Author Topic: Immigration issues  (Read 674530 times)


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mayorkas doing his job as planned
« Reply #1850 on: June 21, 2022, 06:10:39 AM »
do not enforce law and help future Democrat voters who will have anchor babies
into the country in direct opposition to the law:

if we ever win in '24 we cannot let this man get away with this.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1851 on: June 23, 2022, 10:52:03 PM »
Deport the millions of illegals!!!

Very much worth noting is that apparently Latino citizens have dramatically shifted to pro-Republican.    Let's discuss this on the Politics thread.


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« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 06:44:01 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1856 on: July 15, 2022, 02:15:05 PM »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1857 on: July 15, 2022, 08:37:03 PM »
" The rapist was an illegal:"

but 10 yo's   mother says not true :



when it should not be ......

Not unusual for a mother of a child victim to facilitate the crimes. The motivations vary.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1858 on: July 16, 2022, 05:23:30 AM »
Not an area with which I am familiar.  What might be some of those reasons?


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1859 on: July 16, 2022, 07:08:18 AM »
Not an area with which I am familiar.  What might be some of those reasons?

The perp is acting as a source of financial security would be the most common.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1860 on: July 16, 2022, 07:59:49 AM »
Not an area with which I am familiar.  What might be some of those reasons?

The perp is acting as a source of financial security would be the most common.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1861 on: July 16, 2022, 10:45:55 AM »
"Not unusual for a mother of a child victim to facilitate the crimes. The motivations vary."


or mother is afraid of the perp's retribution
or if he is gang or cartel etc.

or psychological control by the perp of mother

same as domestic abuse where women continue to stay with men who beat them up etc.

I guess worse case scenario the mother was lending her daughter out to this guy for something in return

Perhaps she belongs behind bars too?


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1862 on: July 16, 2022, 10:50:55 AM »
 :cry: :cry: :cry:


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Soros "linked" group wins $172 taxpayer funds to help illegals
« Reply #1863 on: July 18, 2022, 06:56:21 AM »

could go to 900 + million if extended thru 2027

on top of hundreds of millions of our money it also receives for work prison reform

effectively we are paying for our own destruction......


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Re: Soros "linked" group wins $172 taxpayer funds to help illegals
« Reply #1864 on: July 18, 2022, 06:59:18 AM »
Yes we are.

could go to 900 + million if extended thru 2027

on top of hundreds of millions of our money it also receives for work prison reform

effectively we are paying for our own destruction......


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1865 on: July 18, 2022, 11:49:45 AM »
I clicked on that but am not seeing the headline you reference.


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Importing rapists
« Reply #1866 on: July 19, 2022, 11:48:16 AM »

For Democrats, Better To Import Rapists Than Be Called Racist
An illegal immigrant raped the 10-year-old girl in Ohio who got an abortion. Build the wall.
By Josiah Lippincott

July 17, 2022
The story was a perfect liberal talking point. Just days after Roe v. Wade was overturned, news media breathlessly reported that a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio was forced to leave the state to seek an abortion.

It was catnip for MSNBC Boomers and liberal white women. The story spread like wildfire; Joe Biden referenced the case in public remarks, asking Americans to “imagine being that little girl.” I myself even overheard one large middle-aged woman loudly yelling about the case while on speakerphone here in rural Hillsdale, Michigan.

But the actual initial reports about the case were so extreme and so devoid of details that many wondered if it had even happened. U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost were publicly skeptical. It fit the narrative too perfectly. The activists pumping the case up had plenty of reason to lie. It wasn’t as if journalists were going to start asking any skeptical questions.

As it turns out, the incident did happen, but it isn’t the narrative blockbuster abortion advocates wanted.

A case that was meant to show the evils of America’s white male patriarchy and its burgeoning post-Roe theocratic “Handmaid’s Tale”-style dictatorship ended up being a story about the insanity and brutality of America’s immigration policies.

The 10-year-old’s rapist wasn’t—as liberals no doubt secretly hoped—a blond-haired, blue eyed, Trump-supporting redneck but a 27-year-old Guatemalan illegal alien by the name of Gerson Fuentes. The girl’s mother is also an immigrant, who by all accounts does not speak English.

It gets worse. When Telemundo interviewed the mother, she defended Fuentes saying that the media had lied about him. When the abortion initially occurred, Fuentes was listed as a minor, in an apparent attempt to prevent prosecution for child rape.

In the overheated imaginations of America’s liberal Zoom class, the various peoples of the world are all the same. Given enough resources, everyone will become urbane, feminized, and homosexual—just like they are! Mass immigration will lead to the birth of a new, diverse, rainbow coalition country teeming with “people of color” and authentic ethnic cuisine like New York’s bodega burritos.

Reality is a tad harsher. Attitudes toward child and female sexuality in Latin America, for instance, are not nearly as enlightened as liberals would like to imagine. The organization Girls Not Brides reports that Guatemala has one of the highest rates of “Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions” in Latin America—with 1 in 3 girls entering into a union before the age of 18—often to partners who are significantly older.

Guatemalan health authorities reported that in 2020 more than 1,000 births in the country occurred in girls between the ages of 10 and 14. Rural communities made up of indigenous Mayan people groups report the highest rates of such young marriages or unions.

