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Politics & Religion / The BATFE Deserves a Spot in this Thread, Too
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:55:36 PM »
ATF’s head dodges and weaves while grilled about various awful ATF policies and operations:

Hard Questions, But Few Clear Answers as Congress Probes ATF Tactics and Overreach
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024 Hard Questions, But Few Clear Answers as Congress Probes ATF Tactics and Overreach
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) suffered two bruising days on Capitol Hill last week during oversight hearings attempting to get to the bottom of a fatal raid and other recent enforcement overreaches involving peaceable Americans. Many hard questions were asked but few clear answers emerged, as ATF and its apologists insisted the agency remained committed to public safety, while invoking pending investigations and lawsuits as a means of avoiding detailed responses. At the very least, the hearings made it unmistakably clear that ATF has a lot to answer for to regain the trust of pro-gun lawmakers and the gun-owning American public.

On Wednesday, the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government held a hearing on a March 19 raid on the home of Bryan Malinowski in Little Rock, AR, that resulted in one ATF agent being shot and Malinowski himself being killed. The SWAT-style operation to execute a search warrant featured 10 carloads of ATF agents and local officers who descended on Malinowski’s residence an hour before dawn, killed power to the home, covered up a security camera on Malinowski’s front porch, and broke in through the locked front door. Contrary to the established policies of the ATF and Little Rock Police Department, none of those conducting the raid was wearing a body camera to record what happened next.

The star witness at the hearing was Bud Cummins, a former U.S. attorney and the lawyer now representing Malinowski’s family and widow, Maer Malinowski. Cummins recounted how the racket of agents “caving in the door” awakened the frightened couple, leading Bryan to arm himself with a handgun and investigate. Maer followed her husband as he confronted a group of shadowy figures entering the darkened home. Cummins said Malinowski fired at their legs to drive them back out of the house, believing them to be home invaders. An agent was struck in the foot, and the entry team returned fire, shooting Malinowski in the forehead as his bewildered wife looked on in horror.

Cummins testified that only 57 seconds elapsed between the time an agent was seen on video covering up the security camera to when Malinowski was fatally shot. This meant, he said, the operation was a no-knock entry in fact, if not on paper, as Malinowski did not have time to appreciate what was happening before he reacted. Cummins noted that Malinowki’s frantic wife, not accused of any crime, was locked in the back of a police vehicle for four hours in the 34 degree morning air, wearing only a thin nightgown. She was not allowed to check on her husband or even to use the bathroom. When she finally persuaded agents to let her use the bathroom, she was taken to local firehouse, paraded before the firemen in her nightgown, and forced to relieve herself in the presence of a female officer.

The raid to execute the search warrant came after a months-long investigation in which ATF agents came to believe Malinowski was dealing in firearms without a license. Significantly, it occurred exactly one month before ATF published its controversial rule, “Definition of ‘Engaged in the Business’ as a Dealer in Firearms.” That rule was supposedly prompted by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act of 2022, which changed the statutory definition of a “dealer” in firearms to focus on the intent to earn a profit, rather than to earn a livelihood. Proponents of the change said it merely codified case law, making clear that a person could be considered a “dealer in firearms,” even if the person had another full-time job or career.

Yet ATF treated the change as an opportunity for a sweeping expansion of the dealer licensing requirement, with a serious of presumptions about what sort of behaviors triggered the requirement or its requisite intent. ATF in particular focused on advertising sales via the Internet and selling at gun shows, circumstances that would have explicitly required a license in the failed Manchin-Toomey legislation the Obama/Biden administration pursued in 2013. Ironically, mere days before the hearing, a federal district judge in Texas temporarily enjoined enforcement of the ATF’s rule against a broad class of plaintiffs after finding the terms of the rule likely violated ATF’s authority.

An affidavit in support of the search warrant application for Malinowski’s home detailed many of the government’s accusations against him. These included that he bought some 147 guns over a three-year period, that he resold an unknown number of them, and that nine subsequently wound up at the scenes of crimes or in the possession of prohibited people (including at least three undercover informants). None of the guns, however, was said to have been used against a person in a crime of violence. It is striking how many of the circumstances mentioned in the affidavit that caused the government to scrutinize Malinowski would later end up as presumptions in the regulation a federal judge has already ruled is likely illegal.

The testimony of Bud Cummins emphasized that Malinowski had no criminal history and a lucrative, high-paying job as the director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock that he would not have knowingly jeopardized with illegal activity. Cummins described Malinowski as an avid collector and hobbyist, of coins as well as firearms. He said Malinowski sold both of these things at gun shows, as the text of federal statute says he had a right to do to enhance his personal collection. Cummins said the government could have resolved the matter without the escalations that led to the eventual exchange of gunfire, including by simply serving Malinowski with a cease and desist letter. Even in the context of a criminal investigation, Cummins testified, the ATF’s tactics were unnecessarily aggressive, ignored less risky alternatives, and lacked indicia of transparency.

The day after the subcommittee’s hearing, ATF Director Steven Dettelbach appeared before the full House Judiciary Committee for an oversight hearing. Malinwoski’s widow attended both hearings. Pro-gun members grilled the director on the Malinowski case, which he claimed was only one of thousands of ATF operations he was only vaguely aware of before the fact. Dettelbach deflected any attempt to elicit explanations for the ATF’s conduct by insisting the matter was under “independent” investigation by the Arkansas State Police and therefore Justice Department policy prohibited him from discussing it. In general terms, he emphasized the dangerousness of ATF’s work and the necessity of deferring to the operational decisions of “professionals” in the field. He also blamed ATF’s lack of compliance with policies requiring body cameras, as a general matter, on budgetary constraints.

Dettelbach additionally refused to comment upon or explain the details of various controversial ATF rules, on the bases that the rules spoke for themselves, and ATF’s defense of them was well-documented in the many legal cases challenging them in various courts. He claimed his attempts to summarize, elaborate, or defend any of the rules could adversely affect those proceedings.

Pro-gun members of the committee treated these excuses as a cop-out and vainly tried to elicit more specifics from Dettelbach. Anti-gun committee members tried to portray the pro-gun members as hypocrites for wanting to cut ATF funding, while claiming support for law enforcement, and emphasized the supposed importance of ATF’s collaboration with state and local police in the enforcement of gun control laws. Some tried to paint the Malinowski case as a typical and justified law enforcement investigation, while others admitted concern about its tactics but criticized pro-gun committee members for ignoring similar cases involving minority defendants.

When the smoke cleared, Americans had few answers about the concerns expressed in the hearings, and no clear sense of how much knowledge or involvement Dettelbach himself has in the workings of the agency he directs. Overall, however, he appeared more as the agency’s cheerleader than its operational leader.

Yet enough was said to put Americans who believe in the right to keep and bear arms on notice that the Biden administration is using ATF to pursue its anti-gun political agenda, and not just to impartially enforce the law against violent criminals or those who intentionally flout the law. Hearings are useful to illustrate the problems, but the only solutions are to be found at the ballot box.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Blind Climber Bags a 5.10
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:44:45 PM »
Though I tend to disdain climbers as more ego based then engaging in any sort of practical pursuit, getting up a 5.10 blind would take a serious set of stones. Several lead falls? No thanks….

Blind Climber Completes Historic Trad Ascent on Devils Tower - Outdoor Gear Reviews / by Seiji Ishii / May 28, 2024 at 4:01 PM

“El Matador” is a 5.10d classic endurance stemming route on Devils Tower. Many trad climbers find it challenging, but imagine if you headed up without using your eyes. British climber Jesse Dufton did just that last week, recording the first blind trad lead on the iconic formation.

Dufton led all the hard pitches, placing his own gear, and he took several leader falls on his way to the summit. Placing the optimal piece of gear, correctly sized and secure, is hard enough with vision. Astonishingly, Dufton does this “in the dark.”

Jesse Dufton Climbing History

Dufton has retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative disease that has rendered him completely blind. Dufton was born with only 20% central vision, no peripheral vision, and several blind spots. The genetic condition progressively broke down his retinas’ cells, and by age 20, Dufton could no longer read. By 30, his vision was limited to only light perception with a 1-2% field of view.

Dufton has been a climber his whole life and has progressed despite losing sight. He trains for World Cup events and leads on gear. And throughout, he has had a great partner.

His wife and sight guide, Molly, supports him on climbs, verbally relaying information and “lending her eyes,” as Dufton calls it. She aids in route finding, foot and hand placements, and gear choices. But Dufton is leading, and Molly cannot always see him. Once Jesse Dufton crosses this threshold, he climbs blind without assistance.

Blind climber Jesse Dufton and sight guide and wife Molly.
Jesse Dufton and wife and sight guide, Molly; (photo/Montane)
Dufton gained notoriety in the climbing world partially through a multi-award-winning documentary titled Climbing Blind, which covered his attempt to become the first blind person to make a “non-sight” lead of Old Man of Hoy, an iconic sea stack in Scotland.

The same filmmaker who created Climbing Blind, Alastair Lee, documented Dufton’s ascent on Devils Tower.

‘El Matador’ on Devils Tower

Blind climber Jesse Dufton on "El Matador" 10d on Devils Tower
Blind climber Jesse Dufton leading up ‘El Matador’ 5.10d on Devils Tower, Wyo.; (photo/Montane)
“El Matador” is five pitches and 250 feet tall and was first aid climbed by the iconic Fred Becky and partner Eric Bjornstad in 1967. Free climbing it as Dufton did requires formidable endurance and pain tolerance, and loose blocks and rocks up high demand attention to ensure safety. Most climbers do the first two pitches and bail to avoid this danger.

Dufton would have none of this, and he completed the entire route in partnership with his wife. “El Matador is, without question, the hardest trad route I’ve attempted to date. Nothing I’ve done so far is quite like it; the stem box is unrelenting. I don’t know how long I was in there, but it felt like an eternity.”

Local guide Zach Lentsch of Wyoming Mountain Guides added, “Single-handedly the most impressive feat in climbing I’ve witnessed.”

Filmmaker Lee said it was “some of the most frightening and compelling footage I have ever captured. I cannot imagine how hard that must have been without the use of your eyes; leader falls on your own gear are scary at the best of times. What an absolute lesson in guts and tenacity that was.”

Dufton, Molly, and filmmaker Lee on the summit of Devils Tower
Molly, Dufton, and Lee on the summit of Devils Tower; (photo/Montane)
Finally, itinerant climber and frequent GearJunkie and ExplorersWeb contributor Sam Anderson commented, “Climbing El Matador is a full sensory demand. It’s longer and more technical than it looks, and there are decisions I don’t know how a non-sighted person could make. What’s hardest to wrap my brain around about Jesse’s ascent is how he would have decided when to transfer from stemming to jamming — if you get starfished below the top out ledge, you’re hosed!”

Find out more about Jesse Dufton at his website, and make sure to catch the documentary about this incredible achievement during the upcoming Brit Rock Film Tour.

Politics & Religion / Because they Can….
« on: May 28, 2024, 02:34:35 PM »
This piece minds me of an old joke:

Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?

A: Because they can.

The same applies to “Progressive” lies.

BTW, the reason I use scare quotes whenever typing  the term “Progressive” is because they are not; they are instead regressive. Much like the term the Bolsheviks usurped the Russian term for “majority” when in fact they were in the minority as the Mensheviks, based on the term “minority” were in fact the majority revolutionary faction. The choice was quite intentional where Lenin et al were concerned and I think it’s the same for those that embrace the term “Progressive” as they seek to connote that they are some sort of progress based vanguard when in fact they embrace Puritan, authoritarian, and utterly failed Marxist elements in their anything but forward thinking view.

They lie because they get away with it
MAY 28, 2024

On Monday, we honored the million men who died defending our great nation and protecting our God-given rights. Sadly, the current resident in the White House decided to honor instead a drug addict and armed robber who died in police custody. His staff perpetuated the lie that George Floyd was murdered by a policeman — a lie upheld by a kangaroo court in Minnesota.

That’s the power of the Big Lie.

The death of Morgan Spurlock showed why people in the media lie. They get away with it and it pays well. He made a movie for $65,000 called Super Size Me and collected a hefty share of its $22 million gross at the box office.

The premise was he ate nothing but McDonald’s food for 30 days and it ruined his health. The food did not. He died of cancer not obesity. His liver likely was in bad shape but it wasn’t from milkshakes and Big Macs. It was from 40 years of drinking, going back to when he was 13.

Nevertheless, the media sold the lie for 20 years, and continued the lie in his obituaries, although a few outlets included a paragraph or two buried in the story that put his lie in perspective.

The Daily Mail shouted in a headline, “Horrifying effects of eating McDonald's for a month on Morgan Spurlock's body revealed — including 'turning his liver to paté.'“

That was a lie.

NBC summed up the legend of Mister Spurlock pretty well:

Super Size Me was by far his best-known creative venture and claim to fame. In the movie, he recorded the month of his life when he ate nothing but burgers, fries and other quick-fix staples from McDonald's — an experiment that he claimed took a toll on his mental and physical health.

The documentary helped boost public consciousness about the nutritional content of fast food and America's obesity epidemic, inspiring a backlash against McDonald's and other big-name restaurant chains. Super Size Me was nominated for best documentary feature at the 77th Academy Awards in 2005.

Super Size Me provoked a national debate and grossed more than $22 million on a modest $65,000 budget. But it came under the microscope over the accuracy of some of its claims about health and science. Spurlock's disclosure in 2017 that he was drinking heavily through much of his life put his purported symptoms in a new light.

The media heavily promoted him and his movie when it debuted 20 years ago. Overnight, journalists became instant dietitians — just like they became instant virologists 4 years ago when covid 19 arrived from Wuhan.

NBC was among the cheerleaders: “Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Spurlock eats McDonald's for a month— and gets sick. What does McDonald's have to say about the experiment-turned-film? Deborah Norville Tonight interviews Spurlock, and McDonald's global nutritionist Cathy Kapica.”

They should have known better.

Via Instapundit, James K. Glassman called the fellow out before the movie’s premiere in 2004, in a piece called, “A Big Con Man.” Glassman wrote:

Super Size Me is not a serious look at a real health problem. It is, instead, an outrageously dishonest and dangerous piece of self-promotion. Through his antics, Spurlock sends precisely the wrong message. He absolves us of responsibility for our own fitness. We aren't to blame for being fat; big corporations are! And the remedy, he suggests, is to file lawsuits and plead with the Nanny State and the Food Police for protection.

While the film demonizes McDonald's and other restaurants, Spurlock's weight gain and health decline have nothing to do with where he ate (after all, Robert DeNiro gained 60 pounds for his role in Raging Bull by dining at great restaurants in Italy), but rather with how much he consumed and how little he exercised (Spurlock even cut down on normal walking).

The media ignored Glassman when the movie came out for the exact reason Glassman stated. The lie shifted the blame for being fat to Big Corporations.

The Big Lie works because it sells the myth people want to believe. Conservatives talk a great deal about personal responsibility but really few people want to take responsibility for their situation.

Hillary is a good example of this. She ran against a rookie candidate in 2016, whom the media demonized. She had a then-record billion dollars to blow on the campaign. At one point she asked, why aren’t I 50 points ahead?

The answer is that she rhymes with witch.

After Trump humiliated her, as she drowned her sorrow in Chardonnay, she concocted a conspiracy theory that Putin stole the election for Trump. She’s nuts. But her Putin-ate-my-election lie worked. Even after an intensive investigation by Bobby Mueller that resulted in no indictments related to Russian interference, the press continued to push this wild-eyed lie.

Time magazine said on April 18, 2019:

When Russia set out to interfere with the 2016 election, it went all out.

Over the course of the election, a wide-ranging group of Russians probed state voter databases for insecurities; hacked the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee; tried to hack the campaign of Sen. Marco Rubio and the Republican National Committee; released politically damaging information on the internet; spread propaganda on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram; staged rallies in Florida and Pennsylvania; set up meetings with members of the Trump campaign and its associates; and floated a business proposition for a skyscraper in Moscow to the Trump Organization.

The goal, as determined by the U.S. intelligence community and backed up by evidence gathered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller: To damage the Clinton campaign, boost Trump’s chances and sow distrust in American democracy overall.

Again, Mueller found nothing.

In a sane world, a president could sue for such libel. But under the ridiculous NYT v. Sullivan ruling, a president cannot sue. The press knows it has a license to lie and uses it like a teenage girl with her daddy’s credit card. The more outrageous the lie, the more the press promotes it.

The press promoted cloth masks but cloth masks do not stop a virus.

The press promoted social distancing but it does not stop a virus.

The press dismissed ivermectin as horse paste but it worked against covid 19.

The press demanded mandatory shots but Pfizer’s shot is not a vaccine.

In each case the press accepted the government’s lies instead of the truth. The idea that the press can hold anyone accountable is as nonsensical as saying a 5-year-old can pick his sex. Come to think of it, the press believes that too.

I do not mean to pick on Morgan Spurlock. Our thoughts and prayers should be with his friends and family, but he illustrates and super-sizes the problem with lies: they work.

Politics & Religion / ATF Kills Another American Among Other Issues
« on: May 27, 2024, 08:53:42 PM »
Congressional hearing where various ATF unconstitutional decisions are outlined, one leading to the death of an otherwise law abiding citizen during a pre-dawn raid, a citizens that likely would have turned himself in for his alleged crime if given a chance to do so:

I like Schlicter and have the same reservations about referring others to him.  But I don't understand discussing a 'win' without figuring what happens in the House and Senate as well.  Plus some of the electoral reforms need to come from the state legislatures.

If Trump alone wins, it won't be much of a win.  Plus it's only for 4 years.  Who he picks for VP and successor will make a difference.

There's Left rule, there's divided government, and then there's what we should do if we really do win the controls of power.

"Don’t underestimate what they [Democrats] are capable of."

  - [Doug]  That depends a lot on whether Hakim Jeffries is the Speaker of the House or the Minority Leader.

I concur there are a lot of moving parts and stars that need to align. I also think there are a lot of squishes in the GOP that will veil their membership in the Uniparty by NOT thinking ahead and preparing for what will inevitably occur and then blaming it on it being unforeseeable. Throw in the systematic lawfare being conducted against effective GOP lawyers and I fear any victories that do occur will be mitigated by foreseeable “Progressive” reactionary tactics.

Bottom line: I respect Schlicter for the foresight displayed in part one, look forward to part two, and admit a successful election will doubtless require parts 3 through 300,000 or more.

Pay no attention to the spooks behind the search engine. I’ve certainly had several of the search engine experiences described below:

The Propaganda Superhighway
Search engines and the taming of the Digital West

MAY 26, 2024

I remember a very long time ago, when the Internet was young and I was too, the expression ‘information superhighway’. It was a term expressed at the same time that people thought of the new digital realms being created as a sort of Wild West free from State control and regulation. Both ideas linked technology with freedom. The idea of the information superhighway was that the emerging Internet was one part of an exciting technological advance that also included telecommunications. All of it was getting faster and better. All of it made us more connected with each other. Like a road network, these things provided easier access to places and ideas. Like a highway, they traversed the miles that separated us, drawing us together in a community of minds. Like a physical road, the whole thing suggested freedom of travel, individual agency, the chance to ‘boldly go’ wherever we pleased.

The Internet was what we would make it. The future was ours.

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Apparently though ‘information superhighway’ was a phrase invented by Al Gore in a 1978 meeting with computer industry magnates, and much beloved by the Clinton administration. In some ways the optimistic slant on communications technology harked back even further, recalling Harold Wilson’s 1963 speech about the ‘white heat of technology’. Boundless promises of technological advance have always excited governments, many of whom like to fantasise about a political legacy secured via sudden innovative advances. If purveyors of new technology are sometimes snakeoil salesman selling fake remedies, governments are often the balding consumptive hypochondriac who constitutes the perfect customer. And behind the idealistic visions, there were always political operatives.

Today, such messianic technological optimism recurs in Boris Johnson style grand projects, or in telecommunications again via the promises made for each increasing generation of broadband supply. Building a 5G as opposed to a 4G network, and presumably after that a 6G version, is proof, today, of taking technology and its impact on the economy seriously. The whole Net Zero agenda is another example, combining anxiety and political promises at one and the same time. There’s an element of anxiety too, as governments agonise over whether their communications, satellite network and Internet provision is being ‘left behind’ by other nations.

Today, even a pandemic is a political opportunity. Fear and hope, alleged crisis and alleged technological solution, are constant bedfellows. The WEF alternates between stoking fear and promising a tech utopia, as do advocates of things like 15 minute cities.

Both extreme hopes regarding technology, and extreme fears regarding being left behind, have long been expertly exploited by the corporate interests we call Big Tech. Silicon Valley and similar tech hubs are both the propagators and recipients of hopes and fears that are couched as broad and humanitarian ones, but are just as often commercial and political ones. The dream of new technology is sold as the dream of human progress, as the next leap in an uplifting saga of progress from the ape to the space race, a narrative which merely by us being human applies to us all. We gain some of the reflected glory. Everything from Da Vinci to Neil Armstrong is part of our story, and supposedly it encompasses too the rise of the mobile phone or the death of the fax machine.

Underneath this idealistic vision of progress, though, the true motivators are political in nature, encompassing monopolies of industry and technologies of control. Underneath, we find out with just a little investigation how closely involved political players and corporate actors have always been, quite often to their immediate advantage rather than in service to the general public or to ideal visions of future utopia. We find, for example, that Google was essentially a creation of the military-industrial complex. The still most famous search engine there is, the thing which decides where the information superhighway actually takes us, was designed from the start to let the CIA and other agencies monitor our thoughts and habits.

Search engines were built not just to provide a useful service in this new sphere of technology. They were built to track what we were saying to each other in this digital environment, to log what we were asking for and talking about, and to guide us towards the answers and conclusions that government preferred. This isn’t a conspiracy theory. It’s a plain fact confirmed by any more than cursory examination of the history of modern tech giants and of specific companies in the Big Tech ecosystem. If you care to look, DARPA funding and technology is easily found. When you do look, you can see in some cases these were never independent commercial enterprises that then allowed themselves, for example, to be used as outsourced censorship advocates or propaganda suppliers. They were built by aspects of the State in the first place.

All of which has been made a lot plainer to the rest of us by Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, and by the subsequent revelations in the reporting of Matt Taibbi and others showing how embedded within the structure of these organisations agents of the State were. Today, we know that the FBI had a permanent presence in Twitter. We know how the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed across social media platforms as well as within legacy print media. Ironically, even the AI generated content supplied by (still controlled) search engines now has to admit these links. Thanks to alternative media reporting, some of the proof of a fascistic alliance between the State and corporations is now undeniable.

Here, for example, is what that AI generated search on Twitter will reveal:

James Baker: Former FBI General Counsel, Twitter’s Head of Policy and Trust & Safety (2020-2022). Baker was fired by Twitter CEO Elon Musk in November 2022 after his role in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Matthew Williams: Former FBI Intelligence Analyst, Twitter’s Senior Director of Product Trust (2020-2022). Williams spent over 15 years at the FBI, including serving as Chief of Staff to top executives.

Dawn Burton: Former FBI Special Agent, Twitter’s Director of Corporate Resilience (2020-2022). Burton worked at the FBI for 21 years, including as a senior supervisory agent.

Kevin Michelena: Former FBI Special Agent, Twitter’s Director of Security and Risk (2020-2022). Michelena spent over 20 years at the FBI, including as a senior supervisory agent.

CIA Figures at Twitter:

Jeff Carlton: Former CIA Operative, Twitter’s Head of Strategic Response Team (2020-2022). Carlton worked for both the CIA and FBI before joining Twitter.

Stacia Cardille: Former CIA Attorney, Twitter’s Senior Legal Executive (2020-2022). Cardille was involved in the CIA’s “Info Ops” program and worked with the FBI on social media surveillance and censorship efforts.

These individuals, along with others, have played key roles in shaping Twitter’s content moderation and censorship policies, raising concerns about the potential for government influence and bias in the platform’s decision-making processes.”

What’s remarkable here is not only how search engines today will admit these past links, but how at the same time they still work to move people away from the most obvious conclusions. The idea we are supposed to reach today is that State and alphabet agency interference in Big Tech and social media platforms (especially through the silencing of politically awkward or dissident messages and accounts) is a past scandal, rather than a still active or relevant one. But really it is only Musk’s independent decision to challenge woke attitudes and some forms of corruption (a limited challenge, but a vital one) which has allowed any of this truth to be acknowledged.

State responses to that process, and the continued existence of State and corporate aligned censorship and propaganda on everything else, show us that all of this information-censorship complex is still active. Musk now faces numerous legal troubles from the State, almost all of which are as baseless as similar prosecutions of Donald Trump. The message remains that going off-message is extremely dangerous, even if you happen to be a billionaire.

In other words, all the censorship and propaganda has not gone away. In fact, it’s getting worse. It’s been joined by an escalating attempt to criminalise all opposition through new legislation, and the distortion of existing legislation to pursue offenders against allowed orthodoxy.

All of the above is the context that occurred to me on reading a fascinating article on the popular Substack The Honest Broker. In Let’s Just Admit It: The Algorithms Are Broken, Ted Gioia discusses the algorithms deployed by search engines. The gist of the article is that the algorithms used by platforms like Spotify, Rumble, Google and others are now completely useless. Gioia talks about looking at a Jazz book and then receiving recommendations for books on spy fiction or, at best, AI generated jazz books of very low quality. The Honest Broker is blunt on the efficacy of search engines that have been corrupted by sponsored links and by suppliers purchasing priority appearance in lists of recommendations:

“The Google algorithm deliberately makes it difficult to find reliable information. That’s because there’s more money made from promoting garbage, and forcing users to scroll through oceans of crap.”

All of this is of course true, but what’s really astonishing about the article is its strict avoidance of a political dimension of discussion. In the course of a quite lengthy description of the way search engines now direct people towards junk content, including multiple examples of this process and a fairly honest assessment of the financial incentives underpinning it, the one thing Goiai doesn’t refer to is the way the information superhighway and its search engine navigators only direct people towards results that fit a political narrative.

Selling us crap after all comes in more than one form. Yes, it can come by means of directing us towards products we don’t want, or products unrelated to what we do want. Yes, this can apply in a purely commercial sense as we receive endless advertising for inferior items, or as we get ads for a bicycle when we are looking for a toy pony. In those cases the algorithms may just be crap, or they may be manipulated by already existing payments from others. But there’s a kind of innocence still to this purely mercenary distortion of search results. It’s not there to serve a bigger or more malign agenda. It’s an annoyance where a service isn’t as good as it should be.

Far more worrying, surely, is the way that search engines refuse to supply access to political commentary that the masters of search engines do not want us to see. The fact is that search engines in the digital age have become vital tools of research used by everyone. If we want to read a product review, we go to a search engine. If we want to access statistical information on a political topic, we go to a search engine. Theoretically, we can still go to a library or consult our own bookshelves, but that’s of rather limited use in a rolling news cycle. Politics in particular depends on access to accurate information, and politics in particular is always going to be subject to distortion and lies. It’s the home field of propaganda, and the heavily contested ground of competing, self-declared Truths.

I can’t be the only one who has noticed how the navigation system of the information superhighway leads us only to acceptable destinations. Not truthful ones. Not accurate ones. Not representative ones. Allowed ones. Search engines are the satnavs of the information superhighway, of the entire telecommunications network. And they are being used to guide us towards only those pre determined conclusions we are supposed to have.

Nor is this a process that some old fashioned version of market competition allows us to escape. Disgusted with the political bias of the algorithms of Google, I have moved time and again to fresh search engines. Each time I have found that alternatives, search engines like DuckDuckGo or Brave, are just as bad. Quite often any alternative that emerges is quickly subsumed within the existing Big Tech monopolies. If it was ever independent, any hint of success sees it being purchased by the near feudal lords of the tech monopolies. In each case, I have had instances where articles I have previously read cannot be found again, even with highly accurate search enquiry terms related to them. Things which you know exist are then banned or shadow banned, or are lowered so far down returned results that you will never see them.

And at the same time the search engines will spew out forty or fifty articles or sources saying the exact opposite of the thing you were looking for. This is not accidental, nor is it proof that these ‘opposite results’ are in fact more real, more accurate, and more truthful than the thing you were looking for. All it proves is that you are being politically directed, steered at all times towards a conclusion of their choice, even as you search for evidence in support of your choice.

The truly astonishing thing in Let’s Just Admit It: The Algorithms Are Broken is the total lack of consideration of this political dimension to the corruption of search engines and algorithms. It’s bizarre to see this kind of blindness from an ‘honest broker’. Search engines and the selectivity provided by politically biased algorithms are now just as much a vital problem as the journalist activism of the controlled mainstream media and the constant pumping out of propaganda funded by vested interests is a problem. Not letting you see the truth is as powerful a tool of control as pointing your eyes towards lies is. Contemporary propaganda works by both instruction and omission, and talking about minor irritations of search engines directing you towards crap you don’t want to buy commercially may be just another way of avoiding discussing the way these search engines direct you towards crap you don’t want to buy politically.

Perhaps that’s why I’m still allowed to read The Honest Broker in the first place. Critics of modern tech who avoid the political issues are, after all, pretty safe. They are themselves safe from silencing, and they are considered safe enough for us to consume their content. In reality though, people have known since at least Orwell’s time how much tyranny depends on the things not said as well the things that are said. I don’t mean to be unfair to a Substacker who is saying something true, but I wish the bigger truths were on offer too.

One of those is that AI direction of human thought towards selected conclusions will be a terrifying phenomenon. It will be worse than biased search engines hiding the truth from us. It might be a stage by which the capacity for truth is lost as a human quality altogether. The machines will determine what we think, entirely, both the political machine and the artificial intelligence. This is a lot more important than getting a spy book recommended to you instead of a Jazz book.

Politics & Religion / What to Expect After a Trump Win
« on: May 27, 2024, 04:46:55 PM »
I read Schlicter, but don’t share him much as his over the top rhetoric, much like Trump’s, makes it all too easy for “Progressives” to point and say “see, here’s the perfect example of just how paranoid and dangerous those MAGA idiots are?” With that said, I think he’s spot on here: the time to prepare for whatever will come in the wake of a Trump electoral victory is now.

Trump Wins. What Next? (Part 1)

It’s still about five months until the election, but it’s pretty clear that Donald Trump has become – impossible as it might have seemed last year – the favorite to win. We must  plan the battles that lie ahead now. This first column talks about what happens immediately after we win. Part 2 talks about what Trump needs to do during his first days in office to set the stage for the total destruction of the Democrats’ dreams. We have to prepare for success. The great Townhall senior columnist Derek Hunter warns that you should not spike the football anywhere but the endzone, but this time, we need to be ready.

A successful fight to restore our country – to make it great again, as some put it – will be like a military campaign. We have three battles ahead of us between now and next spring. The close fight is the battle to pull off the win against the collective rigging and cheating of the Democrats, the regime media, and their allies in the ruling class. The next fight, one terrain feature ahead, deals with the left’s unhinged response to his victory. And the third fight, the deep battle, is what Trump must do during the first couple of months upon taking office. In today’s column, we’ll talk about the second fight, and what the Democrats and their allies will do to disrupt the peaceful transition of government, something that will suddenly be not just okay but mandatory when Trump wins again.

