Author Topic: The Way forward for Republican party  (Read 68664 times)


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Re: after Trump - where ? what ?
« Reply #100 on: November 16, 2019, 04:14:40 PM »

More questions than answers.

Hawley:  “encouraging capital investment in the great American middle,” “investing in research and innovation in the heartland of this country,”
   - He IS a Senator from Missouri.

“challenging the economic concentration that stifles small producers and family enterprises.”
   - We should all be looking at the anti-trust aspects of these companies trying to take over society.  Why are Google, Facebook, amazon able to buy their competitors and takeover other industries as well?

Rubio:  already discussed, hard to tell if this is a change of emphasis or complete turnaround.

What about Pence, the geographic heir to Trump (he sits next to him), or Haley?

I'm not sure that things have changes that much, more a matter of which personalities will attract and prevail, in my view.

I don't think being wishy washy on core values is going to win on the Republican side. 

What they don't really say in the post Trump analysis is that there are at least two very different scenarios, if Trump wins and if Trump loses next year.  We analyze what went right or what went wrong.


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Re: after Trump - where ? what ?
« Reply #101 on: November 16, 2019, 04:51:37 PM »
Trump is a symptom of an angry electorate. Until things are unfcuked on the national level, things are not going back to "normal".

More questions than answers.

Hawley:  “encouraging capital investment in the great American middle,” “investing in research and innovation in the heartland of this country,”
   - He IS a Senator from Missouri.

“challenging the economic concentration that stifles small producers and family enterprises.”
   - We should all be looking at the anti-trust aspects of these companies trying to take over society.  Why are Google, Facebook, amazon able to buy their competitors and takeover other industries as well?

Rubio:  already discussed, hard to tell if this is a change of emphasis or complete turnaround.

What about Pence, the geographic heir to Trump (he sits next to him), or Haley?

I'm not sure that things have changes that much, more a matter of which personalities will attract and prevail, in my view.

I don't think being wishy washy on core values is going to win on the Republican side. 

What they don't really say in the post Trump analysis is that there are at least two very different scenarios, if Trump wins and if Trump loses next year.  We analyze what went right or what went wrong.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #102 on: November 16, 2019, 10:26:15 PM »
How old is Jindal?


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #104 on: December 11, 2019, 09:00:18 AM »
Good call  :-D


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Climate Agenda for Republican
« Reply #106 on: February 13, 2020, 09:33:53 AM »
One or two interesting ideas here.  Why not put carbon capture on natural gas instead of coal?  It's far easier and more efficient because NG starts many times cleaner than coal.

"With a new generation of advanced, smaller nuclear reactors poised to begin coming online in the next five years, nuclear energy is one key area where Republicans can demonstrate their commitment to innovation outside basic science."
Just because climate change is two and a half to seven times overstated, not fully human caused and not catastrophic doesn't mean humans aren't emitting or that CO2 levels aren't rising.

Good to be thinking about this and important to get out in front of it.  Prosperity and innovation are how we win, not prohibitions, infrastructure blocking or doing without.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #107 on: February 13, 2020, 11:53:23 AM »
Yes, the Reps must get in front of this!!!  Trees, nuclear, natural gas!


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #108 on: February 13, 2020, 01:58:49 PM »
".Yes, the Reps must get in front of this!!!  Trees, nuclear, natural gas!"

absolutely, this and healthcare !

Take this away from the mini mike who has already bribed a good portion of the country .

money corrupts more than power....   He is showing for all to behold


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republicans who support trump are coward so does the
« Reply #111 on: January 01, 2021, 08:05:26 PM »
"The problem with the Republican “establishment” and with elected officials such as Josh Hawley is not that they are crazy, or that they don’t know any better; it is that they are cowards, and that they are weak"

coming form an article published in the Atlantic means Josh is doing something right

the only cowards are people like this who worked for the Bushes both of whom's policies helped get us in this mess:


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #112 on: January 02, 2021, 07:16:24 AM »
"A disability service coordinator who works with adults in assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot."

