Author Topic: The US Congress; Congressional races  (Read 364459 times)


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Georgia Dem Ossoff, ban guns
« Reply #801 on: November 11, 2020, 04:59:25 AM »
Democrat Jon Ossoff: Ban Sale of Semi-Automatic Rifles, ‘High Cap’ Magazines


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Re: The US Congress; Georgia Senate races
« Reply #802 on: November 12, 2020, 05:37:23 AM »
Marco Rubio speaks at Loffler rally.


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« Reply #805 on: November 16, 2020, 06:02:02 AM »

are we doing this

canvassing every potential voter
and gathering votes
for us

why can't we go door to door
play there game with nursing home residents
and pull of people from the street
and buy them a starbucks for their vote

someone should hire PIs to follow these creeps around and get them on camera
illegally getting votes
why can we not do this

or are we?  though I doubt it .


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Dem House leadership to be re elected?
« Reply #807 on: November 17, 2020, 06:03:00 PM »


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Re: The US Senate races Georgia, Rand Paul
« Reply #808 on: November 25, 2020, 05:05:33 AM »

Libertarians should vote Republican?  What, ans miss out on all the fascism coming?


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Re: Ilhan Omar underperforms
« Reply #810 on: November 26, 2020, 08:16:55 AM »

From the article:
"In Minnesota’s 5th congressional district, Biden received 328,764 votes, President Donald Trump received 72,323 votes, Omar received 255,920 votes and her Republican challenger Lacy Johnson received 102,878 votes."

Omar underperformed, black Republican Lacy Johnson 'overperformed', broke through the black, Democratic firewall.  It is now okay in the neighborhood to be black and vote Republican.   That changes the get out the vote operation.  Now Democrats have to talk to blacks about issues, not just fill up buses and pass out ballots.

Telling also was that Omar won her primary roughly 60-40. A normal incumbent should win 99-1 but this was a clear choice between regular Democrat and off the edge wacko left and the latter includes the majority of urban Dems. 

The huge margins in the city in the general election show that Democrat support is way too concentrated.  Biden won the state but Republicans won the State Senate and flipped one congressional seat to make a divided delegation of 4-4.  If not for Dem success in the rich white suburbs where they flipped two seats in 2018, that representation would be 6 - 2 Republican, even if losing Minneapolis and St Paul by huge margins.


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Re: 8 not yet called Congressional races ; Repubs up in 8
« Reply #812 on: November 27, 2020, 11:30:10 AM »

Why would they call it when the Republican still leads?  Must be some ballots somewhere.

Who will be the four most centrist Dems when Pelosi only has a 4 seat margin?  I'm guessing the last centrist Dems lost this year.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #813 on: November 27, 2020, 01:35:15 PM »
"Why would they call it when the Republican still leads?  Must be some ballots somewhere."

Great point!
Makes perfect sense.
I hadn't thought of that.

No coincidence they all lean Republican .....    :wink:


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US Senate races, Mark Steyn, Georgia
« Reply #814 on: November 27, 2020, 07:16:00 PM »
“Georgia Republicans need a record turnout in January to put Perdue and Loeffler beyond the margin of error, beyond the margin of lawyer, and beyond the margin of sewer…”
– Mark Steyn now on Tucker Carlson Tonight


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Re: US Senate races, Gingrich, Georgia
« Reply #815 on: December 08, 2020, 07:42:20 AM »
“Georgia Republicans need a record turnout in January to put Perdue and Loeffler beyond the margin of error, beyond the margin of lawyer, and beyond the margin of sewer…”
– Mark Steyn

Gingrich: Republicans Have to 'Turn Out More Votes Than Stacey Abrams Can Steal'

Unfortunately ask Chavez-Maduro, there are not more votes possible than a corrupt totalitarian regime can steal, once in full power.

I don't think Georgia is going to allow a second round of cheating. 

Trump rally video for Senators Loeffler and Perdue in Georgia:  Speech starts at about 3:52

Turning point in America.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2020, 08:17:26 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #817 on: December 09, 2020, 07:21:24 PM »
Here's a group photo of me with all the House Republicans who lost races this year.

  Kevin McCarthy twitter, pictured with... no one.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Warnock compared Castro to America
« Reply #818 on: December 10, 2020, 08:57:07 AM »

Two days after former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro died in 2016, Pastor Raphael Warnock — now a candidate for U.S. Senate in the Georgia runoff elections — defended Castro’s legacy as “complex,” comparing it to the legacy of the United States of America. Warnock previously worked as assistant pastor at a church that invited Castro to speak in 1995.

