Author Topic: Subversion: Antifa-BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , Hamasholes, satanism  (Read 174118 times)


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ET: Tranny treatments create life-long patients
« Reply #901 on: April 15, 2022, 05:22:30 AM »
Childhood Transgender Treatments Create ‘Life-Long’ Patients: Alabama Doctor
By Matt McGregor April 13, 2022 Updated: April 13, 2022biggersmaller Print
Amid a groundswell of debate over the rationality of minors receiving medical treatment to change their genders, one Alabama physician is speaking about the long-term effects of pharmaceutical and surgical alterations and how they can make a child “a life-long patient.”

Patrick Lappert, a plastic surgeon with Lappert Skin Care in Alabama, spoke in favor of state Senate Bill 184 in Senate and House committees. The bill makes it a felony for doctors to treat minors—defined in Alabama state law as any person under the age of 19—with pharmaceutical and surgical transgender procedures, and carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

Gov. Kay Ivey signed the bill into law on April 8, stating that children should be protected from “radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries when they are at such a vulnerable stage in life.”

The legislation was criticized by President Joe Biden’s administration, which declared its support for children having access to these treatments to prevent them, according to the administration, from committing suicide.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that lawmakers “who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that health care professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and federal law.”

Lappert told The Epoch Times that proponents of gender transitioning will say that it’s wrong to not treat children with gender-affirming therapy because not treating them leads to suicide.

However, those proponents, Lappert said, are ignoring the fact that historically successful treatment of children experiencing gender dysphoria—the feeling that one’s own gender identity is not what was assigned at birth—has a 92 percent success rate if the child is followed into young adulthood.

‘The Booming Business of Gender Clinics’
It used to be that only 0.02 percent of all children had cross-sex self-identification, Lappert said, and of those few children, over 80 percent were boys.

In the past seven years, there has been a 5,000 percent increase in the diagnosis of gender dysphoria, and now, over 60 percent of new diagnoses are adolescent or young adult females, he said.

“It’s presenting at an older age and primarily involving girls, so that’s the first thing to understand about it,” he said. “Another thing to understand about it is the method of treatment that begins with social transitioning.”

Previously, treatment involved family and individual cognitive therapy, he said, which resulted in a 92 percent success rate.

This is the success rate against which the new affirmation model should be judged, he said.

But currently, there is only one method of treatment allowed, Lappert said. It’s called affirmation care, and it’s provided through what Lappert described as “the booming business of gender clinics.”

“That’s another important point to make here,” he said. “Just 10 years ago, there were only five gender clinics in the whole United States. Now, it’s somewhere on the high side of 57.”

Affirmation care itself begins with social affirmation, which Lappert said seems to calm the anxieties of the child because it affirms that the child has correctly identified their gender.

That affirmation grooms the child for later therapeutic interventions, Lappert said.

Prepubescent children are offered hope that their anxiety will go away with the gender-affirming messages that involve changing their names, pronouns, and clothing.

“It appears to have solved the problem because the child feels better, but they also prepare the child to anticipate that when puberty comes, they’re going to be put on puberty blockers,” he said. “So when the child first starts manifesting signs of puberty, it’s going to provoke renewed anxiety.”

At that point, the child—and the parents—have been groomed to seek out puberty blockers, he said.

“That’s another important point to make here,” he said. “The parents are as much victims of this idea of this as the child is. The parents are victimized by this idea that there is only one course of treatment and it’s got to be affirmation.”

Puberty-blocking drugs were intended to treat precocious puberty, which is a condition of abnormally high hormonal secretions. That’s not the case in children identifying as transgender, who exhibit normal hormonal secretions.

“What you’re doing is blocking normal hormonal signaling that manages virtually every developmental process in the growing child,” he said.

This includes skeletal growth and density, muscle mass, neuromuscular coordination, higher executive mental functioning such as psychological and emotional development, and sexual maturation, he said.

“All of these things are arrested, and the providers of the medication insist that the point of puberty blockade is to hit the pause button, giving the child time to develop emotionally so that they can participate in decision making,” he said. “That’s a self-evident lie because now you’ve blocked psychological development with the drug.”

From there, he said, nearly 100 percent of children who are prescribed puberty blockers then proceed to take cross-sex hormones at gender clinics, which Lappert said is because at that point the children are smaller, with immature mental development, contributing to a feeling of separation from their peers.

“So they’ll come to believe that they really are different, and they’ll demand cross-sex hormones because they want to mature, and this comes with its own consequences,” he said.

