Author Topic: Biden Transition and Administration  (Read 46593 times)


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Everywhere is now California
« Reply #101 on: January 25, 2021, 02:49:43 PM »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #105 on: January 27, 2021, 07:02:08 PM »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #107 on: January 28, 2021, 06:47:13 AM »
".Biden Commerce Secretary Nominee Ran The State Ranked Worst For Commerce
Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2
Paul Morigi/Getty Images

Daily Caller News Foundation logo****

but she is qualified ->
 a babe and a hard core Democrat


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great uniter
« Reply #108 on: January 28, 2021, 11:48:52 AM »
By wiping out the Republican party for as long as the eye can see:

happy now never trumpers
who are stupid enough to blame trump for this
dumb asses

biden was always a democrat first

he could


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration, Now we know
« Reply #109 on: January 29, 2021, 05:58:43 AM »
Biden Comes Out of the Gate Surprisingly Progressive
Michelle Goldberg, NY Times

So Much for Joe Biden, Moderate
Merrill Matthews, The Hill

Which of his advisers or puppetmasters is arguing for moderation? 
What a joke.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 09:37:40 AM by DougMacG »


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we have got to get rid of Romney Murkoski and this Sullivan person
« Reply #111 on: February 03, 2021, 08:26:08 AM »
I sort of give Collins a pass

mitt murkowsky need to be defeated and stay in private sector:


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Re: we have got to get rid of Romney Murkoski and this Sullivan person
« Reply #112 on: February 03, 2021, 08:56:52 AM »
I sort of give Collins a pass
mitt murkowsky need to be defeated and stay in private sector:

Agree on Collins, Romney, Murkowski.  Sullivan is okay, I believe. Confirming the 'winning' candidate's appointees is different than making policy.

"...expected to continue rolling back immigration policies..."  We should be fixing this in Congress and the courts, not cabinet or even executive level discretion.

For as long as Maine is a Dem state (which I don't understand) we are lucky to have a centrist R in the Senate.  More than half the states are conservative which means more than half the Senators should be conservative.  Especially Alaska and Utah!  Mitt Romney has four more years??!! This needs to be solved in the candidate recruitment, primary and general election processes.  Having media 98% against us and social media and academia 100% against us is doing real damage. 

Meanwhile. what can FHOF ( do for reachout?  How about a Crafty or ccp rant video that goes viral?   )


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #113 on: February 03, 2021, 01:49:59 PM »
I've composed some real humdingers in my head.

Someone at Liberty U. has reached out to me to do a show/podcast.  At the moment I am dealing with a hip issue so the 3+ hour drive is not appealing but as soon as I get this straightened out I will be heading up there.

Stay tuned!


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Beijing Biden staffs up with communist China sympathizers
« Reply #116 on: February 08, 2021, 07:15:26 AM »

One of them, the Asian policy czar, is Kurt Campbell...board vice chairman of the U.S.-China Strong Foundation.
The foundation has promoted the Chinese army and China’s Belt and Road Initiative—deemed a national security threat by U.S. officials. It has also partnered with the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, an educational nonprofit organization that the State Department designated as a foreign mission last summer, citing its promotion of Beijing’s propaganda efforts to academics across the world.

In August 2017, the U.S.-China Strong Foundation appeared to celebrate the founding of the People’s Liberation Army on its Twitter account, writing, “Today is the 90th anniversary of the founding of China’s PLA!” and urging followers to read about a commemorating address by President Xi.

There’s also Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who has been nominated to serve as U.S. ambassador to the U.N.

In a column for the Washington Post, Josh Rogan pointed to past remarks by Thomas-Greenfield on China, some of which she delivered at a Chinese Communist Party-funded Confucius Institute. According to Rogan:

She touted Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative and noted China’s vast expansion into all aspects of African economic and even cultural life. She criticized the Trump administration for treating Africa as a battleground for great power competition. She said the United States and China are not in a cold war.
The United States and China are not in a cold war?   - Did we already lose and it's over?


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Biden Administration, Suzi LeVine
« Reply #117 on: February 08, 2021, 07:19:35 AM »
Suzi LeVine, the departing head of Washington’s Employment Security Department (ESD), is Joe Biden’s pick to lead the federal office that helps states manage unemployment benefits. In this post — interim assistant secretary of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) at the Labor Department — LeVine would be at the forefront of the Biden administration’s economic response to the pandemic.
Seattle Times:
News that LeVine was leaving the ESD ignited a storm of criticism last week over problems at the ESD during her 2-1/2 year tenure. Notable among those was a fraud scheme last spring that siphoned off $600 million in unemployment funds, as well as chronic delays in benefit payments to legitimate claimants during the pandemic.


