Author Topic: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State  (Read 375980 times)


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AMcC: Deep State Andy goes after the FBI and the DOJ
« Reply #1302 on: July 30, 2022, 05:46:18 PM »

Democrats and the FBI Collude Again on a Russia Smear against Republicans
July 30, 2022 6:30 AM

This time, they’ve been able to turn Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation.

Not since Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers has a couple gone cheek-to-cheek quite like Democrats and the FBI.

This spring, we watched special counsel John Durham’s first Russiagate trial blow up on him, not because he lacked evidence of a 2016 fraudulent scheme to portray Donald Trump as a clandestine agent of the Kremlin, but because he portrayed one of the two main schemers, the FBI, as if it were a victim. In Durham’s indictment, the Clinton campaign lies to the bureau’s babes in the woods, gulling them into opening a baseless foreign-counterintelligence probe of whether her Republican rival is a Putin puppet. In Durham’s proof at trial, however, top FBI officials turn out to be fully aware that they are colluding with Clinton campaign operatives in exploiting political opposition research to try to nail Trump — and then labor to cover their tracks.

It’s an unfortunate blind spot. Durham has one conviction so far: a guilty plea from FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, whose manipulation of a document caused the FISA court to be deceived into granting a surveillance warrant to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser — again, substantially based on the Clinton campaign’s bogus opposition research. Except the case wasn’t charged as a fraud on the court. It was charged as a false statement to another FBI official. Yes, it seems even when the FBI itself lies, the victim is . . . the FBI.

And now we learn how adaptable the Democrat–FBI Russia two-step is: You can run it in reverse! Not only can the scheme distort actual disinformation into an illusion of Republican collusion with foreign powers. It also can turn actual Democratic collusion with foreign powers into an illusion of disinformation. Now, that’s some choreography, right there.

We’ve written a good bit about how Democrats and the Biden campaign, aided and abetted by their collaborators in media, social media, and the distressingly partisan network of current and former government national-security officials (pillars of the so-called Deep State, which I am going to have to stop describing as “so-called”), tried to con the country into believing Hunter Biden’s patently authentic “Laptop from Hell” was Russian disinformation. Well, now we see the fuller picture of how, far from pulling this tall tale out of the sky when the New York Post exposed the Hunter laptop in October 2020, these operatives simply incorporated it into a Biden campaign narrative that Democrats and pliant FBI officials had concocted two months earlier.

FBI Knew That Fear the Bidens Were Compromised Was Not Based on Disinformation

Republicans controlled the Senate in the 116th Congress in 2019, when Chairman Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) of the Finance Committee and Chairman Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) of the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs began probing the Biden family business of cashing in on Joe’s political influence. The focus was fishy foreign financial transactions. By then, the Justice Department and the FBI had been onto Hunter’s shenanigans for a year — again, long before the laptop’s existence emerged.

The government’s national-security apparatus had every reason to know the Bidens were compromised. As I’ve detailed, one of the family’s most lucrative deals had it partnering with a Shanghai-based conglomerate called CEFC, which turned out to be a Chinese intelligence operation. This is the deal where Joe Biden — “the big guy” — was to get a 10 percent cut . . . which may explain why he was so relieved that a New York Times exposé seemed only minimally damaging that he called Hunter (the son with whom he never talked business, no siree) to opine that Hunter was “in the clear.”

Among CEFC’s key executives was Patrick Ho, once described by Hunter as “the f***ing spy chief of China.” Ho was prosecuted by the Justice Department on foreign-corruption charges. Months before his arrest, CEFC’s top executive (and Xi Jinping protégé) Ye Jianming paid Hunter $1 million to snoop around and try to find out what the government had on Ho. That turned out to be a lot. In February 2018, federal prosecutors advised the defense that Hunter’s client, Ho, had been the subject of national-security surveillance under FISA. Within a week of this notice, the Chinese regime arrested Ye. He has not been seen in public since, and the regime quietly let the multibillion-dollar conglomerate go bust.

The Bidens were being lavishly paid by CEFC: It is documented that $6 million went into the family coffers. Hunter once related that Ye had offered him $10 million annually just for “introductions.” Given that the FBI appears to have been monitoring Ho and CEFC as clandestine agents of the communist Chinese regime, what chance is there that the Biden connection was an important aspect of the FBI’s CEFC probe? They’ll never tell us, of course, because it’s all classified, but I’m betting it’s a pretty good chance since a major goal of any counterintelligence investigation is to detect whether the U.S. government has vulnerabilities on which a foreign power is capitalizing — often by paying lots of money to influential Americans. If the FBI didn’t know about the Bidens and the Chinese regime, then we should be asking why we’re plowing billions of dollars into the foreign-counterintelligence budget.