And it is precisely these groups—impoverished, uneducated, low-wage laborers—who flock to America. This is perfect for our ruling class. Big businesses need cheap serfs for servile low-skill labor, the Democratic Party needs a constituency to weaponize against the white middle class, and liberals need objects of pity. Win-win-win!

If a few million women and girls are trafficked and raped in the process, well, that’s just part and parcel of life in the 21st-century global economy. Better to import rapists than be called racist!

If our rulers really wanted to reduce the number of 10-year-olds needing abortions they’d build the wall and crackdown on immigration. If the Guatemalan pedophiles can’t get here in the first place, then they can’t rape anyone. And if they can’t rape girls then those girls won’t need abortions.

Abortion doesn’t solve rape. It doesn’t undo the crime. Killing the child created as a byproduct of violence doesn’t lessen the trauma to the mother. Oftentimes, it makes it worse.

I know a young woman who was raped by an adult authority figure when she was 13. Her mother forced the girl to get an abortion, telling her that the child in her womb was “just a clump of cells.” Years later, the victim researched the abortion procedure she had undergone. She was horrified. She became extremely angry at her own mother and was filled with longing for the child that had been taken from her. Far from easing the pain of her sexual assault, the abortion made it worse. In her case, nonconsensual sexual abuse had been succeeded by yet more nonconsensual bodily violation.

Liberals latch onto the cases of child rape in the abortion debate as a wedge to support abortion everywhere for everyone. It’s why CNN host Dana Bash pressed South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem about the Ohio case live on air. But zeroing in on such a devastating and difficult case is an absurd way to think about lawmaking. Abortion advocates press pro-lifers with difficult questions about extreme cases like these as “gotcha” logic traps.

But two can play that game. One can always come up with radical thought experiments that reveal the limits of general rules and moral prohibitions.

For instance: Would you commit adultery if it meant keeping your family out of devastating poverty? Would you eat human flesh if the only other option were starvation? Would you murder a million people to save a billion lives?

These thought experiments pose difficulties that do not easily admit principled responses. But they also don’t help us think through the decisions we face in our actual daily lives. They don’t help us live. Instead, they serve as a means to weaken our moral commitments. What good is it to sit around thinking up justifications for cannibalism, adultery, rape, and murder? How is that good for us.

Good legislators recognize this problem. They do everything in their power to craft policies that make hard cases of extreme necessity rare and unlikely. They focus their aim and thought on general cases and rules that help ordinary people live good lives.

The vast majority of women in America who got abortions under Roe v. Wade were not the victims of rape or incest. They weren’t minors. Their lives were not in real danger from pregnancy.

Moral equivocations between a 10-year-old rape victim and a 26-year-old marketing manager who forgot to make her one night stand wear a condom are absurd. The latter, in the abortion debate, is orders of magnitude more common than the former.

On the general scale, abortion introduces all kinds of problems. Legal abortion in America weakened the family, promoted sexual license, and encouraged mothers to view their children as disposable burdens. These attitudes have done enormous damage. The chaos of modern family life in America is evidence enough of the evils of the sexual revolution.

That’s how serious people think about politics—by focusing on the most common effects of a given policy. Pondering radical thought experiments is for college sophomores in dorm rooms, not adults making real decisions.

If our leaders really wanted to get serious about child rape, they would focus on stopping rapes from happening in the first place. Strong borders and effective enforcement of the laws are the first place to start.

But, for that, we need serious rulers. We don’t have them.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1867 on: July 20, 2022, 08:26:14 PM »
That was a well reasoned read.


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Re: Importing rapists
« Reply #1868 on: July 21, 2022, 07:53:29 AM »

For Democrats, Better To Import Rapists Than Be Called Racist
An illegal immigrant raped the 10-year-old girl in Ohio who got an abortion. Build the wall.
By Josiah Lippincott

July 17, 2022
The story was a perfect liberal talking point. Just days after Roe v. Wade was overturned, news media breathlessly reported that a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio was forced to leave the state to seek an abortion.

It was catnip for MSNBC Boomers and liberal white women. The story spread like wildfire; Joe Biden referenced the case in public remarks, asking Americans to “imagine being that little girl.” I myself even overheard one large middle-aged woman loudly yelling about the case while on speakerphone here in rural Hillsdale, Michigan.

But the actual initial reports about the case were so extreme and so devoid of details that many wondered if it had even happened. U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost were publicly skeptical. It fit the narrative too perfectly. The activists pumping the case up had plenty of reason to lie. It wasn’t as if journalists were going to start asking any skeptical questions.

As it turns out, the incident did happen, but it isn’t the narrative blockbuster abortion advocates wanted.

A case that was meant to show the evils of America’s white male patriarchy and its burgeoning post-Roe theocratic “Handmaid’s Tale”-style dictatorship ended up being a story about the insanity and brutality of America’s immigration policies.

The 10-year-old’s rapist wasn’t—as liberals no doubt secretly hoped—a blond-haired, blue eyed, Trump-supporting redneck but a 27-year-old Guatemalan illegal alien by the name of Gerson Fuentes. The girl’s mother is also an immigrant, who by all accounts does not speak English.

It gets worse. When Telemundo interviewed the mother, she defended Fuentes saying that the media had lied about him. When the abortion initially occurred, Fuentes was listed as a minor, in an apparent attempt to prevent prosecution for child rape.

