Author Topic: Immigration issues  (Read 674486 times)


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more on "birthright" citizenship
« Reply #1450 on: October 31, 2018, 06:30:53 AM »

I get the subject to the jurisdiction bit , but that means subjects to the laws , not entitled to benefits and rights accorded to citizenship.

The representatives will NEVER change this amendment  against the will of the people for their own agendas.

How about we make it clear , if you have a baby in this country while just visiting or are not permanent resident( green card ) or illegally here , both parents can NEVER be citizens.
I don't quite understand if "aliens" do not have the birth right then why illegals or those not permanent residents ?  NOne of this anchor baby stuff.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1451 on: October 31, 2018, 07:01:36 AM »
This is a serious Constitutional issue; let's discuss it here not in this thread.


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Although it's really nationwide
« Reply #1452 on: October 31, 2018, 04:19:06 PM »


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Immigration issues - "Climate Migration"
« Reply #1453 on: November 01, 2018, 11:40:05 AM »
Asked what they are fleeing, I was guessing the answer was sh*thole countries but no, they are fleeing climate change.

That is something to remember when asked for an example of fake news!

Change in temperatures, prolonged drought and intensified rainfall mean that millions of Central American farmers who subsist on basic grains can see their crops wiped out.

"Climate change has no ideology, it has victims and we are seeing these victims suffering every day," said Alonzo.
Climate change and variability causes drought and intensified rainfall.  Do they have it all covered there?

When was this not true?


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Doug posts points out caravan now linked to climate change
« Reply #1454 on: November 01, 2018, 02:39:52 PM »
caravan due to climate change  - no fake news here!

lets see Trump is responsible for climate change in the first place,  is adding to it,  and now is makin all our neighbors suffer from it who would otherwise be safe from it if only they can walk across the border and get a job cutting grass , construction or filling orders at Burger King and while  all the services at our OB departments and schools for free.

Now this is logic and makes perfect sense.  And many people with PhD after their names will actually go into their class rooms and teach this.

And the Hollywood types can promote this in their next fantasy murder movie at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  (can you imagine the uproar if this was made during brocks time there>)
And Oprah will be able to claim she is out saving her race from chains and cotton fields by warning us of what is going on........

no fake news.   no no fake news
« Last Edit: November 02, 2018, 08:54:43 AM by ccp »


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Re: Doug posts points out caravan now linked to climate change
« Reply #1455 on: November 02, 2018, 08:49:07 AM »
caravan due to climate change  - no fake news here!

lets see Trump is responsible for climate change in the first place,  is adding to it,  and now is makin all our neighbors suffer from it who would otherwise be safe from it if only they can only walk across the border and get a job cutting grass , construction or filling orders at Burger King and use all the services at our OB departments and schools

Now this is logic and makes perfect sense.  And many people with PhD after their names will actually go into their class rooms and teach this.
no fake news.   no no fake news

Yes, I forgot to put that in my post. Washington Post already wrote that Trump is complicit in climate change that caused the hurricanes (and now third world "migrations").

Meanwhile, U.S emissions are down under Trump, parts per thousand of atmospheric carbon dioxide is mathematically still at zero, and the amount of so-called global warming from all causes is measured in tenths of a degree per century. Ouch.

But droughts, floods and hurricanes are "unprecedented",


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The True History of Millstone Babies
« Reply #1456 on: November 04, 2018, 01:35:18 PM »
The True History of Millstone Babies
by Ann Coulter 

November 01, 2018

Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history.

In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the Logan Act and the emoluments clause to North Korea. The all-star panels rush to Wikipedia, so they can pretend to be experts on things they knew nothing about an hour earlier.

Such is the case today with “anchor babies” and “birthright citizenship.” People who know zilch about the history of the 14th Amendment are pontificating magnificently and completely falsely on the issue du jour.

If you’d like to be the smartest person at your next cocktail party by knowing the truth about the 14th Amendment, this is the column for you!

Of course the president can end the citizenship of “anchor babies” by executive order — for the simple reason that no Supreme Court or U.S. Congress has ever conferred such a right.

It’s just something everyone believes to be true.

How could anyone — even a not-very-bright person — imagine that granting citizenship to the children of illegal aliens is actually in our Constitution?

