Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 453751 times)


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Norway: Vikings vs. Muslims
« Reply #605 on: February 25, 2016, 05:14:24 PM »


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Re: Islam in Europe, Belgium attacks
« Reply #607 on: March 22, 2016, 10:36:29 AM »
Attacks in the airport and metro in Brussels: what we know from Belgium
Twenty people were killed and 106 were injured in the subway attack alone, and 14 were killed and 92 injured at the airport.
We care about Europe for its own sake but we also follow this because what is happening there is coming to a theater near you!

My daughter just stood through a TSA line at MSP for 45 minutes at 5:00am on a Saturday morning.  While we are 'securing' the flights, we are leaving thousands of people packed together in cattle gates, exposed to attacks from unscreened terrorists.  We fight the terrorists by looking in the rear view mirror at their strategies from 15 years ago while they adapt, adjust ad move on.  I commented on this to a friend just before terrorists attacked the Brussels airport. It didn't take rocket science to recognize that risk.  What kind of security do we have by making people stand closely together as sitting-ducks in a known, unsecured area?  It's just like mass shootings happening in gun free zones, and then surprise, no one can shoot back.

It sucks being more stupid than our enemy.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #608 on: March 22, 2016, 11:06:09 AM »
Good thing islam is.a.religion of peace. Imagine the bloodshed if it were not.


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60 Minutes Eloi in Sweden
« Reply #613 on: March 26, 2016, 10:14:09 PM »


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Germans would not be missed , , ,
« Reply #615 on: March 27, 2016, 09:29:44 AM »


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WSJ: Jihadi network sprawls beyond Brussels and Paris
« Reply #617 on: March 28, 2016, 11:28:29 AM »
Second post

Terror Network’s Web Sprawls Beyond Brussels and Paris
Multiple recent arrests suggest a wider Islamic State presence in Europe than previously thought
Police stand guard during a raid last week in the Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek, home to two safe houses allegedly used by the network behind the attacks in Brussels and Paris. ENLARGE
Police stand guard during a raid last week in the Brussels neighborhood of Schaerbeek, home to two safe houses allegedly used by the network behind the attacks in Brussels and Paris. Photo: Alastair Grant/Associated Press
By David Gauthier-Villars and
Valentina Pop in Brussels and
Giovanni Legorano in Milan
March 27, 2016 8:14 p.m. ET

A pan-European effort to crack the Islamic State network behind the Paris and Brussels attacks is yielding an unsettling discovery—a web of interlocking terror cells whose dimensions authorities say they are still trying to grasp.

European authorities said they suspect that several men detained in a number of countries over the Easter weekend all had connections to perpetrators of the deadly attacks. This has prompted French and Belgian prosecutors to seek closer U.S. assistance, according to Western officials, as they try to map the extent of the network responsible for killing 130 people in Paris in November and at least 31 in Brussels on Tuesday.

The immediate effort is centering on Fayçal Cheffou, a Brussels resident of Moroccan origin who was detained in front of the office of Belgium’s federal prosecutor Thursday as police were trailing him by car. Belgian authorities say they suspect Mr. Cheffou, who has been charged and is in custody, is the man seen pushing a cart on security footage captured at Brussels Airport minutes before two suicide bombers detonated their explosives.

Recent police raids have turned up more men allegedly linked to the Paris and Brussels attackers, which in turn have led authorities to other suspects. One man apprehended in Italy on Sunday is suspected of having supplied several suspected attackers with fake documents. Three other men detained last week, one near Paris and two in Brussels, also had links to the attackers, and were allegedly plotting a terror act in France.

That led Sunday to the detention of a 32-year-old Frenchman in Rotterdam, who also is suspected of being involved in the foiled French plot, according to French and Dutch officials.

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Najim Laachraoui—who French investigators believe built the explosive vests used last year in Paris — has been identified by Belgian investigators as one of the suicide bombers who attacked the Brussels airport on Tuesday. What else do authorities know about him? WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports.

The string of arrests, which come on top of multiple other detentions in recent months, suggests the terror networks being pursued by European authorities spread beyond Paris and Brussels.

“We know there are other networks,” France’s President François Hollande said last week. “Even if the network which conducted attacks in Paris and Brussels is about to be neutralized, there is always a threat hanging.”

Failure to dismantle the Islamic State network before it could strike in Paris and Brussels has been particularly vexing for Belgian authorities, who identified one of the group’s senior operatives—the suspected ringleader of November’s Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud—long before either incident. In January 2015, they killed two of his alleged associates in a police raid, while Mr. Abaaoud is believed to have escaped to Syria before slipping back into Europe sometime before the November attack in Paris. He was killed in a French raid a few days after the Paris attacks.

