Author Topic: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc  (Read 281472 times)


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I wouldn't want to be the person responsible for this
« Reply #1802 on: June 19, 2022, 11:20:30 PM »

Many Nuremberg 2.0 trials will take place in parking lots.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1803 on: June 20, 2022, 06:51:45 AM »
vaccines for infants or children below 12 is absurd

the chance they would die or have to go to hospital is so infinitely remote
the risks outweigh it.

Plus the shots are not even preventing spread
though they clearly reduce risk of hospitalization and death in older people

I cannot explain rationale for giving shots in children
other then it sounds corrupt


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1804 on: June 20, 2022, 07:10:55 AM »
Planned depopulation.

vaccines for infants or children below 12 is absurd

the chance they would die or have to go to hospital is so infinitely remote
the risks outweigh it.

Plus the shots are not even preventing spread
though they clearly reduce risk of hospitalization and death in older people

I cannot explain rationale for giving shots in children
other then it sounds corrupt


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1807 on: June 23, 2022, 08:22:38 AM »
".Re: Whoops! ClotShot more dangerous than beneficial!"

obviously a non biased source of information "

" Covid Myth Buster Series "

Objective about vaccines, just like you.
Clot shot over and over again

we get it , you don't like it.
so don't take it


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1808 on: June 23, 2022, 09:51:21 AM »
Did you bother to read the paper cited in the first article?

“Don’t like it, don’t take it” would be fine if I didn’t face a multitude of threats from various levels of government.

Aren’t you the least bit bothered by the sudden spike in various illnesses and deaths that have manifested recently?

".Re: Whoops! ClotShot more dangerous than beneficial!"

obviously a non biased source of information "

" Covid Myth Buster Series "

Objective about vaccines, just like you.
Clot shot over and over again

we get it , you don't like it.
so don't take it


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1809 on: June 23, 2022, 01:22:19 PM »
well I am not against asking questions and continued monitoring

but I have still not read anything that convinces me about all the claims
that can "theoretically " be made , and so far I am not bothered by such reports.

as for children I do not think they should be getting these shots

it their case the risks are NOT outweighed by any benefits

it might be different if the vaccines really worked to prevent infection ( the young from infecting the old)
but after I am seeing several cases of corona sufferers a day clearly they don't work well in that regard

but they are preventing hospitalizations and deaths in older folks who are at higher risk


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Fauci the Great taking paxlovid second time for rebound
« Reply #1811 on: June 30, 2022, 11:01:01 AM »

CDC has not recommend this

so what about following the science?

pfz studies showed rebound 1 - 2 % but clearly it is more

generally we are told rebound is less severe
so how common is Fauci's experience

I am looking into this.


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Re: Fauci the Great taking paxlovid second time for rebound
« Reply #1812 on: June 30, 2022, 09:49:46 PM »
If not for the boosters, he would have died!


CDC has not recommend this

so what about following the science?

pfz studies showed rebound 1 - 2 % but clearly it is more

generally we are told rebound is less severe
so how common is Fauci's experience

I am looking into this.


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Moderna Vax increases myocarditis 44X in young adults
« Reply #1813 on: July 01, 2022, 03:47:52 PM »
Moderna Vaccine Increases Myocarditis Risk by 44 Times in Young Adults: Peer-Reviewed Study

The risk was 13 times higher with Pfizer vaccination
By Enrico Trigoso June 28, 2022 Updated: June 28, 2022biggersmaller Print
A French peer-reviewed study concluded that for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the risk of myocarditis skyrockets a week after vaccination.

The risk of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination was 8 times and 30 times greater than unvaccinated control groups for BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and mRNA-1273 (Moderna), respectively.

The largest association for myocarditis following the Moderna jab was 44 times higher risk for persons aged 18 to 24 years.

As for the Pfizer shot, in relation to the same age group, the risk was 13 times higher.

Infection with the Chinese Communist Party virus yielded, by comparison, a 9 times greater risk of the same condition.

Myocarditis refers to the inflammation of the heart muscle—a life-threatening condition. There are many established causes for this heart condition. The leading cause—according to modern science’s most recent discoveries—is viruses; but during the pandemic, COVID mRNA vaccines have earned a place as a top suspect for myocarditis.

The new study’s goal was to provide an assessment of association with vaccines across sex and age groups.

“Both SARS-CoV2 infection and COVID mRNA vaccines have been associated with myocarditis. Knowing the spike protein’s affinity to ACE2 receptors in the heart and spike protein’s injury to cardiomyocytes (cells of the heart), the association of myocarditis with SARS-CoV2 virus or spike protein-based mRNA vaccination was not entirely unexpected,” Dr. Sanjay Verma, a cardiologist, told The Epoch Times via email.

Verma also thinks the CDC’s analysis “erroneously suggests” that risk of myocarditis after SARS-CoV2 infection is greater than after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination.

“For the cases of myocarditis after SARS-CoV2, CDC uses officially confirmed PCR+ ‘cases,’ even though their own seroprevalence data demonstrates that far more people have been infected than officially conformed PCR+ ‘cases.’ For example, seroprevalence data as of Feb 21, 2022, reveals 75 percent (about 54 million) of all children have been infected compared to 12 million officially confirmed PCR+ ‘cases’ (i.e., the actual number of kids infected is 4.5 times greater than PCR+ ‘cases’). Therefore, calculating the risk of myocarditis after SARS-CoV2 infection, the rate noted by CDC would therefore need to be reduced by 4.5 times. Thus far, CDC has not adjusted its COVID-19 morbidity and mortality data accordingly,” said the cardiologist, who practices in Coachella Valley, California.

The study analyzed 1,612 cases of myocarditis and 1,613 cases of pericarditis in France from May 12, 2021, to Oct. 31, 2021, involving 32 million people aged 12 to 50 years who received 46 million doses of mRNA vaccines.

It is limited by using solely hospital discharge diagnoses. Therefore, it does not include those who may have died before being hospitalized or those whose symptoms were not severe enough to be hospitalized.