The first question would be: Why would they do that? It’s like being accused of robbing a homeless person. WHY WOULD I?

The Supreme Court has stated — repeatedly! — that the “main object” of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment “was to settle the question … as to the citizenship of free negroes,” making them “citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.”

“No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens.”
Democrats, the entire media and House Speaker Paul Ryan seem to have forgotten the Civil War. They believe that, immediately after a war that ended slavery, Americans rose up as one and demanded that the children of illegals be granted citizenship!

You know what’s really bothering me? If someone comes into the country illegally and has a kid, that kid should be an American citizen!


Give me a scenario — just one scenario — where the post-Civil War amendments would be intended to grant citizenship to the kids of Chinese ladies flying to birthing hospitals in California, or pregnant Latin Americans sneaking across the border in the back of flatbed trucks.

You can make it up. It doesn’t have to be a true scenario. Any scenario!

As the court has explained again and again and again:

“(N)o one can fail to be impressed with the one pervading purpose found in (the 13th, 14th and 15th) amendments, lying at the foundation of each, and without which none of them would have been even suggested; we mean the freedom of the slave race, the security and firm establishment of that freedom, and the protection of the newly made freeman and citizen from the oppressions of those who had formerly exercised unlimited dominion over him.”

That’s why the amendment refers to people who are “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States “and of the state wherein they reside.” For generations, African-Americans were domiciled in this country. The only reason they weren’t citizens was because of slavery, which the country had just fought a Civil War to end.

The 14th Amendment fixed that.

The amendment didn’t even make Indians citizens. Why? Because it was about freed slaves. Sixteen years after the 14th Amendment was ratified, the Supreme Court held that an American Indian, John Elk, was not a citizen, despite having been born here.

Instead, Congress had to pass a separate law making Indians citizens, which it did, more than half a century after the adoption of the 14th Amendment. (It’s easy to miss — the law is titled: “THE INDIAN CITIZENSHIP ACT OF 1924.”) Why would such a law be necessary if simply being born in the U.S. was enough to confer citizenship?

Even today, the children of diplomats and foreign ministers are not granted citizenship on the basis of being born here.

President Trump, unlike his critics, honors black history by recognizing that the whole purpose of the Civil War amendments was to guarantee the rights of freed slaves.

But the left has always been bored with black people. If they start gassing on about “civil rights,” you can be sure it will be about transgenders, the abortion ladies or illegal aliens. Liberals can never seem to remember the people whose ancestors were brought here as slaves, i.e., the only reason we even have civil rights laws.

Still, it requires breathtaking audacity to use the Civil War amendments to bring in cheap foreign labor, which drives down the wages of African-Americans — the very people the amendments were written to protect!

Whether the children born to legal immigrants are citizens is controversial enough. But at least there’s a Supreme Court decision claiming that they are — U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. That’s “birthright citizenship.”

It’s something else entirely to claim that an illegal alien, subject to deportation, can drop a baby and suddenly claim to be the parent of a “citizen.”

This crackpot notion was concocted by liberal zealot Justice William Brennan and slipped into a footnote as dicta in a 1982 case. “Dicta” means it was not the ruling of the court, just a random aside, with zero legal significance.

Left-wing activists seized on Brennan’s aside and browbeat everyone into believing that anchor babies are part of our great constitutional heritage, emerging straight from the pen of James Madison.

No Supreme Court has ever held that children born to illegal aliens are citizens. No Congress has deliberated and decided to grant that right. It’s a made-up right, grounded only in the smoke and mirrors around Justice Brennan’s 1982 footnote.

Obviously, it would be better if Congress passed a law clearly stating that children born to illegals are not citizens. (Trump won’t be president forever!) But until that happens, the president of the United States is not required to continue a ridiculous practice that has absolutely no basis in law.

It’s often said that journalism is the first draft of history. As we now see, fake news is the first draft of fake history.


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last minute chance to slow immigration
« Reply #1458 on: November 20, 2018, 07:26:55 AM »
If not done then we will never have enforcement and the Dems win the one party state we are close to becoming:

I am not holding my breath


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Pravda on the Potomac Parsing the deportation numbers
« Reply #1460 on: November 23, 2018, 06:31:45 AM »

Washington Post
From April 2014:
Monkey Cage
Lies, damned lies, and Obama’s deportation statistics
By Anna O. Law April 21, 2014

CALEXICO, CA – NOVEMBER 15: A U.S. Border Patrol agent looks for tracks along the U.S.-Mexico border fence on November 15, 2013 in Calexico, California. The fence separates the large Mexican city of Mexicali with Calexico, CA, and is a frequent illegal crossing point for immigrant smugglers. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Lies, Damned Lies, and Obama’s Deportation Statistics

This is a guest post from Anna O. Law, the Herbert Kurz Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Civil Liberties at CUNY Brooklyn College. She is the author of The Immigration Battle in American Courts.

What is the trend in deportation of immigrants under the Obama administration? This seemingly simple question is proving very hard to answer. Consider three characterizations from recent media reports. Here is The Economist in February 2014:
America is expelling illegal immigrants at nine times the rate of 20 years ago; nearly 2m so far under Barack Obama, easily outpacing any previous president.

In April, the Los Angeles Times wrote:

A closer examination shows that immigrants living illegally in most of the continental U.S. are less likely to be deported today than before Obama came to office, according to immigration data. Expulsions of people who are settled and working in the United States have fallen steadily since his first year in office, and are down more than 40% since 2009.

And last week, Julia Preston of the New York Times reported that in the fiscal year 2013, the immigration courts saw a 26 percent drop in the number of people who have been deported, thereby producing:

… a different picture of President Obama’s enforcement policies than the one painted by many immigrant advocates, who have assailed the president as the ‘deporter in chief’ and accused him of rushing to reach a record of 2 million deportations. While Obama has deported more foreigners than any other president, the pace of deportations has recently declined.

Somehow, the Obama administration is simultaneously responsible for the highest rate of deportation in 20 years and a 26 percent drop in deportation. What is going on here? As it turns out, changes in immigration law, terminology and classification are causing this confusion.

One problem is the continued use of “deportation” in virtually all media reporting. In actuality, that category has been obsolete in immigration law since 1996. Prior to 1996, immigration law distinguished between immigrants who were “excluded,” or stopped and prevented from entering U.S. territory, and those who were “deported,” or expelled from the United States after they had made their way into U.S. territory. After 1996, both exclusion and deportation were rolled into one procedure called “removal.” At that point, the term “deportation” no longer had any meaning within the official immigration statistics. Its continued use in media reports is part of the confusion.

The large number of immigrants who are apprehended, usually but not exclusively along the southwestern border, and prevented from entering the country were part of a category called “voluntary departure” before 2006. Now that is called “return,” which also includes the subcategory of “reinstatement.” There is also a large category of “expedited removals” of persons that do not appear before an immigration judge but the procedure carries all the sanctions as a judge ordered removal.

These would-be immigrants accept this sanction that forgoes a court appearance before an immigration judge because formal removal — in which the U.S. government runs them through legal proceedings and pays for their return to their home country — would result in a multi-year bar (five to 20 years) on their eligibility to legally reenter the United States. Critics deride this policy “as catch and release.” The consequences of a return are much less harsh than a formal removal because the returned immigrant could come back legally, and presumably illegally, at any time.

Thus, comparing the deportation statistics across different presidential administrations is dicey because it is unclear what categories of people are actually being counted and categorized. Moreover, different administrations choose to emphasize different statistics. Dara Lind notes that the Bush administration seems to have reported removals and returns together, but Obama’s administration has emphasized only its number of removals.

Meanwhile, many media reports continue to use the term “deportation” when they mean either return or removal or some subset of those. The Department of Homeland Security that issues official statistics must now try to retrofit new legal categories to old data, and even it cannot excise the term deportation altogether because pre-1996, there were, in fact, deportations.

Confusion about terminology helps explain the conflicting accounts cited above. The aforementioned New York Times article focuses on return numbers. But the Economist is also right, because if you combine the Obama’s return and removal numbers, he is well over the controversial 2 million mark.

This confusion enables political spin, too. If you want to portray Obama as weak on enforcement, use the removal numbers, which, compared to his predecessors, are lower. If you want to make Obama look tougher on enforcement, combine the return and removal numbers (like George W. Bush apparently did) or use the now meaningless “deportation”; both moves would conflate return and removal — and boost the overall number of expulsions.