In the overheated imaginations of America’s liberal Zoom class, the various peoples of the world are all the same. Given enough resources, everyone will become urbane, feminized, and homosexual—just like they are! Mass immigration will lead to the birth of a new, diverse, rainbow coalition country teeming with “people of color” and authentic ethnic cuisine like New York’s bodega burritos.

Reality is a tad harsher. Attitudes toward child and female sexuality in Latin America, for instance, are not nearly as enlightened as liberals would like to imagine. The organization Girls Not Brides reports that Guatemala has one of the highest rates of “Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions” in Latin America—with 1 in 3 girls entering into a union before the age of 18—often to partners who are significantly older.

Guatemalan health authorities reported that in 2020 more than 1,000 births in the country occurred in girls between the ages of 10 and 14. Rural communities made up of indigenous Mayan people groups report the highest rates of such young marriages or unions.

And it is precisely these groups—impoverished, uneducated, low-wage laborers—who flock to America. This is perfect for our ruling class. Big businesses need cheap serfs for servile low-skill labor, the Democratic Party needs a constituency to weaponize against the white middle class, and liberals need objects of pity. Win-win-win!

If a few million women and girls are trafficked and raped in the process, well, that’s just part and parcel of life in the 21st-century global economy. Better to import rapists than be called racist!

If our rulers really wanted to reduce the number of 10-year-olds needing abortions they’d build the wall and crackdown on immigration. If the Guatemalan pedophiles can’t get here in the first place, then they can’t rape anyone. And if they can’t rape girls then those girls won’t need abortions.

Abortion doesn’t solve rape. It doesn’t undo the crime. Killing the child created as a byproduct of violence doesn’t lessen the trauma to the mother. Oftentimes, it makes it worse.

I know a young woman who was raped by an adult authority figure when she was 13. Her mother forced the girl to get an abortion, telling her that the child in her womb was “just a clump of cells.” Years later, the victim researched the abortion procedure she had undergone. She was horrified. She became extremely angry at her own mother and was filled with longing for the child that had been taken from her. Far from easing the pain of her sexual assault, the abortion made it worse. In her case, nonconsensual sexual abuse had been succeeded by yet more nonconsensual bodily violation.

Liberals latch onto the cases of child rape in the abortion debate as a wedge to support abortion everywhere for everyone. It’s why CNN host Dana Bash pressed South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem about the Ohio case live on air. But zeroing in on such a devastating and difficult case is an absurd way to think about lawmaking. Abortion advocates press pro-lifers with difficult questions about extreme cases like these as “gotcha” logic traps.

But two can play that game. One can always come up with radical thought experiments that reveal the limits of general rules and moral prohibitions.

For instance: Would you commit adultery if it meant keeping your family out of devastating poverty? Would you eat human flesh if the only other option were starvation? Would you murder a million people to save a billion lives?

These thought experiments pose difficulties that do not easily admit principled responses. But they also don’t help us think through the decisions we face in our actual daily lives. They don’t help us live. Instead, they serve as a means to weaken our moral commitments. What good is it to sit around thinking up justifications for cannibalism, adultery, rape, and murder? How is that good for us.

Good legislators recognize this problem. They do everything in their power to craft policies that make hard cases of extreme necessity rare and unlikely. They focus their aim and thought on general cases and rules that help ordinary people live good lives.

The vast majority of women in America who got abortions under Roe v. Wade were not the victims of rape or incest. They weren’t minors. Their lives were not in real danger from pregnancy.

Moral equivocations between a 10-year-old rape victim and a 26-year-old marketing manager who forgot to make her one night stand wear a condom are absurd. The latter, in the abortion debate, is orders of magnitude more common than the former.

On the general scale, abortion introduces all kinds of problems. Legal abortion in America weakened the family, promoted sexual license, and encouraged mothers to view their children as disposable burdens. These attitudes have done enormous damage. The chaos of modern family life in America is evidence enough of the evils of the sexual revolution.

That’s how serious people think about politics—by focusing on the most common effects of a given policy. Pondering radical thought experiments is for college sophomores in dorm rooms, not adults making real decisions.

If our leaders really wanted to get serious about child rape, they would focus on stopping rapes from happening in the first place. Strong borders and effective enforcement of the laws are the first place to start.

But, for that, we need serious rulers. We don’t have them.


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Re: Importing rapists
« Reply #1869 on: July 22, 2022, 08:28:13 PM »

'Ohio Man' Rapes 10-Year-Old
Ann CoulterPosted: Jul 20, 2022 4:44 PM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
'Ohio Man' Rapes 10-Year-Old

I, for one, am tickled pink that our ruling class has finally come out against child rape. This is something new. For several decades now, the position of government officials, both political parties, think tanks, the Bush family, district attorneys and the entire media has been: We're going to foist primitive, peasant cultures on America and then lie to the public about how this is changing our country.

We recently found out about one big way that third-world immigrants are enriching us. Soon after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the media began talking nonstop about a "10-year-old rape victim" who couldn't get an abortion in Ohio and had to travel to Indiana. The "10-year-old rape victim" was discussed on a loop on MSNBC and even made it into a speech by President Joe Biden.

But then, a bunch of spoilsports started questioning whether "10-year-old rape victim" existed. The attorney general of Ohio said on July 12 he had no evidence of a 10-year-old rape victim, despite the reporting of such a crime being mandatory.

