Author Topic: Nikki Haley  (Read 13507 times)


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haley Bush like on immigration
« Reply #50 on: April 05, 2023, 04:34:41 PM »

she is still very weak on immigration enforcement

nikki haley for '24

I will not vote for her.


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Re: Nikki Haley with Tucker
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2023, 11:32:36 AM »

Seems more than a little unfair to me. Does he think it happened under her watch? It didn't obviously. Does he think she gets national Security briefings? I think not. Does he think that if she did get briefings, they would be honest and forthcoming on this? No. Does he want her to speculate and make news on that with no real evidence.  It happened a certain way because Sy Hersch said so? Does he know the answer to his own question? No.

Seems to me he is on a mission to discredit everyone who disagrees with his anti-war stance on Ukraine, but the Republican party is divided on that question. He thinks we have to have a nominee who divides the party in his direction. Good for him but he's not exactly an impartial questioner.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2023, 11:36:33 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #54 on: July 17, 2023, 11:34:00 AM »
Obviously, I am a huge fan of Tucker, but I think your comments to be quite fair.


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #55 on: July 17, 2023, 01:21:05 PM »
"Does he want her to speculate and make news on that with no real evidence. "

unlike him , who cost Fox hundreds of millions

and maybe even. more - to be noted


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #56 on: July 17, 2023, 01:47:22 PM »
"unlike him , who cost Fox hundreds of millions and maybe even. more - to be noted"

I'm not seeing that.


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Nikki Haley had best answer to Climate change question
« Reply #57 on: August 24, 2023, 08:29:49 AM »

That said Climate change has nothing to do with Hawaii fire and this should have been mentioned.
Does anyone think a 1 to 2 degree increase in weather made a difference in the fire?

we see it was caused by downed power line during high winds - and the replacement of farmland by grass and the shingles roofs

all of which have NOTHING to do with climate change

I don't think Vivek simply calling it a hoax is going to allay fears from of a youngster who hears the opposite all day long.

We need to show we do care about clear water , air pollution , acidic oceans , plastics filling up the middle of the oceans and showing up on the shores of every island in the world

Haley had the best response - of course we care but it is overstated and there is a right and wrong way to approach climate change whether it is man made or natural

I would vote for her.
Don't love her immigration policy

I bet she could beat Biden or Newsome hands down!

I do prefer Ron most but not sure about his crossover appeal either.

I want to WIN

not role the dice!


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #59 on: August 28, 2023, 08:28:15 AM »
so this is where the Vivek comment about her being on boards of Lockheed and Raytheon came from.



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PP: Nikki Haley
« Reply #60 on: August 29, 2023, 01:02:03 PM »
Haley Made Some Noise
Love her or hate her, this GOP hopeful had a lot of interesting things to say at the first primary debate.

Emmy Griffin

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is seeing a post-debate polling boost. Why? Because she decided to take a more honest tack and speak hard truths to the American people. She didn't shy away from pointing out that there are difficult problems our country faces and that potential solutions are not without compromise and even potential downsides. In other words, she treated the audience — and, by extension, the American people — like they were adults.

On the topic of abortion, Haley duked it out over whether a federal 15-week abortion ban is something she'd sign if it landed on her hypothetical presidential desk. Haley stood out on this topic in more ways than one. Her position on the subject is one of practicality. As it stands now in the Senate, such a bill is dead in the water. It would need 60 votes. It simply does not have the votes.

She then went on to outline her alternative stance that she has dubbed her "consensus" policy. She advocated for a more incremental push on abortion restrictions based on more universal agreement on the subject. In her own words: "Can't we all agree that we should ban late-term abortions? Can't we all agree that we should encourage adoptions? Can't we all agree that doctors and nurses that don't believe in abortion shouldn't have to perform them? Can't we all agree that contraception should be available? And can't we all agree that we aren't going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?"

Consensus policies are a good way to start if the ultimate goal is to change hearts and minds toward protecting innocent children. It was that incremental push that finally got Roe v. Wade overturned after nearly 50 years.

The bad news? As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pointed out, the GOP is contending with a Democrat Party that is so radical on the subject that there may not be a way to actually reach a consensus. The Democrat Party's stance is to oppose all barriers to "reproductive health for women."

Haley also talked about government spending. She correctly pointed out that it wasn't just the Democrats who are spending more money than we have; the Republicans are too. She stated: "Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our debt. Our kids are never going to forgive us for this. At the end of the day, you look at the 2024 budget, Republicans asked for $7.4 billion in earmarks. Democrats asked for $2.8 billion. So you tell me, who are the big spenders? I think it's time for an accountant in the White House." Her solution: Fiscal responsibility.

Her most lauded moment of the debate dealt with foreign policy. As a former UN ambassador under President Donald Trump, she understands the intricacies of foreign relations a bit better than most of the primary field. She schooled entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and his theories on how to end the war in Ukraine. Ramaswamy wants Ukraine to end the war (i.e., surrender) and give Russia the contested land, and as president he would then convince the Russians to distance themselves from China.

Haley correctly pointed out that a victory for Russia is a corresponding victory for China. That concession would likely lead to China's invasion of Taiwan — and probably a direct conflict between the U.S. and China.

She went on to accuse Ramaswamy of abandoning Israel. This particular issue is one that shows Ramaswamy's lack of understanding of the delicate political dance that goes on in the tumultuous Middle East. It was thanks to Trump's leadership that the Abraham Accords were signed, bringing a measure of peace to the Middle East. Haley ended her upbraiding of Ramaswamy with the comment, "You have no foreign policy experience, and it shows!"

Finally, her most bold move was actually after the debate in the spin room with Fox News personality Sean Hannity. She pointed out the hard truth that Trump's path to victory in the general election is a dubious one. Americans are not hungry for a Biden/Trump rematch. For starters, Trump faces the extra hurdle of dealing with the several politically motivated court cases brought by election-tampering Democrats instead of campaigning.

Haley emphasized the importance of a GOP win not only to clean up the corruption in the deep state but also to prevent another Biden/Harris term. Whether you agree or not, she says that will be harder if Trump is the nominee.

Haley already had a lane leading up to the debate by being the only female politician in the race, but her forthright stances during the debate (right and wrong) struck a chord with the viewers. There is still a long road ahead to the primaries, and it's unlikely that Haley overcomes her faults to win the nomination. Yet in many ways, her straightforward approach can't help but speak to an American people who value honesty from leaders — a quality seriously lacking in politicians in general.


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Nikki Haley on immigration
« Reply #61 on: September 10, 2023, 09:13:50 PM »
From other discussions, I wonder if she is soft on immigration or has just been taken out of context. Here is an interview with face the Nation:
« Last Edit: September 11, 2023, 02:47:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #62 on: September 11, 2023, 02:53:12 AM »
I'm smelling weakness there.  For example, where are the calls for mass deportations?  For example, blaming the Reps equally with the Dems?  Seriously?!?

BTW, the government numbers here are horsesh*t:

"But an expected spike in illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border after the policy ended has not materialized in the immediate aftermath, according to government data obtained by CBS News."

The government simply allowed illegals to click some stuff on its website so as to be counted differently. 


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #63 on: September 11, 2023, 06:07:43 AM »
Nikki was on Margaret Hoover the RINO who asked her what she would do with birth babies in US

She deflected the question to

I would first enforce law at borders and

help foreigners with merit come in to help our economy

more or less

she is weak on immigration
otherwise she is good in MHO

cannot find the link yet
only one from 2019


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #64 on: September 11, 2023, 06:12:48 AM »
Understood, but enforce the law at the border, if she means it,  could be a hell of an improvement from where we are now.


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #65 on: September 11, 2023, 02:03:48 PM »

she will deport no one it seems to me.

unfortunately deportations probably would be an untenable politically with MSM interviewing all the sobbing deportees 24/7 ........

one can only imagine all the screams of an inhumane holocaust
and WSJ types all over this too.


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #66 on: September 11, 2023, 03:29:19 PM »
Some of the GOP candidates ARE calling for deportations.  I support their doing so.


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Who Better to Attend the Finland's Secretary of Ennui ...
« Reply #68 on: January 04, 2024, 11:09:27 AM »
... and Reindeer Affairs funeral?

Trump Totally Should Pick Nikki Haley for His Veep
Kurt Schlichter

Jan 04, 2024

Let me make it clear from the beginning that I think Nikki Haley (R-Boeing) is a vapid establishment automaton who is basically the Kamala Harris of the Republican Party, a Bushesque mediocrity who represents a dying ideology that peaked in 2005, and good riddance to it. She’s the worst – self-righteous, annoying, always spewing grrrl-power nonsense and hack clichés salvaged from the back catalog of the Weekly Standard. She’s a disaster on every level, one of those people who is both very aggressive and always wrong, the worst possible combination. That being said, should he win the nomination, Nikki! should absolutely be Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick

Stop laughing. I am serious. I am not being ironic. It makes sense. Hear me out.

Look at it from Donald Trump‘s perspective. She’s absolutely the person he should pick if he wins the nomination. I don’t like it. I don’t want it. But it’s a fact. She’s awful. She’s arrogant. She’s a squish. The thought of four years of that nattering nabob of nonsense – apologies to William Safire – is positively agonizing. But Donald Trump’s most important task is to get elected, and she would be the best choice to help him do it.

I hate writing that so much. But it’s true.

No, wait a minute, hasn’t Donald Trump slammed her? Not really. He’s been remarkably gentle with her, probably because he knows she’s his best choice. Even his nickname for her – the uncharacteristically unimaginative “Birdbrain” – is soft and spongy. I do need to point out, however, that in the week of her amazing “Anything but slavery” gaffe, it was pretty obvious that Trump needed to start calling her “Byrdbrain.” What a missed opportunity!

No, Donald Trump has been very nice to her. He’s reserved his fire for Ron DeSantis, a competent and effective conservative governor – in contrast to Nikki Haley –  who provides real competition for the nomination, also in contrast to Nikki Haley. Everyone knows Nikki Haley‘s going to lose the nomination. Even Nikki Haley knows she’s going to lose. She’s been quite obviously running for vice president the entire time. She wants the gig. And there’s a lot that she brings to the table.

What does she bring to the table? Well, stupid people. There are a lot of people out there who think she’s a great politician and a great choice. I’m not one of them. If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’re not one of them, but they are out there. Many don’t like Joe Biden, and many don’t like Donald Trump, but adding her to the ticket can win them over to the GOP. Winning the election is about addition, not subtraction. This isn’t the time to pick a favorite of the people he’s already got nailed down. Someone like Kari Lake or Vivek Ramaswamy is very popular with the Trump base, but Trump doesn’t need to win the Trump base because they are already the Trump base. They will fall in line, grumbling maybe, but fall in line they will. He has to expand the Trump base. I think Ron DeSantis would expand the base alone, but if he’s not on the ballot, Trump will need to expand beyond the Trump base. And Nikki Haley expands the Trump base. I don’t particularly dig the people she will bring in, but the point is to win, not to make people like me happy about how Trump does it.

It’s all about winning. Sigh.

He needs her to win over the doubters. For some reason, suburban women seem to like Nikki Haley. I don’t understand it, but the facts are the objective facts. Now, suburban women are the worst people in the universe, living proof that the 19th Amendment needs an asterisk to exclude anybody who prefers oaky Chardonnay. But there are many of these wine women, and they all vote. A good chunk of them will vote for a Republican ticket if it has Nikki Haley on it. Maybe it’s her girl power nonsense. Maybe it’s the fact that she looks like someone who tells you to use your inside voice. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. She wins over people Trump couldn’t win over alone.

And she brings in the Establishment. No one hates the Establishment more than me. They are terrible people with an unbroken track record of failure. They brought us McCain, and they brought us Romney, and they are utterly incapable of analyzing why they lost or understanding the rise of Trump. But there are many of them, and they’ll stay home if it is Donald Trump and somebody like Donald Trump on the ticket. Nikki Haley appeals to them because she’s just the kind of decline management Republican they seem to adore, one who won’t take any hard positions that upset the folks down at the country club. It is better to have them on the inside of the tent than on the outside, peeing on it.

It’s not just that they will vote for her but that they will write her checks. She’s the donors’ gal because she’s the kind of pol the big donors love. Big Republican donors are mostly idiots. Their political instincts are awful, and they cannot learn from repeated mistakes. That’s why they love her. That and the fact that she’s willing to do whatever they want and adopt every dumb position they want, whether it’s allowing in endless hordes of illegal aliens, genuflecting at the altar of companies like Disney, or not making fellow swells upset by banning the mutilation of children. With her on the ticket, they will send money. Trump will need money because it’s all going to lawyers right now. And while I typically like lawyers being paid a lot of money, I also like the Republican Party having enough money to compete in the general election. Nikki Haley brings that to the table – the bottomless checkbooks of sucker GOP donors, and that’s not nothing.

But shouldn’t we worry that Nikki Haley will somehow have a big influence in a Trump 2.0 administration? Frankly, no, though I’m sure she imagines she will. I think it will look like four seasons of “Veep,” with Nikki Haley as a less amusing version of Selena Meyer, constantly asking if the president called and being told he has not. That brings us to another vital attribute of Nikki Haley. She’s not going to overshadow Trump. And she’s not going to have any influence. She can get in there and advocate for whatever dumb war she’s supporting this week or whatever idiotic social fetish she refuses to fight, and Trump is going to do whatever he wants. The only problem is if somehow Trump falls out and she falls into the Oval Office. But Trump’s pretty robust. He’ll certainly live through his term, if only for spite.

Now, the ultra-mega-MAGA Trump people properly detest Nikki Haley. I mean, they just despise her, which is to their credit. But they love Trump even more. Hell, he announced we ought to reward the fascist FBI with a spectacular new building, and they cheered as genius what last week they would (correctly) call treachery. So, if he picks Nikki Haley, they will all support it. They’re going to swallow it whole and applaud. You’ll have @FatMAGADeadbeatDad69 putting out reams of memes about how this is a brilliant 27-dimension chess move. A few people will ask, “What the hell are you thinking?” They won’t get a good answer and’ll still fall in line in November.

I will fall in line in November. I’m going to vote for whoever the Republican nominee is. If the Republicans are intent on nominating Trump instead of a disciplined and effective governor who is not hated by 53% of voters and who has a really good chance of winning, I’m in. Would a Trump Haley ticket have a good chance of winning? I don’t think it would have a good chance of winning, but it would have a better chance than a Donald Trump/Anyone Else ticket.

If you think I’m happy about a situation where I think the Republican candidate would be cunning to pick Nikki Haley for any job not involving a mop and bucket, you are wrong. I’m not happy about this. I’m very, very sad. We still have a chance to avoid it by nominating DeSantis (who would pick Iowa’s Kim Reynolds for VP), but if we don’t avoid it, I don’t see a better pick for Trump in terms of winning the election as opposed to actually governing – fortunately, a vice president doesn’t actually govern. A vice president usually gets sent overseas to attend the funeral of Finland’s Secretary of Ennui and Reindeer Affairs. And standing there in the snow listening to the eulogy for some depressed Nordic elk wrangler seems like a great job for Nikki Haley.

Do I think Trump would pick her? I think Trump would do it in a heartbeat. After all, we all know his personnel selection track record, and he’s already picked Nikki Haley once for a big job.


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This is good example of why MAGA heads annoy me
« Reply #69 on: January 06, 2024, 11:28:57 AM »
Is this stupid or what?:

I get it -
Only Trump can save the world.


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Nikki Haley on secession
« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2024, 01:36:15 PM » Very interesting the position she took in 2013

In light of her recent "gaff" in failing to say the civil war was about slavery, her 2013 comments are very interesting.


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Re: Nikki Haley on secession
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2024, 04:19:26 PM » Very interesting the position she took in 2013

In light of her recent "gaff" in failing to say the civil war was about slavery, her 2013 comments are very interesting.
Bad link. Try this:


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #73 on: February 05, 2024, 06:38:49 PM »
Thank you.


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« Reply #74 on: February 05, 2024, 06:50:45 PM »


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« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2024, 07:30:07 PM »


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #76 on: February 06, 2024, 08:44:11 AM »
I am so old I did not even think of that!


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Heh heh
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2024, 10:37:37 AM »
"Nikki Haley Suffers Embarrassing Loss To ‘None Of These Candidates’ Option In Nevada Primary"


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #78 on: February 11, 2024, 08:55:31 AM »


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #79 on: February 25, 2024, 09:08:12 PM »
She just lost her home state by 20 points.  In the delegate count that was 47-3. 

She says she's staying in the race, committed to competing on Super Tuesday where the margins will be even larger.

She's reportedly getting her zillions from Trump hating Democrat sources.

Why is she doing this?

There are "sore loser" laws in some states that say a loser of the primaries can't just then go get on the ballot as an independent.  Exception to that: "No Labels" is trying to get it's 'party' on the ballot nationwide and they want a divided ticket with a 'moderate' Republican at the top of the ticket in order to take more from trump than from Biden.  Of course they want Nikki Haley, Haley-Manchin I presume.

There is no other way Nikki Haley will ever be President, so she is either considering this or already planning on it.  Why else is she pressing forward after the humiliating losses.  She lost in Nevada to "none of these candidates".  Most candidates run out of money when they lose their home state 47-3, but she's loaded and running national ads.

So the 2-way race shaping up with Biden and Trump now looks to be a 6-way race?  What a mess.


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2024, 02:54:19 AM »
I have seen it postulated that by staying in she is looking to be in a posture to pick up the pieces after Trump loses, saying "I told you so."

Does she have a point when she points to the quite substantial % of her voters who say they will not vote for Trump?


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2024, 05:27:13 AM »
"Does she have a point when she points to the quite substantial % of her voters who say they will not vote for Trump?"

Yet we have Trump who is being labelled gracious simply by not mentioning her name in his SC victory speech and tells us the party is united like "never before"  [in the history of mankind]

Who has done little at least so far to reach beyond the Magas except for some small bones here and there.

I like many believe the polls with Trump ahead are a mirage.

I noticed Senator Thune came out to support Trump.  Hopefully others will.

I think he was one of the Senators in waiting to replace McConnell.

Hopefully others will see the only source of light we are left with and follow that too.


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2024, 07:07:05 AM »
No, I don't think she will ever be the Republican nominee by becoming the anti Trump voice. She's not the second choice of Trump voters and she's not courting them. She's neutral on his court cases? Like a Democrat, hoping to benefit from rogue prosecutors attacking Trump, Alvin Bragg, Latitia, Fani?

She has many good qualities but taking Left money to attack Trump to try to weaken him in a primary race she can't win is very strange. It's not how you make Trump voters think they should have picked you

RCP columnist Frank Miele lays it out better than I can:

Haley will win no primaries and is bound (not bound?) by her promise to support the eventual nominee.

Nobody in the R party is talking about the future of Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney. Being the anti Trump wasn't the way forward in these divisive times. JMHO.

My prediction, the Haley-Manchin ticket will win zero states.

Either way, she will likely drop out after Super Tuesday.

DeSantis knew the shame of losing his home state and dropped out after winning (second place).  Only Fritz Mondale has the honor of losing elections in all 50 states:,DFL,Franson%2093%25%20to%205%25.


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Nikki's Goal?
« Reply #83 on: February 26, 2024, 09:13:30 AM »
Perhaps to be Liz Cheney Lite? Something to aspire to if you want to be invited to the occasional proper Georgtown soiree, I guess.

Meanwhile back in bottomline land:

Koch-Backed Group Stops Spending on Nikki Haley Campaign

Republican presidential candidate, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley delivers remarks atBrandon Bell/Getty Images
PAUL BOIS25 Feb 2024726

Americans for Prosperity Action, a Koch-backed group, has reportedly halted spending on the Nikki Haley campaign following her loss to former President Donald Trump in the South Carolina primary.

Following Haley’s loss over the weekend, Americans for Prosperity CEO Emily Seidel said in an email to staff obtained by Politico that it will be taking “stock” of its spending priorities following Haley’s loss. The group will now reportedly focus on Senate and House races.

“[Haley] has made it clear that she will continue to fight and we wholeheartedly support her in this effort,” Seidel wrote. “But given the challenges in the primary states ahead, we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory.”

Seidel further charged that former President Donald Trump’s candidacy will lead to Democrat Party rule for another four years.

“If Donald Trump is at the top of the Republican ticket, the risk of one-party rule by a Democratic Party captured by the Progressive Left is severe and would do irreparable damage to the country,” Seidel wrote Sunday. “The last three election cycles have painted a very clear picture of what we can expect from voters who consistently rejected Donald Trump and his impact on the Republican party brand.”

