Author Topic: The US Congress; Congressional races  (Read 364484 times)


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Interesting to know of this power, but the specifics here seem really stupid
« Reply #1401 on: January 16, 2023, 07:46:39 AM »

Republicans revive rule to ax any federal salary, eye Trump investigator

Holman a tool to shrink government


House Republicans this month reinstated a rule that allows Congress to cut the salary of anyone working for the federal government, and some hope to slash the pay of Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump.

Republicans have in mind plenty of federal employees they would like to stop paying as they try to reduce the size and scope of government, but Mr. Smith may top the list.

Appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland, Mr. Smith is overseeing a two-part criminal investigation of Mr. Trump: his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol and the possession of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida.

Many Republican lawmakers say the investigation is politically motivated and have lobbied House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to reinstate the Holman Rule, which would allow them to attempt to reduce Mr. Smith’s salary to nearly nothing.

“That means no money for Garland’s politically weaponized special counsel,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia Republican, tweeted in support of the Holman rule. “Whoops, defunded!”

Other Republicans say halting the investigation may be impossible.

House Republicans reinstated the Holman Rule after taking over the majority this month. Although the provision would allow lawmakers to try to eliminate individual salaries, the rule is primarily aimed at reforming agencies, Rep. Andy Biggs, an Arizona Republican who pushed for the rule’s reinstatement, told The Washington Times.

Eliminating the special counsel investigation of Mr. Trump would be difficult, he said.

“The special counsel is a trickier problem,” Mr. Biggs said. “The way the Holman Rule is set up, you go into a department or agency and Congress kind of reforms it. So you can reduce salaries or eliminate positions without necessarily eliminating the agency or the program itself.”

Another political complication could be Mr. Garland’s appointment Thursday of a second special counsel to investigate President Biden.

Mr. Garland announced that Robert Hur, a former U.S. attorney appointed by Mr. Trump, will investigate Mr. Biden’s storage of classified documents from his time as vice president in nonsecure locations.

With few exceptions, Mr. Biden did not have the authority as vice president to declassify any Obama-era classified material upon leaving office. Mr. Trump, as president, did have that authority.

A Biden attorney said the documents, found in three locations including the president’s garage at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, “were inadvertently misplaced.”

Mr. Trump launched his third presidential campaign on Nov. 15 at Mar-a-Lago, which the FBI raided three months earlier and seized 11 sets of classified materials. On Nov. 18, three days after Mr. Trump announced his White House bid, Mr. Garland announced the appointment of Mr. Smith to conduct a criminal investigation into the classified materials and Mr. Trump’s role in the riot, which was under a separate investigation by a Democratic-led House panel.

“Based on recent developments, including the former president’s announcement that he is a candidate for president in the next election, and the sitting president’s stated intention to be a candidate as well, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel,” Mr. Garland said. “Such an appointment underscores the department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters. It also allows prosecutors and agents to continue their work expeditiously, and to make decisions indisputably guided only by the facts and the law.”

Mr. Trump and other Republicans say the special counsel investigation is warrantless and an effort by Democrats to stop Mr. Biden’s chief 2024 rival.

On his Truth Social platform, Mr. Trump called the investigation a “political persecution” and Mr. Smith a “fully weaponized monster.”

Although federal law strictly forbids the removal or retention of classified documents or materials outside secured locations without authorization, Mr. Trump had the authority as president to declassify any document. He said he did so with the material taken by the FBI.

Congressional Republicans have sided with Mr. Trump’s concerns about the special counsel investigation.

Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, called the appointment of Mr. Smith “Trump derangement syndrome, but this time with a gun and badge.”

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee criticized the appointment of Mr. Smith, who played a role in ramping up IRS scrutiny of tea party groups and other conservative organizations seeking tax-exempt status nearly a decade ago.

“Jack Smith and his buddies have been politicizing Washington for AGES,” committee lawmakers said. “And he’s who AG Garland picked to be the special counsel to ‘investigate’ President Trump?”

Despite the hurdles, some Republicans may try to slash Mr. Smith’s salary by invoking the Holman Rule. They would have to wait until October after Congress passes fiscal 2024 spending legislation.