With their backs against the wall, the pro-abortion crowd broke longstanding strictures against mentioning the rapey-ness of our "New Americans" by producing the rapist: Gerson Fuentes, 27, an illegal alien from Guatemala.

Oh, now I see.

The abortion ladies thought they could get away with revealing the child rape victim, while refusing to reveal the child rape perpetrator. When that failed, they wantonly defied the rest of their coalition and told the truth about one of the Democrats' pets, an illegal immigrant.

Once the pro-abortion crowd identified the rapist, nothing about the story was surprising. It has all the earmarks of an immigrant child rape:

The crime is particularly vile -- CHECK!

The raping had been going on for some time -- CHECK!

The mother defended her daughter's rapist -- CHECK!

The rapist is shocked that anyone thinks he did anything wrong -- CHECK!

Luckily, I am Johnny on the Spot when it comes to immigrant child-rapists, having included nearly 100 such cases in my book "Adios, America!" -- as well as the sensational, flood-the-zone news coverage the U.S. media devote to criminal immigrants. (Sarcasm.)

As far as I know, there's only one group in the country trying to keep a running tally of immigrant child rapes: North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement ( Here's NCFire's list of illegal immigrant child rapists in North Carolina, so far this year.

2022 Monthly Child Rapes by Illegal Aliens:

6. June 2022: 20 illegal aliens arrested for 42 child rape/child sexual assault charges

5. May 2022: 18 illegal aliens arrested for 42 child rape/child sexual assault charges

4. April 2022: 19 illegal aliens arrested for 72 child rape/child sexual assault charges

3. March 2022: 30 illegal aliens arrested for 110 child rape/child sexual assault charges

2. February 2022: 27 illegal aliens arrested for 84 child rape/child sexual assault charges

1. January 2022: 18 illegal aliens arrested for 96 child rape/child sexual assault charges

Again, that's only in a single state. And only when the immigrant is illegal.


Unfortunately, our media are too busy reporting on apocryphal gang rapes by the Duke lacrosse team and "frat boys" at the University of Virginia to bother mentioning the epidemic of child rape by immigrants from peasant cultures pouring into our country by the million.

10-Year-Old Rape Victim's Mom Is in Domestic Relationship With Child's Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist
Mia Cathell
How far into the stories about UVA and Duke did you have to read to find out that the (falsely) accused rapists were "privileged white men"?

By contrast, whenever the media deign to mention an immigrant rapist, the story will appear in -- at most -- one local newspaper. Further, both the heinous nature of the crime and the immigration status of the rapist will be hidden. (How about a news report on the Duke lacrosse case, appearing exclusively in the local paper at the bottom of page A-18, titled, "Area Men Arrested.")

In 2013, an illegal alien from Guatemala, German Rolando Vicente-Sapon, was convicted of kidnapping his 16-year-old cousin, transporting her to the U.S. (also illegally), and holding her as his sex slave for years.

Only one newspaper in the country reported the story: the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

Quiz: Was the headline --

"Illegal Alien Sentenced for Incest, Child Rape, Kidnapping and Sex Slavery," OR

"Man Guilty in Case of Human Smuggling"?

I think you know the answer.

There's no question that the national media would never have breathed a word about the Fuentes case -- but for the doubters. So a big shoutout to the feminists for putting abortion-on-demand above open borders. If only politicians cared as much about our country as pro-choicers do about abortion.

For Democrats, Better To Import Rapists Than Be Called Racist
An illegal immigrant raped the 10-year-old girl in Ohio who got an abortion. Build the wall.
By Josiah Lippincott

July 17, 2022
The story was a perfect liberal talking point. Just days after Roe v. Wade was overturned, news media breathlessly reported that a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio was forced to leave the state to seek an abortion.

It was catnip for MSNBC Boomers and liberal white women. The story spread like wildfire; Joe Biden referenced the case in public remarks, asking Americans to “imagine being that little girl.” I myself even overheard one large middle-aged woman loudly yelling about the case while on speakerphone here in rural Hillsdale, Michigan.

But the actual initial reports about the case were so extreme and so devoid of details that many wondered if it had even happened. U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost were publicly skeptical. It fit the narrative too perfectly. The activists pumping the case up had plenty of reason to lie. It wasn’t as if journalists were going to start asking any skeptical questions.

As it turns out, the incident did happen, but it isn’t the narrative blockbuster abortion advocates wanted.

A case that was meant to show the evils of America’s white male patriarchy and its burgeoning post-Roe theocratic “Handmaid’s Tale”-style dictatorship ended up being a story about the insanity and brutality of America’s immigration policies.

The 10-year-old’s rapist wasn’t—as liberals no doubt secretly hoped—a blond-haired, blue eyed, Trump-supporting redneck but a 27-year-old Guatemalan illegal alien by the name of Gerson Fuentes. The girl’s mother is also an immigrant, who by all accounts does not speak English.

It gets worse. When Telemundo interviewed the mother, she defended Fuentes saying that the media had lied about him. When the abortion initially occurred, Fuentes was listed as a minor, in an apparent attempt to prevent prosecution for child rape.

In the overheated imaginations of America’s liberal Zoom class, the various peoples of the world are all the same. Given enough resources, everyone will become urbane, feminized, and homosexual—just like they are! Mass immigration will lead to the birth of a new, diverse, rainbow coalition country teeming with “people of color” and authentic ethnic cuisine like New York’s bodega burritos.

