Author Topic: Biden Transition and Administration  (Read 46603 times)


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Re: Biden SOTU 1: Lies, Distortions, deceptions, Transcript
« Reply #250 on: March 02, 2022, 07:19:09 AM »
When Dems give SOTU, also note what is not said.

All this turning the screws on Putin and nothing on what really does that, ramping up American oil production.

Germany is increasing defense spending for a more dangerous world.  Biden no.

Republican led states are cutting tax rates across the board.  Biden no.

Largest negative wage growth since Jimmy Carter, not mentioned.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 07:25:30 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Biden SOTU 1: Lies, Distortions, deceptions, Transcript
« Reply #251 on: March 02, 2022, 07:24:41 AM »
Lies, deceptions continued:

6 million new jobs, most in history ?

Only 4 states, at last check, were back to pre-covid levels, Republican led states.  Joe, those aren't new jobs or most in history.

'I have another idea on inflation, cut costs, not wages!'. WHAT??!!

Everything Dems do in government increases costs in the private sector and in government, including his first act as President canceling a major pipeline. He doesn't have an idea on cutting costs of any type.  Pure lie.  Plus it shows no recognition of what inflation is or what causes it, which means it will continue until he and his cabal are out.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 07:31:24 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #252 on: March 02, 2022, 07:42:09 AM »
it was interesting to see him walking through the crowding adoring Democrats after his propaganda speech

shaking hands, taking selfies, getting hugs from some of the gals, endless compliments about the success of his terrific speech that touched on "every isssue"
and tried to head off the Republicans with anticipated complaints (sorry that is a no brainer - not great strategy)


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #254 on: March 02, 2022, 09:45:36 AM »
"war on cancer"

didn't we do this 50 yrs ago?

there is only so much money that can be spent; there is not enough research facilities
to do more quality research

give Fauci more purse string clout?

sounds wonderful
but in reality this is BS in mho
the university professors will tout this to get the $


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #255 on: March 02, 2022, 09:53:41 AM »
"war on cancer"

didn't we do this 50 yrs ago?

there is only so much money that can be spent; there is not enough research facilities
to do more quality research

give Fauci more purse string clout?

sounds wonderful
but in reality this is BS in mho
the university professors will tout this to get the $

PLA bio weapon labs would be happy to assist! Just waiting for more US taxpayer money!


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Re: Biden Administration, SOTU 1, war on cancer
« Reply #256 on: March 02, 2022, 11:12:48 AM »
ccp:  "war on cancer"

didn't we do this 50 yrs ago?

there is only so much money that can be spent; there is not enough research facilities
to do more quality research

This and the veteran thing was his opportunity to bring up his son Beau, "Major Beau".
 To me that means the shoes are dropping on the Hunter affair.  But hey, he had a good son too!

The Universities will find a way to receive more money.

It was his way to connect with the 'common man' and woman whose lives are all affected by cancer.  He's not connecting with them at the gas pump.

He target was more realistic than previous, to reduce not eliminate.  Isn't that exactly what we are already doing and it is a cause people are VERY happy to give their own money to, don't need taxation and government spending to do that. 

Name one charity that gives its money productively to cancer research and not administration, fat salaries, fund raising and everything else, and I will give today.


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Biden's dog
« Reply #258 on: April 14, 2022, 07:13:17 PM »


Biden’s dog Major involved in other attacks on Secret Service

White House had downplayed bite incident


Secret Service agents were angered by the White House’s efforts to downplay dog-bite injuries last year from President Biden’s German shepherd, Major, newly released documents show. Despite Major being involved in previously undisclosed biting incidents eight days in a row, Secret Service leaders also sought to downplay details in official paperwork, according to more than 400 pages of documents obtained by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.

“These documents show Major was a dangerous dog and the Biden White House lied about it, placing Secret Service and other White House personnel at needless risk,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And it seems the Secret Service management seemed more concerned about managing press relations than taking care of its agents. In fact, the agency is still withholding information about this mess!”

The records, released after Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, show that there were more dog bites than the White House acknowledged, both at the executive mansion in Washington and at the Bidens’ home in Wilmington, Delaware.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki described for the public only one dog-bite incident, at a briefing on March 9, 2021.

“The first family’s younger dog, Major, was surprised by an unfamiliar person and reacted in a way that resulted in a minor injury to the individual,” she said.

The incident on March 8, 2021 actually was the final in a series of dog bites over eight days, one of them involving an unidentified White House pass holder.

The injured Secret Service agent expressed anger over Ms. Psaki’s characterization of the attack.