“They regathered, reorganized,” said Eric Van Der Sypt, spokesman for Belgium’s federal prosecutor. “Did Paris; Did Brussels.”

On Sunday, Mr. Van Der Sypt said Belgian prosecutors had charged 38-year-old Abderamane Ameroud with participation in a terrorist group in relation to a foiled terrorist plot in France.

Mr. Ameroud was convicted in 2005 by a French court and served prison time after being sentenced to seven years for having plotted, as part of an al Qaeda operation, the assassination of Afghan commander Ahmad Shah Massoud. Mr. Massoud, a renowned rebel leader in the fight against the Taliban, was killed on Sept. 9, 2001, by two Belgian jihadists posing as journalists. During his trial, Mr. Ameroud denied any involvement with the killing of Mr. Massoud, according to Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, his lawyer at the time.

Mr. Ameroud was arrested again on Friday in a police raid in the neighborhood of Schaerbeek, home to two safe houses allegedly used by the network that orchestrated the attacks in both Brussels and Paris.

As police sought to apprehend him on the platform of a tram station on Friday, he held on to his daughter, who according to witnesses and video footage appeared to be preschool-age, and defied police orders to hand over his backpack and lie down, according to authorities. Police shot him in the leg and deployed a bomb-disposal robot to neutralize his backpack. Officials said the daughter was unharmed and safely evacuated.

The Belgian prosecutor’s spokesman said Mr. Ameroud’s house was raided and no weapons or explosives were found.

Mr. Ameroud and another charged suspect, identified by prosecutors as Rabah N., are suspected of having helped a 34-year-old Frenchman named Reda Kriket, who was arrested in France on Thursday and who officials said had been “in an advanced stage” of planning an attack. Authorities said they had found explosives and weapons in his suburban Paris apartment during the raid.

Belgian and French officials said they were jointly tracking associates of Mr. Kriket, who was convicted of terrorism in absentia in Belgium last year.

The man arrested in Italy is a 40-year-old Algerian named Djamal Eddine Ouali, who was wanted in connection with a fake-documents factory discovered in Brussels a month before the Paris attacks.

Belgian authorities had issued a European arrest warrant for Mr. Ouali in January. Italian police say evidence of Mr. Ouali’s connection with the terrorist network emerged as Belgian authorities searched an apartment in the Brussels district of Saint-Gilles last October. There, police found roughly 1,000 digital photos and scores of false documents with fake names, including aliases used by three accused terrorists.

These included Soufiane Kayal, the false name used by Najim Laachraoui, one of the suspected suicide bombers in the Brussels airport, and Samir Bouzid, the alias used by Mohamed Belkaid, who was shot dead on March 15 while firing a Kalashnikov at police during a raid in Brussels.

They also found photos and documents with the name of Yassine Baghli, an alias that had been used by Salah Abdeslam, the suspected Paris attacker who was captured in Brussels a little over a week ago after four months at large.

Mr. Ouali was arrested late Saturday in the southern Italian town of Bellizzi, after he had applied for a residency permit at the local immigration office a week earlier. Police checks determined he was wanted by Belgian authorities in relation to both the attacks in Brussels and Paris.

A senior U.S. official said the array of arrests over the weekend showed that the terror network had become “very sophisticated.” Other officials said the arrests also have revealed its sheer scale. “There is a large number [of members], all across Europe,” the official said.

Mr. Cheffou, the suspected Brussels airport attacker, was charged with terrorist murder on Saturday. Belgian authorities were still in the process of establishing with the help of DNA and fingerprints whether he was, indeed, one of the attackers, the prosecutor’s spokesman said.

People who know Mr. Cheffou, a 31-year old social activist who dabbled in journalism, said they were stunned to hear of his alleged role in the attacks.

“He’s a bit wacky, but he was never part of the radical circles, not as far as I know,” says  Ahmed El Khannouss, a district councilor in the Brussels neighborhood of Molenbeek, a heavily Muslim district where several suspects linked to the Paris and Brussels attacks grew up.

Mr. Cheffou came from a broken family, the district councilor said, and his older brother, a fugitive after several armed robberies, was killed by police in 2002 in a shootout.

A year later, in 2003, Mr. Cheffou was investigated by police after one of his friends played with a gun he found in Mr. Cheffou’s apartment and killed another friend by accident.

—Julian E. Barnes and Matthew Dalton contributed to this article.


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Violence breaks out after Paris suspect's arrest
« Reply #618 on: March 28, 2016, 01:12:38 PM »
third post

This is ten days old.