Reality is a tad harsher. Attitudes toward child and female sexuality in Latin America, for instance, are not nearly as enlightened as liberals would like to imagine. The organization Girls Not Brides reports that Guatemala has one of the highest rates of “Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Unions” in Latin America—with 1 in 3 girls entering into a union before the age of 18—often to partners who are significantly older.

Guatemalan health authorities reported that in 2020 more than 1,000 births in the country occurred in girls between the ages of 10 and 14. Rural communities made up of indigenous Mayan people groups report the highest rates of such young marriages or unions.

And it is precisely these groups—impoverished, uneducated, low-wage laborers—who flock to America. This is perfect for our ruling class. Big businesses need cheap serfs for servile low-skill labor, the Democratic Party needs a constituency to weaponize against the white middle class, and liberals need objects of pity. Win-win-win!

If a few million women and girls are trafficked and raped in the process, well, that’s just part and parcel of life in the 21st-century global economy. Better to import rapists than be called racist!

If our rulers really wanted to reduce the number of 10-year-olds needing abortions they’d build the wall and crackdown on immigration. If the Guatemalan pedophiles can’t get here in the first place, then they can’t rape anyone. And if they can’t rape girls then those girls won’t need abortions.

Abortion doesn’t solve rape. It doesn’t undo the crime. Killing the child created as a byproduct of violence doesn’t lessen the trauma to the mother. Oftentimes, it makes it worse.

I know a young woman who was raped by an adult authority figure when she was 13. Her mother forced the girl to get an abortion, telling her that the child in her womb was “just a clump of cells.” Years later, the victim researched the abortion procedure she had undergone. She was horrified. She became extremely angry at her own mother and was filled with longing for the child that had been taken from her. Far from easing the pain of her sexual assault, the abortion made it worse. In her case, nonconsensual sexual abuse had been succeeded by yet more nonconsensual bodily violation.

Liberals latch onto the cases of child rape in the abortion debate as a wedge to support abortion everywhere for everyone. It’s why CNN host Dana Bash pressed South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem about the Ohio case live on air. But zeroing in on such a devastating and difficult case is an absurd way to think about lawmaking. Abortion advocates press pro-lifers with difficult questions about extreme cases like these as “gotcha” logic traps.

But two can play that game. One can always come up with radical thought experiments that reveal the limits of general rules and moral prohibitions.

For instance: Would you commit adultery if it meant keeping your family out of devastating poverty? Would you eat human flesh if the only other option were starvation? Would you murder a million people to save a billion lives?

These thought experiments pose difficulties that do not easily admit principled responses. But they also don’t help us think through the decisions we face in our actual daily lives. They don’t help us live. Instead, they serve as a means to weaken our moral commitments. What good is it to sit around thinking up justifications for cannibalism, adultery, rape, and murder? How is that good for us.

Good legislators recognize this problem. They do everything in their power to craft policies that make hard cases of extreme necessity rare and unlikely. They focus their aim and thought on general cases and rules that help ordinary people live good lives.

The vast majority of women in America who got abortions under Roe v. Wade were not the victims of rape or incest. They weren’t minors. Their lives were not in real danger from pregnancy.

Moral equivocations between a 10-year-old rape victim and a 26-year-old marketing manager who forgot to make her one night stand wear a condom are absurd. The latter, in the abortion debate, is orders of magnitude more common than the former.

On the general scale, abortion introduces all kinds of problems. Legal abortion in America weakened the family, promoted sexual license, and encouraged mothers to view their children as disposable burdens. These attitudes have done enormous damage. The chaos of modern family life in America is evidence enough of the evils of the sexual revolution.

That’s how serious people think about politics—by focusing on the most common effects of a given policy. Pondering radical thought experiments is for college sophomores in dorm rooms, not adults making real decisions.

If our leaders really wanted to get serious about child rape, they would focus on stopping rapes from happening in the first place. Strong borders and effective enforcement of the laws are the first place to start.

But, for that, we need serious rulers. We don’t have them.


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likely reason some gaps in Arizona border wall being filled in
« Reply #1870 on: July 30, 2022, 07:13:25 AM »

This makes sense

Certainly it is not for preventing illegals coming in .


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invasion at border
« Reply #1872 on: August 19, 2022, 09:04:17 AM »

what would really make polls like this more meaningful is to ask the respondent if they were born
in US

60 million or more are here legally illegally work visas and the rest

so no doubt that will result in many denying an "invasion "


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FAIR on illegal immigration
« Reply #1873 on: August 21, 2022, 12:38:08 PM »

so 4.9 million + 14.3 million estimate os of 2019

puts # now at 19 million +

i bet it is a lot more......

I wonder how many vote ?

They get free DNC membership cards


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1875 on: September 16, 2022, 07:05:35 AM »
in the name of equity and diversity
I think a bill should be passed
than projects be built for low income people and illegal immigrant in high priced location

such as Martha's Vineyard, Palm Beach , Palm Springs
the ritze Hampton areas and the rest


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Migrant Vineyard group
« Reply #1876 on: September 18, 2022, 09:33:02 AM »
all lawyered up ( I am sure some mensch in paying the lawyer fees for them)

and their shysters want criminal investigation into the bus ride to MV


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Diversity is our...
« Reply #1877 on: September 19, 2022, 10:03:31 AM »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1880 on: September 24, 2022, 10:44:22 AM »
What the heck is going on with Minnesota
Was it always left wing ?