“NO I didn’t surprise the dog doing my job by being at [redacted] as the press secretary just said! Now I’m p-----,” the agent told a co-worker in an email.

Another anonymous Secret Service employee said of photos depicting the bite wound that the “injury cannot be described in any other term than ‘severe.’” Ms. Psaki did not return a request for comment.

The Secret Service has declined to comment.

The publicly acknowledged incident occurred as the agent was in the second-floor White House residential area with first lady Jill Biden.

“Without warning or provocation, Major barked loudly at [the agent] … and charged,” according to the heavily redacted report. “Having no time to seek cover from the attack, [the agent] turned away from the dog as he bit into [redacted] right leg.”

Agent David Cho, who was the president’s chief protective agent at the time, wrote in an email: “Major bit one of the agents this morning. The agent is ok, but does have bruising and a puncture.”

“We have noticed Major getting more aggressive lately,” Mr. Cho wrote. “We have extended the offer of our K9 trainer (RTC Training Facility) to help train Major.”

A Secret Service memo issued a day later stated, “Staff/ first family are getting him [Major] a full time trainer to correct his behavior in Wilmington. I will let you know if/when they both come back. … The biting incident is in the news now (Google it). Just another reminder that the press is always looking for a story. Maintain awareness of your conversations and social media presence. We do not want and cannot have a press leak attributed to us.”

An earlier incident, on Feb. 28, 2021, occurred at the Bidens’ Wilmington home just after the president took their older dog, Champ, indoors.

An agent outside observed Major “running at [redacted] full stride from the main driveway,” and the agent “quickly made an effort to seek shelter inside.”

But Major caught up to the agent and bit down on the agent’s left forearm, the records stated. The unidentified agent shook the dog off his arm and again tried to escape harm, but Major bit the agent again on the buttocks.

“Approximately 15 minutes after this attack, POTUS Biden opened the front door to let Major into the residence,” the report stated. The agent, although “shaken by the ordeal,” finished the shift.

A photo in the records shows another agent’s $140 wool overcoat that was ripped by Major on March 6, 2021, at the White House as the president and first lady were returning indoors from the White House tennis pavilion.

“As Major came around the corner, he attacked me unprovoked, tearing the wool overcoat I was wearing that evening,” the agent wrote in an effort to obtain reimbursement for the coat.

“This attack occurred through no fault of my own and I could not avoid this unusual circumstance due to the nature and requirements of my position,” the agent wrote.

Another Secret Service employee responded to the agent, writing, “Please submit with the language that has been approved by [the legal office]. Unless you dispute anything in the verbiage that was presented to you, there shouldn’t be a need to embellish with additional details that aren’t required for approval.”

Another email called the agent’s description “excessively detailed and inappropriate.”

A memo stated that Secret Service officials “explained the delicateness of the situation, in terms of potential damage in the trust of our protectees” to the agent.

The agent withdrew his request for reimbursement, saying the first family should pay for the damage rather than the Secret Service.

“After some deep thought and reflection, I don’t believe the USSS should be responsible for the damage to my coat as the cause was not under their control,” the agent wrote. “To be compensated in this manner would essentially have the cost borne by the tax payer and this would be unjust. The responsibility should lie with the party responsible for the wrong doing (i.e. tort), and that of course would be the dog owner/s.”

The Bidens gave Major to family friends last year. Champ has since died, and the Bidens have a new German shepherd named Commander.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 05:33:59 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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new propaganda CZAR
« Reply #259 on: April 28, 2022, 03:36:53 PM »
leftist of course
on all the usual left media shows and news channels

a woman of course,
and while she is at it

an aspiring actress


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Re: new propaganda CZAR, Nina Jancowicz
« Reply #260 on: April 30, 2022, 05:36:19 AM »
leftist of course
on all the usual left media shows and news channels

a woman of course,
and while she is at it

an aspiring actress

She's a pretty good fit for the Biden administration, wrong on everything for the past four decades.


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Karine Jean Pierre
« Reply #261 on: May 05, 2022, 08:00:09 PM »

look at who the "domestic " partner is

A CNN hack



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Biden Administration, Yellen will leave
« Reply #267 on: September 28, 2022, 06:28:08 AM »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #268 on: September 28, 2022, 07:19:08 AM »
she AND Powell should have been fired long ago

a bunch of woke agenda tools they are
and dumb to boot

they do more damage to us than the CCP, but will go to private sector and make millions.

and yes .  we know whoever Ron Klain and the Obamanites pick it will still be awful.
Biden is just he yes front man who has no clue
He was always a partisan so he just goes along with
Jon Meacheam keeps telling him he will go down in history as great and more transitional and consequential in history (think of it Joe - you will ranked above Obama !!!  :wink:)

stopped threat to democracy - Maga
stopped threat to the Earth - climate change

(while all the while the real consequences are to hurt America as much as possible)


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #269 on: September 28, 2022, 07:31:30 AM »
"she AND Powell should have been fired long ago"

   - Different cultures but any Japanese executive with that record would have jumped out a window by now.


