Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues  (Read 1077901 times)


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all very odd; why is media on side of government now
« Reply #3750 on: April 16, 2023, 10:50:36 AM »
remember this that was a giant hit with the leftist media:

it was ok when Nixon was the president
now a democrat

must have something to do with the change of msm heart on the issue, I think
Like the press breathlessly overflowing with adrenaline and oxytocin and orgasmic joy to rush to print and into (jurnolisters) new casts any "reports" that would harm DJT

that said I am with Crafty
this 21 yo should be sentenced to 40 yrs in jail
only spared the death penalty due to age.
we need to set an example for goodness sakes


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Re: all very odd; why is media on side of government now
« Reply #3751 on: April 16, 2023, 12:48:29 PM »
remember this that was a giant hit with the leftist media:

it was ok when Nixon was the president
now a democrat

must have something to do with the change of msm heart on the issue, I think
Like the press breathlessly overflowing with adrenaline and oxytocin and orgasmic joy to rush to print and into (jurnolisters) new casts any "reports" that would harm DJT

that said I am with Crafty
this 21 yo should be sentenced to 40 yrs in jail
only spared the death penalty due to age.
we need to set an example for goodness sakes


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3755 on: April 18, 2023, 09:14:19 PM »
the emails did them in and surprised me as well.
I don't get why the Fox hosts were letting  Lindell Powell Rudy and whoever else come on the air  if they did not agree that it held water.

This really hurts our side .  We know the election laws were all rigged against Trump and Republicans .  I don't know about the machines.  Nothing could be proven clearly.

This is the start of a suing frenzy domino effect.  Now I hear they want to go after Newsmax
O'Reilly states Fox can survive this, but not Newmax:

The worst part is the MSM lies every day and they know full well they are lying and slandering can only imagine all their revealing emails we never get to see.

it is like writing songs, then having them stolen and the thieves who sing them turn around and call us crazy liars .


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3757 on: April 19, 2023, 04:53:16 AM »
"I don't get why the Fox hosts were letting Lindell, Powell, Rudy and whoever else come on the air if they did not agree that it held water."

To the extent that they were REPORTING the accusations by major players, I don't have a problem.

To the extent that they were ENDORSING the accusations publicly while doubting them privately, they have/had a problem.

Though I am sympathetic to NEWSMAX's orientation, I hardly ever pay it any attention-- it is too flagrantly partisan, even for me haha.  Ditto for OAN.  That said, I would hate to see them bankrupted by lawfare!!!


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3759 on: April 19, 2023, 08:29:59 AM »
nothing like stoking racial anger like the MSM
and their Dem cohorts
got to keep their strongest voting block angry and in line

keep them on the plantation like that lady said at the Jim Jordan hearing recently.

but just in case they do start to question what the Dems have done for them - slowly ratchet up reparations support

nothing like the dangling of hundreds of thousands of dollars (at tax payer expense)
to keep *anyone* loyal


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bong(ino) out at Fox
« Reply #3761 on: April 20, 2023, 10:53:18 AM »
wonder if anyone else in sights

wouldn't mind if they stop the Lindell commercials

he helped cost Fox nearly 800 mill
more than anything he pays them for ads (nauseum over and over again )

I hope Mark Levin not on cut list
doubt they would cancel the big names


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3764 on: April 20, 2023, 08:17:21 PM »


Nice find- I did not know that!


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CNN zero credibility plain to see
« Reply #3765 on: April 22, 2023, 10:23:46 AM »

All they can do is say the *GOP* investigation
and totally ignore the veracity of the straight forward evidence
and zero interest is pursuing it themselves

the smug visibly drawn faces on CNN's panel biased discussion of this last night
with depression facies on Dana Bash and the rest of them.

Conservatives cannot get fair shake - ever from this media
not at all new  - just worse then ever.



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Re: CNN zero credibility plain to see
« Reply #3766 on: April 22, 2023, 10:28:47 AM »
The Mockingbird media.