Lappert said it’s common to see problems with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, weight gain from the high dose of estrogen, aggressive rage disorders, and elevated risks of thrombotic events such as blood clots in the body that can dislodge and cause a thrombotic heart attack or stroke.

“To add to that, there are long-term risks to the young adult because you are essentially chemically castrating the child and making them a lifelong dependent on these high doses of hormones,” Lappert said.

This lifetime of high doses of hormones can lead to elevated blood pressure and cholesterol levels, obesity, and malignancy, he said.

Can This Be Reversed?
The likelihood that the effects of short-term puberty blockers are reversible depends on how short the term is, Lappert said.

“We don’t really know because this is a public experiment,” he said. “Nobody knows the long-term effects of puberty blockade on healthy children. We know the long-term effects of puberty blockade on children with precocious puberty, and they’re not negligible, but it’s an acceptable risk because there can be significant medical consequences for not blocking puberty in a precocious pubertal child.”

The Self-Diagnosis of a Child
There is also the issue of the source of the diagnosis, he said, which is the child.

Because children don’t have high executive functioning, they aren’t allowed to do things like vote and buy alcohol, he said, yet they’re permitted in this case to be their own diagnostician in medical treatment that he said is irreversible.

“And by the way, it should be emphasized that neither the pediatrician, nor the pediatric endocrinologist, nor the plastic surgeon does anything to confirm or refute a diagnosis that was made by a child,” he said.

It’s the child’s word, he said, that drives the interventions.

“So, you have a child in the gender clinic from age 5, now 18, presented to a plastic surgeon to get her mastectomy done, a child who’s been on puberty blockers for two years, cross-sex hormones for four years, all based on the diagnosis of a child,” he said.

The diagnosis is not just based on the words of a child, but a child who is reportedly suffering from anxiety and suicidality, he said.

“As a plastic surgeon, I wouldn’t give a consent form to anyone who told me they were suicidal,” he said. “Why? Because, by definition, they are incompetent to give consent.”

Meanwhile, the parents are giving consent under duress because they’re being told the only course of treatment is to transition their children, he said, or there’s a 41 percent chance they’ll kill themselves.

“That’s not free will,” he said. “That’s not a valid consent process. I don’t care who you are. And yet, they’ll accept the diagnosis of a child confirmed by a social worker who is driving irreversible hormonal manipulation and surgery. Tell me that’s not malpractice.”

Pull Advertising
This is all driven, he said, by a propaganda campaign driven by politically active organizations pouring money and literature into schools through what he called “pull advertising,” which he said is similar to how pharmaceutical companies run commercials on television that market toward the patient, but not the doctor.

The patient sees the commercial, then asks his or her doctor about the medication.

“Well, basically the literature being given to schoolteachers, nurses, and social workers amounts to ideologically driven pull advertising,” he said. “Gender literature is essentially pull advertising for this industry, and there is a tremendous amount of funding from the pharmaceutical industry that goes down through universities.”

Legal Action
Two physicians from the Children’s Hospital of Alabama at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) are suing Gov. Ivey, arguing (pdf) that SB 184 violates “constitutional guarantees of equal protection and due process, impermissibly intruding into a parents’ fundamental right to obtain safe, effective, and medically necessary care for their children.”

Dr. Morissa Ladinsky, one of the plaintiffs, was quoted in a press release issued by the LGBT-advocate organization, the Human Rights Campaign.

“By signing SB 184, Governor Ivey has told kind, loving, and loyal Alabama families that they cannot stay here without denying their children the basic medical care they need,” Ladinisky said. “She has undermined the health and well-being of Alabama children and put doctors like me in the horrifying position of choosing between ignoring the medical needs of our patients or risking being sent to prison.”

‘Common Sense’
Eric Johnston, an attorney with the Southeast Law Institute who helped write one of the versions of the bill, told The Epoch Times that UAB admitted in testimony to state committees that they were prescribing the pharmaceutical transgender treatments, but not the surgical procedures, and had not Ivey signed the bill, the surgery would have been the next step as it “became more acceptable.”

On Ivey’s signing of the bill, Johnston called it “common sense.”

“You just don’t operate on children to change their sex because they think they have this idea that they were born in the wrong body,” Johnston said. “They can make that decision when they are an adult.”

In response to accusations that the bill is discriminatory and hateful, Johnston said, “It’s not about hate.”

“It’s about love and compassion for small children,” he said.