If House Republicans use their fiveseat majority to pass a spending bill that cuts Mr. Smith’s pay, the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats, is almost certain to reject it. Mr. Biden would never sign it into law.

House Democrats, who eliminated the Holman Rule in 2019, accused Republicans of putting it back into place to protect Mr. Trump from criminal charges.

The Holman Rule was forced on the Republican majority, they said, by “the hard-right MAGA fringe … to defund law enforcement and shield Donald Trump from investigation.”

Although Republicans may not be able to use the Holman Rule to end the criminal investigation of Mr. Trump, they plan to use the provision to address what they say is an increasingly weaponized and politicized federal government.

The Holman Rule permits lawmakers to cut agency staffing in addition to individual salaries.

Republicans are eying parts of the Justice Department, including the FBI, which has come under scrutiny for trying to ban conservative voices on social media platforms.

Mr. Biggs told The Times that the Holman rule could be used to overhaul the FBI, which he said seems to be “overly and overtly politicized,” and the Justice Department, where someone coordinated with the National School Board Association president to persuade Mr. Garland to generate an investigation of parents whose behavior at school board meetings was deemed threatening.

“We know that letter came from the National School Board Association, requesting this, and so you could find out who at the Justice Department was doing that, what their position was, and you could begin to eliminate that position altogether and restructure that part of the office so they can’t do that type of thing in the future,” Mr. Biggs said.

The reinstatement of the Holman Rule dovetails with a committee that the Republican majority created to examine the “weaponization of government.”

“Every American should shudder at the power of the government to target and tyrannize American citizens,” said Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, who was among the Republicans who called for the panel. “That’s why this committee is so crucial to defend the American people.”
« Last Edit: January 16, 2023, 08:52:31 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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so when is lying become too much lying
« Reply #1404 on: January 18, 2023, 05:48:20 AM »
when we have a President who lies to us for 2 yrs

over and over again

when is it , do we determine it is time for a politician to go?:

so Santos got elected on false claims .

but so did Fetterman , Biden whose health problems were covered up

so did Hillary who is guilty of crimes though all covered up by the deep state mafia

so how and where does one actually draw a line

can one


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WSJ: Schiff earned getting kicked off the Intel Committee
« Reply #1405 on: January 21, 2023, 08:36:31 PM »
Adam Schiff, Disinformation Man
The latest Twitter documents show how he deceived the public and has earned his ouster from the Intelligence Committee.
By The Editorial BoardFollow
Jan. 20, 2023 6:23 pm ET



Rep. Adam Schiff

House Republicans are preparing to strip Adam Schiff of his Intelligence Committee seat, and his media allies are rallying to the California Democrat’s defense. Maybe that’s because he was such a useful source against Republicans over the years, as the latest documents released by Twitter show.

WSJ Opinion Potomac Watch
The Supreme Court Leaker Gets Away

The media says House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s motive for removing the ranking House Intel member is retribution for Nancy Pelosi’s unprecedented decision to strip two Republicans of committee seats in the last Congress. No doubt Republicans want Democrats to meditate on the consequences of their norm-busting. But Mr. McCarthy has offered a good reason for giving the Californian the boot: “Adam Schiff openly lied to the American public.”

That’s true. The most well documented example was in early 2018, in response to then Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes’s effort to inform the public about the FBI’s abuse of the FISA warrant process as part of its Trump-Russia collusion probe.

Mr. Nunes released a memo summarizing the committee’s findings that the FBI had obtained surveillance warrants from the secret FISA court against former Trump staffer Carter Page during the 2016 campaign; that the Steele dossier financed by the Clinton campaign formed an “essential” part of the surveillance applications; and that the FBI failed to tell the FISA court that dossier author Christopher Steele had political and media ties.


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Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed all of this two years later in his report on the FBI’s probe. But in early 2018 Mr. Schiff fought release of the Nunes memo, and he released a memo of his own that he claimed was a more accurate summary of the evidence.

Though he had access to the same documents, the Schiff memo trashed the Nunes document and he deceived the public. His summary claimed the “FBI and DOJ officials did not ‘abuse’ the [FISA] process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump campaign.” That was all false. Yet nearly all of the media seized on the Schiff document to declare the Nunes memo “a joke,” and keep the collusion deceit going for another year.