The Grassley–Johnson investigation homed in on the foreign funding streams pouring into Biden accounts. This obviously was not disinformation planted by foreign intelligence services. Much of it was signaled by suspicious-activity reports filed by financial institutions. (Banks file such reports when they suspect transactions are traceable to potentially illegal activity, or when the transactions appear to be structured in a manner designed to defeat federal reporting requirements.)

In addition, we now know that in early 2019, Hunter told one of his “escorts” that accounts of his had been frozen because he was making payments for “escort services” that were tied to Russian accounts. So . . . a bevy of Eastern European prostitutes knew that it really was Hunter Biden behind money sluicing between intriguing foreign accounts and accounts that, whaddya know, really were controlled by Hunter Biden. Is it so hard to imagine that the FBI might have figured that out, too? Just maybe?

Not Quite Efrem Zimbalist Jr.’s FBI

In today’s FBI, progressive political bias is so notorious that what used to be shocking to humiliated bureau defenders (such as moi) has become a rueful punch line. Thankfully, hardworking case agents still habitually follow the evidence wherever it leads. That, however, doesn’t mean their political-hack bosses won’t undermine them.

As 2020 wore on, leading Democrats grew increasingly alarmed that what looked like a cakewalk for Joe Biden could turn into a close election. He had no more blatant vulnerability than streams of foreign money that could support Biden’s well-earned reputation for being willfully blind, at best, to his family’s propensity to monetize his government power. Grassley and Johnson were turning up potentially damaging information. Something had to be done.

And what do Democrats do these days when they need election help? They call the FBI.

In Durham’s prosecution, we saw that when 2016 Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann wanted to plant disinformation about Trump–Russia collusion to trigger an FBI investigation, he targeted the bureau’s then–general counsel Jim Baker — an old friend from their Justice Department days. Sussmann knew he could text Baker on a Sunday night and be confident of getting a Monday meeting in the bureau’s executive suite. Sussmann even had a badge giving him access to FBI headquarters. No surprise then that he got both his meeting and the FBI investigation of Trump that the Clinton campaign was hoping for.

In 2020, the situation was reversed. This time, the evidence was very real and damaging to Democrats, so what party heavyweights needed was to thwart any significant FBI investigation, preferably by branding the evidence as disinformation.

Wonder of wonders, the Democrats found willing FBI officials. Two of them are called out in Grassley’s letter.

The first is Timothy Thibault, a longtime bureau muckety-muck who is the top FBI agent in the District of Columbia investigative division (his title is assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office — ASAC of WFO in bureau-speak). The WFO handles some of the government’s most sensitive investigations — sensitive because they have political ramifications. (I’m sure it will give you comfort to know that among Thibault’s predecessors heading up the WFO was Andrew McCabe.) We met Thibault a few weeks back, courtesy of another Grassley letter referring him for investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general. Besides apparently brandishing his FBI credentials to draw attention to his very active social-media presence (a violation of various rules), Thibault engages in partisan public commentary, taking aim at Republicans, the Trump administration, the Catholic Church, the American South (“Can we give Kentucky to the Russian Federation” — is this guy hilarious or what?).

Then there is supervisory intelligence analyst Brian Auten. We didn’t know him by name, but some of his crackerjack intelligence analysis is outlined in the IG’s report on the FBI’s abuse of FISA surveillance authority in the Trump–Russia probe. After the FBI had already used the blatantly bogus and uncorroborated Steele dossier in sworn applications to obtain FISA warrants, it finally interviewed the sources relied on by former British spy Christopher Steele for the conclusion that Trump was in cahoots with the Kremlin. Auten was the “supervisory intel analyst” identified in the report, trusted by the FBI to handle the interview of Igor Danchenko, Steele’s “primary sub-source” — and himself suspected by the bureau to be a Russian spy (see the IG Report, pp. 186-190). Danchenko told Auten and other agents that Steele had extensively distorted the information Danchenko passed along to him, much of which was rank rumor and innuendo. Yet, I’m sure you’ll be stunned to learn that after these interviews, the FBI continued to rely on Steele’s information in its FISA applications. Unbelievably, the FISA court was informed that Danchenko was credible, but not that what he was credible about was Steele’s utter lack of credibility.

What a pair.

The Democrat–FBI Disinformation about Disinformation Campaign

Grassley’s recent letter relates that, as he and Johnson collected damaging Biden information, four senior congressional Democrats — then-Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer and House speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as Senator Mark Warner and Congressman Adam Schiff, top Dems on the intelligence committees — dashed off a letter to the FBI on July 13, 2020. In it, they fretted that Congress could be the subject of a foreign-disinformation campaign and sought a “defensive briefing.”