In Nj most people who work in these facilities are surely Democrats
   minorities workers from other countries
   particularly carribbean many not even citizens
    here on work visas etc

I would think $ 50 bucks for each ballot the got signed under a resident's name would do it .
 - maybe $25 . that would be nurse fee
for aides it would be less
bloomberg zuckerberg james money
 likely went to pay of the ballot people to do this work
with maybe a few bucks to the voters
cigarettes sandwich
dunkin donut box etc

AND of course they are doing it as I type this in Ga.

ABrams one of the ring leaders
why could we not undercover follow what she is doing?

« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 07:21:46 AM by ccp »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #113 on: January 02, 2021, 07:27:06 AM »
"Two systems, communist and economically free?  Don't kid yourself."

and Wall Street yawns

everytime Maria Bart tries to pin a Wall Streeter or banker on this they start rattling of bunch of BS
lines about how this is not true/ Jamie Diamond explaining this am on Maria from the "best of 2020 "
how this is trivial to the benefits blah blah blah. 

and CNBC guests could care less

China slowly and painstakingly figures out how to mess us up

while the leaders slept
while the wall streeters only cared about how much money they could get out of it

Diamond was even pooh paa ing the intellectual property theft
   if everyone (him and his friends ) all making money so what.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2021, 07:29:49 AM by ccp »


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Dick Morris strategy
« Reply #115 on: January 12, 2021, 05:49:37 AM »

might work but only if we do not get 4 new Democrat Senators
and cancellation of electoral college

and stop illegal immigration
and voter fraud

good luck with that


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Sarah to run in ArKansas
« Reply #116 on: January 24, 2021, 05:48:28 PM »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #117 on: January 25, 2021, 05:13:21 AM »
I only know her in the context of her stint as press secretary and based on that she has my enthusiastic best wishes.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #118 on: January 25, 2021, 07:51:09 AM »
"I only know her in the context of her stint as press secretary and based on that she has my enthusiastic best wishes."

true , she has never been elected to anything before

but she is articulate which is as important as the experience
and has a father with the executive experience who will help her campaign like she did with his , the name recognition, and will have 75 million backers and money .....etc


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Bobby Jindal on future of Republican Party
« Reply #120 on: March 04, 2021, 09:13:38 AM »

I agree with him on all except the election being stolen

it is as plain as day; it was stolen.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #121 on: March 04, 2021, 08:15:38 PM »
Sen. Rick Scott:
"For the first time in any of our lives, socialism has become the unabashed, governing policy of the Democrat Party. The Democrats are fast abandoning any pretense of allegiance to the first and second amendments to our Constitution, they’ll give up on the rest of it in due time…

Today’s Democrats do not want to simply ‘cancel’ us, they want to destroy anyone who disagrees with them.

Meanwhile, President Biden will continue to dutifully smile and read teleprompter lines about unity while his radical Administration destroys everyone who disagrees or disobeys…

Hopefully, at some point in the future, we will have beaten this threat back and find ourselves strong enough to afford self-indulgent divisions. But that day is not today.

President Trump brought many working-class voters our way, and Hispanic voters are increasingly inclined to vote Republican. Meanwhile, the Democrats have become the party of the elites, the naïve, and the socialist left, giving us tremendous opportunity to recapture our historic strength in America’s suburbs.

Yes, we are up against powerful elites headquartered in Washington and on the coasts, and they endlessly try to lecture, bully, and intimidate us. But we can beat them.

Some of you voted for President Trump enthusiastically, some with reservations, and some with great reluctance. It doesn’t matter. We got 74 million votes, and we can easily add to our numbers if we work together.

Let us look forward and fix our eyes on what is important – an America with plenty of good-paying jobs, an America with great schools and safe communities, an America with freedoms and liberties people around the world would die for.  The only way we can lose is if we stop ourselves by needlessly fracturing. Again, now is not the time. Save it for another day. 

The Republican Civil War is now canceled."


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #122 on: March 04, 2021, 08:28:13 PM »
"We got 74 million votes, and we can easily add to our numbers if we work together."


