Author Topic: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?  (Read 35771 times)


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance? Oregon cirsis
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2016, 06:54:51 AM »
(Famous people who don't need to read the forum)

Stephen Hayward at Powerline had the same first reaction to the Oregon standoff that I have,

The Federal Government owns too much land.


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The Western Land Revolt
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2016, 11:50:13 AM »
The Western Land Revolt
The Bundy siege is wrong, but so is government abuse.
Ammon Bundy on January 5 near Burns, Oregon. ENLARGE
Ammon Bundy on January 5 near Burns, Oregon. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Jan. 5, 2016 7:36 p.m. ET

As the FBI seeks to end the citizen takeover of Oregon’s Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, it’s worth reflecting on what is behind the rising civil disobedience in the American West. The armed occupation of federal buildings is inexcusable, but so are federal land-management abuses and prosecutorial overreach.

Activists on Saturday broke into an unoccupied building on the 187,000-acre federal refuge in eastern Oregon to protest the imprisonment of two Oregon ranchers. The group’s spokesman is Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, a Nevadan who in 2014 came to national attention over his standoff with the Bureau of Land Management. The younger Bundy is a political grandstander, and many in Oregon oppose his illegal siege.

The drama is bringing attention to legitimate grievances, especially the appalling federal treatment of the Hammond family. The Hammonds’ problems trace to 1908, when Theodore Roosevelt set aside 89,000 acres around Malheur Lake as a bird refuge. The government has since been on a voracious land-and-water grab, coercing the area’s once-thriving ranchers to sell.

The feds have revoked dozens of grazing permits and raised the price of the few it issues. It has mismanaged the area’s water, allowing ranchlands to flood. It has harassed landowners with regulatory actions that raise the cost of ranching, then has bought out private landowners to more than double the refuge’s size.

The Hammonds are one of the last private owners in the Harney Basin, and they have endured federal harassment over their water rights, the revocation of their grazing permits, restricted access to their property, and prosecutorial abuse.

In 2001 the family told authorities it planned to set a managed fire on its land to fight invasive species. The fire accidently spread over 139 acres of public land before the Hammonds extinguished it. In 2006 the family tried to save its winter feed from a lightning fire by setting “back fires” on its property (a common practice), which burnt an acre of public land.

Years later, in 2011, the feds charged Dwight Hammond and his son Steven with nine counts under the elastic Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act. A federal jury found them guilty only of setting the two fires they had admitted to starting, and federal Judge Michael Hogan sentenced the father to three months and the son to a year in prison. He said the federal minimum of five years would not meet “any idea I have of justice, proportionality” and would “shock the conscience.” The feds appealed the sentence and another judge ordered both Hammonds to serve the full five years. They also owe $400,000 in supposed fire-related costs.

Many in rural Oregon view this as a government vendetta. Rusty Inglis, who worked for the Forest Service for 34 years and now runs a local Oregon farm bureau, recently told a trade magazine that it’s “obvious” that “the BLM and the wildlife refuge want that ranch.” The Oregon Farm Bureau called the sentences “gross government overreach.” The ideology of “national” land has become the club to punish private landowners who are the best source of economic stability and conservation.

The Bundy occupation of federal land can’t be tolerated, but the growing Western opposition to government harassment of private landowners ought to be a source of political concern. Ted Cruz and others are right to caution the occupiers against their sit-in, but the federal bureaucracy also needs to be reined in.


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Essay sheds light on issues in Oregon
« Reply #61 on: January 25, 2016, 09:16:32 AM »
The perspective from which this is written speaks for itself.

When fellow travelers like this are telling the Oregon intervenors they are wrong in these terms,  , , ,


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WSJ: Time to leave says Bundy
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2016, 06:25:30 PM »
second post

Leader Seeks End to Oregon Refuge Occupation
After arrest, Bundy says remaining protesters should leave wildlife refuge
Oregonian/Associated Press
By Tamara Audi,
Jim Carlton and
Alejandro Lazo
Updated Jan. 27, 2016 6:59 p.m. ET

BURNS, Ore.—The leader of a four-week armed takeover of a federal wildlife refuge here on Wednesday called for the remaining protesters to end the occupation, a day after he was arrested in a deadly confrontation with authorities.

“To those remaining at the refuge: I love you. Let us take the fight from here,” Ammon Bundy said in a statement released by his lawyer.

“Please stand down. Please stand down. Go home and hug your families. This fight is ours in the courts. Please go home,” the lawyer, Mike Arnold, read in the statement from Mr. Bundy after his court hearing Wednesday.

Mr. Bundy also asked law-enforcement officials to allow the protesters to leave without being prosecuted.

“Let me be clear—it is the actions and choices of the armed occupiers of the refuge that has led us to where we are today,” said Greg Bretzing, special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation office in Oregon.

Since the armed group took over the refuge Jan. 2 to protest federal land-management policies, they have insisted they want a peaceful outcome. But some said they were willing to die for their cause.

