Author Topic: The US Congress; Congressional races  (Read 364478 times)


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #750 on: September 22, 2020, 10:50:51 AM »
Discussing this at

Note that McSally's seat does not go all the way to Nov. 3.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Barrett confirmation
« Reply #752 on: September 27, 2020, 07:11:16 AM »
First try to shoot her down:  She will take away healthcare.
   - Sen. Debbie Stabinow D-Mich, Fox News Sunday

 Sen. Doug Jones announced Friday he won’t support the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice nominee before the election.

Sen. Doug Jones will soon be former Sen. Doug Jones.

Prof. Lawrence Tribe, Nothing unconstitutional about proceeding with the confirmation, just stupid.

As with Kavanaugh hearings, we will see which side benefits having their constitutional principles (or lack thereof) exposed.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2020, 08:25:46 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #753 on: September 29, 2020, 05:48:48 AM »
Democrats Prepare To Give Republicans Free Ad Footage Of Them Attacking Successful, Religious Mother Of 7

Outcome based jurisprudence?

"She will take away healthcare..."  Also 'overturn Roe v Wade', allegedly.

What is weird is how open Democrats are about WANTING Justices to be politicians in robes instead of umpires calling balls and strikes on constitutionality without regard to ideology.  Are the Democrats admitting their legislation and their past rulings are not constitutional?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #754 on: October 02, 2020, 06:09:22 AM »
Speaking of covid and carrying out governmental duties, let's hope / pray all Senators stay safe and healthy.


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Republican House, Republican Senate
« Reply #755 on: October 02, 2020, 04:34:57 PM »
Candidates mentioned previously, but I just gave money to some local contenders:
Verified sites, direct to the candidates:

Jason Lewis running for US Senate against Tina Smith in MN.  If Trump flips MN, Jason could too.  That would win the US Senate for sure.

Lacy Johnson, Black Republican endorsed candidate to unseat Rep. Ilhan Omar.  Long shot but hey... worth a try.

Kendal Qualls, Black Republican running for Congress in my district, was R for ages, flipped D in 2018.  Also long shot the suburbs are worth fighting for.

Google any candidate.  Go to their real site, not the google ad.  Click on donate.

Last chance to make a difference.  "Everyone invited".


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orange County
« Reply #757 on: October 03, 2020, 02:04:06 PM »
where is all this money coming?

it ain't from illegals?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #758 on: October 08, 2020, 10:26:48 AM »
I go to make donations and I see this at the bottom of the page:

"Paid for by WinRed. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee."



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Re: The US Congress; Senate races
« Reply #759 on: October 09, 2020, 02:56:46 PM »
Your honest opinion
Are we looking to hold the Senate ?

Today it is 53R-47D, plus one sure pickup in Alabama.

RCP "No Toss ups" today says 51-49 Dems if the election were held today and if the polls were right.
Figuring a tiny, wrong pro-Dem poll bias back out of it, maybe it is 50-50 or 51-49 Republican today.

Dem win means a Dem clean sweep against Susan Collins Maine, Thom Tillis NC, Jodi Ernst IA, Martha McSally AZ, and Cory Gardner Colo.
If we lose all those 5, we've lost the country.  [Sell]

But Tillis will win.  Ernst will win.  Collins very possible.  If it's a big R year (if the polls are wrong), maybe all of them win.
We're going to have the best quarterly economic growth news in history announced in the weeks before the election. We're going to have a treatment and a vaccine, and peace and prosperity coming...  IF Republicans could capture all that in a persuasive message in a big hurry that connects and spreads, - this whole thing is winnable.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #760 on: October 09, 2020, 03:13:38 PM »
thank you for assessment

even if we win it sounds like only by pubic hair can we hold on

I hope 2022 is a better looking yr for the Repubs

if the country has not been all sold out by then with court packing and two new forever Democrat free shit/government employee states


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #761 on: October 10, 2020, 09:49:12 AM »
Made major (for me anyway) donations to:

Lindsey Graham(Sen SC)
Thom Tillis (Sen. NC)
Dan Forrest (Gov NC)
Kewis (Sen MN)
Steve Daines (Sen MT)
Joni Ernst (Sen. IA)
John James (Sen MI)


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #762 on: October 10, 2020, 03:48:06 PM »
I donated small amount to Graham and NJ Congressmen Van Drew who switched parties.

We need Lindsey to win.

He is sometimes off, but for most things he is one of the most articulate Repubs which we need more of.

I am thinking Nunes too.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #763 on: October 10, 2020, 09:30:12 PM »
I have a check for Nunes to deposit on Monday.

Wrt LG, plenty there I disagree with but his loss would be a disaster for the command presence of our side.  I wrote him a big check.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #764 on: October 10, 2020, 11:00:17 PM »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #765 on: October 11, 2020, 06:32:59 AM »
Any polls on Collins vs. Waters?  Does he have a real shot?


