Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the Republicans  (Read 112368 times)


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Romney and Hogan and Kinzinger
« Reply #251 on: November 06, 2020, 06:49:49 AM »
stay true to form

no fraud no evidence

"debunked" fake news

and all the rest of the leftist talking points

already the rhinos

are dreaming of jumping in to the fray


as far as I am concerned

And lincoln project weisels will never give up the fruitful business of their grifts


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"Lincoln" project
« Reply #252 on: November 06, 2020, 04:05:35 PM »


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now AFTER election Dems bitch about Lincoln Project
« Reply #253 on: November 09, 2020, 02:38:22 PM »

no they are not welcome back in the Republican Party either
they can vote republican but I will be damned if these traitors get any say or jobs or positions in the party now

(not as though I would have any say in the matter  :-P)

Maybe it should be re named the Benedict Arnold / Bernie Madoff project


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pelosi on outs?
« Reply #254 on: November 10, 2020, 03:06:23 PM »

would anyone like to bet the answer is no

she would have to be physically dragged out
to be removed

like hillary


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on David French
« Reply #255 on: November 13, 2020, 06:35:17 AM »
who is unhinged with TDS :

French calls great one Mark Levin deranged

are he and his other band of merry never Trumpers blind?


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never trumpers
« Reply #256 on: November 13, 2020, 08:10:37 AM »

your welcome back if you want to sit home and vote Republican again

otherwise as far as I am concerned you should shut up

no one on right or left cares what you have to say


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« Reply #257 on: December 11, 2020, 12:21:22 PM »
Of course

he thinks he is going to jump back in the front of the pack

and "save " the Republican party

his head is up his ass
it is just the opposite
his family gave in , did not fight , and saved no Republican

quite the contrary he is back to play to elites globalists sell outs
the rhinos

I don't know how others feel but I want him and his people to go away

but of course they will insist on  shoving themselves in our faces to be  lords over us.
 while speak of "bipartisanship" "compromise" "unify " "consensus "
 fix this or fix that

all the while the Dems and China eat us alive

go away Jeb
most of the 74 million do NOT want you back


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Re: 75 million people are Sparticus
« Reply #259 on: January 10, 2021, 06:35:33 AM »
They still think anyone cares what they think:

Deep state being deep state.  THAT is their party.  Very, very strange.  Again, they don't differentiate the good of Trump from the bad of Trump.  Do they oppose that black and Hispanic people are working, emissions down, Chinese technology theft called out, Middle East peace?  All of it? 

Let's not kid ourselves.  They aren't Republicans.  The giveaway: Their entire fixation is destroying the Republican Party and everyone who voted for it.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 06:38:42 AM by DougMacG »


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GW BUSH : thanks Clyburn for getting Joe elected
« Reply #260 on: January 21, 2021, 05:09:53 AM »

I believe it.

Did W have any comment on the truth that GM mentioned in another thread:

The Grand Ol Party will never win another election again

But W can be proud he was "nice"
as half the country gets humiliated deprogrammed lied to denied called racist
morons nazis and more

the people who elected W!

And China laughs......


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Bushes leaving Rep Party
« Reply #261 on: February 01, 2021, 05:54:55 AM »
I guess they realize Jeb won't be back in

I really feel it is not the policies - it is Trump the man that turns them off


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« Reply #263 on: February 09, 2021, 01:58:39 PM »
what is she talking about

the 75 million who voted for Trump are the Republican Party

not Bushies Romneys or you losers:

I personally want Maga (but without Trump)
I don't think I would vote in '24 if it is someone like murkowski -
might as well stay home
Murky  needs to be removed next cycle


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Deep State Andy ready to roll over on National Anthem
« Reply #264 on: February 10, 2021, 05:28:02 PM »


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Trump has to have his revenge
« Reply #265 on: February 13, 2021, 11:29:20 AM »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Republicans, Sen Richard Burr, NC
« Reply #266 on: February 14, 2021, 11:26:09 AM »
"When this process started, I believed that it was unconstitutional to impeach a president who was no longer in office. I still believe that to be the case. However, the Senate is an institution based on precedent, and given that the majority in the Senate voted to proceed with this trial, the question of constitutionality is now established precedent. As an impartial juror, my role is now to determine whether House managers have sufficiently made the case for the article of impeachment against President Trump."