LaVoy Finicum, who served as the occupiers’ spokesman, indicated in a video interview a week ago that he hoped the protest wouldn’t turn violent. On Tuesday, Mr. Finicum was killed in the roadside confrontation with FBI agents.

The circumstances of Mr. Finicum’s death were being debated Wednesday: Supporters and a witness said he was surrendering when he was shot; authorities said he brandished a weapon.
Eight people linked to the Oregon occupation were arrested Tuesday: top row from left, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Brian Cavalier and Shawna Cox; bottom row from left, Joseph Donald O'Shaughnessy, Ryan Payne, Jon Eric Ritzheimer and Peter Santilli. ENLARGE
Eight people linked to the Oregon occupation were arrested Tuesday: top row from left, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Brian Cavalier and Shawna Cox; bottom row from left, Joseph Donald O'Shaughnessy, Ryan Payne, Jon Eric Ritzheimer and Peter Santilli. Photo: Multnomah County Sheriff

Either way, it was clear that his death changed the tone of the occupation from what had become a media sideshow to the tense standoff locals had long feared—raising the stakes both for law enforcement and the remaining protesters.

“Certainly we’re at a dangerous point,” said Mike German, a former FBI agent who worked undercover infiltrating militia and white supremacist groups in the 1990s.

Federal law-enforcement officials have been under rising pressure from state and local officials to end the standoff. The protesters, meanwhile, received a torrent of social media response from supporters who consider themselves part of a “liberty movement” seeking to resist what they see as an overreach of federal power. Some pointed to Mr. Finicum’s death as proof of their argument, a rallying cry to draw protesters to the scene.

“The resolve for principled liberty must go on,” Mr. Bundy’s supporters said in a statement on the Bundy Ranch Facebook page. “It appears that America was fired upon by our government. One of America’s finest patriots is fallen. We will not go silent into eternity. Our appeal is to heaven.”

In Burns, a town of about 2,700 people, some residents predicted the standoff was nearing its end. Sitting in the Central Pastime Tavern, Melvin Dixon said that he had his 8-year-old son, Dilbert James, call one of the men involved in the standoff, his brother-in-law Danny Williams.

“My 8-year-old son called his uncle crying and they are right there in a meeting” discussing whether to surrender or not, Mr. Dixon said. “They are not going to fight no more.”

For weeks, Mr. Bundy—the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who engaged in a similar standoff with authorities in 2014 over grazing fees—moved in and out of the refuge as he wished, with law-enforcement officials making few overt moves to force an end to the standoff.

That changed Tuesday when agents arrested Mr. Bundy, 40 years old, his brother, Ryan Bundy, 43, and three other supporters as they were driving to a nearby county for a community meeting. Three others were later arrested in connection with the protest.

The eight suspects were arrested on the felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the U.S. from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation or threats.

According to the criminal complaint against Mr. Bundy and the others, the protesters “had explosives, night vision goggles and weapons” and “if they didn’t get the fight they wanted out there they would bring the fight to town.”

Nathan Catura, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, applauded the arrests—but criticized federal officials for not making them so sooner. “Had the situation been resolved more quickly via the federal government acting rather than reacting, this conclusion may have been prevented,’’ Mr. Catura said. “We now hope that with the sustained federal-law enforcement presence, the remaining criminals at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge will surrender peacefully.’’

Federal authorities generally have been reluctant to engage with armed protesters like the Oregon group, mindful of past violent outcomes like those at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, in 1992 and Waco, Texas, in 1993.

Darrell Kerby, a former mayor of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, who served on a county emergency committee during the Ruby Ridge standoff, said he worried that political pressure might compel authorities to act rashly. “Time is really on the side of the people in authority,” Mr. Kerby said. “Use of force should be avoided at all costs.” Once there is a death in such fraught situations tension “just escalates off the scale,” he said.

Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward on Wednesday said authorities had to arrest Mr. Bundy and the protest’s leaders to help put an end to what he called the disruption of life in the rural area.

Mr. Bundy and his supporters had made numerous trips into Burns, openly carrying guns including at a community meeting in a high school.

“This has been tearing our community apart,” said a visibly distraught Mr. Ward. “It’s time for everyone in this illegal occupation to move on.”

—Devlin Barrett contributed to this article.


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Footage of the FBI shoot in Oregon
« Reply #65 on: January 28, 2016, 08:40:35 PM »


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AO Insurgency Implications
« Reply #66 on: February 05, 2016, 02:41:15 AM »
Things to consider when mulling domestic insurgency.


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Former SF on Oregon
« Reply #67 on: February 05, 2016, 05:47:22 AM »


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This is an angry article but it accurately reflects my mood today.  Listen carefully and let these words burn into your mind because if the events of the last few weeks do not set your blood afire, I question your validity as a human being. 

The videos of the aftermath of this were so horrific that they are being removed from Youtube and Facebook.