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cannot find polls on google search
« Reply #766 on: October 11, 2020, 07:55:14 AM »
 do not know veracity of the this money report :


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #767 on: October 11, 2020, 11:16:03 AM »
TY.  Looks like he has outraised the deranged hag, but has less to go for the final stretch.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #768 on: October 12, 2020, 07:12:36 AM »
Here is a political add from him-- very good!!!


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Is there anything a Black Caucus member can do other then play the race card?
« Reply #770 on: October 20, 2020, 08:00:15 AM »
"negotiating" the stimulus plan

this forever race baiter claims the Dems are treated like "second class " citizens"

"we are not stupid"


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"negotiating" the stimulus plan

this forever race baiter claims the Dems are treated like "second class " citizens"

"we are not stupid"

"Clyburn on Stimulus Deal: ‘We Are Not Just Going to Take Anything Simply Because It’ll Be Something’"

He has this exactly backwards. Public spending should be the part that we can all agree on, meaning the lower of the two sides.

Is every bill slavery reparations, or what the hell does it have to do with race?


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Senate polls tightening
« Reply #772 on: October 22, 2020, 07:29:41 AM »
For some reason, ($200 million of out of state money) Jone Erst has been trailing in Iowa.  Now up 1.
In neighboring MN, Jason Lewis has been down double digits the whole campaign to Planned Parenthood's Tina Smith.  Now down only 1.  McSally in AZ within 2, with the margin of error.  Thom Tillis NC pulled even.

Like pp says about states 'locked in', I believe both sides at this point can say with certainty that they might win and they might lose this year, in the House, Senate and Presidency.

What is hard to believe is that Republicans are roughly even politically in the face of 93% bad media coverage.  They are even with everything down to the search engines, social media platforms, all networks and almost all newspapers, even the Drudge Report bought out and turned against you, imagine what could be done on a level playing field!


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Senate, ACB
« Reply #773 on: October 26, 2020, 08:32:20 AM »
Susan Collins to vote no on Barrett.

No what?  Not qualified?? Not enough information? Not vetted?  Not enough time to consider?

Cowardly final move.  Does this endear her to Democrats?  Remove her from criticism. Not at all.

All the clairvoyance of the high school basketball coach who cut Michael Jordan

Advice and consent, your advice Senator is let Joe Biden and the Democrats fill vacancies that occur while Republicans are in power?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Democrat civility?
« Reply #774 on: October 28, 2020, 06:49:47 AM »
Civility issue is a Trump phenomenon?  Dem Speaker of the House tore up the State of the Union speech on national television, including this JANUARY reference to coronavirus:

"Protecting Americans’ health also means fighting infectious diseases.  We are coordinating with the Chinese government and working closely together on the coronavirus outbreak in China.  My administration will take all necessary steps to safeguard our citizens from this threat."

They also impeached over a corruption investigation into one of their own because the allegations against Joe Biden had already been"debunked".  Really?  How?  Where?  By whom?


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US Congress; Congressional races, Sen. Thom Tillis, North Carolina
« Reply #775 on: October 28, 2020, 06:58:00 AM »
Sen. Thom Tillis could use your vote! Do we have anyone in NC?   )


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #776 on: October 28, 2020, 08:51:05 AM »
Republican Senate wins in 2018 election under the cloud of the Mueller investigation do not even include that Republicans replaced Flake, Corker and McCain, rest his soul.  2020 will include defending many seats from the Republican takeover of 2014 and could involve the loss of Susan Collins.  (I hope Susan Collins wins.)

51 or 52 seat majority this year is not all bad. 50-50 is a defeat no matter which way the presidential race goes.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2020, 08:57:46 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #777 on: October 28, 2020, 09:00:48 AM »
Republican Senate wins in 2018 election under the cloud of the Mueller investigation do not even include that Republicans replaced Flake, Corker and McCain, rest his soul.  2020 will include defending many seats from the Republican takeover of 2014 and could involve the loss of Susan Collins.  I hope Susan Collins wins but if that's the worst loss, it's not a bad year.

51 or 52 seat majority this year is not bad. 50-50 is a defeat no matter which way the presidential race goes.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #778 on: October 28, 2020, 05:22:16 PM »
I donated to Tillis.  For the record, my friends here hold him in low regard, but regardless, we need to keep the Senate.

Probably will be voting tomorrow.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #779 on: November 02, 2020, 04:47:11 PM »
I donated to Tillis.  For the record, my friends here hold him in low regard, but regardless, we need to keep the Senate.

Probably will be voting tomorrow.

Would like to know the negatives on Tillis.

Much prognostication on Pres and Senate races.  It seems ticket splitting is a thi g of the past.  (We'll see.) The swing states are largely same as the Senate key tossups. If Trump wins, Republicans hold the Senate. But if Trump wins decisively, why isn't the House in play? Allegedly because of white suburban women, but if they are out in force and all Dem, Trump doesn't win.