But don’t expect these nuances to make it into political discourse anytime soon. Way back in 1987, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit described immigration law as “second in complexity only to the internal revenue code.” It would appear little has changed.

CORRECTION: The original post claimed that Obama had de-emphasized removals and concentrated on returns and that the ratio of his removals to returns was skewed toward returns compared to his predecessors. That claim is not correct because based on DHS’s data, (Table 39: Aliens Removed and Returned, FY 1892-2012) his cumulative numbers since taking office show Obama has removed a total of 1,974,688 people and returned 1,609,055 others. There have been more returns than removals only in FY 2009 and 2010. Moreover, comparing across administrations is not wise given the changes in law and counting procedures.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1462 on: November 27, 2018, 08:40:30 AM »

were these kids taken off the street in Tijuana ?

I find it hard to believe they walked a thousand miles for this photo op

They are probably bused the whole way only to get off to go to the BR or eat while posing for photos for CNN or are seen walking (as though they were doing so for hundreds of miles)
to go take a leak at the local rest room or off the side of the road.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1463 on: November 27, 2018, 08:49:44 AM »
This paragraph from that cuts to the chase:

"Why are those kids half-naked and in diapers?

I'm looking around at the rest of the surging crowd and they're all wearing pants. In fact, a lot of them have accessories and headbands and scarves and bags. None of the adults are running around without pants. Why are these two children naked from the waist down and in diapers when they both appear to be at least 5 or 6 years old? This is a glaring red flag. This image is supposed to make us feel grief at the state of these poverty-stricken children who don't even have decent pants. But why does everyone else have them? How come the only people without pants in this photo are these children? Do they belong to these women? I don't know how we could tell. I think if I took my five-year-old out on a criminal adventure and dressed him only in a diaper while I dragged him around, running from police, I would be arrested and investigated for child abuse and neglect. I'm quite certain that this behavior from me would be frowned upon as bad parenting. But I think we are supposed to look at these women and feel sympathy for their "plight," even though we know we would be locked up if we did the same thing. I do feel sorry for those kids. They're human shields. This isn't a better life. It's the event catalyst for post-traumatic stress disorder.  And what's this?"


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There is no way this is even close
« Reply #1466 on: December 01, 2018, 03:40:00 PM »
All one has to do is look around and you can see this is a massive under estimate.  These "nonpartisan" tax exempt organizations are anything but:


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Disease exclusively from people coming to US
« Reply #1467 on: December 03, 2018, 09:32:08 AM »
~ 300,00 cases in US but who can really know?


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Re: Disease exclusively from people coming to US
« Reply #1468 on: December 03, 2018, 01:00:45 PM »


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Immigration: 63% of noncitizen-headed households receive welfare, Census
« Reply #1469 on: December 07, 2018, 10:27:04 AM »
63% of noncitizen-headed households got some form of welfare benefit in 2014, compared with 35% for citizens.

31% of noncitizen households got cash benefits, when you include the Earned Income Tax Credit. That compares with 10% for citizen-headed households.

45% of households headed by a noncitizen reported using food programs in 2014. That's the latest year for which such census data are available. That compares with 21% for U.S. citizens.

Half of noncitizen households reported using Medicaid, compared with 23% for citizens.


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Re: Immigration: 63% of noncitizen-headed households receive welfare, Census
« Reply #1470 on: December 07, 2018, 11:24:55 AM »
63% of noncitizen-headed households got some form of welfare benefit in 2014, compared with 35% for citizens.

31% of noncitizen households got cash benefits, when you include the Earned Income Tax Credit. That compares with 10% for citizen-headed households.

45% of households headed by a noncitizen reported using food programs in 2014. That's the latest year for which such census data are available. That compares with 21% for U.S. citizens.

Half of noncitizen households reported using Medicaid, compared with 23% for citizens.

Of course. If you are bringing in self sufficient immigrants, they might not vote democrat.


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dam not just leaking but completely crumbling wit Johnstown like flooding ending
« Reply #1471 on: December 08, 2018, 06:33:15 AM »
our two party system .  Repubs appear destined to extinction.

now with Dems in control of the House s/p Ryan republicans doing nothing
this will only get worse

we've lost folks.......