Violence Breaks Out in Molenbeek After Paris Suspect's Arrest
by Abigail R. Esman  •  Mar 18, 2016 at 6:04 pm

The most wanted terrorist in Europe, considered the mastermind in November's multi-targeted attack in Paris that left 130 people dead, was arrested Friday by Belgian authorities.

But residents in the Molenbeek district of Brussels, where Saleh Abdeslam was captured, didn't breathe a sigh of relief. Within hours, the district, which has a majority Muslim population, erupted into riots. Dozens of Abdeslam's fans attacked police with bottles, stones, and other objects, local press reported, angered by the arrest of their "hero."

The situation is developing.

Worse yet, Belgian newspaper De Morgen reported (subscription only) that "the whole neighborhood" knew where Abdeslam was ever since the Paris attacks.  Nobody tipped off authorities.

The violence and code of silence over Abeslam's hideout is not as surprising as it might seem. As we've noted previously, the Paris attacks were hatched in Molenbeek, in addition to the 2015 attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo's offices.


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VDH: Do the opposite of Europe
« Reply #619 on: March 29, 2016, 07:39:24 AM »
As a general rule, whatever Europe is now doing, we should do the opposite

   - Victor Davis Hanson

Without a Second Amendment or much of a defense budget, Europeans not only divert capital to enervating social programs, but also have sacrificed any confidence in muscular self-protection, individual or collective.

Even postmodern nations remain collections of individuals. A state that will not or cannot protect its own interests is simply a reflection of millions of dead souls that do not believe in risking anything to ensure that they are safe — including their own persons and those of their family. Finally, Europe is Petronius’s Croton. It does not believe in any transcendence as reified by children or religion. If there is nothing but the here and now, then why invest one’s energy in children who live on after one dies? Like atheism, childlessness reflects the assumption that ego-driven rationalism and satisfaction of the appetites are all there is and all that there ever will be.

Europe’s perfect storm is upon us. A shrinking, statist, and agnostic society that does not believe in transcendence, either familial or religious, is now in a war with near neighbors of a very different sort. In the Middle East, the fundamentalists are growing in numbers, and they most certainly do believe that their own lives are nothing in comparison to the Phoenix-like resurrection of their Caliphate and the sensual pleasures in the hereafter that will reward their martial sacrifices in the here and now. Of all the many reasons why immigrants to Europe so often dislike their generous hosts, the simplest may be because they so easily can.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2016, 08:51:19 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 10:23:59 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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France riots
« Reply #627 on: April 19, 2016, 12:45:30 AM »

A French police friend says about this footage:

"It is about fights enter various migrants in the center of bets for a not very clear motive. A lot of destruction of furniture with a very passive government."

"From where are they?" I asked.

"Syria libia an from magrheb"
« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 12:59:32 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Germany funds Hezbollah in Germany
« Reply #628 on: April 20, 2016, 07:29:01 PM »
Report: German Refugee Program Money Given to Hizballah Operatives
by IPT News  •  Apr 20, 2016 at 1:07 pm

Hizballah activists continue to operate freely in Germany and serve as senior employees of a German government-funded theater project intended to aid refugees in the country, according to the Berliner Zeitung daily and reported by the Jerusalem Post.

Two directors of the Refugee Club Impulse (RCI), sisters Nadia and Maryam Grassman, were central organizers of the annual pro-Iran/pro-Hizballah al-Quds Day rally in 2015 featuring "anti-Semitic slogans" and calls for "the abolition of Israel."

Video and photographic evidence showed Nadia chanting on a loudspeaker while Maryam disseminated fliers and posters and collected donations during the anti-Semitic rally. It is uncertain whether the donations were intended to fund Hizballah's terrorist operations in Syria and against Israel.

The RCI is expected to receive €100,000 ($113,260 USD) from the German government for the refugee project. Public taxpayer money has been transferred to the organization for several years.

There are roughly 250 active Hizballah operatives in Berlin and a total of 950 Hizballah members throughout Germany, according to a 2014 Berlin intelligence report summarized by the Jerusalem Post. Though the number of Hizballah supporters is believed to be far higher in Germany than listed in the report.
Radical Islamists are "the greatest danger to Germany...Germany is on the spectrum of goals for Islamic terrorists," said Hans-Georg Maassen, president of Germany's domestic intelligence agency – the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).