Make sure I understand this correctly, he is saying his own vote is unconstitutional?


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the Republicans
« Reply #267 on: February 14, 2021, 03:32:50 PM »


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McConnell not being helpful
« Reply #268 on: February 15, 2021, 05:47:39 AM »
While I don't want another Trump run this is certainly IMHO counter productive

Lets thank Trump for ALL he DID do and
then find someone who can fight as hard as him but with a more controlled temperament .

but going after his forever as  private citizen

that is what Dems do and is more than bad enough -  but it certainly shouldn't be us.........


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john boehner
« Reply #271 on: April 02, 2021, 04:37:05 PM »
drunk stoned on pot

and now bitter

thanks to the likes of him we have the mess we are tody
if we just had Republicans who were in such a hurray to sell us out to be able to be invited to the DC circurt cocktail parties and make millions sitting on boards of companies
doing jack s..t:

oh yea we would be sooooo much better off if just we had listened
to the old drunk

who I bet would go out for dinner with  Biden
who was  also warm and fuzzy
and they would reach across the aisle
and kiss each other with romantic bipartisanship

am I angry
yes, along with 75 million + others


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Bush immigration good amnesty for all
« Reply #272 on: April 18, 2021, 07:27:26 AM »
pay some back taxes but basically reward them for breaking the law :

as always he tries so hard to be gracious to Democrats and offers the loser Madeline Albright of an example of an immigrant who I guess helped America?

what have Bushes ever done other then concede
  never any fight back
  always pretend they are gracious and above the fray

  all the while the party of conservatism is withering on the vine and almost dead.
  has he spoken about critical race theory trans in womens sports
  our adversaries China etc
 it may be a MSM thing that we only hear him state something that in end results concedes more to the left

thanks to that thinking we are where we are today

That should be the Bushes legacies
  appeasement , retreat and concede
  till we are driven off the cliff


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Re: Bush immigration good amnesty for all
« Reply #273 on: April 18, 2021, 10:50:35 AM »
"Applicants should have to pay a fine and back taxes, document their work history, demonstrate English proficiency and knowledge of US history and civics, and provide a clean background check."

  - Maybe we could start a federal agency that manages that, screens them, makes sure they come in in manageable numbers in an orderly way that is not disruptive to the success of the country they come in for.  Oh that's right, we already have that and nobody is following or enforcing the rules.

George Bush broke his own law, causing the crisis we have today:
Secure Fence Act of 2006 - "Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security, within 18 months of enactment of this Act, to take appropriate actions to achieve operational control over U.S. international land and maritime borders, including: (1) systematic border surveillance through more effective use of personnel and technology, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage, and cameras; and (2) physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful border entry and facilitate border access by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, such as additional checkpoints, all weather access roads, and vehicle barriers.
Defines "operational control" as the prevention of all unlawful U.S. entries, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband."
At this point, George Bush has the support of neither party.


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another ex Bush dupe
« Reply #274 on: July 04, 2021, 01:04:33 PM »
go to 11:03 minute mark

to listen the the usual never Trump ex Bush loser:

he sounds like a Democrat
 he bitches about the Trump style Republican "brand"

his idea of a republican brand (in NJ) brand is basically we need to become democrats

he loves Dem Gov . Murphy because he has been social justice warrier

systemic racism has declined a "little"
   in America

he champions Bush who was a champion on the fight against Racism .