At least as of this writing, current polls show former President Trump leading President Joe Biden, whose approval rating stands at a low 38 percent and whose age has increasingly become a concern among voters.

Former President Donald Trump beat Haley in her home state of South Carolina by 20 points in the primary this past Saturday. While Haley did say she will keep up the fight, she has only committed to running through Super Tuesday on March 5.

“AFP Action had funded advertisements and field operations for months last year that were designed to persuade Republican voters to back someone other than Trump in the presidential primary,” noted Politico.

“But it wasn’t until late November that AFP Action tapped Haley as its desired Trump alternative. Since then, AFP has reached out to more than 3 million voters in early nominating and Super Tuesday states, as well as purchased millions of dollars worth of ads on Haley’s behalf,” it added.

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Murkowski and Collins for Nikki
« Reply #84 on: March 03, 2024, 07:30:35 AM »
Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine threw their support behind the former South Carolina governor just days ahead of Super Tuesday.

Polls show Collins support less than 50% :

with McConnell out perhaps Murkowski support will weaken.
I don't know she would have won without hi.
however she just won in 22 so she is in till '28


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Re: Murkowski and Collins for Nikki
« Reply #85 on: March 03, 2024, 07:42:21 AM »
Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine threw their support behind the former South Carolina governor just days ahead of Super Tuesday.

Polls show Collins support less than 50% :

with McConnell out perhaps Murkowski support will weaken.
I don't know she would have won without hi.
however she just won in 22 so she is in till '28

Kind of late in the game for that. Nikki lost the delegates in her home state 47-3 and they know it.  Just showing their independence from Trump. Its a good reminder that we need to win the Senate 53-47 or better, or not go around calling it a win.  They will drag their feet on any legislation that is not Democrat-Lite.  Like McCain and the failure to repeal Obamacare when it was possible. Just out of ego.
 Like Corker and Flake, Romney, most of those are gone.


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Nikki Haley wins!
« Reply #87 on: March 03, 2024, 06:39:34 PM »
In DC.  How perfect.


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Re: Nikki Haley wins!
« Reply #88 on: March 04, 2024, 05:31:43 AM »
In DC.  How perfect.

Yeah, living in the DC area various news sources are ballyhooing this outcome, rather than connecting dots like "hmm, in DC even people with great arguments or tangential associations with (Republican) political protests get convicted of crimes and is the only place Haley can win a primary. I wonder if these two things are associated...."


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #89 on: March 04, 2024, 05:46:36 AM »
There was a time not long ago I liked her.

But then she never really made the case as Mark Levin would point out that the Republicans are really up against a counter revolution and not just some bad policies

Then that odd gaff when she could not answer , yes the Civil War was about slavery made me think twice about her trying to cut it both ways as an ex SC governor trying not offend Southerners.

The whole Southern CYA argument about the Civil War being about State's rights makes no sense since the State's rights they were fighting for was to be able to own and profit from human bondage.

Now, she has not made the case why Conservatives should vote for her other then Donald Trump is a problem.  Now she cannot see the writing on the Great Wall of China and simply drop out and support Trump the obvious nominee.   

She is now on my nerves and I don't think she has any future in politics.  A shame because she does have talent and the drive for the game.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 06:11:53 AM by ccp »


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #90 on: March 04, 2024, 05:58:53 AM »
Agree and well said.

Example of one of your points:  When DeSantis was feuding with Disney she said "Well, we would welcome Disney here in South Carolina."


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #91 on: March 04, 2024, 08:33:58 AM »
I also agree she had great talent and potential, and all the necessary experience.  Plus female and a hint of color. She has delivery good enough to be another Margaret Thatcher. But what was her cause, her fight, her mission? At one point it was to stop Vivek. Then to make sure we knew DeSantis is a liar. Now to stop Trump, who we all know IS the Republican nominee. From the delegate count in her home state, and New Hampshire, these times don't call for moderate measures.

Where she lost me mostly was to come out neutral in the deep state, lawfare war against Trump. If you can't see something  wrong there, you aren't one of us and you aren't going to fix it.

