Author Topic: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State  (Read 375989 times)


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #855 on: February 03, 2020, 03:07:51 PM »
"Authorities suspect the thief or thieves used an electronic jamming device to open the car door lock."

The same thing happened to me in my old Caddy
Crooks would sit near when I push the remoteless entry pick up the code and then
get in my car or open the trunk whenever  they want
saw this many times

Another possibility is a code that is easy to hack into.
They have them where the code supposedly is encrypted and or changes each time.   

Or another possibility is they get access to your key
  while you are in gym in the house etc

Probably other ways to do it that I have never dreamed of

Master criminals do this apparently all the time
from what my experience is

Can only imagine what spy agencies from the US government can do.......

Another method is when you bring your car to the dealer for repairs as I did the dealer repairman is bribed to fiddle with your vehicle
If they are union members forget it.

 have been a victim of all of it.

Try proving it.
Most police officers just think your crazy.

Though not all - some did try ......


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Not sure why trump does not simply commute sentence or issue pardon
« Reply #860 on: February 16, 2020, 04:38:38 PM »

That said there is no equal application of the law as we know when we compare what happens to Trump's associates compared to long time Deep State operatives


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Snarky judge vs. AG Barr
« Reply #863 on: March 07, 2020, 08:22:14 AM »
Judge Walton’s Political Aside
He gets his facts wrong in a broadside against unpopular Bill Barr.
By The Editorial Board
March 6, 2020 7:08 pm ET

Attorney General William Barr speaks at the Justice Department in Washington, DC, March 5.

Judges aren’t shy about criticizing prosecutors when they are displeased. But few would go as far as federal Judge Reggie Walton, who on Thursday used a procedural ruling to offer a needless and inaccurate opinion that seems dubiously political.

In a 23-page ruling demanding that the Justice Department turn over an unredacted version of the Mueller report, Judge Walton accused Attorney General William Barr of a “lack of candor.” He said the AG’s pubic statements led him to question whether Mr. Barr had made “a calculated attempt” to “influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump” when he first summarized the findings.

When Mr. Barr sent Congress a four-page summary of the report’s “principal conclusions” in March 2019, special counsel Robert Mueller complained that it “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusion.” Mr. Mueller did not claim that Mr. Barr’s summary was false or inaccurate.

He didn’t because it wasn’t. In April Justice made public a mildly redacted version of the full report that confirmed the essence of Mr. Barr’s summary, as he had promised he would at his confirmation hearing. Mr. Barr had no incentive to mischaracterize a report he knew would be released.

Judge Walton’s logic appears to be that because he believes partisan critics who claim Mr. Barr wasn’t honest in his letter summarizing a report he didn’t write, somehow the redactions weren’t honest either. The absurdity is that Mr. Barr didn’t make these redactions.

As the Justice Department explained Friday: “The original redactions in the public report were made by Department attorneys, in consultation with senior members of Special Counsel Mueller’s team, prosecutors in U.S. Attorney’s Offices, and members of the Intelligence Community. In response to [Freedom of Information Act] requests, the entire report was then reviewed by career attorneys, including different career attorneys with expertise in FOIA cases—a process in which the Attorney General played no role.”

Judge Walton’s ruling came in what should have been a straightforward FOIA case. He could have issued his demand for the unredacted Mueller Report without any of the incendiary language that has now captured the headlines. His decision to add his political broadside raises more questions about the judge than about the Attorney General.


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Strassel: Schumer and the War on Judges
« Reply #864 on: March 07, 2020, 08:27:06 AM »
second post

Schumer and the War on Judges
From court-packing plans to intimidation, the Democrats pursue a losing strategy.

By Kimberley A. Strassel
March 5, 2020 7:05 pm ET

Potomac Watch: During an abortion-rights rally in front of the Supreme Court, Senator Chuck Schumer vowed that Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch would “pay the price” for releasing “the whirlwind." Image: Caroline Brehman/Zuma Press
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s verbal threats against two Supreme Court justices aren’t surprising, in light of three years of “resistance” hostility to Trump judicial picks. What is remarkable is that Democratic leaders continue to take such a losing approach to an issue that will be central to the 2020 election.