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Biden Administration, Ron Klain
« Reply #270 on: November 04, 2022, 04:40:42 PM »
Chief of staff Ron Klain, standing in front of the White House:
"I'm covered by the Hatch Act, I can't engage in election advocacy here, "

Good, then don't.

What would you call this entire appearance on free liberal media advocating to vote and who exactly not to vote for and why.


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This is the (Biden) Administration these voters seem to love:
« Reply #271 on: November 09, 2022, 11:51:27 AM »

Bring him in, John! Awkward moment John Kerry SHAKES HANDS with Venezuela's ex-president Nicolas Maduro at COP27 Summit in Egypt - despite US having $15million bounty out on the narco-terrorist
Joe Biden's climate change envoy John Kerry was in the Egyptian resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh on Tuesday, and was caught on camera shaking Maduro's hand
The Venezuelan leader, one of 90 world leaders attending the conference, has been indicted by the United States for drug trafficking
In March 2020 the Justice Department issued a $15 million reward for 'information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of Maduro'

Hey Buddy! How ya doin?


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #275 on: December 08, 2022, 08:50:16 AM »
Griner will be on all the leftist talk shows


and Chris Wallace is trying to call her now


WH and Blinks negotiated super hard and complexly for this deal  :roll:

a great win for us!!!
oh the compassion !!!

moral of story :

if you go to Russia don't fight with police there
do not smoke dope

drink vodka and keep you cool
« Last Edit: December 08, 2022, 08:55:25 AM by ccp »


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Russian media laughing all the way to vodka bar
« Reply #276 on: December 10, 2022, 12:00:06 PM »
at Joe's BIG WIN!!

glad an American citizen is home but not at the cost
which encourages even more hostage taking


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Re: Where's Buttgig?
« Reply #278 on: December 19, 2022, 05:28:46 AM »

"The Labor Day weekend travel (to Portugal wine country).

Wh was a 'long-planned personal trip,' a Department of Transportation spokeswoman told the Free Beacon...

What union workers might call 'paid time off'.

Isn't that what civil servants (and young parents) do, jet around the world to posh resorts on their time off?


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the next limousine liberal to be WHCOS
« Reply #281 on: January 22, 2023, 02:01:19 PM »

I should be proud all these Jews are always in the thick of things

somehow I am not.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #282 on: January 22, 2023, 04:12:40 PM »
Oy vey.


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #284 on: January 24, 2023, 07:54:10 PM »
Biden's troublesome new chief of staff: Current White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain is headed for the exit in a move that some speculate has much to do with Joe Biden's growing scandal over classified documents. Klain may see the proverbial writing on the wall, at least as it pertains to Biden's potential 2024 reelection bid, which is significant. Klain has been widely viewed as the real power behind the scenes. Into his vacated place steps Biden's former COVID response chief, Jeff Zients. This move has many conservatives worried since Zients's record directing the administration's pandemic response reveals the kind of totalitarian instinct that refuses to change course or admit wrong. Based on his social media postings, Zients has little problem effectively wishing death on Americans who disagree with his views. For example, in December 2021, Zients tweeted, "For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death — for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm." Pushing unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates onto Americans was something Zients was fully behind. In short, like Klain, if Zients becomes the real power behind Biden, the country can expect two more years of hard-left edicts and insufferable inflexibility from the White House.


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Biden SOTU
« Reply #285 on: February 07, 2023, 10:15:29 PM »
I haven't seen it yet but apparently the name of it is, you should be happy with declining real wage growth, skyrocketing crime, open borders, and weakness provoking wars around the world.