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ET: Investors aim to drive leftists out of business
« Reply #902 on: April 15, 2022, 05:32:21 AM »
Investors aim to drive leftists out of business

Wokeness battles go to boardrooms


Conservative investors are becoming shareholder activists to battle what they call the “woke” gender and race policies of America’s corporate boardrooms.

The American Legislative Exchange Council, a network of conservative private investors and state legislators, recently introduced model legislation that would stop state pension fund managers from introducing “woke criteria” into the investment selection process.

The National Center for Public Policy Research, a conservative tank in Washington, is telling moderate and conservative investors how to use shareholder proxies to challenge liberal policies in corporate board elections.

The center’s Free Enterprise Project has purchased shares in corporations such as the Walt Disney Co., which it says has allowed conservative proxies to introduce proposals against “woke” ideology at more than 100 shareholder meetings over the past four years.

“Conservative activism is finally beginning to counterbalance progressive activism on issues like identity politics and climate change goals,” said Richard Morrison, a senior fellow at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Last week, the Free Enterprise Project published a guide — “Balancing the Boardroom: How Conservatives Can Combat Corporate Wokeness” — for investors who want to push back on the

liberal policies of companies such as Walmart and Disney.

“For decades, the left was synonymous with counterculture. Today, it is the culture,” the guide states.

“So if we are to learn anything from leftists, to their credit it’s that counterculture done right can be an effective strategy,” it adds.

The guide urges conservative shareholders to “vote against every board member” of Nike, Amazon, Disney, Twitter, Apple, Walmart, Microsoft and several other companies.

It also asks conservatives to vote against 12 specific board members, including former Vice President Al Gore at Apple.

“Vote against these directors, and then join us in constantly reminding these companies that we sensible people of the center-right will not rest until their companies have returned to making products … and otherwise staying well away from political and social discord,” Scott Shepard, an author of the guide, said in a statement.

Diversity, equity and inclusion training programs at Walmart and Disney have taught their employees that White people are inherently racist, the guide says.

Such anti-racism training often asks employees to rank themselves on a “privilege totem pole,” which the guide said divides employees by race by consistently placing White employees at the top.

Walt Disney and Walmart did not respond to requests for comment.

Walmart has stated in diversity and inclusion reports that the retail giant has used the Racial Equity Institute’s anti-racism curriculum for training sessions with corporate officers and salaried managers since 2018.

“While the company does not agree with all of the views that were presented, we have found these sessions to be thought-provoking and constructive,” a Walmart spokesperson told The Times in October.

Disney successfully urged shareholders last month to vote against the National Center for Public Policy Research’s proposed audit of its anti-racism training for employees because it “mischaracterizes the company’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.”

“Our training program is a critical piece of achieving these goals, including the company’s work to assure an environment that is free of discrimination and inclusive of all,” Disney said in its 2022 proxy statement.

Large corporations also have begun to take public stances on hot-button political issues.

The Free Enterprise Project report noted that Disney CEO Bob Chapek has publicly battled Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, over the state’s new law that forbids K-3 teachers from giving lessons on sexuality.

It pointed out a spike in corporate intrusions into state-level political debates over election integrity laws, climate change science and COVID-19 vaccine policies.

Mr. Morrison, the libertarian analyst, said companies such as Disney “correctly see these topics as trendy and high-profile, and they fear that if they don’t join the bandwagon their company will be singled out as irresponsible or insensitive.”

“Many corporate leaders seem to assume that once their company is seen as doing above the minimum amount of virtue signaling, advocates of woke policy will move on to the next target,” he said. “But appeasement of anti-corporate activists has always itself been a risky move.”

Meanwhile, conservatives show no sign of giving up their push to remake America’s boardrooms.

“So many of these CEOs are trapped in a bubble, surrounded by people who have bought into woke corporate culture,” said Ilan Srulovicz, CEO of Egard Watch Co. in Florida.

“They’re forgetting that more than three-quarters of the public is not on board and doesn’t want to be preached to,” the small-business owner added.


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #905 on: April 20, 2022, 02:41:14 AM »
Study: Suicide, risky behaviors more likely in transgender kids


Transgender and genderquestioning teenagers are more likely than their peers to engage in risky sexual behavior, commit suicide and be the victims of bullying, according to new medical research. The study by Vanderbilt University researchers Gilbert Gonzales and Cameron Deal found that transgender and questioning teenagers reported experiencing bullying, sexual and dating violence, mental health problems, suicidal tendencies, risky sexual behaviors, and drug and alcohol abuse at higher levels than that of their peers. And more transgender students reported these health disparities than their genderquestioning peers.