“There have been reports (pdf) of autopsy-proven myocarditis after vaccination and anecdotal evidence of patients being dismissed by ER and never being hospitalized. Adjusting for these excluded subsets may yield even higher risk than reported in this study. Follow-up of the patients in this study was limited to one month after discharge. However, a previous cardiac MRI study found about 75 percent of patients with vaccine-associated myocarditis can have persistent MRI abnormalities 3–8 months after initial diagnosis,” Verma said.

The authors of the study didn’t analyze the effect of booster vaccination since it is not yet recommended for young adults in France.

In the United States, however, booster injections are mandated by colleges and universities, employers, and even some state public health departments irrespective of age or prior infection.

“In a preprint follow-up to their peer-reviewed study of myocarditis after vaccination, analysis found continued incremental risk of myocarditis after booster vaccination. In fact, while many countries have refrained from recommending COVID vaccination in very young children because the risks do not justify the benefits, the U.S. stands alone in recommending it in the youngest of kids,” Verma said.

A research paper published on May 18 studied the pandemic control measures—which included vaccine and mask mandates, as well as isolation and contact tracing—of Cornell University, which was almost completely vaccinated, and found these policies were “not a match” for the Omicron variant and its rapid spread.

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Recently, a new term has been highlighted in media outlets: “sudden adult death syndrome,” or SADS.

Underlying factors for SADS include undiagnosed myocarditis, inflammatory conditions, and other conditions that cause irregularities in the electrical system of the heart, thereby triggering cardiac arrest.

Data compiled by the International Olympic Committee shows 1,101 sudden deaths in athletes under age 35 between 1966 and 2004, giving an average annual rate of 29, across all sports. Meanwhile, between March 2021 and March 2022 alone—a single year—at least 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapsed, or have died on the field, worldwide.

Denmark Finland Euro 2020 Soccer
Denmark’s Christian Eriksen is taken away on a stretcher after collapsing on the pitch during the Euro 2020 soccer championship group B match between Denmark and Finland at Parken Stadium in Copenhagen, on June 12, 2021. (Stuart Franklin/Pool via AP)
Among EU FIFA (soccer/football) athletes, sudden death increased by 420 percent in 2021. Historically, about five soccer players have died while playing the game each year. Between January and mid-November 2021, 21 FIFA players died from sudden death.

Joseph Mercola contributed to this report.

The Epoch Times reached out to the CDC for comment.


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monkey pox "99" men between 21 and 40
« Reply #1815 on: July 02, 2022, 08:59:23 AM »


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« Reply #1817 on: July 04, 2022, 07:05:18 PM »
For the record we should note that was 10/2021
The Collective Assault on Vaccine Myocarditis Research
Rav Arora
Rav Arora
 July 4, 2022 Updated: July 4, 2022biggersmaller Print

Vaccine myocarditis—deemed a vastly exaggerated risk used to promote anti-vaccine hysteria—has been demonstrated in a multitude of studies to be an alarming population-level risk in men under the age of 40. The rates of vaccine myocardial injury in young men are consistent in peer-reviewed studies across the world (Canada, Hong Kong, Norway, etc.).

A new study published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports adds to the body of vaccine myocarditis research, this time showing a possible association between mass vaccination and increased emergency cardiovascular events.

Using nationalized health care data in Israel, researchers from MIT compared Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls for acute cardiac events (cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome) in the 16 to 39-year-old population with the timeline of mass distribution of the first and second vaccine doses.

The study specifically uses cardiac arrests because undetected myocarditis is a leading cause, including in cases of cardiac arrest-induced sudden death. Acute coronary syndrome is also measured because it’s often erroneously diagnosed in those who have myocarditis.

Here’s what the study finds:

As first doses of the vaccine were administered, cardiac arrest EMS calls rose precipitously. When second doses of the vaccine peaked around March 7, cardiac arrest calls were also at their highest. As the researchers state, they have identified a robust correlation between emergency calls and the rates of administered first and second vaccine doses in the 16 to 39-year-old population.

For both cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls, the study finds a more than 25 percent rise during the interval January–May 2021 (when vaccines were rolled out), compared with the years 2019–2020.

Interestingly, while both vaccine administration and cardiac arrest calls congruently fell in March, EMS calls begin to surge again in mid-April (with no corresponding association with vaccination).

This suggests undetected myocarditis post-vaccination may result in sudden cardiac arrest weeks later. For this reason, the authors recommend making the public more aware of cardiac symptoms following vaccination to prevent serious damage in the long term:

t is essential to raise awareness among patients and clinicians with respect to related symptoms (e.g., chest discomfort and shortness of breath) following vaccination or COVID-19 infection to ensure that potential harm is minimized,” the authors wrote.

The 33-year-old Canadian law enforcement member I interviewed in my recent investigative vaccine myocarditis article almost died due to ignorance of vaccine myocarditis. As I describe:

“Against his will, he got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine (which has significantly lower rates of myocarditis) on Oct. 29. That night he experienced intense heart palpitations, but they entirely subsided by the next day. He didn’t think of linking it to the vaccine.

“Thirty days later Desh got his second dose with no immediate side effects.

“Then on the night of Dec. 11, he came within an hour or so of dying from heart failure.”

The public health authorities have done an abysmal job of warning the public of cardiac side effects—perhaps because doing so would discourage many young people from getting vaccinated. The government has been massively influenced by Big Pharma and self-selected “top epidemiologists” who strangely hold the same views surrounding COVID-19 policy.

Self-identifying objective journalists and fact-checkers lost all credibility in combating supposed “Covid misinformation.” Reuters published a piece debunking the false claim that the Israeli study “proves COVID-19 vaccines cause heart problems.”

Except, both of the examples they use of social media users making this claim didn’t make that claim. Their prime example, Rep. Thomas Massie, correctly quotes the study from an article on

“COVID-19 vaccination was significantly associated with a 25% jump in emergency medical services for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in Israel, whose vaccination rate is among the world’s highest, according to a peer-reviewed study by MIT researchers.”

Needless to say, the study in itself doesn’t “prove” mRNA vaccines cause a surge in emergency cardiovascular events. The authors don’t claim otherwise. However, given the volume of existing data surrounding vaccine myocarditis in light of this new study, it’s possible there’s a causal relationship between mass vaccination and cardiac arrests.

After first falsely asserting social media users are claiming causation, Reuters outrageously claimed the study doesn’t even show correlation: “The study itself does not prove a correlation with COVID-19 vaccines, though social media posts suggest that it does.”

Here’s a direct quote from the study which apparently Reuters didn’t have time to read:

“Using Negative Binomial regression models, the weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates.” [emphasis added]

(This also disproves the pro-vaccine talking point of “Covid also frequently results in severe cardiac damage.”)

Reuters is far more guilty of spreading misinformation given the following abjectly false statement backed by cherry-picked epidemiologists:

“The overall risks of COVID-19 infection far outweigh the risks associated with developing myocarditis after a COVID-19 vaccination, even for young men, experts say.”

What’s worst, big tech and social media platforms are doing Big Pharma and the government’s dirty work in marginalizing and censoring content that may discourage some people from getting vaccinated.

Dr. Tracy Beth Hoeg—an esteemed epidemiologist who has testified in Congress on COVID-19 policy—has been repeatedly maligned and attacked for raising awareness on the dangers of vaccinating the young, specifically young men, on a population level. In June of last year, Twitter labeled her tweet “misleading” for the crime of correctly stating that post-vaccine myocarditis rates were above baseline.

Last month, Twitter cracked down on Hoeg in an even more egregious manner. This time, not for tweeting misinformation herself, but for critiquing Twitter for censoring a trained bioethicist’s tweet of the Israeli EMS call study. Her tweet was also labeled “misleading.”

The original tweet Hoeg was commenting on from Euzebiusz Jamrozik, a bioethics Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, didn’t opine about the miscalculated vaccine distribution in young males or broader dangers of mass vaccination. It simply stated the results of the Israeli study showing “mRNA vaccines in young people (age 16-39) are associated with cardiac arrests” with a link and screenshot.

Given all the controversy surrounding the study, on May 5 the journal’s editor made a note:

“Readers are alerted that the conclusions of this article are subject to criticisms that are being considered by the Editors. A further editorial response will follow once all parties have been given an opportunity to respond in full.”

The first population-level national study showing a correlation between mRNA vaccination and emergency cardiovascular events proved to be highly damaging not just to the reputations of the researchers, but to those who posted it on social media and critiqued Twitter for its egregious censorship.

Big Pharma, the academy, social media, and mainstream media in collusion are sending signals loud and clear: you must not critique or discourage vaccination in any way, even by quoting a peer-reviewed scientific study. Undoubtedly, such incentives prevent future research surrounding the risks of mRNA vaccination and force critical-thinking scientists from speaking out.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Rav Arora
Rav Arora
Rav Arora is an independent journalist based in Vancouver, Canada. He has appeared on The Ben Shapiro Show, Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, The Hill, and other programs. His Substack newsletter on mental health, spirituality, and vaccine side effects is “Noble Truths with Rav Arora.” Follow him on Twitter at @ravarora1


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Re: Myocarditis
« Reply #1818 on: July 04, 2022, 09:49:09 PM »
Hey, it's just lifelong heart problems so you can avoid a virus that is 99.9 percent survivable.

For the record we should note that was 10/2021
The Collective Assault on Vaccine Myocarditis Research
Rav Arora
Rav Arora
 July 4, 2022 Updated: July 4, 2022biggersmaller Print

Vaccine myocarditis—deemed a vastly exaggerated risk used to promote anti-vaccine hysteria—has been demonstrated in a multitude of studies to be an alarming population-level risk in men under the age of 40. The rates of vaccine myocardial injury in young men are consistent in peer-reviewed studies across the world (Canada, Hong Kong, Norway, etc.).

A new study published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports adds to the body of vaccine myocarditis research, this time showing a possible association between mass vaccination and increased emergency cardiovascular events.

Using nationalized health care data in Israel, researchers from MIT compared Emergency Medical Services (EMS) calls for acute cardiac events (cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome) in the 16 to 39-year-old population with the timeline of mass distribution of the first and second vaccine doses.

The study specifically uses cardiac arrests because undetected myocarditis is a leading cause, including in cases of cardiac arrest-induced sudden death. Acute coronary syndrome is also measured because it’s often erroneously diagnosed in those who have myocarditis.

Here’s what the study finds:

As first doses of the vaccine were administered, cardiac arrest EMS calls rose precipitously. When second doses of the vaccine peaked around March 7, cardiac arrest calls were also at their highest. As the researchers state, they have identified a robust correlation between emergency calls and the rates of administered first and second vaccine doses in the 16 to 39-year-old population.

For both cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls, the study finds a more than 25 percent rise during the interval January–May 2021 (when vaccines were rolled out), compared with the years 2019–2020.

Interestingly, while both vaccine administration and cardiac arrest calls congruently fell in March, EMS calls begin to surge again in mid-April (with no corresponding association with vaccination).

This suggests undetected myocarditis post-vaccination may result in sudden cardiac arrest weeks later. For this reason, the authors recommend making the public more aware of cardiac symptoms following vaccination to prevent serious damage in the long term:

t is essential to raise awareness among patients and clinicians with respect to related symptoms (e.g., chest discomfort and shortness of breath) following vaccination or COVID-19 infection to ensure that potential harm is minimized,” the authors wrote.

The 33-year-old Canadian law enforcement member I interviewed in my recent investigative vaccine myocarditis article almost died due to ignorance of vaccine myocarditis. As I describe:

“Against his will, he got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine (which has significantly lower rates of myocarditis) on Oct. 29. That night he experienced intense heart palpitations, but they entirely subsided by the next day. He didn’t think of linking it to the vaccine.

“Thirty days later Desh got his second dose with no immediate side effects.

“Then on the night of Dec. 11, he came within an hour or so of dying from heart failure.”

The public health authorities have done an abysmal job of warning the public of cardiac side effects—perhaps because doing so would discourage many young people from getting vaccinated. The government has been massively influenced by Big Pharma and self-selected “top epidemiologists” who strangely hold the same views surrounding COVID-19 policy.

Self-identifying objective journalists and fact-checkers lost all credibility in combating supposed “Covid misinformation.” Reuters published a piece debunking the false claim that the Israeli study “proves COVID-19 vaccines cause heart problems.”