The latest Twitter documents released by journalist Matt Taibbi have exposed another Schiff falsehood. As news broke that Mr. Nunes had submitted his then-classified memo to Congress, Twitter exploded with the hashtag “#ReleaseTheMemo.” Mr. Schiff—still trying to block the memo’s release—joined ranking Senate Judiciary Democrat Dianne Feinstein to publicly claim this hashtag was driven by “Russian bots and trolls” in an effort to “manipulate public opinion,” “influence congressional action” and “undermine Special Counsel [Robert] Mueller’s investigation” into the collusion claim.

The Democrats asked Twitter and Facebook to “expose and deactivate accounts involved in this influence operation.” Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse released their own public letter bemoaning “Russian agents” who so “eagerly manipulated innocent American citizens.”

The documents now show that Twitter executives promptly reported back to Democrats that it had not “identified any significant activity connected to Russia.” As one internal communication explained: “We investigated, found that engagement was overwhelmingly organic.” One Twitter employee in an email advised telling an aide to Sen. Blumenthal that it was in his “boss’s best interest to not go out there on this because it could come back to make him look silly.” Yet Mr. Schiff and company kept up their smears against Mr. Nunes and his memo.

Mr. Schiff has other deceptions in his record, including numerous false claims that he had secret evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. He never produced any, and neither did the Mueller report.

We rehearse all this because Mr. Schiff and his media friends are claiming he is being targeted unfairly by Republicans. But as a ranking Democrat and later the Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, he had a particular duty to be honest because he had access to classified information that the press can’t verify. He could deceive without fear of contradiction until months later. Payback or not, Adam Schiff has earned his ouster from the Intelligence Committee.


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Re: WSJ: Schiff earned getting kicked off the Intel Committee
« Reply #1406 on: January 22, 2023, 06:23:22 AM »
Good to see this slimy man of Washington called out for his animosity for truth.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1407 on: January 22, 2023, 06:55:23 AM »
throw santos out

only if we throw out Schiff

who has wrecked far more damage

and biden too


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Noonan: Santos has got to go
« Reply #1408 on: January 23, 2023, 09:16:11 AM »
George Santos Has Got to Go
He’s a bad example to the young, an embarrassment to the old, an insult to the institution and America.
Peggy Noonan hedcutBy Peggy NoonanFollow
Jan. 19, 2023 6:51 pm ET

I’m sorry, but it keeps bothering me. I don’t get why members of Congress would let the George Santos story continue. It diminishes them. It is both a daily insult to the American people and a taunt.

He is a nut but can’t be dismissed as only that. He is also wicked in that he has for decades abused all around him by waging war on reality. He has stolen, from all who had dealings with him, including voters, a sense of what is true. He has lied about every central fact of his life, purloining achievement, stature and sympathy. He then hoodwinked a congressional district on Long Island whose residents are now effectively without a functioning representative. Seeing the chance to replace a longtime Democrat with a Republican, they gave him solid backing on the assumption that surely he’d been vetted by someone. He hadn’t.

The only entity that smoked out a fake was a small local newspaper, the North Shore Leader, which brought a certain skepticism to his financial disclosures. He’d taken to telling people he had a mansion in the Hamptons and a mansion in Oyster Bay Cove. Why then did certain campaign records show he lived with his husband in a rental in Queens? The Leader’s publisher, Grant Lally, told the Washington Post he’d had lunch with Mr. Santos a few years before and remembered him talking about his family from Belgium. In 2022 he saw Mr. Santos on the stump, talking about his grandparents who’d fled Ukraine during the Holocaust.

In an editorial before the election, the Leader said it wanted to endorse a Republican—Mr. Lally himself has run for Congress as a Republican—but Mr. Santos was too much. His policy stands were incoherent. Until the last few weeks he had no visible signs of a campaign—“no offices, no signs, no mailings.” He seemed “bizarre, unprincipled and sketchy” and was “most likely just a fabulist—a fake.” The Leader endorsed Democrat Robert Zimmerman, who at least had experience, and—touchingly—“is a gentleman.”

