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Michael Yon: A Sh*t Storm cometh
« Reply #103 on: July 18, 2021, 03:05:07 PM »
Michael Yon
Jul 18, 2021 at 5:30am
Highly Suggest: Keep Stocking Up on Food — Water Security Crucial

Food prices will continue to rise — 90 percent chance. Remember that I started beating this drum hard in January 2020. HIGHLY suggest you stock up on all things you need to stay home for extended periods. Do NOT tell others you are prepping. If you live around smart people who are prepared, your risks are much lower. If you live around people who are taking inventory of preppers — YOU are their backup plan. I use a Berkey water-filter for home, and a Katadyn pocket filter for travel. Prices for both went way up since I started warning in January 2020. Remember that when your water goes out, your toilets do not work. Everyone’s conditions are different. Some live in condos in Manhattan. Others live in distant areas with clear mountain streams, or on islands, in deserts, and so on. Everyone has their own circumstance. Everyone needs food and water. Stock up on any medications you may need. I warned of this in January 2020. Much of our pharmaceuticals come from China. After I warned, CCP threatened to cut off America. NBA and Hollywood and some Congress people still take a knee. Stock up. It’s has become clear that vaccines are not working as advertised. Government fallback now — in face of obvious — is that people are becoming less ill when they have been vaccinated. This sets stage for The Great Vaccine Escape. Endless jabs with untested substances of many sorts, from various sources. Rolling the dice again and again and again. All while vaccinated people continue to become infected and the virus learns to pick the locks. Go back and see my January/February/March 2020 live streams. Steel on steel. Far more accurate than most captured ‘experts.’ Serious times ahead. My interview from January 2020 is dead on target. Audit yourself. Was I right in January 2020, or wrong?


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Michael Yon: We provoked Pearl Harbor
« Reply #104 on: July 23, 2021, 04:25:28 PM »
Did my best to insert some paragraphs in the following WITH WHICH I DO NOT AGREE.

Michael Yon just posted something!
Michael Yon
Jul 23, 2021 at 7:16pm
World War II: Japan tried many times to avert war with America

This is in answer to question from @james_f_lee No edit mind-dump at 0200 Saturday morning James, Roosevelt and others wanted war with Japan. I know this sounds crazy to a lot of folks. And pretty much all of us who are long-time Americans had family who fought in World War II. My family first shipwrecked in Bermuda in 1609, and finally made it to Jamestown in 1610. And so the list of wars is sort of a Forest Gump family-journey. I am supposed to hate Japanese due to Pearl Harbor. But I study.

 And I know we are and were a victim of our own information war from our own government. And people like me are supposed to blame the Japanese and justify all that happened. But I don’t like bullshit. And the record on that war is as clear as what happened in Afghanistan. “Bullshit so high you needed wings to stay above it.” Our government lied to us about Japan and pushed Japan to attack us.

And Japan was fool enough to take the bait. Oh, they were not rash. The Japanese were not rash. They knew that attacking us, the Aussies, Brits, and Dutch, likely was suicidal. After all, Japanese knew or suspected we wanted them to charge at the cape: Hawaii. Hawaii was the cape. Roosevelt was matador. He pranced. Sword drawn. Up on his toes. The picador stuck Japan again and again. Come. Come closer. Dig your horn into our ships that were docked. The moment Japan rushed the cape, Roosevelt would go for the kill. There was no sneak attack. No more of a sneak attack than the bull who was pushed into the arena and tortured to attack had suddenly managed to sneak an attack. This was totally defensive. WE KNEW WITH 100% CERTAINTY THAT ATTACK WAS IMMINENT. Why were our ships all stacked up in Pearl Harbor despite that newspapers across America were warning of attack?

There was warning of attack at Pearl Harbor in the HEADLINES a WEEK in advance. These headlines after many headlines of Japan desperately trying to negotiate out of a war. When I have published these in years past, people said they were fake. They are real. Go to your library and check the microfiche. It’s all there. Check US Archives, or Library of Congress. Nothing is hidden. But it’s also not the accepted narrative. And then Americans still say today it was a sneak attack. This is a lie that cost millions of lives. Japanese realized we were the matador provoking the bull for a kill. But the Japanese ultimately had little choice. We shut off their fuel and other supplies. Their strength was dwindling. Japanese continued to try to negotiate but we continued to jab them. They were in pain and bleeding and Roosevelt strutted come and get it! Roosevelt wanted to kill Japan! And Roosevelt had to fool America that Japan suddenly and deliberately attacked us without warning. It was all a lie. After all, our country would not want to go attack someone who had not attacked us. Our people are good people. Roosevelt knew this. He knew we would not go fight for nothing. So he staged a fight. Agent Provacatuer in the White House. He fooled us! And many of our family members died!