Except, both of the examples they use of social media users making this claim didn’t make that claim. Their prime example, Rep. Thomas Massie, correctly quotes the study from an article on

“COVID-19 vaccination was significantly associated with a 25% jump in emergency medical services for heart problems in 16-39 year-olds in Israel, whose vaccination rate is among the world’s highest, according to a peer-reviewed study by MIT researchers.”

Needless to say, the study in itself doesn’t “prove” mRNA vaccines cause a surge in emergency cardiovascular events. The authors don’t claim otherwise. However, given the volume of existing data surrounding vaccine myocarditis in light of this new study, it’s possible there’s a causal relationship between mass vaccination and cardiac arrests.

After first falsely asserting social media users are claiming causation, Reuters outrageously claimed the study doesn’t even show correlation: “The study itself does not prove a correlation with COVID-19 vaccines, though social media posts suggest that it does.”

Here’s a direct quote from the study which apparently Reuters didn’t have time to read:

“Using Negative Binomial regression models, the weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates.” [emphasis added]

(This also disproves the pro-vaccine talking point of “Covid also frequently results in severe cardiac damage.”)

Reuters is far more guilty of spreading misinformation given the following abjectly false statement backed by cherry-picked epidemiologists:

“The overall risks of COVID-19 infection far outweigh the risks associated with developing myocarditis after a COVID-19 vaccination, even for young men, experts say.”

What’s worst, big tech and social media platforms are doing Big Pharma and the government’s dirty work in marginalizing and censoring content that may discourage some people from getting vaccinated.

Dr. Tracy Beth Hoeg—an esteemed epidemiologist who has testified in Congress on COVID-19 policy—has been repeatedly maligned and attacked for raising awareness on the dangers of vaccinating the young, specifically young men, on a population level. In June of last year, Twitter labeled her tweet “misleading” for the crime of correctly stating that post-vaccine myocarditis rates were above baseline.

Last month, Twitter cracked down on Hoeg in an even more egregious manner. This time, not for tweeting misinformation herself, but for critiquing Twitter for censoring a trained bioethicist’s tweet of the Israeli EMS call study. Her tweet was also labeled “misleading.”

The original tweet Hoeg was commenting on from Euzebiusz Jamrozik, a bioethics Ph.D. and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford, didn’t opine about the miscalculated vaccine distribution in young males or broader dangers of mass vaccination. It simply stated the results of the Israeli study showing “mRNA vaccines in young people (age 16-39) are associated with cardiac arrests” with a link and screenshot.

Given all the controversy surrounding the study, on May 5 the journal’s editor made a note:

“Readers are alerted that the conclusions of this article are subject to criticisms that are being considered by the Editors. A further editorial response will follow once all parties have been given an opportunity to respond in full.”

The first population-level national study showing a correlation between mRNA vaccination and emergency cardiovascular events proved to be highly damaging not just to the reputations of the researchers, but to those who posted it on social media and critiqued Twitter for its egregious censorship.

Big Pharma, the academy, social media, and mainstream media in collusion are sending signals loud and clear: you must not critique or discourage vaccination in any way, even by quoting a peer-reviewed scientific study. Undoubtedly, such incentives prevent future research surrounding the risks of mRNA vaccination and force critical-thinking scientists from speaking out.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Rav Arora
Rav Arora
Rav Arora is an independent journalist based in Vancouver, Canada. He has appeared on The Ben Shapiro Show, Jordan B. Peterson Podcast, The Hill, and other programs. His Substack newsletter on mental health, spirituality, and vaccine side effects is “Noble Truths with Rav Arora.” Follow him on Twitter at @ravarora1


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Vaxxes= increased fetal abnormalities
« Reply #1820 on: July 06, 2022, 05:43:15 AM »
COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis
By Enrico Trigoso July 1, 2022 Updated: July 1, 2022biggersmaller Print



New disturbing pharmacovigilance signals from VAERS surrounding the use of the COVID vaccines on women of reproductive age prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on the gene therapy COVID-19 vaccines.

Over the past two weeks, Dr. James Thorp, a maternal-fetal medicine expert, painstakingly analyzed and verified the most recent Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data related to COVID-19 vaccines and compared them to the influenza vaccines.

“COVID-19 vaccines compared to the influenza vaccines are associated with increases in menstrual disorders, miscarriage, fetal chromosomal abnormalities, fetal cystic hygroma, fetal malformations, fetal cardiac arrest, fetal cardiac arrhythmias, fetal cardiac disorders, fetal vascular mal-perfusion abnormalities, abnormal fetal surveillance testing, abnormal fetal growth patterns, placental thrombosis, and fetal death,” Thorp told The Epoch Times last week.

His findings are listed below:

Abnormal uterine bleeding (menstrual irregularity) is 1000-fold greater
Miscarriages are 50-fold greater
Fetal chromosomal abnormalities are 100-fold greater
Fetal malformation is 50-fold greater
Fetal cystic hygroma (a major malformation) is 90-fold greater
Fetal cardiac disorders are 40-fold greater
Fetal arrhythmia is 50-fold greater
Fetal cardiac arrest is 200-fold greater
Fetal vascular mal-perfusion is a 100-fold greater
Fetal growth abnormalities are 40-fold greater
Fetal abnormal surveillance tests are 20-fold greater
Fetal placental thrombosis is 70-fold greater
Thorp said that he verified his analysis with a DOD (Department of Defense) statistical consultant that agreed to help him on the condition of anonymity.

Lack of Safety Testing
Regarding the VAERS data, vaccinologist Dr. Robert Malone, a key contributor of mRNA technology, told The Epoch Times on Thursday: “The risky strategy of authorizing the emergency use of mRNA ‘vaccine’ products prior to completion of rigorous non-clinical animal testing for reproductive and genotoxicity risks, followed by advocacy of widespread use in pregnancy, now appears to have resulted in substantial and avoidable reproductive toxicity.”

“Prior non-clinical (animal model) data from the Pfizer Emergency Use Authorization data package, together with the absence of adequate data and testing of safety during pregnancy have resulted in avoidable reproductive and fetal toxicities,” Malone further noted.

He stressed that expectant mothers should avoid the “experimental” COVID vaccines and that their infants should not be injected with them.