Mr. Schumer did hit a new low Wednesday, when he stood outside the Supreme Court and rallied a mob of abortion-rights activists by vowing that Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch would “pay the price” for releasing “the whirlwind.” “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions,” he thundered. When even liberal legal scholar Larry Tribe called the remarks “inexcusable,” Mr. Schumer made a halfhearted attempt to walk them back, saying he “shouldn’t have used the words.”

Yet the Schumer threats are of a piece with today’s standard Democratic approach to the court: Attack and intimidate. Of everything Democrats lost to Donald Trump in 2016, the forfeiture of the judicial branch still grates the most. They remain furious that Obama nominee Merrick Garland never got his Supreme Court robe. They are livid that the Kavanaugh confirmation provided the high court its first solid conservative majority in decades. They are outraged that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has confirmed nearly 200 Trump judges, including 51 on the appellate courts.

Unable to stop the appointments, Democrats have shifted to threatening the appointees. These have included attacks on individual judges. The hit job in 2018 on Judge Kavanaugh was about defeating his nomination, or at least cowing him into more liberal rulings. Since his confirmation, Democrats have continued to hold the threat of impeachment over his head, again in the hope of intimidating him into taking their side on key cases.

Or take Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s sucker punch of Chief Justice John Roberts during the Trump impeachment trial, in which she forced him to read aloud her question challenging his “legitimacy.” Even Justice Sonia Sotomayor got in on the action, with a recent opinion that outrageously suggested her fellow conservative justices were biased in favor of Mr. Trump.

Then there are the ceaseless threats to the institution. Rhode Island’s Sheldon Whitehouse and four other senators last year filed a friend-of-the-court brief warning of political consequences if the justices didn’t side with them against gun rights. “The Supreme Court is not well,” the brief asserted. “Perhaps the court can heal itself before the public demands it be ‘restructured in order to reduce the influence of politics.’ ”

Liberal proposals to remake the judicial branch are a dime a hundred. Some propose packing the Supreme Court by increasing its size and creating new vacancies for a Democratic president and Senate to fill. Others demand term limits, though that would require a constitutional amendment. Yet others propose stripping or curtailing the judicial branch’s authority to review entire swaths of legislation.

Mr. McConnell, in a Thursday floor speech rebuking Mr. Schumer, likened the left’s message to a gangster’s intimidation: “That’s some nice judicial independence you got over there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it.”

The attacks and threats thrill the progressive base, but they are about as politically wise as impeachment. The most important step Mr. Trump took on his path to the presidency was releasing his list of proposed replacements for the late Justice Antonin Scalia. That inventory of impressive jurists not only reassured conservatives but motivated them to vote.

Mr. Trump will make sure his court successes are at the center of his re-election campaign. He will again highlight the stakes, especially for the Supreme Court. And here are Democrats making his case more powerful by promising not only to put an end to Trump picks, but to undo his court victories to date. Talk about a Republican turnout motivator.

Democratic court radicalism also has the potential to turn off centrist voters. This week saw Super Tuesday voters offer a stark rebuke to Bernie Sanders’s burn-it-down politics. (Mr. Sanders’s proposal is to transfer the high court’s conservatives to a different court and replace them with his own picks.) A 2019 Rasmussen poll found only 27% of Americans open to court packing. Even as American faith plummets in most government institutions, the public retains broad support for the Supreme Court. They don’t appreciate the attacks.

Instead of trashing the court, maybe Democrats could make their own lists of Supreme Court picks. They’ll need to do something, because the court issue is coming at them like a freight train. And all they’ve got is venom.

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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #866 on: March 25, 2020, 04:53:12 PM »
".Government employees have job protections that few in the private sector enjoy."



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Famous But Incompetent (and Corrupt) FISA edition
« Reply #870 on: April 03, 2020, 06:31:27 PM »

Nothing to see here, move along!


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variation of Muelle investigation and impeachment
« Reply #872 on: April 07, 2020, 07:46:34 PM »

new hit job on Trump ,  excuse me , I mean commission to investigate "what went wrong"

led of course by the same democrat mob


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #874 on: April 13, 2020, 01:39:26 PM »

Funny how to get anything on the Democratic mob we need Judicial Watch to have to spend years to go to the courts to get the information revealing what happened. 

but when it is about Trump the NYT can get information via leaks, jilted insiders, and immediate cooperation from agencies via freedom of info. act
apparently any time they want.