Are we still stuck on "We'll VOTE our way out of VOTE FRAUD!"?


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The biggest problem with Trump
« Reply #123 on: March 05, 2021, 09:22:50 AM »
he ties any criticism of his nut job personality
with suggesting people are criticizing Conservative values

and that is wrong
yes Bush and Rove in the past were Repubs lite

that said Rove gets it now

I would be lambasted by Trump because I am fed up with him
but I am no rino

he is just incapable of getting it through his delusional head that it ain't about him and that yes he flawed
that he keeps dragging himself into the way forward for us

he will drag us down in '24
as far as I can tell

maybe I am wrong
and if we are stuck with him I hope I am

for now he should be promoting conservative values
call it trumpism (though these are values that come from us - not him)
if you want
but he just has to keep promoting himself
he is getting the way of himself and thus us

I can't take it anymore


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sec post
« Reply #124 on: March 05, 2021, 09:30:30 AM »
he clearly called for "peaceful" march to the Capital Jan 6

but sickeningly he did wait and hour or two before calling the break in off

his own allies Pence and McCarthy were begging him to say something

and he clearly relished in what was going on before someone (his daughter ) maybe brought him away
from his pathological delusions
to reality
and he finally came out (heart not it in - obviously ) and advised the break in people to go home

This did more harm to our cause then anything

it don't blame for those who were breaking in but he should have immediately called it off
he saw it on TV like everyone else and of course knew what was going on.

he would allow people to go to their deaths if it makes him look good....

he is not the guy anymore.

we are so desperate for anyone to represent us - and I am first to admit he was the only one - we support him - but now I am hoping others FINALLY listen to us - the people who want to maintain USA as number one and help citizens first etc etc

tell me where I am wrong
I am all ears
I want to win not lose


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Re: sec post
« Reply #125 on: March 05, 2021, 09:56:55 AM »
The American Republic is dead. You aren't voting your way out of this.

he clearly called for "peaceful" march to the Capital Jan 6

but sickeningly he did wait and hour or two before calling the break in off

his own allies Pence and McCarthy were begging him to say something

and he clearly relished in what was going on before someone (his daughter ) maybe brought him away
from his pathological delusions
to reality
and he finally came out (heart not it in - obviously ) and advised the break in people to go home

This did more harm to our cause then anything

it don't blame for those who were breaking in but he should have immediately called it off
he saw it on TV like everyone else and of course knew what was going on.

he would allow people to go to their deaths if it makes him look good....

he is not the guy anymore.

we are so desperate for anyone to represent us - and I am first to admit he was the only one - we support him - but now I am hoping others FINALLY listen to us - the people who want to maintain USA as number one and help citizens first etc etc

tell me where I am wrong
I am all ears
I want to win not lose


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #126 on: March 05, 2021, 03:04:06 PM »
".The American Republic is dead. You aren't voting your way out of this."

i am also totally pessimistic

they are cancelling us on all fronts
we are like the Romans at Cannae

major Republican Party cancellation battles :

1)  open the borders to seed the country with endless numbers of one Party voters
     bring in their relatives cry about the children who have been used as anchor babies for decades
2). pack the SCOTUS
3). Nationalize like Fascists voting and skew all the changes to favor their single party 
4)  make PR and DC states for more Democrat Senators
5)  end the filibuster
6)  end supermajority vote requirements

Only if we can survive all these over  next even 2 yrs (let alone 4)
do we even have a chance


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #127 on: March 05, 2021, 04:22:31 PM »
Balkanization is our only chance for survival. They are planning on genocide.