“These new VAERS data and analyses demonstrate that both reproductive-aged mothers and their infants have been damaged by accepting unlicensed, inadequately tested, emergency use authorized genetic vaccines,” Malone said.

Earlier this year Jessica Rose Ph.D. co-authored a VAERS analysis that got withdrawn by the academic journal Elsevier.

She told The Epoch Times that Thorp’s analysis aligns perfectly with hers.

“I do believe it is not only important, but necessary, to pull these products from pregnant/breastfeeding women and infants since there is no long-term safety data and the short-term data looks bad. As per both Moderna and Pfizer’s safety documents presented to VRBPAC pre-EUA granting for 0- 4-year-olds, this applies. They both showed terrible risk,” Rose said.

Christiane Northrup, MD., a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, also stands by the analysis.

“Having been on the front lines of the DES disaster as a young OB/GYN, I am astounded that we are repeating the same kind of mistake but on a far more devastating level. COVID-19 shots must be stopped immediately in all pregnant women before further damage is done to the next generation,” Northrup told The Epoch Times.

Epoch Times Photo
Dr. Christiane Northrup speaks at Broadway Rally For Freedom in Manhattan, New York, on Oct. 16, 2021. (Enrico Trigoso/The Epoch Times)
Thorp continued: “All of these adverse outcomes are statistically significant (p value < 0.0001)–in other words, the probability of these adverse outcomes occurring by chance alone is less than 1 in 10,000. It was incumbent upon the COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers, FDA, CDC, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, and American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology to have demanded this safety data prior to pushing these dangerous ‘vaccines’ in pregnancy.”

“These institutions have violated the golden rule of pregnancy: new substances be it nutraceuticals, drugs, or vaccines have NEVER been allowed in pregnancy until long-term outcome data are available. Now, the COVID-19 vaccines make prior obstetrical disasters of diethyl stilbesterol (DES) and thalidomide look like prenatal vitamins. I am calling for a worldwide ban and moratorium on the use of any experimental gene therapy and/or COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ in pregnancy until long-term safety data are irrefutable,” Thorp stated.

Epoch Times Photo
Dr. James Thorp (Courtesy of James Thorp)
According to, “The U.S. Government collects reports of adverse health events that follow the administration of a vaccine” and can be seen in the VAERS database publicly.

According to OpenVAERS, “VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% of vaccine injuries.”

The VAERS official disclaimer, however, states: “While very important in monitoring vaccine safety, VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness.”


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ET: Natural Immunity Efficacy
« Reply #1826 on: July 12, 2022, 06:56:04 PM »
Natural Immunity 97 Percent Effective Against Severe COVID-19 After 14 Months: Study
By Zachary Stieber July 9, 2022 Updated: July 11, 2022biggersmaller Print



The protection against severe illness from so-called natural immunity remains superior to that bestowed by COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new study.

People who survived COVID-19 infection and weren’t vaccinated had sky-high protection against severe or fatal COVID-19, researchers in Qatar found.

“Effectiveness of primary infection against severe, critical, or fatal COVID-19 reinfection was 97.3 percent … irrespective of the variant of primary infection or reinfection, and with no evidence for waning. Similar results were found in sub-group analyses for those ≥50 years of age,” Dr. Laith Abu-Raddad of Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar and colleagues said after studying long-term natural immunity in unvaccinated people.

That percentage is higher than the protection from COVID-19 vaccines, according to other studies and real-world data.

Swedish researchers, for instance, found in May that two doses of a vaccine were just 54 percent effective against the Omicron variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19.

South African scientists, meanwhile, found the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines peaked at 88 percent and quickly dropped to 70 percent or lower.

The Qatar group found that natural immunity after a person’s first infection “remains very strong, with no evidence for waning, irrespective of variant, for over 14 months.”

The study was published ahead of peer review on the website medRxiv.

Few researchers have studied natural immunity long term among unvaccinated persons, in part because many of the people have eventually received a COVID-19 vaccine.

The vaccines, meanwhile, have waned against both infection and severe illness over time, triggering recommendations for booster doses, with some Americans even getting five doses within 10 months.

Natural Immunity Performs Poorly Against Omicron Reinfection
The vaccines were once said to provide close to 100 percent protection against symptomatic infection. They now provide less than 50 percent protection against infection after a short period of time, even after booster doses, following the emergence of Omicron.

That strain and its subvariants are dominant in countries around the world, including the United States and Qatar.

Natural immunity was thought to provide strong protection against reinfection. But the Qatari researchers found it provides poor protection against reinfection from Omicron.

Pre-Omicron primary infection against pre-Omicron reinfection was as high as 90.5 percent, and remained around 70 percent by the 16th month, according to the study. But pre-Omicron primary infection against Omicron reinfection was just 38 percent effective, although it was higher among people infected with the original Wuhan strain or with the Delta variant, and lower among those who got sick from the Alpha or Beta strains.

Modeling signaled a drop to zero percent protection by 18 months, but the shielding still appears to last longer than that of vaccines, researchers said.

“Vaccine immunity against Omicron subvariants lasts for <6 months, but pre-Omicron natural immunity, … may last for just over a year,” they wrote.

Limitations of the study included differences in testing frequency among the cohorts studied, and depletion of the groups who had a COVID-19 infection, due to their deaths.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1828 on: July 13, 2022, 07:02:41 AM »
omicron subvariants
have been circulating like mad

major spike of omicron 12/21 - 3/22
then a temporary respite that picked up on 5/22 through present

a good percentage of our calls are corona at this time ( as high as any time in epidemic)
paxlovid indicated for those at moderate to high risk
to reduce hospitalizations and death
I do not prescribe to those at low risk

vaccination history is considered since those who are vaccinated are at lower risk of dying or having to go to hospital

kidney function and other medicines need to be considered if going to take paxlovid as some interactions
   are possible

rebound corona symptoms can occur ~ 2 to 8 days after finishing the 5 days of paxlovid
  not clear to me how frequent this is.  Original pfizer studies found 1 to 2 % had this,

though I suspect almost certainly higher
if rebound occurs, paxlovid is not recommended to be done over
(unless you are the God of Science - anthony fauci)


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1829 on: July 13, 2022, 07:54:44 AM »
Exactly the practical big picture overview I was hoping for.  Thank you.


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Who needs fingers anyway?
« Reply #1831 on: July 15, 2022, 07:19:56 AM »

At least now he can't catch a virus with a 99.9% survival rate! Oh wait, he still can catch it. And still spread it.

But allegedly, he won't get as sick.  :roll:


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Booster efficacy quickly wanes
« Reply #1832 on: July 17, 2022, 08:30:16 AM »
COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Effectiveness Quickly Wanes: Study
By Zachary Stieber July 15, 2022 Updated: July 17, 2022biggersmaller Print
The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine booster doses dropped well under 50 percent after four months against subvariants of the virus that causes COVID-19, according to a new study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines provided just 51 percent protection against emergency department visits, urgent care encounters, and hospitalizations related to COVID-19 during the time BA.2 and BA.2.12.1, subvariants of the Omicron virus variant, were predominant in the United States, CDC researchers found.

Both vaccines are administered in two-dose primary series.

After 150-plus days, the effectiveness dropped to just 12 percent.

A first booster upped the protection to 56 percent, but the effectiveness went down to 26 percent after four months, according to the study, which drew numbers from a network of hospitals funded by the CDC across 10 states called the VISION Network.

The subvariant was predominant between late March and mid-June.

Pfizer and Moderna did not respond to requests for comment.

The effectiveness was lower against BA.2 and BA.2.12.1 than against BA.1, which was displaced by BA.2.

Against BA.1, the vaccines provided 44 percent protection against the healthcare visits linked to COVID-19 initially and 39 percent after 150 days. A first booster increased the protection to 84 percent, and the protection barely decreased for patients 50 years or older after four months. But for people aged 18 to 49, the protection plummeted to 29 percent after 120 days.

Underlining the waning effectiveness against severe illness, the majority of patients admitted to the hospitals between December 2021 and June 2022 had received at least two doses of the vaccines.

Further, the percentage of unvaccinated patients dropped during the later period, going from 41.6 percent to 28.6 percent (hospitalized patients) and from 41.4 percent to 31 percent (emergency department and urgent care patients), researchers found.

The researchers, some of whom work for the CDC, theorized that the protection—known as natural immunity—many unvaccinated people enjoy from having had COVID-19 could be a factor in the drop in effectiveness of the vaccines, even though adults with documented prior infection were excluded from the study.

“If unvaccinated persons were more likely to have experienced recent infection, and infection-induced immunity provides some protection against re-infection, this could result in lower VE observed during the BA.2/BA.2.12.1 period,” they wrote. VE stands for vaccine effectiveness.

“Although adults with documented past SARS-CoV-2 infection were excluded, infections are likely to be significantly underascertained because of lack of testing or increased at-home testing. In addition, although time since receipt of the second or third vaccine dose was stratified by time intervals, on average the time since vaccination was longer during the BA.2/BA.2.12.1 period,” they added.

SARS-CoV-2, also known as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, causes COVID-19.

The CDC published the research in its quasi-journal, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Most articles it publishes are not peer-reviewed, and the articles are shaped to reflect CDC policy.

Top U.S. officials are considering authorizing second booster doses, or fourth doses, for all Americans. They’re currently only available to Americans aged 50 and older.

A second booster increased protection for that age group from 32 percent to 66 percent, according to the new study. But those who received a fourth dose were only followed for a median of 27 days. Other research has indicated that the protection from a fourth dose quickly wanes as well.


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new corona vaccine ; myocarditis with corona vaccines
« Reply #1837 on: July 19, 2022, 01:15:08 PM »
From an email I received today from American College of Physicians

New COVID-19 vaccine authorized; reviews analyze myocarditis, drug treatments
The FDA gave the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorization for adults. One recent review found lower myocarditis risk with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine than the Moderna vaccine, and another looked at the strength of evidence supporting COVID-19 drug treatments.

The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine received an emergency use authorization from the FDA on July 13. The adjuvanted vaccine is administered as two doses three weeks apart and is authorized for patients 18 years of age and older. Authorization was based on a placebo-controlled study conducted in the U.S. and Mexico before the emergence of the delta and omicron variants. It found that the vaccine was 90.4% effective in preventing mild, moderate, or severe COVID-19 in the overall study population and 78.6% effective in those 65 years of age and older. The most commonly reported side effects included pain/tenderness, redness and swelling at the injection site, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, joint pain, nausea/vomiting, and fever.

A new review looked at the risk of myocarditis or pericarditis after vaccination with either of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. The living evidence synthesis, published by The BMJ on July 13, included 46 studies and found that incidence of myocarditis after vaccination was highest in teenage and young men (50 to 139 cases per million [low certainty] in those ages 12 to 17 years and 28 to 147 per million [moderate certainty] in those ages 18 to 29 years). Fewer than 20 cases per million were found in girls and boys ages 5 to 11 years and women ages 18 to 29 years. With moderate certainty, the review found higher incidence of myocarditis with the Moderna vaccine than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Low-certainty evidence supported reduced risk of myocarditis with a dosing interval of more than 30 days, but data specific to men ages 18 to 29 years indicated that the dosing interval might need to increase to 56 days or more to substantially drop myocarditis or pericarditis incidence. “A clinical course of mRNA related myocarditis appeared to be benign, although longer term follow-up data were limited,” the authors observed.

Another living systematic review related to COVID-19 was updated and published by The BMJ on July 13. This latest analysis of drugs for COVID-19 included 463 treatment trials with 166,581 patients, slightly more than half of whom were not included in the last update. The new review found (with moderate certainty) that three drug classes reduced COVID-19 mortality, mostly in patients with severe disease: systemic corticosteroids, interleukin-6 receptor antagonists when given with corticosteroids, and Janus kinase inhibitors. Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir and molnupiravir probably reduce risk of hospital admission compared to standard care, and remdesivir may reduce hospitalization risk, the review showed. Only molnupiravir had moderate-quality evidence supporting a reduction in time to symptom resolution, but other drugs showed a possible benefit for that outcome. Several drugs were tied to increased adverse effects, including hydroxychloroquine, which probably increased the risk of mechanical ventilation.