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The war on the rule of law; Deep State, Eli Lake, FBI FISA Abuse
« Reply #875 on: April 22, 2020, 06:24:57 PM »
The FBI Can’t Be Trusted With the Surveillance of Americans

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz issued a new report that found systematic errors of fact in the FBI’s applications for warrants under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The memo does not speak to the materiality or significance of those errors — but they are startling nonetheless.
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court approved more than 99% of all applications.
Out of 42 applications, the report says, 39 included major defects. All told, the inspector general uncovered 390 deficiencies, including “unverified, inaccurate, or inadequately supported facts, as well as typographical errors.”


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Bringing Operation Fast & Furious up from the Memory Hole
« Reply #879 on: May 19, 2020, 04:07:13 PM »

Nets Ignore Oversight Report Showing Holder Impeded Fast and Furious Investigation
By Nicholas Fondacaro | June 8, 2017 12:46 AM EDT

While the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) spent Wednesday focusing on a Senate hearing they were hoping would implicate President Trump in obstruction of justice, they ignored a House Oversight Committee report that showed President Obama’s administration did just that. “An absolutely blistering report tonight out saying the Obama administration in general and former Attorney General Eric Holder in particular repeatedly lied to the family of a slain Border Patrol officer about the weapons used in his death, and stonewalled efforts to get at the truth,” announced Fox News’ Bret Baier on Special Report.

Baier handed the segment off to Correspondent William LaJeunesse, who reported that “Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010, killed by guns tied to an Obama administration plan that armed Mexicans. A scandal officials tried to hide by wrongly claiming executive privilege.”

“The [Justice] Department’s belated admission that those 64,000 pages were not privileged, puts the gold seal of authenticity on the House's bipartisan vote to hold the attorney general in contempt,” testified Senator Chuck Grassley at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday.

According to the committee’s report, the evidence of the federal government’s knowledge of the botched program was damning. “Emails contained in the House Oversight Committee’s report shows top officials knew the ATF sent guns to Mexico even before Terry’s death,” LaJeunesse explain. There was even correspondence between high-ranking officials blowing off the danger they put people in. As was mentioned in the report:

“It's a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked,” said a deputy attorney general. A colleague replied: “It's not going to be any big surprise that a bunch of U.S. guns are being used in Mexico, so I’m not sure how much grief we get for guns walking.” Months later, two of those guns were used against agent Terry, a fact denied to Congress and Terry’s family.
“My only goal was to make sure he was laid to rest with honors. That honor has been insulted by cover-ups and deception by the very people he served,” condemned Josephine Terry, Brain Terry’s mother, at the Wednesday hearing. “Only one possible motivation remains for all those involved who have covered up Fast and Furious. That is to conceal their own shame and disgrace.”

LaJuenesse also noted how “the report claims the administration try to stop the investigation by discrediting whistleblower John Dodson.” “I was lied about and disparaged, publicly attacked, ridiculed, libeled, I've been transferred 11 times, denied promotion, ostracized, barred from government workplaces, and banned from public buildings,” Dodson told the House panel.

Ignoring breaking developments in the Operation Fast and Furious scandal is nothing new for the Big Three Networks. Back in mid-April of this year, they skipped over the news that Mexican and U.S. officials had arrested Brian Terry’s murderer. “The suspected shooter in the 2010 murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry has been arrested…” announced CNN’s Jake Tapper at the time, “38-year-old Heraclio Osorio-Arellanes was taken into custody in Mexico Wednesday, it was part of a joint operation between the two countries.”

Transcript below:

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Special Report
June 7, 2017
6:18:37 PM Eastern

BRET BAIER: An absolutely blistering report tonight out saying the Obama administration in general and former Attorney General Eric Holder in particular repeatedly lied to the family of a slain Border Patrol officer about the weapons used in his death, and stonewalled efforts to get at the truth. Correspondent William La Jeunesse tonight on Operation Fast and Furious.