Two days after former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro died in 2016, Pastor Raphael Warnock — now a candidate for U.S. Senate in the Georgia runoff elections — defended Castro’s legacy as “complex,” comparing it to the legacy of the United States of America. Warnock previously worked as assistant pastor at a church that invited Castro to speak in 1995.

No, you commie.  Fidel Castro is not like the legacy of America, at least before your arrival on the stage.


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I have relative in Georgia
« Reply #820 on: December 19, 2020, 09:56:33 AM »
states bombarded with texts emails calls and people knocking on door
asked if repubs or demos and was told "both"

she voted and put sign on door:

" already voted!!!"


(voted R )

I am glad the repubs are out pulling for votes too!


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chump change for the masses
« Reply #822 on: December 22, 2020, 03:53:23 AM »
$600 dollars

is about$2 dollars per day

we can go to the dollar store and splurge for 2 items per day:

Thank us legislatures and kiss our hands.
The best part is DJT can't even take credit for it .  .......hahahahhahaha


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illegals to get "stimulus" checks maybe more than citizens
« Reply #823 on: December 22, 2020, 06:27:21 AM »
more confiscation and transfer money in shell game to by votes:

Households With Illegal Aliens Get Up to $1,800 While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600

Tuesday December 22, 2020 8:19 AM

The bipartisan $900 billion coronavirus aid bill is just one giant F-you to American taxpayers.

“Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night,” the Wall Street Journal’s Michelle Hackman reported Monday. “That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now.”


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Tulsi
« Reply #824 on: December 22, 2020, 07:03:13 AM »
Age 39, I didn't know she was 'retiring' from Congress.

I thought Democrats had one member I liked, but she doesn't take their marching orders well. Maybe she'll land in media.


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« Reply #825 on: December 22, 2020, 08:46:35 AM »
she could get a job as a model

CNN would never hire her

Fox ?

she is right about those over 65 or 75 should get vaccine and "front line health workers"
first (not me - I work from home)

why give vaccine to younger low risk essential worker s first
most are not that much at risk


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Calif Senate seat Kamala Harris
« Reply #826 on: December 23, 2020, 06:14:22 AM »
'VP elect' Harris has not resigned her Senate seat.  What's up with that? Is there some doubt with the election? Vote fraud?

"Harris, the first California Democrat on a presidential ticket, has not said whether she will resign her Senate seat before the President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20."


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« Reply #827 on: December 23, 2020, 08:48:33 AM »
Gabbi is interesting and easy to look at, but do remember that she is a Sandernista and holds many views with which we strongly disagree.


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Re: Gabbi
« Reply #828 on: December 23, 2020, 12:47:18 PM »
Gabbi is interesting and easy to look at, but do remember that she is a Sandernista and holds many views with which we strongly disagree.



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did not see tucker : a shock - democrat who lies
« Reply #829 on: December 23, 2020, 03:16:56 PM »

not like the dems will care

they rage about Trump lies
as though they are so honest and filled with integrity

this will NOT be seen on the jornolister Mario's kid , protector of female rights show


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #830 on: December 23, 2020, 09:17:56 PM »
Though I loathe Warnke (quelle surprise!) upon watching the footage I thought she was a liar.


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Georgia Senate races - Raphael Warnock
« Reply #832 on: December 29, 2020, 09:17:26 AM »
Dems hopes of ruling the world hinge on the election of what appears to be a very bad man.

Warnock has faced scrutiny over his 2002 arrest for allegedly obstructing a child abuse investigation by Maryland State Police that centered on the camp’s treatment of children. Washington’s account is buttressed by records from the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, obtained by the Free Beacon earlier this month, which indicated that campers were routinely left unsupervised; staffers were not subject to required criminal background check; and at least five cases of child abuse or neglect were brought against the camp’s director, who was ultimately forced to resign.

Or what 'honest Democratic voters' might say, 'yeah, whatever'.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #833 on: December 29, 2020, 09:59:00 AM »
".Or what 'honest Democratic voters' might say, 'yeah, whatever'."

OR "they all do it"

so what blah blah blah ....

to end the discussion


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #834 on: December 30, 2020, 07:18:10 AM »
Next Tues, Jan 5 will determine the majority of the Senate and the magnitude and direction of the country.

A leftist wacko and a Dem empty suit go up against two mainstream Republicans in what was until a minute ago a mostly conservative state.  Advantage Democrats:

My prediction:  We won't know the result on election night and may never agree on the result.