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1472 on: December 08, 2018, 09:50:06 AM »
 :-o  :x :-o :x :-o :x


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our two party system .  Repubs appear destined to extinction.

now with Dems in control of the House s/p Ryan republicans doing nothing
this will only get worse

we've lost folks.......

Soft Genocide


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Paul Ryan - sleazy back door trick on way out the door
« Reply #1474 on: December 08, 2018, 03:27:29 PM »
Speaking of Ryan I cannot believe this:

Not only he requesting amnesty for illegals , he is doing it for white Europeans totally feeding the Dems with the racist bias of immigration
Ryan should not be allowed back in public serivice!

This only proves what seemed obvious - he never had any inkling of enforcing illegal immigration .


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New Jersey
« Reply #1477 on: December 10, 2018, 09:19:22 PM »
From Pew which is not non partisan :

at leaast Pew admits this cost us far more then what they reportedly pay in state and fed taxes

I think the rate is more like 15%
The city I grew up in is now literally 75 % Spanish. But it is not just Spanish . They are from all over.  Eastern Europe China - everywhere.

Add to those born here of illegals or non permanent residents and that would could easily explain a rate of 10%.
I am waiting for State income tax to go up.

Gotta pay up on all those pensions and endless other benefits the state doles out.
No hope of anything else .  None .
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 09:25:32 PM by ccp »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1478 on: December 11, 2018, 02:44:17 AM »
I note this paragraph in the article:

"The American Immigration Council said deportation is a constant fear for undocumented immigrants, often leaving children in the foster care network at a cost of $26,000 per year per child. With the deportation of a working parent, the remaining parent is often forced into state social welfare programs at a heavy burden to the state’s resources."


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game of chicken
« Reply #1479 on: December 13, 2018, 04:16:25 PM »

obviously crats have done their polling
but are they right ?

usually the independents will side with them I think on this at least they have in past


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1480 on: December 14, 2018, 01:36:35 PM »
suddenly my state another Democrat Party mob controlled state is stating some supervisor committed crimes

(like New York Democrat Party control is taking up investigations of anything to do with Trump

Does DOJ have any control over this?
Anything in Constitution about this?)

Did not I see these women are in the states illegally?

Did not I read they presented false Identification ?

so who is commiting crimes ?

I am supposed to feel sad for them?

Everything we are seeing including the Rats' Stephanopolous practiced speech today is geared to sway public opinion in favor of impeachment .  The lib pollsters are just drooling at the bits to make the first headline -> majority supports impeachment - after the inside Dem mob gets the email  including the jurnolisters and the schumers schiffs nadlers et al
« Last Edit: December 14, 2018, 01:41:46 PM by ccp »


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Deportation of Vietnamese
« Reply #1481 on: December 16, 2018, 02:09:33 AM »


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Re: Deportation of Vietnamese
« Reply #1482 on: December 16, 2018, 02:21:27 AM »

Do I read through the haze correctly that those being deported have criminal convictions?

Yes, but they did their very best to obscure that, being professional journalists who should be trusted!


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1483 on: December 18, 2018, 05:43:59 PM »
For all his bellicosity
Trump accomplished as much for the wall as he did with North Korea


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I thought it was 5.8 billion
« Reply #1484 on: December 19, 2018, 05:22:26 AM »
now it is 10 billion  to be given to the corrupt governments so they can skim most of it for their own pockets and probably much of it will wind up in the hands of drug cartels.

I am sure the Dems and rinos will be falling all over one another to fund this .  But nothing for the needed wall.

God Damn it!!!   :x


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« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 09:17:17 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: I thought it was 5.8 billion
« Reply #1486 on: December 19, 2018, 03:07:47 PM »
now it is 10 billion  to be given to the corrupt governments so they can skim most of it for their own pockets and probably much of it will wind up in the hands of drug cartels.

I am sure the Dems and rinos will be falling all over one another to fund this .  But nothing for the needed wall.

God Damn it!!!   :x

What is happening is not accidental. What's left of this country is being destroyed on purpose.