[Cuts to video]

JOSEPHINE TERRY: My only goal was to make sure he was laid to rest with honors. That honor has been insulted by cover-ups and deception by the very people he served.

WILLIAM LAJEUNESSE: Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010, killed by guns tied to an Obama administration plan that armed Mexicans. A scandal officials tried to hide by wrongly claiming executive privilege.

CHUCK GRASSLEY: The [Justice] Department’s belated admission that those 64,000 pages were not privileged, puts the gold seal of authenticity on the House's bipartisan vote to hold the attorney general in contempt.

LAJEUNESSE: Emails contained in the House Oversight Committee’s report shows top officials knew the ATF sent guns to Mexico even before Terry’s death. “It's a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked,” said a deputy attorney general. A colleague replied: “It's not going to be any big surprise that a bunch of U.S. guns are being used in Mexico, so I’m not sure how much grief we get for guns walking.” Months later, two of those guns were used against agent Terry, a fact denied to Congress and Terry’s family.

TERRY: Only one possible motivation remains for all those involved who have covered up Fast and Furious. That is to conceal their own shame and disgrace.

LAJEUNESSE: Even the Border Patrol which sent Terry’s team into the desert, didn’t know about the operation.

ROBERT HEYER: I believe that if Brian Terry and his team had known this information, chances are Brian would be alive today.

LAJEUNESSE: The report claims the administration try to stop the investigation by discrediting whistleblower Don Dotson.

JOHN DODSON: I was lied about and disparaged, publicly attacked, ridiculed, libeled, I've been transferred 11 times, denied promotion, ostracized, barred from government workplaces, and banned from public buildings.

[Cuts back to live]

LAJEUNESSE: Lawmakers noted no one from the ATF or Justice Department was fired or seriously disciplined for the cover up.


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« Reply #880 on: May 19, 2020, 04:08:00 PM »


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Judicial Watch
« Reply #882 on: May 30, 2020, 05:23:30 AM »
I donated a bit to JW
and I receive the Verdict

for those conservatives interested in deep state affairs
I highly recommend it.


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« Reply #884 on: July 14, 2020, 12:39:01 PM »
Hat tip GM

Trove of Leaked FBI, Fusion Center and DHS Documents Provide Insight Into Antifa, Charlottesville, Political Bias, and the Erosion of Civil Liberties
Eric StrikerJul 10, 2020 | 2200 words  7,322

On June 22nd, a group of anarchist hackers called DDoSecrets dumped 270 gigabytes worth of internal documents belonging to regional police fusion centers, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The documents provide interesting insight into state surveillance tactics, political bias and dynamics, and how "threats" are prioritized.

The files -- dated from 2015 to 2020 in the sample National Justice looked at -- show a massive contradiction between the FBI's ideologically selective priorities and the actual intelligence being provided to them by regional police centers, which often stress the role of "antifa" as instigators of violence.

Police Know Anarchist Extremists Always Instigate Violence At Rallies

Law enforcement is fully aware of who provokes the fighting and rioting at riots: the left. The documents from fusion centers across the country (intelligence provided by local police departments) repeatedly report this.

An intelligencePDF iconassessment by the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center regarding the Berkeley Riots of Spring 2017, where anarchists and free speech activists faced off, painstakingly details the various criminal tactics "antifa" groups used to disrupt and physically injure lawful protesters and police officers.

The anarchist extremist groups in question continue to use the same tactics to this day, yet rarely face any criminal charges. The FBI is fully informed on the matter, including where the anarchists in California train in paramilitary tactics, yet refuses to investigate or prosecute any anarchist group for conspiring to commit acts of violence.

The Boston Regional Intelligence Center (BRIC)PDF iconreported similar information in its investigation of the Boston Free Speech Rally on August 19th, 2017. BRIC noted that the nationalist and free speech demonstrators, about 60 of them in total, had a permit for the event, while the anarchist groups that showed up to heckle-veto them were there illegally.

The leftist rioters began attacking the protesters, and later, began engaging in gratuitous yet apparently coordinated violence against police officers attempting to intervene, causing multiple injuries.

The most interesting document of all is an intelligence assessment by DHS in the run up to the now famous Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, which starkly contradicts the mainstream media and FBI's narrative.