Three days later, this request was elaborated on by Democratic senators Ron Wyden and Gary Peters. They were the ranking members of the committees then headed by Grassley and Johnson, respectively, and thus privy to the Biden information then being amassed. The two Democrats requested a briefing from the FBI about potential foreign disinformation tied specifically to the Grassley–Johnson investigation.
Grassley maintains that there was no need for such a briefing because the information he and Johnson were gathering was substantially verifiable and, ergo, not disinformation. I would further observe, as I’ve detailed on other occasions, that even when the source of information is known or truly suspected to be a foreign intelligence service (which the Biden information substantially was not), this does not perforce mean the information is false. Sometimes, for example, Russia floats information that is true — and quite intentionally so because it is embarrassing to American officials. So even if one believes in good faith that Russia or China, say, are putting out Biden data, that would not by itself make that data disinformation. Yet, that’s what Democrats and their confederates would have you believe — if the information is derogatory, it must be both sourced to a foreign intelligence service and untrue.

According to Grassley, the FBI was happy to help the Democrats in that enterprise. After the bureau received the letters from the top Democrats, Auten worked up an intelligence “assessment” that concluded derogatory Biden evidence was disinformation. Grassley says unidentified FBI whistleblowers have recounted that agents working the Biden investigation were interviewed in connection with Auten’s assessment and pushed back against their headquarters’ claims of disinformation risk, arguing that their reporting either had been verified or could be verified using ordinary investigative techniques (e.g., search warrants). Nevertheless, FBI headquarters purported to conclude that this derogatory Biden data was disinformation. To cover their tracks, Grassley says that in September 2020, FBI headquarters officials “placed their findings with respect to whether reporting was disinformation in a restricted access sub-file reviewable only by particular agents.”
Meantime, in August 2020, the FBI invited members of Congress to be briefed on possible foreign interference in the election campaign.
Grassley says the briefing he and Johnson received, which was “unsolicited and unnecessary,” related to the Biden investigation that the Auten assessment sought to discredit, over the dissent of case investigators. Parts of the Biden investigation, Grassley explains, were leaked to the media in order to paint the evidence gathered “in a false light.” On August 13, 2020, for example, the Associated Press published a report suggesting a government “intelligence assessment” raised the question of whether Senator Johnson’s effort to investigate Biden family dealings with Ukraine, among other foreign governments, was “mimicking” Russian efforts to spread disinformation and “amplifying its propaganda.”

Grassley goes on to note that “in October 2020, an avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting was ordered closed at the direction of ASAC Thibault.” Moreover, not content with merely closing this part of the case “without providing a valid reason as required by FBI guidelines,” Thibault also “attempted to improperly mark the matter in FBI systems so that it could not be opened in the future,” according to the senator.

Grassley does not further describe this “avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting.” We do know, however, that October 2020 — the dwindling weeks right before Election Day — is when the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story. And how’s this for a coincidence: At the same time that Thibault was shutting down part of the Biden investigation, an array of 51 former U.S. national-security officials released their “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails.” It’s a remarkably deceptive piece of, well, disinformation, strongly suggesting that the Hunter laptop contents were Russian disinformation — but, when read closely, the officials admit that they are merely “suspicious” and actually have no basis in solid fact to conclude that the contents were disinformation. Naturally, the 2020 Biden campaign happily peddled this government-approved Russian disinformation storyline — just as the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign had happily peddled the bureau-promoted narrative that Trump had established a communications back channel with the Kremlin.

How to Get Their Attention

With Democrats running both congressional chambers and the Justice Department, an investigation of the FBI’s collusion with Democrats to influence another American presidential election is not in the cards at the moment. Republicans could and should vow to investigate this latest budding bureau scandal thoroughly once they take control of one or both houses of Congress. But let’s be frank. There have already been numerous investigations of FBI politicization, misconduct, and abuse of power over the last several years. Congress investigates, the Justice Department investigates, the FISA court investigates . . . and nothing happens.

What ought to happen has become increasingly clear. The FBI’s foreign-counterintelligence mission should be reassigned to another agency that is strictly an intelligence service with no police responsibilities. The bureau should be restricted to law enforcement. That is what it knows how to do well.

Just as important, law enforcement has to be transparent. In the criminal-justice system, discovery rules and court oversight ensure that the bureau’s work will be checked, which incentivizes police to do it by the book, without political bias. Intelligence activities are classified. The shroud over them creates too much temptation toward mischief — including politically motivated abuse of power. The FBI used to be the premier federal police force, which had a domestic-security sideline. With the onslaught of jihadist terrorism that began in the 1990s, and especially after 9/11, the sideline — the intelligence mission — became such a priority that it has corrupted the bureau’s ethos. The combination of intense secrecy and awesome law-enforcement power is too combustible when entrusted to an agency that has lost the public’s trust and that has shown, time after time, that it is resistant to oversight.

If you want to get the FBI’s attention, restrict its mission, cut its budget, and hold higher-ups at the bureau and its mother ship, the Justice Department, accountable for malfeasance. There is no reason to believe, at this point, that anything else will work.