Also she is a hawk on the war in Ukraine. I think that is a justifiable position, but it is not a unifying one (or a moderate one) . Half of Republicans are for and half are against supporting Ukraine. I imagine independents are even more skeptical. Both Trump and DeSantis were more nuanced. The Russia threat is real to me but several other things are far more immediate in their threat to our homeland. How about build the wall, secure the border, restrain the spending, stop the war on energy, end inflation, grow the economy, tear down the runaway deep state power, and restore the US dollar to world reserve status before we end up like Venezuela or Argentina? Didn't hear much about that. Just that chaos follows Donald Trump, and we should pick someone else. A Democrat talking point paid for with Democrat money.

"Chaos", the kind from 'Get Smart', attacked Donald Trump. For eight years. The real chaos, two wars, inflation and economic turmoil, skyrocketing debt and runaway government power is emenating from the Left's reckless policies.  I didn't see her passionate about that.


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #92 on: March 04, 2024, 08:51:01 AM »


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The Hudson Institute
« Reply #94 on: April 16, 2024, 05:21:22 AM »
Nikki s way station till the next election:

Will she at some point evolve and understand qs we have noted she needs an over riding theme.

And a nicer more controlled DJT approach amplifying his strengths and without his weaknesses.

If she can do that she can come back in the game.
BUT NOT if she is the same old same old .....



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Nikki silence
« Reply #95 on: April 25, 2024, 08:17:56 AM »
has her cushy think tank job now

got reportedly ~150,000 votes in Pa primary

stubborn ass won't come out and endorse Trump

what is that going to solve while our nation drains down an opened drain.?

she is definitely on my S list.


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Re: Nikki silence
« Reply #96 on: April 25, 2024, 08:46:21 AM »
She could have been top of the ticket on the 'No Labels" non-party.  She declined because, my read, she would have lost and caused Trump and the Republicans to lose and it would have been career ending in the sense of wanting to be President.  Being the first woman elected President is something for the history books.

Assuming she wants to be President in the worst way and that can only happen through the Republican party and she is committed to the Republican party having given up the only other path, the path runs through Trump.

My guess is she will jump on board and maybe wait for the latest, most dramatic moment to do that, likely in the convention keynote, a coveted spot she only gets if she comes through for him.

And if the above is correct, she will come through and come through big, why not make her VP?  I hope he doesn't, but she might help him the most to win and he wants/needs to win.

Trump is strongly liked by 50-60% of the R party, that's only 25-30% of the electorate.  Biden is weakly liked by a similar number.  Other than ballot harvesting tricks, this election will be won either by 'reluctant' Trump voters or by Trump haters who don't like Biden but will vote to stop Trump. 

As you say, Trump should be up by 10 or more but he isn't.  Haley could tip that balance.
Otherwise the VP slot is almost unsolvable.  It should go to whoever would best follow Trump as President or nominee, whether he wins or loses.  To me, that is DeSantis but he can't.  If not Haley, the next in line from this race is Vivek who is not widely liked but could be a fireball on the campaign and would govern conservatively and smartly if the top job became his.  I prefer Vivek but I also prefer winning.

The largest of the swing groups I think is white suburban women voters.  Win them and you've won Minnesota.  Win MN and you've won a landslide.  Haley might be the best way to reach them, not Vivek, not Trump.
I know moderates, 2020 Biden voters, who say they would vote Republican if the nominee was Haley, or someone like that.  Putting her on the ticket puts them on the spot. It would still be a Trump Presidency.  It would at least make them more tempted.

OTOH she came out as a hawk in general and on Ukraine in particular.  Right now that seems to be the fight on the right, very unpopular with some.  Her nomination would piss a number of people off.  Wasn't she weak on illegal immigration as well? Does the far right vote Trump anyway?  Yes but who needs that fight.

Definitely a conundrum.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 09:08:41 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Nikki Haley
« Reply #97 on: April 25, 2024, 09:01:09 AM »
"Why not make her VP? , , , Otherwise the VP slot is almost unsolvable."

Given what has been said by each of them, it would make Trump look just another politician.

I would rather Vivek-- there is a tradition of VP candidates being the Presidential candidates' pitbull and he certainly can do that.  Very articulate and capable of reframing the political debate on a wide range of issues.

Tim Scott is a plausible choice as well.