“Transgender adolescents reported differences from cisgender adolescents on most measures in all 5 domains and from genderquestioning adolescents on most measures in all domains except sexual risk behaviors,” the researchers wrote in the study.

Their research, which was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, surveyed high school students in 15 states.

While only 18% of the students who identified with their biological sex reported being bullied at school, 41% of transgender students and 37% of gender-questioning students said it had happened to them.

Only 6.9% of high school teenagers who identified with their birth gender reported making a suicide attempt, compared to 30% of transgender and 27.9% of questioning peers.

Transgender teens also reported being more sexually active than their peers, with more of them having unprotected sex and sex with four or more partners. More transgender teens than others said they used addictive substances before sex as well. Transgender and questioning high school students were also at least 10% more likely than their peers to smoke cigarettes, vape, drink alcohol, binge drink, smoke marijuana and use cocaine.

The study analyzed data sets from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, which 48 U.S. states conduct on an average of every two years. The national health survey focuses on high school students in grades 9 to 12.

Of the 197,149 teenagers surveyed, 96.6% said they identified with the gender of their biological sex. Only 1.8% of high school students described themselves as transgender and 1.6% as gender questioning.

There were 4,092 transgender respondents, 3,661 gender-questioning respondents, 189,396 cisgender participants and 3,942 who said they did not know what the question was asking.

Another 6,131 students were excluded from the final results because they skipped the gender identity question.


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #906 on: April 20, 2022, 07:32:14 AM »
This just in, mentally ill teens mentally ill!


Study: Suicide, risky behaviors more likely in transgender kids


Transgender and genderquestioning teenagers are more likely than their peers to engage in risky sexual behavior, commit suicide and be the victims of bullying, according to new medical research. The study by Vanderbilt University researchers Gilbert Gonzales and Cameron Deal found that transgender and questioning teenagers reported experiencing bullying, sexual and dating violence, mental health problems, suicidal tendencies, risky sexual behaviors, and drug and alcohol abuse at higher levels than that of their peers. And more transgender students reported these health disparities than their genderquestioning peers.

“Transgender adolescents reported differences from cisgender adolescents on most measures in all 5 domains and from genderquestioning adolescents on most measures in all domains except sexual risk behaviors,” the researchers wrote in the study.

Their research, which was published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, surveyed high school students in 15 states.

While only 18% of the students who identified with their biological sex reported being bullied at school, 41% of transgender students and 37% of gender-questioning students said it had happened to them.

Only 6.9% of high school teenagers who identified with their birth gender reported making a suicide attempt, compared to 30% of transgender and 27.9% of questioning peers.

Transgender teens also reported being more sexually active than their peers, with more of them having unprotected sex and sex with four or more partners. More transgender teens than others said they used addictive substances before sex as well. Transgender and questioning high school students were also at least 10% more likely than their peers to smoke cigarettes, vape, drink alcohol, binge drink, smoke marijuana and use cocaine.

The study analyzed data sets from the 2017 and 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, which 48 U.S. states conduct on an average of every two years. The national health survey focuses on high school students in grades 9 to 12.

Of the 197,149 teenagers surveyed, 96.6% said they identified with the gender of their biological sex. Only 1.8% of high school students described themselves as transgender and 1.6% as gender questioning.

There were 4,092 transgender respondents, 3,661 gender-questioning respondents, 189,396 cisgender participants and 3,942 who said they did not know what the question was asking.

Another 6,131 students were excluded from the final results because they skipped the gender identity question.


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48 minutes of Beck on Grooming
« Reply #908 on: April 25, 2022, 12:35:54 PM »


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sad how Hooters takes advantage of girls sexuality
« Reply #909 on: April 29, 2022, 10:15:31 AM »


she doesn't even say if she gave the guy her #

presumably not.


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #910 on: April 29, 2022, 10:43:23 AM »
She looks very nutritious , , ,


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So much for Ninth Amendment parental rights , , ,
« Reply #911 on: April 29, 2022, 11:01:54 AM »


Teachers told to hide gender issues from parents


Florida has recently banned sex education before fourth grade, but Maryland is a different world: For years, the state school system has directed teachers not to inform parents about gender-transitioning students.

Since 2015, Maryland State Department of Education guidelines have said public schools have no legal obligation to disclose a transgender or gender nonconforming student’s sexuality to parents. Those students have the right “to decide when, with whom, and how much private information” to share about changes in their gender identities.