All this should have been picked up nationally, but wasn’t. In a competitive local newspaper environment it would have made waves, but the Leader was small, with students and retirees on its staff. If you think the decline in local newspapers is only an abstract story, or that Facebook posts can make up for local investigations, ladies and gentlemen, we give you New York’s Third Congressional District.

In only the past week it has been reported that Mr. Santos operated over the years under several aliases and started a GoFundMe account for a homeless veteran’s ailing therapy dog, then absconded with the $3,000 it raised. The dog, denied a needed operation, died. (Mr. Santos on Thursday tweeted that the charge, which the veteran made on CNN, is “shocking & insane. My work in animal advocacy was the labor of love & hard work.”)

Mr. Santos’s mother, who he has stated was in her office in the south tower on 9/11, and whom he variously described as killed in the attack or barely escaping with her life, was in fact in Rio de Janeiro and hadn’t been in the U.S. since 1999. She apparently never had an office in the south tower.

Like all professional hustlers, Mr. Santos seems to enjoy getting away with it. He thinks he’s getting away with it now, marching around Congress trailed by staff—this mamaluke has staff—conferring with whoever will confer with him. “I will not be distracted nor fazed,” he tweeted, denying allegations he performed in drag shows in Brazil. “I am working to deliver results.” “I will NOT resign!”

He shouldn’t be in Congress. We all know this. It’s not good enough to say they’re all con men. Even in Congress there are degrees. This one’s a pro, a menace, a total, not partial, fraud. If he has any qualifications for public office they haven’t emerged. He is a bad example for the young: Cheating works. He is an embarrassment to the old. He is an insult to the institution.

Getting rid of him will “take time,” we are counseled—ethics investigations, campaign finance probes. But the entire Republican leadership, while not quite embracing him, has been happy to use him. He voted for Kevin McCarthy for speaker. He was appointed to two committees.

They are making a mistake. They should stop, and tell him he has to leave. They should press him to resign. They should dissociate themselves from him, ostracize him.

They are going this route because they have a majority of five votes and think they can’t afford to lose even one. Especially a particularly malleable one who’ll do anything leadership asks! But in the meantime Mr. Santos is allowed to put his own poisonous imprimatur on all of them, on every initiative and bill, on everything they do.

If they can’t do the right thing they should at least be practical. He will be used relentlessly by the Democrats, and the media, to make the Republican conference look like a cabal of fraudsters. In the short term he damages their reputation, in the long he will surely cost them seats.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1409 on: January 23, 2023, 09:49:22 AM »
"I’m sorry, but it keeps bothering me. I don’t get why members of Congress would let the George Santos story continue. It diminishes them. It is both a daily insult to the American people and a taunt."


just look at why Biden has not been called to step down or myorkas who does not enforce the laws of the land .

if santos were to be forced out who would take his seat
someone appointed by Hochul ?

till they have a special election or wait till next election period ?

I cannot find answer

but surely odds would be the Republicans would lose the seat.

so there is your answer peg

dems only resign when they know they can replace the person with another dem
and only demand resignation when they are trying to replace a repub

so it is time for US to stand our ground
and yes Santos if total disgrace I get it.


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« Reply #1412 on: January 25, 2023, 09:12:08 AM »

I don't remember where I saw him
I think MSNBC

but swalwell stated about his Chinese / spy girlfriend

he did the right thing and helped get her out of the country!!!
as though this was not only self serving but traitorous to help a spy escape out of the country  :roll:

for God's sake

she she be in front of a US firing squad
and he should be in a jail eating bugs


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WSJ: AZ Senate
« Reply #1413 on: January 25, 2023, 01:35:22 PM »
Sinema vs. Gallego vs. Who for Arizona Senator?
A Democratic schism could help the GOP pick up a seat in 2024, if the party is smarter than it was in 2022.
By The Editorial BoardFollow
Jan. 24, 2023 6:24 pm ET



Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego

Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego said Monday that he will try to defeat Arizona’s independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. “I’m better for this job,” he told the Associated Press, “because I haven’t forgotten where I came from.” So begins the 2024 Senate campaign, and given how closely divided Arizona has become, a fight for Democratic voters could give an opening to the GOP.

Ms. Sinema departed the Democratic Party last month, but she’s no crypto-conservative. The website Five Thirty Eight has a tracker for how often Members of Congress vote in line with President Biden’s position. Ms. Sinema scores 100%, as does Mr. Gallego. Mark Kelly, Arizona’s other Senator, gets 95.5%. Quibbles can be raised about that scorecard, but Arizona isn’t California, and the point is that Ms. Sinema delivers liberal votes from a purple state.

The biggest progressive knock on Ms. Sinema is that she stood with Sen. Joe Manchin over the past two years and refused to kill the legislative filibuster, which stopped Democrats from getting everything they wanted in a 50-50 Senate. She recently called the filibuster an “important guard rail” that Democrats tried to bulldoze for “the short-term victories they wanted.”

Or as a headline recounted: “Manchin, Sinema high-five at Davos over keeping Senate filibuster.” The risk for Democrats is that some of their voters agree with her. If she and Mr. Gallego split the party in 2024, that could help the GOP retake the seat. But will Republicans pick a nominee who can win?

Kari Lake, who lost the Governor’s race in November, reportedly is considering going for it. This month on Steve Bannon’s podcast, Ms. Lake claimed that “our state government is controlled by the cartels right now,” while calling Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs a “cartel-owned goon.” The question is whether the GOP learned anything from Ms. Lake’s 2022 failure.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1415 on: January 26, 2023, 02:13:47 PM »
right up their with Josh Hawley's PELOSI Act barring members from stock trading while in office

funny how Pelosi just sold $6 mill of Google just before DOJ announcement of antitrust lawsuit.

Schiff running around claiming this is a travesty to DEMOCRACY:0

« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 02:32:39 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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From DNUZ[pcp]
« Reply #1416 on: January 30, 2023, 06:00:47 AM »
"Matt Gaetz, Political Arsonist, Has New Powers. What Will He Do With Them?"

        that's what.


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second post
« Reply #1417 on: January 30, 2023, 07:16:08 AM »
Omar has "love " for this country  :roll:
  she is a warrior for Jews  :roll:

she has not committed crimes ( marrying her brother to illegally get him to US , campaign finance etc )

along with the other 2 stooges

on the Dana Bash CNN/ white wash show


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« Reply #1418 on: January 30, 2023, 08:08:52 AM »
quote author=ccp
Omar has "love " for this country  :roll:
  she is a warrior for Jews  :roll:

she has not committed crimes ( marrying her brother to illegally get him to US , campaign finance etc )

This was from childhood, not her fault, but just that they were from the Omar family was a lie to get into the US.

Her Jew and Israel hatred is so deep she's not even aware of it.  It's perfectly normal in her circles.

"It's all about the Benjamins, baby," relating to the Israel lobby, is not anti-Semitic?  Then why the big public apology - demanded by her own leadership. 

Now she's saying the apology was forced, not genuine?


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if the "honorable" George Santos should resign
« Reply #1420 on: January 31, 2023, 03:05:55 PM »

so Huchal would have to call for special election
by 10 days

which would have to be held by 80 days or 90 days total

Of course NY dems would delay it as long as possible

It does not appear the Republicans feel they could replace him with another R
or else why not?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1421 on: January 31, 2023, 05:25:43 PM »
I was wondering about all that.  Thank you.


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Re: if the "honorable" George Santos should resign
« Reply #1422 on: February 01, 2023, 07:29:52 AM »


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Spartz to retire '24
« Reply #1423 on: February 04, 2023, 09:34:01 PM »
probably good news in view of what I have read about her recently:


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fetterman still in hospital
« Reply #1425 on: February 10, 2023, 06:43:32 AM »
3rd day now

since Tuesday :

3 days is a long time for simple lightheadedness

either we are not getting the full story
or he is simply getting the $million dollar work up
with every conceivable test because he is a VIP


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Re: fetterman still in hospital
« Reply #1426 on: February 10, 2023, 07:32:22 AM »
I pray for his recovery but doubt full recovery is possible.