All they can do is say the *GOP* investigation
and totally ignore the veracity of the straight forward evidence
and zero interest is pursuing it themselves

the smug visibly drawn faces on CNN's panel biased discussion of this last night
with depression facies on Dana Bash and the rest of them.

Conservatives cannot get fair shake - ever from this media
not at all new  - just worse then ever.


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NYT concerns about Biden age "legitimate"
« Reply #3770 on: April 24, 2023, 08:33:05 AM »
now he is into his third yr of being led around by the hand
and most importantly losing in polls to generic Republicans...

NYT gives *stamp of approval* -> ok to look for alternative

road blocks being removed for Guilfoyle's ex ( :roll:), Kloboooooooocher, and I do not know who else (the Native American Indian - again maybe).


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Re: NYT concerns about Biden age "legitimate"
« Reply #3771 on: April 24, 2023, 09:21:16 AM »
now he is into his third yr of being led around by the hand
and most importantly losing in polls to generic Republicans...

NYT gives *stamp of approval* -> ok to look for alternative

road blocks being removed for Guilfoyle's ex ( :roll:), Kloboooooooocher, and I do not know who else (the Native American Indian - again maybe).

They want the haircut in search of a brain from California.  They DON’T want RFK jr!


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Shysters won
« Reply #3772 on: April 24, 2023, 09:42:17 AM »
"TUCK - OFF " reads huff post

from the looks on Maria Bartilomo's face yesterday she will be on the bon voyage list too

wonder again about Levin.......


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3773 on: April 24, 2023, 11:52:47 AM »


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Tucker Up!
« Reply #3775 on: April 24, 2023, 08:30:39 PM »
Tucker up, Buttercup!
With Carlson out at Fox, and Matt Walsh pulled from YouTube, is the Uniparty making its move?

APR 24, 2023
On the day I finally became verified on Twitter — which also happens to be my youngest’s eleventh birthday (Happy Birthday, Tanner!) — Fox News has announced it is parting ways with Tucker Carlson, host of what was the single most popular cable TV news show, and the only show on a major network that I can think of that matters in any important way to the national political dialogue. Per the LA Times, Rupert Murdoch made the final decision — purportedly over a discrimination suit — but most likely because Murdoch despises his own audience and always has. Murdoch was also none too pleased with Carlson’s willingness to state unequivocally that Big Pharma was granted the power to harm so many of us, or that federal agents were clandestinely placed undercover on January 6, which “60 Minutes” assures us is just plain silly, Mr Conspiracy Pants!

Love him or not — agree with him or not — Tucker Carlson’s voice is strong, unique, and bracing. Unlike, say, Sean Hannity, whose narrative brush strokes are driven by instructions on the paint-by-numbers canvas provided by his GOP and corporate handlers, Tucker was one of the few on-air talents on FOX you could see at times wrestling against the network’s hidden restraints, which we’ve all long known were there, and which we’ve all long known were being used to keep certain stories out of the news cycle and to foster certain narratives that the Uniparty favors or even promotes.

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To me, it was obvious at the time of his release of January 6 footage — and the sudden and inexplicable stoppage of that release during subsequent shows — that bosses at Fox had applied the clamps to the January 6 story, and that Tucker had unfortunately buckled. Since then, though, his edge has only sharpened. He has, it seems, come to understand just exactly how important his voice has become to the New Right — which shouldn’t be confused with the “alt right.” The New Right has adopted more populist positions than the establishment GOP, certainly; and yes, they fight more effectively than Conservative Inc., because they’re willing to get dirt underneath their fingernails without fretting about their recent manicures. But more than that, Carlson’s connection to the New Right is in his nascent understanding of the ideology that is driving both the left and, by proxy, those in the Uniparty who are happy to go along with it.

