Author Topic: 2024  (Read 145911 times)


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Re: 2024
« Reply #100 on: December 15, 2021, 07:02:51 AM »
"Right now I think DeSantis should be next Republicans nominee for President, with Trump's support, but being Trump's VP may not be the best path there. Ask Mike Pence about that."


one can only be a Trump VP if one is willing to be a trained dog and play lackey

DeSantis is better than that

Running as VP to Trump is FAR more likely to ruin then help him later on
unless Trump were to croak while in office (if he could get it with 40 % approval or be the slightly better choice of two hated candidates)

my one cent....

I am in one half of the Republicans cited as we need Trump like policies(except the spending)
withOUT Trump

I am hoping DeSantis (or someone else emerges) who fits the bill


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CNN: 11 other Democrats for 2024
« Reply #101 on: December 15, 2021, 09:06:25 AM »
No there aren't 11 ready to step up.  If they had one, we wouldn't have Biden.

Missing on the list, Polis, the gay Gov of Colorado who, like DeSantis, wants his state open.  What makes Butti more qualified? His  supply chain success?


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Re: CNN: 11 other Democrats for 2024
« Reply #102 on: December 15, 2021, 11:35:56 AM »
One that CNN missed, we already knew, HRC:

Another admission they have no one.  SO much baggage.  She isn't in the clear in the Durham investigation and he'll never be cleared in the Epstein affairs.  The girls and women Bill Clinton messed with are going to out-live him, and she chose politics over justice for the women every time it came up. Why can't Hill and Bill settle in and enjoy retirement?


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poll. Trump wins - but wait maybe not
« Reply #103 on: December 21, 2021, 02:40:56 PM »

A substantial number of voters consider AOC (socialism free shit for all - who do not have to pay for it)

the one who represents their  views!

we do hold a lead among those who "claim" no party allegience.....

are republicans looking PAST the 2022 election and actually have a plan

or is it going to be '16 all over again
   where they screw it up?


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WSJ: The Return of the Dowager Empress
« Reply #104 on: January 11, 2022, 01:42:04 PM »
Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Election Comeback
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become unpopular. It may be time for a change candidate.
By Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein
Jan. 11, 2022 12:28 pm ET

A perfect storm in the Democratic Party is making a once-unfathomable scenario plausible: a political comeback for Hillary Clinton in 2024.

Several circumstances—President Biden’s low approval rating, doubts over his capacity to run for re-election at 82, Vice President Kamala Harris’s unpopularity, and the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket in 2024—have created a leadership vacuum in the party, which Mrs. Clinton viably could fill.

WSJ Opinion Potomac Watch
What's Missing From Congress's Jan. 6 Agenda

She is already in an advantageous position to become the 2024 Democratic nominee. She is an experienced national figure who is younger than Mr. Biden and can offer a different approach from the disorganized and unpopular one the party is currently taking.

If Democrats lose control of Congress in 2022, Mrs. Clinton can use the party’s loss as a basis to run for president again, enabling her to claim the title of “change candidate.”

Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.

Based on her latest public statements, it’s clear that Mrs. Clinton not only recognizes her position as a potential front-runner but also is setting up a process to help her decide whether or not to run for president again. She recently warned of the electoral consequences in the 2022 midterms if the Democratic Party continues to align itself with its progressive wing and urged Democrats to reject far-left positions that isolate key segments of the electorate.

In a recent MSNBC interview, Mrs. Clinton called on Democrats to engage in “careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep-blue districts where a Democrat and a liberal Democrat, or so-called progressive Democrat, is going to win.” She also noted that party’s House majority “comes from people who win in much more difficult districts.”

Mrs. Clinton also took a veiled jab at the Biden administration and congressional Democrats in an effort to create distance: “It means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done, and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive.”

Even Bill Clinton recently set the stage for his wife’s potential 2024 candidacy, referring to her in an interview with People magazine as “the most qualified person to run for office in my lifetime, including me,” adding that not electing her in 2016 was “one of the most profound mistakes we ever made.”

We can infer based on these recent remarks that Mrs. Clinton would seize the opportunity to run for president again if an opening presents itself. But what are the odds that an opportunity will arise?

The Democrats’ domestic agenda is in disarray given the failure of Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better plan in Congress. Senate Democrats’ latest desperate push to repeal the legislative filibuster to pass their secondary legislative priority, voting-rights reform, will likely weaken their agenda further.