I know nothing more than I see but suspect, like Santos and Biden, he did not tell the full truth about himself to the voters before his election.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1427 on: February 10, 2023, 07:55:08 AM »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1428 on: February 10, 2023, 08:11:59 AM »
looks like if he dies
Josh Shapiro
will simply appoint another LEFt wing lib for the remainder of the 6 yrs

no special elections in PA:

we may be better off he lives
rather then a more vocal mentally qualified left wing lib
OTOH Fetterman's handlers are doing all the talking for him anyway


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1429 on: February 10, 2023, 01:15:55 PM »
Thanks for the specifics on the PA rules.


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Dems to lose House Seat in June
« Reply #1431 on: February 21, 2023, 10:55:41 AM »

[for roughly 5 minutes ] till RI gov ( a c[rat]) will call special election in Dem controlled
RI to replace him.


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Sen Tester D-MT
« Reply #1432 on: February 22, 2023, 07:15:05 AM »

R's must win Montana.

The man separates himself from his party in Washington - except for when he is in Washington.


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Re: Sen Tester D-MT
« Reply #1433 on: February 22, 2023, 07:17:23 AM »

R's must win Montana.

The man separates himself from his party in Washington - except for when he is in Washington.

Like most republicans.


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Re: Sen Tester D-MT
« Reply #1434 on: February 22, 2023, 07:24:09 AM »
quote author=G M
Like most republicans.

True.  Why don't we work to get new ones, better ones.  Now is the time.  Montana is the place.  If we can't sell American Creed there, we have no chance nationwide.


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« Reply #1435 on: February 25, 2023, 09:04:50 AM »
First we view him as a hero

a disabled man who if furiously fighting his disability in the service of fellow Pennsylvanians

Now we view hims a hero , a champion for battling the common affliction of depression.  Doing the right thing - getting help.

never mind the 13,000,000 Pennsylvanians .  They will be taken care of Dem operatives who cover for the man.

His wife is at his side every day


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Re: Fetterman
« Reply #1436 on: February 25, 2023, 09:54:02 AM »
Good thing we have fair and honest elections!

First we view him as a hero

a disabled man who if furiously fighting his disability in the service of fellow Pennsylvanians

Now we view hims a hero , a champion for battling the common affliction of depression.  Doing the right thing - getting help.

never mind the 13,000,000 Pennsylvanians .  They will be taken care of Dem operatives who cover for the man.

His wife is at his side every day


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1437 on: February 25, 2023, 11:05:44 AM »
"Good thing we have fair and honest elections!"

Oz lost because *he* was the candidate

even Pa. Repubs were skeptical and did not like him as the candidate
I thought was a bad choice day one sitting here in "joysey".


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1438 on: February 25, 2023, 11:43:55 AM »
FWIW my take on the PA Senate race is that the Fetterman vote was for control of the Senate, not for Fetterman.

Also OZ was weak.

Full on Trumper for Governor faired far worse.

None of which has anything to do with the legit case against the bureaucratic shenanigans, affirmed by an elected State Supreme Court, in 2020.


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dianne feinstein
« Reply #1440 on: April 13, 2023, 06:56:07 AM »
since democrats are calling for her to resign and
since it hurts them (she is not present to vote)

I am thinking it is good for Republicans if she stays in for rest of term.

who are we going to get Schiff?  impossible it will be anyone better from SF .


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WSJ: Sen. Feinstein
« Reply #1442 on: May 09, 2023, 02:29:46 PM »
The Age of Dianne Feinstein
Many agendas are hostage to whether the senator chooses to stay or leave.
William McGurn hedcutBy William McGurnFollow
May 8, 2023 6:25 pm ET

Dianne Feinstein leaves a classified briefing in Washington, Feb. 15. PHOTO: J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Polite society holds that a woman’s age is nobody’s business but her own. But as Dianne Feinstein is learning, Washington will never be confused with polite society.

The Beltway is now consumed with the California senator’s age and related health issues. At 89, Mrs. Feinstein is the oldest member of Congress. But she hasn’t been seen in the Senate since late February owing to a case of shingles. Her record as a trailblazer for women hasn’t stopped younger congressional colleagues such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) from calling on Ms. Feinstein to step down.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has been joined in her call by other whippersnappers such as fellow squad member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.). But she’s also supported by progressives and an increasing number of colleagues who are quoted anonymously saying Ms. Feinstein isn’t all there anymore. Even those not willing to go that far are finding it hard to defend Ms. Feinstein, as Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin did Sunday on CNN when Jake Tapper noted they were all “very ginger and very polite” in not acting decisively to get rid of her.