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Re: Biden Administration, Suzi LeVine
« Reply #118 on: February 08, 2021, 09:43:30 AM »
Nothing like failing upwards in government!

Suzi LeVine, the departing head of Washington’s Employment Security Department (ESD), is Joe Biden’s pick to lead the federal office that helps states manage unemployment benefits. In this post — interim assistant secretary of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) at the Labor Department — LeVine would be at the forefront of the Biden administration’s economic response to the pandemic.
Seattle Times:
News that LeVine was leaving the ESD ignited a storm of criticism last week over problems at the ESD during her 2-1/2 year tenure. Notable among those was a fraud scheme last spring that siphoned off $600 million in unemployment funds, as well as chronic delays in benefit payments to legitimate claimants during the pandemic.


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Smoking Gun Proof that Slow Joe Biden Is Not In Charge
« Reply #119 on: February 10, 2021, 07:37:02 AM »
52 carefully crafted Executive Orders were issued by President Joe Biden in the first  20 days.  But we know Joe has not had 52 coherent thoughts in the last 52 years. 

These Executive Orders were not written by staff at his direction.  They were signed by Joe at the direction of whoever is really in charge.


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Re: Smoking Gun Proof that Slow Joe Biden Is Not In Charge
« Reply #120 on: February 10, 2021, 08:57:14 AM »

52 carefully crafted Executive Orders were issued by President Joe Biden in the first  20 days.  But we know Joe has not had 52 coherent thoughts in the last 52 years. 

These Executive Orders were not written by staff at his direction.  They were signed by Joe at the direction of whoever is really in charge.


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Re: Smoking Gun Proof that Slow Joe Biden Is Not In Charge
« Reply #121 on: February 10, 2021, 09:59:16 AM »

"seemingly innocent title “Modernizing Regulatory Review.” Except this order isn’t about modernizing regulations. It’s about unleashing the regulatory state with a ferocity never before seen in this country."

   - Does anyone believe this diabolical deep state work is the brainchild of Joe Biden and he directed his staff to work out the wording?  No.  His Leftist, deep state puppetmasters designed and wrote this and directed slow Joe to sign it.

We don't know who is running this country.  We can only identify their aims and methods by their work product.

52 Deep State highly partisan executive actions are neither democratic nor unifying. 

Take us as far to the fascist dictatorial Left as you dare before we stop you.  All I ask is that you stop lying about it.  There is nothing democratic or unifying about anything they have done so far.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #122 on: February 11, 2021, 04:46:13 AM »
This thread is more about personel than policy.


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Peter Principle from CA : Julie Su
« Reply #123 on: February 11, 2021, 06:49:16 PM »
Progressives like to say these days that the Biden Administration is bringing California’s values to the rest of America, and alas that seems to be true. Consider the nomination of California Labor secretary Julie Su to be deputy U.S. Labor secretary after presiding over a gargantuan unemployment benefits fraud.

California has paid some $120 billion in unemployment benefits during the pandemic, nearly a quarter of all payouts nationwide. That alone suggests a governance problem. Yet Ms. Su last month disclosed that $11.4 billion has gone to foreign cyber-criminals, prison inmates and other scammers. Another $19 billion in potentially fraudulent claims are under investigation.

Local district attorneys and the feds have in recent months brought charges against some of the thieves. They include a former labor agency employee who allegedly filed 100 phony claims in other people’s names that totalled up to $2 million. A $21,000 payment to California Sen. Dianne Feinstein tipped off local investigators but not state workers who paid the claim.

Fraud appears to have been pervasive in state prisons with at least one phony claim filed from each facility. Prison payments have added up to more than $800 million. At least 133 death row inmates, including the well-known convicted killer Scott Peterson, had claims filed in their names.

One entrepreneurial inmate gathered personal information from her fellow prisoners and shared their details with a parolee who filed claims in their names. The government lost a mere $200,000 on that scam. Unlike the Maserati that one drug trafficker used his phony benefits to buy, the government can’t confiscate the parolee's spoils. She spent it on plastic surgery.

The ease of swindling California’s unemployment benefits system wasn’t exactly a well-kept secret among criminals. In her defense, Ms. Su says California’s antiquated tech system was targeted by “sophisticated methods of identity theft” amid a surge of claims. She also blamed (of course) the Trump Administration for not providing guidance to the state.

Two recent state audits put the blame closer to home. Ms. Su was appointed to her position in January 2019. The Employment Development Department, which she oversees, has told the state Legislature multiple times that it needs to cross-match claims with incarceration data, as most states do, including in June 2019 and June 2020. California didn’t begin to do so until December.

The U.S. Labor Department also repeatedly warned the state that it needed to improve its fraud prevention, including in May 2020. Instead the state government removed fraud prevention checks so it could send payments out more quickly. Only two workers were responsible for reviewing and verifying identities on thousands of suspect claims each day.