Mr. Biden’s overall approval rating is low (40%), as is his rating on issues including the economy and jobs (38%) and taxes and government spending (33%), according to a recent Economist/YouGov poll. Nearly two-thirds of independent voters disapprove of the president.

Barring a major course correction, we can anticipate that some Democrats will lose important House and Senate races in 2022—in part for the reasons Mrs. Clinton identified—giving Republicans control of both chambers of Congress.

Polls generally show the GOP with a solid lead of at least 2 or 3 points in the 2022 generic congressional vote—a margin that likely would be enough to take back the House, given the narrow Democratic majority and the anticipated outcomes of redistricting in several states that could affect key races.

Given the likelihood that Democrats will lose control of Congress in 2022, we can anticipate that Mrs. Clinton will begin shortly after the midterms to position herself as an experienced candidate capable of leading Democrats on a new and more successful path.

Mrs. Clinton can spend the time between now and midterms doing what the Clinton administration did after the Democrats’ blowout defeat in the 1994 midterms: crafting a moderate agenda on both domestic and foreign policy. This agenda could show that Mrs. Clinton is the only credible alternative to Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, and the entire Democratic Party establishment.

Hillary Clinton remains ambitious, outspoken and convinced that if not for Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey’s intervention and Russian interference that she would have won the 2016 election—and she may be right.

If Democrats want a fighting chance at winning the presidency in 2024, Mrs. Clinton is likely their best option.

Mr. Schoen is founder and partner in Schoen Cooperman Research, a polling and consulting firm whose past clients include Bill Clinton and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Mr. Stein is a former New York City Council president, Manhattan borough president and state assemblyman.


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Re: WSJ: The Return of the Dowager Empress
« Reply #105 on: January 11, 2022, 01:52:56 PM »

At least we know Hillary will insist on having an honest election!

Hillary Clinton’s 2024 Election Comeback
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become unpopular. It may be time for a change candidate.
By Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein
Jan. 11, 2022 12:28 pm ET

A perfect storm in the Democratic Party is making a once-unfathomable scenario plausible: a political comeback for Hillary Clinton in 2024.

Several circumstances—President Biden’s low approval rating, doubts over his capacity to run for re-election at 82, Vice President Kamala Harris’s unpopularity, and the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket in 2024—have created a leadership vacuum in the party, which Mrs. Clinton viably could fill.

WSJ Opinion Potomac Watch
What's Missing From Congress's Jan. 6 Agenda

She is already in an advantageous position to become the 2024 Democratic nominee. She is an experienced national figure who is younger than Mr. Biden and can offer a different approach from the disorganized and unpopular one the party is currently taking.

If Democrats lose control of Congress in 2022, Mrs. Clinton can use the party’s loss as a basis to run for president again, enabling her to claim the title of “change candidate.”

Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.

Based on her latest public statements, it’s clear that Mrs. Clinton not only recognizes her position as a potential front-runner but also is setting up a process to help her decide whether or not to run for president again. She recently warned of the electoral consequences in the 2022 midterms if the Democratic Party continues to align itself with its progressive wing and urged Democrats to reject far-left positions that isolate key segments of the electorate.

In a recent MSNBC interview, Mrs. Clinton called on Democrats to engage in “careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep-blue districts where a Democrat and a liberal Democrat, or so-called progressive Democrat, is going to win.” She also noted that party’s House majority “comes from people who win in much more difficult districts.”

Mrs. Clinton also took a veiled jab at the Biden administration and congressional Democrats in an effort to create distance: “It means nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done, and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive.”

Even Bill Clinton recently set the stage for his wife’s potential 2024 candidacy, referring to her in an interview with People magazine as “the most qualified person to run for office in my lifetime, including me,” adding that not electing her in 2016 was “one of the most profound mistakes we ever made.”

We can infer based on these recent remarks that Mrs. Clinton would seize the opportunity to run for president again if an opening presents itself. But what are the odds that an opportunity will arise?

The Democrats’ domestic agenda is in disarray given the failure of Mr. Biden’s Build Back Better plan in Congress. Senate Democrats’ latest desperate push to repeal the legislative filibuster to pass their secondary legislative priority, voting-rights reform, will likely weaken their agenda further.

Mr. Biden’s overall approval rating is low (40%), as is his rating on issues including the economy and jobs (38%) and taxes and government spending (33%), according to a recent Economist/YouGov poll. Nearly two-thirds of independent voters disapprove of the president.