I am including a link to it here.  Make note that it is horrific, but also illustrative of not only the abject incompetence of the western leaders (its either incompetence or complicity), but also the nature of the heart of our enemy.


We Live In A Time Of War!

Donald Trump actually said that today on FOX News.  Last night in Nice, France, a 31 year old Islamic Terrorist named Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, drove a large truck at high speed into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day killing nearly 80 people by running them down and crushing them. It's just a matter of time before that very tactic is used here in the USA.

I plan to write soon on likely strategies and likely targets of our enemies but today I want to talk about how you live in a time of war versus a time of peace.  And you can protest all you wish that you don't want to live like that and that if you change your habits the terrorists win. 

Sure, but if they crush you and your family with a truck during a Bastille Day celebration, or capture you and cut your balls off in front of your family like they did at the Bataclan Theater, they also win don't they.  So how about we set aside that passive aggressive hippy attitude and wake up to reality.
In a time of Peace you can come and go as you please.  You can congregate in the street to watch fireworks and listen to music.  You can go to the theater in peace.  You don't have to worry about anything really.  Maybe the petty criminal is still a concern, but he can be easily avoided with some good common sense.  In a time of Peace you can celebrate parades, you can go into a theater or a musical performance, listen to fiery speeches on any topic, and visit any place you wish and feel relative safety.

In a time of peace Islamic Terrorists don't kill their co-workers at Christmas parties, or Nightclubs...or military bases.  In times of peace Islamic Terrorists do not target white police officers for assassination.  In times of peace you don't have Islamic Terrorists driving a truck into a crowd, or blowing themselves up in a last gasp of death to the infidels.

But we do not live in a time of peace...not any longer.  We live in a time of war and we have to make adjustments to the way we live.   In a time of war you have to be thoughtful about where you go.  You have to analyze whether it is a hard target or a soft target...and you have to understand the difference.  You have to avoid large congregations of people either in the open or in enclosed spaces. You have to sit with your back to the wall in the event one of your adversaries walk through the door to kill you and everyone else in the room.  You have to profile everyone.   In a time of Peace you can overlook someone's appearance, ethnic background, attire, and actions.  But we don't live in a time of peace any longer, we live in a time of war and so you have to take note of these things. And you have to look at how they're positioning themselves in relation to everyone else.

In a time of war you cannot afford to relax.  You must be ever vigilant specifically of those groups that are most likely to bring the war to you.  If that sounds unfair to you, if that sounds like you're being discriminatory, if it sounds like you're not following the American way where everyone is seen as the same, then that is exactly what you're doing.  Ask the dead in San Bernardino, and Orlando, and Brussels, and Istanbul, and Nice, how they feel about profiling and non-egalitarian thinking.

Oh wait, we can't.  They were killed by those the west wants to be fair towards.  We only have one group on Earth that believes that that terrorism is
acceptable and so you must be watchful of that group less you fall victim to their strategies.

But vigilance alone is a sad an empty action without the ability to act upon that which vigilance reveals.  In a time of Peace you can leave the house with empty pockets, a smile on your face, a spring in your step and a song in your heart.  But we do not live in such times.  Today even if it is a violation of the law, a wise man will go armed.

It was once said as a caveat before the carry of a weapon was suggested.  "If you can legally get a permit - if you can legally do so - you should get a permit and carry a weapon".  Today in the time of war that we live in I will say that you must carry a weapon regardless of legal standing.  It has been shown time and again that the First Responders will rarely prevent an event like this.   Let this one also burn into your mind for the reality that it is.

You Are On Your Own!

Although I have every respect for the French LE (I've trained with some of them as a matter of fact), 80 some people died at the hands of the terrorist before they were on scene.  In Orlando there were 50 people that died before police intervention.

You are on your own - leave the house prepared to do battle - every single day! Leave the house prepared to treat any injuries you may incur  - every single day!
These are the concessions that you must make in the time of war that we live today.  François Hollande's defeated statement today said that France must get accustomed to living with terrorism.  And before anyone castigate the French, one cannot judge France by Hollande any more than one can judge America by Obama, but I can easily picture Obama, or Hillary saying the very same thing in a few months.

I think America is already quite accustomed to the fact of terrorism on American soil.  And all the rhetoric of taking the war to ISIS ignores the fact that the terrorists in France were French citizens and that the terrorists in the USA were American citizens.

We live in a time of war and we must take the necessary steps as individuals to win that war.


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Who will come to take them?
« Reply #72 on: October 21, 2016, 08:54:55 AM »
Have not had a chance to read this yet, but it comes recommended.


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OT: Whistling Past the Graveyard
« Reply #73 on: October 26, 2016, 11:25:11 AM »

OT: Whistling Past the Graveyard


We first encountered Gerard VanDerLeun a seeming age ago, soon after 9/11, when he posted a thoughtful musing on a relative’s service in a war that slips out of memory. And the two thoughts that came to us, struck in the moment, were: (1), “This gentleman can write,” and, (2), “His heart is in the right place.” Clichés, both, but apposite.

