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Messages - ccp

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Politics & Religion / Re: Immigration issues
« on: March 27, 2024, 07:46:35 AM »
on the illegal to do list

get pregnant then stop at the OB clinic then 9 mo to the hospital

anchors away


Politics & Religion / Symbol *DJT*
« on: March 26, 2024, 06:20:30 AM »
premarket 63

Politics & Religion / Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« on: March 25, 2024, 04:03:41 PM »
" Who Were the 1948 Arab Refugees?"

so here all along I am thinking they are descendants of the Philistines of David and Goliath and Samson lore...... and thus long term non Jewish
Semites of Canaan Judea Palestine Israel etc

Politics & Religion / newsmax on RFK
« on: March 25, 2024, 03:54:37 PM »
as I posted a week or two ago

he may well be able to team up with the Libertarian  Party and thus the LEFT will NOT be able to shut him down

the pricks

good for him.

both he and Libertarian party could benefit.

Politics & Religion / Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« on: March 25, 2024, 03:51:25 PM »
bottom line

the LEFT does not want us to have any voice
shut us down 100%

and nothing we say should be allowed to be aired

and it is only what they want people to hear

We are seeing a total blanket frenzy of shutting us down
everyway they can.

Everything we say is lies conspiracies and a threat to Democracy

I never dreamed I would see this in the US
boy was I wrong

Politics & Religion / Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« on: March 25, 2024, 09:50:14 AM »
I am shocked the NYT editors allowed this piece to be published.

conclusion as Doug points out is obvious.

how many civilians were in Berlin when the US and Russia crushed it in 1945?

in answer to my own question I google this:

The population of Berlin in August 12, 1945 was 2,807,4051and only 2.8 million of the city’s original population of 4.5 million still lived in the city"

Science, Culture, & Humanities / rumor: Jewish James Bond
« on: March 25, 2024, 09:42:36 AM »

with the predictable anti semitic muslim responses

first movie should be James Bond busting Jahadis !


Politics & Religion / Re: Terror Cells here in America
« on: March 25, 2024, 07:53:01 AM »
yet when  it comes

somehow the LEFT will still blame Trump

Politics & Religion / the lying from the Left is beyond the pale
« on: March 25, 2024, 07:09:58 AM »
WH claiming they cut taxes for the middle class with solar payouts.


Politics & Religion / Re: Abortion & Life
« on: March 24, 2024, 09:00:04 PM »
"This is Trump seeking out the strategic middle ground in an effort to defend against the abortion extremist charge while at the same time exposing the Democrats and the “good Catholic” Joe Biden as the real extremists. They are the ones demanding that the U.S. remain one of only seven nations in the world allowing abortion all the way through pregnancy — just like China, Vietnam, and North Korea. Let’s face it: Our membership in that club is a disgrace.

Will Trump’s 15-week marker work? Time will tell."

I personally do not read that he is proposing a national law on this but just getting out in front of the bashing the LEFT will give him on abortion.

Seems like a wise political position to me
I want to win.

Politics & Religion / Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« on: March 24, 2024, 11:25:51 AM »
agree with you Doug

i don't listen to daytime radio

although I only did when Rush was on 1 to 3 PM usually when I was in the car
I had a travelling job '95 to '99 consulting to hospitals so would enjoy rush when driving in between locations (and not flying)

and he helped me keep my sanity during the frustrating Clinton yrs.

I do like Mark Levin
but probably listen more to podcasts then radio as he is getting harder to listen to for 1 to 2 hrs as his points are excellent and I do learn things I cannot hear anywhere else but more and more he is literally SCREAMING and it gets tiring for that reason.

I like Bill O'Reilly who is right of center and rational and logically and definitely he does bring up topics I hear no where else or hear from him first.

Others I listen to is Meghan Kelly , Newt, VDH not on radio per se but podcasts.

Dersh has his own podcast but so far have only tried once or twice .....

But no doubt I agree with you 100% - Rush was king on a daily basis. His interpretations and insights were unique.

As for the rest , they simply get their topics from news off the website like I do anyway and offer nothing more.  Like the "Five"
Gutfeld waters
though Laura has some good rants summarizing things

Politics & Religion / Pride flag banned (from Embassy flagpoles)
« on: March 24, 2024, 11:18:43 AM »

why in the world would we be flying alphabet mafia flags on government websites?
what does that have to do anything related to the purpose of embassies?

seems like every day there is at least one headline telling us we should love immigrants (illegals)

always from Wall Streeters or liberal sources
recently one by Paul Krugman  :roll:

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Google's Isomorphic labs
« on: March 24, 2024, 09:21:33 AM »

understanding the 3 D shape of proteins will greatly reduce the trial and error guesswork we now use for drug discovery.

however, even AI will be dwarfed by the promise of quantum computing to be able to due billions of calculations at the same time vs. one after the other.

Politics & Religion / VICE: dark side of the 90's : Rush Limbaugh
« on: March 24, 2024, 09:06:13 AM »
while flipping stations last night turned on VICE and they had their "dark side of the 90s" series on.

Often the have the dark side of pro wrestling playboy chippendales etc.

I was outrage to find they have major hit piece on Rush Limbaugh :

I could only watch for ~ 10 minutes
All one sided left wing loons for the most part criticizing everything about him
with absolutely no positive evaluation of his conservative credentials as being valid.

VICE news on cable is also a left wing hit piece on Rs.

Politics & Religion / state tax incentives for Hollywood
« on: March 24, 2024, 07:38:04 AM »

claims local economies lose money and negative ROI

governments lose 100% get back ~ 20%.

what a joke

Politics & Religion / From above post
« on: March 24, 2024, 07:26:40 AM »
" The day after certification in 2022, the Ohio statewide voter roll database showed:

58,209 resided in an apartment or in a mobile home lot but had no unit number as required on their voter registration application to ensure proper delivery of mail, including mail-in ballot material.
4,143 were older than the oldest person in the U.S. at the time or were too young to legally register.
6,348 had a date of birth that was different in 2022 than it was in 2020.
253,486 voters supposedly registered on January 1st, 84,221 voters registered on another Federal holiday and 201,693 voters registered on Sunday -- all times when Ohio boards of elections and state offices are closed.
120,094 had registration dates in the 2022 state voter file that were earlier than their registration date in the 2020 file. 59,025 people were listed as registering to vote before they were born.
243,583 had state identification numbers that had changed since 2020, even though federal laws require each voter be issued “a unique state identifier.” 34,233 had 2 to 5 registration records with different state identification numbers, making it possible for them to vote more than once."

The official response:

"The Secretary of State office’s response placed responsibility on shortcomings in county boards’ “staffing, IT expertise and database technology,” and claimed “the core problem is almost always human data entry.” It also asserted, contrary to Ohio law, that the county-maintained voter registration list is the official list. In actual fact, Ohio Revised Code § 3503.15 establishes: “The statewide voter registration database shall be the official list of registered electors for all elections conducted in this state.”

:x :x :x

Politics & Religion / after 4/19 the Repub majority down to 1
« on: March 23, 2024, 11:05:40 AM »

for God's sake he can't wait 6 more months till Nov?

We will be in big trouble if we lose only one more.

Trump better not screw us over again with the down races....!

Politics & Religion / Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« on: March 23, 2024, 10:58:37 AM »
if this is true this is a real outrage!!!

creatinine measurements have nothing to do with it.
If one's kidneys fail it doesn't matter white or black.
the Person needs dialysis or they die.
then wait and pray for a transplant.

I can't imagine this would win in court
to think certain races might be moved ahead of others is despicable.

I am very hopeful and praying this works:

Get DEI the hell out of medicine !

So many feel the way I do and we get intimidated to keep quiet.

Politics & Religion / Terrorists alive
« on: March 23, 2024, 09:16:39 AM »
hard to believe Russia has the terrorists alive!

escaping to Ukraine ? now we won't know what the investigation will show or even how truthful it will be.
what does our intelligence know?

Thank you
This is stuff we never see
in the usual media
I know nothing of any of this.

You could be a guest on cable media

You could be the India/China expert equivalent to Gordon Chang.

We could all learn a lot about Asia......

Politics & Religion / ya clarifies India's intentions
« on: March 23, 2024, 03:33:08 AM »
"The media has created a false narrative that India wants to dedollarize via BRICS. This is all fake news. Except Russia and China, no one wants to dedollarize. Infact  the BRICS group is not coming out with a new currency, inspite the propaganda by the media. Infact, India has been clear, there is no BRICS currency. To know the facts, search for any Indian govt official saying that there will be a BRICS currency. The only one who can destroy the $ is the USA itself.!"


why is the media making this up?
is this CCP propaganda?

or from other sources other political reasons?

Politics & Religion / we should all celebrate the headline
« on: March 23, 2024, 03:30:07 AM »
Chinese American Joyce Chang head of global research for JP Morgan tells us immigration is good for the country!

rah rah rah hurray!

what about "illegal" do you not understand.
what about 10s of millions rushing the border uncontrolled do you not understand in your Wall Street elite
wealth - sell us out Wall Street schmuck .

Politics & Religion / Rhonda McDaniel to NBC
« on: March 22, 2024, 01:43:38 PM »

I don't believe this.

We all know they will try to make her a stooge

or could she turn into a complete jack ass like Michael Steele

Politics & Religion / MTG to hold up bill
« on: March 22, 2024, 09:41:20 AM »

Politics & Religion / Re: Israel, and its neighbors
« on: March 22, 2024, 07:54:29 AM »
problem is what does Israel do with the Hamas prisoners.

they would have to be stored somewhere for life.

and ~70% palestinians want them back to control Gaza......

what say you Blinks Sullivan and the rest -

Politics & Religion / "bullying and extremism "
« on: March 22, 2024, 06:15:39 AM »
of course unless it is politically correct @ air force academy:\\

VDH has pointed out that the deficit in military recruitment is primarily due to decrease in white males signing up.
Well white males have been the predominant members of the military and of those who died defending this nation.


US enemy -China, Russia, N Korea, Iran, Jihadis, and white males.

" What India craves is consistent pro India policy from the US. The US is not sure who they want to support, its fickle. On and off the US starts to support Pak or China to exert pressure on India, even though the US needs India to counter China in the Indo-Pacific."

if the US was consistently pro India would Modi reciprocate

I mean India is part of the BRIC nations trying to undermine the US dollar.

seems like Pakistan is a frenemy, we are trying to balance our interests with both ways.
Kind of like our relationship with Turkey .

Politics & Religion / Tiktok bill under unkown lockdown in the Senate
« on: March 21, 2024, 10:41:05 AM »

One could only imagine the amount of the bribes taking place as I post.......

McConnell's wife Chinese business could be shut down overnight if CCP wants to.
No doubt we know what he is thinking......
and it ain't America's interests first.

They already own so many of us.

Politics & Religion / Nevada gearing up for Democrat fraud
« on: March 21, 2024, 10:21:01 AM »
unlimited mail in and no ID required  :x

in 5 of 17 counties more people registered then there are adults in those counties
and of course Nevada officials deny everything

Politics & Religion / not sure if this story is in left wing media
« on: March 21, 2024, 08:07:56 AM »
since culprits not to Whites or Israelis:

where are you Sharpton
     How about Hakeem Jeffries - another antisemite

Politics & Religion / are we already at the peak of the Laffer Curve?
« on: March 20, 2024, 03:56:32 PM »
and are tax cuts at this point actually counter productive and will no longer pay for themselves:

Politics & Religion / Abortion
« on: March 20, 2024, 03:39:54 PM »
The LEFT rallying the abortion queens

but the reality check is that more abortions have been performed than ever before:

Essentially a non - issue except maybe in a few states,
but get the word out past the ministry of propaganda.

Politics & Religion / Turley's analogy was correct
« on: March 20, 2024, 01:10:41 PM »
think of police arresting two thieves in a bank vault

but only one gets carted off to jail.

I would go one step further.

think of the police catching them in the act and the allowing THEM to decide which one goes to jail and the other goes home.

The Dems know how to intimidate don't they?

Like we have seen Dershowitz recently point out that Trump is unable to hire top notch attorneys (apparently he does not think the ones he has are very good )

due to lawyers being afraid for their future careers if they were to defend Trump .

Seems like James Comey , William Barr, McAfee, Hur all seem to stop short when it counts the most.

All in favor of the crats.

Dersh says apparently it works, as he has had attorneys tell him point blank they are intimidated for their future employment and client referrals if they were to dare take a role in defending Trump.

we have a big problem in the US with the justice system and it ain't so much because it targets minorities.

and yes inflation is obviously worse

one only has to go to the food store to see everything is up big.
who would have guessed all the government numbers would be slanted

crime is down
inflation near goal
wages up
unemployment down
employment all time high
great replacement theory is nonsense
darien gap is nonsense (far right wing)
on and on

lying to our faces
and yet so many in America just want the government to take care of them.....

and are very happy with this.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Bansky
« on: March 20, 2024, 06:11:49 AM »
no one still is sure of his identity?

how is this possible this person goes around all over painting on walls and no one sees him or photographs , etc.?

Politics & Religion / FAy Voshell not a fan of BTC
« on: March 20, 2024, 05:15:42 AM »
For the few of us hear who will remember Fay Voshell from previous boards:

Politics & Religion / the left will stop at nothing
« on: March 20, 2024, 05:04:24 AM »
so before the trial Stormy gets headlines for being terrified she will be killed.

what a lying w

and the DTS media puts it as a headline.

She says this:

"My friend was like, you might actually have a problem. I don’t want to scare you, but based on the things you’ve told me. Now. You’re the whole Republican Party’s problem. And they like to make their problems go away."
"I mean, people have been suspiciously killed for political reasons."

name one person who is believed to be killed by Republicans for political reasons. Name one!

she must be mixing it up with the Clintons.

and the whole case out of NY is based on twisted legal logic that no honest lawyer would not think it is absolute ridiculous

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