PS: W "won" 11 % of the Black vote in 2004
   Wow that was great.    :roll:




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Re: another ex Bush dupe
« Reply #275 on: July 04, 2021, 01:43:23 PM »
This is why the country is falling apart in every way...

go to 11:03 minute mark

to listen the the usual never Trump ex Bush loser:

he sounds like a Democrat
 he bitches about the Trump style Republican "brand"

his idea of a republican brand (in NJ) brand is basically we need to become democrats

he loves Dem Gov . Murphy because he has been social justice warrier

systemic racism has declined a "little"
   in America

he champions Bush who was a champion on the fight against Racism .

PS: W "won" 11 % of the Black vote in 2004
   Wow that was great.    :roll:




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watch , the usual rinos will vote for this
« Reply #277 on: October 26, 2021, 04:05:16 PM »
so dems can run around scamming us with the phony phrase "bipartisan"

totally foolish

vote for our own demise........

how is that common ground.........

the scams will be in the details.........


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Re: watch , the usual rinos will vote for this
« Reply #278 on: October 26, 2021, 04:17:29 PM »
They’ll have to pass it so we can find out what’s in it!

so dems can run around scamming us with the phony phrase "bipartisan"

totally foolish

vote for our own demise........

how is that common ground.........

the scams will be in the details.........


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the Republicans
« Reply #280 on: November 12, 2021, 06:53:04 AM »
".We actually need to both defeat the establishment Republicans and unite with them, a daunting proposition."

and that was and to lesser degree still is the problem with the "brand"

it is DC repubs whose main purpose is to retreat , cave to the left and worry getting along and
being bipartisan and globalism

The Romney types


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the Republicans
« Reply #283 on: November 14, 2021, 09:56:36 AM »
has mastered the art of

chutzpah + delusions + narcissism = Chris Christie


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Conservatives in 2040
« Reply #284 on: March 25, 2022, 07:03:42 AM »


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Liz Cheney
« Reply #285 on: May 28, 2022, 08:41:20 AM »
Saw part of this on C Span

now I know the Cheney family in the US goes back to the 1640s  :wink:

She needs to strapped into a chair and forced to watch 2000 Mules ! :))

Yes I get people breaking into the Capital was shamefull

but no comment about election fraud on a massive scale

yes "no proof" despite all the circumstantial evidence pointing that it occurred

and now we have strong evidence the Dems illegally defrauded the election
I am sure she will ignore

of course it is all water under the bridge now
but has she been a force for more secure elections?

that don't make it easy to cheat?


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« Reply #287 on: June 22, 2022, 07:02:34 AM »
Good morning, kids. Wednesday and is it just me or does it seem as if we have absolutely zero representation in government? Meh, why even ask that question when I have been asserting since January 6th, 2021 that we no longer even have a government. Our lives and everything we've worked for and played by the rules to build, achieve and try to leave as a legacy for our children is being destroyed and stolen by politicians who embody the perfect storm of zero morality, zero empathy, and most dangerous of all, essentially zero accountability in legal or political terms.

I don't need to go into the motivations of the tyrannical evil that is the Democrat-Left. To paraphrase that old song, "If you don't know them by now," etc. And then, there's the GOP.

I don't know why I'm getting so worked up. After years and years of hearing them bitch and moan about being one third of three fifths of one half of 99 44/100ths percent of government, and donate more to to the RNC and renew your National Review subscriptions, we finally give them all of it in 2016 and they stab us in the chest.

No, they are not "the stupid party" because they're not stupid. They're not even a political party. They are part and parcel of the anti-American criminal enterprise that is hell bent for leather on our destruction and enslavement.

They hate you. They resent you. They resent having to pretend to like you or give two shits about your concerns to fool you into voting for them and donating to their campaigns. Funny how some of the loudest voices talking about things like "disinformation" on a whole range of subjects are RINOs. Check that; it's the RINOs that are absolutely silent when their own voters are assaulted, persecuted and censored by the Democrat-Left when we attempt to exercise our rights and freedoms.