In aPDF icondocument dated August 9th, 2017, DHS wrote "We assess that anarchist extremists’ use of violence as a means to oppose racism and white supremacist extremists’ preparations to counterattack anarchist extremists are the principal drivers of violence at recent white supremacist rallies."

In other words, the DHS accurately predicted, through its intelligence gathering resources, that the nationalist groups in Charlottesville would only engage in self-defense if attacked. The Charlottesville Police Department, Mayor, and Governor were all warned in advance that Unite the Right had the potential to be the most violent rally to date, yet according to the Heaphy investigation, they -- either through incompetence but most likely through malice -- enabled the carnage by ordering the police not to intervene when the anarchists attacked the nationalists.

DHS' Ulterior Motive For Placing Russian Nationalist Group on Terror Watch List

Both the FBI and to a lesser extent the Department of Homeland Security are far more concerned with political ideology and creating propaganda than upholding the law.

A pair of documents outlining the rationale behind the seemingly random designation of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) as an international terrorist group demonstrates this.

According to a DHS internal release dated May 15th, 2020, adding RIM to the list of global terrorists is more of a pilot program to test the ability of nations to share intelligence on such groups and their willingness to engage in surveillance against their own law-abiding citizens.

The federal government admits in between the lines that it is breaking new ground in attempts to violate civil liberties of citizens using counter-terrorism powers intended to combat Islamic extremism: "This is the first ever US designation of RMVE (Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremist) terrorists and the United States joins a short but growing list of Western countries who over the last year have applied counterterrorism authorities to designate RMVEs and white supremacist extremists.

Such designations will enable formalized information sharing on RIM affiliates and other RMVE actors through HSPD-6 and PCSC agreements, dependent upon the foreign partner and their level of sharing. Information sharing between counties on RMVE groups and identities is often difficult as this issue is still in its infancy stages, so the designation provides an opportunity to share and collect information on its leaders, thereby giving us previously unknown insights as to its members and their associated networks."

An earlier report on RIM from the National Counterterrorism Center dated April 2020 shows that the Russian-based organization's designation is purely political.

In a section labeled "Threat to the Homeland and US Interests," the NCTC states that RIM does not pose any threat to the United States or its interest abroad, but merely has in the past reached out to nationalists in Europe and North America for ideological discussion. The document notes that the groups who have had contact with RIM are generally not violent.

The sole instance of potential contact in recent memory between Americans and RIM -- which is an above ground ultraconservative organization rather than a racialist one -- is likely the 2015 International Russian Conservative Forum in St Petersburg. The conference attracted numerous above-ground, mainstream political parties, intellectuals and Christian organizations from around the world, ranging from Marine Le Pen's Front National to Jared Taylor. The RIM terrorist designation is likely little more than an attempt to force right-wing populists in Europe to stay loyal to Washington.

FBI Prioritizes Ideology Over Fighting Crime

One particularly laughable bulletin from the FBI provided to regional police departments is warnings about "incels" (men who are involuntarily celibate) and something called "clowncels" (incels who are fans of the movie Joker).

In the memo, the FBI admits that it "has no information indicating specific, credible threats to particular locations or venues," yet commands police departments to pay special attention to this community.

The FBI's obsession with incels in lieu of any intelligence regarding credible threats reveals that the FBI is allowing Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League to set its investigatory priorities. Last year the ADL arbitrarily declared men incapable of procuring romantic partners a domestic terror threat.

Another document dated October 16th, 2018 on "voter suppression" demonstrates the FBI's lack of respect for free speech. The FBI declared that it would begin investigating memes posted on Twitter intended to satirize low civic education by telling people to vote for Hillary Clinton via text message as a "Conspiracy Against Rights Provided by the Constitution and Laws of the United States" -- a federal crime written to prevent physical violence or threats at the ballot box that can get a prosecuted person years in prison.

As for tech censorship and surveillance, the NCTC released an outline of the various social media platforms that should be watched. They distinguish between mainstream social media platforms (Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Twitch, etc), chat apps (Telegram, Wire and Discord) and alternative-audience platforms (Daily Stormer, Gab, 4chan, Fascist Forge, 8Kun, and Stormfront).

In recent months, people have been reporting an explosion in the presence of undercover federal agents and informants desperately trying to entrap users on Telegram, Discord, Gab, the Chans and Fascist Forge.

For mainstream platforms, the NCTC notes that tech companies are eager to pursue "terrorist activity online," but often lack the resources to do it completely: "Technology companies that are willing to counter terrorist activity online but lack extensive resources to monitor content or automated takedown mechanisms would probably benefit from expanded US Government and NGO information-sharing to identify how RMVEs are using their platforms."

The close working relationship between mainstream social media companies, the FBI and "NGOs" (the ADL and SPLC) is clear and assumed, adding a new layer of understanding when it comes to tech censorship and the power of privately run organizations that are not subject general ethics or government accountability.

Ideological uniformity is important in the FBI's relationship with local law enforcement, aPDF iconflyer sent to law enforcement personnel in Texas shows.

The event, hosted by the FBI for local cops, featured lectures on "hate" (which is not a crime) from a former member of the Westboro Baptist Church and the ex-lead singer of a skinhead rock band. The conference was hosted in December 2017, so one can only imagine this indoctrination has gotten more intense since then.

Ultimately, we can gather from these documents a climate of incompetence, rejection of facts for political reasons, and a culture of selective prosecution. Those who post memes making fun of the election are treated as conspirators against the Constitutional rights of others, while anarchists who actively conspire in the open to do the same are rarely prosecuted by the FBI.

The most disturbing aspect of all this is how groups like the Anti-Defamation League appear to have more sway over the FBI's investigative priorities than intelligence provided to them by local fusion centers.

It appears that in defense of their power, our elites are willing to do away with all liberal pretenses and take on "emergency orders" that ultimately punishes peaceful dissent while allowing real criminals to go free.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #888 on: August 03, 2020, 07:23:16 AM »

not holding my breath; whatever comes out before election
MSM will ignore it or have Larry Lib Tribe come on and say this has all been debunked a conspiracy theory or right propaganda from a rogue AG.

or if continues past election
Biden will of course kill it.


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WSJ: Florida, Felons, and Judicial Bullying
« Reply #889 on: August 13, 2020, 01:20:19 PM »
Florida, Felons and Judicial Bullying
Democratic Senators try to intimidate federal judges into recusing.
By The Editorial Board
Aug. 12, 2020 7:06 pm ET

The 10 Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee wrote to three federal judges recently, demanding that they “explain” how their conduct in a pending case doesn’t break ethics rules. It’s another attempt by Democrats to intimidate the judiciary, similar to their threat last year that if the Supreme Court upheld gun rights, it might be “restructured.”

Jones v. Governor of Florida is being heard en banc by the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. It involves Florida’s Amendment 4, passed in 2018, which restores voting rights to many felons “upon completion of all terms of sentence including parole or probation.” Do fines, court fees and restitution count as “terms of sentence”? If so, felons would have to pay financial obligations before voting.

The Florida Supreme Court took up that question in a Nov. 6 oral argument. Two of the sitting judges, Barbara Lagoa and Robert Luck, were soon thereafter, on Nov. 19 and 20, confirmed by the Senate to the federal bench on the Eleventh Circuit. On Jan. 16, the state Supreme Court issued an advisory opinion saying Amendment 4 “can only reasonably be understood” as saying that felons must settle debts before voting.

Meantime, felons and advocacy organizations sued in federal court. In May a federal judge ruled that Florida’s “pay-to-vote system,” as he called it, violates the U.S. Constitution as applied to felons who “are genuinely unable to pay,” and also those for whom the owed amounts “cannot be determined with diligence,” given aging and disorderly paperwork.

Once the Eleventh Circuit took up the case en banc, there was a push to force Judges Lagoa and Luck off of it. Their colleague Judge Andrew Brasher, who also received a Senate nastygram, has recused, reasonably enough, citing an amicus brief in the case filed by his old employer, the Alabama Attorney General’s office.

For Judges Lagoa and Luck, the recusal argument was nothing but furious pounding of the table. “While a member of the Florida Supreme Court, you participated in an Advisory Opinion on this very issue,” wrote the 10 Senators, who included Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, Sheldon Whitehouse and Amy Klobuchar. They cited the judicial Code of Conduct, which tells judges to recuse from “a proceeding” if they “participated as a judge (in a previous judicial position)” or have “expressed an opinion concerning the merits of the particular case.”

Judges Lagoa and Luck sat for oral argument in an Amendment 4 case, but they left long before the ruling came down. Also: It was a different case. After they exited, the Florida Supreme Court offered an interpretation of the phrase “all terms of sentence,” while insisting it would “express no opinion on any question other than the narrow one presented.” Judges Lagoa and Luck are not prejudiced in a completely separate federal lawsuit asking whether Amendment 4 violates the U.S. Constitution.

Late last month Judges Lagoa and Luck denied a court motion to disqualify them, saying “there is no occasion for us to recuse.” But it’s obvious why the 10 Democratic Senators might prefer to try them in public. The Eleventh Circuit has 12 active judges, seven nominated by Republicans and five by Democrats. If three Trump appointees were recused, it might be enough to shift the outcome.

It’s clear this is what the Senators wanted, since they wrote that the case implicates “the voting rights of 750,000 Florida residents.” It’s another example of Democrats in Congress trying to bully judges to rule the way they demand.


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selective prosecution of illegal use of money
« Reply #890 on: August 20, 2020, 06:46:41 AM »
fi guilty than woe is Bannon

but I post here because
(I presume) the SDNY has not as far as I know not gone after anyone not a REpublican or not affiliated with Trump

they are resistant:

also just a coincidence now during DNC show?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 06:52:12 AM by ccp »


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Re: selective prosecution of illegal use of money
« Reply #891 on: August 20, 2020, 07:07:43 AM »
fi guilty than woe is Bannon

but I post here because
(I presume) the SDNY has not as far as I know not gone after anyone not a REpublican or not affiliated with Trump

they are resistant:

also just a coincidence now during DNC show?

If he was defrauding Americans, conservative donors in this case, he can go to jail. 

My inbox gets filled with requests that sound great from unknown sources I never respond to.  Go straight to the candidate's website of your choice and give there.  We will have a wall (or an economy) if we elect enough people who support that.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #892 on: August 20, 2020, 07:33:35 AM »
".My inbox gets filled with requests that sound great from unknown sources I never respond to"

yes 2x match 4 times match 5 times match if you donate now etc..


who is matching ?


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #893 on: August 20, 2020, 08:16:54 AM »
".My inbox gets filled with requests that sound great from unknown sources I never respond to"

yes 2x match 4 times match 5 times match if you donate now etc..


who is matching ?

If they have the 5x they promise, why don't those fat cats just give without me?
I would give money but I don't want to be on their lists.
Otherwise I recommend giving small amounts.  More donors and a lower average donation looks good in the hotly contested races.


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there has to be a political side to this
« Reply #894 on: August 20, 2020, 02:58:39 PM »
wait till now to arrest him when he is Chinese yacht . Were CNN crews tipped of ahead of time?

that said, Ben Shapiro warned us about Bannon long time ago:

BTW think anyone at FBI will go after the "Lincoln" project grifters for doing the same thing?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 03:08:38 PM by ccp »


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How CIA's Brennan overruled dissenting analysts
« Reply #895 on: September 24, 2020, 12:39:17 PM »

A savy friend comments:

"This tracks with my guess on what happened.  That said, it’s always wise to be skeptical of stories that support what you already believe.  It will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of this. I’m definitely ready to believe that Schiff sat on information that would have blown up the Russia lie, though."


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #896 on: September 24, 2020, 02:53:07 PM »
we need this investigation to finish

another reason Trump MUST win and we hold the Senate.


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Fidelity! Bravery! Integrity!
« Reply #897 on: September 24, 2020, 04:27:50 PM »

Did anyone resign in protest? Any complaints the the FBI's OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility) or the DOJ's IG?


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Re: Fidelity! Bravery! Integrity!
« Reply #898 on: September 24, 2020, 04:57:25 PM »

Did anyone resign in protest? Any complaints the the FBI's OPR (Office of Professional Responsibility) or the DOJ's IG?


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