In 2014, Germany closed down the Lebanon Orphan Children Project for providing money to the al-Shahid ("The Martyr") Association in Lebanon. Al-Shahid was "disguised as a humanitarian organization" and "promotes violence and terrorism in the Middle East using donations collected in Germany and elsewhere," German security expert Alexander Ritzmann said in a 2009 European Foundation for Democracy report.

While the European Union, including Germany, designated Hizballah's military wing as a terrorist entity, Germany allows Hizballah's political wing to operate freely in the country. The U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands designate Hizballah as a terrorist organization entirely. Even senior Hizballah officials have noted the futility in distinguishing between its political and military wings, acknowledging that Hizballah is a hierarchical and bureaucratic organization with a clear chain of command. Therefore the organization's terrorist and military wings answer to its senior leadership and political echelons, including its main benefactor – Iran.


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Re: Germany funds Hezbollah in Germany
« Reply #629 on: April 20, 2016, 07:57:37 PM »
So shocked to learn of this.


Report: German Refugee Program Money Given to Hizballah Operatives
by IPT News  •  Apr 20, 2016 at 1:07 pm

Hizballah activists continue to operate freely in Germany and serve as senior employees of a German government-funded theater project intended to aid refugees in the country, according to the Berliner Zeitung daily and reported by the Jerusalem Post.

Two directors of the Refugee Club Impulse (RCI), sisters Nadia and Maryam Grassman, were central organizers of the annual pro-Iran/pro-Hizballah al-Quds Day rally in 2015 featuring "anti-Semitic slogans" and calls for "the abolition of Israel."

Video and photographic evidence showed Nadia chanting on a loudspeaker while Maryam disseminated fliers and posters and collected donations during the anti-Semitic rally. It is uncertain whether the donations were intended to fund Hizballah's terrorist operations in Syria and against Israel.

The RCI is expected to receive €100,000 ($113,260 USD) from the German government for the refugee project. Public taxpayer money has been transferred to the organization for several years.

There are roughly 250 active Hizballah operatives in Berlin and a total of 950 Hizballah members throughout Germany, according to a 2014 Berlin intelligence report summarized by the Jerusalem Post. Though the number of Hizballah supporters is believed to be far higher in Germany than listed in the report.
Radical Islamists are "the greatest danger to Germany...Germany is on the spectrum of goals for Islamic terrorists," said Hans-Georg Maassen, president of Germany's domestic intelligence agency – the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV).

In 2014, Germany closed down the Lebanon Orphan Children Project for providing money to the al-Shahid ("The Martyr") Association in Lebanon. Al-Shahid was "disguised as a humanitarian organization" and "promotes violence and terrorism in the Middle East using donations collected in Germany and elsewhere," German security expert Alexander Ritzmann said in a 2009 European Foundation for Democracy report.

While the European Union, including Germany, designated Hizballah's military wing as a terrorist entity, Germany allows Hizballah's political wing to operate freely in the country. The U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands designate Hizballah as a terrorist organization entirely. Even senior Hizballah officials have noted the futility in distinguishing between its political and military wings, acknowledging that Hizballah is a hierarchical and bureaucratic organization with a clear chain of command. Therefore the organization's terrorist and military wings answer to its senior leadership and political echelons, including its main benefactor – Iran.


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« Reply #631 on: April 27, 2016, 11:12:38 AM »
Rather timidly expressed, but the essence is there


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London elects a Muslim mayor
« Reply #634 on: May 11, 2016, 05:29:42 PM »
Apparently with substantial anglo support too so it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.

For the record, here are some concerns:

London Elects a Muslim Mayor Who Defended 9/11 Terrorists
by Raheem Kassam
May 5, 2016
Slightly edited version of an article originally published under the title "London Is About to Elect a Muslim Mayor Who Has Defended Islamists, 9/11 Terrorists, and Who Is Endorsed by Anti-Semites."
Sadiq Khan narrowly won London's mayoral election on Thursday.

Londoners went to the polls on Thursday to choose a replacement for the outgoing mayor, Boris Johnson MP. Despite the fact the Labour Party is currently mired in an anti-Semitism scandal, the victory of its candidate, Sadiq Khan MP, was confirmed on Friday.
Mr. Khan, 45, has had a successful career in the Labour Party, being elected to parliament in 2005 and becoming a minister of state in 2008, with a promotion in 2009. He was a shadow secretary of state for justice from 2010-15 and has been running for London Mayor since then.
A Muslim Mayor?

Polling suggests some people are nervous about having someone like Mr. Khan near an office that wields so much power, responsibility, and cash.
The crimes of former Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman and others have left many voters distrustful of Muslim politicians.