So it is disturbing to us when sensible Gerard writes this. It is rather more disturbing because it’s true.

    Whenever a class of people, self-anointed, seek to impose Utopia on the world, evil ensues. Whenever a group of people seek to arrogate the power of the people to themselves, evil ensues. It is not merely that power corrupts but that some people are compelled to corrupt democratically distributed power through statist centralization. If the age of kings was the age of rule by one monarch, the current age drifts towards the rule of many smaller kings acting in unison. This is the age of the Multi-Monarchists; of rule by the faction of “Little Hitlers.” Their accoutrements are not uniforms and stark symbols, but cap & gown, press passes, and union cards. Their collective policy is plague.

It is a bleak view of a time that should be a Golden Age. The world is, apart from the tribal throwback lands, at peace; the world’s prosperity is unprecedented; technology and the humane arts save human lives today that were forfeit a few years ago; the flames of freedom burn bright.

And yet. There are those whose only reaction to those flames is to extinguish them, and those whose black hearts year to possess and control (and misuse) them. There is always the urge to power, now with new flowery overgarments of words, but not concealing well the base urge that gives them shape and form.

    All faction, no matter its origin or ideals, is in the end Fascist. The Founders knew Faction and feared it. Much of the Federalist Papers is taken up with the problem of suppressing Faction and the Constitution is the carefully wrought attempt at a solution to it. Of course, the Founders also knew that Faction as Facism is never finished except by fire and fire alone.

via Usurpations and the Plague of Locusts @ AMERICAN DIGEST.

There is no magic inevitability to the Golden Age of the 21st Century. We could as easily ruck back into a subsistence dystopia, as plenty of examples illustrate to us.

    Zimbabwe? Far away, and her people so different from us. “A land far away and a people of whom we know nothing,” in the words of the great statesman who had his hour, and lost it.
    Afghanistan? When we arrived there was scarcely a stone upon a stone; yet in 1973, when forward-looking progressives overthrew a King who was not liberalizing fast enough, there were cosmopolitan cities and decent universities. That is the wages of 25 years of civil war. But it is far away, and her people are so different from us.
    Venezuela? Far away, and her people… but, she walked away from the 21st Century, to adopt the most spectacularly failed ideology of the 20th. And as a result, the citizens of that unhappy land are now living in an experience with poverty, sickness, child mortality and overall privation that hearkens back to the conditions of the 19th that produced the great literature of Charles Dickens — and the mistaken political theories of Karl Marx, which, in every single example to date, have recursively caused the conditions they were implemented to cure.

So, tell yourself “It can’t happen here.” If you whistle past the graveyard, there will not be one in your future, right?


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Is America on the Brink of Civil War?
« Reply #75 on: November 05, 2016, 03:09:31 PM »

Is America on the Brink of Civil War?
By Roger L Simon November 5, 2016
chat 120 comments

Valerie Jarrett—Barack Obama's closest consigliere who has lived in the lap of luxury in and out of the White House—is calling for James Comey's head because the FBI director reopened the matter of Hillary Clinton's emails only days before the election.

As we all know, Comey did this after some 650,000 digital missives, many from Clinton's server, were discovered on Anthony Weiner's laptop by the NYPD.

Obama, however, is a bit uneasy about Jarrett's  hawkishness toward Comey.

    “Valerie argued that Comey was interfering deliberately in the election process and had to be stopped,” a source told The New York Post. The same source said Obama, though, is “worried about the consequences of taking such an action – the tsunami of outrage that would come his way, and possibly become a major footnote, or worse, in the history of the presidency.”

Ah, those legacy problems, not that the president has much of one outside the comically-named Affordable Care Act, which is about as popular as stomach cancer.

Nevertheless, he's right about the tsunami of outrage.  In fact it's an understatement.  The bad news is this:  As miserable as this endless election season has been, the aftermath is likely to be far worse.  You don't have to be Nostradamus to see that putting the American Humpty Dumpty together again is going to be a herculean task. Our country could be permanently fractured in ways few of us would have anticipated even a year ago.  Anything is possible now.

If Hillary Clinton is elected, the very next day millions of Americans will be watching to see what will happen with the FBI and the Justice Department.  Since we can now assume this will be a close election, that would be nearly half the voters in this country, sixty to seventy million people, almost all of whom believe Clinton, the woman a few weeks from inauguration as president, should have been charged with serious crimes and belonged behind bars, not in the White House.

Moreover, many have seen the WikiLeaks that reek of collusion between the Clintonistas and officials at the FBI and Justice, not to mention with virtually all the mainstream media outlets that were distrusted to begin with and are now reviled.

If that's not an explosive situation, what is?  And we don't know what Assange et al have in store for us after the election.  Just now we learned that the Clinton Foundation accepted—while Her Ladyship was secretary of State and in honor of Bill's birthday—an unreported one million dollar donation from that paragon of women's and gay rights, Qatar. This is chump change in the grand Clinton scheme of things, but another reminder of their unending greed and corruption. More importantly, as Tyler Durden points out, this time there should be legal consequences for the Foundation—or would be normally in a country governed by the rule of law.

Only we're not anymore.

This and a thousand other things put Obama, quite possibly liable himself from the email disclosures, and his attorney general Lynch behind a treacherous eight ball going forward, because they are not dealing with a few thousand disgruntled people, but those many millions.  If they were to go ahead with Jarrett's suggestion, take Comey's head (i. e. fire him) and replace him with a yet more complaisant successor, who knows what would happen?

But if they don't, and even if they do, the investigation may reveal things so shocking the nation will never be the same. Rumors have been flying that are so extreme that even a ten percent accuracy rate could ignite a firestorm.

The problem for all of us is that there is literally nothing Clinton can do to get out of this box, even if, as many predict, Obama pardons her.  The corruption is so pervasive there is no way short of an actual military putsch to stop the continuing revelations. And such an action would itself unleash ... well, you know the title of this article.

Would a Trump victory save us from all this?  No one knows.  Dennis Prager perhaps put it best. When you have two doors and behind one is a man-eating lion and the other one may or may not have such a lion, which door do you choose?  Unless you want to commit suicide, the answer is self-evident.


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?
« Reply #76 on: November 06, 2016, 10:00:06 AM »
    “Valerie argued that Comey was interfering deliberately in the election process and had to be stopped,” a source told The New York Post. The same source said Obama, though, is “worried about the consequences of taking such an action – the tsunami of outrage that would come his way, and possibly become a major footnote, or worse, in the history of the presidency.”

Obama is already guilty of using government agencies as political weapons and multiple law breaking  behavior by them with him never lifting a finger.      We just don't have a media willing to report it and go after it for reasons we are all aware about.

So he can play act the phony role that  he is above it all by not publicly denouncing Comey, but the truth is already obvious to all of us who care and simply not willing just to ignore it.


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The Great Fear
« Reply #77 on: November 06, 2016, 01:14:18 PM »

The Great Fear
Posted on November 3, 2016   

Imagine if tomorrow, a space ship descends to earth, hovering over some part of the United States. At some point, when the eyes of the world are fixed on the event, the ship lands and out pops a bunch of aliens. These aliens are able to speak to the people of earth in a way that everyone can understand them. They explain where they are from and that earth is just one of many planets with sentient life. Further, most of the people in charge of earth are aliens sent to run things while the talking monkeys get up to speed.

For a fuller presentation of this concept, you can watch the John Carpenter movie, They Live. One thing I liked about that movie, is that when people realized the truth, they were stunned and confused. Paranoia immediately set in as they tried to reorient themselves to the new reality. That’s what would happen in the above scenario. Suddenly confronted by the truth, everyone would know most of what they have been told was a lie. That would lead to questioning of everything else, then mass paranoia and fear.

Something like this happened in revolutionary France. Instead of space aliens, they got a collapse of the old order. Feudalism had been under great strain due to the new economics of the age. Trade and the beginning of the industrial age challenged the old economic system. There was also the rampant corruption in the French economic system that was slowing bankrupting the government. The King was not just broke. Massive borrowing to keep the system running had made the system insolvent.

The French Revolution was not just a money issue. Within one year, the King went from being god-like to merely a citizen. That was not a small thing. Symbolism is an important part of the normal rhythms of human society. The social order of France was built upon the King having a divine right to rule. Once the king became just another guy, the whole system stopped making sense. It was a short trip from there to conspiracies about the aristocrats plotting against the people. The result was the Great Fear.

That has been coming to mind often of late. My twitter feed is full of posts that can be charitably described as batshit crazy. Scan through the news and you see “reports” that range from the ridiculous to the deranged. I don’t have a Faceberg account, but I’m told that all sorts of crackpot stories are popping up there too. I’ve had to reconfigure my news reading in order to filter out the crazy rumors and made up nonsense. It feels like the wheels have come off the cart and we live in a world of nonsense.

The reason, I suspect, is the growing awareness that much of what we have taken for granted is, at the minimum, not what it appears to be. The open hostility of so-called conservatives toward the people they claim to represent, for example, has been quite an eye-opener for a lot of people. You don’t have to be a red-pilled conspiracy monger to think the whole conservative movement was just a money scam all along.

That also means the Republican Party was something other than a good faith attempt to counter the other party. When prominent leaders in the party appear to be backing the other party’s candidate, the system does look rigged. It’s not hard to imagine what these people are saying when the cameras and microphones are off. Throw in some leaked e-mails that seem to conform people’s worst fears and it is not surprising that the peasants are getting a bit paranoid about the ruling class.

The shenanigans in the news media has breached that wall in our minds that separates bias from conspiracy. When allegedly solid opinion polls swing by a dozen points in a few days, it is not unreasonable to wonder if they were fraudulent all along. The revelations in WikiLeaks has made clear that it is not just bias. It is an organized effort by our “news media” to fool people on behalf of the government party. Rigging the debates by feeding Clinton the questions is a pretty big deal.

Just this week we have learned that the FBI and the DOJ may very well be colluding in order to conceal very serious crimes by the Clinton Family from the public. Seeing that the current FBI director let the Clintons off the hook 15 years ago, when he was tasked with investigating them, naturally makes people think the whole system is rotten and corrupt. When people see e-mails from the Clinton campaign chair revealing that he is best buddies with the Feds, it tends to confirm and amplify their suspicions.

Probably the biggest blow to public trust has been the revelation regarding the Clinton Foundation and the shenanigans involved in covering up what looks like very serious crimes. Everyday we get new stories that make a Hollywood thriller sound pedestrian. All of a sudden, the conspiracy guys don’t sound so nutty as their theories are playing out in the news. If the Feds can accidentally find a laptop that brings down the Clinton Crime Family, name a cloak and dagger scenario that is still implausible?

We are in a period where no one takes anything in the news at face value, but lots of people are willing to accept all sorts of outlandish rumors. After all, the crackpots and conspiracy nuts have been right a lot lately. When every scandal starts with WikiLeaks or some anonymous tweet, it is not unreasonable to pay more attention to that stuff than the main stream media, which is often working to conceal these stories. You cannot blame people for being a bit paranoid, given what we see happening.


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?
« Reply #78 on: November 06, 2016, 10:34:24 PM »
A powerful point!  May I ask you post in in the Way Forward for the American Creed thread and that we discuss it there?   TIA


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Re: The Great Fear
« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2016, 11:06:52 PM »
All of a sudden, the conspiracy guys don’t sound so nutty as their theories are playing out in the news.

After all, the crackpots and conspiracy nuts have been right a lot lately.

We were never wrong, got posts going back years ago... saying the same thing... many people do.

It isn't "crazy and crackpotted" when you're right.

We were wrong about two things though...

1.) We though people cared. Clinton supporters clearly don't, and if that's true, given the Republican support for Clinton in some cases. and human nature, then conservatives don't care either.

2.) The apparent willingness of people to be ruled rather than governing themselves, so long as the whip rests lightly, or not.}

The founding fathers were never more correct.


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?
« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2016, 11:24:41 PM »
Probably best for the American Creed thread , , ,


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November 10, 2016
As Anti-Trump Violence Perpetrated By Hillary/Obama/Soros Minions Spreads Across America, Media Blesses It and Encourages It With Their Silence and Even Support


Is it true that "dark rhetoric" encourages violence?

I think it might be true. I'm not convinced it's true, but I'm sensitive enough to the possibility that it may be true that I'm cautious about writing things that might stir dark hearts to perform dark deeds.

But I know who definitely thinks it's true: the media, which is always on vigilant patrol about "dark rhetoric emanating from rightwing quarters" and said dark rhetoric's ability to spark genuine political violence.

Well, the political left is right now calling for a lot of violence.

Last night, CNN interviewed a protester who explicitly called for violence -- people will have to die for there to be real change, she avowed. And CNN didn't seem particularly fussed by it.

    "If we don't fight, who is going to fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back," said Lily, a Latina woman from Los Angeles.

    "There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world," she continued.

This call for violence -- political murder and assassination -- went out over CNN's bandwidth. Seems to me that as they were the conveyor of the call to assassination, they have a moral duty to repudiate it -- but I do not see this story on their front page, nor in politics, nor any mention in Opinion, where I'd expect CNN to sternly warn people from this kind of "dark rhetoric."

If it's there, I don't see it. I did see a headline on "Trump's tax trick, explained," so you can tell, they're really up-to-the-minute on breaking news.

So which is it, media -- is hateful, violent rhetoric something to be sternly vigilant about, or is a little exhortation to murder just fine and dandy if you want to kill the right people for the right reasons?

Think this has no effect? Think again. In another story the media is embargoing, an older man was dragged from his car and beaten by a mob which shouted "He voted for Trump!" as he was subject to a beat down from multiple people attacking him in wolfpack style, one attacks while the other waits for his turn.

Is this just some Dark Rhetoric by Conservatives Making up Racist Stories?

Nope! It's all on dramatic videotape. The perps videotaped themselves doing it.

They seem to steal his car at the end too, but we don't see them drive it away, because the video ends there.

So: which is it, media?

I know #WhiteLivesMatter is a politically incorrect thing to say, but are you really now standing behind the actual declaration that white lives don't matter?

If so, then say so: If it be war, then let it be a declared war, so that both sides know the agreed-upon Rules of Engagement.

Please: Watch language in comments. I know this story is infuriating but never forget their violence is speech but your speech is violence.

And remember, there are bad people and criminals of all races. Race is not the issue here -- except indirectly, in that the Orwellian culture promoted by the media is single-mindedly set to detect and shame conservative misbehavior, while pretending away any bad actions committed by a member of the Obama/Clinton Coalition.

Either the rules bind all or the rules bind none.

The media, more than any institution in America, is undermining and actually now destroying the very fabric of American political stability.

No one is willing to be the last person to take up violence. The last person to take up violence usually winds up dead or at least bleeding on the street.

By not condemning violence on all sides, the media is doing its level best to promote violence by all sides.


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November 10, 2016
As Anti-Trump Violence Perpetrated By Hillary/Obama/Soros Minions Spreads Across America, Media Blesses It and Encourages It With Their Silence and Even Support


Is it true that "dark rhetoric" encourages violence?

I prefer her full quote from the page that the hyperlink above links to:

CNNDuring the massive anti-Donald Trump protests held in California the day after Election Day, one woman CNN spoke to called for violence and death as a means to enact political change.

“If we don’t fight, who is going to fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back,... There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world,” she continued. “Trump, enough with your racism. Stop splitting families. Don’t split my family.”

So basically, she's calling for the deaths of Americans, if her undocumented relatives are removed from the country.

Again, I'm saying that anchor babies, as sad as it is, NEED to be deported along with their parents. This woman was not by herself, and that is a Mexican flag in the video.


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?
« Reply #83 on: November 10, 2016, 03:42:19 PM »
"They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind"


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?
« Reply #87 on: November 11, 2016, 11:38:36 AM »

I doubt she did it to herself unless she is dyslexic.  Not smart enough.


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→ This is why gun ownership remains a political controversy
« Reply #89 on: January 09, 2017, 08:17:50 AM »

All other concerns — hunting, sport, even self-defense — are secondary considerations to people who do not wish to be ruled…and to the fiends whose self-worth depends on ruling others.


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Obama's Shadow Presidency...
« Reply #92 on: February 15, 2017, 05:53:32 PM »
Unprecedented, but then so was Obama's Presidency - with it's explicit goal of dismantling this nation as founded.  He has hardly given up on that goal, and will work very hard to undermine Trump, along with many D.C. career appointees who despise Trump and his plan to root out corruption.  This promises to be a long, nasty fight.  I think Trump is up for it, however.  Even Republicans in Congress are in many cases working to dismantle his Presidency - just as it has begun.

"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Armed and Unarmed Resistance?
« Reply #93 on: February 16, 2017, 05:53:13 AM »
Obj post :


This guy O gets away with it all.


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Tuba vs. the KKK
« Reply #95 on: February 25, 2017, 08:02:29 AM »


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POTH: The Anarchist Cookbook
« Reply #97 on: March 30, 2017, 10:18:36 PM »
William Powell, ‘Anarchist Cookbook’ Writer, Dies at 66


William Powell discussed his book “The Anarchist Cookbook” at a press conference in New York in 1971. Credit JP Laffont/Polaris

William Powell was a teenager, angry at the government and the Vietnam War, when he walked into the main branch of the New York Public Library in Manhattan in 1969 to begin research for a handbook on causing violent mayhem.

Over the next months, he studied military manuals and other publications that taught him the essentials of do-it-yourself warfare, including how to make dynamite, how to convert a shotgun into a grenade launcher and how to blow up a bridge.

What emerged was “The Anarchist Cookbook,” a diagram- and recipe-filled manifesto that is believed to have been used as a source in heinous acts of violence since its publication in 1971, most notably the killings of 12 students and one teacher in 1999 at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo.

Throughout his manual, Mr. Powell fashioned a knowing voice that suggested broad experience in warfare, sabotage or black ops, mixed with an extremist’s anti-establishment worldview.
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“As almost everyone knows, silencers are illegal in virtually all the countries of the world,” he wrote before describing how to build a silencer for a handgun, “but then a true revolutionary believes that the government in power is illegal, so, following that logic, I see no reason that he should feel restricted by laws made by an illegal body.”

He declared that his book was an educational service for the silent majority — not the one identified by President Richard M. Nixon as his middle-American constituency, but the disciplined anarchists who were seeking dignity in a world gone wrong. To them, he offered how-to plans for weaponry and explosives as well as drugs, electronic surveillance, guerrilla training and hand-to-hand combat — a potent mix that attracted the attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The book found a big audience. More than two million copies have reportedly been sold, and still more have been downloaded on the internet.

“It was inevitable that he did it,” James J. F. Forest, a professor of security studies at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, said in a phone interview. “If he hadn’t done it, somebody else would have. It’s human behavior to tap into a dangerous stream of knowledge, and in his case he was inspired to make that dangerous information available to anyone else who was interested.”

Mr. Powell never revised the book or wrote a sequel, but his original stayed in print, through Lyle Stuart and its successor company, Barricade Books, and most recently by Delta Press. Eventually, he renounced the book. In 2000, he posted a statement to that effect on And later, in 2013, he expressed his regret in an article he wrote for The Guardian.

He chose a career as a teacher, not a revolutionary, specializing in working on behalf of children with special needs.
A sketch from “The Anarchist Cookbook.” Credit Barricade Books Inc.

And then, on July 11 of last year, he died of a heart attack while vacationing with his family near Halifax, Nova Scotia. He was 66 and had lived part-time in Massat, France, when he was not working with his wife, Ochan Powell, on educational projects in other countries.

His family reported the death on Facebook, but few if any obituaries followed. His son Sean said that the people who needed to know had been told, and that the family had not thought of reaching out to newspapers.

It was not until last week that his death became more widely known, with the theatrical release of “American Anarchist,” a documentary about Mr. Powell. His death was noted in the closing credits.

The director, Charlie Siskel, said he had interviewed Mr. Powell over a week in 2015.

“What interested me was: How do you go through 40 years of your life with his dark chapter in the background?” Mr. Siskel said on Monday. “How does one sleep at night or get through the day?”

On camera, Mr. Powell seemed to struggle to absorb the idea that his book had apparently had an influence on a number of notorious criminals. One was Zvonko Busic, a Croatian nationalist who hijacked a TWA flight in 1976 while carrying phony bombs after leaving a real one at Grand Central Terminal that killed a police officer who tried to deactivate it.

Others included Thomas Spinks, who was part of a group that bombed abortion clinics in the 1980s; Timothy McVeigh, who bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995; Eric Harris, one of the Columbine attackers; and Jared Loughner, who killed six people during his attempted assassination of Representative Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona in 2011.

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“When ‘The Cookbook’ has been associated with Columbine and the later characters and killing, I did feel responsible, but I didn’t do it,” Mr. Powell told Mr. Siskel, adding: “Somebody else with a perverted, distorted sense of reality did something awful. I didn’t.”

William Ralph Powell was born on Long Island, in Roslyn, on Dec. 6, 1949. His father, William Charles Powell, was a press officer at the United Nations; his mother, the former Doreen Newman, ran a phobia clinic at a hospital in White Plains.

Mr. Powell told Mr. Siskel that after his father was transferred to Britain, he attended a school where bullying was commonplace and where the headmaster had caned him. When the family returned to the United States, he said, he felt alienated as an outsider. His fifth-grade teacher mocked his British accent. At a prep school in Westchester County, N.Y., he said, he was molested by the dorm master.

He was working at a bookstore in Greenwich Village in late 1969 when he decided to quit his job to research and write “The Anarchist Cookbook.”
Mr. Powell, as seen in the documentary “American Anarchist.” Credit Gravitas Venture

“My motivation at the time was simple,” he wrote in The Guardian. “I was being actively pursued by the military, who seemed single-mindedly determined to send me to fight, and possibly die, in Vietnam. I wanted to publish something that would express my anger.”

The book, a precursor to more recent publications like “The Mujahideen Poisons Handbook” and “Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla,” was at times angry, but it also came with cautionary notes (“This book is not for children or morons”) and common-sense tips, like one he appended to the 14 steps for manufacturing TNT.

“The temperatures used in the preparation of TNT are exact,” he wrote, “and must be used as such. Do not estimate or use approximations. Buy a good centigrade thermometer.”

In an interview at the time of the book’s publication, Mr. Powell told The Bennington Banner in Vermont, “I don’t see myself as crazed or bomb-throwing, though I could be if driven into a corner.”

By 1971, when Lyle Stuart — considered a renegade for his belief that the American people had a right to read anything — published “The Anarchist Cookbook,” Mr. Powell was attending Windham College in Putney, Vt. After graduation, he received a master’s degree in English from Manhattanville College in Purchase, N.Y.

His early teaching focused on children with emotional and learning needs. He moved overseas in 1979 and worked in Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Indonesia and Malaysia, teaching marginalized children and training teachers in how to better include them in the classroom.

Sean Powell said in an interview that his father did not exile himself from the United States because of “The Anarchist Cookbook.”

“The book came out in 1971,” he said, “and he went to Saudi Arabia in 1979. Why would he take eight years to go into exile?”

In addition to his wife, the former Ochan Kusuma, and his son Sean, Mr. Powell is survived by another son, Colin; four grandchildren; a brother, Christopher; and his mother. His first marriage ended in divorce.

When “The Anarchist Cookbook” drew the attention of the F.B.I., agents were assigned to track which stores sold the book and to find out if William Powell was a pseudonym, according to the bureau’s file on Mr. Powell. It noted a request by John W. Dean III, counsel to President Nixon, for a copy of the book.

But agents could find no reason to take action against Mr. Powell. Though he did, as the F.B.I. wrote, “submit for consideration recipes for nearly every type of explosive” whose manufacture and distribution violated federal law, there was no evidence that he had been guilty of either.
Correction: March 31, 2017

An obituary on Thursday about William Powell, the author of “The Anarchist Cookbook,” misstated his age in some copies. He was 66, not 67. (As the obituary correctly noted, he was born in December 1949 and died in July 2016.) The error was repeated in the headline.