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WSJ: Joe Biden's Modest Tax Proposal
« Reply #100 on: December 19, 2019, 07:58:04 AM »
Joe Biden’s ‘Modest’ Tax Proposal
Only $3.4 trillion more from your incomes, profits and capital gains.
By The Editorial Board
Dec. 18, 2019 7:24 pm ET

Joe Biden speaks during a meeting at Chickasaw Event Center in New Hampton, Iowa, Dec. 5. PHOTO: SHANNON STAPLETON/REUTERS

The best news about Joe Biden’s tax proposals so far is what’s absent. There’s no confiscatory and constitutionally dubious “wealth tax” on personal net worth. No income-tax rate of 70%. No complicated “mark to market” scheme for taxing unrealized capital gains.

As a result, reporters have characterized Mr. Biden’s tax agenda as “more modest,” “less aggressive” and “less dramatic” than those of his 2020 rivals. This is true as far as it goes, but it’s also like calling Trump Tower a more modest residence than Buckingham Palace. The comparative framing conceals the gilt.

Impeachment Eve/Jim Comey Spins

Mr. Biden has previously promised to spend $1.7 trillion over 10 years on a Green New Deal, $750 billion on health care, and $750 billion on higher education. To pay for it all, he’s set out $3.4 trillion in tax increases. This is more aggressive, for the record, than Hillary Clinton’s proposed tax increases in 2016, which totaled $1.4 trillion, per an analysis at the time from the left-of-center Tax Policy Center. In 2008 Barack Obama pledged to raise taxes on the rich while cutting them on net by $2.9 trillion.

Twice as many tax increases as the last presidential nominee: That’s now the “moderate” Democratic position. Here are some highlights from Mr. Biden’s tax agenda, along with their economic implications:

• Raise the 37% top rate on individual earnings to 39.6%. At the same time, Mr. Biden would repeal the $10,000 cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. In other words, he would expand the tax break for affluent residents of high-tax states like California and New York, while raising the top rate for residents of all states.

• Cap the value of tax breaks for the wealthy at 28%. There aren’t many details. But in general this means that someone who deducts $1,000 at the 39.6% tax bracket would save not $396, but only $280. When President Obama considered a similar move, charities worried it would cost them billions in donations.

• Treat wealthy taxpayers’ capital gains as ordinary income, taxed at 39.6%. This would apply to those earning more than $1 million, and it’s a huge increase on today’s top capital-gains rate of 23.8%, once the ObamaCare surtax is included. This would put rates on long-term capital gains at their highest since the 1970s.

• End stepped-up basis. Under current rules, when an asset is passed to an heir its value for tax purposes is reset. As a result, the decedent’s unrealized capital gain goes untaxed. Mr. Biden would close what his team calls a “loophole,” apparently by having the asset’s original cost basis carried over to the new owner. When the heir eventually sold, he’d pay taxes on the entire capital gain.

• Raise the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%. This would make American companies less competitive globally. Add in state corporate taxes—up to 8.84% in California, 11.5% in New Jersey, 9.5% in Illinois—and many businesses would face a top tax rate in the high 30s. In the European Union, the average top statutory rate is 21.8%, according to a Tax Foundation report last week. The Biden increase would vault the U.S. corporate rate back to near the top in the developed world.

• Put a 15% minimum tax on big companies’ “book income.” This is aimed at shops like Amazon and FedEx, which sometimes pay low or zero federal income taxes because of legal write-offs. Mr. Biden’s minimum would apply to businesses with $100 million in profits, and his campaign says it would hit about 300 companies. This is nonetheless another tax that would mean less capital to invest or pay higher wages.

• Double a minimum tax on foreign earnings to 21%. One reason the 2017 tax reform cut the corporate rate was to lure business cash parked overseas to return to the U.S. Last year companies repatriated $777 billion, per a Federal Reserve study. The higher Biden rate would lift the incentive to shift earnings abroad, so he wants to double today’s 10.5% minimum on “global intangible low tax income.” First drive corporate value overseas by raising taxes, then raise taxes again because it moved overseas.

There’s more, as well as many details Mr. Biden must still explain, but the bottom line is big tax increases on people, capital and businesses. There’s nothing pro-growth in the mix. The only way this looks enticing is by comparison to something even more punitive. Luckily for Joe Biden, there’s plenty of that floating around.