We should have been killing Nazis, Communists, and Fascists, not Japanese! This is just literally a random article I pulled up from 09 June 1940. Random insofar as I typed in “Japan negotiations” and selected the year 1940 on, and then selected a story at random. Don’t take my word for it. Invest a few weeks or months into this. I did. Many months and books. And spent a great deal of time looking at articles like this. There are more articles like this than most people have to read. Japanese constantly trying to negotiate. Constantly trying to head off war with United States. And in 1941, United States clearly, unambiguously, knew for a 100% fact that attack on Pearl Harbor was imminent. It’s right there in headlines across America a week before the attack that Japan was about to attack. Japan was at its wits end. Did not like the Nazis. Hated communists. Tonight, I am here in Vilnius, Lithuania, and earlier today photographed a plaque not far from my hotel in gratitude for Japanese Ambassador Chiune Sugihara who was saving Jews in Lithuania from Nazis. Sugihara is a hero. That’s right. Japanese here in Lithuania were saving Jews. And when Hitler wanted Japan to kill Jews, Japan refused. Angered Hitler. Japanese did not like Hitler or Nazis. Germany was ally of last resort. Japan wanted no war with America. Ask your Jewish friends about Sugihara. Ask Japanese. Some Japanese do not even know! Lithuanians seem to know. Japan hated the Nazis and the communists but Roosevelt was snuggled up with China. And China was running information operations on Japan just like they do today. Red Chinese were playing rice-bowl Christians and saying Japanese were Pagans and so forth. Americans back then — my own family line — bit very hard on this, and other tricks. Roosevelt had business interests in China. Roosevelt was making money. And good Americans saw Chinese as victims and were happy to help Chinese who were accepting salvation.

Roosevelt and the Chinese tricked American’s and our good hearts. China and Roosevelt pushed Japan to attack us. The Brits, Dutch, Canadians, and Aussies all were in on the game. We had every opportunity to ally ourselves with Japan and go after Nazis and Communists. But nobody wanted to help those uppity Japanese who would not read a Bible — especially not so when Japan was imperial competition and could just be erased. Even after Japan was on side during World War I, and all the western countries punished Japan for its World War I help on our side. We should have been allies with Japan. Jews would not need Israel today if we had wiped out the Nazis, Communists, and Fascists. We could have averted the Holocaust. But no. We fought Japan. Made allies of Communists against Nazis.

And now CCP is massively dangerous. We could have let the Nazis and Communists duke it out, and then mop the floor of them all when they were finished. And then countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romanian…and a LOT more, never would have had to live like that. Cuba would not have been Communist. Venezuela would not have been poisoned. And so many others. But no. We fought Japan who hated Nazis and Communists, and we exhausted ourselves and let the Communists escape and grow. We screwed up on Japan just as badly as we screwed up in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. If we had allied with Japan, we never would have fought in a Korean war to start with! Vietnam did not even want to be communists! We snubbed them, too. If I only had a time machine. In 1940, the biggest Embassy in D.C. would be.Japanese, and the biggest Embassy in Tokyo would be American. And we would have rid the world of Nazis, Fascists, and Communists. —-sorry for the no-edit mind dump. James had a question and I unleashed as best I can. Thank you for your support. I need it.


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Re: Michael Yon: We provoked Pearl Harbor
« Reply #105 on: July 23, 2021, 08:17:10 PM »

Did my best to insert some paragraphs in the following WITH WHICH I DO NOT AGREE.

Michael Yon just posted something!
Michael Yon
Jul 23, 2021 at 7:16pm
World War II: Japan tried many times to avert war with America

This is in answer to question from @james_f_lee No edit mind-dump at 0200 Saturday morning James, Roosevelt and others wanted war with Japan. I know this sounds crazy to a lot of folks. And pretty much all of us who are long-time Americans had family who fought in World War II. My family first shipwrecked in Bermuda in 1609, and finally made it to Jamestown in 1610. And so the list of wars is sort of a Forest Gump family-journey. I am supposed to hate Japanese due to Pearl Harbor. But I study.

 And I know we are and were a victim of our own information war from our own government. And people like me are supposed to blame the Japanese and justify all that happened. But I don’t like bullshit. And the record on that war is as clear as what happened in Afghanistan. “Bullshit so high you needed wings to stay above it.” Our government lied to us about Japan and pushed Japan to attack us.