The election will be between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, or at least the dusty, empty husk that is all that remains of Joe Biden. They’re not going to trade him out. The Very Real Doctor Jill is not going to stop being First Lady simply because her husband is a senile, corrupt old pervert who is destroying our country – what’s important is her and her needs. And don’t underestimate the needs of the thousands of lackeys, minions and henchpeople within the administration who are personally invested in this charade going on for another four years. They’re not going anywhere. Unless the Grim Reaper grimly reaps this elderly cretin before November, he’s on the ticket with his borderline clinical moron running mate Kamala.

The panic will really set in in October if the polls don’t change. They will lash out. There will be unsurprising October surprises. We may see another dozen bogus criminal charges against Trump and his associates. We can be pretty sure that there will be chaos at the Democratic convention and maybe in the streets like in 2020, but that’s not for certain – have you noticed that, as it became clear that people are disgusted by these little Hamas-hugging mutants, that the coverage of the campus crusade for communism has diminished significantly? Look for the regime media to do everything it can to try to help its crusty candidate, but the usual propaganda is not going to help. Eight-dollar Big Macs and six-dollar-a-gallon gas are much more compelling to the average voter than the fulminations of the midwit likes of Caitlin Collins about Muh Insurrection and Trump’s alleged threat to Our Democracy.

We’ve already seen their furious frenzies of onanism over Trump being the next Mussolini x Hitler x Pol Pot x … wait, they like Pol Pot. They’re terrified that Trump will treat these communists like Pinochet did, which would be a real shame – I’m not sure why they want to get our hopes up. We’re going to see a lot of jaw-wagging about how the American people electing the leader of their choice is a terrible threat to Our Democracy if he’s not the elite’s choice. You’ll see a bunch of howling about how Trump is a felon and a threat to freedom and a big meanie and blah blah blah blah blah. As it becomes clear that Trump’s going to win, the panic is really going to set in. Don’t underestimate what they are capable of.

After all, they’ve mutually rubbed each other into a lotion lather, leading to an apocalypsorgasm of fear that the elite’s power will be permanently circumscribed. Will there be cheating? Oh hell yes, and it’ll be blatant and totally excused. You can already see that they’re preparing the battlefield for it. Whenever a Republican senator goes on the regime media, and a Republican senator should never go on the regime media, he always gets asked if he’s going to accept the outcome of the election. What they’re trying to do is set a standard where you can’t question their cheating. They know it. We know it. We just need to stop pretending that everything’s fine, everything’s all right, everything’s on the up and up, because everything’s not fine, everything’s all right and everything’s not on the up and up.

One of their most powerful weapons is normal people’s default to normalcy, the unsupported belief by the masses that the institutions are still functioning and that the law is still being obeyed and that the system still works. None of that’s true. It’s a lie and a scam, and we need to be based enough to understand it. We need to face the fact that things are broken and treat the system that way instead of putting our heads in the sand and hoping that by pretending everything is normal, everything actually will be normal. Everything won’t.

They’re going to cheat, whether it’s by filling ballot boxes or changing rules or having corrupt judges interfere with the ability to have our voices heard. They’re not going to make any bones about it, and you need to understand that the institutions and the regime media support this cheating. Even Senate doofus Sheldon Whitehouse, the flag-obsessive who won’t let black people into his beach club, doesn’t believe that black people are too stupid to get voter ID. He and the Democrats are against voter ID because voter ID prevents cheating.

They are actively pro-cheating. They want the millions of Third World peasants they have imported to vote. They think it is a good thing to steal the 2024 election and they will certainly try to do it. It’s up to us to stop them. Nobody’s going to come to our rescue. There’s no referee we can appeal to who will call the strike. We need to understand the nature of our opponents and act accordingly.

It looks like Trump may win outside the margin of fraud so that the race can’t be stolen with zillions of surprise votes mysteriously appearing in Atlanta and Detroit and Philadelphia. The second it becomes clear that Trump has won, the first thing that will happen is that Joe Biden, to the extent he remains conscious, will refuse to concede. He will deny the election. Yes, an election denier will become a hero (again, as it was back in 2000, 2004, and 2016) instead of the worst person you can ever be, except for someone who denies that a man can become a woman through the power of wanting to. It’s hypocrisy, but they are immune to shame.

The transition will be fraught because the Democrats just aren’t going to cooperate with a peaceful transition of government. They will do everything they can to disrupt and delay Trump’s people taking over. The shredders will melt from overuse as they destroy evidence of their own misconduct. What’s important for the Trump people to do is ensure that they make it clear that anybody destroying government documents or other materials to hide their contents will be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or other crimes. But the left will do it anyway, certain in the knowledge that a 97% communist jury pool in Washington, DC, will never convict any Democrat of anything.

Of course, there are going to be lawsuits. Those Hawaiian judges will be working overtime ruling that Donald Trump can’t be President even though he won the election because of reasons and the Spirit of Aloha. Look for them to challenge every win, and for Democrat judges to allow the scam to go forward. Now, it’ll all eventually get up to the Supreme Court, which consists of three communists and five insurrection flag-flying patriots plus John Roberts who will eventually rule for Trump. However, the goal will be to attack the legitimacy of the process, to make Trump an illegitimate president. Remember, only court rulings in favor of the Democrats are legitimate. Court rulings in favor of the Republicans are inherently illegitimate, and they need to pack the court. You know, because of Our Democracy.

We’re going to see alternative slates of electors, which will be absolutely fine now, even though Democrat functionaries are prosecuting people for doing it last time. We will see more Hollywood idiots demanding that Trump electors refuse to vote for him. Again, the left collectively wet itself about all this last time, but you need to understand that it is immune to hypocrisy. They don’t care if they’re doing the exact opposite of what they did five minutes ago. None of that matters to them, so none of that should matter to us. We need to understand that they are scum and that they must be crushed.

The only currency is power, and we need to spend it while we’re flush with cash.

The ultimate power is, of course, guys with guns. Is there a chance that Joe Biden will order the military to overturn the election results? A few years ago, that would’ve been an insane question, but we have never had an administration as evil as this one, representing an elite terrified of losing the power it inherited instead of earned. If you don’t think that Joe Biden would use the Army to retain power, you just haven’t been paying attention. They don’t believe we have any right to govern ourselves. They think that they were divinely selected, by whatever weird pagan divinity they are worshiping this week, to rule over us. The idea that they have some moral opposition to imposing an armed dictatorship upon us is simply wishful thinking. But would Pentagon leadership go along with it? I have no doubt that some of them absolutely would. Of course, the military under their leadership is so grossly incompetent that it can’t win a war overseas against a pack of mountain tribesmen. I’m not particularly worried about how well it would do 100 million armed Americans (those darn AR15s again!), many of us veterans of the military from back when it was a real military and not a camouflaged gender studies seminar.

Is this paranoid? Is this crazy? Would Media Matters be all over this column if the schmucks who worked for it hadn’t been so abruptly and hilariously fired? Well, if you haven’t been paying attention, you might think so. But you need to understand the incredible evil of our opponents. They’re not good people. They’re not nice people. They don’t believe that you have any rights. They don’t believe you have any legitimate interests. You are there to serve them and obey. They didn’t build this country, they don’t feed it or fuel it, and they certainly don’t defend it, but they somehow consider themselves our betters. They’re not. We just need to understand that they will do whatever they must to maintain their power. We need to be ready. It’s our country, and we’re taking it back – if we prepare for the fight.

Politics & Religion / Smith’s Barrages don’t Dent Cannon
« on: May 27, 2024, 03:58:47 PM »
Sounds like Cannon is methodically setting the stage to catch the DOJ in their own lies:

Meltdown in Florida
An extended temper tantrum by one of Special Counsel Jack Smith's prosecutors this week represented the DOJ's frustration at failing to cover-up the dirty details of the imploding documents case.

MAY 25, 2024

“I'm going to ask that you just calm down. I understand this is sensitive and it's difficult, but these questions are briefed and they're before the Court.”

Declassified with Julie Kelly is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

So said Judge Aileen Cannon to David Harbach, one of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s lead prosecutors in the government’s espionage and obstruction case against former president Donald Trump, during a hearing on Wednesday. While temperatures spiked outside the federal courthouse in Fort Pierce, Florida throughout the day, so too did the climate inside Cannon’s courtroom.

The May 22 proceeding, as I explained here, represented the first of a series of hearings that will turn the tables on Smith; Cannon is in effect putting the Department of Justice on trial to account for its corrupt, dirty, and sloppy prosecution into Trump and two co-defendants.

Cannon’s admonishment came after what can only be described as a prolonged meltdown by Harbach after he ranted for several minutes in response to a defense motion seeking to dismiss the case against Waltine Nauta, Trump’s longtime personal valet also charged in the indictment, based on selective and vindictive prosecution.

At times pounding the podium and clapping his hands in anger to emphasize a point, Harbach, usually the cooler head of the prosecution side, escalated the war of words between Cannon and the special counsel’s team. A longtime DOJ apparatchik having served as former FBI Director James Comey’s special counsel and alongside Smith in the DOJ public integrity unit during the Obama administration, Harbach is used to getting his way before federal judges.

Not this time. Cannon is a slow-moving freight train, systematically and almost to the point of torment exposing every government fault line in the imploding case.

Just this month alone, Cannon has forced Smith to admit key evidence seized during the 2022 FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago has been bungled and possibly misplaced, contrary to his team’s representations to her.

She continues to authorize the unsealing of motions and exhibits including records the DOJ never thought would see the light of day.

In fact, Harbach’s outburst came less than 24 hours after Trump’s lawyers filed a motion related to the Mar-a-Lago raid, a document Cannon ordered unsealed; the motion, as I reported on Twitter/X Tuesday afternoon as well as here, revealed the stunning news that FBI agents had authority to use deadly force during the nine-hour raid.

The disclosure instantly prompted fury on the Right, leading to a damage-control statement by the FBI several hours later. Attorney General Merrick Garland also addressed the controversy the following day, calling Trump’s claims about a potential assassination, “false and extremely dangerous.” Garland also claimed, without evidence, that the consensual search of Joe Biden’s home for classified documents involved the same authorization for use of force.

Late Friday night, Smith filed a motion asking Cannon to prohibit Trump from making public statements “that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case.”

Will the Public Learn More about a Controversial 2022 Meeting?

But Harbach’s bad behavior in court specifically related to accusations of prosecutorial abuse. Nauta’s attorney, Stanley Woodward, has accused the DOJ of retaliating against Nauta for refusing to flip on Trump and become a cooperating witness. (Nauta faces several charges including conspiring to obstruct the investigation and making false statements.)

Woodward further alleged that Jay Bratt, the other lead DOJ prosecutor, made threats against Woodward during an August 2022 meeting to discuss Nauta’s potential cooperation. Woodward said Bratt noted his pending judicial nomination before the D.C. Superior Court and said something to the effect of “I wouldn’t want you to do anything to mess that up.”

Bratt’s conduct during the meeting is the subject of both a congressional investigation and an Office of Professional Responsibility probe at the DOJ. (The OPR inquiry is on hold pending resolution of the classified documents case.) Woodward wants all records and communications about the meeting given to the defense—something Cannon appears inclined to do.

Which sent Harbach over the edge.

Calling Woodward’s account of the meeting a “fantasy,” Harbach blasted Woodward’s “garbage” argument for dismissing the case. “This is no way to run a railroad,” Harbach, perhaps ignorant to the irony of using that particular word, told Cannon for her allowing Woodward to discuss at length his allegations about the meeting.

When Cannon inquired as to the existence of records including Zoom videos that might support or refute Woodward’s account of the meeting, Harbach scolded her. “I have already told Your Honor that no recording exists. I have told you that some time ago,” Harbach replied.

Cannon reminded an increasingly agitated Harbach that she maintains oversight into how the investigation was conducted. “I still have inherent authority to oversee this proceeding and ensure that professionalism is maintained, and I think there is a basis to ask those questions, which is why I'm asking them,” she shot back.

If Cannon orders the DOJ to produce all communications before and after the meeting, the ruling could represent another blow to the special counsel’s cratering credibility. Congress already wants answers about the spoliation of evidence; more congressional demands related to the authorization for lethal force and other dubious aspects of the FBI raid could be around the corner.

Cue more meltdowns.

Apparently the authorization is SOP, but given the Secret Service protection, SOP was highly inappropriate.

And then the DOJ claims that same SOP was in place for the voluntary search of Biden’s home for classified docs, which further boggles given that the DOJ works for Biden and he IS the sitting president….

Politics & Religion / Environmentalism Replaced by Climatism
« on: May 27, 2024, 02:18:12 PM »
This guy is on to something, Big Time, with his an element of his thesis being that environmentalism has morphed into something that no longer serves the environment, but instead serves anti-science, anti-environment, anti-carbon fetishism that clearly don’t serve their claimed ends.

This is the first time I’ve encountered Bryce; I’ll be sniffing around his other posts to see what he’s unearthed regarding the funding for Climatism. He’s done some work showing various above the board corporate/banking interests do so for charitable and likely mercenary meetings, and that all donations totaled dwarf the budgets for petroleum and atomic energy lobbyists (an irony in that Church of Anthropomorphic Climate Apocalypse adherents invariably claim vast sums taint anything said by petro- or atomic energy groups while ignoring the untold wads of cash in their collection plates).

If Trump is reelected I say—as soon as the DOJ is swept clean—task one is untangling who is behind climatist funding and bringing those findings to light. I’d bet any amount China has supplied a great deal of those funds directly and indirectly, and that Useful Idiots are alive, well, and drawing pay as climatists:

Environmentalism In America Is Dead
It has been replaced by climatism and renewable energy fetishism.
MAY 24, 2024

Two North Atlantic Right Whales photographed in 2016 by Tim Cole, NOAA Fisheries.
Environmentalism in America is dead. It has been replaced by climatism and renewable energy fetishism.     

The movement birthed by Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in the early 1960s and Earth Day in the 1970s — a movement that once aimed to protect landscapes, wildlands, whales, and wildlife — has morphed into the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex. Rather than preserve wildlands and wildlife, today’s “green” NGOs have devolved into a sprawling network of nonprofit and for-profit groups aligned with big corporations, big banks, and big law firms. In the name of climate change, these NGOs want to pave vast swaths of America’s countryside with oceans of solar panels and forests of 600-foot-high wind turbines. They are also promoting the industrialization of our oceans, a move that could put hundreds of massive offshore wind turbines in the middle of some of our best fisheries and right atop known habitat of the critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whale.

The simplest way to understand how climatism and renewable energy fetishism have swamped concerns about conservation and wildlife protection is to follow the money. Over the past decade or so, the business of climate activism has become just that — a business. As I reported last year in “The Anti-Industry Industry,” the top 25 climate nonprofits are spending some $4.5 billion per year. As seen below, the gross receipts of the top 25 climate-focused NGOs now total about $4.7 billion per year.

These groups — which are uniformly opposed to both nuclear energy and hydrocarbons — have budgets that dwarf those of pro-nuclear and pro-hydrocarbon outfits like the Nuclear Energy Institute, which, according to the latest figures from Guidestar, has gross receipts of $194 million, and the American Petroleum Institute which has gross receipts of $254 million. (Unless otherwise noted, the NGO figures are from Guidestar, which defines gross receipts as a “gross figure that does not subtract rental expenses, costs, sales expenses, direct expenses, and costs of goods sold.” Also note that in many cases, Guidestar’s gross receipts figure doesn’t match the revenue that the NGOs are reporting on their Form 990s.)   

To understand the staggering amount of money being spent by the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex, look at the Rocky Mountain Institute, the Colorado-based group founded by Amory Lovins, the college dropout who, for nearly 50 years, has been the leading cheerleader for the “soft” energy path of wind, solar, biofuels, and energy efficiency. (Click here for my 2007 article on Lovins.) Between 2012 and 2022, according to ProPublica, Rocky Mountain Institute’s annual budget skyrocketed, going from $10 million to $117 million.

Indeed, the group provides a prime example of how corporate cash and dark money are fueling the growth of the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex.  Among its biggest donors are corporations that are profiting from the alt-energy craze. Last year, Wells Fargo, a mega-bank that is among the world’s biggest providers of tax-equity financing for alt-energy projects, gave Rocky Mountain Institute at least $1 million. On its website, Wells Fargo says it is “one of the most active tax-equity investors in the nation’s renewable energy sector, financing projects in 38 states.” In 2021, the bank bragged that it had surpassed “$10 billion in tax-equity investments in the wind, solar, and fuel cell industries. Wells Fargo has invested in more than 500 projects, helping to finance 12% of all wind and solar energy capacity in the U.S. over the past 10 years.”

Another mega-bank giving big bucks to RMI is J.P.  Morgan Chase, which gave at least $500,000 in 2023. I took a deep dive into alt-energy finance last year in “Jamie Dimon’s Climate Corporatism.” I explained: 

About half of all the tax equity finance deals in the country (worth about $10 billion per year) are being done by just two big banks, J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. The two outfits have the resources to handle the tax credits that are generated by renewable projects and pair those “tax subsidies” (the term used by Norton Rose Fulbright) with the capital financing needed to get the projects built.

Last year, Rocky Mountain Institute got a similar amount from European oil giant Shell PLC, which has been active in both onshore and offshore wind. In addition, last year, the Rocky Mountain Institute published a report in  partnership with the Bezos Earth Fund, which claimed, “the fossil fuel era is over.” The Bezos Earth Fund, of course, gets its cash from Amazon zillionaire Jeff Bezos. Last year, Bezos’s group gave Rocky Mountain Institute at least $1 million. In addition, Amazon, which claims to be “the world’s largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy,” is a significant donor and was the sole funder of a report published earlier this year by RMI that promotes increased use of — what else? — solar, wind, and batteries.

RMI also got at least $1 million from two NGOs — ClimateWorks Foundation and the Climate Imperative Foundation — which funnel massive amounts of dark money to climate activist groups. San Francisco-based ClimateWorks has gross receipts of $350 million. ClimateWorks lists about two dozen major funders on its website, including the Bezos Earth Fund, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Ford Foundation, and the Hewlett Foundation. However, the group’s tax filings show that it gets most of its funding from individuals, none of whom are disclosed on its Form 990. In 2022, ClimateWorks got $128 million from an unnamed individual, $45 million from another individual, and $24 million from another. In all, ClimateWorks collected about $277 million — or roughly 84% of its funding — from a handful of unnamed oligarchs. Who are they? ClimateWorks doesn’t say, but notes that it has “several funders that [sic] prefer to remain anonymous.”

Climate Imperative, also based in San Francisco, doesn’t reveal the identities of its funders, nor does it publish the names of all the activist groups it funds. But it is giving staggering sums of money to climate groups. Climate Imperative’s gross receipts total $289 million. The group’s goals include the “rapid scaling of renewable energy, widespread electrification of buildings and transportation, [and] stopping the expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure.”

Elite academics produce studies that provide ammunition to the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate complex. Last year, in an article published in the left-wing magazine Mother Jones, Jesse Jenkins, an assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University, claimed, “We now have the potential to rebuild a better America.”

Doing so, he explained, will require a much larger electric grid with “up to 75,000 miles of new high-voltage transmission lines by 2035.” That’s enough, he noted, to “circle the Earth three times.” He continued, saying the U.S. will also need utility-scale solar projects covering “an area the size of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut combined, and wind farms that span an area equal to that of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee.”

Jenkins claims we can have a “better America” by covering an area the size of eight states with solar panels (most of which are made with Chinese components) and endless forests of massive, noisy, bird-and-bat-killing wind turbines. Put another way, the Princeton net-zero plan would require paving some 239,000 square miles (620,000 square kilometers) of land with solar and wind projects, and that doesn’t include the territory needed for all the high-voltage transmission lines that would be needed!

On its face, the notion is absurd.

Nevertheless, the scheme, published in 2020 and known as the Net-Zero America study, got positive coverage in major media outlets, including the New York Times.

Despite the cartoonish amount of land and raw materials it would require, the Princeton net-zero plan shows how renewable energy fetishism dominates today’s energy policy discussions. Nearly every large climate-focused NGO in America claims our economy must soon be fueled solely by solar, wind, and batteries, with no hydrocarbons or nuclear allowed. But those claims ignore the raging land-use conflicts happening across America — and in numerous countries around the world — as rural communities fight back against the encroachment of Big Wind and Big Solar.

Perhaps the most striking example of the environmental betrayal now underway is the climate activists’ support for installing hundreds, or even thousands, of offshore wind platforms on the Eastern Seaboard, smack in the middle of the North Atlantic Right Whale’s habitat. Last month, I published this video showing habitat maps and the areas proposed for wind development.

Among the climate groups shilling for offshore wind is the Center for American Progress (gross receipts: $40 million), founded by John Podesta, who now serves as President Biden’s advisor on “clean energy innovation and implementation.” Last year, Podesta’s group published an article claiming “oil money” was pushing “misinformation” about offshore wind.

Rather than defend whales, the group claimed the offshore wind sector is “a major jobs creator and an important tool in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.” Who funds the Center for American Progress? Among its $1 million funders are big foundations, including Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Gates Foundation, and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Two familiar names, Climate Imperative and ClimateWorks, each gave the group up to $500,000 last year. On the corporate side, the group got up to $500,000 from and Microsoft.

Now, let’s look at the Sierra Club (gross receipts: $184 million), a group whose mission statement states that it aims “To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth.”

Alas, protecting wild places doesn’t include our oceans. In March, Ben Jealous, the executive director of the Sierra Club, defended the offshore wind industry, claiming that “fossil fuel industry front groups” were trying to make “whales and other marine species a cultural wedge issue.” He also claimed that “disruptions in the whales’ feeding patterns, water salinity, and currents are likely the result of climate change,” adding that “climate change perhaps is the largest overriding problem, and our transition away from fossil fuels to clean energy the solution.”

Just for a moment, imagine what Podesta’s group, or the  Sierra Club, would be saying if those scalawags from the oil industry were planning to put hundreds of offshore platforms in the middle of whale habitat. The wailing and gnashing of teeth would be audible from here to Montauk. Those NGOs would be running endless articles about the dangers facing the Right Whale — of which there are only about 360 individuals left, including fewer than 70 “reproductively active females.” But since the industry aiming to industrialize vast swaths of our oceans has been branded as “clean,” the response from the Sierra Clubbers has been, well, crickets.

If the climate groups are seriously concerned about reducing emissions, they would be clamoring for the increased use of nuclear energy, the safest form of zero-carbon electricity generation. It also has the smallest environmental footprint. But the Sierra Club, in its own words, “remains unequivocally opposed to nuclear energy.” Furthermore, leaders at the Natural Resources Defense Council (gross receipts: $548 million) cheered in 2021 when the Indian Point nuclear plant in New York was prematurely shuttered. What does NRDC claim we can use to replace nuclear? Offshore wind, of course.

The punchline here is obvious: it’s time to discard the shopworn label of “environmentalism.” The NGOs discussed above, and others like them, are not environmental groups. Their response to the specter of catastrophic climate change will require wrecking our rural landscapes, the killing of untold numbers of bats, birds, and insects, and industrializing our oceans with large-scale alt-energy projects.

America needs a new generation of activists who want to spare nature, wildlife, and marine mammals by utilizing high-density, low-emission energy sources like natural gas and nuclear energy. We need advocates and academics who will push for a weather-resilient electric grid, not a weather-dependent one. Above all, we need true conservationists who promote a realistic view of our energy and power systems. That view will include a positive view of our place on this planet, a view that seeks to conserve natural places, not to pave them.

Politics & Religion / Squishes Get Squashed
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:53:55 PM »

Trump has a Republican problem
The public wants a winner. FJB and Republican senators are losers
MAY 24, 2024

Philip Bump of the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post reported, “Why Biden is underperforming Democratic Senate candidates.”

Of course he got the story bass-ackwards. He wouldn’t be at the Bezos Post if he got the story right. Biden isn’t underperforming. Republican senators and congressmen are.

Inflation is at 40-year highs. Millions of drug mules, child sex traffickers, murderers, spies and terrorists have infiltrated the country. We’ve had to take shots that we were told were vaccines but aren’t. We’ve lost wars in Afghanistan and Niger — yes, Niger kicked us out and took over a brand-new military base we built. We’ve backed terrorists who raped and killed Israelis. We’ve thrown billions to that loser Zelensky.

Republicans have a rock star presidential candidate who is peeling black and Hispanic votes from Democrats. They should be enjoying wide leads in Senate races.


In state after state, Trump is up and the Republican Senate candidate is down.

In Arizona, it is Trump +6, the Republican Senate candidate -13.

In Nevada, it is Trump +13, a tie in the Senate race.

In Pennsylvania, it is Trump +3, the Republican Senate candidate -3.

In Wisconsin, it is Trump +1, the Republican Senate candidate -7.

The problem for Trump is that the down ballot may bring him down because most Republicans are seen as incompetent among independents and untrustworthy among conservatives.

Most Republicans in DC are unworthy of our trust. We sent them to repeal Obamacare. 14 years later, it is still standing.

We sent them to build the wall. They didn’t.

We sent them to support Trump and some of them voted to impeach him.

Bump stumbled across a salient point in his column about that Arizona Senate race between Democrat Ruben Gallego and Republican Kari Lake:

Biden and Gallego get about the same level of support across the state. Biden is at 47 percent and Gallego is at 49%. The difference is on the Republican side, where Trump gets 52% to Lake’s 36%.

Trump cannot carry Lake because, well, she has become a McCain Republican who backed banning abortion until it hurt her in the polls.

And yes, abortion is hurting Republicans because the fear of a national ban on abortion (which we’ve never had) is real. Dobbs turned the issue back over to states like it was in 1973, but Republicans failed to realize that after 50 years of calling abortion a right, people started believing that. The easiest way to deal with abortion is to support letting states decide, which Trump is saying..

Thus, abortion is not hurting Donald Trump, whose trio of justices made Dobbs reality. The main difference between him and most Republican candidates is that he actually accomplished something in politics. The economy was better under him and not only did we have peace, we had an absence of fear.

By that I mean, we were not headed to World War III. Muslim nations signed the Abraham Accords with Israel. Putin was not bothering his neighbors as he was under Obama. Trump met with Kim Jong Un.

Bump’s fear about Trump carrying the party was encouraging. Bump wrote:

As Election Day gets closer, they’re more likely to catch up to Trump’s levels of support than Trump is to descend to theirs.

In other words, while it’s still fair to say that the CBS poll offers good news and bad news for Democrats, the bad news seems a lot more stable than the good news. There and in the other swing states, it seems more likely that the good news for Democrats will flip than it does that the bad news will.

Trump helped save a Republican Senate majority in 2018’s midterm election. The party actually had a net gain of two seats. I hope for his sake he not only carries Arizona, Minnesota, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin but that he carries the Republican losers in their Senate races to victory because I still hold out the hope that conservatives can wrest control of the Republican caucus in the Capitol from the RINOs.

The New York Times though believes Democrat Senate candidates can save FJB.

NYT, reporting on its polling in 6 states, said, “The results in the presidential race would have been surprising a year ago, but it’s hard to call them surprising anymore. Donald J. Trump leads in five of the six states among likely voters, with Mr. Biden squeaking out a lead among likely voters in Michigan. Mr. Trump’s strength is largely thanks to gains among young, black and Hispanic voters.

“What’s more surprising is the U.S. Senate results. This is the first time we’ve asked about Senate races this year, and the Democratic candidates led in all four of the states we tested: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada.

“Not only do Democrats lead, but they also seem to do so in an entirely customary way, with ordinary levels of support from young and nonwhite voters, even as Mr. Biden struggles at the top of the ticket.”

The reality is, Biden is as big a drag on Democrats as Carter was in 1980. Not only did Reagan win in a landslide, Republicans gained 12 Senate seats.

Samantha-Jo Roth of the Washington Examiner reported, “Democratic Senate candidates in critical swing states are running well ahead of President Joe Biden and lead their Republican rivals, but Pennsylvania Senate Republican candidate Dave McCormick believes he’s got a plan to ensure the commonwealth turns red for both himself and former President Donald Trump.”

McCormick said, “Bob Casey has been the status quo; he’s voted with Biden 98% of the time. I’ve made huge progress on people getting to know me and that is being reflected in the polls.”

Republicans need to do that and they also need to show support for Trump. Otherwise it is 1972 all over again when Nixon took 49 states and Republicans had a net loss of two Senate seats. That was the year Biden first got elected by ousting a Republican incumbent senator.

Politics & Religion / 3 Million Pages Plus of Biden Skullduggery
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:19:18 PM »
As Just the News sorts through this trove it’ll be interesting to see what all emerges:

Exclusive: Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of documents recently turned over to Congress and obtained by Just the News.

"They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Hunter Biden wrote in a December 2013 email confirming how he connected his Chinese associates with his father in a Beijing hotel after the vice president had met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The younger Biden also bragged in his emails that his father was so enamored with China's communist leader that "I think they are in love with each other," the emails showed.

"They all most kissed on departure,” Hunter Biden wrote in one of the emails seized by federal agents.

The previously nonpublic communications were among 3.3 million pages of emails, bank records, and corporate memos that FBI, IRS, and Securities and Exchange Commission agents collected in 2015 and 2016 with subpoenas during a criminal investigation into a fraudulent bond scheme involving a Native-American tribe.

The younger Biden wasn't charged in that case, though several of his business partners were. But agents in that probe did gain extensive access to Hunter Biden's bank files, corporate records, and communications, including some that were not located on the first son's now infamous laptop that would be seized by the FBI in 2019 and become a subject of political controversy a year later.

The evidence, recently secured by the House Oversight Committee in the impeachment probe of President Joe Biden, shines new light on how Hunter Biden sought to cash in on his family's famous name overseas -- sometimes in the vapor trail of his father's official duties. It also substantiates impeachment inquiry testimony from former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer and Jason Galanis, lawmakers told Just the News.

“The only reason Joe Biden wanted to kiss President Xi was because state-affiliated companies were about to line his family's pockets with foreign wires and lucrative business opportunities," said House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, who is leading the current impeachment inquiry.

"This is another example of the same formula demonstrated through our Committee’s investigation into the Biden Family’s influence peddling operation: Hunter Biden sets up meetings with the foreign businessman, Joe Biden meets them at Hunter’s direction, and the Biden family receives substantial payments in return. Rinse and repeat,” Comer added.

Biden has consistently denied any involvement with Hunter's Chinese business associates, and an incurious U.S. media refused to delve into it. For his part, Hunter Biden called the issue part of the "Trump attack machine." Pro-Biden media outlets like Politico parroted the White House's line that the laptop was part of a "Russian Disinformation" scheme.

Another lawmaker who launched one of the earliest investigations of the Biden family's business dealings said the new evidence was shocking for another reason: it divulges how much government agencies knew about the Biden family's various foreign business exploits long before they became a controversy during the 2020 presidential election.

“I was always suspicious that the FBI, the Department of Justice had walled Hunter Biden off of that Indian fraud prosecution to protect him and protect Joe Biden,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told Just the News on Thursday. "I think that was maybe the first sign of corruption way back in 2013."

"The FBI apparently had some, at least reasonably incriminating or suspicious evidence against Hunter, and they buried it, and they've kept it buried until it just was revealed right now," he added.

Abbe Lowell, lawyer for Hunter Biden, did not respond to email and text message requests for comment.

Hunter Biden's trip aboard Air Force Two has been known for years. But the new documents divulge fresh details about what happened on that 2013 trip, Hunter Biden's observations of his father's ties to China, and the fact that federal law enforcement has known for years that Hunter Biden was connecting his father to the foreigners he was soliciting for business, something the Biden family originally denied.

The first son admitted in his deposition to the House Oversight Committee in February that Joe Biden in fact met with his Chinese partners.

Just the News obtained several emails from the federal investigation's repository showing that Hunter Biden arranged the meeting in Beijing in 2013 with Chinese-based partner Jonathan Li and his father right after the then-vice president finished meeting with Xi. The meeting was not impromptu, but rather set up in advance, the emails showed.

“I arrive around 12- head to embassy then great hall for arrival ceremony. Staying at St. Regis- I will touch base when I land,” Hunter Biden wrote to Li on Dec. 4, 2013.

“Hope I can see u this time!” Li replied.

“Yes - we will make it work- lets plan on you guys coming over to St. Regis around 7:30 tonight. I don't know exactly when I'll be back but it should be around then- and I'd like to introduce you to my Dad. Also I am here until 4PM tmrw- again not sure what I am going to attend with Dad but will have better idea by tonight,” Hunter informed his partner, seemingly eager to arrange the meeting.

Li agreed to join Hunter Biden at his hotel and said he would bring two of his associates, the emails show.

“Meetings are running late- which means dinner w/ X will be pushed back so I think it is more likely that I will be back to hotel around 8:30 now. I'll keep you updated,” Hunter Biden informed Li after some time had passed.

“No problem. We are having dinner in a restaurant beside your hotel. You hotel is closed, so you need to have someone to meet us when you are back,” Li replied.

You can read that email below:

DEC2013_HB_Li_Re- Connecting in Beijing.pdf
Later than same evening, Devon Archer emailed Hunter Biden to ask if the Bidens had met with Li.

“Did you end up meeting Jonathan?” Archer asked.

“Yes- and they got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Biden replied, confirming the meeting between Li and the vice president took place.

“[G]reat!  have a good day over there,” Archer wrote back.

“Dinner w/ Xi was pretty amazing. They (Xi and JRB) were supposed to spend 2hrs together. It stretched to 7hrs. I think they are in love with each other. They all most kissed on departure,” Biden wrote, describing the meeting between his father and President Xi Jinping, who had been chosen for the role earlier that year.

You can read that email below:

During the 2020 presidential campaign, then-candidate Joe Biden repeatedly denied having any interactions with his son’s business associates. Joe Biden has continued to maintain these denials as president, even recently after his son confirmed several meetings with business partners.

“I did not interact with their partners,” Biden told reporters in March.

“I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period," he said on the campaign trail in August 2019.

But, his own son contradicted the president’s denials when he appeared before the House Oversight Committee for his deposition earlier this year as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry into his father.

“When we returned from an event to the hotel, there was a rope line, and Jonathan Li was in the lobby of the hotel where I was going to meet him for coffee. In that line I introduced my dad to Jonathan Li and a friend of his, and they shook hands and I believe probably took a photograph. And then my father went up to his room, and I went to have coffee with Jonathan Li,” Hunter Biden told investigators, describing the meeting which was chronicled in the emails.

“I was working with Jonathan on a potential that he had an idea for creating a private equity fund based in China to do cross-border investments,” the younger Biden explained.

The new evidence makes clear that the FBI and other law enforcement knew as early as 2016 that Hunter Biden planned for his father to meet Li, with whom he was worked to establish a new fund.

Biden, Li, and Archer had signed a memorandum of understanding to form a new venture in November 2013, the month before Vice President Biden’s official trip to China. Twelve days after the Bidens met with Li, the joint venture—BHR Partners—was officially registered in the country, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Politics & Religion / With All the Strength of My Soul …
« on: May 25, 2024, 10:15:02 AM »
This post, taken from the page of someone I follow, will leave a mark.

Dina Rubina, the Israeli author, was invited to a conference in the U.K., but asked to clarify her position in advance regarding the situation in Gaza:

"On October 7, Saturday, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, well-prepared and well-equipped Hamas t*rrorist regime of Iran, Hamas, which rules in the Gaza enclave (which Israel left around twenty years ago), attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim, and bombarded my country with tens of thousands of rockets. 

Hamas has committed atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities that rival the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Atrocities filmed by the way, by GoPro cameras, the m*rderers having taken the horror to the point of sending the images to their families or on social networks in real time. 

For hours, thousands of happy, blood-drunk beasts r*ped women, children and men, sh*oting their victims in the crotch and heads, cutting off the women's breasts and playing football with them, c*tting off the babies from the wombs of pregnant women and immediately decapitating them, tying up and burning the small children.
There were so many charred bodies that, for many weeks, forensic pathologists could not cope with the enormous workload of identifying individuals. 

A friend of mine, who worked in the emergency room of a New York hospital for 20 years, then in Israel for 15 years, was one of the first to arrive in the kibbutzim, as part of a team of rescuers and of doctors.  She still hasn't been able to sleep since.
While she is an emergency specialist, accustomed to dissected bodies and corpses, she fainted when she saw the macabre sight and vomited all the way back in the car.
Among the Hamas militants, Palestinian civilians rushed in, participating in pogroms of unprecedented scale, pillaging, killing, dragging everything they could get their hands on. 

Among these "Palestinian civilians" were 450 members of this highly regarded organization UNRWA (United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East). 

Judging by the utter joy of the population (also captured by thousands of mobile cameras), Hamas is supported by almost the entire population of Gaza.

But the essential is there for us:  More than two hundred Israelis, including women, children, the elderly and foreign workers, were dragged into the beast's den. 
A hundred of them are still rotting and d*ing in Hamas dungeons. It goes without saying that these victims, who continue to be mocked, are of little concern to the “academic community”. 

But that's not what I'm talking about right now. I am not writing this so that anyone will sympathize with the tragedy of my people. 
During all these years, while the international community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) - and UNRWA's annual budget alone is equivalent to a BILLION dollars! - During all these years, Hamas used this money to build an empire with a complex system of underground tunnels, stockpile weapons, teach schoolchildren from primary school to disassemble and assemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle, print textbooks in which hatred of Israel is indescribable, in which even math problems look like this: "There were ten Jews, the shahid killed four, how many are left?...", calling for the murder of Jews with every word. 

And now, when, finally shocked by the monstrous crime of these bastards, Israel is waging a war of annihilation against the Hamas t*rrorists, who so carefully prepared this war, who placed thousands of shells in all the hospitals, the schools, kindergartens... - this is where academia around the world is on the defensive, concerned about the "genocide of the Palestinian people" - based, of course, on data provided by... . Who ?

The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, nor the massacre in Somalia, nor the mistreatment inflicted on the Uighurs, nor the millions of Kurds persecuted by the Turkish regime for decades, this very worried community, which wears "arafatkas" - the trademark of m*rderers - around their necks and rallies under the slogan "Liberate Palestine from the river to the sea", which means the total destruction of Israel (and Israelis). "academics", as polls show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where certain borders are located.  And it is this same public which asks me "to express a position clear on the issue. 
Are you really serious? 

As you know, I have been a professional writer for over fifty years. My novels have been translated into forty languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto... and many more. 

Now, with great pleasure, without choosing my expressions too much, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send to all the brainless "intellectuals" who are interested in my position to go fuck themselves. 

Dina Rubina

X defamation suit at the root of Media Matters layoffs? Couldn’t happen to a nicer collection of “Progressive” shills:

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Science
« on: May 23, 2024, 03:34:50 PM »

I think I like this!!!

 :evil: :evil: :evil:
Who judges?

Who pays?

How is the amount to be paid calculated?

And to whom does it go?

Don’t let the practical gum up the elegant, damn you! :x

If there was a will a way would be found. Alas, the gatekeepers hold the purse strings as well as a vested interest in controlling the narrative. It would require a change of the scale needed where politics are concerned in this country. Not impossible, but it’ll take a major wake up call to goad such a change.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Everest Cornice Collapse
« on: May 23, 2024, 03:22:30 PM »
By happenstance, I started off as a climber, spending most of my time on the granite an hour north of Madison, WI found at a place called Devil’s Lake. When I moved down to the flatlands around Champaign, IL, there wasn’t much rock to climb up so I took up with some cavers and began climbing down instead.

Caving was a revelation, project caving, at least, as opposed to recreational caving. As a project caver there was a goal: collect data, draw maps, survey biota, etc. Climbers just get to the top, usually of something umpteen others have also topped, reach around to pat their own back, before starting down the rock face. Cavers are often the first into a section of cave and are establishing the baselines various disciplines will then use to tie their science to space and time.

Anhoo, check out all these climbers, trotting on down the Everest assembly line, relying on the lines and ladders sherpas and far better climbers of which the sherpas are a subset of provided, getting to the top, planting the flag, patting their back, checking whatever ego box that drove them to tread the nylon and aluminum highway laid down by sherpas, quaffing the O2 others humped up there for them, and then heading down until … the unexpected occurs, unsupported climbing skills are needed lest the ego parade stall in front of the fallen cornice.

Scary stuff, the attraction to which I no longer get as if it isn’t adding to a body of knowledge it no longer feels worth doing. Check out the post-collapse pic of the ~28,000 ft. traffic jam:

Terrifying Footage of Mount Everest Cornice Accident Aftermath - Outdoor Gear Reviews / by Angela Benavides / May 23, 2024 at 2:51 PM
(Photo/Vinayak Malla)

IFMGA guide Vinayak Malla summited Mount Everest at 6 a.m. on the morning of May 21, the busiest summit day, with Elite Exped clients. On their way back, they videoed just after the snow cornice couldn’t stand the weight of hundreds of climbers and gave in, dragging a number of people into the void.

This article was originally published on ExplorersWeb.

The video doesn’t show the actual collapse but its aftermath. Still, the footage is mind-blowing for its clarity and for depicting the mad sight of an overcrowded summit ridge. Dozens of climbers inch across a narrow snow arete, which couldn’t bear the weight and eventually crumbled. The image above shows a climber desperately trying to lift himself back to safety after the collapse.

“The Everest summit ridge felt different than my previous experiences on the mountain,” Malla said. “There was soft snow, many cornices, and rocky sections covered in snow. Even the weather station was half buried in snow.”

Climbers jam the narrow snow ridge to step on the summit of Everest
Dozens of climbers shuffle along meters from the summit of Everest; (photo/screenshot from video by Vanayak Malla)
Sudden Disaster on Mount Everest

“After summiting, we crossed the Hillary Step. Traffic was moving slowly. Then suddenly, a cornice collapsed a few meters ahead of us,” Malla recalled. He and his clients were on another section of that cornice, which happened not to give way.

Malla’s video shows the broken cornice section and climbers clinging to the fixed ropes and desperately trying to lift themselves back to safe ground.

View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Vinayak jaya malla (@malla.mountaineer)

“As the cornice collapsed, four climbers nearly perished yet were clipped onto the rope and self-rescued,” Malla wrote. “Sadly, two climbers are still missing.”

Then Malla recounts how he saved the situation — and perhaps many lives. “We tried to traverse, but it was impossible due to the traffic on the fixed line. Many climbers were stuck in traffic, and oxygen was running low. I was able to start breaking a new route for the descending traffic to begin moving slowly once again.”

The situation resembles other mountain accidents where a broken rope leaves climbers trapped behind. Something similar occurred on Broad Peak in 2021 when the fixed rope on a ridge broke, stranding Russian climber Nastya Runova and, a little later, Korean Kim HongBin.

Above them, over a dozen climbers waited, not skilled enough to progress across that section without ropes. Several suffered from frostbite. Runova was rescued, but Kim died.

However, the numbers on Everest’s summit ridge on May 21 were larger than on any other mountain.

Politics & Religion / Incompetent but Equal
« on: May 23, 2024, 01:43:30 PM »
What a horror show: UCLA medical school diversity officer cajoles admission committee members to accept unqualified students admitted as unabashed diversity/quota admits. Since this diversity officer began her efforts test scores among other metrics have cratered. But hey, who are we to complain about future dead patients when there are critical social justice idols to worship?

Politics & Religion / Goin' Down w/ Old Yeller
« on: May 23, 2024, 11:02:44 AM »
As always, VDH surveys the landscape, connects the dots, and then lets fly with impeccable accuracy. Of his Twitter page:

Will Biden Take Us Down With Him?

Biden’s handlers thought it was a sly Machiavellian move to coordinate local, state, and federal prosecutors to wear down Trump, bankrupt him, destroy him mentally and physically, and brand him as a criminal felon—through a long winter, spring, summer, and fall of lawfare of the sort never witnessed in America before.

But the latest Michael Cohen iteration—Liar, Crook, Spy, Grifter, and now Thief—along with Judge Merchan’s one-sided, adolescent pouts, have blown up Alvin Bragg’s circus—even if the biased judge warps the proceedings and a slanted jury were to nullify the evidence and convict Trump.

The judges—Lewis Kaplan (Carroll case), Arthur Engoron (James), and now, the most touchy, and prejudicial of the three, Juan Merchan (Bragg)— have proved so imprisoned by their Trump animus, so ideologically transparent, so intent on ignoring even the pretense of applying the law equally to all parties, that they have lost the American people. Ditto Fani Willis.
The nation is daily becoming more embarrassed—and angry over— how the world’s once finest example of jurisprudence has been reduced to the status of the Soviet show trials.
And for what? To ensure that the supposedly Satanic Trump not be voted into office by the voters through the machinations of lawyers?

The prosecutors, the judges—and the White House—do not realize what they have unleashed, a growing repugnance for the Left, spreading now across class, race and gender lines. Sometimes it is manifested in polls showing overwhelming support for Israel, and disdain for the pro-Hamas protests; sometimes in clear disapproval of the show trials; sometimes in Biden’s plummeting approval ratings  (36% in the latest poll); sometimes in the paranoia and panic that Biden may do to his party what McGovern in 1972 and Carter in 1980 accomplished.

When these ritual trials are over, the country won’t revert to square one. But instead, Americans will be permanently distrustful of their courts. In cynical fashion, they will never again quite believe the once American hallowed idea of blind justice and equality under the law. And we will forever remember who did all this to the country.

Biden’s Morehouse speech was one of the most bizarre graduation embarrassments in memory. It was more than just hateful and divisive, given it was anti-American to the core. In Biden’s demagoguery, 2024 black America must try “ten times harder” to excel than a hateful white America—now in the sixth decade eighth decade of affirmative action and the second decade of woke reparatory hiring and admissions.
Biden, heretofore infamous for compiling the most extensive corpus of racist drivel of any modern politician, screamed to a hard-working cohort of graduates that their country was racist, hopelessly flawed, and deserving of the smears he so insidiously leveled. Why even try after all that?

His graduation address was reminiscent of his prior creepy, red-twilight Phantom-of-the Opera “semi-fascist/Ultra-Maga” rant, and the SOTU shout-fest. In these diatribes and others, a hyped Biden screamed, slurred his words, grimaced, growled, and grumbled his way through smear after slur—presenting a challenge even for the Orwellian transcribers who sought to recreate what Biden should have said rather than what he actually said.

When Old Yeller shouted to the NAACP audience, he proved beyond comprehension requiring the transcribers to change at least nine incomprehensible shouts. (Note that the White House clerks edit the transcriptions to erase the blabbering—but not the lies, given there is assumed value in Biden repeating ad nauseam that he inherited 9 percent inflation.)
Meanwhile, Biden is reigning over a general, self-induced societal collapse. Anti-Semitism has been exposed as a campus religion, more so the more expensive, private, and supposedly elite the university. The DEI commissariat is transparently racist, anti-white, anti-Semitic, and keen to destroy meritocracy.

The Left blew up the notion of a magnanimous America welcoming in the best and brightest foreign students from across the globe, eager to receive unmatched education and exposure to a civilization guided by the Bill of Rights. Instead it has created campus enclaves of hatred, magnets for tens of thousands of guest students who are unabashedly pro-terrorist, pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, anti-Jewish— interpreting the hospitality of their hosts as Western decadence to be mocked on the assurance that in our decline we have no values, no honor worth defending.

The radical foreign student presence on our campus is merely the elite bookend to a nonexistent southern border, through which 10 million unknowns have swarmed across, without audit, but with the correct assurance that Biden and the Left welcome them as useful constituents.

Biden inherited a calm world, and in less than four years it is on the brink of an existential end in Ukraine, a new war in the Middle East in which the Israeli homeland is now the target of Iranian missiles.
Biden apparently believes Iranian autocracy is more attuned to his values than democratic Israel, given he is doing far more to destroy the elected Israeli government than the dictatorship in Iran. China rightly feels that it can send with impunity a spy ballon across the continental U.S., send thousands of its young male citizens illegally across an American open border, and send poison fentanyl to cartels to partner in killing 100,000 Americans a year.

The only mystery?

Was all this historic chaos a dividend of a debilitated, calcified president or due to some destructive cunning and desire to end the country as we once knew it?

Politics & Religion / China’s Graphite Monopoly
« on: May 22, 2024, 10:14:07 PM »
The good news is this would drive a stake through the heart of electric vehicle mandates.The bad is everything else that needs a lithium battery also starts dying:

That gain of function work in Wuhan where Covid broke out is all a coincidence, honest!

Esteemed Doctor, Coincidence Theorist and Deputy Director of the NIH — Dr. Tabak
the Air Vent / by Jeff Id / May 17, 2024 at 8:29 AM
That is a lot of titles. The NIH has decided to provide a critical update to human mental software. If your mind is not running “Human Scatology version”, head immediately to the NIH home page press download to begin. ALERT: This is a critical update!!

So the NIH has now admitted to performing gain-of-function research at Wuhan lab in China. This research was performed under Trump’s watch and at the direction of Dr. Fauci by EcoHealth Alliance. This research was on bat corona virus and was being done using the exact same types of spike proteins and virus combinations as were discovered in the COVID 19 virus. Like 120,000 Democrat-only votes showing up in one location for the first time ever, we are now to believe that this is simply a coincidence that COVID 19 originated in Wuhan and had the same characteristic virus and spike protein combinations as the Gain-of-Function research performed in Wuhan, by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in conjunction with CHINA. We are fully expected to keep in mind COVID 19 is still absolutely and assuredly of natural origin.

It depends on what your definition of “is” is.

It is only a coincidence that for YEARS, we were told it wasn’t gain-of-function research being done by Fauci and others, in sworn testimony!! We were called conspiracy theorists despite all evidence pointing to the man made development of this virus. Medicines which protected from the virus were withheld. Some folks right here at this site told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and somehow they knew better. What year is it now?

Yesterday we were told that the conspiracy is still a coincidence even though they admit to performing gain-of-function research on covid virus at the very location (and timeframe) that COVID 19 was released. Like vote fraud, one must consider how is it possible that such widespread knowledge in the medical world is not exposed outright across all government and media outlets globally. Below is from an application written by Daszak for EcoHealth Alliance in 2014 to build and test COVID 19 in Wuhan lab.

Specific Aim 3: Testing predictions of CoV inter-species transmission.  We will test our models of host range (i.e. emergence potential) experimentally using reverse genetics, pseudovirus and receptor binding assays, and virus infection experiments in cell culture and humanized mice. With bat-CoVs that we’ve isolated or sequenced, and using live virus or pseudovirus infection in cells of different origin or expressing different receptor molecules, we will assess potential for each isolated virus and those with receptor binding site sequence, to spill over.  We will do this by sequencing the spike (or other receptor binding/fusion) protein genes from all our bat-CoVs, creating mutants to identify how significantly each would need to evolve to use ACE2, CD26/DPP4 (MERS-CoV receptor) or other potential CoV receptors.  We will then use receptor-mutant pseudovirus binding assays, in vitro studies in bat, primate, human and other species’ cell lines, and with humanized mice where particularly interesting viruses are identified phylogenetically, or isolated. These tests will provide public health-relevant data, and also iteratively improve our predictive model to better target bat species and CoVs during our field studies to obtain bat-CoV strains of the greatest interest for understanding the mechanisms of cross-species transmission.

Dr Tabak, Deputy Director of the NIH gave testimony where he admitted the government performs gain of function research with the caveat that they do it all the time. As though there is ‘nothing to see here folks’. Then he adds for those of you still not paying attention, this research is not regulated because the research poses “NO THREAT OR HARM TO ANYBODY”. All part of the new human software download.

This research IS regulated BTW, just not well enough. That is a topic for another time however.

Watch Tabak dance for yourself right here — it’s a short video, even a gen Z could make it to the end.

So there it is Democrat sheople, now it is ok to believe in Gain of Function research in Wuhan lab, and despite using the same virus and spike proteins, during exactly the same timeframe as COVID 19, this research had nothing to do with COVID 19 whatsoever.

And it is completely harmless.

All this will make sense after you download your critical software update — “Human Scatology version”

Be well.

Paper proposes paying scientists to find errors in the work of others, pointing out the peer review process is overburdened and often incestuous. I like the idea as so much pathological science is a result of funding gatekeepers freezing funding to those that don’t toe certain narrative lines. Okay fine: let’s fund our work by hoisting the Jolly Roger skewering the work of the scientific admiralty:

This will be interesting to watch: once they ID a quantifiable basis/theory of consciousness, confirm it by applying it to other organisms to see if it fits, and then perhaps applying that theory to silicon to see if consciousness can be created … that’ll be a huge sea change:

Scientists Are Working Towards a Unified Theory of Consciousness
Singularity Hub / by Shelly Fan / May 20, 2024 at 1:54 PM
The origin of consciousness has teased the minds of philosophers and scientists for centuries. In the last decade, neuroscientists have begun to piece together its neural underpinnings—that is, how the brain, through its intricate connections, transforms electrical signaling between neurons into consciousness.

Yet the field is fragmented, an international team of neuroscientists recently wrote in a new paper in Neuron. Many theories of consciousness contradict each other, with different ideas about where and how consciousness emerges in the brain.

Some theories are even duking it out in a mano-a-mano test by imaging the brains of volunteers as they perform different tasks in clinical test centers across the globe.

But unlocking the neural basis of consciousness doesn’t have to be confrontational. Rather, theories can be integrated, wrote the authors, who were part of the Human Brain Project—a massive European endeavor to map and understand the brain—and specialize in decoding brain signals related to consciousness.

Not all authors agree on the specific brain mechanisms that allow us to perceive the outer world and construct an inner world of “self.” But by collaborating, they merged their ideas, showing that different theories aren’t necessarily mutually incompatible—in fact, they could be consolidated into a general framework of consciousness and even inspire new ideas that help unravel one of the brain’s greatest mysteries.

If successful, the joint mission could extend beyond our own noggins. Brain organoids, or “mini-brains,” that roughly mimic early human development are becoming increasingly sophisticated, spurring ethical concerns about their potential for developing self-awareness (to be clear, there aren’t any signs). Meanwhile, similar questions have been raised about AI. A general theory of consciousness, based on the human mind, could potentially help us evaluate these artificial constructs.

“Is it realistic to reconcile theories, or even aspire to a unified theory of consciousness?” the authors asked. “We take the standpoint that the existence of multiple theories is a sign of healthiness in this nascent field…such that multiple theories can simultaneously contribute to our understanding.”

Lost in Translation

I’m conscious. You are too. We see, smell, hear, and feel. We have an internal world that tells us what we’re experiencing. But the lines get blurry for people in different stages of coma or for those locked-in—they can still perceive their surroundings but can’t physically respond. We lose consciousness in sleep every night and during anesthesia. Yet, somehow, we regain consciousness. How?

With extensive imaging of the brain, neuroscientists today agree that consciousness emerges from the brain’s wiring and activity. But multiple theories argue about how electrical signals in the brain produce rich and intimate experiences of our lives.

Part of the problem, wrote the authors, is that there isn’t a clear definition of “consciousness.” In this paper, they separated the term into two experiences: one outer, one inner. The outer experience, called phenomenal consciousness, is when we immediately realize what we’re experiencing—for example, seeing a total solar eclipse or the northern lights.

The inner experience is a bit like a “gut feeling” in that it helps to form expectations and types of memory, so that tapping into it lets us plan behaviors and actions.

Both are aspects of consciousnesses, but the difference is hardly delineated in previous work. It makes comparing theories difficult, wrote the authors, but that’s what they set out to do.

Meet the Contenders

Using their “two experience” framework, they examined five prominent consciousness theories.

The first, the global neuronal workspace theory, pictures the brain as a city of sorts. Each local brain region “hub” dynamically interacts with a “global workspace,” which integrates and broadcasts information to other hubs for further processing—allowing information to reach the consciousness level. In other words, we only perceive something when all pieces of sensory information—sight, hearing, touch, taste—are woven into a temporary neural sketchpad. According to this theory, the seat of consciousness is in the frontal parts of the brain.

The second, integrated information theory, takes a more globalist view. The idea is that consciousness stems from a series of cause-effect reactions from the brain’s networks. With the right neural architecture, connections, and network complexity, consciousness naturally emerges. The theory suggests the back of the brain sparks consciousness.

Then there’s dendritic integration theory, the coolest new kid in town. Unlike previous ideas, this theory waved the front or back of the brain goodbye and instead zoomed in on single neurons in the cortex, the outermost part of the brain and a hub for higher cognitive functions such as reasoning and planning.

The cortex has extensive connections to other parts of the brain—for example, those that encode memories and emotions. One type of neuron, deep inside the cortex, especially stands out. Physically, these neurons resemble trees with extensive “roots” and “branches.” The roots connect to other parts of the brain, whereas the upper branches help calculate errors in the neuron’s computing. In turn, these upper branches generate an error signal that corrects mistakes through multiple rounds of learning.

The two compartments, while physically connected, go about their own business—turning a single neuron into multiple computers. Here’s the crux: There’s a theoretical “gate” between the upper and lower neural “offices” for each neuron. During consciousness, the gate opens, allowing information to flow between the cortex and other brain regions. In dreamless sleep and other unconscious states, the gate closes.

Like a light switch, this theory suggests that consciousness is supported by flicking individual neuron gates on or off on a grand scale.

The last two theories propose that recurrent processing in the brain—that is, it learns from previous experiences—is essential for consciousness. Instead of “experiencing” the world, the brain builds an internal simulation that constantly predicts the “here and now” to control what we perceive.

A Unified Theory?

All the theories have extensive experiments to back up their claims. So, who’s right? To the authors, the key is to consider consciousness not as a singular concept, but as a “ladder” of sorts. The brain functions at multiple levels: cells, local networks, brain regions, and finally, the whole brain.

When examining theories of consciousness, it also makes sense to delineate between different levels. For example, the dendritic integration theory—which considers neurons and their connections—is on the level of single cells and how they contribute to consciousness. It makes the theory “neutral,” in that it can easily fit into ideas at a larger scale—those that mostly rely on neural network connections or across larger brain regions.

Although it’s seemingly difficult to reconcile various ideas about consciousness, two principles tie them together, wrote the team. One is that consciousness requires feedback, within local neural circuits and throughout the brain. The other is integration, in that any feedback signals need to be readily incorporated back into neural circuits, so they can change their outputs. Finally, all authors agree that local, short connections are vital but not enough. Long distance connections from the cortex to deeper brain areas are required for consciousness.

So, is an integrated theory of consciousness possible? The authors are optimistic. By defining multiple aspects of consciousness—immediate responses versus internal thoughts—it’ll be clearer how to explore and compare results from different experiments. For now, the global neuronal workspace theory mostly focuses on the “inner experience” that leads to consciousness, whereas others try to tackle the “outer experience”—what we immediately experience.

For the theories to merge, the latter groups will have to explain how consciousness is used for attention and planning, which are hallmarks for immediate responses. But fundamentally, wrote the authors, they are all based on different aspects of neuronal connections near and far. With more empirical experiments, and as increasingly more sophisticated brain atlases come online, they’ll move the field forward.

Hopefully, the authors write, “an integrated theory of consciousness…may come within reach within the next years or decades.”

I’ve been running into this Antarctic-Ice-is-at-an-all-time-low alarmism among various Usual Suspects (it’s like they coordinate this stuff or something, eh?); this vid takes that foolishness apart. And yes, the 7.5 billion claim on 3.5 billion year old earth is indeed made with not only a straight face, but an ever so alarmed one:

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Quantum Compasses Catching Qubits?
« on: May 22, 2024, 08:34:32 PM »
Fascinating piece and interview with an author stalking dark matter:

Politics & Religion / A Better Way to Lower Gas Prices
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:43:38 PM »
Yo Joe: revert back to Trump’s energy policies and you can reduce gas prices more reliably, and without emptying the strategic reserve you are using as an electoral piggy bank:

Politics & Religion / The Administrative Immigration Shuffle
« on: May 22, 2024, 05:37:03 PM »
Remember the presidential administration that issued a bunch of executive orders weakening immigration enforcement? The one that was ostensibly all aflutter because Republicans wouldn’t sign on to a smoke and mirror legislative effort to putatively address the border crisis? Well that administration is now threatening to sue a state seeking to arrest those here illegally:

Politics & Religion / Social Media Censorship Blueprint
« on: May 22, 2024, 05:29:27 PM »
Just Security is a reliable Deep State mouthpiece. As such, this post of theirs likely serves as a blueprint for what we are likely to see as the 2024 election looms:

Tech Platforms Must Do More to Avoid Contributing to Potential Political Violence
Just Security / by Yaël Eisenstat / May 22, 2024 at 10:05 AM
This essay is co-published with Tech Policy Press.

At the end of March, we convened a working group of experts on social media, election integrity, extremism, and political violence to discuss the relationship between online platforms and election-related political violence. The goal was to provide realistic and effective recommendations to platforms on steps they can take to ensure their products do not contribute to the potential for political violence, particularly in the lead-up to and aftermath of the U.S. general election in November, but with implications for states around the world.

Today, we released a paper that represents the consensus of the working group titled “Preventing Tech-Fueled Political Violence: What online platforms can do to ensure they do not contribute to election-related violence.” Given the current threat landscape in the United States, we believe this issue is urgent. While relying on online platforms to “do the right thing” without the proper regulatory and business incentives in place may seem increasingly futile, we believe there remains a critical role for independent experts to play in both shaping the public conversation and shining a light on where these companies can act more responsibly.

Indications of potential political violence mount

The January 6th, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol looms large over the 2024 election cycle. Former President Donald Trump and many Republican political elites continue to advance false claims about the outcome of the 2020 election, a potential predicate to efforts to delegitimize the outcome of the vote this November.

Yet such rhetoric is but one potential catalyst for political violence in the United States this political season. In a feature on the subject this month, The New York Times noted that across the country, “a steady undercurrent of violence and physical risk has become a new normal,” particularly targeting public officials and democratic institutions. And, a survey from the Brennan Center conducted this spring found that 38% of election officials have experienced violent threats. And to this already menacing environment, add conflict over Israel-Gaza protests on college campuses and in major cities, potentially controversial developments in the various trials of the former president, and warnings from the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security about potential threats to LGBTQ+ Pride events this summer. It would appear that the likelihood of political violence in the United States is, unfortunately, elevated.

The neglect of tech platforms may exacerbate the situation

What role do online platforms play in this threat environment? It is unclear if the major platforms are prepared to meet the moment. A number of platforms have rolled back moderation policies on false claims of electoral fraud, gutted trust and safety teams, and appear to be sleep walking into a rising tide of threats to judges and election officials. These developments suggest the platforms have ignored the lessons of the last few years, both in the United States and abroad. For instance, a year after January 6th, supporters of Brazil’s outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro used social media to organize and mobilize attacks on governmental buildings. And an American Progress study of the 2022 U.S. midterm elections concluded that “social media companies have again refused to grapple with their complicity in fueling hate and informational disorder…with key exceptions, companies have again offered cosmetic changes and empty promises not backed up by appropriate staffing or resources.”

Platforms’ failure to prepare for election violence suggests that in many ways, 2024 mirrors 2020. In advance of that election, two of the authors (Eisenstat and Kreiss) convened a working group of experts to lay out what platforms needed to do to protect elections. Sadly, platforms largely ignored these and many other recommendations from independent researchers and civil society groups, including enforcing voting misinformation restrictions against all users (including political leaders), clearly refuting election disinformation, and amplifying reliable electoral information. The failure of platforms to adequately follow such recommendations helped create the context for January 6th, as documented by the draft report on the role of social media in the assault on the Capitol prepared by an investigative team of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attacks.


To avoid a similar outcome, we propose a number of steps the platforms can, and should, take if they want to ensure they do not fuel political violence. None of the recommendations are entirely novel. In fact, a number of them are congruent with any number of papers that academics and civil society leaders have published over the years. And yet, they bear repeating, even though time is short to implement them.

The full set of seven recommendations and details can be found in our report, but in general they center on a number of themes where online platforms are currently falling short, including:

Platforms must develop robust standards for threat assessment and engage in scenario planning, crisis training, and engagement with external stakeholders, with as much transparency as possible.
Platforms should enforce clear and actionable content moderation policies that address election integrity year-round, proactively addressing election denialism and potential threats against election workers.

Politicians and other political influencers should not receive exemptions from content policies or special treatment from the platforms. Platforms should enforce their rules uniformly.
Platforms must clearly explain important content moderation decisions during election periods, ensuring transparency especially when it comes to the moderation of high profile accounts.

This election cycle, so much of the conversation about tech accountability has moved on to what to do about deceptive uses of AI. But the distribution channels for AI-generated content still run largely through the online platforms where users spread the “Stop the Steal” narrative in 2020 and galvanized the people who ultimately engaged in political violence at the U.S. Capitol. We will continue to draw attention to these unresolved issues, in the hope that rising demands for accountability will prompt platforms to act more responsibly and prioritize the risk of political violence both in the United States and abroad.

The post Tech Platforms Must Do More to Avoid Contributing to Potential Political Violence appeared first on Just Security.

A list for those tracking these things. Hopefully they’ll learn the same hard lessons Oberlin college did:

A List (with Links) of Antisemitism Lawsuits Filed against American Universities
The Volokh Conspiracy / by David Bernstein / May 22, 2024 at 1:06 PM
Along with dozens of Title VI administrative complaints filed with the Office of Civil Rights, at least eleven colleges and universities are facing lawsuits over their handling of antisemitism on campus since October 7. I asked around, and no one seems to have a compiled a list of defendants with links to the complaints, so I've created one, which I will update as needed. Let me know if I have missed any.

Columbia University I

Columbia University II

Columbia University III

Haverford College

Havard University I

Harvard University II (filed today, link coming soon)


New York University


Rutgers I

Rutgers II

University of California Berkeley

University of California Los Angeles

University of Pennsylvania

University of Virginia (filed Friday, link coming soon)

The post A List (with Links) of Antisemitism Lawsuits Filed against American Universities appeared first on

Politics & Religion / Jerry Miculek
« on: May 22, 2024, 05:03:01 PM »
For several years I was a range safety officer at the largest private range on the East coast. I’m working a Wounded Warrior event one weekend where I was going to be doing some adaptive pistol work and such with folks injured during their military service. It was a large event with just about every range there hosting a rifle, pistol, shotgun, silenced firearm, full auto firearm, various vendor giveaways and the like so there were a lot of moving parts. As such when I arrived I was told I would be instructing with an industry professional, but nothing more before I headed off to set up my range.

It was a foggy morning and as I was setting up targets I heard some folks arrive, one of ‘em sporting a Cajun twang. I’m like no, wait, what? Is that … Jerry Freaking Miculek, arguably the fastest shooter on the planet? It was, and I spent the day instructing with him, which would be sorta the same as a middlin’ martial artist learning he’d be running a class with Bruce Lee.

Jerry is a down to earth guy (he signed my RSO hat and posed with me for pics), a great teacher, and a character in general. His you tube vids are well worth checking out, along with the one shown here:

And if you have a spare $3400 you can pick up the revolver he just designed:

And his second one this month. Dude’s got a serious set of stones:

Politics & Religion / First, Stop Being Afraid
« on: May 22, 2024, 04:24:57 PM »
The tide is turning and we need to turn with it:

Politics & Religion / Tech Billionaires Turn for Trump?
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:35:50 PM »
An interesting turn:

Billionaires for Trump grows
Pledging lives, fortunes, and sacred honor has become fashionable again
MAY 22, 2024

After his honorable discharge on March 5, 1960, from the Army after being drafted, Elvis Presley hit RCA’s studios in Nashville and began recording hits again, including his riff on O Sole Mio that he called It’s Now or Never, which became his biggest international hit.

It’s now or never
Come hold me tight
Kiss me, my darling
Be mine tonight
Will be too late
It’s now or never
My love won't wait

That is Trump’s theme song this election because it is do or die time. The indictments and the attempt to destroy his business in civil court make it clear that we don’t get another chance to topple this banana republic.

Some rich men get it. The Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post reported, “Trump gets $1 million from Silicon Valley donor who once gave to Democrats.”

The subheadline said, “The donation from Jacob Helberg, a Palantir adviser who helped push the TikTok ban, shows some tech leaders coalescing against Biden.”

He’s gay. He’s Jewish. He’s not alone.

He said, “The social cost of supporting Trump isn’t as great as it was. Trump was right on a lot of make-or-break issues for America.”

Helberg is part of the Gay Mafia that made Peter Buttigieg the secretary of transportation who did such a lousy job that just about everyone in America knows who the secretary of transportation is. Heck, before Buttigieg, most people didn’t know we had a secretary of transportation.

Another strike against him is Helberg also has been a lobbyist for the ban on Tik Tok bill. I love free speech more than I hate Red China.

The Bezos Post said:

Earlier this month, Helberg traveled to Mar-a-Lago, where he says he “fell in love” with Trump while mingling with a slate of GOP vice-presidential hopefuls, including Sen. J.D. Vance (Ohio), Rep. Elise Stefanik (N.Y.), Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Rick Scott (Fla.). He spent the better part of the other week in conversation with the former president about topics such as the risks of overregulating artificial intelligence and the importance of Silicon Valley playing a role in developing military technologies, he recalled.

Tech executive-turned-podcast influencer David Sacks, who, like Helberg, is a close associate of billionaire investor Peter Thiel, is another member of the Silicon Valley cohort who has moved toward the former president. (Helberg is married to Keith Rabois, a compatriot of Thiel since their undergraduate years at Stanford University and a former partner at Thiel’s venture capital firm, Founders Fund.) Sacks initially backed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — helping launch his campaign on X — and then hosted fundraisers for Republican Vivek Ramaswamy and now-independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Now, Sacks is organizing a Trump fundraiser of his own, and he hosted the likes of Elon Musk, Thiel and Rupert Murdoch at his Hollywood Hills home in April for a dinner party focused on airing anti-Biden grievances, according to four people familiar with his activities, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe them. The Sacks fundraiser and party were first reported by Puck.

Sacks has complimented Trump on X. And he might be joined in his fundraising efforts by Chamath Palihapitiya, a former Facebook executive who co-hosts the “All-In” podcast with Sacks and has historically backed Democrats, one of the people said. Palihapitiya did not respond to a request for comment. Sacks declined to comment. Rabois told The Post last year that Trump was a “sociopath” and that he would not vote for him, but declined to comment on his current position beyond saying he was not supporting Biden.

Bezos knows who all these people are because the Astor 400 of elegantly dressed and refined elites has given way to politically charged elitists. Members of the Astor 400 went down with the ship as they gave their spaces in lifeboats on the Titanic to women and children first. These clowns fly their jets to climate control conferences.

After the 2020 election, Jacob Helberg tweeted, “Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for winning a hard fought election. To all who supported Pres Trump, you will have in Joe Biden someone who will always strive to represent you and Americans of all stripes. Now is when the hard work of rebuilding our nation only begins.”

Sarcasm or gullibility? You make the call.

At any rate, his flip to Trump is a healthy sign because given the bloodsport Biden has made of American politics, these men really are pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Chairman Xi destroyed Jack Ma — once the richest man in China — for daring to publicly criticize communism. Does Helberg really believe he won’t be Jack Ma-ed in Biden’s second term?

Three things explain this inexplicable move by Helberg. The first is that he does not really believe they would do this to him because, it is just politics, right? I doubt Helberg understands the feeling of having the power to force millions of Americans to take a shot. But the government did and that rush Biden and the rest have explains why Mengele did the things he did.

The second reason he is publicly rebuking Biden is Elon Musk. Trump standing up for America can be dismissed as ego tripping. But then the richest man on Earth at the time acquired Twitter, a direct and open challenge to the deep state, which sponsored its censorship. Musk encouraged others to stand up.

The third reason — and this is more conjecture than usual on my part — is October 7. The savage attack on civilian Israelis by Palestinian soldiers/Hamas terrorists and the world’s refusal to be horrified should have sent the message to Helberg, Rob Reiner and every other Jew in America that being Jewish makes you a target.

Indeed, instead of making Hamas leaders stand trial for these war crimes, the world goes after Israel. Iranians may have celebrated the death of their dictator, but the United Nations mourns.

My condolences to Biden for losing another friend.

Reiner can pretend to be Buddhist all he wants, but circumcised matters. When the actual Nazis take over, it will come down to whether a man has a foreskin. It won’t grow back.

71% of American males are snipped, by the way.

For whatever reason Helberg has, I welcome his support for two reasons. One, it is a million bucks going to help elect Trump. Two, it is a million bucks not going to Biden to continue this madness.

Biden and the deep state used the mails to stuff the ballot boxes and win in 2020. It could happen again. Helberg and a few others are going to make it more difficult because Americans now see how a banana republic in DC abuses its power.

Politics & Religion / Re: So much for national security
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:16:09 PM »

He’s doing it because he feels for the fiscal plight of Americans in the current economy. It has nothing to do with the upcoming election, honest. And when whoever gets around to refilling the strategic oil reserve—which Biden has dipped into just before elections previously, that additional demand will have no impact on pump prices, again honest….

Politics & Religion / An Anti-Semitic Test
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:08:10 PM »
A piece exploring whether those that claim to be “anti-Zionist” are actually just bigots when it comes to Jews:

Do You Actually Hate Jews?
A simple test to check ‘criticism of Israel’ for antisemitism
MAY 21, 2024

A soldier lays tefillin near the Gaza border in southern Israel on Dec. 6, 2023
I have spent much of my adult life in the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean regions of the Middle East. I am not Jewish, which will somehow matter to certain readers. I am, instead, a Roman Catholic American who has been in the area during war and peace, with multiple military assignments in the region.

I made many Arab friends in my service. I’ve sat in a tent in the middle of the desert at night during Ramadan, playing cards and drinking chai (and painfully sticking clothespins on my ears as a penalty when I lost at those card games, which happened a lot.) I was a regular for diwaniya at friends’ homes in Kuwait. I sat cross-legged with Egyptian heavy equipment transport drivers drinking scalding hot cardamom coffee while we watched the sun come up over the desert. I am not an Arab, and I do not claim to be, but I have come to admire the richness of much of Arab culture.

And yet, I would be lying by omission if I did not note what was appalling about what I saw: women treated as property; third-country nationals cleaning toilets in orange jumpsuits and living as literal slaves; gay and lesbian people as criminals; utter religious intolerance; fascist restrictions on free speech; monarchies ruling by fiat, and more.

Amid all of this, Israel stood apart to me, a shining light in a region full of dark despotism—a true democracy with guaranteed liberties, a technological wonderland carved out of a stark desert devoid of resources, and a place where 21% of the citizenry of this ostensibly Jewish state consists of non-Jewish Arabs. In Israel, gays are not criminalized and women are not property. Is it without problems? Of course not. It is a country born in violence, and every day it deals with that reality. It has the same internal political strife that we see in all Western democracies. Crime happens. Extremists capture the national dialogue. It is exceedingly easy to point out Israel’s flaws, just as it is for any nation.

The question, especially these days, is: Given the sharp contrasts with its neighbors, why is Israel so repeatedly singled out as if it is the only (and worst) bad actor in that region, whether in the media, on X, in the United Nations, and everywhere else for that matter? And why lately do these attacks seem to be coming from people, including former military people, who should—no, who definitely—know better?

The IDF’s efforts are as measured as those of any Western military. They are simply being singled out. Why do these attacks seem to be coming from people, including former military people, who should—no, who definitely—know better?

These days, if you spend enough time with strangers online discussing anything related to Israel, you will inevitably come into contact with that person who claims, “I have nothing against Jews, it’s ZIONISM I hate.” In the past, this was usually followed by something about the Rothschilds, or bankers controlling the world, or how Dachau was actually an aromatherapy spa, but these days it might just as easily be heard from someone who seems, on the surface, to share a bunch of your own views.

These people inevitably become angry and puzzled when they are labeled “antisemitic,” and their response is usually along the lines of “What? Criticizing Israel doesn’t make me a Jew-hating antisemite! How could you think that?”

If you have found yourself on either side of an exchange like this one, let me give you a scenario that might help.

There are five dry cleaners in your town. You’ve tried them all and are unhappy with all of them. Four of them are owned by Muslim immigrants from the Middle East, and all four are horrible—they overcharge you, they lose your clothes, they never have your clothes ready on time, they rarely get stains out and never offer a refund. The fifth dry cleaner is owned by Orthodox Jews. That dry cleaner’s prices are lower than the other four, they never lose your clothes and always have them ready on time.

Last week, that Orthodox Jew-owned dry cleaner failed to get a mustard stain out of your favorite shirt and would not give you a refund. So you wrote a scathing Yelp review of the Orthodox Jew-owned dry cleaner, something you have never, ever done for the other four dry cleaners over your many dissatisfied years of going to them with your clothing. If that is not enough, in addition to leaving the bad Yelp review, you also attend massive demonstrations in your town in support of the four Muslim dry cleaners, blaming their incompetence and failures on the Orthodox Jew-owned dry cleaner. Also, you chant “From the dry cleaning fluid to the fur storage area” over and over outside the Orthodox Jew-owned dry cleaner.

Which brings us to the war in Gaza.

Let me say some things about that war. First, in my experience, the IDF is one of the most professional militaries the world has ever seen. Its historic track record of stunning victories over better-funded, numerically superior foes is not the only reason I say this. The IDF’s officer corps attends the same sorts of command and staff colleges that have made the U.S. military so great. The IDF’s enlisted forces are drawn from across the entire society, giving it the natural diversity that U.S. military leaders crave. Most importantly for this conversation, it trains and practices civilian harm mitigation with the same zeal as all professional Western militaries. I could go into great detail here, but suffice it say that at the top of the mitigation list is constant warnings to civilians to evacuate tightly targeted areas before engagement with minimally destructive munitions. This is genuine risk mitigation, and is practiced only by the world’s most professional militaries. (See this piece by the chair of urban warfare studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, for example.) Bottom line: As a matter of training and doctrine, the IDF does all it can to minimize civilian casualties—and in this it is as good as, and I’d argue maybe even better, than U.S. forces.

Second, in war it is impossible to prevent all damage to civilians. It cannot be done. Don’t believe me? Ask the remaining family of Zemari Ahmadi, killed in Kabul by mistake along with his seven children by a U.S. drone strike. Ask the families of the five U.S. troops and one Afghan interpreter killed by a U.S. B-1B laser-guided bomb in Afghanistan’s Zabul Province in 2014. Ask fans of the Arizona Cardinals what they know about Corporal Pat Tillman. Go back to the Normandy campaign in World War II and wonder why U.S. B-17 bombers killed U.S. Lieutenant General Lesley J. McNair. Heck, ask me about the time outside Habbaniyah, Iraq, where I personally was seconds away from giving the order to shoot and kill an Iraqi civilian who was trying to sell my troops some whiskey after momentarily thinking the bottles were Molotov cocktails; we eventually let him go in peace, but it could have just as easily gone the other way.

War is ugly. The “fog of war” is a real thing. Innocents die. Most importantly, there is a huge difference between killing innocents by accident, and killing them on purpose (you know, like Hamas does with its random rockets aimed at Israeli civilians). Things like the missile strike on the World Central Kitchen convoy happen in war—that is just a brutal, undeniable truth. Should responsible IDF officers suffer if negligence is proven? Absolutely. But here is the real question: If the unintentional death of innocents is inevitable in all wars, why does Israel get special disapprobation when it happens with the IDF? More importantly, why would anyone instantly (and without full knowledge) assume that the IDF intentionally targeted legitimately innocent aid workers?

The IDF’s efforts are as measured and tempered as those of any Western military at war. They are simply being singled out, amid a world of equally brutal war.

I can already hear the hue and cry—from the BDS crowd on the left and the Protocols crowd on the right—screaming: “They are leveling Gaza! Have you seen the pictures? It’s GENOCIDE!”

Listen to me, people: If you want to commit genocide, you do not warn civilians to seek safe shelter before you engage the combatants in their midst. You’re upset about the pictures of a leveled Gaza? Have you seen any of what the U.S. military did to Fallujah? Remember the “Highway of Death” in 1991? How do you think Iran treats Kurdish villages? Darfur would like a word too. War is ugly in the best cases; it is even uglier when facing a demented foe like Hamas. People who would perpetrate Oct. 7 and hide behind human shields from their own population will not go easy.

To quote that Seinfeld episode where Elaine’s communist boyfriend got banned from a Chinese restaurant: I don’t want to “name names,” but I will say there is a certain X account where the author claims to be a combat veteran, and he regularly posts about how the IDF is recklessly targeting civilians as a tactic. This person does, in fact, demonstrate a deep understanding of military history, which actually makes this behavior of his worse, because he knows better. He understands the fog of war. He understands the mitigation measures the IDF takes. He understands that in all war, certain levels of civilian death and destruction are inevitable. So why does he say what he says?

The hate of the well-informed is purposeful. Any so-called influencer or self-styled intellectual who spreads the mind virus of antisemitism to fellow Americans, under the guise of informing them, is a predator.

In 2024, antisemitism generally evidences itself in two forms. The first is your classic Protocols of the Elders of Zion, “Hitler was right” sort of neo-fascist fabulism. The second is the kind who buys every lie coming out of Al Jazeera and the rabidly antisemitic Arab press. The thing about both of these kinds of hate is that they have been watered down to a level of acceptability in many circles. The watered-down Protocols crowd accurately points to the number of Jewish influencers in Hollywood and the media, as if that somehow validates an unspoken blood libel. These people are the Joe Rogans of the world—avowedly “fair” while actually speaking from highly bigoted assumptions.

The second crowd—the watered-down Al Jazeera crowd—hides behind “anti-colonialism” as an excuse for quaint chants in favor of exterminating Israel’s Jewish population. Unfortunately, that second kind of watered-down antisemitism is mirrored in the great majority of the mass media in the U.S. and globally. CNN, MSNBC, NPR, BBC, Reuters and the like will buy every line coming out of the Gaza Health Ministry and every staged Pallywood video without question, and will flood the zone endlessly with stories supporting the myth of Israeli fascism and “genocide.” When you see Jewish students on college campuses across America being terrorized by their Hamas-sympathizing peers, that phenomenon is fueled almost completely by that second sort of antisemitism—let’s call it the “media narrative of Israel.”

When someone starts demonstrating outside the Jewish dry cleaner because of that mustard stain—whether they’re politically on the right or the left—there are only two possible explanations:

They bought the media narrative of Israel.
Consciously or subconsciously, they hate Jews.
I can almost forgive people who fall prey to No. 1, especially if they are young and/or stupid. College students who don’t know any better are immersed in a nonstop barrage of the media narrative of Israel, and as college students their brains are mush anyway, so I sort of get how they could be so easily misled. Your average, working, adult American who does not pay much attention to politics or international relations can also be driven into this belief set—their media bombards them with unbalanced, anti-Israel propaganda, and if all those kids are protesting on campus, there must be something to it, right?

But it’s people like my fellow soldier on X who trouble me more. When you know that Israel is the freest, most liberal state in the region; when you know that war is hell and civilians die in all wars; when you know that the IDF engages in state-of-the-art mitigation measures to protect innocent civilians; when you know all of these things and still engage in the blood libelish lies of “Israel is committing genocide,” No. 2 is the only logical conclusion. The only stain is the one on that person’s soul—a black stain of Jew hatred that goes back millennia.

The hate of the well-informed stands out because it’s purposeful. Ultimately, antisemitism is a mind virus. Any so-called influencer or self-styled intellectual who spreads it to fellow Americans, under the guise of informing them, is a predator.

Politics & Religion / Deadly force authorized for Mar a Lago
« on: May 21, 2024, 07:16:31 PM »
Deadly force was authorized for the Mar a Lago raid. As I see it, the National Archives played pattycake with Biden’s DOJ to cook up and excuse to begin this feeble bit of lawfare and … if happenstance allowed them to claim a good reason to start shooting, well icing on the cake, eh?

Given Tabbi’s work breaking the Twitter Files I suspect this bodes some very interesting revelations:

Note to Readers: That Eerie Silence
Getcha popcorn ready.
MAY 21, 2024

“THE AI ELECTION”: Forget Russians, domestic terrorists, or “Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior.” This year’s censorship hobby horse is AI

Racket readers may have noticed it’s been a bit quiet in here of late. That’s because I’ve been spending the last few weeks on an investigative series in cooperation with another site. What seemed like a cut-and-dried report turned into a bit of a rabbit hole on us; hence the delay.

When I first started publishing the Twitter Files in 2022-2023 along with Michael Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, David Zweig, Paul Thacker, and others, there was an emphasis on speed. Once we saw phrases like “flagged by DHS,” I knew the project was temporary, and guessed we’d probably need to stay ahead of the news cycle in order to avoid seeing material drown in blowback. So, we set aside some explosive bigger-picture storylines to focus on things that could be confirmed and published quickly. There were also topics we didn’t fully understand at the time.

Some of those broader stories will begin coming out now, hopefully starting this week. There’s a reason for working back through this material now. Sources tell me at least two different active groups are working on political content moderation programs for the November election that tactically would go a step or two beyond what we observed with groups like Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership, proposing not just deamplification or removals, but fakery, use of bots, and other “offensive” forms of manipulation.

If the recent rush of news stories about the horror of foreign-inspired AI deepfakes (“No one can stop them,” gasps the Washington Post) creating intolerable risk to the coming “AI election” sounds a bit off to you, you’re not alone. This is one of many potential threats pro-censorship groups are playing up in hopes of deploying more aggressive “counter-messaging” tools. Some early proposals along those lines are in the unpublished Twitter Files documents we’ve been working on. Again, more on this topic soon.

Also: beginning around the time we published the “Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex,” Racket in partnership with UndeadFOIA began issuing Freedom of Information requests in bulk. The goal was to identify inexcusably secret contractors of content-policing agencies like the State Department’s Global Engagement Center. The FOIA system is designed to exhaust citizens, but our idea was to match the irritating resolve of FOIA officers by pre-committing resources for inevitable court disputes, fights over production costs, etc. Thanks to UndeadFOIA’s great work, we now have a sizable library of documents about publicly-funded censorship programs (and a few private ones scooped up in official correspondence).

We’ll be releasing those, too, focusing on a few emails per batch, and publishing the rest in bulk. There’s so much material that a quick global summary here would be difficult, but suffice to say that the anti-disinformation/content control world is much bigger than I thought, enjoying cancer-like growth on campuses in particular, in the same way military research became primary sources of grants and took over universities in the fifties and sixties. Some of these FOIA documents are damning, some entertaining, some just interesting, but all of them belong to the public. We’re going to start the process of turning them over, hopefully today.

In any case, thanks to Racket readers for their patience. I’m very appreciative of the commitment every subscriber makes, especially in this narrowing media environment, which is why I want to make sure readers understand what’s usually going on when things go dark around here. My idea of a vacation is one or two days. If you don’t hear from me for six, I’m working on something. Back soon, and thanks again.

Politics & Religion / Re: AI fakes coming to 2024 election?
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:52:07 PM »

See this for what it is: the government preparing the battle space. They will then point to this fear to excuse their interventions while claiming true video and audio sources are in fact Russia, China, Pago Pago or wherever “deep fakes.”

Politics & Religion / Underwriting Permanent Dependency
« on: May 21, 2024, 06:45:56 PM »
Homeless spending grows, so does the size of the homeless population. Only government program managers can’t see there’s something wrong with this set of circumstances:

Why Are Both Homelessness and Homelessness Spending Growing?
May 17, 2024

Also published in The Orange County Register Fri. May 17, 2024   Show More »
Over the past decade, homelessness in California has been rising at alarming rates. California already topped the national list in 2014 when it had a homeless population of 114,000, but according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s 2023 Homelessness Assessment Report count, that number has grown to more than 180,000—nearly a 60 percent increase—and an astonishing two-thirds of these individuals are entirely unsheltered. In fact, with a total unsheltered population of 123,423, California is shamefully only about 10,000 shy of the other 49 states combined.

Yet California has spent a record $24 billion fighting homelessness over the past five years, according to a state audit published last month. In other words, the homeless population and homelessness spending have grown in tandem. How is this even possible?

The sad reality is that the current homelessness policy, known as Housing First, virtually guarantees an ever-ballooning homelessness budget, regardless of how effective it is in reducing the homeless population. This is because the measure of success under Housing First is not independent self-sufficiency, but in homeless persons becoming de facto wards of the state.

In 2013, the federal government adopted Housing First as its approach to homelessness, and California followed in 2016. This means that both state and federal homelessness grants are reserved exclusively for providers who comply with Housing First principles.

The Housing First philosophy contends that the most effective way to address homelessness is to offer people immediate, no-strings-attached housing. Service providers forfeit their grants if they make housing conditional on, say, sobriety or participation in treatment programs. In theory, supportive services are voluntary, but in practice they are almost non-existent.

Instead, California’s approach to Housing First entails little more than warehousing people in permanent-supportive housing (PSH) units. PSH residents are not classified as “homeless” for official counts, but they remain dependent on taxpayer support, which is paid out of the homelessness budget.

We did not always treat permanent dependency as the best-case scenario for homeless individuals. When the Clinton administration first established the continuum of care system for homelessness services in 1994, the Department of Housing and Urban Development explicitly stated that “the goal of the comprehensive homeless service system is to ensure that homeless individuals and families move from homelessness to self-sufficiency, housing, and independent living.”

When Sam Tsemberis, a clinical psychologist, conducted the first Housing First experiment in New York City, he altered the measure of success to “housing stability,” achieved not through self-sufficiency, but through perpetual subsidies. Tsemberis found that 88% of his clients remained stably housed, compared to 47% of patients in treatment-oriented programs. However, Tsemberis worked exclusively with people suffering from severe mental illnesses—those who would have been institutionalized in an earlier era—so it is reasonable that perpetually subsidized housing may have been the best possible outcome for this particular subset of the homeless population.

But should permanent dependency be the goal for all homeless persons? In FY 2022-2023, California spent $116 million on permanent-supportive housing for homeless youth. A policy that functionally treats homeless and at-risk children as lost causes is not only financially unsustainable, it’s downright inhumane.

A significant portion of homeless individuals suffer not from incurable mental illness, but from untreated substance-use disorder, and the overdose mortality rate of PSH residents is disturbingly high. But studies of crack-addicted homeless persons in drug-abstinent housing, work therapy, and day treatment programs found that upon completion, roughly half of the participants remained sober, housed and stably employed. Yes, “housing stability” was lower than Housing First experiments, but independent self-sufficiency is an unquestionably better outcome for those capable of achieving it.
We can accept that there will always be people who require permanent assistance, but state policy should not treat this assumption as universal. Even if we could end homelessness by permanently warehousing people, we should strive to do better.

But after following the Housing First playbook for nearly a decade, the results are clear: the more money we spend on this strategy, the faster the homelessness crisis grows.

CHRISTOPHER J. CALTON is the Research Fellow in Housing and Homelessness at the Independent Institute.

Fauci perjured himself. Where is the consequence?

Fauci is a non-partisan Democratic Party shill (contradiction intended) and they as well as their kissin’ cousins in the Uniparty don’t have to contend with no stinkin’ consequence for their actions as they hold the right union card.

Given Tabbi’s work breaking the Twitter Files I suspect this bodes some very interesting revelations:

Note to Readers: That Eerie Silence
Getcha popcorn ready.
MAY 21, 2024

“THE AI ELECTION”: Forget Russians, domestic terrorists, or “Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior.” This year’s censorship hobby horse is AI

Racket readers may have noticed it’s been a bit quiet in here of late. That’s because I’ve been spending the last few weeks on an investigative series in cooperation with another site. What seemed like a cut-and-dried report turned into a bit of a rabbit hole on us; hence the delay.

When I first started publishing the Twitter Files in 2022-2023 along with Michael Shellenberger, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, David Zweig, Paul Thacker, and others, there was an emphasis on speed. Once we saw phrases like “flagged by DHS,” I knew the project was temporary, and guessed we’d probably need to stay ahead of the news cycle in order to avoid seeing material drown in blowback. So, we set aside some explosive bigger-picture storylines to focus on things that could be confirmed and published quickly. There were also topics we didn’t fully understand at the time.

Some of those broader stories will begin coming out now, hopefully starting this week. There’s a reason for working back through this material now. Sources tell me at least two different active groups are working on political content moderation programs for the November election that tactically would go a step or two beyond what we observed with groups like Stanford’s Election Integrity Partnership, proposing not just deamplification or removals, but fakery, use of bots, and other “offensive” forms of manipulation.

If the recent rush of news stories about the horror of foreign-inspired AI deepfakes (“No one can stop them,” gasps the Washington Post) creating intolerable risk to the coming “AI election” sounds a bit off to you, you’re not alone. This is one of many potential threats pro-censorship groups are playing up in hopes of deploying more aggressive “counter-messaging” tools. Some early proposals along those lines are in the unpublished Twitter Files documents we’ve been working on. Again, more on this topic soon.

Also: beginning around the time we published the “Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex,” Racket in partnership with UndeadFOIA began issuing Freedom of Information requests in bulk. The goal was to identify inexcusably secret contractors of content-policing agencies like the State Department’s Global Engagement Center. The FOIA system is designed to exhaust citizens, but our idea was to match the irritating resolve of FOIA officers by pre-committing resources for inevitable court disputes, fights over production costs, etc. Thanks to UndeadFOIA’s great work, we now have a sizable library of documents about publicly-funded censorship programs (and a few private ones scooped up in official correspondence).

We’ll be releasing those, too, focusing on a few emails per batch, and publishing the rest in bulk. There’s so much material that a quick global summary here would be difficult, but suffice to say that the anti-disinformation/content control world is much bigger than I thought, enjoying cancer-like growth on campuses in particular, in the same way military research became primary sources of grants and took over universities in the fifties and sixties. Some of these FOIA documents are damning, some entertaining, some just interesting, but all of them belong to the public. We’re going to start the process of turning them over, hopefully today.

In any case, thanks to Racket readers for their patience. I’m very appreciative of the commitment every subscriber makes, especially in this narrowing media environment, which is why I want to make sure readers understand what’s usually going on when things go dark around here. My idea of a vacation is one or two days. If you don’t hear from me for six, I’m working on something. Back soon, and thanks again.

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