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Re: new corona vaccine ; myocarditis with corona vaccines
« Reply #1838 on: July 20, 2022, 04:34:42 AM »
Thanks ccp for sharing this.

"incidence of myocarditis after vaccination was highest in teenage and young men (50 to 139 cases per million"...

Let's see,  100 per million equals 30,000 per 300 million, that's probably consistent with all these anecdotal reports we see, and one sudden death relative.  Quite a bit higher than the zero risk I was told when I consented to two doses a little over a year ago.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1840 on: July 20, 2022, 05:47:35 AM »
2 doses of vaccine no good with later variants or and waning immunity

but 3 does + history of corona infection is best.
recommend getting 3rd shot:

"“The combination of prior, full vaccination and prior infection was maximally protective,” researchers said in a summary of the study’s findings released last month by the Weill Cornell Medicine Newsroom. “Individuals with prior infection and three doses of either mRNA vaccine were, overall, nearly 80 percent protected from symptomatic infection during the omicron wave.”

But the study also found that two doses of vaccines offered “negligible” protection against Omicron infection.

“A key finding was that a history of vaccination with the standard two doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine, but no history of prior infection, brought no significant protection against symptomatic omicron infection,” researchers said.


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No, mRNA Covid vaccines do not offer long-term protection from serious illness
Data from the Dutch government show the opposite - after seven months they substantially RAISE the risk of hospitalization and intensive care

Alex Berenson
10 hr ago
mRNA vaccine advocates have one final defense against the failure of their billion-person experiment.

Okay, the shots won’t stop you from getting Covid. Or spreading it. Or having symptoms.

But they will stop you from getting very sick, and that protection lasts long after they stop working against infection.

Only it doesn’t.

Not against Omicron, anyway. And Omicron is only variant that matters now, since it’s the only variant that exists now.

An official government report from the Netherlands earlier this month has the truth.

On July 5, the RIVM - a research institute that is part of the Dutch Ministry of Health - reported a basic two-dose Covid vaccination offered no protection against Covid hospitalization. Worse, vaccinated people were 20 percent more likely to need intensive care than the unvaccinated.

“There was hardly any visible protective effect of the COVID-19 basic vaccination series against hospital and ICU - intensive care- intake,” the researchers wrote (understating the case).


The topline figures are bad enough.

The report is based on hospitalizations across the Netherlands from March 15 through June 28, not a small sample. And like the United States, the Dutch relied overwhelmingly on mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna - the supposed gold standard for Covid shots.

But the details in the report are even more disturbing.

The researchers stratified the risks of hospitalization and intensive care by time from vaccination and the age of the infected person - and those show that the risks increase over time.

After seven months, vaccinated people in their fifties and sixties had a 68 percent higher risk of being hospitalized for Covid compared to the unvaccinated. They had a 41 percent higher risk of needing intensive care.

The trends were similar for people 70 and over, though most of them had been boosted or received a fourth shot, so comparisons were harder to make.

(Negative vaccine effectiveness, it’s a thing. A very bad thing.)

Again, this negative effectiveness is against severe disease - hospitalizations and intensive care.

Not infection, severe disease.

The report also showed that boosters and fourth shots did reverse the negative efficacy against hospitalization and intensive care and provide some protection. That fact led the researchers to call for vaccinated people to receive boosters.

But the effectiveness of boosters and fourth shots against severe disease also sharply and quickly declined.

In people 70 and over, the effectiveness of a booster against hospitalization fell from 85 percent in the first month to under 50 percent by five months out. The trends for the fourth shot were similar, but worse. Though the researchers did not have five months of data for the fourth shot, by roughly three months, protection had fallen to 60 percent.

The results could not be clearer, or grimmer.

The mRNA vaccines fail within a few months and then begin to raise the risk of serious outcomes.


The promise that the mRNA shots will produce durable T-cell protection against severe disease appears faulty. Any protection the shots offer against hospitalization or death probably results from their antibody-driven protection against infection, which lasts only a few months.

Repeated shots can reverse the trend, but they too fail, and each additional shot appears to do less and fail more quickly. Worst of all, because the shots cause recipients to produce antibodies to the original coronavirus rather than Omicron’s mutated spike, vaccinated people now have a higher risk of Omicron infection - which means they have a higher risk of hospitalization or death.

Worst of all, the Dutch collected this data during the spring, when the existing Omicron subvariant was relatively mild. Now Omicron has mutated again, and we do not at this point know if the new variant is more or less dangerous.

But the trends from countries like New Zealand - which are test cases for Omicron’s potential virulence because they are highly mRNA vaccinated and have little preexisting natural immunity - are not promising.

Buckle up.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1845 on: July 22, 2022, 08:25:12 AM »
berenson makes a good case to keep up to date with vaccines

like getting flu shots yearly as flu mutates every season



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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1846 on: July 22, 2022, 08:34:25 AM »
berenson makes a good case to keep up to date with vaccines

like getting flu shots yearly as flu mutates every season


Not at all.

Unlike flu shots, the mRNA therapy DOESN'T make you immune. It DOES cause a number of serious and sometimes fatal medical conditions.


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« Reply #1847 on: July 23, 2022, 07:13:30 AM »

Could Vaccines Make Omicron Infection Worse? Scientists Weigh in on Antibody Dependent Enhancement



In October 2020, when the world was under the dark cloud of COVID-19, and the United States was in the midst of massive political upheaval, some scientists were working hard to make sense of the virus. Others were trying to figure out effective treatment and public health protocols. Others, knowing the ongoing expedited vaccine development might compromise safety, tried to warn us of the risk of a phenomenon called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, or ADE. ADE happens when non-neutralizing antibodies generated from vaccination exacerbate viral infection, making the disease the vaccine is supposed to prevent worse for some people.

Of particular note was an article by an international team of scientists, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.

This article outlined the characteristics and mechanisms of ADE, before the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out.

The scientists explained that “ADE and ERD (enhanced respiratory disease) have been reported for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV both in vitro and in vivo.”

In other words, the closest relatives to SARS-CoV-2, the SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV viruses, both have the problem of ADE. It would be reasonable to investigate the “extent to which ADE contributes to COVID-19 immunopathology,” the scientists wrote.