Carlson, that is, understands that what we are witnessing isn’t politics and culture within the Enlightenment paradigm upon which the country was built, founded, and — through its law — framed. Instead, it is a toxic brew of applied postmodern Theory, cultural Marxism, and a move to globalize a re-worked iteration of communism under the twin values of “sustainability” and “inclusivity.” This is what Klaus Schwab means when he calls for a “move from a Production and Consumption to a Sharing and Caring economy metaphor”. To achieve this move, Schwab and his coterie of Supervillains have made it clear that they will insinuate these new values into our children, who — having been raised to insist upon such values inorganically yet obsessively — will become the vanguard for the Great Reset, the clay out of which Schwab and the transhumanist elite who run him will mold the new New Man. As I’ve argued with some frequency recently, what we are witnessing is Maoism marketed to the Western aesthetic. It is the real existential threat to this country — not “climate change,” not global overcrowding — and with it, to Western civil society, individualism, individual liberty, and all the other “discourses” of power Theory seeks to “problematize,” up to and including rationality, reason, Science, and the material world as anything useful outside the discourses that describe and maintain it. I find it no coincidence that calls from the government to rid the national dialogue of Carlson, or Matt Walsh — who likewise has made a clear call to defend the true — have led to predictable responses from media organizations or tech giants. They’ve been given the illiberal excuse to censor what they cannot abide. The truth is an obstacle to their remaking of the world. The Uniparty is a collaborator in the Great Reset — and the mainstream press is the voice of the Uniparty.

In a keynote speech for Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary Friday night (the night of his last show, coincidentally), Carlson spoke out about the pressure, in his sphere and in the political and cultural sphere more largely, to conform to the “new new thing, the poisonous thing, the silly thing” — even when it is clear that what you are being asked to do is deny truth and mouth a social liturgy you don’t believe in. He talked about his sadness in watching people he knew becoming “quislings” and “cowards”; he bemoaned the pressures to create the national reality through narratives he knew not to be true: the efficacy of the Covid vaccines; the Sainthood of George Floyd; the war in Ukraine. Carlson was making explicit that wrestling with restraints he had before merely shown through the indices most common among hostages, but which we nevertheless could sometimes see in his mannerisms, or in the cast of his eyes. Opines Carlson, “a fact of nature and of theology and of observable reality” is that there is a “countervailing force at work always,” a

counterbalance to the badness. It’s called goodness. And you see it in people. So for every ten people who are putting ‘he and him’ in their electronic JP Morgan email signatures, there’s one person who’s like ‘no, I’m not doing that. Sorry, I don’t want to fight. But I’m not doing that. It’s a betrayal of what I think is true. It’s a betrayal of my conscience, it’s a betrayal of my faith, of my sense myself, of my dignity as a human being, of my autonomy. I am not a slave, I am a free citizen. And I’m not doing that. And there’s nothing you can do to me to make me do it.

Continues Carlson a moment later:

Once you say one true thing and stick with it, all kinds of other true things occur to you. The truth is contagion — lying is, but the truth is, as well. And the second you decide to tell the truth about something, you are filled with this with this — and I don’t want to get supernatural — but you are filled with this power. Try it. Tell the truth about something… The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become. That’s completely real. And measurable in the way you feel. Of course the opposite is also true […] We should, in this sad moment, of profound and widespread destruction of the institutions that people who share our views built, by the way — earlier generations who would agree substantially with every person in this room, they built those and now they’re being destroyed, and that’s so depressing — but we can also see, rising in the distance, new things, new institutions led by new people who are every bit as brave as the people who came before us. Amen.

In important ways, Carlson is extending Orwell’s famous maxim that “during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” And as others — including very recently myself — have done, he’s putting to words and voice his refusal to surrender to those very “new new things, poisonous things, silly things” that we’re being told, without hesitation, that we must and will conform to.