".The American Republic is dead. You aren't voting your way out of this."

i am also totally pessimistic

they are cancelling us on all fronts
we are like the Romans at Cannae

major Republican Party cancellation battles :

1)  open the borders to seed the country with endless numbers of one Party voters
     bring in their relatives cry about the children who have been used as anchor babies for decades
2). pack the SCOTUS
3). Nationalize like Fascists voting and skew all the changes to favor their single party 
4)  make PR and DC states for more Democrat Senators
5)  end the filibuster
6)  end supermajority vote requirements

Only if we can survive all these over  next even 2 yrs (let alone 4)
do we even have a chance


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Trump loyalist catching on to what I have been saying
« Reply #128 on: March 07, 2021, 11:31:45 AM »
they do read this board!  :))

Trump keeps conflating HIS needs with that of Republicans

finally are others seeing the big red flag about this
he wil bring us all down
for his own ego


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Re: Trump loyalist catching on to what I have been saying
« Reply #129 on: March 07, 2021, 12:35:14 PM »
they do read this board!  :))

Trump keeps conflating HIS needs with that of Republicans

finally are others seeing the big red flag about this
he will bring us all down
for his own ego

We do need to have two good Senators from Alaska, and every red state.  The fight against Murkowski is fine, but it's not Presidential and it's not the way forward to increase the in-party fighting.  That work used to be done behind the scenes - by underlings.

We grow past Trump by elevating someone else who can advance a conservative agenda.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #130 on: March 07, 2021, 01:31:21 PM »


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Not this...
« Reply #131 on: March 16, 2021, 12:17:03 PM »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #132 on: March 16, 2021, 01:20:39 PM »
"And now he's shrieking he'll use "scorched earth" tactics if the Democrats nuke the filibuster -- despite having just refused to use scorched earth tactics, or even normal bargaining leverage, in January."

There are still Republicans who think they can make "deals with Democrats"?    :x

There is NO compromise with them
they keep shoving their agenda down are throats

the position is to fight back and beat them down.

What planet do these rinos live on that they still refuse to learn
power sharing with Schumer

Schumer sees it as us giving up power to him
 not as he is "Sharing it"
he will take everything he can and not budge the other way

What is really going on in McConnell's mind?

does he think this is the way to get some crumbs?


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #133 on: March 16, 2021, 08:18:45 PM »

"And now he's shrieking he'll use "scorched earth" tactics if the Democrats nuke the filibuster -- despite having just refused to use scorched earth tactics, or even normal bargaining leverage, in January."

There are still Republicans who think they can make "deals with Democrats"?    :x

There is NO compromise with them
they keep shoving their agenda down are throats

the position is to fight back and beat them down.

What planet do these rinos live on that they still refuse to learn
power sharing with Schumer

Schumer sees it as us giving up power to him
 not as he is "Sharing it"
he will take everything he can and not budge the other way

What is really going on in McConnell's mind?

does he think this is the way to get some crumbs?


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party, Dan Cameron
« Reply #134 on: April 26, 2021, 01:24:41 PM »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #135 on: April 26, 2021, 02:17:46 PM »
He sounds good to me

but to a leftist Democrat he is worse then a Nazi.  -  which he qualifies as since he is a Republican -

he is a Christian.


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #136 on: April 26, 2021, 02:35:03 PM »
He sounds good to me

but to a leftist Democrat he is worse then a Nazi.  -  which he qualifies as since he is a Republican -

he is a Christian.

You are right, but the connection between Christian or libertarian and Nazi is lost on me.  Fascists are big statists, are Leftists, are atheists.    Nazi, Fascist or Socialist is the opposite of being a constitutional conservative, Christian or libertarian.  If you want equal outcomes, you want coercion and a state run society.  It's a feature not a bug of Prog, Left, Social Justice, all of it.  It is anti-democratic to protect the integrity of a vote?  Only in their pretend, upside down world.

Exodus 20:17
“You shall not covet your neighbor's house...wife...servant...his ox...donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.”   - Author: Moses? God?
Put THAT in the next Democrat platform.


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The Way forward for Republican party - Tim Scott
« Reply #137 on: April 29, 2021, 07:22:30 AM »
Tim Scott's great rebuttal to the divider President:

The words are here but the delivery is important.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) delivers the Republican response to Pres. Biden's first congressional address.