Barring a major course correction, we can anticipate that some Democrats will lose important House and Senate races in 2022—in part for the reasons Mrs. Clinton identified—giving Republicans control of both chambers of Congress.

Polls generally show the GOP with a solid lead of at least 2 or 3 points in the 2022 generic congressional vote—a margin that likely would be enough to take back the House, given the narrow Democratic majority and the anticipated outcomes of redistricting in several states that could affect key races.

Given the likelihood that Democrats will lose control of Congress in 2022, we can anticipate that Mrs. Clinton will begin shortly after the midterms to position herself as an experienced candidate capable of leading Democrats on a new and more successful path.

Mrs. Clinton can spend the time between now and midterms doing what the Clinton administration did after the Democrats’ blowout defeat in the 1994 midterms: crafting a moderate agenda on both domestic and foreign policy. This agenda could show that Mrs. Clinton is the only credible alternative to Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, and the entire Democratic Party establishment.

Hillary Clinton remains ambitious, outspoken and convinced that if not for Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey’s intervention and Russian interference that she would have won the 2016 election—and she may be right.

If Democrats want a fighting chance at winning the presidency in 2024, Mrs. Clinton is likely their best option.

Mr. Schoen is founder and partner in Schoen Cooperman Research, a polling and consulting firm whose past clients include Bill Clinton and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Mr. Stein is a former New York City Council president, Manhattan borough president and state assemblyman.


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Once a Clinton mobster/groupie - always a clinton mobster/groupie
« Reply #106 on: January 11, 2022, 02:22:37 PM »
crying out loud

Doug Schoen

she is a "national figure" - yes , one of the most despised and corrupt

"Mrs. Clinton can use the party’s loss as a basis to run for president again, enabling her to claim the title of “change candidate.”

 this medusa with the snakes on her head has been around 30 + yrs - hardly a change candidate

" In a recent MSNBC interview, Mrs. Clinton called on Democrats to engage in “careful thinking about what wins elections"

you mean like she did in 2012 and 2016 - LOL

" Hillary Clinton remains ambitious, outspoken and convinced that if not for Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey’s intervention and Russian interference that she would have won the 2016 election—and she may be right."

Are you speaking of the same James Comey who let her off scot free of multiple crimes
and the Russian hoax she made up which was just that - a lying bunch of horse shit

" Hillary Clinton remains ambitious, outspoken "  - she is a delusional sick piece of work

" Mrs. Clinton can spend the time between now and midterms doing what the Clinton administration did after the Democrats’ blowout defeat in the 1994 midterms: crafting a moderate agenda on both domestic and foreign policy"

in other words poll and focus group people up the ass to simply have polling guide what policy to follow - here we go again

" If Democrats want a fighting chance at winning the presidency in 2024, Mrs. Clinton is likely their best option."

So here we go again - getting to know how great Hill really is - and how nice she is !

Is this guy on psilocybin?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #107 on: January 11, 2022, 02:57:24 PM »
No, he is not on psilocybin, he is on the payroll:

"Mr. Schoen is founder and partner in Schoen Cooperman Research, a polling and consulting firm whose past clients include Bill Clinton and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Mr. Stein is a former New York City Council president, Manhattan borough president and state assemblyman."


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Re: 2024
« Reply #108 on: January 12, 2022, 06:41:33 AM »
headline on drudge :

"Democratic operatives say Hillary Clinton is 'best option' for party to win 2024 election"

the money mob is at it again
$ signs going off in their heads

she will be 8 yrs older then the person we saw having to be chucked into  a van due to fatigue
weakness and frailty

oh but as schoen says she is will only be 77 in '24.

she will play the triangulation game
pretend she is a uniter
steal good policies that are republican
   such as strong on defense defined as having "conversations with our friends and allies "
   stronger on police reform and criminals
   yet promising all the free shit crowd their tax payer child care college mortgages
   promoting girl power and her commitment to the blacks gays etc
   and all the while the likes of CNN and MSNBC will be cheerleaders smiling
   excited and the rest

I don't want to go through this again....... the same repeat slimy Clinton team BS

And we will see Leftist polls that claim in a head to head she beats the Donald 45 to 43 etc....

It is like a remake of a movie we have already seen over and over again

We need a PERSEUS

(I personally hope not Donald )


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Re: WSJ: The Return of the Dowager Empress
« Reply #109 on: January 12, 2022, 06:47:06 AM »
Missed a couple of words there, changes the conclusion:
"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have become unpopular like Clinton. It may be time for a change candidate.   - Yes, like none of those.

She has already lost twice for the Dems, and been passed over 4 other times since 2000.  Not exactly the unifier, the silver bullet or the future of the party.

She wasn't really "Secretary of State" as Pres Obama had dozens of special envoys reporting directly to the White House around her and her pretend department.

She is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Steele fiasco, never came clean in the email scandal, left Americans to die in Benghazi, advocated and voted for the Dem unpopular Iraq war, committed felonies in cattle gate, credibly covered up a rape with Juanita Broderick, and dropped Bill off a hundred times at the child sex trafficking Lolita Express without a problem or question.

"We have four dead Americans (under her watch), at this point, what difference does it make?"

She omitted the China human and women's rights chapter of her book in order to have it translated into Chinese and sold in China.

Presidential material? Who? How? Why? Why now?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 10:53:16 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #110 on: January 12, 2022, 06:50:34 AM »
should the Republicans reopen investigations in Congress when they take the House
into Hillary

and her corruption ?

for example

where did all that Clinton Foundation money go to ?



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Re: 2024
« Reply #111 on: January 12, 2022, 10:58:26 AM »
should the Republicans reopen investigations in Congress when they take the House
into Hillary and her corruption ?

for example
where did all that Clinton Foundation money go to ?

Yes and no.  They should be policy focused and forward looking... but ... the Durham investigation, Steel and FBI collusion, Comey 'clearing' HRC scandal has not really been exposed yet.


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second post
« Reply #113 on: January 13, 2022, 12:35:59 PM »
even leftist yahoo news is posting
stuff that disparages Harris

with an NBC interview given by Craig Melvin

he can't be accused of racism but he can be of "sexism":

behind the scenes the journolisters and the lawyerlisters are texting emailing each other like mad trying to save their religion(party) .

I sense the long knives are out for harris and soon to be biden

Dick Morris had Sean Spicer on ~ 2 weeks ago

Morris thinks '24 Dem nominee will be Hillary ; Spicer says his sources will be butti


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This is why we need to rid of ALL rinos
« Reply #114 on: January 14, 2022, 09:02:10 AM »

we con't need dealmakers
or compromisers

we need people willing to tell Hill and Bill
to shove it.


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RNC letter the CPD
« Reply #115 on: January 14, 2022, 09:52:03 AM »

I am not sure why we need the deep state CPD to have a debate to start with.


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Re: Trump loses his patience and starts the attacks on DeSantis
« Reply #117 on: January 17, 2022, 08:25:58 AM »
nickname for Desantis - "dull"

DeSantis can counter that by having Florida State Government entities actively try to subvert him and remove him from office.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #118 on: January 17, 2022, 09:12:37 AM »
I would rather have a bit dull

compared to bombastic in your face deliberate trash talking
headlines every day

that I have to go to great lengths to ignore or explain away

day in and day out for another 4 yrs
of course at this point it will be for 7 yrs

Saw a lot of the AZ rally

Good rally
I don't disagree that the election was corrupt

but it is no longer on my list of top things to speak about

way too late
we just need to stop it from happening again


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Re: 2024
« Reply #119 on: January 17, 2022, 11:20:26 AM »
The 'dull' story "in private" was planted, maybe by Trump, maybe accurately by the alleged "anonymous source".  Both Axios and Breitbart have this story.  Same timing?  Axios is more left wing; it is doubtful they have their own source in the Trump camp.  Also doubtful Beitbart would falsely stir this up.  Someone (Trump) wants it reported.  And where is the denial?

Labeling people is both a skill and a failing of Trump. It worked for him in 2016, but it was quite a mean thing that lost many people for him as he eliminated rivals.  Presumably he is giving his 'friend' DeSantis a warning shot to keep him in line.

Note the restraint of DeSantis.  Could easily just retort back, been there, done that, regarding a Trump Presidency.  But if he is the eventual nominee, he needs Trump's support.  Burning bridges and dividing factions isn't how he wins.
"I would rather have a bit dull"

   - Right, but we don't want our new best choice labeled dull, even if that really is a good quality.

"I don't disagree that the election was corrupt
but it is no longer on my list of top things to speak about
way too late"

   - There's the rub.  I don't want to hear about it, at least in general terms.  I am willing to wait since we missed the deadlines but I want to know exactly what happened, where, in what numbers, but are we finding out what happened?

"we just need to stop it from happening again"

   - Yes, by first knowing exactly what happened in 2020 and other elections.

Or we just implement the rules we know make elections secure in all the states we still control, no matter what exactly happened in 2020.  This isn't the honor system.  In person voting with Photo ID on a singular national election day, or else you have a personal relationship with your polling place for the purpose of participating with an absentee vote with even greater protections, like having a ballot that has not been in the hands of anyone else except the real voter and more than one election judge and observer with, like Epstein's jail cell, cameras on during the whole process and evidence preserved.

Until then, we might as well put yellow tape around the vote counting places in blue cities in divided states and declare them to be crime scenes - until we get the cheating down to manageable levels.

Question for Dem voters, how much cheating is too much cheating, even if it's in your favor?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2022, 11:42:55 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #120 on: January 17, 2022, 11:33:54 AM »
"I would rather have a bit dull"

   - Right, but we don't want our new choice labeled dull

"I don't disagree that the election was corrupt
but it is no longer on my list of top things to speak about
way too late"

   - There's the rub.  I don't want to hear about it, at least in general terms.  I am willing to wait since we missed the deadlines but I want to know exactly what happened, where, in what numbers, but are we finding out what happened?

"we just need to stop it from happening again"

   - Yes, by first knowing exactly what happened in 2020 and other elections.

Or we just implement the rules we know make elections secure in all the states we still control, no matter what exactly happened in 2020.  This isn't the honor system.  In person voting with Photo ID on a singular national election day, or else you have a personal relationship with your polling place for the purpose of participating with an absentee vote with even greater protections, like having a ballot that has not been in the hands of anyone else except the real voter and more than one election judge and observer with, like Epstein's jail cell, cameras on during the whole process and evidence preserved.

Until then, we might as well put yellow tape around the vote counting places in blue cities in divided states and declare them to be crime scenes - until we get the cheating down to manageable levels.

Question for Dem voters, how much cheating is too much cheating, even if it's in your favor?

As long as they have power, too much is never enough.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #121 on: January 17, 2022, 02:19:51 PM »
"Right, but we don't want our new choice labeled dull"

I believe quite readily this would be dig from Trump

he is the one who will due the labelling if you don't suck up to him like pansy

we don't need him shooting everyone who doesn't kiss his ass and have it backfire in all our faces .

I noticed a few people at the AZ calling him the "great*est*" president - a bit much

 call we just call him great


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MoreJoe Biden's betting odds 'highes' ever for an incumbent
« Reply #123 on: February 04, 2022, 05:28:14 AM »


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2024, At this point, Joe Biden is the nominee
« Reply #124 on: February 15, 2022, 06:47:29 AM »

Because Democrats can't agree on someone else.  Because there is no one else.  Just like 2020.   Chris Cillizza, editor, CNN 


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Rick Scott for '24?
« Reply #125 on: March 11, 2022, 07:41:34 AM »


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Re: WSJ poll Biden Trump tied in rematch
« Reply #127 on: March 11, 2022, 10:34:05 AM »

If accurate, that's not very good for Trump, we lose ties, and to be tied with Biden at the lowest point ever.

OTOH, presidential elections are not decided by popular vote.  Polls of those 6 states would be more instructive.

Either way, let's get someone new.


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Trump formally announces run
« Reply #128 on: March 20, 2022, 11:19:06 AM »


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College women love Joe Biden
« Reply #132 on: April 13, 2022, 03:20:48 PM »

I don't know this is a marriage gap or not

aren't college women also more likely to be married?

don't expect this to improve anytime soon with the abortion issue moving front and center


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Re: 2024, DeSantis - Pompeo
« Reply #134 on: April 21, 2022, 09:44:41 AM »
Governor with executive experience needs VP with foreign policy expertise and wisdom, like Bush and Cheney, only higher quality on both counts.


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Re: 2024
« Reply #135 on: April 21, 2022, 09:56:00 AM »
".Governor with executive experience needs VP with foreign policy expertise and wisdom, like Bush and Cheney, only higher quality on both counts."

Pompeo ?

or if too white and too male ( :roll:) then
C. Rice ?
Bolton - just kidding  :wink:


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Re: 2024
« Reply #136 on: April 21, 2022, 01:50:06 PM »
I suspect DeSantis has good instincts in this but he needs to display them before selecting VP otherwise he risks being condescended to as Cheney did to Bush 43.

I like Pompeo A LOT, and he proved himself to have his ego under control alongside an egomaniac like Trump. 

I've no trouble with two white males, , , , and I'm against affirmative action , , , but , , ,


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trump crushing biden
« Reply #137 on: April 21, 2022, 04:43:54 PM »
Trump beating Biden!

by 2 whole points!   :roll:

big shit

what a joke

trump  cannot and will not get over 43 to 45 %

I bet if anyone was polling a bunch of others could just or more easily kick Biden's ass

give us a real winner


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Re: 2024
« Reply #138 on: April 21, 2022, 08:05:43 PM »
I suspect DeSantis has good instincts in this but he needs to display them before selecting VP otherwise he risks being condescended to as Cheney did to Bush 43.

I like Pompeo A LOT, and he proved himself to have his ego under control alongside an egomaniac like Trump. 

I've no trouble with two white males, , , , and I'm against affirmative action , , , but , , ,

A POC tranny for the win?


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Re: trump crushing biden
« Reply #139 on: April 21, 2022, 08:06:30 PM »



Trump beating Biden!

by 2 whole points!   :roll:

big shit

what a joke

trump  cannot and will not get over 43 to 45 %

I bet if anyone was polling a bunch of others could just or more easily kick Biden's ass

give us a real winner


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Re: 2024
« Reply #140 on: April 22, 2022, 05:51:05 AM »



some would say we should start shooting up the place


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Re: 2024
« Reply #141 on: April 22, 2022, 06:51:13 AM »



some would say we should start shooting up the place

Trump wasn't supposed to happen. only DC Uniparty approved presidents will be available for our "fortified elections".

Jeb! is tanned, rested and ready! So is Mittens.


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biden polls second lowest in "modern era"
« Reply #143 on: April 23, 2022, 11:07:21 AM »
guess who is #1:

the supposed leader of our party  :roll:


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Re: biden polls second lowest in "modern era"
« Reply #144 on: April 23, 2022, 11:32:15 AM »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #145 on: May 02, 2022, 11:19:11 AM »
I suspect DeSantis has good instincts in this but he needs to display them before selecting VP otherwise he risks being condescended to as Cheney did to Bush 43.

I like Pompeo A LOT, and he proved himself to have his ego under control alongside an egomaniac like Trump. 

I've no trouble with two white males, , , , and I'm against affirmative action , , , but , , ,

Answer to the point msde, DeSantis and Tim Scott:
Not the 'ticket to beat Trump' , it's a ticket to win the Presidency.

Speaking of Mike Pompeo, I have a chance to see him this Friday at John Hinderaker's Center for the American Experiment gala.  If I go I may have a chance to submit a question.  He ran the CIA and then ran Trump's foreign policy most of the term, going up against Un, Xi and Putin.  Anybody have a good question to ask him?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2022, 11:21:28 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: 2024
« Reply #146 on: May 02, 2022, 12:03:05 PM »
I suspect DeSantis has good instincts in this but he needs to display them before selecting VP otherwise he risks being condescended to as Cheney did to Bush 43.

I like Pompeo A LOT, and he proved himself to have his ego under control alongside an egomaniac like Trump. 

I've no trouble with two white males, , , , and I'm against affirmative action , , , but , , ,

How do we get the CIA and other parts of the deep state to obey federal law and their oaths to the constitution?

Answer to the point msde, DeSantis and Tim Scott:
Not the 'ticket to beat Trump' , it's a ticket to win the Presidency.

Speaking of Mike Pompeo, I have a chance to see him this Friday at John Hinderaker's Center for the American Experiment gala.  If I go I may have a chance to submit a question.  He ran the CIA and then ran Trump's foreign policy most of the term, going up against Un, Xi and Putin.  Anybody have a good question to ask him?


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Re: 2024
« Reply #147 on: May 02, 2022, 02:19:25 PM »

That Hill piece is pretty savvy , , ,


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Re: 2024
« Reply #148 on: May 02, 2022, 03:28:21 PM »

That Hill piece is pretty savvy , , ,

Strikes me as typical nevertrumper drivel.

Tim Scott? His greatest accomplishment is?

I'll wait while you look it up....


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for the record
« Reply #149 on: May 02, 2022, 03:36:26 PM »
if there is a Republican primary, at this time, unless things change   I refuse to vote for orange hair man

if he is the de facto nominee - then I have no choice but to vote for him

there are many many people who agree with me 100%

right and center there is no doubt

as for Tim Scott
he is very good
ready for VP

 I am not sure

Is DeSantis ready for President  I am not sure, but so far so good.