Beyond that, though, Carlson has reached a more fundamental realization, which he explains thusly:

It might be time to reassess the terms we use to describe what we’re watching. So when I started at Heritage, the presumption was — and this is a very anglo-American assumption — the debates we’re having were kind of rational debates about the way to get to mutually agreed-upon outcomes…so like, ‘we all want the country to be more prosperous and free and people to be less oppressed or whatever, so we’re going to argue about tax rates, and I think higher taxes gets you there,’ you’re a Keynesian, or you might disagree, your Austrian, or whatever. But the objectives is the same: so we write our papers and they write their papers, and may the best papers win. I don’t think that’s what we’re watching now at all. I don’t think we’re watching a debate over how to get to the best outcome […] I’m just saying this as an observer of what’s going on, but there’s no way to assess, say, the transgenderist movement, with that mindset. Policy papers don’t account for it, at all. If you have people who say, ‘I have an idea: let’s castrate the next generation, let’s sexually mutilate children,’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate […] That has nothing to do with politics. What’s the outcome we’re desiring here? An androgynous population? Are we really yearning for that? I don’t think anyone could really defend that, as a positive outcome. But the weight of the government and a lot of corporate interests are behind that. Well what is that? It’s irrational. […] When the Treasury Secretary stands up and says ‘you know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion,’ that’s like an Aztec principle, actually. There’s not a society in history that didn’t practice human sacrifice. Not one, I checked […] What’s the point of child sacrifice? Well there’s no policy goal entwined with that. That’s a theological phenomenon. And that’s…the point I’m making: none of this makes sense in conventional political terms. When people, or crowds of people, or the largest crowd of people at all, which is the federal government — the largest human organization in human history — decide that the goal is to destroy things — destruction for it’s own sake, ‘hey, let’s tear it down’ — what you are watching is not a political movement, it’s evil. […] Good is characterized by order, calmness, tranquility, peace…lack of conflict, cleanliness — cleanliness is next to Godliness — […] and evil is characterized by their opposites: violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth. So if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you are really advocating for is evil.[…] I think two things: one, we should say that — stop engaging in these totally fraudulent debates where we are using the terms we used in 1991, where…I could win the debate if I marshaled more facts…, and two, maybe we should all take like ten minutes a day to say a prayer about it.

What Carlson is recognizing is that the Western world has been overtaken by alien ideas, specifically anti-American ideas, in the sense that they were born originally from French thought (though it’s true that some of the applied ideas grow out of native theory produced alongside postmodern thought, borrowing some of its tenets). Most important to the postmodern conception of the world — which underlies much of cultural Marxism — is constructivism, which reduces everything observable to a matrix of power dynamics determined through tensions in discourses, themselves designed to normalize, to maintain, to ossify. Postmodern Theory, therefore, has as its goal to pressure, investigate, and “problematize” what it posits are stultifying discourses; to unmask them; to expose their power; to “free” us all, to the extent we can be said to be an “us” at all, from the oppression of the meta-narratives that control us. The purest formulation of this can be found in Queer Theory, which I’ve recently written on at some length, and whose theoretical maneuvers it pays to familiarize yourselves with, in my view. Once ordered this way, power dynamics are policed through intersectionality, which acts as the final arbiter where at one time the metaphysical notion of truth held sway. Whether you’re religious or not doesn’t matter; you are living through a spiritual battle, like it or not.

The upshot of his remarks — even without knowing much about the internal and intentional inconsistencies and abstruse formulations that make up Theory — is that, what Carlson sees as “evil,” is everything Theory aims to do: to commit violence against tradition; to hate the status quo and the standards that govern it; to disorder the known universe by claiming it fundamentally unknowable; to divide us into our various constructed identity packs, which we pit against one another in an atomic attempt to achieve peak “authenticity”; to disorganize the social order by constantly aiming to “queer” it; and to redefine filth as Godly, and Godliness as a form of constrictive filth that represses the human as god. The social construction of sex or gender intentionally blurs lines and posits a gender spectrum while declaring the sex binary non-existent. From this grows the natural progression toward blurring all delineating boundaries, with age being the real prize for the left. In the constructivist worldview, age — and the idea of “consent” that goes along with it — must be broken down, and children granted “universal human rights,” which are merely rights that prevent parents from claiming dominion over their own children.