In Montgomery County, parents are awaiting a federal ruling on their 2020 lawsuit to overturn a school district policy that requires teachers to hide how gender-transitioning students identify at school by reverting to “birth” names and pronouns with “unsupportive” caregivers.

“Based on remarkably little information, the schools are willing to hide from parents that their children are making life-altering decisions, cutting those children off from the care and counsel of those who know them best,” said lawyer Rick Claybrook, who is representing the parents. “This violates not just common sense, but the federal and state constitutions, federal and state laws and regulations, and medical standards of care for transgender minors.”

Across the country, parents have increasingly challenged the sexual content of materials and

Conspire with students on names, pronouns

policies in schools, prompting changes in government as well as education in red states. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, last month signed the Parental Rights in Education bill, which critics have denounced as the “Don’t Say Gay” law.

In the deep-blue state of Maryland, state officials in June updated the Comprehensive Health Education framework, which prescribes responses for an escalating series of gender identity questions from preschoolers to high schoolers.

Using a Maryland Public Information Act request, Fox 45 News in Baltimore first reported this month that an LGBTQ presentation advises Harford County teachers how to respond when students say “they are currently transitioning” and their parents do not know.

“You may be unsure if [the parents] are supportive of this transition or not,” one of the presenters says. “What you could say is, ‘Thank you for letting me know. Is there anything that I can do to support you?’” The presenter adds: “And just like the question regarding the roster, or the ‘what would you do scenario’ — same exact question — you can say back, ‘When I communicate with your parent or guardian, what name and pronouns would you like me to use?’” In a subsection on “gender identity and expression,” Standard 1c of the health framework says preschoolers need to learn only to “recognize and respect that people express themselves in many different ways.”

At the kindergarten level, the standard says students must “recognize a range of ways people identify and express their gender.” By the time children reach seventh grade, the standard tells teachers to have them “compare sex assigned at birth and gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ.”

The high school standard instructs health teachers: “Examine the impact of gender expression and gender identity on members of marginalized communities and analyze the intersectionality of race, culture, and gender for members of those communities.”

A spokesperson for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican who is term-limited, said the health education framework was “developed independently” and did not include the governor’s name.

“Curriculum decisions are made by local school systems, and the governor strongly believes that parents should have a say in those decisions. In addition, school systems are required to provide students with the ability to opt out of the curriculum,” communications director Michael Ricci said in an email.

State education officials did not respond to a request for comment.

Conservatives say collaboration in such matters should start with school systems referring gender identity questions to parents. The conservative Heritage Foundation think tank said in a March 2021 report that the Constitution and federal law “do not grant public school districts the authority to circumvent parental consent or notification” about changes in a student’s gender identity.

Julie Giordano, a mother and an 11thgrade English teacher at James M. Bennett High School in Salisbury has accused school officials of evading parental scrutiny and ignoring parental rights in these matters.

“When you’re telling teachers they don’t have to keep parents in the loop, it very much goes against educational transparency,” said Ms. Giordano, who is running as a Republican for Wicomico County executive


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software update


and it will be even worse

gay marriage might be reversed

women's right vote might be next

blacks back in chains may be next

etc etc


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Harris : how dare you!
« Reply #915 on: May 04, 2022, 04:08:16 PM »
sounds like some little scandinavian girl

I guess killing little female fetuses is not an issue

playing the gender card

the only thing harris can do
play gender or race cards


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The Slippery Slope of the Progressive Progression
« Reply #917 on: May 10, 2022, 09:44:49 AM »
Let us get married.

Bake our cake.

Use our pronouns.

Allow minors in drag to dance for us.

Let teachers choose your child's gender.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 09:49:06 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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yes many doctors are not totally on board with this
« Reply #919 on: May 12, 2022, 10:05:58 AM »

got email from state of Florida pointing this out

and posted at my work
that primary care doctors may not be fully qualified to be treating this.
While we are never forced to treat anything we do not feel "comfortable" with
we are getting messages to consider......

I was thanked for my opinion
but probably not spoken of highly behind the scenes  :wink:

so far I am still employed  :-D


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Re: yes many doctors are not totally on board with this
« Reply #920 on: May 12, 2022, 10:25:10 AM »

If a parent wants you to mutilate their child, it used to be seen as child abuse.

got email from state of Florida pointing this out

and posted at my work
that primary care doctors may not be fully qualified to be treating this.
While we are never forced to treat anything we do not feel "comfortable" with
we are getting messages to consider......