Worst of all are the RINOs that are in solidly red states who know they have you by the short hairs every two or six years because it's almost impossible to primary them and failing that you'll hold your nose and pull that lever rather than risk having a Democrat. Since the end of World War Two, the trajectory of this nation has been steadily off a cliff. The only difference was that the GOP was in a Model A while the Democrats were in a Lamborghini.

Case in point is John Cornyn. After being greeted by an auditorium of jeers, boos and catcalls for his eagerness to join the Democrats (I use the word "join" as a placeholder since he never was separate from them) to grab our guns, and with Texas about to be swamped by a fresh invasion of hundreds of thousands if not millions more illegal aliens, both resulting in an indigenous Latino population fleeing Democrats, what does John Cornyn do?

After Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) tapped Cornyn to negotiate a deal on gun control, he now promised to move forward on a deal on amnesty.
“First guns, now it’s immigration,” Cornyn told Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA).
“That’s right, we’re going to do it,” said Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).

Andrew Surabian, a former Donald Trump administration official, said in reaction to Cornyn’s pledge for amesty, “From selling out on gun control to selling out on amnesty in light speed”. . .

. . . Cornyn was recently booed at the Texas annual Republican Party convention last Friday over his work with Democrats to pass gun control.

The boos apparently did not faze Cornyn.

“After Sen @JohnCornyn was met with such hatred at the @TexasGOP convention in Houston, I’m told he said to a few people, ‘I’ve never given in to mobs and I’m not starting today,’” Cornyn’s retweet read.

As Gordon Lightfoot once crooned, "If you could read my mind, love, what a tale my thoughts would tell, I'd rip John Cornyn's melon head off, and kick his bony ass straight to hell. . ."

I added that last part. And here's what John Cornyn and his ilk have wrought in the wake of a mass shooting perpetrated by a mind poisoned by years of Leftist cultural rot, aided and abetted by the abject cowardice and incompetence of local law enforcement.

Many of us have been worried about Republicans yielding to the Democrats even a little on gun legislation, and for good reason. The Democrats aren’t known for being satisfied once the GOP acquiesces on any issue. Republicans are Charlie Brown and the Dems are Lucy with the football every time something like this happens.
The Republican squishes never stop falling for it.

There are two HUGE problems with this legislation, especially for conservatives: it legitimizes both federal intervention in state matters and “red flag” laws. The latter is particularly problematic because implementation is rife with gray areas, no matter how many stipulations are in place. As I have been fond of saying, once red-flag laws are on the books, we’re on the most slippery of slippery slopes. One day people are raising legitimate concerns, the next we have people reporting the neighbor who just rubs them the wrong way.

From Andrea Widburg at American Thinker:

At a first hasty glance, it does seem as if the Republicans at least tried to insert some protections. (Caveat: The problem with quickly reading these bills isn’t just that they’re long. They are also written to amend a multitude of existing statutes. That means that, if you really want to understand a proposed bill, you must read the other laws to which the bill refers. I have not done so.) . . .
. . . Will the above language protect people’s Second Amendment rights? The proof of this pudding will be in the eating. I suspect many people hit with a red flag law complaint will be unable to obtain counsel—and the government’s not going to help. Without a lawyer to assert those rights, they may as well not exist. Also, these will be hasty proceedings with judges terrified of possibly letting a future shooter go. Despite the protections, the bias will be to seize weapons—and then, good luck to the citizen trying to get them back later. . .

. . . I’m inclined to believe that our mental health and violent problems stem from a broken culture that sees politicians, the media, and educators encourage racial hatred; flood the country with illegal aliens, who bring with them illegal drugs, guns, and sex traffickers; destroy the economy; create a culture of death with unlimited abortions; legalize marijuana, a drug strongly associated with psychosis and violence; ignore existing laws, including those against illegal guns and gun crime; and sow confusion about biological sex.

All these things break a culture and broken cultures produce broken, violent people. No additional mental health funding or red flag laws will change that.