This is the rupturing of the nuclear family the Marxists have long wanted, because without the family to repeat tradition, tradition can be killed off and replaced with new values determined by, and policed through, the State. The State becomes God. Or rather, those forces that control the State. And if some elites want the intellectual cover to diddle the kiddies, they can simply sniff and point to the glutted argot of diseased relativism to justify their actions. After all, they’re merely queering moribund constructs. With their shriveled old dicks.

As I wrote elsewhere, “‘Queer theory’ is ‘critical race theory’ is ‘critical consciousness’ is the Marxist rejection of the individual as individual. Cultural Marxism is determined to raze norms, sow chaos, tear families asunder, and reduce being to collective conformity. I reject its premises as fully as I reject its adherents. I will not comply.”

It seems Tucker Carlson won’t comply, either. That Fox News has signaled it will comply — and indeed in many instances has already been complying — means that, in the mainstream of extant major news outlets, there are none left to stand athwart the new new thing, the poisonous thing, the silly thing, yelling stop.

The institution has been fully taken.

What we do next is up to us.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2023, 06:58:27 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Jeff Goldstein
« Reply #3778 on: April 25, 2023, 07:01:58 AM »
great article CD

right on !

Does it identify which Jeff Goldstein wrote this?
I would like to keep it but would like to know who the real Jeff Goldstein is.


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Re: Jeff Goldstein
« Reply #3779 on: April 25, 2023, 07:15:48 AM »
great article CD

right on !

Does it identify which Jeff Goldstein wrote this?
I would like to keep it but would like to know who the real Jeff Goldstein is.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3782 on: April 25, 2023, 07:52:45 AM »
In his prime he was a mediocrity at best, but his theory here is not without logic.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3783 on: April 25, 2023, 08:02:59 AM »
In his prime he was a mediocrity at best, but his theory here is not without logic.

All this litigation is just lawfare using the methods first used against Alex Jones to silence anyone not towing the DC Uniparty line. The only voiced permitted on the right will be the highly scripted, controlled opposition propaganda (The conservative case for drag queen story hour, Next on Hannity, Kaitlin Jenner explains how transing your kids furthers American liberty!).


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3784 on: April 25, 2023, 08:17:00 AM »
he is not a moron
he is actually quite smart
you may want to listen to your podcast if you have time - he is quite logical
and clearly mid right of center I would estimate

BO  may not be a revolutionary like you
but he makes a lot of sense and more pleasant to listen to then Mark Levin who is great but getting a bit hard to take on a regular basis due to his screaming yelling and name calling - just exhausting . I understand he is as pissed, as I am, but that said ,it is a bit punishing to listen to him stir up my anxiety more then it already is.


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FOX fires only reason people watch FOX
« Reply #3785 on: April 25, 2023, 09:12:43 AM »


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Pretty sharp analysis
« Reply #3787 on: April 25, 2023, 03:06:47 PM »
The Disparate Interests of Tucker Carlson and Fox News

On the menu today: There’s lot to keep in mind as the cable-news world reacts to Tucker Carlson’s departure from Fox News, and an update on the single most important news story of 2023.

Tucker Carlson and Fox News Part Ways

Tucker Carlson’s sudden departure from Fox News was so unexpected, the channel was running commercials promoting his show Monday morning. There are some facts you should have in mind when attempting to make sense of Carlson’s departure.

Tucker Carlson’s final program attracted 2.65 million viewers. Over the past year, there’s been an intriguing shift in Fox News’ viewership, as last year, Carlson’s show did not have the most viewers on the channel — as it had since 2020. In fact, the show with the most viewers on Fox News in 2022 wasn’t even in prime time. It was The Five, a panel program featuring Greg Gutfeld, Dana Perino, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro, and rotating hosts Jessica Tarlov, Geraldo Rivera, and Harold Ford Jr. that airs at . . . well, five o’clock on the east coast.

Note that Fox News overall has the highest-rated and most-watched programs in cable-news prime time, by a considerable margin:

Fox News, once again, dominated the cable news rankings in 2022. This time, however, it was The Five, not Tucker Carlson Tonight, which averaged the largest total audience on cable news with 3.42 million viewers at 5 p.m. The Five’s first place finish in 2022 marks the first time a non-primetime program was the most-watched show for a calendar year in cable news history.