Even though 1,700 claims came from a single address, staff still made payments to that address. The hapless agency eventually directed Bank of America, which issued benefit payments on debit cards, to freeze suspicious accounts. Yet when unemployed workers with legitimate claims were unable to access their benefits, the department blamed the bank.

Now imagine if this huge and embarrassing fraud had occurred at a bank. The managers and most likely the executives who allowed it would be fired. Sen. Elizabeth Warren would be issuing subpoenas and calling for heads on pikes. Yet the Biden White House seems to think the California fraud will be no obstacle to the confirmation for Ms. Su.

This confirms long experience that there is little accountability in progressive government because good intentions matter more than results. Billions in fraud and waste are merely an assumed cost of the welfare state. So Ms. Su is getting a golden parachute into the Biden Administration, where she won’t have to answer for her California failures.


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Re: Peter Principle from CA : Julie Su
« Reply #124 on: February 11, 2021, 07:04:31 PM »
"Yet the Biden White House seems to think the California fraud will be no obstacle to the confirmation for Ms. Su."

   - Fraud is their middle name.  To cover it up she can argue it was incompetence, not fraud.  That should get them to 50 votes.


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Re: Peter Principle from CA : Julie Su
« Reply #125 on: February 11, 2021, 07:09:34 PM »
"Yet the Biden White House seems to think the California fraud will be no obstacle to the confirmation for Ms. Su."

   - Fraud is their middle name.  To cover it up she can argue it was incompetence, not fraud.  That should get them to 50 votes.

The left is only concerned with intent, not results. See their love of big government, no matter how destructive the end result has been.


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Climate CZAR under Dept. of Treasury
« Reply #126 on: February 13, 2021, 11:53:54 AM »


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The Biden Plan to Ruin the Country
« Reply #127 on: February 14, 2021, 09:47:18 AM »
What would you do differently if you were trying to ruin the country?

Day 1: Energy. End the Keystone XL Pipeline and all oil and gas drilling and discovery on federal lands or offshore and rid us of any semblance of energy independence. In one fell swoop we are “over the barrel” again and beholden to Middle Eastern fiefdoms. Did I mention it also killed over 11,000 high-paying union jobs?

Day 2: Immigration. Anyone who wants to come here, regardless of qualifications, can now come. Supposed “new” Americans are more important than “present” Americans. Twelve million people immediately; tens of millions more soon, perhaps? No restrictions and amnesty guaranteed.

Day 3: Migration. Any Central or South American should start packing and move al norte today, preferably those who are poor, destitute, and unskilled. All caravans included and encouraged. Asylum for all seekers and the de facto end of our borders. Stop building that damn wall. Defund ICE and return to the very effective—catch and release.

Day 4: Socialized medicine. More and more Obamacare and Medicare for all. On the way to universal free care, the government will pick up the tab and all private health plans will simply wither away. No, you can’t keep your doctor!

Day 5: Climate change. Re-enter the dubious Paris (not Pittsburgh) Accord and enforce a green new deal while China and India continue to pollute to their hearts’ content. It doesn’t matter that we only have a dozen years to live anyhow. It is science. And John Kerry can still fly off in his private jet and pick up an award as the most pompous of the elite.

Day 6: Prison reform. Incarcerate fewer and fewer criminals and eliminate all private detention centers while ending bail and disallowing penalties for most felonies and “minor” infractions.

Day 7: Military reform. Transsexuals are OK in the trenches but now conservatives in uniform must prove that they are not “extremists” or “white supremacists.”

Day 8: More regulation. All of Trump’s deregulation is off the table. The entire federal workforce (the base) is secure. As an aside, we will also require mask-wearing (or perhaps three masks) indefinitely. A $15 an hour minimum wage is on the way shortly, even if it kills the economy. Critical Race Theory training is mandated again for all federal agencies.

Day 9: COVID relief. Much more money thrown at a long list of Democratic Party favorites, almost all of which have nothing to do with the pandemic. Another $1.9 trillion (with a T) now but little or nothing for small businesses and an emphasis on equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. Bailouts for “needy” blue cities and states are most essential.

Day 10: Schools. Keep them closed. Teachers’ unions are much more important than kids or education. And no school choice, ever!

Day 11: Foreign policy. Rejoin and pay the Chinese-controlled World Health Organization. Restart the Iran deal. Fund abortions around the globe. Disrespect Israel whenever and whenever possible. Keep the troops in Afghanistan and fighting in Syria. Demand more globalism, and make sure America comes last, not first.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #128 on: February 14, 2021, 10:44:07 AM »
".What would you do differently if you were trying to ruin the country?"

out arch enemy whom we are at war with could not have been a better set of policies for us

can add :

open borders -> more narcs
and fentanyl from China.


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definitely now is the time to plan for the worst
« Reply #129 on: February 16, 2021, 03:58:19 PM »

notice no mention of China to Macron

"climate change corona" and to "support democracy at home and around the world."

whatever that BS means......

DEFEND DEMOCRACY! [ using Tuckers voice ]


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #130 on: February 16, 2021, 08:15:06 PM »
And we thought she was just standing there in her hijab  , , ,


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #131 on: February 16, 2021, 09:04:09 PM »
And we thought she was just standing there in her hijab  , , ,

It's going to be a bit of a breach of protocol when Harris officially becomes president, walks into the oval office and then reflexively crawls under the desk...


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Garland for DOJ - well it is a done deal
« Reply #135 on: February 24, 2021, 07:07:33 AM »

his views on immigration in 2016 "not known"

However , a clue is that he has been deferential to the executive branch on such matters (2016):


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #141 on: March 10, 2021, 01:56:07 PM »
"Biden Administration, Merrick Garland in Harvard Crimson, Rape song is hilarious"

not even in my wildest frat days would I have laughed at that .

no biggee

it was decades ago   :wink:


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1.9 trill covid bill passed
« Reply #142 on: March 10, 2021, 02:08:47 PM »
passed in Senate
now Congress

thats it were done
national elections will be rigged forever

all the port for Dems to buy more voters

borders wide open

thats all she wrote folks

check mate

too late for 2022


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Garland approved
« Reply #143 on: March 11, 2021, 10:04:10 AM »

I guess approval of rape joke
is no biggie

the LEFT has decided.

his targets are already chosen and in his sights for sure

Trump will get arrested for some reason


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Blinken : China right ; we are racist
« Reply #145 on: March 31, 2021, 05:01:32 AM »

we are so racist that immigrants including Asians , Chinese and Indians have come to this country opened business became lawyers doctors scientists, professors, politicians,  own half the motels (think Patel - Hotel as one Indian friend told me ). in the South
while blacks claim they are suppressed

compare that to the Mandarin Chinese .   How many immigrants , non Mandarin , are. CCP in China


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Re: Blinken : China right ; we are racist
« Reply #146 on: March 31, 2021, 10:36:55 AM »
The PRC has no legal structure to allow for immigration.

we are so racist that immigrants including Asians , Chinese and Indians have come to this country opened business became lawyers doctors scientists, professors, politicians,  own half the motels (think Patel - Hotel as one Indian friend told me ). in the South
while blacks claim they are suppressed

compare that to the Mandarin Chinese .   How many immigrants , non Mandarin , are. CCP in China


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Biden Administration - Lying when their lips move
« Reply #147 on: April 02, 2021, 07:10:24 AM »

“On the front page of is a bar chart showing how many shots have been delivered relative to Biden’s new goal of 200 million shots by April 29.

“There’s a curious feature about this chart, however. Based on the scale, there were zero shots administered on Day 1 of the Biden administration. The chart is divided up into equal 50 million shot increments. So, it appears that on Biden’s ‘Day 1’ there’d been none, when in fact there had already been more than 21 million shots administered.”

And pointing to a recent Politico report, Issues & Insights notes that Biden has abandoned his much-ballyhooed plan to speed up vaccinations by creating a flood of government-backed sites for administering the shots:

“Biden is abandoning his hugely expensive government-run vaccination program and relying on a private-sector arrangement established by Trump to get vaccines out quickly. Yet the White House has the gall to imply that no vaccines had been administered when Biden took office?”


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #148 on: April 02, 2021, 07:54:26 AM »
when anyone says they are honest

be wary

never go by what anyone says in this regard

the only way to predict the possibility they are honest is by reviewing their life history
if they always lived honestly with integrity and no know willingness to take bribes etc then you have chance that will be the case going forward

other then that most people take bribes

as for Biden, as Mark Levin  has said ,
and we have always known him to be ,

he is a proven scum bag liar from day one
always was always will be

like Hunter the chip off the old block sans the  drug problem

he is Borking us like he did the the supreme court nominee 30 yrs ago

I always hated him with a passion

I have no idea how people were so snookered into thinking he would truly be bipartisan
  it is not just those around him pulling him to the LEFT
he was always a partisan hack first
just my take

thank all of you for listening
I am suffering from BDS.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #149 on: April 02, 2021, 06:25:24 PM »
We saw him with Bork,, what an ass he was with Clarence Thomas, ccp, you are right.  I tried to warn people he does not have more integrity than Trump and I mean that as a  low bar.

Then this:
Just what was discussed here yesterday, good to hear it amplified.
"Biden and His Idiot Supporters Are Trying to Cancel Georgia"  AND NOT CHINA!!
Something is the matter with these people.