John Cornyn and the GOP wing of the Democrat-Leftist Junta want to take your guns away for one reason only: to leave you defenseless against them. Period, full stop. And if they can't take your guns away, John Cornyn and the GOP wing of the Democrat-Leftist Junta want amnesty and open borders so they have safety in numbers, and to replace us with a citizenry more amenable to their control.

I can't see how illegals will do the jobs Americans refuse to do when there are no jobs because we will have been completely de-industrialized and our economy totally destroyed within the next five years if not sooner.

John Cornyn. Thank you and fuck you. Go die in a fire and take the GOP with you.


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John Cornyn
« Reply #288 on: June 22, 2022, 07:37:28 AM »
his legislation
on gun control
and amnesty seems surprising
since his record is pretty conservative overall
 according to Wikipedia

but then again when I view the Liberty Score he sucks. only 54% and grades a big F:


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Re: The complicit party
« Reply #291 on: August 24, 2022, 02:42:15 PM »

Jesse Kelly:
Democrats get elected and spend every moment rewarding their friends and punishing their enemies.

Republicans get elected and spend every moment apologizing for their friends. Republicans go on Sunday shows and brag to the communist host about how “reasonable” they are.

Democrats hire 87,000 new government agents to rob Republicans at the point of a gun and hand the money to their voters.

Only one of those parties wants to win.


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Republicans don't get it
« Reply #292 on: August 28, 2022, 02:51:21 AM »
Republicans Don’t Get It
Joe Biden and congressional Democrats are plowing new and dangerous ground. Meanwhile, the GOP is silent.
By Julie Kelly

August 25, 2022
When Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) looks around his adopted hometown of Washington, D.C.—a city shamelessly and aggressively using every lever of federal power to destroy Donald Trump and the 76 million Americans who dared to vote for him in 2020—he sees only one menace to the well-being of the nation:

January 6 protesters.

“I do think it’s an important issue,” McConnell said in response to a reporter’s question about a recent poll that ranked “threats to democracy” as the top concern among registered voters who responded. “There were those who were trying to prevent the orderly transfer of power for the first time in American history and that was not good.”

But contrary to his somber reflections, January 6 was very good for McConnell; he got exactly what he wanted after the tear gas smoke cleared that evening. As I explained here, not only did McConnell intentionally leave the Capitol largely unguarded, he warned of the irreparable damage to the republic if his Senate Republican colleagues demanded an audit of contested states—the “official proceeding” actually taking place when the building was breached. McConnell later cooed to a reporter that he had prevailed that day.

“Exhilarating” is how McConnell described his emotions after congressional Republicans, cowed by the four-hour disturbance, abandoned their plans to seek a 2020 election audit commission.

In a way, McConnell is right that the events of January 6 represent a grave threat to the country. They do—just not in the way he thinks.

The Capitol protest is being used as the pretext to criminalize political dissent as the FBI continues its dragnet to round up 850-and-counting Trump supporters (with new arrests announced just this week) and the Justice Department circles Donald Trump as the alleged instigator of the “insurrection.”

Political prisoners languish in a special jail for January 6 defendants, a hellscape located in the shadow of McConnell’s throne on Capitol Hill. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s prosecutors ruthlessly seek years in prison for nonviolent offenders, adding domestic terror sentencing enhancements in an escalation of the regime’s war on terror against the Right.

The January 6 select committee has made a mockery of itself while failing to sway public opinion. The same poll that showed a majority of Americans feared “threats to democracy” above all other issues also showed they have little or no faith that the government is conducting a fair inquiry. Yet this phony January 6 investigation provides cover for all sorts of lawfare, not least of which is the production of tens of thousands of Trump’s presidential records from his last year in office, a process expedited by the unprecedented denial of executive privilege claims by Joe Biden.

But McConnell, his Senate GOP toadies, and most Republican House members are intentionally oblivious to the radical weaponization of the Justice Department.