I was thanked for my opinion
but probably not spoken of highly behind the scenes  :wink:

so far I am still employed  :-D


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MSM puts Princeton classmate on who bashes Justice Alito
« Reply #924 on: May 13, 2022, 03:34:10 PM »

they do not mention this professor of English and gender studies is not an attorney

she is on to scream "misogyny"!


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minor school scuffle
« Reply #929 on: May 19, 2022, 10:03:17 AM »
turned into national
racial hate crime:

I assume we will have 1 billion signatures by end of month


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University "professor"
« Reply #933 on: May 30, 2022, 01:09:18 PM »


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second post
« Reply #936 on: June 01, 2022, 05:43:30 PM »


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got this message in my email today
« Reply #940 on: June 02, 2022, 09:23:32 AM »
notice name of school


June 2, 2022

Noro-Like Illness Outbreak at Me Too Preschool in Burrillville

On June 2, 2022, the Rhode Island Department of Health’s (RIDOH) Center for Acute Infectious Disease Epidemiology (CAIDE) identified a Noro-like illness outbreak at Me Too Preschool in Burrillville.
Today a letter is being sent to parents to notify them of the outbreak, and parents are being advised to keep children home if they are ill. The letter to parents also includes tips to prevent further spread of the illness, including proper hand hygiene. The school has also been advised to use appropriate products when conducting the extensive cleaning of the school.
CAIDE advises healthcare providers to have a high index of diagnostic suspicion in anyone from Me Too Preschool in Burrillville with severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
In addition, healthcare providers are urged to remind patients and household members:

Stay home while ill.
If you are a food handler, healthcare worker, or child care worker and you are ill, stay home from work until vomiting and diarrhea have stopped for at least 48 hours.
Wash hands with soap and warm water, especially after using the bathroom or changing a diaper and before eating, preparing, or handling food.
Immediately clean and disinfect any surface that may be contaminated with vomit or feces. Use a cleaning solution of 5-25 tablespoons of bleach to one gallon of water or an EPA-registered disinfectant that is effective against norovirus.
Wash clothes, sheets, and towels that may be contaminated in the longest washing machine cycle available, and machine dry. Be sure to wash your hands after handling contaminated laundry.
Proper hand hygiene continues to be important even after patients return to school or work.
Additional Information:
Any questions can be directed to RIDOH at 401-222-2577.
The following letter was sent to parents:

Dear Parent or Guardian,
This week, there has been an increase in the number of students at Me Too Preschool who are ill with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Our administration has been working closely with the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) to prevent more illnesses. The symptoms our students are having are common with stomach viruses, such as norovirus, which typically cause illness for one to two days and then pass.
Most stomach viruses can be passed through contact with an ill person or touching surfaces or objects that have been contaminated and then touching your mouth or food. Although these types of viruses are contagious, they are also preventable. Here are some steps that parents, students, and day care staff can take to prevent this virus from spreading:

If your child has nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, keep your child home from school, social events, and extracurricular activities until the symptoms have passed. 
Let the day care staff know immediately if your child has these symptoms.
Always use soap and warm water to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after going to the bathroom, changing a diaper, or cleaning up after an ill child.  If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand gel.
Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces with a bleach and water solution or an EPA-registered disinfectant [] that is effective against norovirus. Laundry and bedding soiled by vomit and diarrhea should be washed and dried at the hottest possible settings allowed for those fabrics.
Any household member with similar symptoms who works at a restaurant, child care center, or healthcare facility must stay home from work until at least two days after vomiting and diarrhea have stopped.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our daycare at (401) 567-5227. 


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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #942 on: June 03, 2022, 07:14:46 PM »
 :-o :-o :-o :x :x :x


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Durham - "stunning "
« Reply #944 on: June 08, 2022, 06:39:47 AM »

typical woke

up is down
black is white
fat is beautiful
skinny is fat shaming
what you know is true is wrong


the sun is cold
homeless is cool
living in a car makes one a hero



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Re: Durham - "stunning "
« Reply #946 on: June 08, 2022, 09:38:12 AM »
Why wasn't Greenpeace there to shove her back into the water?

typical woke

up is down
black is white
fat is beautiful
skinny is fat shaming
what you know is true is wrong


the sun is cold
homeless is cool
living in a car makes one a hero



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Re: Antifa, BLM, SJW warriors, gender warriors , victimhood, cancel culture
« Reply #947 on: June 08, 2022, 10:26:32 AM »
"Why wasn't Greenpeace there to shove her back into the water?"

good question

one can imagine the "carbon foot print " she has.... with all her farts and all