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Re: WSJ: Joe Biden's Modest Tax Proposal. Sucks
« Reply #101 on: December 19, 2019, 08:12:40 AM »
Enough to kill off all growth.  Enough to kill wealth creation.  Perhaps enough to collapse the economy if enacted in full.  Or as the Left calls it, "moderate", "centrist".


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WSJ on Joe Biden on Iran
« Reply #105 on: January 08, 2020, 07:07:21 AM »
Biden Places His Iran Bets
He comes down against the Soleimani raid and predicts Mideast chaos.
By The Editorial Board
Updated Jan. 7, 2020 7:57 pm ET

Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Trump administration's recent actions in Iraq, New York City, Jan. 7. PHOTO: SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES
That was some speech Tuesday by Joe Biden. The Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President wrapped himself tightly in Barack Obama’s Iran policy, called Donald Trump’s strike against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani a “debacle,” and all but declared that Mr. Trump is the greatest single danger to world order. As election bets go, this is a big one.

It isn’t news that Mr. Biden thinks Mr. Trump is “dangerously incompetent.” He’s said that before. The news Tuesday is that the leading Democratic presidential contender was willing to predict chaos and doom a mere five days after Mr. Trump eliminated an implacable enemy of America. The former Veep all but stated that it would be better if the Iranian terror master were still alive.

The Fallout From Soleimani's Killing

“Trump’s impulsive decision may well do more to strengthen Iran’s position in the region than any of Soleimani’s plots could have ever accomplished,” Mr. Biden declared. “Whether or not we see more loss of life, more threats against American interests and assets—this is already a debacle.”

Mr. Biden’s evidence for this conclusion is a parade of horribles that may or may not come true. He called the targeting of Soleimani “an enormous escalation that has exploded geopolitics in the region and put the United States and Iran on a collision course.”

The consequences include putting American troops and citizens at risk, new peril for our allies, new sympathy in the region for Iran, and the likely ouster of U.S. forces from Iraq. “Make no mistake,” Mr. Biden said. “This outcome of strategic setbacks, heightened threats, chants of ‘death to America’ once more echoing across the Middle East, Iran and its allies vowing revenge. This was avoidable.”

He went on to offer a potted history of the Middle East B.T.—before Trump—when Iran was peaceable, its nuclear ambitions vanquished, and “there was a united front of allies and partners to address Iran’s other destabilizing actions throughout the world.”

Iran must have missed that united containment front because the country accelerated its spread of revolution in the wake of the 2015 nuclear deal. Flush with new cash and the promise of investment, Iran expanded its arsenal of ballistic missiles. Soleimani armed the Houthis in Yemen, spread missiles to Hezbollah to bomb Israel, mobilized Shiite militias, and made himself Iran’s viceroy in Iraq and Bashar Assad his vassal in Syria.

The nuclear deal empowered Soleimani. But Mr. Biden had nothing to say about all that.

Mr. Biden also offered sunshine-and-lollypop history by claiming that with “the Iran deal, we had verifiably cut off every one of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon.” The deal didn’t block Iran from conducting nuclear research, didn’t allow inspections of every suspect site, and didn’t block Iran from resuming activities when it expires in stages starting in 2025.

Mr. Biden did make some telling points, such as that U.S. expulsion from Iraq would be a setback and that a President has an obligation to explain the use of force and the strategy behind it to the American public—in more than ill-considered tweets. Mr. Trump should take that advice, even if it comes from an opponent.

Mr. Biden is still making a major gamble when he predicts Mr. Trump’s failure in the Middle East. Perhaps he feels he needs to make that bet to inoculate himself against criticism from Bernie Sanders for his 2002 vote authorizing the Iraq war. The bet may pay off if the Middle East spins into chaos.

But Mr. Biden’s position puts him down firmly for returning to a flawed nuclear deal and in opposition to using military force even when enemies kill Americans like the contractor murdered by Soleimani’s militia in December. The Democrat clearly believes he can defeat Mr. Trump on national security. But to do so he will need events to go wrong now—and the American public to forget the many global setbacks when Mr. Biden was in power.


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Re: WSJ on Joe Biden on Iran
« Reply #106 on: January 08, 2020, 07:22:48 PM »
Biden promised that when he becomes president, we will ship many more pallets of cash to Iran and Hunter will be there to make sure it isn't misused!