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Re: AMcC: Deep State Andy goes after the FBI and the DOJ
« Reply #1303 on: July 30, 2022, 09:57:28 PM »
It could be time to stop calling him that.

Looks like he's on our side.


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Re: AMcC: Deep State Andy goes after the FBI and the DOJ
« Reply #1304 on: July 30, 2022, 10:03:37 PM »
It could be time to stop calling him that.

Looks like he's on our side.

Don't be so easily manipulated. Bill Barr says all the right things and then helps the coup and cover-up.

DSA begrudgingly admits some of the massive corruption, then serves weak tea.

Many people in the FBI need to go to prison.

The FBI needs to be dissolved, the earth salted where it once stood as a lesson.


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WT: FBI soldiers revolt against HQ
« Reply #1306 on: August 03, 2022, 03:04:39 AM »
FBI soldiers revolt against pro-Biden headquarters

Whistleblowers reveal bias against conservatives, discrimination

By Rowan Scarborough

The FBI’s alliance with the Democratic Party has reached new heights with the assertion by two Republican senators that the bureau set them up for fake-news press stories about their groundbreaking Hunter Biden disclosures.

FBI whistleblowers have been contacting Republican lawmakers for months, a career-risking campaign that shows the grassroots outside the 7th Floor are in revolt. Their target is the FBI’s elitist left-wing headquarters overseen by Director Christopher Wray since August 2017.

The bureau’s hierarchy has developed in recent years a particular distaste for Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. This animus dates back well before July’s stunning whistleblower disclosures of corruption: Headquarters sabotaged a probe of Hunter Biden (Grassley statement), and it directed field offices to make up statistics for domestic violent extremism threats (Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio statement). Over a dozen FBI employees have contacted Mr. Jordan’s ranking Judiciary Committee office since November.

Both the Hunter blocking and DVE padding are in complete lockstep with the FBI’s political master, President Biden. Hunter is the son; domestic threats fit Mr. Biden’s constant assertions about dangerous Trump supporters, although what they have been attacking and killing day in, day out is unclear.

Hunter is not the only Biden offspring to get FBI help. Ashley Biden, the president’s daughter, left her intimate diary at a “halfway house” in Palm Beach, Florida, the Daily Mail reported. The document circulated in conservative circles until it reached undercover journalist James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas. The FBI promptly raided his home, in force. Whether the bureau wants him criminally charged and what the crime would be is still unclear. But a missing personal diary is now a potential federal crime for a guy who uncovers — first hand, on hidden camera — liberal bias in the news media.

And still in Republican memory is the FBI 7th floor’s classification of “suicide by cop” for Sen. Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson. He loaded up for a massacre of practicing GOP ball players on a baseball diamond in 2017. Only the immediate actions of two Capitol Police officers stopped him. After Republican outrage, Mr. Wray changed the attack to domestic terrorism.

Of course, the FBI-Democratic Party uber-alliance is the Christopher Steele dossier. Democrats funded the dossier, and their operatives spread the smut all over town, including deep inside the bureau.

Under Director James Comey and Deputy Andrew McCabe, the bureau fell in love with the 2016 collection of falsehoods about Mr. Trump and his aides. So deep was the love that Mr. Comey insisted the intelligence community, which dubbed the dossier “internet rumor,” include its claims in the January 2017 official government paper on Russian election interference. As a compromise, they added it to the appendix.

In 2019, the Department of Justice inspector general wrote a scathing report on the whole FBI dossier affair.

Mr. Jordan has unearthed two other FBI nuggets from whistleblowers in addition to the fake DVE reporting.

In a May 11 letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, Mr. Jordan said the FBI has granted another Biden priority by targeting school kids’ parents as domestic terror threats.

Mr. Jordan told Mr. Garland that by October, based on the AG’s own directive, FBI counterintelligence and criminal divisions created a new threat tag: “EDUOFFICIALS.”

“We have learned from brave whistleblowers that the FBI has opened investigations with the EDUOFFICIALS threat tag in almost every region of the country and relating to all types of educational settings,” the congressman wrote. “The information we have received shows how, as a direct result of your directive, federal law enforcement is using counterterrorism resources to investigate protected First Amendment activity.”

In May and June letters to Mr. Wray, Mr. Jordan disclosed the other nugget: The FBI has retaliated against employees who express conservative views.

He told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham of a “Decorated Iraq war veteran being run out of the FBI. His allegiance to the country is being questioned because he had the gall to say something that offended the FBI leadership about the January 6th investigation.”

This narrative gets us to the setup — a remarkable allegation from Mr. Grassley and Mr. Johnson that the FBI created a purposeless August 2020 private briefing as a way to sabotage their Hunter Biden work.