Good evening. I'm Senator Tim Scott from the great state of South Carolina. We just heard President Biden's first address to Congress. Our president seems like a good man. His speech was full of good words, but President Biden promised you a specific kind of leadership. He promised to unite a nation, to lower the temperature, to govern for all Americans no matter how we voted. This was a pitch, you just heard it again, but our nation is starving for more than empty platitudes. We need policies and progress that brings us closer together. But three months in, the actions of the president and his party are pulling us further and further apart.

I won't waste your time with finger pointing or partisan bickering. You can get that on TV any time you want. I want to have an honest conversation. A common sense and common ground about this feeling that our nation is sliding off his shared foundation and how we move forward together. Growing up I never dreamed I would be standing here tonight. When I was a kid my parents divorced, my mother and my brother and I moved in with my grandparents. Three of us sharing one bedroom. I was disillusioned and angry, and I nearly failed out of school, but I was blessed. First, with a praying mom. And let me say this to the single mothers out there, who are working their tails off working hard trying to make the ends meet, wondering if it's worth it: you bet it is. God bless your amazing effort on heart of your kids. I was also blessed by a Chick-fil-A operator, John Moniz. And finally, with a string of opportunities that are only possible here in America.

This past year, I've watched COVID attack every rung of the ladder that helped me up. So many families have lost parents and grandparents too early. So many small businesses have gone under. Becoming a Christian transformed my life, but for months too many churches were shut down. Most of all, I'm saddened that millions of kids have lost a year of learning when they could not afford to lose a single day. Locking vulnerable kids out of the classroom is locking adults out of their future. Our public school should have reopened months ago. Other countries did. Private and religious schools did. Science has shown, for months, that schools are safe. But too often powerful grown-ups set science aside. And kids like me were left behind.

The clearest case I've seen for school choice in our lifetimes. Because we know education is the closest thing to magic in America. Last year, under Republican leadership, we passed five bipartisan COVID packages. Congress supported our schools, our hospitals, saved our economy and funded Operation Warp Speed, delivering vaccines in record time. All five bills got 90 votes in the Senate. Common sense found common ground. In February, Republicans told President Biden we wanted to keep working together to finish this fight. But Democrats wanted to go it alone. They spent almost $2 trillion on a partisan bill that the White House bragged was the most liberal bill in American history. Only 1 percent went to vaccinations, no requirement to reopen schools promptly.

COVID brought Congress together five times. This administration pushed us apart. Another issue that should unite us is infrastructure. Republicans support everything you think of when you think of infrastructure. Roads, bridges, ports, airports, waterways, high-speed broadband-- we're in for all of that. But again, Democrats want a partisan wish list. They won't even build bridges to build bridges. Less than 6 percent of the president's plan goes to roads and bridges. It's a liberal wish list of big government waste. Plus, the biggest job-killing tax hikes in a generation. Experts say, when all is said and done, it would lower wages of the average American worker and shrink our economy.

Tonight, we also heard about a so-called family plan. Even more taxing even more spending to put Washington even more in the middle of your life, from the cradle to college. The beauty of the American dream is that families get to define it for themselves. We should be expanding opportunities and options for all families, not throwing money at certain issues because Democrats think they know best. Infrastructure spending that shrinks our economy is not common sense. Weakening our Southern borders and creating a crisis is not compassionate. The president is also abandoning principles he's held for decades. Now he says your tax dollars should fund abortions. He's laying groundwork to pack the Supreme Court. This is not common ground.

Nowhere do we need common ground, more desperately been in our discussions of race. I have experienced the pain of discrimination. I know what it feels like to be pulled over for no reason, to be followed around the store while I'm shopping. I remember every morning at the kitchen table, my grandfather would open the newspaper and read it, I thought. But later I realized he had never learned to read it, he just wanted to set the right example. I've also experienced a different kind of intolerance. I get called Uncle Tom and the n-word by progressives by liberals. Just last week, a national newspaper suggested my family's poverty was actually privilege. Because a relative owned land, generations before my time. Believe me, I know first-hand, our healing is not finished.

In 2015, after the shooting of Walter Scott, I wrote a bill to fund body cameras. Last year, after the deaths of Brianna Taylor and George Floyd, I built an even bigger police reform proposal. But my Democratic colleagues blocked it. I extended an olive branch, I offered amendments. But Democrats used to filibuster to block the debate from even happening. My friends across the aisle seem to want the issue more than they wanted a solution. But I'm still working, I'm hopeful that this will be different. When America comes together, we've made tremendous progress. But powerful forces want to pull us apart. A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic. And if they looked a certain way inferior.

Today, kids are being taught that the color of their skin defines them again. And if you look a certain way, they're in an oppressor. From colleges, to corporations, to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven't made any progress at all. By doubling down on the divisions we've worked so hard to heal. You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country. It's backwards to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination. And it's wrong to try to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present.

I'm an African American who's voted in the South my entire life. I take voting rights personally. Republicans support making it easier to vote and harder to cheat and so do the voters. Big majorities of Americans support early voting and big majorities support voter ID, including African Americans and Hispanics. Common sense makes common ground. But today, this conversation has collapsed. The state of Georgia passed a law that expands early voting, preserves no-excuse mail-in voting and despite what the president claimed, did not reduce election day hours. If you actually read this law, it's mainstream. It will be easier to vote early in Georgia than in Democrat-run, New York. But the left doesn't want you to know that. They want people virtue signaling by yelling about a law they haven't even read. Fact checkers have called out the White House for misstatements. The president absurdly claims that this is worse than Jim Crow.

What is going on here? I'll tell you: a Washington power grab. This misplaced outrage is supposed to justify Democrats' new sweeping bill that would take over elections for all 50 states. It would send public funds to political campaigns you disagree with and make the bipartisan Federal Elections Commission partisan. This is not about civil rights or our racial past, it's about rigging elections in the future. And no, the same filibuster that President Obama and President Biden praise when they were Senators, the same filibuster that the Democrats used to kill my police reform bill last year, has not suddenly become a racist relic just because the shoe is now on the other foot. Race is not a political weapon to settle every issue the way one side wants. It's far too important.

This should be a joyful springtime for our nation. This administration inherited a tide had already turned. The coronavirus is on the run thanks to Operation Warp Speed and the Trump administration our country is flooded with safe and effective vaccines. Thanks to our bipartisan work last year, job openings are rebounding. So why do we feel so divided, anxious? A nation with so much cause for hope should not feel so heavy laden A president who promised to bring us together should not be pushing agendas that tear us apart. The American family deserves better. And we know what better looks like. Just before COVID, we had the most inclusive economy in my lifetime. The lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for African Americans, Hispanics and Asians. And a 70-year low, nearly, for women. Wages were growing faster at the bottom than at the top. The bottom 25 percent saw their wages go up faster than the top 25 percent.

That happened because Republicans focus on expanding opportunity for all Americans. In addition to that, we passed opportunity zones, criminal justice reform and permanent funding for historically Black colleges and universities for the first time ever. We fought the drug epidemic, rebuilt our military and cut taxes for working families and single moms like the one that raised me. Our best future will not come from Washington schemes or socialist dreams. It will come from you: the American people. Black, Hispanic, white and Asian, Republican and Democrat, brave police officers and black neighborhoods. We are not adversaries, we are family. We are all in this together and we get to live in the greatest country on Earth. The country where my grandfather in his 94 years saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime.

So, I am more than hopeful, I am confident that our finest hour is yet to come. Original sin is never the end of the story. Not in our souls and not for our nation. The real story is always redemption. I am standing here because my mom has prayed me through some really tough times. I believe our nation has succeeded the same way. Because generations of Americans in their own ways have asked for grace and God has supplied it. So, I will close with a word from a worship song that really helped me through this past year of COVID. The music is new, but the words draw from Scripture. May the Lord bless you and keep you, make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May his presence go before you and behind you, and beside you, in your weeping and your rejoicing. He is for you. May his favor be upon our nation for a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children. Good night and God bless the United States of America.


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Tim Scott
« Reply #138 on: April 29, 2021, 08:47:45 AM »

he blew it away

crushed previous weak responses from
Bobby Jindal or Marco Rubio


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Re: Tim Scott
« Reply #139 on: April 29, 2021, 10:20:51 AM »

he blew it away

crushed previous weak responses from
Bobby Jindal or Marco Rubio

Yes.  Message and delivery.


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is Dan Bongino still taking over for Rush'e slot
« Reply #140 on: April 30, 2021, 07:33:42 AM »
 can't find anything online about this since 3/18/21


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Another VDH
« Reply #141 on: May 02, 2021, 11:12:40 AM »

hoover institute "has all the answers"

Need Reagan like figure
[more than Trump figure] to help us fight back 


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #143 on: May 14, 2021, 05:51:06 AM »
".The group, which includes four former governors and 27 former GOP members of the House, states that they oppose the 'disenfranchisement of voters' and 'reject populism and illiberalism, whether of the right or the left."

This is DJT - TDS pure and simple
Let Trump keep screeching his ego across the social media chalk board for now (till someone 100 % better shows up ) but to actively oppose him means they also oppose the vast majority of the Republican voters 

anyone who wants to follow the other NJ governor named Christie (Todd Whitman)

and join her party - go right ahead :

The group, which includes four former governors and 27 former GOP members of the House, states that they oppose the 'disenfranchisement of voters' and 'reject populism and illiberalism, whether of the right or the left.'


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #145 on: May 14, 2021, 06:22:04 AM »
Point of clarification:  People who voted for Biden, voted for Biden’s policies, are not Republican no matter what they once called themselves.  People like Bill Weld split with the party long before Trump. Look at the instant publicity they get on CNN.  They can get unlimited Soros funding.  When do they realize that is not a conservative alternative?

It is a group of people who don't believe in party forming a party.  A group of people who don't believe in vote integrity competing for votes.  A group of people of people who couldn't recognize peace and prosperity telling us a better way to get there.  People who don't appreciate record deregulation voted to re-regulate.  People who couldn't field one candidate in 2020 after 4 years of Trump threatening to field a candidate.

They are going to find 85 million voters in 2024 without using any of the 75 million who voted for Trump, and without investigating and dismantling any of the Dem cheat mechanisms?

Color me skeptical.

People who dedicate their lives to helping Democrats win are called... Democrats.

While these self appointed elitists turned leftward, Trump and Republicans captured 100% of the farmer vote, the majority of labor and record numbers and percentages of blacks and Hispanics. Pretty good trade.


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Re: Brett Baier vs Liz Cheney
« Reply #146 on: May 14, 2021, 06:54:58 AM »

Singular focus and it's not fighting the Leftist revolution.

"to tell the truth"

What is the truth about the past election?  Wouldn't investigation help solve that?  But somehow she knows truth and lie without that and I don't.

"The Big Lie"

The top 100 big lies of our time were not made by Trump or Republicans. To just name this uninformed viewpoint The Big Lie is to seak the language of the Left.

And out she goes.

Why not instead get behind a Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, Ron DeSantis in a positive fight fir the next nomination, or WAIT FOR THE PROPER TIME TO DO THAT.  But no.  Trump must be fought now, always, in every breath, ad hominem.  Even though she voted for him at least once and with him 93% of the time.

That march peacefully and patriotically is inciteful and opposed to the rule of law is as big of a lie as can be.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2021, 06:57:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #147 on: May 14, 2021, 12:38:28 PM »
Watched the Baier-Cheney interview-- wow!  Baier sure brought the heat!


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #148 on: May 14, 2021, 01:00:14 PM »
"Watched the Baier-Cheney interview-- wow!  Baier sure brought the heat!"

yes he brought it on in UFC speak.

I wish he was the one who interviewed  Randi Weingarten, the  Teachers Union Mafia Boss

and not Martha MacCallum
did you see that dud of an interview the other day?


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Re: The Way forward for Republican party
« Reply #149 on: May 14, 2021, 01:23:47 PM »
I like Martha, but that was really weak on her part.