What has happened to our republic?


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"What has happened to our republic?"
« Reply #835 on: December 30, 2020, 07:28:32 AM »
while republicans slept

the LEFT has stolen it from within
and China is destroying it from without

never trumpers think it is a good idea we simply allow them back in
after voluntarily helping keep Trump out.

don't think so

don't even think about it jeb or Mitt.......


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« Reply #836 on: January 03, 2021, 08:57:52 AM »
I could not remember last time Romney was elected

it was Nov 2018 - so he has 4 yrs to go

I do like him as person but no longer as what we need in a all Republicans today
I do hope Utah will wake up and get someone else in 2024 - if there even is  a Republican Party left

with 13 Supreme Courts Justices with no electoral college and 54 Senate seats
and total censorship of the Right.


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Re: Mitt
« Reply #837 on: January 03, 2021, 09:38:30 AM »
It's not just political.  I no longer like him as a person.  I wish a healthy and happy retirement for him, and would like to help arrange that.

He will be turning 78 in 4 years at the start of a second term. I can't imagine he wants to spend these remaining prime years in Washington.  Who needs it.  He already cleared his name. He stood up against Trump and did everything he could to ruin his presidency, starting with running for that Senate seat.  Mission accomplished.  He personified what we knew, Never-Trump means Never-Republican.  He never could explain how what he did in capitalism was a good thing, making companies more streamline, more efficient, more competitive, so by his own definition he is a bad, bad man trying to make amends for past sins by sabotaging free market conservatism for a living.

Standing up to Biden won't be as fun and he isn't as good at it, lacking any policy-based core principles.

Trump was hard on Romney in the first campaign, trying to put himself above him.  Romney ran a weak campaign and lost.  Didn't like having that pointed out. 

Romney is a deeply religious man, Mormon which is Christian.  What does the bible say you do about that?  Focus all energies on revenge, right?  I don't think so, but anyway, it's done.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 09:46:22 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races - Georgia, Senate
« Reply #838 on: January 03, 2021, 09:52:48 AM »
I have to think Republicans will win these two races though they will be extremely close.

I have to believe cheating won't be as easy this time.

My backup prediction is the Loeffler wins and Perdue not.

No matter the outcome, what does it say for the future of the Republic if Georgia's 16 electoral votes are trending wacko Left?

How do we win national elections after we lose Georgia (and Texas)?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #839 on: January 03, 2021, 10:07:25 AM »
How do we win national elections after we lose Georgia (and Texas)?

we don't

and that is the plan .

yet never trumpers , like Roms , like Lincoln project self appointed elites
have nothing to say about this

because they only care about their own insider status

Wall street will sell us out to China to make a buck


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races, Big day today in Georgia
« Reply #840 on: January 05, 2021, 08:23:09 AM »
Call everyone you know in Georgia.

Trafalgar Group says THIS was THE unforced error:
$2000 checks are ‘socialism for rich people’ says McConnell, killing hope of extra stimulus

70% of Georgians think taking this money after the government forced you to not works does not equate to welfare.  Democrats are getting good mileage with this.  Elect the R's and you'll never see your money.

For months it was Nancy Pelosi holding up the stimulus.  No matter?  Can a $2000 or $4000 check sway 2% of the electorate, or 0.2%, the margin of victory or loss in Georgia?  Probably yes.

There goes the Republic.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 09:26:06 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #841 on: January 05, 2021, 09:44:52 AM »
".Trafalgar Group says THIS was THE unforced error:
$2000 checks are ‘socialism for rich people’ says McConnell, killing hope of extra stimulus"

Trump knew he could buy votes with the 2 K bribe
and Nancy of course tried to jump in front when she agreed
as she knows how easy it is to bribe voters

Then come McConnell with the 230 thing (perfectly valid) but of course the Dems who always wine about the rich are now suddenly for the rich
refuse to make a deal
and can now turn around and point the finger at the Republicans

If votes can be bought with.a donut and coffee
imagine what 2 K will do....

Doug I don't like what you are posting as I respect your opinions
  your worry is ringing alarm bells
that we are likely screwed....



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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #842 on: January 05, 2021, 02:22:43 PM »
ccp, I don't like the negativity I posted either.  We'll know soon enough. Just think every like minded person in Georgia better know that if we lose it all and they didn't vote, there is no going back, ever.

They aren't called 'illegals' voting next time.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 06:46:27 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #843 on: January 05, 2021, 07:49:39 PM »
Republicans up by 2-3% with 87% of the expected vote in.
What could possibly go wrong?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #844 on: January 05, 2021, 07:58:37 PM »
Republicans up by 2-3% with 87% of the expected vote in.
What could possibly go wrong?

Have they paused the count yet?


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #845 on: January 05, 2021, 08:16:46 PM »
"Have they paused the count yet?"

91% in.  Same margins.

When they say 91% of the expected vote in, that does not include the unexpected vote.

OMG, a water main broke, clearing the vote count area of observers...    just kidding, I think...
95% in.  One race just flipped., the other - margin down to near zero lead.

More up to date count:
15 precincts left to report out of 2656.  Why is always the Dem ones that come in last?

Now it looks like the pause is on.  Counting up how many they need.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2021, 09:15:43 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #846 on: January 06, 2021, 02:02:52 AM »
This changes everything.


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Re: finger pointing begins
« Reply #847 on: January 06, 2021, 07:20:33 AM »

never trumpers getting ready to pounce of course

Never Trumpers who vote for the other side and tell Republicans not to vote are not Republicans.

The claims weren't 'baseless'.  Even if some claims turn out wrong or not even enough to overturn, there was a basis for them.  But that's how yahoo of the msm reports.

Some of the fracturing happened in Georgia.  The Georgia Governor and Sec of State were part of the problem, refusing to investigate and to cooperate with investigations.  What's wrong with finding the truth?  The Governor's appointment of Loeffler turned out not good.  As stated by Newt and Trefalger, the 2000 stimulus game should not have been allowed to be turned against Republicans after Pelosi held up checks for months into the election.

Also radical Leftist Stacey Abrams went out and registered every African American in Georgia to vote over a 10 year period.  Where are the Republicans who work that hard?

The unexpected death of a popular US Senator set this up, then Perdue was quarantined on the 5 most important days of his campaign.

Worst news is, Georgia isn't conservative anymore.


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #848 on: January 06, 2021, 07:48:04 AM »
"Also radical Leftist Stacey Abrams went out and registered every African American in Georgia to vote over a 10 year period.  Where are the Republicans who work that hard?"

all about race, all the time

thanks Barry Goldwater .

trump made inroads but not enough
maybe he could have shown ( or faked) sympathy at times more
I don't know if would have made a difference ; the left was never going to give him credit for anything
and bash him for anything they could even dream of.

now senile Joe will be given credit for everything and not bashed for anything
trump will be blamed for everything for yrs
that is wrong

the thought of the grinning Harris going in to make tie breaking votes - to think she should have that much power
     she is ALL about "identity politics". - and now even that phrase is racist

the left uses RAce in everything then when called out about it label those who call them out racists.

can't predict the future but not looking good for the Republican party now

sadly our best bet could be after Left's takeover they dump the country into the garbage can and  then we can move into the debris heap and set us back on course


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Re: The US Congress; Congressional races
« Reply #849 on: January 06, 2021, 08:15:59 AM »
Race:  "trump made inroads but not enough".

   - Yes, but if Dems won let's say 85% of that vote instead of 95% of that vote, then it still pays big dividends to them to turn out the vote, without even asking who they support.  The momentum shift there may pay big dividends down the road.

"can't predict the future but not looking good for the Republican party now"

   - Yes, perhaps this is the low point.  If so, we are in a pretty good position of a losing brand name.  We have roughly half of the House of Representatives with re-districting coming that favors R's.  We have half the Senate, but not control.  We (almost) won the Presidency, 40,000 votes in question separate us from victory out of 160 million cast.  We have a majority of the Governors 27-23, and control of the state legislatures in 30 states.

And our very best asset coming into what we hope will be a resurgence ... what I credit for all my success in competitive sports ... weak opponents.   )

Joe Biden.  Really?  And not Joe in his prime Biden, but this one, you know, the thing, put on the record player, 2020.

Kamala Harris.  Received 0.0% of the vote in zero states after being the favorite but many to win it all.  Kamala MLK Harris, born to bring us fweedom.  The one we look to for inspiration in that special time of year when Kwanzaa comes around again.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer.

Iran deals back on the table, cavorting with China, close the economy, stall the economy, summer of recovery, with it's going to be a cold dark winter optimism. They don't even want economic growth.

It's easier to criticize than to govern.  There isn't 10 cents of charisma among the above and they aren't grooming new leaders or new arguments, just bolder plans.  Every Dem I know is unexcited about Biden, just hated Trump and everyone who stood with him.  Now we start over, and do it better this time.