Tucker Carlson Tonight ranked No. 2 in total viewers in 2022 (3.3 million), ahead of third-place Jesse Watters Primetime (2.86 million), the network’s newest offering. Hannity, meanwhile, dropped to No. 4 in total viewers, averaging 2.81 million in 2022. Hannity had been the the most-watched show on cable news from 2017-2020.

Overall, Fox News is home to nine of the 10 most-watched cable news shows of 2022, with MSNBC’s 9 p.m. hour falling to No. 10 after a fourth place finish in 2021.

Ratings numbers over the past two decades demonstrated a consistent pattern: The most valuable real estate in cable news was the 8 p.m. hour at Fox News, followed by the 9 p.m. hour, followed by the 10 p.m. hour. While the personality and talents of the hosts no doubt influence ratings, I would argue that the declining viewership over the course of the night reflects a hard reality about the demographics of cable-news viewers. In 2021, the median age for both Fox News and MSNBC viewers was 68 years old, and the median age for CNN viewers was 64 years old. Hour by hour, Fox News and other cable-news viewers go to bed, and/or fall asleep in their recliners.

(The audience for news, as a whole, is on the older side. Out of everyone who watched Joe Biden’s State of the Union address this year, 73 percent of the audience was age 55 or older, and just 5 percent were between the ages of 18 and 34.)

Yesterday, the Drudge Report noted, “FOX ‘TUCKER’ PULLED 2,646,000 VIEWERS IN FINAL AIRINGS. . . . FOX ‘O’REILLY’ HAD 3,776,000 AT EXIT. . . .”

The audience for cable news is shrinking. In 2022, Fox News viewership was relatively steady, down just 1 percent from 2021, but MSNBC viewership was down 22 percent and CNN viewership was down 34 percent. That decline continued into the early months of 2023; it is worth noting that comparing early 2022 to early 2023 is comparing coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to a more “regular” news environment.

As of 2017, “The average price of a 30-second ad on Tucker Carlson Tonight was $13,779, the highest rate on cable news.” It is reasonable to assume that up until his departure, Carlson still had the highest advertising rates in cable news or near the highest, and that his prices increased since 2017, at least at the pace of inflation.

But it is also worth noting that year by year, threats of an advertiser boycott took their toll on Carlson’s program. As of 2021, some of the biggest advertisers on Carlson’s program were MyPillow, AliveCor, Relaxium, Lear Capital, Nutrisystem, and PureTalk USA. My guess is that unless you’ve watched Carlson’s program, you haven’t heard of those companies, other than MyPillow and NutriSystem. Carlson’s high ratings were somewhat offset by the effects of the advertiser boycott. He attracted a huge audience, but apparently most of America’s biggest companies just didn’t want to be associated with him.

There is no doubt that Tucker Carlson represented a valuable contributor to the network, and likely he was the Fox News Channel MVP. But the drop-off with a substitute host is likely to be manageable in the coming weeks and months — note that Jesse Watters’s audience last year was 86 percent of Carlson’s audience — and remember that Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly proved replaceable in the long run. Fox News viewers like the particular hosts, but they love the overall tone, style, slant, and attitude of the network.

(If you are a lesser-known, lesser-accomplished Republican presidential candidate whose true desire is to host a Fox News show, this morning, you should reconsider whether you should spend the coming year shaking hands in diners in Iowa and New Hampshire, or whether you should find some way to meet and charm Rupert Murdoch. The presidency pays $400,000 per year, and you live in public housing. Carlson reportedly made between $15 million and $20 million a year at Fox.)

Fox News, like the rest of the Fox empire, is in business to make money. Informing the public is what it does in the process of making money.

Perhaps Rupert Murdoch’s decision to fire Carlson represents the latest step in a pattern of erratic decision-making from the 92-year-old Murdoch, as Semafor suggests. But it is just as likely that Carlson’s departure reflects a confluence of factors pushing the Murdoch–Carlson relationship past the point of no return.