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« Reply #1487 on: December 20, 2018, 08:37:25 AM »
I can't disagree  :x :x :x

The Nazis in Charlottesville chanted "The Jews shall not replace us"--  the perennial nastiness of the old hatred aside, they are right that the progressives don't like America and seek to dilute Americans with undocumented voters , , ,

Immigrants who come to be Americans are what made this country.  Now the progressives have subverted the education system and the media to teach that America is bad. 

Helluva message for the immigrants who come now.


The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.
The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.
The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.
The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.
This was my father’s belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.
– Rudyard Kipling


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change rules to simple majority
« Reply #1488 on: December 23, 2018, 01:10:35 PM »
If they change the rules now and assuming Flake and Corker  vote no on the 5 Billion can't they do it again in January when they have 53 votes and those two are gone?

I understand the thought "this could come back to haunt us"

but the Dems had little problem using it to pack the courts :

When push comes to shove they will use it again anyway so why do we have to stick to the Queensberry rules?

This is our last chance to slow immigration .  And even then it is only a making a dent into the problem.


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Re: change rules to simple majority
« Reply #1489 on: December 23, 2018, 07:19:18 PM »
If they change the rules now and assuming Flake and Corker  vote no on the 5 Billion can't they do it again in January when they have 53 votes and those two are gone?

I understand the thought "this could come back to haunt us"

but the Dems had little problem using it to pack the courts :

When push comes to shove they will use it again anyway so why do we have to stick to the Queensberry rules?

This is our last chance to slow immigration .  And even then it is only a making a dent into the problem.

The stupid party never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.


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Re: Immigration issues, Barrier Shutdown equals .00125 of a one year budget
« Reply #1492 on: December 31, 2018, 07:40:50 AM »
Can we say this stalemate is not about money.  It is about the 2016 election, the 2020 election, and maybe about the 2018 election as a new Congress gets sworn in.

Fulfill a promise or deny a promise, it is all about Trump.  Or is it about national security and rule of law versus those who openly oppose both?
"Who is going to suffer a symbolic defeat to restart the 25 percent of the government that is currently shuttered?"
[Doug]The EPA will shortly run out of money and potential polluters will only be restrained by the 50 state agencies that can issue myriads of felonies and fines and the civil justice system capable of levying trillions of dollars of damages to victims. We need our non-essential services re-opened!


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Immigration crises- California
« Reply #1493 on: January 01, 2019, 06:57:28 AM »

but the slimy Dems pontificate this:

If we don't stop this shit now .  I don't understand why not all Repubs are on the  same side on this issue.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 11:42:20 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1494 on: January 01, 2019, 11:33:15 AM »
Did you mean to post the same URL two times?


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1495 on: January 01, 2019, 12:30:15 PM »
corrected post:

but the slimy Dems pontificate this:

This is why we will be a one party country soon and why the crats ignore and lie about it.
 I don't understand why not all Repubs are on the  same side on this issue.


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And speaking of David Gergen
« Reply #1496 on: January 01, 2019, 01:02:44 PM »

This guy has been around from Nixon and works all sides but stay relevant in DC has changed to Independent to distance himself from Trump.

Am I alone  here or do others literally sit and scratch their head every time I listen to him or read anything of his and think,  who bothers to listen to this guy?
I can't recall him every saying ANYTHING  worth listening to.

There must something he does behind the scenes that has somehow made him relevant but I have NEVER seen it.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1497 on: January 02, 2019, 04:00:05 AM »


"faulted the federal government, saying politicians had exploited fear and frustration that many Americans feel to deepen divisions among the population "for their own political purpose." He said some of the nation's leaders had demonized diversity to "make our differences our greatest weakness instead of our greatest strength."

translation :

'Diversity' is our greatest strength as long as they all vote Democrat and we can wipe out Republicans .

Diversity my ass. Diversity is the 'code' word for lets wipe out the Republican Party once and for all.

Diversity as long as it does not include policies of the half the country on the Right.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1499 on: January 06, 2019, 05:35:18 AM »

Obama takes heat from a *white* hispanic.

Only now that bamster is out can this guy get away with this and not be pummeled

By the way, ironically ,  this was one of the times bamster was correct.  Of course he is openly against the wall  now, as he was privately against it then ( despite the  phony insincere political posturing .)