So I pose two possibilities, Republicans win it all. If mainstream polling was right all along, Dems win it all. 

I'll go with the former.

I think all thw obsession with fraud and cheating will make cheating small and difficult. Last time we had recounts only in the states Trump won closely and his lead grew.  In 2000, the recount insanity did not change the outcome.  The exception was Al Franken v. election night winner Norm Coleman. That Nov 2008 election was settled in July 2009.  If we follow that mold, welcome Pres Nancy.  Ahhhh!

Everyone vote, all the way up and down the ballot, and check in with EVERY like minded person you know. Offer rides.  Make it happen.

The margin of victory or defeat matters - in every race.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #780 on: November 03, 2020, 06:18:08 AM »
IIRC Tillis was RINO on The Wall , , ,


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Senate in 2022
« Reply #781 on: November 04, 2020, 08:40:19 AM »
What   :-o

in 2022 out of 34 senate seats up for election 22 are Republican ?

what the hell

again ? !!!

not till 2024 does the numbers flip (as they stand now ):,_2022


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Re: Senate in 2022
« Reply #783 on: November 04, 2020, 09:15:18 AM »
What   :-o

in 2022 out of 34 senate seats up for election 22 are Republican ?

what the hell

again ? !!!

not till 2024 does the numbers flip (as they stand now ):,_2022

OMG. Looks like most of the Republicans are in 'safe' seats, with some exceptions, Pat Toomey PA, not running, Ron Johnson WI, Burr retiring NC. GA again. Some exposure for the Democrats as well, NV, NH, AZ.

Maybe we lose Murkowski in a primary...

Republicans better get their act together someday soon.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2020, 09:17:30 AM by DougMacG »


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Maxine (mad max) vs Joe Collins
« Reply #784 on: November 04, 2020, 10:05:49 AM »
sorry to see Collins lose big to Waters

but not surprising

it is  impossible to get a Minority incumbent out of a safe district until they die

look at the squad

and so many others
hell they could do cocaine while in a hotel with prostitutes and get voted in.


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same gamesmenship of Trump done to John James
« Reply #785 on: November 05, 2020, 04:22:39 AM »
he was ahead but suddenly tons of Democrat ballots just turn up out of the blue
to squeak out a victory for a Democrat:

We need more Blacks to come over to our side.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #787 on: November 05, 2020, 05:36:15 AM »

Is this not the kind of election theft they did when Democrats stole Congressional seats in traditionally Republican locations in California?

of course they tried the same thing in '16 in Midwest states for hillary

this time only on rocket ship scale


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #788 on: November 05, 2020, 05:46:01 AM »
So hard to keep track of all  this with accuracy  , , ,


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #790 on: November 05, 2020, 12:33:44 PM »
CCP:  At last a good summary of what happened there!


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #791 on: November 05, 2020, 01:15:32 PM »
"So what the Democrats did was they looked at the Election Day returns and then probably targeted those districts they lost where the margin was close enough that victory might be snatched from the jaws of defeat by a little ballot harvesting."

it is obvious minority operatives were going around and possibly giving out Lebron Zuckereberg and Bloomberg money
for a votes
    as one method

one can simply dream other ways to do this

Dick recommends the Republicans do the same  in 2016.  But have we ?
certainly not to same degree.

Instead spending all their time hitting people up for 5 to 10 $
they would have better done this to counter the "urban " voting blocks which in some states control the whole thing


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Re: here is what happened in California in '18
« Reply #792 on: November 05, 2020, 04:36:57 PM »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #793 on: November 06, 2020, 12:59:12 PM »
Karl Rove on

at best we have 51 seats in Senate and may only have 50

Agree with PP

In that we are screwed
and SCOTUS will never reverse an election

I don't agree with the 4th turning theory though


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US Congress races, hard right gun rights activist wins in Colo.
« Reply #794 on: November 07, 2020, 06:45:07 PM »
Funny that her party affiliation is Republican.  Could have been anything.  Wait, no, she won the seat and supports gun rights, that means Republican, like the brand or not.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2020, 05:00:58 AM by DougMacG »


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« Reply #795 on: November 08, 2020, 07:32:59 AM »
Should I donate to the two remaining senate races in Ga?

Or am I throwing my money away?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #796 on: November 08, 2020, 03:27:03 PM »
I will be donating as best as I can.  If the Dems get to 50, America as America is done.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #797 on: November 08, 2020, 04:36:14 PM »
Agree.  I will do same but if this comes down to money, we lose.


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feedback FYI
« Reply #799 on: November 09, 2020, 07:20:19 AM »
my connection to the Senate

said they have enough money and did not recommend I contribute

when I asked if it would help