Carlson’s former head of booking, Abby Grossberg, filed a lawsuit against the network, contending that she was subjected to a hostile and discriminatory work environment.

I have no doubt that Carlson’s comments about Fox News management — “Do the executives understand how much credibility and trust we’ve lost with our audience?” “A combination of incompetent liberals and top leadership with too much pride to back down is what’s happening” — and his colleagues irked Murdoch as well. It is likely that Carlson’s populist, anti-establishment worldview — which included attending and speaking at the funeral of the president of the Hell’s Angels — increasingly did not align with that of Murdoch, who had soured on Trump after the 2020 election. Rupert Murdoch might be a pirate king, as Financial Times columnist John Gapper described him last weekend, but the emphasis is on king. Murdoch wants to thrive and profit from attacking the establishment, while Carlson wants to tear down and overthrow the establishment.

I suspect there was another factor at work, as well.

Fox News’ $787 million payout to Dominion wasn’t even close to Rupert Murdoch’s biggest legal settlement that stemmed from unethical acts in the world of journalism. “A phone hacking scandal involving Murdoch’s tabloid newspaper empire in the United Kingdom has proven much more costly over the past decade or so. The financial fallout of that scandal topped £1 billion, or $1.24 billion, according to a 2021 investigation by Press Gazette, a British publication focused on the media industry.”

And back in 2011, Murdoch shut down his tabloid newspaper News of the World, after “accusations that the paper illegally eavesdropped on the phone messages of murder and terror victims, politicians and celebrities.” At the time, the newspaper’s political editor said, “I can only assume he (Murdoch) feels the brand has been so badly damaged that the best thing to do is a scorched earth policy and get rid of it. But it’s one hell of a decision.”

In other words, when Murdoch senses a high enough level of legal and financial liability, he cuts his losses and closes up shop.

The real problem for Fox News wasn’t the past potential liability in a defamation lawsuit, although it’s worth remembering the network still faces the $2.7 billion Smartmatic lawsuit. No, the real problem is that a settlement that large makes Fox News a tempting target for other defamation lawsuits in the future. If you are the subject of reporting or commentary on Fox News and feel the comments went beyond expressions of opinion to defamation, and you have deep enough pockets to afford the lawyers, you might as well sue the network. Maybe the network will fight you, or maybe the network will pay a bundle to make the lawsuit to go away.

Post-settlement Fox News needs guardrails, guidelines, and clearer assurances that its on-air talent won’t stumble into some other costly defamation lawsuit. How likely is it that Tucker Carlson welcomed a change that would give some risk-averse network lawyer some veto power over the content of his show?


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O'Reilly on Carlson
« Reply #3788 on: April 26, 2023, 05:32:09 AM »
who still knows people at Fox

I would also add the claims of sexual harassment claim of a producer who claims he mocked Nancy Peslosi's cleavage and used the "C" word in front of her  :roll: [Fox's girlie problem]:

Producer suing Carlson for sex discrimination celebrates his departure
In a lawsuit filed in the Southern District of New York, Grossberg accused Carlson and Fox of sexism and harassment, alleging that his show's workplace was replete with examples of misogyny. Her lawsuit claims, among other things, that mocked-up photographic images depicted then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "in a bathing suit revealing her cleavage" and that staffers were polled — on two separate occasions — on which of two female candidates for Michigan governor they would rather have sex with.

"Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News is, in part, an admission of the systemic lying, bullying, and conspiracy-mongering claimed by our client," said Tanvir Rahman, one of Grossberg's lawyers, in a statement Monday afternoon. "Mr. Carlson and his subordinates remain individual defendants in the S.D.N.Y. case and we look forward to taking their depositions under oath in the very near term."

Fox also booted the senior executive producer of Carlson's show, Justin Wells, who also is named as a defendant in that lawsuit.


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dem propaganda outlet DNYUZ: mccarthy faces big test
« Reply #3789 on: April 26, 2023, 07:56:12 AM »

right on cue leftist media ready to pounce on republicans for default on debt limit
with jornoDNC lister lyrics all singing the same songs


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« Reply #3791 on: April 26, 2023, 05:47:23 PM »
I know I have been posting a lot of his talk shows of late

but last night he pointed out while he had a marketing professor on
that for any cable news host to be viewed twice a week is very good
Tucker was one of the few  , or maybe the only one who average repeat viewers more then
I know myself I finish work at 8PM and run in to turn Tucker on
since usually his talks are like no other .
definitely did not always agree or like they way he would state some things
but he was usually worth the listen.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3792 on: April 26, 2023, 05:50:19 PM »
Exactly so!

My TV allowed me to record his shows-- a great blessing!

And I watched without fail.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3793 on: April 26, 2023, 06:43:49 PM »
Exactly so!

My TV allowed me to record his shows-- a great blessing!

And I watched without fail.

Tucker covered topics otherwise hidden by the Mockingbird media.


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clear why people don't trust the press
« Reply #3795 on: April 30, 2023, 12:29:08 PM »
watched part of it. last night

most of biden speech - the usual save democracy in peril and shoutouts to the wokesters and BLM

along with clear slowing of speech and delay in delivering trying to be able to read the teleprompter or crib notes .

Also watched the Roy Wood jr. diatribe - a ton about reparations and etc.
The usual bashing of Republicans , Fox etc.  "scandal was the theme"

But he did have some digs at CNN NYT WP and the Left wing latter referred to on CNN as jokes at "our expense " only in passing

some of the jokes were indeed in poor taste - ignored by MSM

the real meat or implications of course , ignored .
I did not see MSPCP mention it at all

today I only see articles such as Biden's "best jokes"
Biden has such a good sense of humor he jokes about his age
and CNN hacks trying to rationalize his dementia does not even matter.

And the usual republicans going after Harris because she is black [not totally incompetent].

then the comparison of Harris  to Dan Quayle ; which is NOT EQUAL.

the press ignores the substance of the dig at both sides of the media of course


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Re: clear why people don't trust the press
« Reply #3796 on: April 30, 2023, 12:45:00 PM »
watched part of it. last night

most of biden speech - the usual save democracy in peril and shoutouts to the wokesters and BLM

along with clear slowing of speech and delay in delivering trying to be able to read the teleprompter or crib notes .

Also watched the Roy Wood jr. diatribe - a ton about reparations and etc.
The usual bashing of Republicans , Fox etc.  "scandal was the theme"

But he did have some digs at CNN NYT WP and the Left wing latter referred to on CNN as jokes at "our expense " only in passing

some of the jokes were indeed in poor taste - ignored by MSM

the real meat or implications of course , ignored .
I did not see MSPCP mention it at all

today I only see articles such as Biden's "best jokes"
Biden has such a good sense of humor he jokes about his age
and CNN hacks trying to rationalize his dementia does not even matter.

And the usual republicans going after Harris because she is black [not totally incompetent].

then the comparison of Harris  to Dan Quayle ; which is NOT EQUAL.

the press ignores the substance of the dig at both sides of the media of course


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3797 on: April 30, 2023, 02:30:59 PM »
I can't find any other discussion of the dinner online yet

we shall see over the next couple of days I guess

but now the real meat of it is buried , squashed, and sanitized the to protect Biden , and the MSM.


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Re: Somehow the gun got blamed
« Reply #3799 on: May 01, 2023, 07:59:13 PM »,of%20the%20intimate%20partner%3B%20or

Identify Prohibited Persons

The Gun Control Act (GCA), codified at 18 U.S.C. § 922(g), makes it unlawful for certain categories of persons to ship, transport, receive, or possess firearms or ammunition, to include any person:

convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;
who is a fugitive from justice;

who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act, codified at 21 U.S.C. § 802);

who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution;

who is an illegal alien;

who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;

who has renounced his or her United States citizenship;
who is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner or child of the intimate partner; or

who has been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.