And Japan was fool enough to take the bait. Oh, they were not rash. The Japanese were not rash. They knew that attacking us, the Aussies, Brits, and Dutch, likely was suicidal. After all, Japanese knew or suspected we wanted them to charge at the cape: Hawaii. Hawaii was the cape. Roosevelt was matador. He pranced. Sword drawn. Up on his toes. The picador stuck Japan again and again. Come. Come closer. Dig your horn into our ships that were docked. The moment Japan rushed the cape, Roosevelt would go for the kill. There was no sneak attack. No more of a sneak attack than the bull who was pushed into the arena and tortured to attack had suddenly managed to sneak an attack. This was totally defensive. WE KNEW WITH 100% CERTAINTY THAT ATTACK WAS IMMINENT. Why were our ships all stacked up in Pearl Harbor despite that newspapers across America were warning of attack?

There was warning of attack at Pearl Harbor in the HEADLINES a WEEK in advance. These headlines after many headlines of Japan desperately trying to negotiate out of a war. When I have published these in years past, people said they were fake. They are real. Go to your library and check the microfiche. It’s all there. Check US Archives, or Library of Congress. Nothing is hidden. But it’s also not the accepted narrative. And then Americans still say today it was a sneak attack. This is a lie that cost millions of lives. Japanese realized we were the matador provoking the bull for a kill. But the Japanese ultimately had little choice. We shut off their fuel and other supplies. Their strength was dwindling. Japanese continued to try to negotiate but we continued to jab them. They were in pain and bleeding and Roosevelt strutted come and get it! Roosevelt wanted to kill Japan! And Roosevelt had to fool America that Japan suddenly and deliberately attacked us without warning. It was all a lie. After all, our country would not want to go attack someone who had not attacked us. Our people are good people. Roosevelt knew this. He knew we would not go fight for nothing. So he staged a fight. Agent Provacatuer in the White House. He fooled us! And many of our family members died!

We should have been killing Nazis, Communists, and Fascists, not Japanese! This is just literally a random article I pulled up from 09 June 1940. Random insofar as I typed in “Japan negotiations” and selected the year 1940 on, and then selected a story at random. Don’t take my word for it. Invest a few weeks or months into this. I did. Many months and books. And spent a great deal of time looking at articles like this. There are more articles like this than most people have to read. Japanese constantly trying to negotiate. Constantly trying to head off war with United States. And in 1941, United States clearly, unambiguously, knew for a 100% fact that attack on Pearl Harbor was imminent. It’s right there in headlines across America a week before the attack that Japan was about to attack. Japan was at its wits end. Did not like the Nazis. Hated communists. Tonight, I am here in Vilnius, Lithuania, and earlier today photographed a plaque not far from my hotel in gratitude for Japanese Ambassador Chiune Sugihara who was saving Jews in Lithuania from Nazis. Sugihara is a hero. That’s right. Japanese here in Lithuania were saving Jews. And when Hitler wanted Japan to kill Jews, Japan refused. Angered Hitler. Japanese did not like Hitler or Nazis. Germany was ally of last resort. Japan wanted no war with America. Ask your Jewish friends about Sugihara. Ask Japanese. Some Japanese do not even know! Lithuanians seem to know. Japan hated the Nazis and the communists but Roosevelt was snuggled up with China. And China was running information operations on Japan just like they do today. Red Chinese were playing rice-bowl Christians and saying Japanese were Pagans and so forth. Americans back then — my own family line — bit very hard on this, and other tricks. Roosevelt had business interests in China. Roosevelt was making money. And good Americans saw Chinese as victims and were happy to help Chinese who were accepting salvation.

Roosevelt and the Chinese tricked American’s and our good hearts. China and Roosevelt pushed Japan to attack us. The Brits, Dutch, Canadians, and Aussies all were in on the game. We had every opportunity to ally ourselves with Japan and go after Nazis and Communists. But nobody wanted to help those uppity Japanese who would not read a Bible — especially not so when Japan was imperial competition and could just be erased. Even after Japan was on side during World War I, and all the western countries punished Japan for its World War I help on our side. We should have been allies with Japan. Jews would not need Israel today if we had wiped out the Nazis, Communists, and Fascists. We could have averted the Holocaust. But no. We fought Japan. Made allies of Communists against Nazis.