Biden Places His Iran Bets
He comes down against the Soleimani raid and predicts Mideast chaos.
By The Editorial Board
Updated Jan. 7, 2020 7:57 pm ET

Joe Biden delivers remarks on the Trump administration's recent actions in Iraq, New York City, Jan. 7. PHOTO: SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES
That was some speech Tuesday by Joe Biden. The Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President wrapped himself tightly in Barack Obama’s Iran policy, called Donald Trump’s strike against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani a “debacle,” and all but declared that Mr. Trump is the greatest single danger to world order. As election bets go, this is a big one.

It isn’t news that Mr. Biden thinks Mr. Trump is “dangerously incompetent.” He’s said that before. The news Tuesday is that the leading Democratic presidential contender was willing to predict chaos and doom a mere five days after Mr. Trump eliminated an implacable enemy of America. The former Veep all but stated that it would be better if the Iranian terror master were still alive.

The Fallout From Soleimani's Killing

“Trump’s impulsive decision may well do more to strengthen Iran’s position in the region than any of Soleimani’s plots could have ever accomplished,” Mr. Biden declared. “Whether or not we see more loss of life, more threats against American interests and assets—this is already a debacle.”

Mr. Biden’s evidence for this conclusion is a parade of horribles that may or may not come true. He called the targeting of Soleimani “an enormous escalation that has exploded geopolitics in the region and put the United States and Iran on a collision course.”

The consequences include putting American troops and citizens at risk, new peril for our allies, new sympathy in the region for Iran, and the likely ouster of U.S. forces from Iraq. “Make no mistake,” Mr. Biden said. “This outcome of strategic setbacks, heightened threats, chants of ‘death to America’ once more echoing across the Middle East, Iran and its allies vowing revenge. This was avoidable.”

He went on to offer a potted history of the Middle East B.T.—before Trump—when Iran was peaceable, its nuclear ambitions vanquished, and “there was a united front of allies and partners to address Iran’s other destabilizing actions throughout the world.”

Iran must have missed that united containment front because the country accelerated its spread of revolution in the wake of the 2015 nuclear deal. Flush with new cash and the promise of investment, Iran expanded its arsenal of ballistic missiles. Soleimani armed the Houthis in Yemen, spread missiles to Hezbollah to bomb Israel, mobilized Shiite militias, and made himself Iran’s viceroy in Iraq and Bashar Assad his vassal in Syria.

The nuclear deal empowered Soleimani. But Mr. Biden had nothing to say about all that.

Mr. Biden also offered sunshine-and-lollypop history by claiming that with “the Iran deal, we had verifiably cut off every one of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon.” The deal didn’t block Iran from conducting nuclear research, didn’t allow inspections of every suspect site, and didn’t block Iran from resuming activities when it expires in stages starting in 2025.

Mr. Biden did make some telling points, such as that U.S. expulsion from Iraq would be a setback and that a President has an obligation to explain the use of force and the strategy behind it to the American public—in more than ill-considered tweets. Mr. Trump should take that advice, even if it comes from an opponent.

Mr. Biden is still making a major gamble when he predicts Mr. Trump’s failure in the Middle East. Perhaps he feels he needs to make that bet to inoculate himself against criticism from Bernie Sanders for his 2002 vote authorizing the Iraq war. The bet may pay off if the Middle East spins into chaos.

But Mr. Biden’s position puts him down firmly for returning to a flawed nuclear deal and in opposition to using military force even when enemies kill Americans like the contractor murdered by Soleimani’s militia in December. The Democrat clearly believes he can defeat Mr. Trump on national security. But to do so he will need events to go wrong now—and the American public to forget the many global setbacks when Mr. Biden was in power.


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bout time
« Reply #107 on: January 09, 2020, 02:18:47 PM »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #108 on: January 09, 2020, 08:37:13 PM »
Heh heh  8-) 8-) 8-)


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Re: bout time
« Reply #109 on: January 10, 2020, 07:35:16 AM »
"now how bout some books in Pelosi family and Feinstein family"
Gov. Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew.

Pelosi with her husband wrote the book on crony government.

Sen. Kamala Harris was Willie Brown's mistress.

Barbara Boxer is related to the Clintons.

Jerry Brown's father was Governor.

Diane Feinstein's husband is an investment banker doing business in China.  Her personal driver of 20 years, while she was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was an employee of the Chinese Communist Party.

Small world.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #110 on: January 10, 2020, 07:41:30 AM »
Doug wrote :

" Gov. Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew."   :-o

From Wikipedia :

"Newsom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.[11]"

 :-o :roll:


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Re: bout time
« Reply #111 on: January 10, 2020, 06:20:43 PM »
"now how bout some books in Pelosi family and Feinstein family"
Gov. Newsom is Nancy Pelosi's nephew.

Pelosi with her husband wrote the book on crony government.

Sen. Kamala Harris was Willie Brown's mistress.

Barbara Boxer is related to the Clintons.

Jerry Brown's father was Governor.

Diane Feinstein's husband is an investment banker doing business in China.  Her personal driver of 20 years, while she was Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was an employee of the Chinese Communist Party.

Small world.

And Comey's daughter was prosecuting Epstein when he didn't kill himself in federal custody.

Small world.


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Biden: Bolivia
« Reply #112 on: January 13, 2020, 08:47:23 AM »
Biden is frontrunner again?  What does it take for people to see that he is a moron?

In an interview with the Des Moines Register, Joe Biden lamented the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. The 77 year-old former vice president described President Donald Trump's foreign policy toward the region as "irresponsible" to the newspaper's editorial board.

"Look what's going on in Venezuela right now...millions of people are crossing the border destabilizing Bolivia," he said.

There's only one problem: There is no border between Bolivia and Venezuela, two countries that are separated by 700 miles of Brazilian rain forests.
Besides the geography problem, how is Venezuela Trump's fault?  And what kind of journalist doesn't immediately turn that back against him?


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Re: Biden: Bolivia
« Reply #113 on: January 13, 2020, 04:18:07 PM »
Biden is frontrunner again?  What does it take for people to see that he is a moron?

In an interview with the Des Moines Register, Joe Biden lamented the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. The 77 year-old former vice president described President Donald Trump's foreign policy toward the region as "irresponsible" to the newspaper's editorial board.

"Look what's going on in Venezuela right now...millions of people are crossing the border destabilizing Bolivia," he said.

There's only one problem: There is no border between Bolivia and Venezuela, two countries that are separated by 700 miles of Brazilian rain forests.
Besides the geography problem, how is Venezuela Trump's fault?  And what kind of journalist doesn't immediately turn that back against him?

"And what kind of journalist doesn't immediately turn that back against him?"

A professional journalist! WITH CREDENTIALS!


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The Root: Biden doesn't deserve black support
« Reply #114 on: January 14, 2020, 08:33:49 AM »

"if Biden or his team were honest, they’d tell you they’ve done little to garner this level of black support,... if Biden were any other candidate, his racial gaffes and behavior would have made him an afterthought years ago for black people."


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Biden long time liar
« Reply #120 on: February 01, 2020, 06:54:53 AM »


Good video .  - we should shove it in the Derms faces ---

Yet we hear lectures from CNN etc Cuomo  every day about how Trump and the Republicans who cover for him are liars...........

It is like the music industry singers copying lyrics from others and sitting there with straight faces telling people made up stories about how and why they wrote them
on another note


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Joe Biden, Lying, dog faced pony soldier
« Reply #122 on: February 10, 2020, 06:57:59 PM »

He isn't Pres Obama's insurance policy anymore.  When he called the gal a Lying Dog faced Pony Soldier, the only possible explanation for it is that he was projecting.  We should update the name of the thread accordingly.  This I believe was the gaffe that brought down old slow Joe.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #123 on: February 11, 2020, 07:57:57 AM »
Apparently a quote from a 1952 Tyrone Power movie.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #124 on: February 11, 2020, 08:23:56 AM »
Apparently a quote from a 1952 Tyrone Power movie.

Even that is bungled.  Nothing about "lying dog faced" in 'Pony Soldier'.  It's a Joe-ism.  You don't tell a serious questioner / potential supporter they're lying.  You don't tell a plain looking college girl she's dog faced.  She put herself out there asking a serious political question in front of 7 people.  He was joking around.  Like the the trees being just the right height in Michigan, Romney - inside joke, someone tell what's funny about it.  Romney lost Michigan.

If it was true or funny, still, how old was the median 2020 voter in 1952?  "Turn on the record player."  Talk about going off-script.  The argument is that he won't say stupid stuff like Trump does.


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Re: Not Mentally Incompetent Joe Biden
« Reply #127 on: February 21, 2020, 07:31:16 PM »
Mr. Biden’s repetition in recent days of the story about an arrest in South Africa comes as he confronts challenging political headwinds. Once the national front-runner, he turned in disappointing results in Iowa and New Hampshire, two heavily white states, where he finished fourth and fifth, respectively. His campaign is banking on at least a second-place finish in Nevada on Saturday and a victory in South Carolina, two diverse states where voters of color play crucial roles. He regularly uses his remarks to try to connect with black voters, such as saying in Nevada and elsewhere that he was “raised in the black church.’'

In South Carolina in particular, Mr. Biden is pinning his hopes on a strong showing with African-American voters, a constituency with which he polled strongly throughout much of the race, though he now faces increasing competition for the support of black voters.

After recounting the story of his arrest in South Carolina last week, Mr. Biden subsequently told it twice more in Nevada, mistakenly saying Robbens Island instead of Robben, where Mr. Mandela was held for much of his 27-year imprisonment.

And on Sunday, as he had in South Carolina, he also delivered a coda to the story.

“After he got free and became president, he came to Washington and came to my office,” Mr. Biden said of Mr. Mandela at a black history awards brunch in Las Vegas. “He threw his arms around me and said, ‘I want to say thank you.’ I said, ‘What are you thanking me for, Mr. President?’ He said, ‘You tried to see me. You got arrested trying to see me.’”

On Tuesday, speaking in Las Vegas at an event with Asian-American and Pacific Islander voters, he said that he “came back from South Africa, trying to see Nelson Mandela and getting arrested for trying to see him,” right before he received an answer to his marriage proposal from his now-wife, Jill Biden.

Mr. Biden has previously discussed visiting South Africa as a young senator — but his emphasis in discussing his travel there has not been on an arrest.
ImageDuring a speech in Columbia, S.C., this month, Mr. Biden described once “being arrested” on “the streets of Soweto” amid an effort to see Nelson Mandela.
During a speech in Columbia, S.C., this month, Mr. Biden described once “being arrested” on “the streets of Soweto” amid an effort to see Nelson Mandela.Credit...Travis Dove for The New York Times

In a December 2013 clip from CBS News, Mr. Biden, expressing admiration for Mr. Mandela, mentioned a congressional delegation trip he took to South Africa. He also described being thanked, years later, by the iconic civil rights leader, but did not mention his own arrest. Instead, he said Mr. Mandela expressed gratitude for his support of anti-apartheid sanctions.

In a 2013 statement marking the death of Mr. Mandela, Mr. Biden, then vice president, recalled how he had traveled to Soweto with Mr. Young, but he did not mention an arrest.

“I saw his world the way it used to be when I visited South Africa as a 34-year-old senator,” the statement said. “When I exited the plane I was directed to one side of the tarmac, while the African-American congressmen traveling with me were sent to the other side. I refused to break off, and the officials finally relented. When I tried to enter Soweto township with Congressmen Andrew Young of Atlanta and Charles Diggs of Detroit, I remember their tears of anger and sadness.”

Mr. Young, in the phone interview, said he did encounter discrimination on his trips to South Africa over the years, but said, “I would not forget going to jail, but I know I did not ever go to jail in South Africa.”

Mr. Biden and Dr. Biden wrote about a South Africa trip in their memoirs, too. According to their accounts, Mr. Biden went there after giving Dr. Biden an ultimatum following multiple marriage proposals. They both have said that Mr. Biden sought a response when he returned from the trip.

Neither Mr. Biden nor Dr. Biden mentioned an arrest when describing the proposal.

“The 10 days in Africa felt like forever,” Mr. Biden wrote in his book “Promises to Keep.” “I had gotten through worse, but I knew that if Jill said no, it was going to hurt like hell.”

It was in that context — a lighthearted retelling of multiple marriage proposals — that Mr. Biden brought up Mr. Mandela at the campaign event on Tuesday.

“When I came back,” he said, “first thing I did, I landed in Philadelphia and I went back to her apartment.”

Last year, Mr. Biden faced scrutiny after The Washington Post reported that he had misstated details in a story about the war in Afghanistan that he told on the campaign trail.

Former Senator Bob Kerrey, a supporter of Mr. Biden’s who joined the Senate in 1989, suggested that perhaps there could have been an arrest of senators but no charges by the government, and noted, “a step away from arrest is to be detained.”

“I had some senators I wish had been arrested,” Mr. Kerrey joked in a phone interview. “He’s not on that list.”

But he said that he had never heard the story before.


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« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 06:14:58 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The Senility Accelerates
« Reply #133 on: March 01, 2020, 06:21:22 AM »
Former VP Joe Biden:  "Thank you Chuck."

Chris Wallace, Fox News:  "You're Welcome, but I'm Chris."

Biden:  "Oh, well I just did Chris, I mean Chuck, back to back, it's too early, mumble, mumble, smile."


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #135 on: March 02, 2020, 07:59:39 PM »
Fk , , ,


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Kevin Williamson : same "ole" scoundrel lying sleaze ball Joe
« Reply #136 on: March 05, 2020, 05:51:55 PM »
Like it much better when he is telling truths about the other side:

what name should we give to Biden

"lyin' Joe"
"plagerizing Joe"

"light weight Joe"

"establishment Joe"

or just "crooked Joe"


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Re: Kevin Williamson : same "ole" scoundrel lying sleaze ball Joe
« Reply #137 on: March 05, 2020, 07:32:54 PM »
Silver Alert Joe

Like it much better when he is telling truths about the other side:

what name should we give to Biden

"lyin' Joe"
"plagerizing Joe"

"light weight Joe"

"establishment Joe"

or just "crooked Joe"


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In his prime, Joe Biden was Evil not harmless
« Reply #138 on: March 06, 2020, 06:47:30 AM »

You may have heard that Biden lost his wife and daughter in a horrifying drunk-driving wreck, the fault of a monster of a man who irresponsibly “drank his lunch,” as Biden puts it.

Never happened.

Biden’s wife and daughter did, in fact, die in a car wreck. That is true. It is not true that the driver of the other car was drunk, that he had been drinking, or that there was any reason to believe he was drunk or had been drinking — or even that he was at fault.

The late Mrs. Biden “drove into the path of [the] tractor-trailer,” the police report says.

The driver of that truck went to his grave haunted by Biden’s lies, to the point where his children were forced to beg the vice president to stop defaming their late father. The casual cruelty with which Biden is willing to subordinate the lives of ordinary people to his political ambitions — for the sake of a petty tear-jerker line in one of his occasionally plagiarized stump speeches — is remarkable.
just as cavalier when it comes to, say, slavery, telling a largely black audience that Mitt Romney — Mitt Romney! — wants to “put y’all back in chains.”
the ugly and dishonest fights we have over Supreme Court nominations — a habit that can be laid squarely at the feet of Joe Biden, who along with Ted Kennedy, that pillar of human decency, organized one of the worst smear campaigns in modern American political history against Robert Bork, whose great crime against humanity was taking the “extremist” position that the Constitution actually says what it says rather than what anybody with power wishes it would say at any given moment. . . .
How about Biden's handling of Clarence Thomas?

If there ever was civility in matters of the US Constitution, Biden the political hack ended that.


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silver Joe
« Reply #140 on: March 07, 2020, 05:35:16 AM »
OMG he can't even remember the One's name!   :-o

silver man vs orange man.

Maybe name should be 'Senile Joe'.  :-D
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 05:38:47 AM by ccp »


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Memory Care Joe
« Reply #141 on: March 07, 2020, 06:48:14 PM »


This is where you take Pop-pop's car keys away and make sure he has an ID bracelet on at all times.


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Wait , I thought he was. racist anti busing bigot?
« Reply #143 on: March 08, 2020, 07:03:43 AM »
Now she needs a job she is endorsing the racist old white bigot:


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Re: Slo Jo Biden's loose lips killed SEAL Team 6?
« Reply #144 on: March 08, 2020, 10:20:08 AM »

Snopes, who I hold in low regard for analysis with their heavy left bias, says False.

They say he revealed only that Navy Seals [not "Seal Team Six"] were involved which had already been reported.  Where I might differ is the BIG difference between an early newspaper report saying that and the Vice President announcing it.

The reporting [in the original link] of how the military handled the shoot down is disturbing.  I'm glad they are investigating.

It seems that Obama's, tie-our troops'-hands, rules of engagement may have been the main problem.  From the article:

"The most important question of all remains the strict rules of engagement. Why were U.S. troops deployed into battle in a Chinook jalopy made in the 1960s and ordered not to fire back at Taliban snipers? Washington has imposed such severe rules of engagement — the inability to fire into civilian areas, the refusal to conduct night operations, and the reluctance to confront the regular occurrence of Afghan soldiers deliberately shooting American personnel — that defeat is not only likely, it’s inevitable."


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #145 on: March 08, 2020, 01:17:25 PM »
Hence my question mark; glad to see us keeping us straight- its important.


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« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 06:58:52 PM by G M »