Did the FBI hold a grudge against the two? The senators were instrumental in winning the declassification of footnotes in the 2019 IG report. The disclosure: The FBI had been warned that the dossier on which it relied contained deliberate Kremlin disinformation.

That August, as then-President Donald Trump and Mr. Biden squared off, the two senators were a month away from issuing an explosive report on Hunter Biden’s finances — how he collected millions of dollars from shady Chinese tycoons, and Moscow and Ukraine oligarchs. The New York Post was two months away from breaking the story of Hunter’s abandoned laptop stocked with financial records, porn, emails and texts. His messages told of how he shares proceeds with the elder Biden.

Before the Grassley-Johnson report came out, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer smeared their inquiry by alleging it relied on Russian disinformation. He and other Democrats had been briefed by the same FBI unit that discredited evidence against Hunter Biden, who today remains under investigation by the U.S. attorney for Delaware. Then, the FBI’s 7th floor showed up to provide the closed August 2020 briefing. Thinking back, the two senators now contend it was a setup to feed the news media inaccurate stories about what was said. In a July 25 letter to Mr. Garland, Mr. Grassley singled out Brian Auten, a supervisory intelligence analyst at headquarters, who that very month began dismissing Hunter Biden evidence of wrongdoing as disinformation. The FBI whistleblowers told Mr. Grassley’s staff that all the evidence of criminality was either verified or could be backed up by search warrants. By then, the FBI had taken ownership of, and presumably exploited, the Hunter laptop for eight months.

“I received an unsolicited and unnecessary briefing from the FBI that purportedly related to our Biden investigation and a briefing for which the contents were later leaked in order to paint the investigation in a false light,” Mr. Grassley told Mr. Garland. “The concurrent opening of Auten’s assessment, the efforts by the FBI HQ team and the efforts by the FBI to provide an unnecessary briefing to me and Senator Johnson that provided our Democratic colleagues’ fodder to falsely accuse us of advancing foreign disinformation draws serious concern.”

“We had that briefing and it was a setup,” Mr. Johnson told Fox News’ “Unfiltered with Dan Bongino.”

Mr. Biden’s pick of Mr. Garland for attorney general was a savvy move. Mr. Garland knows who kept him off the Supreme Court — Republican senators blocked his nomination in 2016.

If Mr. Wray has an appetite for reforming FBI headquarters based on the 2019 IG report, and more recent scandals, his moves have yet to materialize in public


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Above the law
« Reply #1308 on: August 05, 2022, 07:30:51 AM »


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Re: It’s done
« Reply #1311 on: August 09, 2022, 01:11:16 AM »

Ron DeSantis:

The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.


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Andrew McCarthy on yesterdays raid
« Reply #1312 on: August 09, 2022, 07:52:43 AM »

thinks this is not about some boxes of records - that was the ruse - to invade and swipe boxes from Mar Lago.

It is all about 1/6/20.

The claim if Trump KNEW the election was NOT stolen then perhaps that could be used as criminal indictments. 

Which is of course ridiculous because Trump believed it was stolen as do I .

So the whole thing smells of shysterism with a complicit media - as always .

( I lived literally across the intracoastal waterway from Mar A Lago in the early 90s in poor man's Palm Bch - West Palm Bch - I couldn't afford the membership fees - which then I think as 50 K - It went up to 250 K per annum later and may be even more now. I  could see the estate  outside my window.  I never dreamed he would be President in a million yrs!)


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Re: It’s done
« Reply #1318 on: August 09, 2022, 10:14:53 AM »

End of the Republic
With the FBI raid on Trump’s home, America has fallen into the abyss.

Tue Aug 9, 2022
Robert Spencer

When the FBI raided Donald Trump’s home on Monday, a key aspect of what made the United States of America great and free has been lost, and likely cannot be recovered. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson detested one another for years before their eventual reconciliation, but neither one used the agencies of the U.S. government to hound, persecute or discredit the other. Other bitter political opponents throughout the history of the republic have never before used the government’s own mechanisms of justice to do injustice to their foes. Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and their henchmen have brought America to a new phase of its history, and it is not likely to be one that is marked by respect for the rule of law or defense of the rights of individual citizens. Instead, we are entering an ugly age of authoritarianism, in which the brute force of the state is used to bend the people to the will of the tyrant.

Trump announced on Monday, “These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”

The 45th president is not given to understatement, but the FBI raid on his home is much more than just unnecessary and inappropriate. It is criminal. The FBI that was heavily involved in trying to frame and destroy Trump in the Russian Collusion hoax is now trying once again to destroy him, apparently by claiming that he improperly took classified material from the White House. They never cared when Hillary Clinton misused classified material on a grand scale; what is the difference? They’re also likely trying to find something to link him more firmly to the January 6 “insurrection” that never was. The Left’s January 6 narrative has been full of holes from the beginning: Trump told the demonstrators to proceed peacefully, the people who entered the Capitol had no weapons, and no one had sketched out any kind of plan to do what the Left continues to claim that Trump was trying to do all along, overthrow the government and rule as a dictator.

But Joe Biden’s handlers are desperately afraid that Trump will return to the White House on January 20, 2025 and that things will go harder for them next time than they did during his first term. They’re afraid that a vengeful Trump will do a genuine and thorough housecleaning of the desperately corrupt and compromised Washington bureaucracy, and that many of them will, quite justly, end up out of power, and some of them will, even more justly, end up in prison. So they’ve determined to pre-emptively do the same to Trump. If they can’t actually find anything to prosecute him for (and Lord knows they’ve tried, this is the most investigated and poked and prodded and scrutinized man in American history, and still those who hate him have nothing), then at very least they hope to taint Trump so completely in the eyes of the distracted and indifferent public that they will have a fighting chance in 2024.

This is banana republic stuff. This is the kind of thing that moved Woodrow Wilson to intervene militarily in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua, explaining: “We are friends of constitutional government in America; we are more than its friends, we are its champions. I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men.” Wilson was an authoritarian scoundrel and one of the worst presidents we have ever endured, but much as he hated Theodore Roosevelt and feared that he would be reelected to the presidency in 1920 (instead, Roosevelt died in 1919), Wilson never had rogue government agents raid Roosevelt’s home looking for something they could use to pin some crime on him.

Merrick Garland recently signaled that something like this was in the offing, when he emphasized that no one was above the law and anyone could be prosecuted. No one is above that law, that is, except Hillary Clinton, and Hunter Biden, and all the FBI officials who have been implicated in the Russian Collusion hoax, and all the other Leftists who have escaped and will continue to escape prosecution because they hold what the elites consider to be acceptable political opinions.

The two-tier justice system that aggressively prosecutes conservatives while turning a blind eye to Leftists who have committed similar or worse crimes is now out in the open. Trump did nothing, but the FBI will find some crime for which the Justice Department will prosecute him. Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden did a great deal, but none of it matters to corrupt officials who share their worldview.

The lesson is clear: in America today, in the corrupt kleptocracy of Joe Biden, you have to have the right opinions. Then all doors will open for you and you can even break laws with impunity, and have no fear of prosecution. But if you dare to dissent from the opinions of the elites, prepare to be hounded by the new super-IRS and the weaponized FBI, and you’ll face raids, and prison, and who knows what else is coming.

Many conservatives are saying that this ensures Trump’s victory in 2024. But what makes them think that this corrupt regime will allow the man whom they fear and hate above all others return to the White House? It’s clear now. They will stop at nothing.

This is no longer a republic, except of the banana variety. It may be a republic again someday, but for now, the great American experiment is over. Born July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia, died August 8, 2022, in Mar-A-Lago, at the hands of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Christopher Wray.

Ron DeSantis:

The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.


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War on the rule of law; Deep State.
« Reply #1320 on: August 09, 2022, 10:49:09 AM »
This, plus 87,000 new "IRS" agents, it ought to be enough to get people favoring freedom energized.
If you are a Dem and didn't think they were targeting Republicans, as they do, you wouldn't favor this.
I suggested going to a more secure format to discuss how to fight back in the war the deep state has waged against us.  I wrote that it's hard to fight this war with the constraint that we can't shoot first.  Events of the day make me think of alternatives to that caveat.

The simplest fight back is to defund them, and also purge and/or prosecute the bad apples when justified.  That requires winning elections and taking charge.  And we are back again to the election fraud debate.

A friend said he voted in today's MN primary, offered the election judge his ID but she said we don't need to see that, and he offered back a contrary view on that.  If one or both of the next two election cycles has even a hint of Dem cheating in it... I would be open to considering ideas that should not be stated in an open format.


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Re: War on the rule of law; Deep State.
« Reply #1321 on: August 09, 2022, 11:37:26 AM »

The Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS
Robert W. WoodSenior Contributor
I focus on taxes and litigation.
Aug 8, 2022,09:25am EDT

The Schumer-Manchin tax bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed the Senate on Sunday, raises taxes and will give the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal called “beast mode.”

In all, the meant-to-be-inflation buster bill will dole out about $80 billion to the IRS for increase enforcement, operational improvements, customer service, and systems modernization. Think big, really big. That $80 billion is more than six times the current annual IRS budget of $12.6 billion.

How can the IRS spend all of that? You guessed it, the bill says a whopping $45.6 billion will be for enforcement, and make no mistake, enforcement is the main directive from Democrats to the IRS. Get bigger, tougher and faster at collecting, and make them pay. Meanwhile, the IRS could be ramping up its police power too. The IRS is a key part of the government, but not one you usually associate with law enforcement and guns.

Only the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS can carry guns, but the IRS has been buying more guns and ammunition in recent years, snapping up nearly $700,000 in ammo in early 2022. The bullet buy prompted Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to introduce the “Disarm the IRS Act,” to prohibit the IRS from buying ammunition.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) tweeted, "87,000 IRS agents will be hired with $80 billion taxpayer dollars when the Senate Reconciliation bill passes this weekend. And they're buying more guns & ammo too. Lower to middle income Americans & small businesses will be the primary targets of Democrat's new IRS force."

The IRS has a hard job to do, but worry about the IRS inventory of weapons is not new. An official report published by the Government Accountability Office said that at the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 guns and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons inventory.

Many federal agencies were reviewed and assessed in the GAO study, Purchases and Inventory Controls of Firearms, Ammunition, and Tactical Equipment (GAO-19-175) (Dec 13, 2018). Some of the guns the IRS has are fully automatic machine guns. Compared to seeing gun-toting IRS Agents at your door, a correspondence audit doesn’t sound too bad. An audit report from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration covering 2009 to 2011 said that IRS Agents accidentally discharged their guns 11 times during that time. The report says that IRS agents fired their guns accidentally more times than they did intentionally. Some of the misfires caused property damage or personal injury. A few defendants in criminal tax cases have tried to suppress evidence based on the IRS carrying guns.

In United States v. Adams, the First Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed Charles Adams’ conviction for conspiracy to defraud the United States by obstructing payroll tax collections and tax evasion. Mr. Adams was convicted despite his argument that the IRS agents carrying guns was not allowed by law. Mr. Adams was essentially treated as a tax protester, which is clearly a pejorative term. Even so, he isn’t the first taxpayer to be unhappy about the IRS having weapons. In fact, an IRS business card can cause more heart palpitations than the CIA, FBI, or Department of Justice. You don’t need to see a firearm to get weak in the knees.

There is a separate part of the IRS that is criminal, not civil. Like the FBI, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division uses the Special Agent terminology. If you are visited by an IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent, you should consult with an attorney. You are not legally required to talk to them. In fact, the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees your right against self-incrimination. That means you can’t be compelled to be a witness against yourself in a criminal case. You may believe that by answering a few simple questions you will not hurt yourself or your position—especially if you are just a witness. Yet speaking up might actually help the IRS build a criminal case against you. The IRS may (quite honestly) tell you that you are not the target of the investigation, but merely a witness. Even so, you are entitled to retain counsel. Besides, the IRS view of you may change.

In the early stages of IRS criminal investigations, a person may be told he or she is a witness. You may therefore think there is no harm in being forthcoming, and that your cooperation will actually make it more likely that the IRS will appreciate you and leave you alone. However, as the investigation continues, a witness can become a target. Even if you are convinced you are merely a witness and will remain so, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that you have the right to assert your constitutional privilege against self-incrimination. See Bellis v. United States.

If you are approached and questioned by a Special Agent, ask for his or her business card. Firmly but politely state that you do not want to answer any questions and that you will have your attorney contact the Special Agent. You can fully cooperate through your attorney. This may sound paranoid, but given the fluid nature of who is a witness and who is a target, even statements you think sound innocent may not be. Suppose you are asked whether you do business with Joe or know Sally. If you answer falsely, you may face felony charges. See 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001. Plus, making a false statement can be considered evidence of an attempt to conceal other criminal conduct.

This, plus 87,000 new "IRS" agents, it ought to be enough to get people favoring freedom energized.
If you are a Dem and didn't think they were targeting Republicans, as they do, you wouldn't favor this.
I suggested going to a more secure format to discuss how to fight back in the war the deep state has waged against us.  I wrote that it's hard to fight this war with the constraint that we can't shoot first.  Events of the day make me think of alternatives to that caveat.

The simplest fight back is to defund them, and also purge and/or prosecute the bad apples when justified.  That requires winning elections and taking charge.  And we are back again to the election fraud debate.

A friend said he voted in today's MN primary, offered the election judge his ID but she said we don't need to see that, and he offered back a contrary view on that.  If one or both of the next two election cycles has even a hint of Dem cheating in it... I would be open to considering ideas that should not be stated in an open format.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1323 on: August 09, 2022, 01:38:53 PM »
Whoa , , ,


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1324 on: August 09, 2022, 01:46:45 PM »
Whoa , , ,

Funny how many current events keep circling back to Epstein, isn't it?

Almost like the idea that a cabal of pedos running things from the shadows is more than an Alex Jones fever dream.


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Re: AMcC on the MAL raid
« Reply #1328 on: August 09, 2022, 04:58:04 PM »
As usual, he dishonestly leaves out important details that make his buddies at the DOJ look bad, such as J6 was a fed operation.

"The Justice Department’s legitimacy, which hinges on the public’s acceptance of it as a non-partisan law-enforcer, would be at risk. If Garland is going to charge the former president, he has to be sure. He has to be able to convince the country that the public interest strongly favors prosecution."


As usual, highly intelligent.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 04:59:46 PM by G M »


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Garland's FBI going after everyone...
« Reply #1329 on: August 09, 2022, 05:21:19 PM »

Except the clients of G. Maxwell for some reason...

Coming soon-Andy McCarthy defends the mass arrests of registered republicans...


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1330 on: August 09, 2022, 07:06:15 PM »
"As usual, he dishonestly leaves out important details that make his buddies at the DOJ look bad, such as J6 was a fed operation."

That would be because it is not the subject at hand.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1331 on: August 09, 2022, 07:07:34 PM »
Clearly something deep is afoot.

At the moment there is more heat than light.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1332 on: August 10, 2022, 04:58:33 AM »
"Clearly something deep is afoot."

The increase in IRS agents is equal to half the force of the entire US Marine Corps, with billions (tens of billions? ) more for guns and ammo for these 'pencil pushers'.

The war against us is on.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2022, 05:04:51 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1333 on: August 10, 2022, 07:07:32 AM »
As usual, he dishonestly leaves out important details that make his buddies at the DOJ look bad, such as J6 was a fed operation.

"The Justice Department’s legitimacy, which hinges on the public’s acceptance of it as a non-partisan law-enforcer, would be at risk. If Garland is going to charge the former president, he has to be sure. He has to be able to convince the country that the public interest strongly favors prosecution."


maybe Andrew is trying to avoid an armed IRS investigation into his taxes

is the IRS arming to the teeth because they know when they go after conservatives many / most are armed?


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1334 on: August 10, 2022, 07:16:31 AM »
"Clearly something deep is afoot."

The increase in IRS agents is equal to half the force of the entire US Marine Corps, with billions (tens of billions? ) more for guns and ammo for these 'pencil pushers'.

The war against us is on.

As a comparison MN has about 600 state troopers, NJ has about 2500.

The FBI has about 13,000 Special Agents.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1336 on: August 10, 2022, 07:43:14 AM »

just wondering if FBI was looking to retrieve a bug that was planted previously..

perhaps they thought she had crack in an inside pocket
or stuffed
archive material in her under panties.........

[as one who has experienced some of this shit.]


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1338 on: August 10, 2022, 08:20:24 AM »
worked as prosecutor against Epstein
quits post and NEXT day is working for Epstein to protect his girl accomplices from prosecution
  ( and keep them quiet)

that is what I read and heard

the appearance of unethical immoral behavior for a protector of the RULE OF LAW
does not get any worse than this!


Does the word scumbucket come to your mind as well?

Even "shyster" is not strong enough to  describe him.


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VDH on the FBI
« Reply #1344 on: August 11, 2022, 07:31:40 AM »


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1346 on: August 11, 2022, 08:27:05 AM »
Too bad for the nation that the FBI did not go to an untainted judge for a warrant that the public can trust. 

Unless I missed something, all we know is context.  They didn't go after anyone else for documents.  cf. Hillary. Obama. W.J. Clinton.  We don't know what's in the search warrant or what they found.  Trump not releasing it indicates he's not being fully candid, or else he is planning his defense, and remaining silent is a skill he might work on.

A President can declassify documents by his actions; there isn't only one approved way of doing it.

We can surmise there will be an indictment and prosecution, otherwise FBI would have to admit they were wrong and apologize. No bleeping way that's going to happen.

Joe Biden didn't know and approve?  Fair enough, but did his bosses know?

The law for document mishandling that says the violator cannot hold office again is unconstitutional.  The constitution lays out the restrictions of who can serve as President.  Congress doesn't have that power or authority.

Trump could run for President from jail.  Trump could go to trial pro se, representing himself (with teams of lawyers advising him in and out of the courtroom.  (I wonder if he's considered a flight risk?)  Trump can demand a speedy trial.  Trump would demand cameras in the court room.  Public deserves to know.  He could run his defense and his campaign at the same time.  Trump could lose with a DC jury and win the election and pardon himself.  He doesn't have 4 or 8 years to wait, and it seems that he wants to be President.

Looks like we have a circus on the docket.


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1347 on: August 11, 2022, 10:47:39 AM »
“Trump not releasing it indicates he's not being fully candid”

How do we know he has it?


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1348 on: August 11, 2022, 10:49:57 AM »
“We can surmise there will be an indictment and prosecution, otherwise FBI would have to admit they were wrong and apologize.“

Oh really?

Remember me of all the past FBI apologizing for various unethical and/or criminal acts?


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Re: The war on the rule of law; the Deep State
« Reply #1349 on: August 11, 2022, 11:13:03 AM »
Hope you know I was joking about the forthcoming police state apology.  Not joking about the indictment coming.  For what, I have no idea.