Following a brief outburst after the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago, congressional Republicans have gone back to radio silence. Promises of a “rapid response team” to counter the January 6 committee’s primetime performances landed no punches as Republicans shied away from much-needed fights over several questions the committee left unanswered, including the lack of progress in the hunt for the mysterious pipe bomber and unreleased surveillance footage. Instead, they pivoted quickly to familiar ground: high food and energy prices.

Fear and impotence paralyze Republican Party leaders as well as those aspiring to hold leadership positions in a potential Republican majority. If the party doesn’t blow it, that is.

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Unfortunately, it appears as though the GOP is doing precisely that. Republican voters, disgusted with the party’s wholesale failure to confront the Democrats’ scorched earth crusade with little more than tough-sounding tweets, eventually will channel Hillary Clinton and begin asking “what difference” their anger and votes even make.

What difference, at this point, does it make if Republicans win Congress in November?

As Victor Davis Hanson observed this week:

the left-wing playbook is based on two pillars: the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home, the January 6 ‘insurrection’ investigation—and selective daily leaking about both. Between the raid and the star-chamber House inquiry, we are supposed to forget unaffordable gas and food, dangerous U.S. cities, over 3 million people swarming the border, and the Afghanistan debacle. Yet if the Republicans advance a coherent national plan of action to restore a pre-Biden America, if Donald Trump will focus positively on national issues and not take the bait to obsess on the wrongs done to him, and if grass-roots conservatives this time around prepare to preempt massive left-wing vote harvesting, they will achieve their blowout.

“But that is a lot of ifs,” Hanson writes. “And meanwhile, time grows short.”

Seventy-five days to be exact.

So, what’s the plan? Who in the GOP is detailing how Congress will dismantle this abusive administrative state targeting their own voters? Where is the pledge to cut off funding to the FBI and U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, a Biden campaign advisor now handling the vengeful prosecution of Trump voters?

Where are the public denouncements of Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, a longtime Obama loyalist now attempting to finish what her boss started in 2016 by putting Trump in handcuffs, or of Steven D’Antuono, the FBI chief responsible for the Gretchen Whitmer fednapping hoax, who sent his agents to Palm Beach to participate in the raid of the former president’s residence?

Republicans may not control much in Washington yet, but there are other ways to draw attention to this destructive abuse of power. The Biden regime and congressional Democrats are plowing new and dangerous ground, and Republicans appear unwilling to do anything about it.

Republican voters hear their silence. And in November, they might hear Republicans’ silence in return.


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« Last Edit: October 04, 2022, 07:15:44 AM by DougMacG »


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« Reply #294 on: October 06, 2022, 08:56:15 AM »

less then 3 months  :))))))))))

but of course we will see her on CNN MSLSD etc

in her new day job ...... :((((((


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mike lindell wants to be rnc chair
« Reply #295 on: November 26, 2022, 06:03:20 AM »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the Republicans
« Reply #296 on: November 26, 2022, 03:26:26 PM »
Oy vey.


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the Left having a field day with all the public spats
« Reply #297 on: December 20, 2022, 10:58:42 AM »

I dunno
I like the way McCarthy talks

he gets it, if you ask me. (did anyone ask you say? :- )


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McConnell on NBC
« Reply #298 on: December 27, 2022, 09:22:43 AM »
Just like I posted
McConnell shows up on **liberal**
not explain to his own party why he would vote for 1.7 trill bill
but to bash Trump and blame him for loss of Senate :

I don't know how we get rid of this guy .....


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Another Republican who hates Trump
« Reply #299 on: January 01, 2023, 01:23:37 PM »
and spends time on MSM bashing all Republicans altogether:

I don't agree with Walsh.

McCarthy already has an agenda that is not simply "revenge"

and, no I am not tired of fighting back Liberals

and simply doing the "business of the people"
and compromising

as the country continues to be pushed in to the dumpster

why does he see fit to go on MSNBC to make his opinion heard ......

like so many rino's