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but we can't label cartels as "terrorists"  :x
Politics & Religion / Re: Sen/VP Kommiela Kamala Harris
« Last post by ccp on Today at 10:58:16 AM »
dropping trillions in America right now

like I said, they act like money grows free on trees and all Dems have to do is shake the trees and money rains down like coconuts on our front lawn.

yes, what a "f'n" dope.

and one can only imagine the free shitters and the reparations people sitting in the audience getting all excited over the idea of "tax the rich" as though that will work .
"Polls also show Republicans underperforming in Senate races and a strong likelihood they lose the House.  Divided government means largely status quo, not change."

Yes, and Bill O'Reilly echoed our sentiment here:

Something to the effect that "I am worried about our country".  With everything as bad as it is and R's still can't win the Houses.

So even if Trump gets elected

we will here on day one about the new resistance.
we will find out how many Biden executive orders will block Trump
everyone Dem within 50 miles will be pardoned in advance - if possible

we will have a Dem Congress
and we the R's will not be able to turn anything around

I suspect the down races are favorable to the Dems because of the massive cash rolling in from the millionaire / billionaire class.

Too much rich money coming in
distorting our political process to the Left.
Politics & Religion / Darien Gap
« Last post by ccp on Today at 10:49:25 AM »
Science, Culture, & Humanities / Carlisle Indian Industrial School
« Last post by ccp on Today at 10:37:37 AM »
Mentioned in above article made me free associate it with Jim Thorpe:

From Wikipedia:

In 1904, the sixteen-year-old Thorpe returned to his father and decided to attend Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. There his athletic ability was recognized and he was coached by Glenn Scobey "Pop" Warner, one of the most influential coaches of early American football history.[24]

Played against Eisenhower:

Carlisle's 1912 record included a 27–6 victory over the West Point Army team.[12] In that game, Thorpe's 92-yard touchdown was nullified by a teammate's penalty, but on the next play Thorpe rushed for a 97-yard touchdown.[31] future President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who played against him in that game, recalled of Thorpe in a 1961 speech:

Here and there, there are some people who are supremely endowed. My memory goes back to Jim Thorpe. He never practiced in his life, and he could do anything better than any other football player I ever saw.[24]

AND being stabbed in the back by Pop Warner:

Thorpe had never tried to hide his participation in baseball. He'd told Superintendent Friedman before leaving campus in 1909, and had talked about it ever since coming back. 'I never made any secret about it.' Thorpe later said. 'I often told the boys, with the coaches listening, about things that happened while I was at Rocky Mount.' There's simply no way Pop Warner didn't know about Thorpe's summer baseball. After all they'd accomplished together, all they'd been through, this was the moment Thorpe needed Warner the most. This was Warner's chance to stand by Thorpe's side. He didn't do it. To Jim's teammates, this was nothing less than a knife to the back." Gus Welch, one of Thorpe's teammates, said, "Mr. Warner is a good football coach, but a man with no principle."
Politics & Religion / VP Harris, Bozo Economics
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 08:20:14 AM »
"The President and I, because of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure Act, we are dropping trillions of dollars on the streets of America right now."
   - VP Harris,

Politics & Religion / Re: Michael Yon's anti-semitism
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 08:04:38 AM »

Thank you for calling that out.  Gaza isn't a genocide, unless he's talking about what Hamas is doing to its own people, and the Israeli operation in Gaza is not a land grab.

Was there some context to his comment I'm missing?  How do you make any comment on what's happening in Gaza without mentioning Oct 7?
Politics & Religion / Gimme Government Shelter
« Last post by DougMacG on Today at 07:58:31 AM »
Housing, Healthcare and College Costs.  Tell me what the government has taken over with subsidies and control, squeezed out the profits, and costs went down.

They didn't just destroy the market, they destroyed our language.  Affordable now means subsidy required (unaffordable).  Lower cost means costs twice as much.  Smart growth means stupid.

"Without a major shift in thinking, the result will be billions more dollars squandered—and a housing crisis still unsolved."
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