Private conversations with Westminster insiders often see Lutfur Rahman – the former mayor of Tower Hamlets – raised as another example of a prominent Muslim mayor. Mr. Rahman was removed from office amid accusations of playing sectarian politics with the area's Muslim population, backing Islamists, and distributing tax payer cash to his favoured Muslim groups to secure their support.

Mr. Rahman was found guilty of "corrupt and illegal practices" – and has perhaps set back the plight of the few integrated British Muslims in elected life. He – alongside politicians like Humza Yousaf, Sayeeda Warsi, Rushanara Ali, Shabana Mahmood, Yasmin Qureshi, Amjad Bashir, Naz Shah, and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh – have created a deep distrust between British voters and Muslim politicians.

In fact, one third of Londoners remain suspicious of having a Muslim mayor, and the likes of Sajid Javid or Syed Kamall suffer because of their coreligionists' insistence on fellow-travelling with extremists, if not holding extremist views themselves.


And Mr. Khan can hardly claim a clean record. Mr. Goldsmith's attacks are not without basis, though they have been shrugged off as "racism" or "Islamophobia" with the assistance of the left's useful idiots, like Owen Jones.

Mr. Khan is now one of the most powerful Muslims in the Western world.

Apart from his somewhat threatening statements about not voting for him while claiming that "he is the West," Mr. Khan's own track record is perhaps one of the most sour of all Muslim politicians in the Western world.

In 2001 he was the lawyer for the Nation of Islam in its successful High Court bid to overturn the 15-year-ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan.
Babar Ahmad

In 2005 and 2006 he visited terror-charged Babar Ahmad in Woodhill Prison. Mr. Ahmed was extradited to the U.S. in 2012, serving time in prison before being returned to the UK in 2015. Mr. Ahmed pleaded guilty to the terrorist offences of conspiracy and providing material support to the Taliban.
And Mr. Khan also campaigned for the release and repatriation of Shaker Aamer, Britain's last Guantanamo detainee, who was returned to the UK in November.

Both Messrs Aamer and Ahmed provided Mr. Khan with links to the advocacy group CAGE, which described the Islamic State executioner Mohammed Emwazi as a "beautiful young man" and which has campaigned on behalf of both men. Mr. Khan is reported to have shared a stage with five Islamic extremists, including at sex-segregated events. Even so, his poll numbers remained firm until election day.

The ConservativeHome website lists even more concerns, including:

•   A letter to the Guardian in the wake of the 7/7 terrorist bombings on London, blaming terrorism on British government policy;
•   His legal defence of Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9/11 terrorist who confessed to being a member of Al Qaeda;
•   His chapter in a book, entitled "Actions Against the Police," which advises on how to bring charges against the police for "racism." This is the same police force that Mr. Khan as London mayor would exercise authority over;
•   His defence of Islamist extremist Azzam Tamimi. When Dr. Tamimi told a crowd that the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed would "cause the world to tremble" and predicted "Fire... throughout the world if they don't stop," Mr. Khan, who shared a platform with him, dismissed the threats as "flowery language."
•   His platform-sharing with Suliman Gani, a south London imam who has urged female subservience to men and called for the founding of an Islamic state.

Londoners got news on Friday that their mayor for the next four years is a man with the judgement, priorities, and fellow travellers as laid out above. This, combined with an annual £16bn budget and an army of police, bureaucrats, and officials, would make Mr. Khan one of the most powerful Muslims in the Western world.

Raheem Kassam is a Shillman-Ginsburg fellow at the Middle East Forum and editor-in-chief of Breitbart London.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #635 on: May 11, 2016, 07:38:45 PM »
Aside from the current pResident of the White House.


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« Reply #636 on: May 12, 2016, 10:18:30 PM »


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Re: Denmark; nice little bar you got here. It would be a shame , , ,
« Reply #638 on: May 13, 2016, 11:06:24 AM »

I hope Europe like the hole it has dug for it's self.

Crafty, what did you see and hear on your last trip to Deutchastan?


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #643 on: May 22, 2016, 12:45:08 PM »
IIRC there is a goodly dose of antisemitism thrown in too.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #644 on: May 22, 2016, 12:54:03 PM »
IIRC there is a goodly dose of antisemitism thrown in too.

When the mainstream politicos ignore the people, then the fringe gains power. As far as antisemitism, it's always lurking in Europe anyway, nothing new.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #645 on: May 22, 2016, 01:04:33 PM »
I'm well aware of that.


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In for a rude awakening
« Reply #646 on: May 22, 2016, 08:41:16 PM »


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Muslim peace activist not so peaceful
« Reply #649 on: May 23, 2016, 01:36:41 PM »