Mr. Durbin conceded Ms. Feinstein’s absence was affecting the Democrats’ ability to get on with their business. Mr. Tapper likened the situation to what happened when Democrats failed to coax Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire so that Barack Obama could choose her successor.

“How’d that work out for you?” Mr. Tapper asked Mr. Durbin.

Mr. Tapper is on to something. Notwithstanding the many public expressions of sympathy and hope for a speedy recovery, Democrats want Ms. Feinstein to step down if she can’t show up for votes. The truth is that many other agendas in Washington are hostage to her decision.

The most obvious is Joe Biden’s judicial agenda. The Senate Judiciary Committee is divided 11-10 in favor of Democrats. But Ms. Feinstein’s absence brings the balance to 10-10, and Democrats no longer have the votes to get the judicial nominees out of committee without Republican support.

Ms. Feinstein’s absence affects larger votes too. In a Senate where Democrats have a 51-49 majority, a senator whose votes can’t be relied on may put a president’s entire legislative program on hold—especially with Pennsylvania’s Sen. John Fetterman out as well until very recently.

On the surface, Republicans appear more elder-friendly because they have been encouraging Ms. Feinstein not to retire if she doesn’t want to. But that’s because they have an interest in depriving Democrats of a functioning committee majority—which itself depends on California’s senior senator continuing to miss votes. This explains why Republicans blocked a floor resolution in April that would have let Majority Leader Chuck Schumer replace Sen. Feinstein on Judiciary. The hope is that if Mrs. Feinstein continues to be a committee no-show, Mr. Biden will have to moderate his judicial picks.

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President Biden has personal interests here too. Questions about Mrs. Feinstein’s age and health inevitably draw unwelcome attention to his own plainly diminishing mental faculties. Nikki Haley, the former Republican governor of South Carolina and current presidential candidate, recently made the link between Mrs. Feinstein and Mr. Biden explicit when she said both should have to pass a cognitive test.

Finally, ambitious California Democrats are eyeing Mrs. Feinstein’s Senate seat. In February she announced she won’t seek re-election in 2024. But if she were to retire before that, Gov. Gavin Newsom would appoint someone to serve out her term.

Unless that person agreed not to run for election, it would cease to be a primary for an open seat. Already three Democrats have announced they’re running—Reps. Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee and Katie Porter. Were one of them to be appointed, he or she would have the advantage of running as an incumbent.

Whispers of decline have plagued Mrs. Feinstein for years but the stakes are now higher. After she issued a defiant press release Thursday promising to return but not saying when, the New York Times didn’t mince words. On Friday the Times editorialized that it’s time Mr. Schumer set “aside the antique Senate gentility” and make her an offer she can’t refuse.

The irony is that the Senate is usually an ideal place for people Ms. Feinstein’s age. Senators enjoy exceptional healthcare, and they lack the day-to-day executive responsibilities that keep governors and presidents in the public eye. They also have large staffs to do most of the work.

So long as a senator’s party has a sufficiently large majority that his votes aren’t needed for bills or nominations, no one much minds what shape he’s in mentally. When it really matters, anyone can be trundled in to cast a vote.

The knives come out when a senator can’t do even that. Just ask Dianne Feinstein.


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Dem shysters got Santos
« Reply #1443 on: May 10, 2023, 07:25:20 AM »

I assume he would be replaced with a Dem
or else this would never have happened

however , this guy is a disgrace to be honest.


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Re: Dem shysters got Santos
« Reply #1444 on: May 10, 2023, 07:39:24 AM »

I assume he would be replaced with a Dem
or else this would never have happened

however , this guy is a disgrace to be honest.

Why did the FBI have an asset in his office?


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dianne finestine more of a mess then let on
« Reply #1446 on: May 18, 2023, 01:18:05 PM »
now that finestine considered dispensable  by the dems

(she was disparaged on MSLSD by Katy Tur this afternoon)

i presume because she is holding up dem judge confirmations

we are allowed to hear the truth from the MSM


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #1447 on: May 18, 2023, 02:11:50 PM »
What is with the misspelling?