I know it was only state to vote for Mc Govern but ........


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1881 on: September 24, 2022, 11:32:43 AM »
IIRC Sen. and then VP Hubert Humphrey were from the "Farm & Labor Party" (or some name like that) from MN.


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1882 on: September 24, 2022, 05:26:03 PM »
Long history but the MN party is called the DFL, so called merger of Democrat Farmer Labor even though all farmers and perhaps majority of labor now vote R.

Humphrey was moderate compared to today's evil woke.  HHH was tough on crime, made a name for himself stopping the Chicago mob from setting up in Minneapolis.

Mondale was the last honest lib. Was chosen as moderate Carter's running mate to unite the party.  Famous Mondale line as Dem nominee in 1984, "Ronald Reagan and I will both raise your taxes.  He won't tell you.  I just did."  Reagan won 49 states after that.  Never admitted again by a Dem.

In the latest scandal you have Dems in power, giant spending, all fraud and no oversight.

If you don't punish the party in power now, when would you?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2022, 06:52:27 PM by DougMacG »


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impeachment of myorkas
« Reply #1884 on: October 07, 2022, 06:29:38 AM »

but like impeachment of the Prez it requires 2/3 vote to convict

so other then hassling Myorkas there will be no consequences for willful dereliction of duty
and willfull failure to enforce the law

trying to think of some other way to enforce immigration law

defending the BP and giving the money to the States ?
but then some states will not enforce law either - Kalifornication for example.....



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get rid of the "asylum" scam
« Reply #1886 on: October 08, 2022, 10:46:45 AM »


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Texas sheriff's ***STUNT!!***
« Reply #1887 on: October 14, 2022, 09:17:58 AM »
shysters ( idea probably Larry libs ....)
trying to claim that illegals sent to MA are "crime victims"


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Re: Diversity is their strength!
« Reply #1889 on: October 18, 2022, 08:01:41 PM »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1890 on: October 19, 2022, 01:34:10 AM »
There may be less there than seems to meet the eye.

I saw a report that the Right's win came more from the Muslim groups splitting off from the Left to form their own political party.


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175 illegals arrested
« Reply #1892 on: October 24, 2022, 04:56:18 AM »
Good thing

but why did it take the prospects of heavy election losses for this to happen - just before an election:

watch this headline on CNN MSNBC PBS NYT WP NBC CBS ABC LAT


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illegal immigration not 11 million
« Reply #1894 on: November 22, 2022, 09:56:53 AM »

who knew ?


Number on Illegal Immigration, Studies Indicate Real Figure Likely 3 Times Higher
Jeff Carlson
Jeff Carlson
 November 22, 2022 Updated: November 22, 2022biggersmaller Print




Last week, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) claimed at a press conference last week that the country needs new immigrants to combat declining reproduction rates and a low population growth rate.

Schumer said his “ultimate goal” was to help not only the so-called “dreamers,” but to “get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many,” illegal immigrants are living in the United States. This raises the question: Just how many illegal immigrants are there in the United States?

In reality, the number of illegal immigrants in this country is actually a multiple of the 11 million number that is frequently quoted by politicians.

In fact, Democrats have been using this now-fictitious 11 million number for nearly 20 years. And during the intervening time period, illegal immigration has gotten worse, not better. Weak enforcement, porous borders, and ongoing effects from the passage of NAFTA have only exacerbated the issue. As has ongoing talk of future amnesty from Democrats in Congress, which serves as a magnet for migrants. And chain migration, which was enabled by the Immigration and Nationality Act in 1965, allows former illegal immigrants to sponsor their family members, causing massive demographic and cultural shifts.

Schumer has been pushing some sort of Amnesty program for illegal immigrants over the span of his entire 30-year career and his efforts go all the way back to 1984, when President Reagan was in office. At the time, Reagan stated during a presidential debate that “I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though some time back they may have entered illegally.”

Epoch Times Photo
President Joe Biden (L) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) (R) listen as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) speaks at an event at the White House in Washington, on Aug. 9, 2022. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)
Reagan’s comments paved the way for the disastrous Immigration and Control Act of 1986 which made any illegal immigrant who entered the United States before 1982 eligible for amnesty.

It was Reagan’s greatest failure as a president. To be very clear, Reagan was well-intentioned—but he misjudged the trickery of the DNC. As author Daniel Horowitz noted in 2018, “Every bad outcome on immigration has emanated either from the unelected branches of government or legislation that was sold to the American people as doing the opposite of its actual intent.”

The 1986 bill—which would become to be known as The Reagan Amnesty—was a sweeping immigration reform bill that was sold to the American public as a crackdown, a solution to what was even back then perceived as a border crisis.

Under the bill, there was supposed to be tighter security at the Mexican border, and employers would face strict penalties for hiring undocumented workers.

As the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) noted in 2021: “the path to citizenship was not automatic and supposedly contained several conditions: immigrants had to pay application fees, learn to speak English, understand American civics, pass a medical exam, and register for Military Selective Service. Illegal aliens with felony convictions or three or more misdemeanors were ineligible for amnesty.” Unfortunately, there was little enforcement of these requirements.