According to the authors, ADE “can occur when non-neutralizing antibodies or antibodies at sub-neutralizing levels bind to viral antigens without blocking or clearing infection.”

The team called ADE a “real risk … for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and antibody-based interventions.”

We know now that it is common for people vaccinated against COVID-19 to be infected and re-infected by SARS-CoV-2. The antibodies generated from the vaccines are not sterilizing (that is, they are not clearing infection), and non-neutralizing.

This begs the question: Do the vaccines actually help the virus infect people through ADE? If so, should the vaccines be pulled, as many doctors are now advising?

Lessons From the Dengue Fever Debacle
A closer look at what happened with the dengue fever vaccine is instructive. Dengue fever is an infection so painful that people in the Philippines and other countries where it’s endemic call it “breakbone fever.”

A viral illness passed to humans from mosquitoes, there are different serotypes of dengue fever. So even if you get it once, you can be infected up to four times, according to the World Health Organization.

Between 2000 and 2010, cases of dengue reported to the WHO increased sharply. Worldwide, there is thought to be 50 million infections every year and 22,000 deaths, mostly in the youngest children, according to the National Institutes of Health.

So in 2016 when a little girl from the Philippines sporting a T-shirt that read “Dengue is dangerous” got a shot in her arm to protect against Dengue fever, there was a feeling of relief and optimism in southeast Asia.

The Philippines, led by Health Secretary Dr. Janette Garin, launched an aggressive campaign with a goal to vaccinate a million children with the brand-new vaccine, called Dengvaxia.

Developed by a French pharmaceutical giant, Sanofi Pasteur, the vaccine underwent large safety trials, the results of which were published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Co-authored by nearly 25 eminent scientists, the study found that “risk of hospitalization among children 2 to 16 years of age was lower in the vaccine group than in the control group.”

This industry-sponsored peer-reviewed study was the green light the world needed to get a needle in the arms of children where dengue fever could make them sick.

But there was a problem. When some children caught dengue fever after being vaccinated, they sometimes had worse outcomes than children who had not been vaccinated. In fact, the vaccine seemed to cause a complication called plasma leakage syndrome, a potentially lethal vascular disorder also associated with the disease itself.

At Least 600 Children Died After Dengue Vaccine
It took almost two years, but the WHO’s recommendation to vaccinate children ages 9 to 16 against dengue fever was rescinded.

Interestingly, it was the company itself—Sanofi Pasteur—that found that children who had not previously had dengue could not be safely vaccinated.

But by then at least 10 families in the Philippines spoke out publicly that the vaccine had caused their children to die.

In April of 2019, the South China Morning Post reported that forensic investigators were looking into the cause of death of some 600 children who died after the vaccine. The bodies of these children exhibited swollen organs and internal hemorrhaging, especially in the brain and lungs, according to the article.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement Explained
The body’s immune response to viral and bacterial infections—as well as to other assaults that it considers foreign—is complicated and multi-faceted. After a virus or a bacterium invades, the body develops an adaptive immune response, which is specific to the pathogen. Antibodies are one facet of this response.

Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that can neutralize infectious agents so they don’t cause harm. When the system works well, these protective proteins, produced by white blood cells, attach to the foreign substances and remove them from the body. During an infection, millions of antibodies will be released into your bloodstream and lymphatic system.

But some pathogens override the body’s immune response by using the antibodies themselves to enter your cells. When this happens, your body’s immune response can actually cause the disease to be more severe. This is called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).

Unfortunately, ADE occurred in some children who were vaccinated against dengue fever. The vaccine-induced antibodies actually helped the virus infect more cells than it would have on its own.

With children who had not previously had dengue fever, the effect seemed to be the most pronounced.

Because of the risk of ADE, the WHO no longer recommends dengue fever vaccines for children with no prior history of infection.

“Most diseases do not cause ADE,” explains an article about antibody dependent enhancement and vaccines on the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s website. Dengue fever, the article goes on, “has four different forms … [that are] very similar, but the slight differences among them set the stage for ADE.”

The article also points out that we have seen ADE with other vaccines, including an early version of a vaccine against the measles that was made with formaldehyde, as well as a vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus, RSV.

Children given the RSV vaccine in clinical trials were more likely to sicken and die from pneumonia after an RSV infection than children who were not vaccinated.

To date, scientists have not successfully developed a safe vaccination against RSV. However, both Moderna and Pfizer are fast-tracking the development of mRNA vaccines to protect against this disease.

SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines and ADE
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists have raised concerns about the possibility that vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 could cause ADE. Dr. Scott Halstead, one of the world’s foremost experts on dengue fever, is a scientist who sounded the safety alarm many times over about Dengvaxia.

Writing in The Journal of Infectious Diseases in December of 2020, Halstead and his co-author asserted that ADE was “unlikely” because the SARS-CoV-2 virus did not seem to have the same attributes as the dengue virus.

However, the same article pointed out that, “Live virus challenge of animals given SARS or MERS vaccine resulted in vaccine hypersensitivity reactions … similar to those in humans given inactivated measles or respiratory syncytial vaccines,” concluding that in order to create a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines scientists must avoid vaccine hypersensitivity reactions.

Since early 2021 scientists have stated that ADE is a real risk (in their words, “non-theoretical”). Seven months later, a 2021 article in The International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology confirmed that ADE does exist for SARS-CoV-2, and explored the possible mechanisms and how to avoid it.

More recent research, including a 2022 in vitro study in Nature, also shows that ADE happens in SARS-CoV-2 infections.

Scientist James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., told The Epoch Times that although the antibodies against the original strain of the virus were “nominally tested” for ADE, they have “not been sufficiently tested” for ADE against the more recent variants.

According to Lyons-Weiler, who has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles and is the founder of the Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge, a non-profit that conducts scientific research in the public interest, “Given the repeated rounds of studies showing negative effectiveness with real-world data, and the fact of higher incidence of COVID-19 diagnoses and higher numbers of hospitalizations from COVID-19, and higher rates of severe COVID-19 infections in the vaccinated, we can only conclude that ADE must be occurring.”

Lyons-Weiler called it “unconscionable” that the FDA and CDC have turned a blind eye to the myriad health problems associated with these vaccines.


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