews, and I make no apologies for my politics.

If anything, I identify with conservatives of any color and loathe liberals, especially ones of my own color.

I like tradition, freedom, personal responsibility, military service, and to be self reliant, but having a big heart and a little government.

That basically explains the majority of who I have encountered.

We have been hiding in the shadows of the Republican party for years. A major point might be, what are the differences between the alt right and the tea party?

Edit: "The alt-right’s intellectuals would also argue that culture is inseparable from race." I don't necessarily agree with that. I do agree that Whites' voices are being stifled in their own country and that it needs to come to heel, that racism is allowed for in freedom, and that people should basically go about their day, minding their own business.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 10:43:40 PM by DDF »


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Re: The Alt Right
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2016, 10:40:41 PM »
I would argue that the cultural understanding of our American Creed is to be found in greater degree in our various white populations and that we make a mistake by allowing progressive racialism to cause us to see things in racial terms.


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Re: The Alt Right
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2016, 10:55:31 PM »
I would argue that the cultural understanding of our American Creed is to be found in greater degree in our various white populations and that we make a mistake by allowing progressive racialism to cause us to see things in racial terms.

I agree completely, and you're right. The problem is the demographics themselves of the US. It is 8to the fault of no one), a predominately White country, and the reason I targeted "white Liberals" is solely due to the fact that they make up the majority of the party, that views the founding principles of the country, and something that should be changed with the passage of time, and worst, actively works to discredit others that challenge their positions, as being racist, for being nothing other than born a certain shade of pale.

I take great issue with that, and they do it incessantly.

I have no issue with the color anyone was born, because none of us chose, and for a large group of people that happen to be the same shade I am, attempting to discredit my concerns about their policies (not persons), by bringing my "white privilege" into it, and calling us "racists," and getting away with it because of their shade....

It's an issue. It is a weapon that they use constantly, so much so, that it can't even be argued at this point, and as the article stated, it will come to blows. The article did make one mistake though, it failed to include the "White Liberals" into it's own group, as it did with Latinos, Blacks, LGBT, etc.

To be clear, "White Liberals" isn't about their race so much, as it is about their tactics, numbers, and immediate proximity to other conservatives, the bulk of which being White, and the Left attacking them with impunity.

People don't have to agree me and I know some won't. It should be known though, there are a substantial number of people that do feel the way I do, and the numbers grow with every "you're a racist, bigot, etc." comment thrown out there.

There was someone that made an "Ape" comment, concerning Michelle Obama just two days ago. That person  (working in politics), was forced to resign.

Just today, another female, political worker in New York, was outside her office holding a sign that said " Whiteness." She appeared pale in complexion. Doubt she gets fired or resigns.

I'm not going to put up with this in MY country. Many people won't. Done being quiet about it. Just the way people on the ALT Right feel. (I don't like the name alt right by the way)... whatever.... not giving away my country to a bunch of safe space people. No way in hell.

Milo on 12 Steps to Destroy the Alt Right.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2016, 11:03:46 PM by DDF »


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Re: The Alt Right
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2016, 08:14:55 AM »
Great clip!

Here is Milo with Joe Rogan on Islam:


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Re: Milo
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2017, 10:13:27 AM »

His angry denial here:

I don't want to defend him and I don't know all the outrageous things he's said, but where was this outrage about man boy 'love' when it surfaced on the left?

 I was searching to find out the connection between Breitbart news and alleged white Supremacy.  It seems there are people on the right who lament that Britain is no longer British, Denmark no longer Danish, Sweden no longer Swedish etc.

I'm not sure if that is a phobia, unreasonable fear, when the rape rate goes up a thousand fold and none of the new residents seek employment.  Oops, there I go ...


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his reply
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2017, 05:32:35 PM »

I watched only part of the Bill Maher show with him on.  Milo went over the top telling Larry Wilmore and the other guest  they need 100 more IQ points or something like that.

Name calling won't win the argument.


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Re: The Alt Right
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2017, 07:48:24 AM »
Maybe it's just me.... but I have always had a problem with Milo being the face of the Alt-Right....and not because I would deny him the freedom to be himself (so long as it doesn't involve children, animals...etc.). I wouldn't.

It's more along the lines of the Left attacking anything moderately mainstream ie., White, Christian, etc.... that the face of the alt-right has to be something like Milo to even obtain a voice that isn't attacked instantly.

It's ridiculous.


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Milo on Maher
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2017, 11:16:34 AM »


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