The single biggest flaw in Reagan’s Amnesty lay with those in Congress who had promoted the Act in the first place. While Reagan saw the 1986 deal as a compassionate solution to a pre-existing problem, members of Congress—particularly Democrats, along with some Republicans—saw it as an opportunity to gain voters. Once amnesty was enacted, members of Congress simply refused to implement the restrictions contained within the Act, preventing any real action to combat illegal immigration or the unauthorized hiring of illegal aliens by employers.

Political advocacy groups also worked to undermine the enforcement of immigration laws. Leading these efforts in Congress were former Senator John McCain and Schumer. Reagan had been tricked and betrayed.

Indeed, illegal immigration quickly climbed to record levels after Reagan’s Amnesty, with the number of illegal immigrants more than doubling in the ten years following the passage of the 1986 Act.

Ronald Reagan
Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan speaks at a rally for Senator Durenberger on Feb. 8, 1982. (Michael Evans/The White House/Getty Images)
By 1996, illegal immigrants were estimated to be over 8 million—far exceeding the roughly 3 million illegal immigrants who were granted amnesty status in 1986. In early 2005, the left-leaning Pew Research Center came out with a new study whose stated intention was to estimate the numbers of “foreign-born persons living in the United States without proper authorization.”

Pew’s study found that “the number of undocumented residents reached an estimated 10.3 million in March 2004 with undocumented Mexicans numbering 5.9 million or 57 percent of the total,” effectively validating official government numbers.

Here’s where things get a bit interesting. Rather than using a percentage increase, Pew settled on a static influx of immigrants of 485,000 per year. They did so by establishing a baseline number of 8.4 million immigrants based on an analysis of 2000 Census data—which was derived from a rather loose methodology.

Pew then simply divided the difference between the 2000 estimate and their 2004 estimate, coming up with an estimated 485,000 illegal immigrants arriving per year. Despite their own historical data showing exponential growth in illegal immigrants, there was no accounting for any percentage increase. According to Pew, there was a simple, static number of illegals coming each year.

Using this rather simplified method, Pew determined that as of March 2005, the undocumented population had reached approximately 11 million including more than 6 million people from Mexico. The study found that most of these people had come to the country after 1990. The study also determined that about 80 to 85 percent of the migration from Mexico in recent years has been undocumented.

Finally, the study found that more than two-thirds (68 percent) of the undocumented population lived in just eight states: California, Texas, Florida, New York, Arizona, Illinois, New Jersey, and North Carolina.

It is this extrapolated figure of 11 million illegal immigrants from Pew’s 2005 study that continues to be used by Democrats to this day—more than 17 years later.

Epoch Times Photo
A vehicle containing six illegal immigrants is stopped by Galveston Lt. Constable Paul Edinburgh as they were being smuggled from the U.S.–Mexico border by a couple from Oklahoma, in Kinney County, Texas, on Aug. 28, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
But interestingly enough, there was another detailed study (pdf) that was also done in 2005 by Bear Stearns Asset management. Right at the start, the study by Bear Stearns acknowledged what was widely accepted as fact: The accuracy of the official immigration statistics were widely regarded as incomplete.

Instead, The Bear Stearns study looked at things like school enrollments, demand for public services, foreign remittances, border crossings, and housing permits, noting that these other statistics “point to a far greater rate of change in the immigrant population than the census numbers.”

Bear Stearns found that in 2005, “the number of illegal immigrants in the United States may be as high as 20 million people,” more than double the official Census Bureau figure. The study found that “the total number of legalized immigrants entering the United States since 1990 has averaged 962,000 per year.” By way of contrast, Bear Stearns noted that “several credible studies indicate that the number of illegal entries has recently crept up to 3 million per year, triple the authorized figure.”

The study rightly observed that “Illegal immigrants work very hard to conceal their identities and successfully avoid being counted” noting that “Census officials and academics underestimate the ingenuity and the efficiency of the communications network among immigrants.”

The Bear Stearns methodology—done for the benefit of its investors rather than political groups—seems to be based on more trustworthy, quantifiable data. We have another data point as well, a Yale Study from 2018. This study, which relied “on a range of demographic and immigration operations data,” found that there were as many as 29 million illegal immigrants, with an estimated mean of 22.1 million in the United States in 2018.

As the study itself notes, they used an “extremely conservative model” to do “a sanity check on the existing number.” Like the Bear Stearns study, the Yale researchers note that “the survey method doesn’t effectively reach a group with incentives to stay undetected.” As one of the authors of the study noted, “What we’re saying is the number has been higher all along.”

Not to be outdone, the Pew Research Study decided to once again provide their own estimates of illegal immigrants—this time for the year 2017. Recall that Pew said there were roughly 11 million illegal immigrants in 2005—using a methodology I would politely describe as questionable. Bear Stearns said the number for 2005 was close to 20 million. Although it would require an extremely small growth rate, the 2018 Yale study effectively validated the Bear Stearns Study. In 2017, Pew found that the number of illegal immigrants in the United States had fallen from 2005 by half a million, to 10.5 million illegal immigrants. The study claimed that illegal immigrants had peaked at 12 million in 2007 and fallen steadily from there.

How did Pew arrive at such a low, counterintuitive number that contrasts dramatically with other studies?

The U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington on Oct. 3, 2022. (Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)
That question is hard to answer as the methodology used is somewhat indecipherable—something which Pew referred to as residual estimation methodology. The number of illegal immigrants was derived by taking the number of foreign-born U.S. residents and then subtracting the “estimated lawful Immigrant population.” In other words, they simply created the numbers.

Extrapolating between the 2005 Bear Stearns Study and the 2018 Yale Study—which found that the illegal immigrant population was as high as 29 million in 2018 using a model which its authors admit was based on an “extremely conservative” model, it would seem reasonable to say that the illegal immigration population was at least 30 million by 2020—probably higher.

And while that number is admittedly nothing more than a rough guess, it’s a guess based on these underlying studies that validate each other, even if conservatively so. Moving forward, for the years 2020–2022, we actually have some data that it seems can be conservatively relied on. We know this because the numbers were based on data quietly released by the Biden administration late at night on Oct. 25.

According to FAIR’s analysis of the data, since President Joe Biden took office, around 5.5 million illegal aliens have crossed our borders, as FAIR notes, “a crisis of epic proportions.” To reach this number “FAIR’s figure contains the 4.4 million nationwide total reported by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection as well as approximately 1.1 million ‘gotaways’ who have entered the country undetected per agency sources.”

Epoch Times Photo
Illegal immigrants from Venezuela, who boarded a bus in Texas, wait to be transported to a local church by volunteers after being dropped off outside the residence of Vice President Kamala Harris, at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 15, 2022. (Stefani Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)
As Fair’s president Dan Stein noted: “We cannot even begin to reverse this disaster so long as our nation’s immigration policies are in the hands of someone who is bent on compounding it. No matter how late at night this administration releases data, the numbers still speak for themselves.”

We have the studies from Bear Stearns and Yale that validate each other and conform to what we have been seeing transpire at our borders. We also know that the methodology used in Pew’s 2017 study is highly questionable, so much so that it should be discarded from serious consideration.

Does anyone actually believe the number of illegal immigrants in our country is now lower than in 2005? Pick whatever number you like, I think the number of illegal immigrants is probably in the 35–40 million range—but we can all agree that the 11 million figure touted by Democrats is utter nonsense. The thing is, they know that it’s nonsense. They also know that passage of a new amnesty would provide them with a huge influx to their voting base.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2022, 10:02:30 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1895 on: November 22, 2022, 10:02:07 AM »
There is also the rather well-regarded Yale-MIT study of a few years ago that found 22-25 million the likely number.


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more bad news
« Reply #1896 on: November 28, 2022, 08:41:27 AM »

millions more who claim they are in danger for their lives
taking the immigration attorney business cards waiting for them at the border

and all the planning to get them set up in swing regions

in the meantime Biden allow Chevron to drill - IN VENEZUELA !
I can't see any reason why this makes sense except to stick it in our faces


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illegals since Biden in office
« Reply #1897 on: December 12, 2022, 09:52:46 AM »
assuming 5 milion

multiply this by 50 x:

more than 26 states :

if one thinks there are even just 20 mill in US now
that is more than every state other then California and Texas

total disgusting dereliction of duty
to enforce law


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Re: illegals since Biden in office
« Reply #1898 on: December 13, 2022, 08:46:05 AM »
Rant warning.  What if Republicans were as tough as Leftists?  An idea comes to mind.  Since the motive is political (more Democrats) and the timing is political (come while Democrats are in power), we need to (also)
make this political.

Biden won't go to the border because he doesn't want news cameras to go there.  So we take everything political that we can there. 

Wherever it is the Biden cabal doesn't want cameras to go, that's where we go.  Want to negotiate a budget?  Meet us at the border. Want a comment on the last stupid thing Trump said or did?  Meet us at the border.  Want a Republican guest on a Dem political show, Slay the Nation, Meet the dePressed, here is Sen ____ coming to us from the border.  CPAC?  At the border.  GOP headquarters? Move it to the border.  Republican debates?  At the border.  National convention?  At the border.

Words didn't work.  Must lure the cameras there.  That's what they did with (Obama's) children in cages videos, and horseback whipping, or whatever that was.

Like ccp's post of Ohio State football stadium, show them what 3 million people (per year) looks like.  Show them what 20 and 30 million people look like, standing in front of you when you wait to vote or hope to get social security.

One caller to a show this morning (of central American origins, legal immigrant) said, they're all coming.  Because they can.

We lost the last three elections.  There can be no 'more of the same'.  Hoping Dem voters see the dismal results of Dem policies didn't work.

Attach border protection to the farm bill.  To health care spending.  To food stamp funding.  All of it.  Attach border  protection to shutdown funding.

THEY shut our government's prime purpose down, to protect our borders. THEY can own it.  No debt payments, no money for anything until the border is secured.

Like one politician said, what have you got to lose?


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Re: Immigration issues
« Reply #1899 on: December 13, 2022, 09:57:51 AM »
good idea

of course the MSM will ignore any meetings at the border

putting it in bills good idea too
if only we had the Senate
we could stick to President Ron Klain and force him to veto it

of course he will claim racism
and in humane
and we are always a country of immigrants

we need to get rid of the asylum loophole as well

I am dreaming that if we can only change the amendment that states people born here are automatic citizens
and add some limitations
#1 you cannot not be just visiting
#2 you are not simply here on school visa or work visa
#3 you are not here illegally

I can see green cards
as ok