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Biden tries to be the father of a resurgent Grandfather's democrat party
« Reply #286 on: February 08, 2023, 05:34:57 AM »
I could only watch around ~ 15 minutes
of it

I think it lasted ~ 80

he tried to make a pitch buy American , jobs are back in America , and had the African American Ohio Union member in the audience who he honored
when  speaking about heartland jobs , Intel building chip plant somewhere in US

and the obvious pitch to win back blue collar ex Democrats


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Sara Huckabee Sanders
« Reply #287 on: February 08, 2023, 06:49:45 AM »
May she speed his transition out of the White House:
« Last Edit: February 08, 2023, 07:11:45 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #288 on: February 08, 2023, 07:05:21 AM »
I liked her speech last night

I thought she would be very good since she has the power of the presentation

I wonder if "crazy vs normal "

will work mainstream even though clearly true

but "freedom vs government control " sounds good


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Biden Administration SOTU
« Reply #289 on: February 08, 2023, 08:28:14 AM »
I understand the name of the speech was,
Why aren't Americans happy with 2 years of declining real wages, escalating crime, open borders and American weakness that leads to wars around the world?

I don't have 80 minutes for this jerk but if I take a look at the speech it will be in writing to answer anything of substance point by point.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders speech was excellent.

I saw it on a CBS link (See BS) immediately followed by all of their analysts trying to trivialize every point she made.  Why can't we just have media coverage instead of operatives weaponizing at every turn?


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No, Joe, It Isn't So, 6 Lies, SOTU, Stephen Moore
« Reply #290 on: February 08, 2023, 11:23:21 AM »
Apparently his lips were moving during the state of the union, that's how we know he was lying. Or just follow the data.

Steve Moore, CTUP:

No, Joe didn’t inherit an economy “in ruins.” The economy grew by almost 11% in the six months BEFORE Biden took office.

No, Joe hasn’t allowed more oil and gas development.  New drilling permits have fallen to their lowest level in 50 years.

No, the border isn’t under control. An all-time high, two million illegals last year entered – that we even know about.

No, Joe hasn’t “lowered gas prices.” They were $2.59 when he entered the office and now are $3.49 a gallon.

No, we are not making progress on the deficit. By the end of this year, Biden will have added well more than $5 trillion of deficit spending.

No, Joe, inflation isn’t under control. The CPI was 1.4% in January 2021 and 6.5% in 2023. Inflation has run ahead of wages every month.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2023, 11:29:21 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #291 on: February 08, 2023, 11:43:08 AM »
apparently , I did not wait around to see it
but everyone , left & right all got up to cheer the Soc Sec and Medicare will not be touched in any way

mCconnell could not be happier

yet someone said this is 2/3 of spending
and we go broke in couple of yrs

this reducing debt will never happen
to any real degree

I am for making the age from 65 to to 67 or 68 - at least
(I am 65 FYI)


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #292 on: February 08, 2023, 03:11:42 PM »

The best way to make the point is that we need to REDUCE FUTURE INCREASES (i.e NOT CUTS)


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Re: Biden Transition and Administration
« Reply #293 on: February 10, 2023, 08:18:25 AM »

   ... or it will not be there for you when you get there, young voters.

Must flip the narrative.  To be anti-reform is to be anti SS and Medicare.

Also, the elephant in the room, the people who refuse to reform our programs are anti- economic growth, which is the only way to pay for our acquired taste for big spending.

Original Social Security tax was 1%on the first $3000 of income, $30 max, and retirement age was set just beyond statistical life expectancy.,been%20in%20effect%20since%201990.

Didn't we just have an issue come up about about starting a new tax at a reasonable rate and expecting it to stay at that same, not too burdening level?

Rule: Tax rates, once started, only go up.

Exceptions in the last century:
Calvin Coolidge / Andrew Mellon, 1923,
JFK early 1963
Reagan 1983
Clinton Gingrich capital gains rate cuts 1997
Bush 2003
Trump Republican tax reform 2017

In all these cases of tax rate cutting, revenues and growth went up!

Reason being, in the word of Nobel prize winning economist Robert Mundell, we have only agreed to cut tax rates after they've grown to be "asphyxiating".


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Pres. Joe Biden agrees with crafty dog proposal
« Reply #294 on: February 10, 2023, 11:33:03 AM »
Unless he was lying or has changed his mind.

"Pay for what you spend. I thought that meant, if you're going to spend tell people how much it's going to cost."
   - Sen Joe Biden, 1995

How could that principal be any different today??
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 11:37:06 AM by DougMacG »


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biden calls operation a success
« Reply #295 on: February 10, 2023, 02:15:45 PM »

would not surprise me if this one was a weather balloon
or sent up by US military so they and the Prez can take credit for shooting something
down near Alaska like they should have done the first time

how sad nothing this administration tells us can be believed

everything this guy says is meaningless because he lies right to our faces every single day
everthing !



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« Reply #299 on: March 08, 2023, 02:54:41 PM »
when not race race race
it is tax tax tax

even "unrealized gains!"

Dems salivating at to chance  to launch mass  media attack the Republican budget cut proposals: