Author Topic: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff ) Second Amendment  (Read 967984 times)


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2400 on: May 28, 2023, 08:26:51 AM »
Playing this forward!


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2401 on: May 28, 2023, 08:36:50 AM »
remove DC Chicago Detroit St Louis Phila [not LA NYC Houston?]

we know it is not white supremacy doing this
but that does not stop Biden FBI NAACP DOJ celebrities and hustlers from ignoring
and blaming anyone, anything , else they can


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2402 on: May 28, 2023, 09:21:06 AM »
IIRC over the decades NYC crime states have been lower than the other cities mentioned.


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« Reply #2403 on: June 10, 2023, 06:15:42 PM »

Gun Rights Supporters:

I am passing on a desperate plea from our brothers and sisters at the Oregon Firearms Federation, which is forced to fight the state’s far left agenda, particularly its attempts to end lawful gun ownership. There is a donation link to OFF at the bottom. GRNC doesn’t get a dime of this one. Please help keep west coast lunacy from migrating here.

From Kevin Starrett, Executive Director, Oregon Firearms Federation:

“In 2022 the voters in the bluest counties in Oregon passed Measure 114 by a whisker thin margin.

“In January, Oregon Firearms Federation went to Federal Court to block the measure.

“Judge Karin Immergut, a Trump appointee, refused to issue an emergency or temporary injunction, but a suit filed in State Court by Gun Owners of America has temporarily blocked the measure pending a trial in September. However, no matter how that goes, the fight will be Federal Court.

“The measure bans virtually all firearms magazines and most tube fed shotguns because of the way the measure was written.

“The measure also requires a ‘permit’ to purchase a firearm but the requirements cannot be legally met. 

“In addition to requiring a class that only police can teach, it requires fingerprint checks by the FBI.

“The FBI has refused to provide them, which means the county sheriff or local police who are tasked with providing the permits would have to violate the rules in the measure to issue the permit the measure requires.

“The required ‘class’ also mandates live fire training, but virtually no police or sheriff’s departments in Oregon have the facilities to provide for live fire. Furthermore, there is no provision for people who do not already own guns to acquire the guns they would need to take the class since they would not have permits.

“The state has argued that magazine are not protected by the Second Amendment because they are not “arms”. The state claims they are ‘accessories’. But of course, they are components, not accessories, because firearms cannot function as intended without them.

“If some magazines are not protected then all magazines can be banned as can other parts like stocks and trigger groups.

“The state is also claiming that the measure is constitutional under Bruen because it is ‘shall issue.’ But it is not. Sheriffs are NOT required by the measure to issue and some have already said they will not because they cannot.  If your county sheriff does not issue, you are not allowed to request a permit from any other sheriff.

“Measure 114 will essentially end the legal sale of firearms in Oregon and place hundreds of thousands of Oregonians at risk of criminal penalties for owning magazines.  Many distributors have already refused to send any magazines into Oregon for fear of violating the Measure.

“Closing arguments are Friday June 9th and the Judge does not seem predisposed to finding in favor of Gun Owners. She has denied OFF’s attorneys request to provide mountains of discovery from the Oregon State Police which demonstrated they are not even completing the background checks they are tasked with now and this measure will triple required background checks for a gun purchase. She has allowed the state to make arguments that the Supreme Court has deemed off limits.

“Oregon Firearms Federation has faced staggering legal bills fighting this measure. Whatever the outcome of this trial there will certainly be an appeal. This case will have national implications. Any support you can give to OFF and its Educational Foundation would be greatly appreciated.”

Secure donations can be made online here.

Armatissimi e liberissimi,


F. Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina
Executive Director, Rights Watch International
Radio host, Guns, Politics and Freedom
Author, Rules for ANTI-Radicals: A Practical Handbook for Defeating Leftism


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2405 on: June 11, 2023, 06:41:53 PM »
Nice find.

I just posted it on DBMA FB with this description for our substantial foreign audience there.
For our foreign friends:

The issue here is that powerful forces within our federal government and many of our state governments want to have knowledge of all guns-- a prelude to general disarmament.  Witness Australia; witness most of Europe.
Ghost guns are guns about which the goverment does not know because the law does not restrict guns made by the individual himself-- I'm thinking this probably because the Constitutional basis for Federal action here is the "Interstate Commerce Clause."

Thus a key question presented is how the parts out of which the gun is built are defined.  Are they a "readily assembled into a gun" or are they "parts" requiring work by the would-be gun maker to qualify under law to have "made" a gun and thus not subject to federal law?


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2406 on: June 11, 2023, 06:59:00 PM »
Nice find.

I just posted it on DBMA FB with this description for our substantial foreign audience there.
For our foreign friends:

The issue here is that powerful forces within our federal government and many of our state governments want to have knowledge of all guns-- a prelude to general disarmament.  Witness Australia; witness most of Europe.
Ghost guns are guns about which the goverment does not know because the law does not restrict guns made by the individual himself-- I'm thinking this probably because the Constitutional basis for Federal action here is the "Interstate Commerce Clause."

Thus a key question presented is how the parts out of which the gun is built are defined.  Are they a "readily assembled into a gun" or are they "parts" requiring work by the would-be gun maker to qualify under law to have "made" a gun and thus not subject to federal law?


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Re: Pot user jailed for owning gun
« Reply #2408 on: June 13, 2023, 07:03:39 AM »

Identify Prohibited Persons
The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition, to include any person:

convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
who is a fugitive from justice;

who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);

who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;
who is an illegal alien;

who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;

who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;
who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or

who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
The GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(n) also makes it unlawful for any person under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship, transport, or receive firearms or ammunition.

Further, the GCA at 18 U.S.C. § 922(d) makes it unlawful to sell or otherwise dispose of firearms or ammunition to any person who is prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition.

The Arms Export Control Act (AECA) prohibits the issuance of licenses to persons who have been convicted of:

Section 38 of the AECA, 22 USC 2778;

Section 11 of the Export Administration Act of 1979, 60 USC App. 2410;

Sections 7903, 794, or 798 of Title 18, USC, relating to espionage involving defense or classified information;

Section 16 of the Trading with the Enemy Act, 50 USC App. 16;

Section 30A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 USC 78dd-1, or section 104 of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 15 USC 78dd-2;

Chapter 105 of Title 18, USC, relating to sabotage;

Section 4(b) of the Internal Security Act of 1950, 50 USC 783(b), relating to communication of classified information;

Sections 57, 92, 101, 104, 222, 224, 225, or 226 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 42 USC 2077 2122, 2131, 2234, 2272, 2275, and 2276;

Section 601 of the National Security Act of 1947, 50 USC 421, relating to the protection of the identity of undercover intelligence officers, agents, and other sources;

Section 371 of Title 17, USC, when it involves conspiracy to violate any of the above statutes; and

International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 USC 1702 and 1705.


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Rudy Gulls made good point today on radio
« Reply #2411 on: June 21, 2023, 05:07:15 PM »
 Federal law makes it a crime to lie on a gun application of course
The  question are you addicted or using illegal drugs is there for a reason

hunter answered no, thus lying and breaking the law

Rudy points out the whole reason this is part of gun laws is to keep drug users from acquiring guns - not to excuse them with , 'well he was an addict at the time',
and we should feels sorry for him and excuse his behavior since he has a disease .

That approach totally defeats the purpose of the law -  by dismissing the application of the  law breaking because he is an addict was the exact opposite of the intent Congress had for putting this as part of gun applications

I answer the same question every time I get or renew a state medical license
doubt very much if I lied they would feel sorry for me and forget about it and drop the charge

I imagine police officers , as well all of us who own a gun have answered this .

An analogy would be to excuse a drunk driver because they had a disease
therefore lets drop it.

Not to  mention making even more complicated is the FACT THAT HUNTER IS A LAWYER who cannot claim he did not know better .

but all this does not matter
since we are in reality a nation of lawYERS
« Last Edit: June 21, 2023, 05:09:41 PM by ccp »


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Re: Rudy Gulls made good point today on radio
« Reply #2412 on: June 21, 2023, 06:12:01 PM »,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/140/956/728/original/4a1c5179a17c2879.jpg

Federal law makes it a crime to lie on a gun application of course
The  question are you addicted or using illegal drugs is there for a reason

hunter answered no, thus lying and breaking the law

Rudy points out the whole reason this is part of gun laws is to keep drug users from acquiring guns - not to excuse them with , 'well he was an addict at the time',
and we should feels sorry for him and excuse his behavior since he has a disease .

That approach totally defeats the purpose of the law -  by dismissing the application of the  law breaking because he is an addict was the exact opposite of the intent Congress had for putting this as part of gun applications

I answer the same question every time I get or renew a state medical license
doubt very much if I lied they would feel sorry for me and forget about it and drop the charge

I imagine police officers , as well all of us who own a gun have answered this .

An analogy would be to excuse a drunk driver because they had a disease
therefore lets drop it.

Not to  mention making even more complicated is the FACT THAT HUNTER IS A LAWYER who cannot claim he did not know better .

but all this does not matter
since we are in reality a nation of lawYERS


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Re: Rudy Gulls made good point today on radio
« Reply #2413 on: June 22, 2023, 05:34:00 AM »
ccp, yes very strange that Democrats want gun laws relaxed (in this case), but always want more
gun l aws.  Drug addicts and felons and red flag people should have access, or not?  Same with the tax law.  Do you think I would get the slap on the wrist if I failed to declare millions?  At the same time they want more taxes on high earners punishable by jail on the rest of us.

I suppose the prosecutors empathized with Hunter's predicament. He couldn't declare income from his foreign agent work because it's a felony punishable with prison time (ask Paul Manafort) to lobby for a foreign government without registering under FARA, Foreign Agent Registration Act.,justice%20by%20tampering%20with%20witnesses.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2417 on: June 30, 2023, 06:45:04 PM »
Good to know what the arguments on the other side are so that one will not wind up like Hannity whiffing at Newsom.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2418 on: June 30, 2023, 07:08:38 PM »
Good to know what the arguments on the other side are so that one will not wind up like Hannity whiffing at Newsom.

Bottom line: Want them? Come and get them.

The would-be confiscators all have names and addresses.

The founders were very clear in their intent. It wasn't about deer and duck hunting.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2419 on: June 30, 2023, 07:47:53 PM »
Better to beat them in the courts before it comes to that and that means being able to articulate sound Natural Law Second and Ninth Amendment theory.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2420 on: June 30, 2023, 07:59:00 PM »
Better to beat them in the courts before it comes to that and that means being able to articulate sound Natural Law Second and Ninth Amendment theory.

The courts are corrupt, as is the federal government.

Think you can disarm us?

One way to find out.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2421 on: June 30, 2023, 08:10:17 PM »
Better to beat them in the courts before it comes to that and that means being able to articulate sound Natural Law Second and Ninth Amendment theory.

The courts are corrupt, as is the federal government.

Think you can disarm us?

One way to find out.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2422 on: July 01, 2023, 02:40:36 AM »
Should we lose in the courts then that question will be presented.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2423 on: July 01, 2023, 06:15:24 AM »
Should we lose in the courts then that question will be presented.

The courts are corrupt. Filled with judges that are leftist activists in black robes.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2424 on: July 01, 2023, 07:48:21 AM »
Some yes.  Not all.

In case you have not noticed, we have had some rather big wins of late , , ,


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2425 on: July 01, 2023, 08:21:03 AM »
"in case you have not noticed, we have had some rather big wins of late , , ,"

thank God we voted hard enough to get Trump in '16 and because of that 3 strict interpreters on the SCOTUS !   it pays to vote hard at a Federal level  :-D 8-) :wink:

We CAN do it again!


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2426 on: July 01, 2023, 08:55:41 AM »
"in case you have not noticed, we have had some rather big wins of late , , ,"

thank God we voted hard enough to get Trump in '16 and because of that 3 strict interpreters on the SCOTUS !   it pays to vote hard at a Federal level  :-D 8-) :wink:

We CAN do it again!

Trump wasn’t supposed to happen.

2020 is the template going forward.

As far as the wins, the article makes it clear that they won’t rest until the wins are overturned.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2427 on: July 01, 2023, 08:58:59 AM »
"As far as the wins, the article makes it clear that they won’t rest until the wins are overturned."

that I agree with
see my post under education.


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Another win for us
« Reply #2428 on: July 01, 2023, 11:04:19 AM »
Which is precisely why giving up now will guarantee the end of our C'l Republic.

BTW, note this win for us:
« Last Edit: July 01, 2023, 11:05:55 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Another win for us
« Reply #2429 on: July 01, 2023, 09:35:34 PM »
The American Republic was overthrown by the one true branch of government via a "color revolution" soft coup in 2020.
The people responsible will never voluntarily give up power.

Which is precisely why giving up now will guarantee the end of our C'l Republic.

BTW, note this win for us:


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2430 on: July 02, 2023, 05:48:54 AM »
Dammit GM, please stop farting over every thread with this! 

We know your point.  Indeed in great part we share it-- WHICH IS WHY WE FIGHT NOW.

WE ALREADY KNOW that it may be as you predict, but at least we can look ourselves in the mirror knowing that we did what we could.

Should (y)our fears be realized, , , , well then , , , the Adventure continues , , , albeit in new ways.. 

AND it may be that we WIN.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2431 on: July 02, 2023, 09:21:14 AM »
Dammit GM, please stop farting over every thread with this! 

We know your point.  Indeed in great part we share it-- WHICH IS WHY WE FIGHT NOW.

WE ALREADY KNOW that it may be as you predict, but at least we can look ourselves in the mirror knowing that we did what we could.

Should (y)our fears be realized, , , , well then , , , the Adventure continues , , , albeit in new ways.. 

AND it may be that we WIN.

Win or die. That's the only choice. No one is coming to save us, and anything but focus on that is wasting time and energy.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2432 on: July 02, 2023, 02:40:44 PM »
Winning the election would be a good thing in that regard.


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2434 on: July 04, 2023, 05:25:30 AM »
I should have kept my baseball bats.



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The following is a slightly modified version of something I posted on my Ass'n forum this morning:

Using this footage as a study in dealing with a CCSS without firearms:

Rather, the point here is to observe what humans under these conditions do.

What would you do?

For example, would you like to have a good foundation:

A) ST FOOM combos?

MARC: This is an acronym for Stay The Fuck Off Of Me.

B) And Snake movement from which to launch them?

MARC: Meaning the movement of the weapon between actual interactions.

C) Integration of 360 degree footwork with them?

D) One hand, double force, and Dos Manos skills so you could use a wide variety of sticks, pipes, clubs, staves?

MARC: Double Force means placing one's complementary hand on the wrist of the hand holding the weapon. This allows handling a weapon too heavy for one hand without surrendering the dexterity of the wrist. Dos Manos means Two Hands e.g. like a baseball bat.

E) Might it be a good idea to have some familiarity moving and hitting with a 2x4? Just how does the shape affect your grip upon impact?

F) Would you have like to have had some sort of conversation with your family about teamwork? For example, as we saw in Die Less Often-1, an untrained wife could know to stand behind you and grab your belt as you blast a path for the both of you through the CCSS?


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Be sure to train to do all this after having been tear gassed by government forces!


Sorry, this would have been great in the last dark ages. Now, you better have guns and be skilled with them and have lots of friends with guns and have interlocking fields of fire.

The following is a slightly modified version of something I posted on my Ass'n forum this morning:

Using this footage as a study in dealing with a CCSS without firearms:

Rather, the point here is to observe what humans under these conditions do.

What would you do?

For example, would you like to have a good foundation:

A) ST FOOM combos?

MARC: This is an acronym for Stay The Fuck Off Of Me.

B) And Snake movement from which to launch them?

MARC: Meaning the movement of the weapon between actual interactions.

C) Integration of 360 degree footwork with them?

D) One hand, double force, and Dos Manos skills so you could use a wide variety of sticks, pipes, clubs, staves?

MARC: Double Force means placing one's complementary hand on the wrist of the hand holding the weapon. This allows handling a weapon too heavy for one hand without surrendering the dexterity of the wrist. Dos Manos means Two Hands e.g. like a baseball bat.

E) Might it be a good idea to have some familiarity moving and hitting with a 2x4? Just how does the shape affect your grip upon impact?

F) Would you have like to have had some sort of conversation with your family about teamwork? For example, as we saw in Die Less Often-1, an untrained wife could know to stand behind you and grab your belt as you blast a path for the both of you through the CCSS?


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Think those AK pattern rifles came from a French gun shop?

Be sure to train to do all this after having been tear gassed by government forces!


Sorry, this would have been great in the last dark ages. Now, you better have guns and be skilled with them and have lots of friends with guns and have interlocking fields of fire.

The following is a slightly modified version of something I posted on my Ass'n forum this morning:

Using this footage as a study in dealing with a CCSS without firearms:

Rather, the point here is to observe what humans under these conditions do.

What would you do?

For example, would you like to have a good foundation:

A) ST FOOM combos?

MARC: This is an acronym for Stay The Fuck Off Of Me.

B) And Snake movement from which to launch them?

MARC: Meaning the movement of the weapon between actual interactions.

C) Integration of 360 degree footwork with them?

D) One hand, double force, and Dos Manos skills so you could use a wide variety of sticks, pipes, clubs, staves?

MARC: Double Force means placing one's complementary hand on the wrist of the hand holding the weapon. This allows handling a weapon too heavy for one hand without surrendering the dexterity of the wrist. Dos Manos means Two Hands e.g. like a baseball bat.

E) Might it be a good idea to have some familiarity moving and hitting with a 2x4? Just how does the shape affect your grip upon impact?

F) Would you have like to have had some sort of conversation with your family about teamwork? For example, as we saw in Die Less Often-1, an untrained wife could know to stand behind you and grab your belt as you blast a path for the both of you through the CCSS?


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2438 on: July 04, 2023, 08:17:44 AM »
"Think those AK pattern rifles came from a French gun shop?"

Good point.

Similar question for the light machine gun!


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Re: We the Well-armed People (gun and knife rights stuff )
« Reply #2439 on: July 05, 2023, 07:57:01 AM »
For the umpteenth time I am searching for but not finding a really good decision out of Conn. affirming knife rights.  I KNOW it is here , , , somewhere.


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Major Knife Rights Decision
« Reply #2442 on: July 05, 2023, 10:38:51 AM »


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Good ruling out of HI regarding "sensitive places"
« Reply #2446 on: August 12, 2023, 06:41:33 AM »