And now CCP is massively dangerous. We could have let the Nazis and Communists duke it out, and then mop the floor of them all when they were finished. And then countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romanian…and a LOT more, never would have had to live like that. Cuba would not have been Communist. Venezuela would not have been poisoned. And so many others. But no. We fought Japan who hated Nazis and Communists, and we exhausted ourselves and let the Communists escape and grow. We screwed up on Japan just as badly as we screwed up in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. If we had allied with Japan, we never would have fought in a Korean war to start with! Vietnam did not even want to be communists! We snubbed them, too. If I only had a time machine. In 1940, the biggest Embassy in D.C. would be.Japanese, and the biggest Embassy in Tokyo would be American. And we would have rid the world of Nazis, Fascists, and Communists. —-sorry for the no-edit mind dump. James had a question and I unleashed as best I can. Thank you for your support. I need it.


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Re: Michael Yon: We provoked Pearl Harbor
« Reply #106 on: July 24, 2021, 05:25:03 AM »
Quote author=G M

Right.  How could we have allied with Japan? Interesting thought experiment but I'm disappointed in Michael on this one.


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #107 on: July 24, 2021, 05:47:52 AM »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #108 on: July 24, 2021, 09:32:07 AM »

Of course, the USG didn't exactly have clean hands during this time period either.


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Re: Be glad to hear our take on this one:
« Reply #112 on: July 31, 2021, 02:13:47 PM »

Yon is very correct in this. We are about to step off a cliff and plunge into a very different, very Hobbesian world. If you are in a "Blue Zoo", you are going to die most likely. The people with the training, mindset and the beans, bullets and bandages in communities of the same have the best chances of surviving what is coming. These are the good old days.

Plan accordingly.


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« Last Edit: July 31, 2021, 04:06:01 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #116 on: August 11, 2021, 01:46:02 PM »


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Re: Michael Yon goes full Cassandra
« Reply #126 on: August 18, 2021, 02:23:14 AM »


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« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 01:53:16 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #135 on: August 21, 2021, 07:42:03 PM »
Our army leadership is changing too...


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Michael Yon Taliban will attack between 9/2-10.
« Reply #139 on: August 24, 2021, 03:57:39 AM »


There are weeks that seem like years.
From the JBS Editor for Michael Yon.

"There are weeks that seem like years.

This was one of them.

While the impact of the failure of the Afghanistan withdrawal, increase in migrant traffic, and the incredulity of the US government seemingly deliberately projecting incompetence won't be known in full until many moons have passed.  We don't need to await the passage of time and review to know that the events of the past week have wrought changes that no one thought would be tolerated before.

As all on this email list are aware, Michael Yon has been accurate in his assessment in Afghanistan for decades.  He now has some observations about what the criminal neglect of a coordinated withdrawal means to the future of the US and its allies.  In addition, Michael sees how the Migrant Invasion Issue, disease vectors, unfiltered refugee airlifts from Afghanistan into US bases and cities, and a host of other issues dealing with the CCP expansionist plans are related in many surprising ways.

Please take time to review some of the recent interviews Michael gave this week on these issues and more.  He is wrapping up his second ground-level investigation of the Darien Gap, and should soon be returning to the US to provide more detailed information on his findings. "

As always please follow Michael Yon at Locals
and his new Telegram page where there is no censorship yet.

INTERVIEWS August 16-23, 2021

The Pulse of Afghanistan.  The Wei & Cathy Show.

Veterans discuss Afghanistan.  The Allison Morrow Show.

Discussion of Afghanistan and Darien Gap Migrants.  Sargis Sangari New Paradigms Show.

Tom Shattucks Burn Barrel podcast.

Stay safe out there and thank you for the support!



Powerful list of military equip we gave the Talibanis

« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 04:08:00 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Michael Yon: Biden surrenders;Petraeus
« Reply #140 on: August 24, 2021, 02:10:43 PM »
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 02:20:14 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #141 on: August 25, 2021, 03:09:25 AM »


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #145 on: August 27, 2021, 04:11:31 AM »
Did not see a COVID accumulating that the US COVID vaccines are not working, a lot of breakthrough COVID infections occurring, mostly delta variants. The only benefit is that any COVID infection in vaxxed individuals is mild in severity. This is the reason that the govt is pushing for a 3rd shot. Martin Armstrong has some amazing news about what his sources are saying about the origins. Normally this would be in the realm of conspiracy theories, but he has been consistent on this for over a year.


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Re: Michael Yon
« Reply #146 on: August 27, 2021, 02:56:27 PM »
This is the thread you are looking for: