Author Topic: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc  (Read 281856 times)


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Biden monkey pox: health emergency
« Reply #1858 on: August 04, 2022, 01:29:54 PM »
meaning spend spend and more spending

the Dems answer to everything:

I don't understand this
A president can make a political gesture by declaring anything an emergency
thus bypass the legislature

why can't congress do their job and control the purse strings?


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Nuremburg 2.0 is coming-globally
« Reply #1860 on: August 07, 2022, 09:06:09 AM »

There will be lots of small Nuremberg 2.0 trials taking place informally.


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Theory of Long Covid
« Reply #1862 on: August 17, 2022, 07:03:22 AM »
How Masking Contributes to Long COVID




If You Have Toenail Fungus Try This at Home (It's Genius!)
If You Have Toenail Fungus Try This at Home (It's Genius!)

A lingering disorder that can last for months or years is affecting an increasing proportion of the workforce. The symptoms that contribute to Long COVID could be a result of pandemic measures and masking in particular. Increased exposure to microplastics, nanoparticles, chemicals in masks, and nasopharyngeal tests parallel many of the symptoms that define Long COVID.

Surveys among thousands of people suggest 7 percent to 30 percent of people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus experienced one or more symptoms for a period longer than 12 weeks. Some people who got COVID-19 early in the pandemic still haven’t recovered.

The syndrome Long COVID is complex as symptoms may fluctuate and people go through different stages. Symptoms have been protracted by patients at ICU and those with organ damage, but also occurred in people with only a mild infection. A list of sixty-two different symptoms define the syndrome of Long COVID. Fatigue, brain fog, breathlessness, anxiety, depression, and a loss of smell and taste are among the most frequently found symptoms.

Most scientists and medical doctors—including media—link Long COVID symptoms to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. This would be the first Coronavirus in history causing long-lasting chronic symptoms in a high percentage of the workforce. People with Long COVID can experience social isolation and stigma because of their inability to perform. The rise of Long COVID has created millions of new people with disabilities.

The root cause of the disease is still mysterious. In several case studies and an excellent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that investigated many diagnostic parameters in people with and without Long COVID, no biological change could explain a link to Long COVID. Some scientists relate the symptoms of Long COVID to other complex diseases of multidisciplinary origin like Alzheimer’s disease, Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or hyperventilation syndrome.

Many countries have started special clinics and funded research especially for studying lingering effects. A one-size-fits-all successful treatment has not been found yet. Thousands or maybe over a hundred million are frustrated at the lack of treatment available. Doctors and scientists prefer a holistic approach, but medical and social services are often understaffed.

Desperate patients with Long COVID symptoms are traveling abroad to private clinics for blood apheresis and the prescription of anti-coagulation drugs, though treatments are still experimental and evidence on effectiveness is still lacking. For some patients these treatments have been successful, for others not.

COVID-19 vaccination has been a hot topic in speeches of politicians and advertising in the media as a motivation for preventing Long COVID. However, a large study among 13 million people published in Nature Medicine could only demonstrate a small effect.

A study published in the Italian Journal of Pediatrics demonstrated that physical symptoms were restored much faster as compared to mental symptoms, suggesting Long COVID could be related to pandemic measures rather than a viral infection. The risks for Long COVID symptoms have shown to be increased for people with existing chronic diseases, increasing age, and lower income, women being more susceptible than men.

Fear, social isolation, depression, and worries for education and decreased income are thought to be related to the symptoms of Long COVID in children with and without a positive PCR test. As the emergency of the pandemic continues a worrying spike in chronic diseases, suicide, and excess mortality are noticed at the global level. This indicates the deprivation of a resilient immune system with an increased susceptibility for lingering symptoms of Long COVID.

Symptoms of Long COVID Link to MIES
At this point there has been limited attention for a possible relation of Long COVID and exposure to chemicals in masks, nasopharyngeal tests, and disinfectants. In a meta-analysis by an interdisciplinary team of German physicians, a potential risk of Mask Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES) has been found. The most frequently observed symptoms (fatigue, headaches, dizziness, lack of concentration) as described for MIES overlap with important symptoms for Long COVID syndrome.

The lack of smell and taste during COVID-19 seems to be different as compared to symptoms during the flu. A lack of taste and smell are frequently observed after chemotherapy in cancer treatments and has been linked to malnutrition, inflammation, and depression. Also, brain fog is a symptom occurring after chemotherapy. It seems likely that harmful effects by long-term mask-wearing and frequent nasopharyngeal testing with increased exposure to chemicals (not naturally found products) can accelerate symptoms and contribute to Long COVID.

Up to now, the safety of long-term and frequent wearing of masks and taking nasal swab samples in a delicate area in the nose, often by hardly experienced persons, have been poorly investigated. Severe nose bleedings (epistaxis), cerebrospinal fluid leakage, vomiting, dizziness, and fainting have been reported. Most frequently used masks and nasopharyngeal tests are derived from China with less strict controls and measures for the presence of hazardous materials.

In several countries masks and nasopharyngeal tests delivered by governments were taken from the market. Microplastics, nanoparticles (graphene oxide, titanium dioxide, silver, ethylene oxide, coloring compounds, fluorocarbon (PFAS) and heavy metals have been found in masks and nasopharyngeal tests. Unfortunately, not all masks and tests used during the pandemic are controlled. A report from the Dutch Public Health institute (RIVM) released in November 2021 stated “the safety of masks cannot be guaranteed.”

The short- and long-term impact of frequent exposure on the physiology and physical and mental functioning of the human body is unknown. Harmful effects for children, who are less able to detoxify, could result in a compromised immune and nervous system resulting in repeated and rare infections with more chronic diseases during aging and less healthy future generations.

Microplastics and nanoparticles withdraw proteins, vitamins, and minerals forming bio-corona (microclots), accumulating in important organs (blood, liver, gut, lung tissue), and disturb important physiological and immunological processes

The liver, lungs, and gut are important organs in energy metabolism, detoxification and surveillance by the innate immune system. Disrupting a delicate gut-liver-brain axis can relate to fatigue and exhaustion.

Seeking More Answers for a Long COVID Mystery
The Belgium Public Health Institute, Sciensano, found titanium dioxide in 24 types of masks. A recent publication in Gut showed that exposure to titanium dioxide could exacerbate inflammation of the colon (Colitis Ulcerosa) weakening the innate immune system. Furthermore, titanium dioxide can enter directly into the brain and cause oxidative stress in glial cells (or mast cells), cells with an important role in the proper functioning of the innate immune system and nervous system. Maternal exposure to titanium dioxide during pregnancy may result in impaired memory in the infant. Long-term exposure and high concentrations could even cause DNA damage. Unfortunately, masks with titanium dioxide are still available on the market.

Mental problems, anxiety and depression, have been linked to a change in the microbiome. Researchers from Stanford University observed in patients with gut inflammation (Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Colitis Ulcerosa) a link to missing gut microbes as compared to healthy persons. A significantly increased risk of a new onset of psychiatric illness is concentrated in the early post-acute phase of a COVID-19 infection.

A team of Japanese scientists discovered the presence of pathogens (bacteria and fungi) on the inner and outer side of various masks. In case of a disrupted growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi the body is exposed to a higher concentration of (myco)toxins that often leads to feeling fatigue and sickness.

Overgrowth of facultative anaerobe bacteria (bacteria needing less oxygen) for example methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has been related to mask acne and mask mouth. Staphylococcus aureus may cause pneumonia, sepsis, and blood poisoning. Many of the exotoxins and secreted enzymes secreted by these bacteria suppress the T cell repertoire of the immune system. The excreted products can also cause aggregation of phagocytes, decreasing phagocytosis resulting in an impaired innate and adaptive immune system.

A long-term albeit small change in the O2/CO2 gases in the inhaled air may influence an unfavorable change in the microbiome on the skin, mouth, nose, lungs and gut. Both oxygen and carbon dioxide are the primary gaseous substrate and product respectively, of oxidative metabolism in each cell. Variations in the levels of these gases outside the physiological range can lead to pathological conditions including respiratory and heart problems, permanent injury, immune suppression, increased aging, and altered gene expression for fertility and death. Carbon dioxide poisoning is recognized as an often-forgotten cause of intoxication in the emergency department. Several studies found an increased level of carbon dioxide when wearing masks. This phenomenon was more pronounced during sports.

The laboratory of a South Africa scientist has found significant microclot formation in Long COVID patients and acute COVID patients. Acute COVID-19 is not only a lung disease but affects the vascular and coagulation system. Unfortunately, inflammatory molecules are missed in normal blood tests as they are entrapped in the fibrinolytic resistant microclots. The presence of the microclots and hyperactivated platelets perpetuates coagulation and vascular pathology, resulting in cells not getting enough oxygen. Oxygen deprivation damages every single organ. Many COVID patients have low oxygen in the blood and are treated with oxygen therapy.

Oxygen deprivation at the cellular level is also described for bio-corona that are formed in the human body when exposed to graphene-oxide and microplastics. Graphene-oxide and microplastics are found in masks and nasopharyngeal swabs and may enter the human body via airways, eyes, or food.

Two and a half years into the pandemic the immune system is disrupted by O2 deprivation and exposure to microplastics, nanoparticles, and other toxic chemicals. This leads to an unfavorable change in the microbiome, brain damage, inflammation, and the formation of microclots. Microclots could be amyloids formed by excreted bacterial products and/or bio-corona, formed by nanoparticle and microplastics. The microclots cannot naturally break down by fibrinolysis and accelerates O2 deprivation in capillaries and at the cellular level.

Wearing Masks and Nasopharyngeal Swabs Could Lead to (Sudden) Death
The results of Foegen’s observational study published in Medicine strongly suggest that mask mandates caused 50 percent more deaths compared to no mask mandates. Dr. Foegen theorized that hyper-condensed droplets caught by masks are reinhaled and introduced deeper into the respiratory tract responsible for higher viral loads and an increased mortality rate (The Foegen effect). Exposure to microplastics may result in lung fibrosis.

Also, a peer-reviewed study published in April 2022 on mask usage across Europe noted a moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe.

Not Harm, Supporting Lives Is the Purpose of Life
The policy of politicians and advisory experts promoting a reintroduction of pandemic measures is a high risk for a disastrous effect for a now chemically poisoned population with a weakened immune system.

In many countries in the world excessive mortality and sickness is observed. Each of the measures including COVID-19 vaccination might have their own contribution to the weakened immune system.

The observed microclots in patients with Long COVID and acute COVID, independent of COVID-19 vaccination, is indicating that any measure that may cause oxygen deprivation or inflammation is a risk for sudden death, and more severe infectious and chronic diseases (liver, heart problems. and neurodegenerative diseases). At this moment it is not known which concentration of microclots and oxygen deprivation may result in severe symptoms or even death.

Above all, after two and a half years into the pandemic, neglecting the basic principles of Public Health, the pandemic measures do not show benefits in reduction of COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 deaths. The policy of mask-wearing and frequent testing is ineffective, expensive, and causes harm to humanity and the environment. Therefore, mask-wearing and frequent testing should be halted immediately worldwide.

The priority need is a political will and governmental funding to focus on strengthening the immune system, preventing malnutrition and famine for all. Moreover, millions of individuals suffering from Long COVID, or side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have the right for personal and financial support. Otherwise many people may become disabled as a result of poor management of this crisis.

From the Brownstone Institute

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1864 on: August 17, 2022, 07:48:39 AM »
I would like to think this led to arrests.   Where is the animal rights crowd on this?


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1865 on: August 17, 2022, 07:25:43 PM »
I would like to think this led to arrests.   Where is the animal rights crowd on this?

In the left's caste system, LGBTPedo outranks animal rights.


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US military seriously damaged by ClotShot
« Reply #1867 on: August 18, 2022, 06:36:42 AM »


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does anyone believe this?
« Reply #1869 on: August 23, 2022, 06:23:17 AM »
one can make some theoretical association

between climate change and

EVERY ailment known to human kind

AND come up with some "study" that suggests there is an association

(as this post by "dr netty dastmalchi")

remember :  most studies are complete BS and meaningless as is their data.


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Re: does anyone believe this?
« Reply #1870 on: August 23, 2022, 11:49:20 AM »
"one can make some theoretical association
between climate change and
EVERY ailment known to human kind
AND come up with some "study" that suggests there is an association ..."

They lost me when both flooding and drought were both attributable to climate change.

Trying to have it both ways, don't you think?

Which recent, thousand year period pre-industrial age did not have climate change?  Why were the 1930s hotter than now?

Every data point in their favor is climate; every counter point is weather.

Kind of hard to argue with people who were seeking this, a way to shut down freedom and enterprise, before they found it.


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« Reply #1872 on: August 23, 2022, 01:05:33 PM »
Your first brush with coronavirus could affect how a fall booster works
As omicron-specific boosters near, scientists debate how ‘original antigenic sin’ will influence immune responses
Image without a caption
By Carolyn Y. Johnson
August 23, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
(Melanie Lee for The Washington Post)

In the beginning, when the coronavirus was new, the quest for a vaccine was simple. Everyone started out susceptible to the virus. Shots brought spectacular protection.

But the next chapters of life with the virus — and the choice of booster shots for the fall and beyond — will be complicated by the layers of immunity that now ripple through the population, laid down by past infections and vaccinations.

When it comes to viral infections, past is prologue: The version of a virus to which we’re first exposed can dictate how we respond to later variants and, maybe, how well vaccines work.

It’s a phenomenon known by the forbidding name of original antigenic sin, and, in the case of the coronavirus, it prompts a constellation of questions. Are our immune systems stuck still revving up defenses against a version of the virus that has vanished? Will updated booster shots that are designed to thwart variants be much better than the original vaccine? How often will we be reinfected? Is there a better way to broaden immunity?

The answers to those questions will influence our long-term relationship with the coronavirus — and the health of millions of people. But more than two years into the pandemic, the quest to unravel these riddles underscores the seemingly unending complexity of the battle against a new pathogen.

When the virus emerged, no one had encountered SARS-CoV-2 before, so our immune systems started in pretty much the same vulnerable spot — what scientists call “naive.”

Now, people have been infected, vaccinated, boosted, reinfected and boosted again — in varying combinations. People’s immune systems are on slightly different learning curves, depending on when they were infected or vaccinated, and with what variants or vaccines.

Should you get a second coronavirus booster? Here's what to know.

“There are no cookie-cutter answers here,” said John P. Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine. “An omicron infection after vaccination doesn’t mean you’re not going to get another one a bit further down the road. How long is a bit further down the road?”

How omicron broke through vaccines
Coronavirus cases spiked globally in the first weeks of 2022, despite record-high vaccination rates. Here’s how the omicron variant took off. (Video: Jackie Lay, John Farrell/The Washington Post)
Scientists are watching in real time as original antigenic sin plays out against the coronavirus — and debating how it will influence future vaccine strategy. Contrary to its biblical thunderclap of a name, the phenomenon is nuanced — more often beneficial or neutral than harmful.

It helps explain why vaccines based on the original virus continue to keep people out of the hospital, despite challenging new variants. But it may also mean that revamped fall boosters have limited benefits, because people’s immune memories are dominated by their first experience with the virus.

“We may have gotten about as much advantage out of the vaccine, at this point, as we can get,” said Barney Graham, an architect of coronavirus vaccines who now focuses on global health equity at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. Graham emphasizes that the vaccines are doing exactly what they were designed to do: keep people out of the hospital. Retuning them will have benefits, albeit limited.

“We can tweak it and maybe evolve it to match circulating strains a little better,” Graham said. “It will have a very small, incremental effect.”

Echoes of immunity

More than 60 years ago, a virologist named Thomas Francis Jr., observed that influenza infections in childhood had lifelong repercussions. For decades after, people’s immune systems carry an imprint from their first flu, activating defenses primarily against the original version of the virus they encountered. He called it “the doctrine of original antigenic sin.”

The same thing is happening with the coronavirus. A growing number of studies show that when the omicron variant infects, it causes the immune system to rapidly activate immune memory cells that are already on standby, created by previous vaccinations or infections.

“People are now walking around with different immune-imprinted covid responses, depending on what vaccine schedules they’ve had — one, two or three doses — and what infections they have had in the past,” said Rosemary Boyton, a professor of immunology and respiratory medicine at Imperial College London. “Imprinting is different according to where you live in the world, what vaccines you received — and that’s determining the subsequent immune response.”

In flu, the immunological echoes of original antigenic sin have real consequences: When flu strains are similar to the ones encountered in childhood, people are better protected against severe illness. The 1918 flu pandemic was caused by an H1N1 strain, which continued to circulate for decades afterward. When the 2009 H1N1 pandemic occurred, older people who were exposed to H1N1 in childhood had stronger immune responses than younger people who had been infected with other strains. When a flu strain is a more distant relative of that initial exposure, people may be more susceptible.

There’s not a consensus on how original antigenic sin plays out with the coronavirus — and it’s a touchy subject among immunologists. Many quarrel about whether “sin” is the appropriate word for a phenomenon that undergirds our immune system’s ability to provide partial protection against changing viruses.

But time is of the essence: Companies are already manufacturing fall boosters based on a new recipe. Many scientists think that, in the absence of certainty, moving forward with retuned boosters is the best strategy — even if they may offer short-term protection, mostly against severe illness.

When you have covid, here's how you know when you're no longer contagious

“Maybe 10 to 15 years from now, we live in a world where the vaccine is birth-year specific or make strain selection decisions that take into account different immune histories in the population,” said Katelyn Gostic, a researcher at the University of Chicago. “I think we need and are actively developing better technologies and better techniques to try to work at the science fiction frontier here, of figuring out these imprinting questions.”

How the immune system learns to recognize a virus

After a virus invades, dendritic cells grab pieces of virus.

The dendritic cells then look for helper T cells that match features of the viral pieces.

The activated B cells turn into plasma cells that churn out virus-blocking antibodies to fight the infection. Some become memory B cells.

Once matched, an activated helper T cell then locates

B cells that also match the virus's distinct features.

Antibodies flood the body and latch on to the virus to block it from infecting more cells.






T cells



Antibodies attached

to virus

B cells


Memory B cells remain in the body after the first infection is cleared. They can then quickly reactivate to produce more antibodies if the same virus is encountered again.

‘A dog’s dinner’
The most gloomy interpretation of original antigenic sin holds that the immune system is stuck fighting an old war. Each new infection leaves behind no useful immune memory, instead summoning defenses against antiquated versions of the virus.

“Your coronavirus immunity repertoire is such a dog’s dinner it might actually enhance immunity to past variants a little bit, in ways that aren’t useful anymore,” said Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London.

Antibodies match and latch on to the original virus.

But the older antibodies are not

a good match for newer variants.


to original virus







He and Boyton published a Science paper in June that suggested people who were infected with the original version of the coronavirus and later vaccinated and reinfected with omicron mustered subpar immune responses to omicron. Their interpretation: People’s immune systems were locked into a fight against older iterations of the virus.

Not so fast, say others, who think there may be explanations other than original antigenic sin.

An essential element of how the immune system works is memory, the ability to recall viruses that have infected people before. Although virus-fighting antibodies naturally drop over time, memory B cells kick into action and churn them out on demand when a virus intrudes.

When viruses evolve, as is happening with the coronavirus variants, this memory can still be quite useful. Viruses typically swap out only bits of their costume. Parts of the spike protein of omicron look very different, but other bits look the same.

Antibodies to the original virus may still be able to attach to some parts of a newer variant that have not changed.





“What our immune system likes to do best is recognize things it already has seen. It responds very quickly to these parts of the virus that haven’t changed,” said Matthew S. Miller, a viral immunologist at McMaster University. “The vaccines are still doing an exceptionally good job in preventing us from getting severe illness. The reason is that is, essentially, original antigenic sin.”

This hair-trigger immune response isn’t fine-tuned to block the new virus; people can still get infected. But a suboptimal response that’s ready to go, many scientists think, is better than waiting for the body to create one from scratch.

“Essentially, original antigenic sin is often a very good thing,” said Laura Walker, chief scientific officer of Adagio Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on developing monoclonal antibody drugs. Walker recently published a paper showing that vaccinated people who came down with an omicron infection had an initial immune response driven by the immune cells created by their original vaccination.

This burst of antibodies capable of recognizing a new variant is not surprising to experts. It’s Immunology 101. And in the case of the coronavirus, it helps.

“It’s not a sin. It’s a natural progression of our immune response,” said Ali Ellebedy, an immunologist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “We should not think of it as a glitch.”

How the lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more about it

New memories
What scientists don’t know yet is what happens in the weeks and months after an infection or new vaccine.

One possibility: The immune system creates a new memory of the new variant. The next time a descendant of omicron comes along, the body can draw from an expanded memory bank to mount its next defense.

Another, more worrisome scenario: The fast-draw immune response interferes with the creation of new memories. The next time a version of the virus comes along, the body simply reactivates the existing response — and eventually, a variant comes along that is so changed it is unrecognizable.

“The question is: Is that memory pool going to get broadened, or is it going to get fixated?” said Wayne A. Marasco, an immunologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

The Food and Drug Administration asked companies in June to update coronavirus boosters for the fall, to a shot that includes two components: one that targets the original strain; and the other tailored to fight the most recent variants, BA.4 and BA.5.

Companies showed preliminary data that vaccines containing those versions of the virus can trigger stronger immune responses in the weeks after vaccination. But the advantage of a switch was modest, and long-term effects of those vaccines will depend in part on whether they help create new memories. If they simply provide a short-term boost of the existing memory response, many scientists are debating a change in vaccine strategy.

“This is not in my mind going to be the dramatic change to limit symptomatic omicron infection,” said Robert Seder, chief of the Cellular Immunology Section at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Seder showed in a primate study this year that an omicron booster did no better than an additional shot of the original vaccine. He has focused his efforts on a change in tactics, such as a nasal vaccine that could help block infections and spread of the virus.

Even though a revamped vaccine is unlikely to be a game changer, many scientists favor an update. Rafi Ahmed, an immunologist at Emory University, argues that an omicron-based booster is urgently needed.

“There is no point continuing to vaccinate someone with a strain that is not circulating,” Ahmed said. Even if a new omicron-specific memory does not coalesce, the variant-specific vaccine will recruit and rev the part of the memory response capable of recognizing omicron.

Some scientists think a new memory response will also develop over time. Others think it might take an additional shot. Ahmed’s work on influenza showed that while a first shot against the H5N1 strain primarily activated an existing memory response, a second shot recruited new B cells targeting the strain.

But not all “sin” is created equal. For a virus like dengue, original antigenic sin can be harmful. For flu, it may help in some scenarios and hinder immunity in others. The limited data has left experts in a familiar place during this pandemic: watching what happens next.

“I’m struggling to say: Is this a good thing or a bad thing?” said Christian Gaebler, an assistant professor of clinical investigation at the Rockefeller University. “If someone says they fully understood this, they would be lying.”

Graphics by Aaron Steckelberg.

Coronavirus: What you need to know
The latest: The CDC has loosened many of its recommendations for battling the coronavirus, a strategic shift that puts more of the onus on individuals, rather than on schools, businesses and other institutions, to limit viral spread.

Variants: BA.5 is the most recent omicron subvariant, and it’s quickly become the dominant strain in the U.S. Here’s what to know about it, and why vaccines may only offer limited protection.

Vaccines: For people under 50, second booster doses are on hold while the Biden administration works to roll out shots specifically targeting the omicron subvariants this fall. Immunizations for children under 5 became available this summer. Here’s what to know about how vaccine efficacy could be affected by your prior infections and booster history.

Guidance: CDC guidelines have been confusing — if you get covid, here’s how to tell when you’re no longer contagious. We’ve also created a guide to help you decide when to keep wearing face coverings.

Where do things stand? See the latest coronavirus numbers in the U.S. and across the world. The omicron variant is behind much of the recent spread.


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« Reply #1873 on: August 23, 2022, 01:36:13 PM »

Your first brush with coronavirus could affect how a fall booster works
As omicron-specific boosters near, scientists debate how ‘original antigenic sin’ will influence immune responses
Image without a caption
By Carolyn Y. Johnson
August 23, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
(Melanie Lee for The Washington Post)

In the beginning, when the coronavirus was new, the quest for a vaccine was simple. Everyone started out susceptible to the virus. Shots brought spectacular protection.

But the next chapters of life with the virus — and the choice of booster shots for the fall and beyond — will be complicated by the layers of immunity that now ripple through the population, laid down by past infections and vaccinations.

When it comes to viral infections, past is prologue: The version of a virus to which we’re first exposed can dictate how we respond to later variants and, maybe, how well vaccines work.

It’s a phenomenon known by the forbidding name of original antigenic sin, and, in the case of the coronavirus, it prompts a constellation of questions. Are our immune systems stuck still revving up defenses against a version of the virus that has vanished? Will updated booster shots that are designed to thwart variants be much better than the original vaccine? How often will we be reinfected? Is there a better way to broaden immunity?

The answers to those questions will influence our long-term relationship with the coronavirus — and the health of millions of people. But more than two years into the pandemic, the quest to unravel these riddles underscores the seemingly unending complexity of the battle against a new pathogen.

When the virus emerged, no one had encountered SARS-CoV-2 before, so our immune systems started in pretty much the same vulnerable spot — what scientists call “naive.”

Now, people have been infected, vaccinated, boosted, reinfected and boosted again — in varying combinations. People’s immune systems are on slightly different learning curves, depending on when they were infected or vaccinated, and with what variants or vaccines.

Should you get a second coronavirus booster? Here's what to know.

“There are no cookie-cutter answers here,” said John P. Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medicine. “An omicron infection after vaccination doesn’t mean you’re not going to get another one a bit further down the road. How long is a bit further down the road?”

How omicron broke through vaccines
Coronavirus cases spiked globally in the first weeks of 2022, despite record-high vaccination rates. Here’s how the omicron variant took off. (Video: Jackie Lay, John Farrell/The Washington Post)
Scientists are watching in real time as original antigenic sin plays out against the coronavirus — and debating how it will influence future vaccine strategy. Contrary to its biblical thunderclap of a name, the phenomenon is nuanced — more often beneficial or neutral than harmful.

It helps explain why vaccines based on the original virus continue to keep people out of the hospital, despite challenging new variants. But it may also mean that revamped fall boosters have limited benefits, because people’s immune memories are dominated by their first experience with the virus.

“We may have gotten about as much advantage out of the vaccine, at this point, as we can get,” said Barney Graham, an architect of coronavirus vaccines who now focuses on global health equity at Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta. Graham emphasizes that the vaccines are doing exactly what they were designed to do: keep people out of the hospital. Retuning them will have benefits, albeit limited.

“We can tweak it and maybe evolve it to match circulating strains a little better,” Graham said. “It will have a very small, incremental effect.”

Echoes of immunity

More than 60 years ago, a virologist named Thomas Francis Jr., observed that influenza infections in childhood had lifelong repercussions. For decades after, people’s immune systems carry an imprint from their first flu, activating defenses primarily against the original version of the virus they encountered. He called it “the doctrine of original antigenic sin.”

The same thing is happening with the coronavirus. A growing number of studies show that when the omicron variant infects, it causes the immune system to rapidly activate immune memory cells that are already on standby, created by previous vaccinations or infections.

“People are now walking around with different immune-imprinted covid responses, depending on what vaccine schedules they’ve had — one, two or three doses — and what infections they have had in the past,” said Rosemary Boyton, a professor of immunology and respiratory medicine at Imperial College London. “Imprinting is different according to where you live in the world, what vaccines you received — and that’s determining the subsequent immune response.”

In flu, the immunological echoes of original antigenic sin have real consequences: When flu strains are similar to the ones encountered in childhood, people are better protected against severe illness. The 1918 flu pandemic was caused by an H1N1 strain, which continued to circulate for decades afterward. When the 2009 H1N1 pandemic occurred, older people who were exposed to H1N1 in childhood had stronger immune responses than younger people who had been infected with other strains. When a flu strain is a more distant relative of that initial exposure, people may be more susceptible.

There’s not a consensus on how original antigenic sin plays out with the coronavirus — and it’s a touchy subject among immunologists. Many quarrel about whether “sin” is the appropriate word for a phenomenon that undergirds our immune system’s ability to provide partial protection against changing viruses.

But time is of the essence: Companies are already manufacturing fall boosters based on a new recipe. Many scientists think that, in the absence of certainty, moving forward with retuned boosters is the best strategy — even if they may offer short-term protection, mostly against severe illness.

When you have covid, here's how you know when you're no longer contagious

“Maybe 10 to 15 years from now, we live in a world where the vaccine is birth-year specific or make strain selection decisions that take into account different immune histories in the population,” said Katelyn Gostic, a researcher at the University of Chicago. “I think we need and are actively developing better technologies and better techniques to try to work at the science fiction frontier here, of figuring out these imprinting questions.”

How the immune system learns to recognize a virus

After a virus invades, dendritic cells grab pieces of virus.

The dendritic cells then look for helper T cells that match features of the viral pieces.

The activated B cells turn into plasma cells that churn out virus-blocking antibodies to fight the infection. Some become memory B cells.

Once matched, an activated helper T cell then locates

B cells that also match the virus's distinct features.

Antibodies flood the body and latch on to the virus to block it from infecting more cells.






T cells



Antibodies attached

to virus

B cells


Memory B cells remain in the body after the first infection is cleared. They can then quickly reactivate to produce more antibodies if the same virus is encountered again.

‘A dog’s dinner’
The most gloomy interpretation of original antigenic sin holds that the immune system is stuck fighting an old war. Each new infection leaves behind no useful immune memory, instead summoning defenses against antiquated versions of the virus.

“Your coronavirus immunity repertoire is such a dog’s dinner it might actually enhance immunity to past variants a little bit, in ways that aren’t useful anymore,” said Danny Altmann, an immunologist at Imperial College London.

Antibodies match and latch on to the original virus.

But the older antibodies are not

a good match for newer variants.


to original virus







He and Boyton published a Science paper in June that suggested people who were infected with the original version of the coronavirus and later vaccinated and reinfected with omicron mustered subpar immune responses to omicron. Their interpretation: People’s immune systems were locked into a fight against older iterations of the virus.

Not so fast, say others, who think there may be explanations other than original antigenic sin.

An essential element of how the immune system works is memory, the ability to recall viruses that have infected people before. Although virus-fighting antibodies naturally drop over time, memory B cells kick into action and churn them out on demand when a virus intrudes.

When viruses evolve, as is happening with the coronavirus variants, this memory can still be quite useful. Viruses typically swap out only bits of their costume. Parts of the spike protein of omicron look very different, but other bits look the same.

Antibodies to the original virus may still be able to attach to some parts of a newer variant that have not changed.





“What our immune system likes to do best is recognize things it already has seen. It responds very quickly to these parts of the virus that haven’t changed,” said Matthew S. Miller, a viral immunologist at McMaster University. “The vaccines are still doing an exceptionally good job in preventing us from getting severe illness. The reason is that is, essentially, original antigenic sin.”

This hair-trigger immune response isn’t fine-tuned to block the new virus; people can still get infected. But a suboptimal response that’s ready to go, many scientists think, is better than waiting for the body to create one from scratch.

“Essentially, original antigenic sin is often a very good thing,” said Laura Walker, chief scientific officer of Adagio Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on developing monoclonal antibody drugs. Walker recently published a paper showing that vaccinated people who came down with an omicron infection had an initial immune response driven by the immune cells created by their original vaccination.

This burst of antibodies capable of recognizing a new variant is not surprising to experts. It’s Immunology 101. And in the case of the coronavirus, it helps.

“It’s not a sin. It’s a natural progression of our immune response,” said Ali Ellebedy, an immunologist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “We should not think of it as a glitch.”

How the lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more about it

New memories
What scientists don’t know yet is what happens in the weeks and months after an infection or new vaccine.

One possibility: The immune system creates a new memory of the new variant. The next time a descendant of omicron comes along, the body can draw from an expanded memory bank to mount its next defense.

Another, more worrisome scenario: The fast-draw immune response interferes with the creation of new memories. The next time a version of the virus comes along, the body simply reactivates the existing response — and eventually, a variant comes along that is so changed it is unrecognizable.

“The question is: Is that memory pool going to get broadened, or is it going to get fixated?” said Wayne A. Marasco, an immunologist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

The Food and Drug Administration asked companies in June to update coronavirus boosters for the fall, to a shot that includes two components: one that targets the original strain; and the other tailored to fight the most recent variants, BA.4 and BA.5.

Companies showed preliminary data that vaccines containing those versions of the virus can trigger stronger immune responses in the weeks after vaccination. But the advantage of a switch was modest, and long-term effects of those vaccines will depend in part on whether they help create new memories. If they simply provide a short-term boost of the existing memory response, many scientists are debating a change in vaccine strategy.

“This is not in my mind going to be the dramatic change to limit symptomatic omicron infection,” said Robert Seder, chief of the Cellular Immunology Section at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Seder showed in a primate study this year that an omicron booster did no better than an additional shot of the original vaccine. He has focused his efforts on a change in tactics, such as a nasal vaccine that could help block infections and spread of the virus.

Even though a revamped vaccine is unlikely to be a game changer, many scientists favor an update. Rafi Ahmed, an immunologist at Emory University, argues that an omicron-based booster is urgently needed.

“There is no point continuing to vaccinate someone with a strain that is not circulating,” Ahmed said. Even if a new omicron-specific memory does not coalesce, the variant-specific vaccine will recruit and rev the part of the memory response capable of recognizing omicron.

Some scientists think a new memory response will also develop over time. Others think it might take an additional shot. Ahmed’s work on influenza showed that while a first shot against the H5N1 strain primarily activated an existing memory response, a second shot recruited new B cells targeting the strain.

But not all “sin” is created equal. For a virus like dengue, original antigenic sin can be harmful. For flu, it may help in some scenarios and hinder immunity in others. The limited data has left experts in a familiar place during this pandemic: watching what happens next.

“I’m struggling to say: Is this a good thing or a bad thing?” said Christian Gaebler, an assistant professor of clinical investigation at the Rockefeller University. “If someone says they fully understood this, they would be lying.”

Graphics by Aaron Steckelberg.

Coronavirus: What you need to know
The latest: The CDC has loosened many of its recommendations for battling the coronavirus, a strategic shift that puts more of the onus on individuals, rather than on schools, businesses and other institutions, to limit viral spread.

Variants: BA.5 is the most recent omicron subvariant, and it’s quickly become the dominant strain in the U.S. Here’s what to know about it, and why vaccines may only offer limited protection.

Vaccines: For people under 50, second booster doses are on hold while the Biden administration works to roll out shots specifically targeting the omicron subvariants this fall. Immunizations for children under 5 became available this summer. Here’s what to know about how vaccine efficacy could be affected by your prior infections and booster history.

Guidance: CDC guidelines have been confusing — if you get covid, here’s how to tell when you’re no longer contagious. We’ve also created a guide to help you decide when to keep wearing face coverings.

Where do things stand? See the latest coronavirus numbers in the U.S. and across the world. The omicron variant is behind much of the recent spread.


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if not already obvious

wonder who these "liberal elites are"

I doubt we ever find out and know no one will be held accountable:


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if not already obvious

wonder who these "liberal elites are"

I doubt we ever find out and know no one will be held accountable:

And now despite their best efforts, the truth about the ClotShot is getting out, so now the narrative is switching to “OrangeManBad killed/maimed everyone with the ClotShot “!


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1877 on: August 26, 2022, 07:00:25 AM »
Tucker had an outstanding opening rant on this last night.

Meanwhile , , ,


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1879 on: August 26, 2022, 12:14:04 PM »

this is curious and deserves investigation , I agree,
but again

please do beware data whether from certified epidemiologists or otherwise

they can lead one down a rabbit hole

that said I got 4 shots and am still alive

yet I admit not sure about a 5th one
I know some one who has diabetes and since taking the shots her sugars went completely out of control for no other reason
the endocrinologist said he sees that   a lot with corona infection
but no over vaccine

it is possible this person had a mild short corona infection
so unclear


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Climate change?
« Reply #1880 on: August 28, 2022, 09:30:44 PM »

this is curious and deserves investigation , I agree,
but again

please do beware data whether from certified epidemiologists or otherwise

they can lead one down a rabbit hole

that said I got 4 shots and am still alive

yet I admit not sure about a 5th one
I know some one who has diabetes and since taking the shots her sugars went completely out of control for no other reason
the endocrinologist said he sees that   a lot with corona infection
but no over vaccine

it is possible this person had a mild short corona infection
so unclear


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ET: Our immune system vs. Wuhan Variations
« Reply #1883 on: August 29, 2022, 04:20:34 PM »
Let’s Declare the Pandemic Over and Peacefully Coexist With COVID—Here’s How
If more people knew how this worked, they might not have been shaken by fear

The COVID-19 pandemic has lasted for more than two and a half years. With SARS-CoV-2’s constant mutations, neither COVID-19 vaccines nor previous infections are able to protect us completely from the newest emerging strains, as demonstrated by the recent Omicron BA.4/5 subvariants.

As a matter of fact, the primary effect of vaccination is to generate neutralizing antibodies. However, the neutralizating antibody is only a tiny part of our sophisticated natural immune system. In other words, so reduced antibody binding does not mean that we are losing our natural immunity to the mutant strains. The human body is innately capable of defending against SARS-CoV-2 and emerging viruses via natural immunity regardless of any mutations or viruses, and this article will detail how.

What Is Immunity?
Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin.

Humans have two levels of immunity, natural and acquired. We are born with natural (innate) immunity, which protects us from all types of pathogens, instead of specific ones. Acquired (adaptive) immunity is achieved by inoculation or getting infected by specific pathogens including viruses and germs.

In a UK human challenge trial published in the journal Nature, 36 healthy volunteers aged 18 to 29 without evidence of previous COVID-19 infection or vaccination underwent 14 days of inoculation with the wild-type SARS-CoV-2 virus intranasally. Among those who participated, 17 of them had no infection at all. There was a single asymptomatic patient in whom, although no virus was detected in the participant’s throat, the researchers found antibodies in the bloodstream. The remaining 18 subjects were symptomatically infected. Both the virus and antibodies were present in their bloodstreams.

According to Dr. Yuhong Dong, Chief Scientific Officer of a Swiss biotech company and expert in antiviral drug development and infectious diseases, the natural immunity of the first 18 people was strong enough to win the battle against the virus without breaking a sweat. In comparison, the natural immunity of the latter half group was weaker. Their adaptive immunity had to intervene to fight off the virus, which resulted in the creation of antibodies, and the levels of inflammatory proteins in their bloodstream also increased. In the end, the infection was eradicated at the cost of sacrificing countless immune cells such as macrophages or natural killer cells.

So when being exposed to the same virus in the same way, why is it that some people don’t get infected and some do? To understand the mechanisms behind this, we first need to take a look at the human immune system.

5 Barriers of Human Immunity
Human immunity is similar to a multi-layered defense network and is composed of five barriers.

Physical barrier
The first barrier of our immunity includes our skin, nose, and eyes. When viruses enter the body through breathing, the nose hairs will first try to block them, which become stimulated, resulting in sneezing. The nasal discharge and the mucus on the surface of the throat, trachea, and bronchus can trap the viruses, which are later expelled from the body by sneezing or coughing. The eyes work in a similar way by secreting tears to kill and remove viruses and toxins from the body.

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Epithelial cell barrier and interferon 
Epithelial cells are on the surface of our nose, throat, trachea, bronchi, and lungs; they make up the inner surfaces of our breathing organs.

When viruses invade epithelial cells, the latter automatically start their antiviral mechanism, mainly by producing interferons, which are important antiviral substances that can prevent the replication of viruses. In people with strong immunity, the mechanism of interferon secretion alone is sufficient to eliminate the viruses.

Interferons are produced by many immune cells (e.g. leukocytes, natural killer cells, natural killer T cells, and T cells). They don’t directly kill viruses. Instead, interferons “interfere” by instructing cells to produce many antiviral proteins and by enhancing the virus-killing mechanisms including intracellular pathways and activating innate immune cells.

The interferons produced in the early stage of a viral infection can delay the viruses’ replication and so delay their spreading to the entire body, thus buying time for the body to clear the viruses so that the chance of developing any illness is reduced.

Dr. Vincent Feuillet from the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) published an article in 2021 in the journal Trends in Immunology. According to the article, the outcome of a COVID-19 infection depends on an individual’s ability to produce type I interferons (IFNa/ß) rapidly. If the body has this ability in the early stages of the infection, the viruses can be eliminated directly and quickly, and there is little room for them to survive. On the contrary, if the body does not produce any interferon, or the body is in a state of chronic inflammation, one cannot quickly eliminate the viruses and the result is a harmful inflammatory response.

Therefore, the body’s rapid ability to produce interferons ensures the success of the battle with a virus, like the first and second groups of the UK challenge trial.

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This study has shown the proven important role of interferon in COVID-19. People who secrete more interferons in the early stages of the COVID-19 infection will most likely have a mild disease. Researchers from the University of Louisville published an article in 2021 in the journal Nature, stating that there is a strong inverse correlation between the interferon response induced at the early stages of an infection and the severity of the disease. That is, the higher the interferon expression, the milder the disease will be.

Innate immune cellular barrier
As the Omicron subvariants have greater transmissibility than the previous strains, scientists are concerned about the possibility of immune evasion and are actively developing new vaccines to deal with new variants. In fact, there’s no need to panic, as if the first three human immune barriers are strong enough, and they can resist all kinds of COVID-19 variants independent of gene codes and solve the problem of immune evasion.

The third barrier is composed of innate immune cells, such as granulocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells.

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There are three types of granulocytes, including neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.

Neutrophils are the most numerous of the three in the body and are produced very quickly. They are the first responders to infections and play a police-like role in innate immunity.

Eosinophils are very effective in fighting against parasites. Parasites are multicellular organisms that immune cells have difficulty swallowing. However, rather than swallowing parasites, eosinophils attack them by releasing chemicals that penetrate their cell membranes, so eosinophils play the role of a “disinfection worker.” In addition, eosinophils trigger inflammatory reactions in the body by releasing chemicals. They are common factors in allergic reactions, like “firefighters.”

Macrophages can engulf pathogens in large numbers. In comparison with neutrophils, macrophages have a higher capability to attack pathogens and are able to fight them for a longer period of time. In addition to macrophages, there is also a type of dendritic cells that can swallow pathogens.

After macrophages and dendritic cells swallow a pathogen, they will analyze it and pass the relevant information to the acquired immune system for further action against the “enemies.” They are the “communication bridge” or “messenger” between the innate and acquired immune systems. Although their functions are similar, they have their own strengths. Macrophages are stronger in phagocytosis, like the “riot police”; while dendritic cells are better at analyzing and transmitting information, like “signalers.”

Natural killer cells are also part of the advance troops, the vanguard and frontline of the natural immune system, mainly responsible for killing virus-infected cells and mutated cancer cells in the body.

The complementary system is like bullets that can destroy various pathogens, bacteria, viruses or abnormal cells. In addition, it also promotes the ability of phagocytes to engulf pathogens through its “conditioning effect.” In other words, if pathogens were mashed potatoes then the complementary system would be the gravy that adds flavor to them, and encourages phagocytes to consume more pathogens. Furthermore, the complementary system can promote other immune responses, such as inflammatory responses and the secretion of immune-modulating substances.

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T cell barrier
T cells are lymphocytes, and they play a key role in the adaptive immune response.

Generally speaking, there are two major types of T cells, including the helper T cells and the cytotoxic T cells. The former “help” other cells of the immune system, while the latter kill virally infected cells and tumors. T-cells have many receptors on their surfaces, and they can only bind to one shape of antigen. When a T-cell receptor fits with its viral antigen on an infected cell, the cytotoxic cell will releases cytotoxins to kill that cell. Cytotoxic cells can also kill foreign and cancer cells.

T helper cells take a leading role in the fight against viruses and are like the “generals” of adaptive immunity.

B cell barrier
The last immune barrier is composed of B cells, which are another type of lymphocytes. B cells create antibodies, which bind to pathogens or toxins to neutralize them. In addition, B cells can present antigens and secrete cytokines.

Compared with the first three lines of barriers, the reactions of T and B cells are relatively slow, and they are greatly affected by the specific viral genes and proteins. For instance, different COVID-19 variants require different T and B cells.

Therefore, it’s necessary to attack the cells directly infected by the virus according to the characteristics of the antigen.

If the B cells were mainly activated by vaccination, when a new variant emerges with a lot of mutations, the original antigens may not work, and new vaccines must be continuously developed to keep up with the viral mutations.

A Sensible Way Forward
If we are purely relying on the vaccine to fight against SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 vaccines need to be continuously updated to keep up with the different strains’ constant mutations.

However the time to produce a new COVID vaccine is on average at least 8 months, which is far behind the speed at which the virus can mutate. A major new mutation has taken the stage every four or five months, as we have witnessed at least seven major strains (original strain, D614G, alpha, beta, delta, omicron BA1, BA4/5) during the past 32 months of the pandemic.

Luckily, people have the first four front layers of immunity, which could help us defend well against any virus, independent of the B cells or neutralizing antibodies.

According to Dr. Dong, a more sensible, rational, and effective way to avoid COVID-19 infection is to boost our natural innate and adaptive immunity so that it’s strong enough to protect us, just like the first two groups of subjects in the UK human experiment trial mentioned earlier.

We can do several things to improve our innate and acquired immunity. For instance, a diet rich in nutrition, a healthy work and rest schedule, and a stable and cheerful mood are all important. Furthermore, although it may sound inconceivable, honoring traditional values, as well as being  more considerate for others can significantly improve the overall immunity of our cells.

Once we have a strong immunity, it’s possible for us to peacefully coexist with COVID-19 viruses without worrying about mutantations or expired vaccines.

Fuel Your Immune System
We need to pay attention to our intake of basic nutrients, and properly supplement vitamins and trace elements to maintain the normal structure and function of our first immune barrier.

Besides providing fuel and building blocks for the immune systems to function and produce proteins and new cells, diet provides the nutrients used in immune cell metabolism and antiviral functions.

Adequate micronutrient intake should include:

Vitamin C: It can help with the differentiation and proliferation of T and B cells. A lack of vitamin C will lead to impaired immunity and higher susceptibility to infections.
Vitamin D: It can reduce the incidence and severity of virus infection. A study has shown that adequate serum vitamin D level could protect us against severe COVID-19.
Zinc: It helps activate white blood cells (i.e. immune cells) and is essential for wound healing. Zinc-rich foods in daily life include meat, spinach, and nuts.
Furthermore, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids can protect the body from oxidative and inflammatory stress.

Things to avoid include:

High intake of salt: It destroys beneficial gut bacteria, thus increasing chronic inflammation in the intestines, which is detrimental to the immune system’s antiviral efforts.
High intake of sugar: It damages phagocytic cells (which swallow germs) and gut microbes. Consumption of sugar causes chronic inflammation, harms the interferon secretion in epithelial cells, and impedes the antiviral function of natural immune cells, T cells, and B cells.
Healthy Habits
In order to reduce the chance of COVID-19 infection, please pay attention to personal hygiene. For example, wash our hands and shower frequently, to remove the viruses if we have been exposed to them.

We can quit smoking, as it damages the structure of the skin, accelerates skin aging, and destroys the ability of respiratory epithelial cells to produce interferons. Furthermore, smoking has been found to be associated with more severe illness and an increased risk of death after hospitalization due to COVID-19 infection.

On a similar note, we can also avoid drinking alcohol, as it damages epithelial cells, T cells, and B cells.

Maintaining a healthy work and rest schedule, including getting quality and adequate sleep at night, is important for our immune system to self-recover and operate at its full capacity. During sleep, important hormones (growth hormone and melatonin) are released by the body, and melatonin enhances both innate and cellular immunity.

Make some time to exercise and be close to nature. For example, forest bathing trips can boost natural killer cell functions. These are short leisurely visits to a forest. A series of studies have discovered that such trips resulted in an increase in natural killer cell activity, as measured by increases in the number of natural killer cells and the elevated levels of certain cytolytic immune proteins.

Exercising can also help us maintain a healthy body weight, as obesity triggers a chronic inflammatory state and counteracts the immune system’s antiviral abilities.

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We can also practice sitting in meditation to enhance our immunity, as meditation reduces chronic inflammation, maintains cell rejuvenation, and enhances antiviral ability. A large number of studies have suggested that meditation, Tai Chi, and qigong have positive impacts on the immune system, boosting our innate antiviral immunity and keeping us away from chronic  inflammation.

Mental Health and the Spirit
In an article published in the journal Brain, Behavior, Immunity in February 2021, several scholars from the United Kingdom and Taiwan suggested that in addition to the current pharmacological treatments for COVID-19, psychological support should also be implemented to improve people’s mental health and enhance their psychoneurological immunity to the pandemic.

Due to the virus’s complexity and variability, traditional medication or allopathic treatment alone does not work well. We may consider tapping into the spiritual aspect, and use healthy lifestyle and psychological interventions to enhance our overall immunity and self-healing ability.

Inner Peace
According to a paper published in the journal Brain, Behavior, Immunity, depressed people have reduced lymphocyte responses, weakened T-cell immune responses to viruses, and reduced NK-cell activity, resulting in an overall trend of reduced antiviral immunity in the human body, making people vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.

In addition, depression also increases the production of inflammatory substances, such as pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, leading to a chronic inflammatory state. Furthermore, negative emotions combined with stress can reduce the body’s immunity, adding to the vicious cycle that makes people more susceptible to the COVID-19 infections.

To break the vicious cycle, we may have to put down those painful secular goals so as to achieve better inner peace. Letting things naturally unfold is sometimes a release, and maintaining a cheerful mental status helps nourish our immunity.

Here is an example. Typically, the immunity of the elderly is reduced. However, a 117-year-old French nun, Europe’s oldest person, notably recovered from a COVID-19 infection in early 2021. According to Dr. Dong, this woman’s recovery is probably due to her “kind and peaceful state of mind related to her belief.”

How can one achieve inner peace? Staying honest is another way.

Dishonesty harms our immunity. When someone lies, his cortisol level is higher than normal. In fact, cortisol reactivity is significantly higher in people who lie than in truth tellers.

The higher the cortisol reactivity, the more likely that this stress hormone’s level is elevated in the body. Corticosteroids have a suppressive effect on immune cells, thus inhibiting the body’s ability to fight viruses. Therefore, in the midst of the pandemic, dishonest behavior can lead to a decrease in one’s own immunity.

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Follow Traditional Values
Believe it or not, following traditional values can also improve the overall immunity of cells. An article published in 2021 in the journal Anxiety, Stress & Coping suggests that three strategies developed from evidence-based medical research can help people reduce anxiety, stress, and depression, and can help them get out of the pandemic faster.

These three strategies are following typical traditional values: fostering a sense of social belonging, practicing compassion, and engaging in kindness.

Compassion and Kindness
In a 2013 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the immune system indicators of people with two different views of well-being were examined. One view is eudaimonic well-being, which is inclined to pursue human justice and noble goals, and hedonic well-being, which is more inclined to pursue personal sensory enjoyment. It was discovered that people of eudaimonic well-being have higher gene expression of interferons, higher antibody production ability, and significantly lower expression of inflammatory genes. The overall effect of their gene expression is more favorable for their body to fight against viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.

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According to Dr. Dong, in the midst of the pandemic, there’s much more one can do to boost immunity than simply diet and lifestyle. It’s also of great benefit to advocate for the traditional values of honesty, kindness, and tolerance. Tapping into spirituality can also help enhance the body’s antiviral potential, and help people better cope with the lingering effects of the pandemic, and any other emerging viruses as well.


Virological characteristics of the novel SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants including BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5 | bioRxiv

Safety, tolerability and viral kinetics during SARS-CoV-2 human challenge in young adults | Nature Medicine

Induction of interferon response by high viral loads at early stage infection may protect against severe outcomes in COVID-19 patients | Scientific Reports

Nutrition and immunity: lessons for COVID-19 | European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Vitamin C and Immune Function – PMC

Pre-infection 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and association with severity of COVID-19 illness | PLOS ONE

Mechanisms in Which Smoking Increases the Risk of COVID-19 Infection: A Narrative Review – PMC

Melatonin, immune function and aging – PMC

Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function – PMC

The Effects of Tai Chi and Qigong on Immune Responses: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – PMC

The three frontlines against COVID-19: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity – PMC

Depressive disorders and immunity: 20 years of progress and discovery

Europe’s oldest person, 117-year-old French nun, survives COVID-19 | Reuters

Social belonging, compassion, and kindness: Key ingredients for fostering resilience, recovery, and growth from the COVID-19 pandemic

A functional genomic perspective on human well-being | PNAS


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more data on corona vaccines
« Reply #1886 on: August 31, 2022, 06:36:17 AM »

here is another:

and another :

it is also true that the subvariants of omicron now circulating are not as virulent

as I have pointed out for yrs

one can gather data find data and interpret data in any way they choose
it seems

GM chooses to find data that suits him
others choose data to suit them

My personal opinion is to take "data' always with a grain of salt

It seems there is more and more "studies " based on data
then ever
due to the data age
and most of it is horse shit

like data that  comes out and states antidepressants do not work
when in practice they OBVIOUSLY do.

or a recent cholesterol / statin drug Cochrane review ( I do not trust these at all)
that tells me statins do not cause muscle pain
when indeed in practice they OBVIOUSLY do.
as we have known and witnesses many many times over 30 + yrs.


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Re: more data on corona vaccines
« Reply #1887 on: August 31, 2022, 07:45:03 AM »
How long are vaccines normally tested to ensure they are safe and effective?

here is another:

and another :

it is also true that the subvariants of omicron now circulating are not as virulent

as I have pointed out for yrs

one can gather data find data and interpret data in any way they choose
it seems

GM chooses to find data that suits him
others choose data to suit them

My personal opinion is to take "data' always with a grain of salt

It seems there is more and more "studies " based on data
then ever
due to the data age
and most of it is horse shit

like data that  comes out and states antidepressants do not work
when in practice they OBVIOUSLY do.

or a recent cholesterol / statin drug Cochrane review ( I do not trust these at all)
that tells me statins do not cause muscle pain
when indeed in practice they OBVIOUSLY do.
as we have known and witnesses many many times over 30 + yrs.


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Re: Excess Deaths
« Reply #1890 on: September 01, 2022, 08:32:05 AM »

Anecdotal evidence of nothing:  I lost a friend yesterday, dropped dead in the first set of a racquet sport outing that I could have been part of. Age 64, believed healthy, doing a skill game exercise he had done thousands of times before.

[Last winter lost a relative to a 'blood clot.  She was 60 and healthy.]

If these have any tie to covid or vaccinations, we will never know. 

It is impossible to know an "excess death" even if he/she drops right in front of you.


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1891 on: September 01, 2022, 09:41:23 AM »
sorry about your friend

sounds like at least he did not suffer


*Anecdotal evidence*

to conclude excess deaths are from vaccine
while not impossible (hypothesis)
is a bit of a stretch

but in MHO does not deserve Tucker with the Berensons' et al saying corona vaccine are the "only" explanation
or whoever Hannity or Laura etc


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1892 on: September 01, 2022, 09:59:04 AM »
The global phenomenon of excess deaths that just started in the last few years is caused by?

sorry about your friend

sounds like at least he did not suffer


*Anecdotal evidence*

to conclude excess deaths are from vaccine
while not impossible (hypothesis)
is a bit of a stretch

but in MHO does not deserve Tucker with the Berensons' et al saying corona vaccine are the "only" explanation
or whoever Hannity or Laura etc


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Re: Epidemics: Bird Flu, TB, AIDs, Superbugs, Ebola, etc
« Reply #1893 on: September 01, 2022, 10:21:44 AM »
why not simply related to corona pandemic itself

or simply I don't know

due to vaccine - possible
I am not saying it is not
just that it is just a data point association
made by people with agenda

otoh denying the possibility would be also from people with agenda

I simply don't know
I admit.


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Did lockdowns cause increased mortality rates
« Reply #1896 on: September 05, 2022, 12:21:00 PM »

Did Lockdowns Cause Increased Mortality Rates?

Emerging statistics paint an alarming picture – far more have died after the rollout of this ‘super potion’ than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. Yet the mainstream media are desperately trying to divert your attention from this elephant in the room.


Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020

Mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection with experimental gene transfer technology — to anything and everything but that

The Telegraph blames the unexplained excess deaths on lockdown effects. Many didn’t have access to routine medical care during lockdowns, and are now dying from chronic diseases that went untreated

U.K. Office for National Statistics (ONS) data released August 16, 2022, show excess deaths in England and Wales were, as of August 5, 14.4% higher than the five-year average, which works out to 1,350 more deaths per week than normal. A majority of these excess deaths were cardiovascular in nature — a primary adverse effect of the COVID jabs

In the U.S., we lost 349,000 younger Americans to something besides COVID and non-natural death between April 3, 2021 and August 13, 2022, and that’s not counting the tens of thousands of death records that the CDC has inexplicably deleted. As much as 15% to 25% of the death reports that could indicate a COVID jab death are missing. Other data show that during the fall of 2021, Millennials, aged 25 to 44, had an 84% increase in excess deaths

Emerging statistics on excess mortality rates paint an alarming picture. Far more people died in 2021, after the rollout of the COVID shots, and in 2022, than during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020. I will review some of those shocking statistics — which are mirrored around the world — in a moment.

But while rational people look at these figures and ask themselves what the most apparent and likely cause behind this sudden rise in deaths of working-age adults and younger people might be, mainstream media are trying to divert your attention from the elephant in the room — mass injection with experimental gene transfer technology — to anything and everything but that.

Lockdowns Blamed for Excess Deaths

In an August 18, 2022, article,1 Telegraph science editor Sarah Knapton blames the “unexplained excess deaths” on “the effects of lockdown.” She writes:2

“Figures for excess deaths from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show that around 1,000 more people than usual are currently dying each week from conditions other than the virus.

The … Department of Health has ordered an investigation into the figures amid concern that the deaths are linked to delays to and deferment of treatment for conditions such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Over the past two months, the number of excess deaths not from Covid dwarfs the number linked to the virus …

Dr. Charles Levinson, the chief executive of Doctorcall, a private GP service, said his company was seeing ‘far too many’ cases of undetected cancers and cardiac problems, as well as ‘disturbing’ numbers of mental health conditions.

‘Hundreds and hundreds of people dying every week — what is going on?’ he said. ‘Delays in seeking and receiving healthcare are no doubt the driving force, in my view.’”

Cardiovascular Problems Kill in Record Numbers

ONS data released August 16, 2022, show excess deaths in England and Wales were, as of August 5, 14.4% higher than the five-year average, which works out to 1,350 more deaths per week than normal, Knapton reports.3 As you can see in the graph4 below, COVID is only involved in a small number of those deaths.

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In all, non-COVID deaths are now more than three times that of COVID-related deaths. According to the U.K. Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, a majority of these excess deaths were “preventable heart and stroke and diabetes-related conditions.”

However, while lack of routine health care — people avoiding seeing their doctors for fear of COVID or due to various restrictions — may well have played a role, cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes are the primary side effects of the jab as well.

A Look at US Mortality Data

The identical trend is also seen in the U.S. In Part 1 of a three-part series,5 The Ethical Skeptic — self-described as a former intelligence officer and strategies for nations facing corruption challenges — reviews data from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics showing “stark increase trends beginning in the first week of April 2021.”

“This date of inception is no coincidence, in that it also happens to coincide with a key inflection point regarding a specific body-system intervention in most of the U.S. population,” The Ethical Skeptic notes.

He describes how, at the very end of May 2021, an “odd signal” developed in his COVID tracking models. This odd signal came in the form of an ICD death code (International Classification of Diseases code) called R00-R99, which stands for “Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified.” In other words, deaths from undetermined causes.

As a result of this odd signal, he started tracking these R00-R99 deaths, along with 11 other ICD-10 (the 10 stands for 10th revision, which is the most recent), such as suicides and overdoses, as well as a statistic called “Excess non-COVID natural cause deaths.” The data The Ethical Skeptic used for his models were derived from three primary databases:

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2014-20196
The CDC’s Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2020-20227
The CDC’s Wonder: Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Month – Query by Constraint Engine8
CDC Is Scrubbing Death Records

Non-COVID mortality saw a mild uptick in October 2020, an effect The Ethical Skeptic attributes to “the systemic damage which the SARS-CoV-2 infection and virus spike protein can produce in the human body. An erstwhile COVID delayed death if you will.”

The noticeable explosion of non-COVID deaths didn’t occur until Week 14, 2021, and “by the end of 2021 it had become abundantly clear that U.S. citizens were not just dying of COVID-19 to the excess, they were also now dying of something else, and at a rate which eventually became higher than that of COVID itself,” he writes.

Disturbingly, he discovered that death records were inexplicably being redacted and deleted during a very crucial time period — Weeks 4 through 20 in 2022. “It is hard to envision a scenario explaining this 52,000-record data tampering across the most at-risk weeks … of 2022, as not constituting malicious obfuscation of U.S. citizen mortality data,” he writes.

Deep Dive Into US Death Statistics

His article is chockfull of charts for those who want to take a deeper dive into the statistics, but here are some extracts of his findings:

“The charts of particular concern … include the charts featuring stark post MMWR Week 14, 2021 rises in mortality. Specifically, they are

Excess non-COVID natural cause, 5+ sigma
Cancer and lymphomas, 9+ sigma
Other respiratory conditions, 2 sigma
Nephritis/Nephrotic syndrome, 4 sigma
Septicemia, 2 sigma
Heart diseases and ailments, 2 sigma
All other ICD-10 tracked natural cause deaths, 4 sigma

… While there are indeed increases in deaths incumbent inside the other ICD-10 codes, those increases appeared to plausibly conform to their same arrival patterns for 2020 as well. In other words, they appeared to be heavily Covid-related in their dynamics, both before and after the Week 14 2021 inflection.

Of particular concern, are those deaths which relate to body-wide regulatory systems as opposed to specific organs or causes. In other words, cancer and lymphomas, heart, autonomous myocarditis/pericarditis/conductive disorders, injuries to the liver and kidneys, etc.

These are not only the canaries in the coal mine in terms of pathology, but may serve to indicate as well that a pervasive systemic disruption is at play inside the average U.S. citizen human physiology, especially over the last 71 weeks. These are the death groups which exhibit the most stark trend of increase post MMWR Week 14, 2021 …

[Let] us for a moment also review the compelling rationale behind the MMWR Week 14 2021 inflection date. This date is a critical matter of concern for no small reason. Its derivation is no coincidence. The ‘Doses and Deaths Comparison Chart’, Exhibit B below, outlines why.

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Exhibit B — The MMWR Week 14, 2021 inflection date also happens to correspond to the fastest velocity in administered vaccine doses inside the U.S. population. The red line is Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Mortality extracted from the data behind Exhibit E below.”

According to The Ethical Skeptic, three types of death record codes in particular are signaling “population-wide systemic health disruption,” and those are: “Excess malignant neoplasm and lymphoma” deaths (coded C00-C97), “Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified” deaths (R00-R99) and “Excess non-COVID natural cause” deaths. All three trend very sharply against historical baselines.

Without a shadow of a doubt, we have established that right now there exists a problem in terms of U.S. citizen health and mortality. One which is differentiated from COVID-19 itself, and began in earnest MMWR Week 14 of 2021.
— The Ethical Skeptic

For example, cancer and lymphoma deaths are now at a 9+ Sigma level, although it could potentially be higher. According to The Ethical Skeptic, 43,935 death records relating to “potential myocarditis, cancer, pericarditis, conductive, nephrosis, liver, and/or lymphoma deaths” have been removed from the CDC data sets, and as of his writing of that article had not been put back in or reassigned to another ICD code.

“That is 7% of the total deaths for the period in question, and possibly 15 to 25% of these highly concerning death ICD-10 groups’ trend data — missing. Even absent this data however, the entailed trends are alarming,” he writes.9

US Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Deaths
The Ethical Skeptic continues:10

“Finally, we end with the most important chart of all — the chart which indicates deaths which are not from accidents, suicide, addiction, assault, abuse, despair, disruption, nor COVID-19. The Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Mortality chart which we began monitoring on May 29th 2021. What I called then, the ‘What the hell is this?’ chart.

As one can see, we have lost 349,000 younger Americans to something besides COVID and non-natural death, during the period from 3 April 2021 to 13 August 2022.

The current rate of mortality in this ICD categorization, is around 5,000 – 8,000 per week … which exceeds most weeks of the COVID pandemic itself (save for the absolute peak periods). By now, if all these mortality excesses were indeed a holdover from COVID-19 itself, they should have already begun to tail off. Unfortunately, they are not only not tailing off, in many cases they are still increasing.

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Exhibit E — Excess Non-COVID Natural Cause Deaths are at an all time high as of MMWR Week 32 of 2022. 349,000 U.S. citizens have died of some additional factor since MMWR Week 14 of 2021. The current rate of excess mortality represents a five-week average of 5+ sigma in excess (hedging conservatively for lag).

Accordingly, and without a shadow of a doubt, we have established that right now there exists a problem in terms of U.S. citizen health and mortality. One which is differentiated from COVID-19 itself, and began in earnest MMWR Week 14 of 2021.”

COVID Jabs Impair Immune Function

Kenji Yamamoto with the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Okamura Memorial Hospital in Japan has also sounded the alarm, specifically highlighting the COVID jabs’ ability to impair your immune function. In a commentary published in the Virology Journal June 5, 2022, Yamamoto noted:11

“Recently, The Lancet published a study12 on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and the waning of immunity with time. The study showed that immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals …

The decrease in immunity can be caused by several factors such as N1-methylpseudouridine, the spike protein, lipid nanoparticles, antibody-dependent enhancement, and the original antigenic stimulus …

As a safety measure, further booster vaccinations should be discontinued. In addition, the date of vaccination should be recorded in the medical record of patients … In conclusion, COVID-19 vaccination is a major risk factor for infections in critically ill patients.”

It’s important to understand that when your immune function is impaired, you become vulnerable to all kinds of infections and disease, including cancer. As such, the COVID jab may well be responsible for any number of diseases resulting in death.

A Not-so-Comforting Fact Check by Reuter
A recent Thai study13 found teenagers, aged 13 through 18, who received two doses of Pfizer’s mRNA jab suffered a variety of heart problems. A Reuters “fact check” notes:14

“A study of 301 teens in Thailand found mild and temporary heart rhythm changes after a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine among one in six teenagers, not one-third as social media posts claim. The study also saw possible signs of heart inflammation in just seven of those teens with rhythm changes and confirmed myocarditis in only one of the seven.”

Should we throw a victory parade over the fact that the jab causes heart problems in JUST 1 in 6 teens? Really?! Whether it’s 1 in 3 or 1 in 6, this is not “good news” and surely not worthy of the dismissive tone used by Reuters. As reported directly from the study in question:15

“The most common cardiovascular effects were tachycardia (7.64%), shortness of breath (6.64%), palpitation (4.32%), chest pain (4.32%), and hypertension (3.99%). Seven participants (2.33%) exhibited at least one elevated cardiac biomarker or positive lab assessments.

Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myopericarditis. Myopericarditis was confirmed in one patient after vaccination. Two patients had suspected pericarditis and four patients had suspected subclinical myocarditis. Conclusion: Cardiovascular effects in adolescents after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination included tachycardia, palpitation, and myocarditis.”

Millennials Died at Staggering Rates in Late 2021

I recently interviewed Ed Dowd, a former equity portfolio manager for BlackRock and hedge fund “guru,”16 but have not yet posted it. In early March 2022 he shared disturbing CDC mortality statistics by age group on Steve Bannon’s War Room.17

During the fall of 2021, Millennials, aged 25 to 44, had an 84% increase in excess mortality. “It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history,” Dowd told Bannon. Between the summer and fall of 2021, 61,000 Millennials died who otherwise wouldn’t. To quote Dowd:18

“Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021. 58,000 people died in the Vietnam War, U.S. troops [over the course of 10 years], so this generation just experienced a Vietnam War [in 6 months] …

We’ve had 1.1 million excess deaths since the pandemic began, many of which occurred in the second half of [2021] …

I think this is the smoking gun: that the vaccines are causing excess mortality in all age groups … So, I’m going to put a word out there. It’s an old word but it should be re-introduced into the conversation. It’s called democide: Death by government. So the government, through the mandates has killed people …

If you’re on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I’ve got news for you: there’s some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks.”

The following pdf was posted on Dowd’s GETTR account, March 11, 2022.19 (A GETTR user called MiloMac also reproduced Dowd’s findings using public CDC data, creating additional graphs.20)

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The Elephant in the Room

In a March 15, 2022, commentary and follow-up on Dowd’s revelations, Steve Kirsch wrote:21

“I called Ed to clarify where he got the chart and then looked for verification of this. I found the verification. Then I verified that the deaths couldn’t be explained by the COVID delta variant. OK, so what caused all the deaths? The only explanation is the vaccine because the deaths are so massive.”

Kirsch posted a WhatsApp conversation with Marc Girardot, a French-American biotech innovator, who believes the COVID jab may, in some people, age their arteries by as much as 50 years in just a few months. If true, that could certainly trigger rapid onset of cardiovascular disease leading to early death.

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Teens and Young Adults Die at Higher Rates in New Zealand

In an August 16, 2022, Substack article,22 independent journalist Alex Berenson (a former New York Times reporter and novelist) highlighted COVID jab statistics from New Zealand,23 which includes observed post-jab deaths. He explained:

“New Zealand’s Ministry of Health publishes regular and detailed reports on COVID vaccine safety, including specific lists of adverse events it has received. As part of the reports, the ministry also counts all deaths of people who have received the jabs in the previous 21 days …

New Zealand has a national COVID immunization registry and a national death registry, so the records and matching should largely be accurate … The ministry breaks down the deaths by age, ranging from 0-9 through over 80.

It then compares the actual number of people who died in the three weeks after the shots to the ‘expected’ number. That figure is simply the number of deaths demographers would have expected over a random three-week period based on actuarial tables estimating mortality …”

In summary, between February 19 and April 30, 2022, people over the age of 30 had lower than normal death rates in the 21 days’ post-jab, but people younger than 30 (ages 10 to 29) for some reason died at higher rates. (The lack of observed deaths in the under-10 age group is likely due to reporting lag.)

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According to the health ministry, the slightly elevated deaths in the under-30 group is likely due to “chance.” And as noted by Berenson, “the ministry does not provide any information on the causes of death in any age range, so it is impossible to determine whether myocarditis or other cardiac conditions played a major role in the higher-than-expected figures.”

While these data are nowhere near as alarming as some others, it’s still a red flag that something odd is happening. Young people who should have decades of life left are dying.

And it’s worth noting that New Zealand, just like the U.S. claims there are NO potential safety issues with the jabs — not a single one — despite thousands of serious injury reports.24 Considering the age group that is dying at a higher than normal rate — teenagers and young adults in their 20s — even a small increase ought to be taken very seriously, but is not.

To end where we started, which is the more likely culprit in these deaths? Past lockdowns temporarily preventing routine medical care, resulting in chronic diseases that kill even young people within a couple of years? Or the mass injection of experimental gene transfer shots that have never been used in humans before?

Originally published September 02, 2022, on

Sources and References
1, 2, 3, 4 The Telegraph August 18, 2022 (Archived)
5, 9, 10 The Ethical Skeptic August 20, 2022 Part 1
6 US Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2014-2019
7 US Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Weekly Provisional Counts of Deaths by State and Select Causes, 2020-2022
8 US Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Wonder: Provisional Mortality Statistics, 2018 through Last Month
11 Virology Journal June 5, 2022; 19(1): 100
12 Lancet February 26, 2022; 399(10327): 814-823
13, 15 Trop. Med. Infect. Dis. 2022; 7: 196
14 Reuters August 18, 2022
16 Totality of Evidence Ed Dowd
17, 18 Lew Rockwell March 22, 2022
19 GETTR Ed Dowd March 11, 2022
20 GETTR MiloMac March 13, 2022
21 The Burning Platform March 15, 2022
22 Substack Alex Berenson August 16, 2022
23 MedSafe NZ
24 MedSafe NZ, See ”New safety signals” boxes for Pfizer and AstraZeneca
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.


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ET: Naturally Immunity and boosters
« Reply #1897 on: September 05, 2022, 12:50:54 PM »
second post

Why Your Natural Immunity Against COVID Is so Durable and How to Boost It
With some countries rolling out their 5th booster shot against COVID-19, many are putting the necessity of the next dose in question. For some, the extra shots are recommended by the CDC, but this does not mean we should all jump on the vaccine wagon.

Given that almost 1 in every 3.5 Americans have already had a confirmed COVID-19 infection and that our natural immunity is said to be more resilient than a booster shot, there are more ways to bolster your own antiviral immunity.

But does natural infection induce a stronger immunity than a vaccine? If so, why?

Is Natural Immunity Stronger Than the Vaccine?
It’s true that people who have been previously infected with COVID are more resilient against it.

When your body is infected with any virus, it means that our innate immunity is not strong enough to stop the virus at the front line of physical barrier or epithelium layers. As a result, the adaptive immunity will be activated.

In respect to antiviral adaptive immunity, there are two main pathways that can be triggered, the Th1 or Th2 pathway.

Regardless of what type of virus we may confront, a leading Th1 cellular immune response and its downstream cytotoxic T cell antiviral function play a critical role in eradicating the virus from our body. The Th2 pathway with activated B lymphocyte responses takes a secondary or complementary role in the whole antiviral battle.

If Th1 type immune response is not strong enough or Th2 response overweighs the Th1 type response, there is more difficulty in clearing the virus out from our body.

For people who have had a natural COVID infection, their Th1 pathway should have been their   leading responding mechanism to intruding viruses as it secretes plenty of interferons and activates cytotoxic T cells to develop a more comprehensive defense against an incoming heavy infection. A multi-clonal, and rigorous antiviral battle has taken place in the patients, resulting in an enduring immune memory including much longer and much higher level of antibodies.

Whereas, most COVID-19 vaccines are designed to activate the B lymphocyte response rather than Th1 cellular responses. This Th2 pathway activates many B-lymphocytes yet is only a fraction of the whole adaptive immune system.

What the vaccine does is it mainly stimulates the B-lymphocytes through the Th2 pathway, while the complete, natural defense mechanism, namely the combination of Th1 taking the lead and Th2 as an adjutant, can only be developed through a real, natural infection.

This is why current COVID-19 vaccines are, in nature, functionally limited in nature.

The stronger Th1 pathway, induced by a previous infection, also lasts longer. In a cohort study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, immune responses from COVID-19 patients in Nicaragua with a previous infection and those vaccinated were compared. According to the study, “protection was higher against more severe outcomes” in COVID-19 patients infected for the second time.

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In this Home Influenza Cohort Study (HICS), 2353 participants in 437 households, with an age range starting with newborn infants to 94 year old adults, were observed for confirmed COVID-19 infection. Vaccinated individuals were excluded from the study.

Using the percent protection formula, which is 100 percent subtracted by the hazard ratio of seropositive and seronegative subjects, the rate of protection against a COVID-19 infection was calculated. The percentage protection are as follows:

Prior infection provides a 78.9 percent protection against moderate to severe reinfection
Prior infection guarantees a 68.1 percent protection against a symptomatic reinfection
Prior infection offers a 63.9 percent protection against any types of second COVID-19
The protection rate against COVID-19 from a previous infection is around 63.9 percent as of October 2021, which is lower than the 93.6 percent protection rate calculated with data back in March 2021. This is likely due to the much longer follow-up period for observed infection as well as the advantages newer COVID-19 variants have over previous strains.

An Israeli study conducted in August 2021 reported that vaccinated individuals, who were not previously infected, were up to 13 times more likely to contract COVID-19 than those already infected during the time when the Delta strain was at its peak.

The study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease, and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, yet this likely also applies to newer variants as well.

In this retrospective study, two groups of individuals were compared.

Individuals without a COVID-19 infection history who received two doses of the Pfizer BNT162b2 primary series and who are 16 years and older, count = 673’676
Unvaccinated and previously infected individuals, count = 62’883
After applying three multiple logistic regression models, the study assessed four outcomes: COVID-19 breakthrough infection, symptomatic infection, hospitalization, and death. No deaths were, fortunately, reported during this study.

Compared with the individuals who were unvaccinated and were previously infected (group 2), vaccinated people without a history of COVID-19 infection (group 1) were much more likely to be at risk of infection.

Using the first model, group 1 was around 13 times more likely to have a breakthrough infection, 27 times more likely to have symptoms, and around eight times more likely to be hospitalized when compared to group 2.

The second model predicted that group 1 was about six times more likely to have a breakthrough infection, and about seven times more likely to experience symptoms or be hospitalized when compared with group 2.

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This study again reaffirms that our innate immunity provides a more resilient and enduring protection against infection, symptomatic disease, and hospitalization caused by the Delta COVID-19 variant. This study has yet to be officially published, since last August.

Is There Anything to Boost Natural Immunity?
Regardless of the vaccines you take, how healthy you are is still going to play the deciding role against any incoming infections.

Nature is a huge gold mine. There are quite a lot of natural ingredients from medicinal herbs that enhance the Th1 immune response in order to increase their antiviral effects.

One of the many great supplements is spirulina, a blue-green algae reportedly consumed by the Aztecs already during the 16th century. Usually available as a dietary supplement in pharmacies and some supermarkets, spirulina is high in protein, lipids, vitamins, essential amino acids, as well as minerals and many bioactive substances.

Not only spirulina, but many other algae-derived active compounds are widely used due to their antioxidant-rich, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing properties. They are beneficial to the point where NASA and the European Space Agency designates them as a must-have for astronauts.

In the March 2021 issue of The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences, one article was dedicated to evaluate the prospect of spirulina and other algae derived nutraceuticals as a supplement to help combat a COVID-19 infection.

Given that bioactive compounds derived from spirulina contain substantial amounts of natural ACE inhibitors, antioxidants, and antiviral compounds, the use of spirulina will serve to comprehensively bolster the immune system by a long shot.

When spirulina was given to healthy men between ages 40 and 65, their levels of interferons produced by immune cells when stimulated by IL-12, an agent associated with activating the Th1 immune pathway, was much higher than levels from the control group. This means that spirulina as a supplement can effectively boost the natural immune system of the human body in a holistic fashion.

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It is very much recommended that you purchase supplements, particularly spirulina but also others, from brands that source their raw materials reasonably, as heavy metal contamination is a considerable issue in this particular dietary supplement.

So now the question remains, should you even get a booster? What about bivalent boosters with that promised Omicron effect? The new booster shots will still help reduce the mortality rate. They will increase your immunity, but boosters, bivalent or not, are still not as effective as a previous infection and a healthy immune system. If you are immunocompromised, then a booster will probably come into question for you to generate antibodies.

However, you should still keep in mind that whichever antibodies generated by whichever vaccines would diminish over time.

In any case, you need to strengthen your own immunity as the starting point. A traditional healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, and positive attitude can work wonders.


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So CDC changed the definition of Vaccine
« Reply #1898 on: September 05, 2022, 01:00:17 PM »

COVID-19 Vaccines Didn’t Work, so CDC Changed the Definition of ‘Vaccine’
Public health officials rewrote the rules, and companies profited from the pandemic



In early 2020, when the public first learned that a novel virulent virus was making people sick in China and around the world, it made sense to institute public health measures to protect against it.

But, instead of encouraging doctors and scientists to look for ways to treat the virus and ways to keep sick people away from healthy people, as has been done during other pandemics in modern human history, government authorities actively prevented doctors from treating patients.

Tech companies quickly censored and deplatformed doctors who were discussing potentially effective treatment options, and scientific debate was silenced.

Instead of open, honest discussion about the effectiveness of preventative measures and the different treatment options, the world was told that the only way out of the Wuhan coronavirus crisis was via mass vaccination. If the public understood that there were options for treating COVID-19 and that the infection was mild in more than 99 percent of the people who contracted it, they wouldn’t be as motivated to get a vaccine.

As someone born and raised in China, I, Joe Wang, saw firsthand how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) runs a well-oiled machine, controlling every aspect of people’s lives, not for the good of the country, but for the personal gain of Party members. In the West, too, drawing from the CCP’s playbook, some quickly realized that they could capitalize on human fear and turn the pandemic into an opportunity for profit. The CCP used COVID-19 as yet another way to expand authoritarian control, which wasn’t surprising. But Western countries, too, weaponized people’s fear in order to roll out unprecedented control over people’s freedom.

Profits Over People

Fear, it seems, is more contagious than any given infection. An imminent—or ongoing—apocalypse sells newspapers, blows up social media platforms, and can be parlayed into a breathtaking amount of financial gain.

According to Forbes, 493 people became billionaires in 2021. China minted 205 of these. The United States, in second place, had 98. Sixty-one of the world’s newest billionaires were in health care fields, among them were an Italian billionaire whose family makes the glass vials for COVID-19 vaccines; an Indian medical doctor whose hospital chain doubled its stock when it shifted its focus to COVID-19; the co-founder of BioNTech, the German company that worked with Pfizer to make its vaccine; as well as the CEO of the American-based pharmaceutical giant Moderna.

‘The Doctor Will Lie to You Now’

So, when Jerry Daniels, founder of Brothers Media Group, opened a panel during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas in August, with the insight that “COVID has everything to do with marketing,” for a session titled “The Doctor Will Lie to You Now,” it isn’t surprising that practically the entire audience was nodding in agreement.

“What is marketing supposed to do?” Daniels continued. “It’s supposed to influence people to take action and do something.”
And much of public health’s job is “messaging,” that is, marketing the behaviors they want the public to adopt.

In the case of COVID-19, the action people have been most influenced to take was to get vaccinated. The marketing campaign surrounding COVID-19 vaccines has been so effective that, as of August 29, more than 12.6 billion shots have been put in people’s arms worldwide.

Given the growing body of scientific evidence that shows quite clearly that the vaccines don’t work to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, as well as the hundreds of studies and clinical testimonials showing that the vaccines can have severe and even devastating health consequences, especially for young people, the fact that so many people continue to accept them is baffling.

It is, according to Daniels, a triumph of marketing.

The Vaccine Doesn’t Work, so the Definition Was Changed

For nearly 15 years, from November 2007 to August 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) working definition of “vaccine” was: “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from the disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”

But in September 2021, according to Daniels, U.S. public health authorities changed the definition of “vaccine.”

The new definition, which the curious reader can find under the title “Vaccine Basics” on the CDC’s BAM! Body and Mind webpage, a classroom resource for teachers, became: “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”

The CDC had deleted a key part of the definition of vaccines. You will no longer find anywhere on its website the assertion that a vaccine “stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from the disease.” However, a 2015 World Health Organization document (pdf) cites the CDC’s previous vaccine definition.

Epoch Times Photo (Slide No. 4 from “Module 2: Vaccines and Drugs,” a presentation by World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Advocacy and Training in Pharmacovigilance, in Accra, Ghana, on Sept. 7–18, 2015.)

The COVID-19 vaccines don’t produce immunity protecting people who are vaccinated from getting the illness. This fact should have spurred the CDC and every other health authority in the world to stop the current vaccination program and work overtime to create a better, more effective, and safer vaccine.

But, instead, the CDC is working hard to dupe the American people by claiming that the mission of these vaccines was never to stop the spread of coronavirus in the first place.

Are They Really Vaccines?

Three doctors participated in the CPAC panel in Dallas on August 5: Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, and Brooke Miller.

According to Malone, it’s highly problematic to call any of the injectables being used currently against SARS-CoV-2 “vaccines.”

The term “vaccine” traditionally refers to a product that provides “prophylactic protection against an infectious disease,” said Malone, a physician and research scientist who was part of the team that developed the mRNA technology used in several brands of the COVID-19 injections.

“We now have clear documentation that these products are not protecting against infection, replication, or spread of the virus, and the multiply-inoculated actually are having longer periods of infection.”

The COVID-19 injections, Malone said, don’t meet the criteria for a vaccine.

“Disagreement is the method by which we make scientific progress,” said McCullough, a cardiologist who has publicly voiced his concerns about the safety of the vaccines.

Miller, a family physician based in Virginia, said that he felt enormous pressure not to speak openly about his concerns about vaccine safety, and to not even ask questions about what the government health officials were saying about the safety, efficacy, and necessity of the COVID-19 injections.
“Fear is, in part, a business model,” Malone said. “You need to understand that CNN is generating profit by scaring our children and scaring our elders. It’s a profitable enterprise. We call it ‘fear porn.’”

But it was perhaps Daniels’ question that resonated most with us.

“Why in the world are we still giving a genetic ‘jab’ to people when we know that it’s killing them at record rates?” he asked. “Where is the sanity in that?”

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.


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H2 O2 vs. Chinese Cooties
« Reply #1899 on: September 06, 2022, 07:06:08 AM »

Hospital Study Shows This Can Prevent COVID-19 Infection
The dramatic results from this hospital study showed a simple, at-home strategy can effectively prevent COVID-19 even better than the jab.


A hospital study published in June 2022 revealed that hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mouthwash, gargle and nasal rinse protected against COVID-19 better than the jab

When food grade H2O2 is nebulized for approximately 30 minutes in normal saline it also reaches your sinuses and lungs where it can kill the virus, augment your natural defense system and may help stop an ongoing infection in the lungs and upper respiratory tract

Taxpayers recently spent $275 million, or $1,833 per dose, on a new monoclonal antibody drug. It is approved for people who are most vulnerable and at high risk for progression to severe disease despite the risks not being known at this time

Paxlovid is another drug purchased with taxpayer dollars at up to $530 per five-day course of treatment. People are requiring a second course of treatment when the infection rebounds with worse symptoms, as it did with quadruple-vaccinated Dr. Anthony Fauci

Although health authorities would like to keep you chained to new and not thoroughly tested drugs, you have choices including highly successful protocols that cost less and use supplements and drugs that have been sold for many years

Most health experts agree that early and aggressive treatment for COVID-19 helps to reduce the potential for long COVID symptoms and reduces the risk of severe disease. From the beginning, the pharmaceutical industry has sought to develop new and expensive antiviral drugs to treat the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 with an aim at profits. The newest drug — monoclonal antibody treatment bebtelovimab from Eli Lilly[1]— is no exception.

For example, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s favorite drug used early in the pandemic on hospitalized patients — remdesivir — cost the taxpayers over $70.5 million to develop.[2] A five-day course of treatment costs private insurance companies $3,120 and the government $2,340,[3] which is doubled at $6,240 for private companies and $4,680 for the government for a 10-day course.

This is well above the drug maker’s estimated cost for production, which is between $10 and $600 for a 10-day course.[4] Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), has been the face of the public health initiatives against COVID since the pandemic was announced by the World Health Organization in March 2020.

In the first year or more of the pandemic, patients were told to suffer at home until they were near death and then go to the hospital where they were placed on deadly ventilator treatment.[5][6]

In my interview with Dr. Pierre Kory,[7] one of the leaders in the movement to provide early treatment for COVID infection, he recalled how he refused to remain in leadership at the University of Wisconsin Medical Center where the hospital insisted on providing supportive care only to their patients.[8]

However, as the pharmaceutical industry has released a variety of drugs or treatments, including monoclonal antibodies, Paxlovid and remdesivir, the perspective has changed.

Hospitals and physicians now offer pharmaceutical treatments approved under emergency use authorization (EUA) with unknown long-term side effects but continue to refuse to use well-established drugs with known side effect profiles that have proven to be effective. Hydrogen peroxide is one of those preventive measures and treatments.

Hospital Study Shows H2O2 Prevents COVID-19
In August 2022, a study[9][10] of over 4,000 patients and 89 health care staff in a hospital in Ghana revealed the results of those who used hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) mouthwash, gargle and nasal rinse daily as a preventive against COVID-19.[11]

The researchers compared the data between two hospitals in Ghana where individuals who were vaccinated or not vaccinated either used H2O2 prophylactically or did not. The effect on inpatients was also recorded. They found that in the 89 health care staff members who used the H2O2 preventively, only one contracted COVID-19 and that person had discontinued using the rinses.

None of the greater than 4,000 patients who were treated with H2O2 got COVID-19. In another hospital, 424 staff members were fully vaccinated; 34 of those used hydrogen peroxide and none developed COVID-19. Of the remaining 390 health care staff, 53 developed COVID-19.

In another group of 78 unvaccinated staff, 23 used hydrogen peroxide and none of them contracted COVID-19. In the remaining group, 35 got COVID-19. The results from this study suggested that H2O2 was more effective at preventing COVID-19 than the jab.

The participants used 1% hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and diluted hydrogen peroxide to 0.5% for the nasal cavity rinse. The treatment was done only once daily.

The researchers concluded, “Regular, daily HPA [hydrogen peroxide antisepsis] protects HCWs [health care workers] from COVID-19 and curtails nosocomial spread of SARS-CoV-2.”[12] This is important since infections in the hospital are more easily transmitted when staff have greater face-to-face exposure with patients and each other.

The data from the August 22 study confirmed an earlier observational report[13] by the same team on two groups of health care workers. In the earlier results, the researchers found that 89 of 944 health care workers who did not use hydrogen peroxide tested positive for COVID-19 in the study period. During the same time, 154 health care workers used the hydrogen peroxide treatment and 100% of those tested negative.

A Nebulizer Drives the Hydrogen Peroxide Even Deeper

In April 2021, I interviewed Dr. Thomas Levy,[14] board-certified cardiologist who is best known for his work with vitamin C. We discussed the use of nebulized hydrogen peroxide, which has become my favorite intervention for the treatment and prevention of viral illnesses.

H2O2 is part of your body’s natural defense system, so using nebulized H2O2 just augments your body’s natural defense system. However, as I discuss in the video above, it’s essential that you mix the solution appropriately, use normal saline to protect your lung tissue and use the treatment until all the fluid in the chamber has evaporated, often taking approximately 30 minutes.

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide also requires the use of a food-grade product that does not have the stabilizers and chemical preservatives found in the H2O2 bottle on drugstore shelves. It is also important to use distilled water or saline, since tap water can contain a deadly amoeba.[15] Your gastrointestinal tract can adequately take care of this pathogen but inhaling it into your lungs can cause significant damage.

One of the benefits of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide is that it disperses the H2O2 throughout your mouth, nasal cavity, sinuses, throat and lungs. This is especially powerful if you have been exposed to a viral illness or are sick.

Nebulized H2O2 can help kill viral particles in your respiratory tract but does not reach any viral particles in the rest of your body. Therefore, using nebulized H2O2 after exposure or in the early hours of a respiratory infection may help stop an infection in its tracks.

If you miss the early window to prevent an infection, using the treatment also helps to protect your lungs from developing pneumonia, which can be deadly in those with COVID-19[16][17] or flu.[18]

Taxpayers Spend $1,833 per Dose on Monoclonal Antibody Drug
In February 2022, the FDA[19] approved an EUA for a new monoclonal antibody treatment for the COVID-19 omicron variant. The drug — bebtelovimab — was developed by Eli Lilly. The government immediately ordered 600,000 doses, spending $1.08 billion or $1,800 per dose.[20] According to Endpoint News,[21] another order for 150,000 doses was approved for $275 million, the equivalent of $1,833 per dose.

The $33 per dose increase in price occurred in just four months. While this may not sound like a lot of money for a single dose, spread over 150,000 doses it means the U.S. taxpayers shelled out an extra $4.9 million for the same drug just four months later.

According to the announcement by the FDA,[22] the EUA was approved for the treatment of mild to moderate infection in adults and children 12 years of age and older who are at least 88 pounds. The individuals must have a positive COVID-19 test and have indications that they are:

“… at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death, and for whom alternative COVID-19 treatment options approved or authorized by the FDA are not accessible or clinically appropriate.”

In other words, for an illness that has a track record of 99% recovery,[23] the U.S. government has thus far spent $1.35 billion on 750,000 doses of a drug that by the FDA’s own evaluation should only be used for individuals who are at high risk of severe COVID-19.

According to CDC data[24] there were a total of slightly over 1 million deaths from COVID-19 over a 2.5-year period. However, as even the CDC has admitted, many of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 have actually been people died WITH COVID-19, not FROM it.

One of the more infamous cases of death certificates recording a COVID death was from a motorcycle accident,[25] which may have been following the CDC’s own guideline for reporting deaths:[26]

“In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID cannot be made but is suspected or likely (e.g. the circumstances are compelling with a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.'”

As has been widely reported, while the omicron virus is more transmissible, it is also less virulent and doesn’t cause the severe illness that the variants before it.[27] Additionally, if the government drinks their own Kool-Aid, those who are vaccinated are protected from severe disease.[28]

Thus, there should be no need for 750,000 doses of a monoclonal antibody that should only be prescribed to those at “high risk”[29] of severe illness. Added to this, reports, “Not many people have received bebtelovimab. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen. All of the risks are not known at this time.”[30]

Rebound Illness After Antiviral Paxlovid
Fierce Pharma[31] reported that Pfizer also scored a huge deal when the U.S. doubled their order for the antiviral Paxlovid from 10 million to 20 million courses of treatment. The first 10 million cost the U.S. taxpayers $5.29 billion and contributed to Pfizer’s anticipated revenue of $101.3 billion in 2022.

Fierce Pharma[32] also reported that one analyst, writing to clients, reported that Paxlovid had a “leg up” on molnupiravir because of its “superior efficacy and safety profile.”

Paxlovid joins a long list of drugs developed specifically for COVID-19 that have not proven to be effective. Reports are emerging[33] that patients treated with a five-day course will sometimes experience severe rebound when the course is completed. Government officials are planning to study the rate of rebound, the extent to which the drug causes rebound and whether a longer regimen will reduce the effect.

Virologist David Ho described the post-Paxlovid rebound he experienced in April to Bloomberg.[34] After getting sick, his doctor prescribed Paxlovid. Days later his symptoms dissipated, and the tests were negative. However, 10 days after getting sick, the symptoms returned and the tests were positive again.

He sequenced the virus in his body and found that the infection before and after taking Paxlovid were from the same strain, confirming that the virus didn’t mutate or become resistant to the drug. Pfizer, meanwhile, insists the increase in viral load post-treatment “is unlikely to be related to Paxlovid” because viral rebound was found in “a small number” of both the treatment and placebo groups in Pfizer’s final-stage study.[35]

Subsequently, quadruple-vaccinated Fauci reported that he tested positive for COVID-19 and experienced mild symptoms.[36] Reportedly his age placed him at high risk for complications and he was then prescribed Paxlovid.[37] CNN reported he described the “interesting course” of his COVID-19 infection during an appearance at Foreign Policy’s Global Health Forum.

Fauci told the group that after five days he was negative for three consecutive days on an antigen test. Apparently, three negative tests weren’t enough, so he tested himself again on the fourth day “just to be absolutely certain.” By that time, he had reverted to a positive test. “It was sort of what people are referring to as a Paxlovid rebound,” he said.[38]

Low Cost, Low Side Effect, Effective Treatment Available
Fauci reported that his symptoms were worse when they returned the second time after treatment. He was prescribed another course of Paxlovid and at the time of the interview, he was on day 4 of a 5-day course. He reportedly felt “reasonably good” although “not completely without symptoms.”[39]

The cost of Paxlovid can be as much as $530[40] for a five-day course, but consumers get it for “free” since it was purchased with their tax dollars. During these past two years, the government has spent billions of dollars buying medication for an infectious illness that has been proven to be successfully treated at home using far less expensive medications and supplements.

For example, the overall survival rate across all age groups and all risk strata is 99%, but the Zelenko Protocol[41] has demonstrated a 99% survival rate in high-risk patients. His published treatment protocol includes over-the-counter supplements vitamins C and D3, elemental zinc and quercetin for low-risk patients.

Patients who have a moderate or high risk of severe disease are treated with vitamin C and D3, elemental zinc, azithromycin, doxycycline, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance[42] has developed several protocols[43] aimed at prevention, early treatment, long-haul COVID treatment, post-vaccine recovery and hospital treatment. First-line therapies in early treatment include over-the-counter zinc, vitamin C, melatonin, quercetin, probiotics, curcumin, aspirin, mouthwash and nasal spray. Prescription medications include ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Both protocols are highly successful with known side effect profiles since the medications and supplements have been used for many years. Both protocols are based on the premise that early treatment can reduce the risk of long-haul COVID symptoms and the potential to develop severe disease. Most of the therapies are inexpensive and easily purchased over the counter.

The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance[44] also maintains a list of physicians who follow the protocols and provide in-office and telehealth services. I believe one of the most powerful strategies you can use preventively and in early treatment is nebulized hydrogen peroxide.

As the featured study demonstrated, even with store-bought hydrogen peroxide diluted for nasal wash, mouthwash and gargling once daily, you can effectively prevent infection. Although health authorities would like to limit your treatment choices and keep you chained to new and not thoroughly tested drugs where “all the risks are not known at this time,”[45] you have choices and can take control of your health.

Originally published Jul 24, 2022, on

[1] Food and Drug Administration, February 11, 2022

[2] Public Citizen, May 7, 2020 para 1

[3] CNBC, June 29, 2020

[4] Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, November 10, 2020, Methods, para 2, page 4

[5] A Special Interview With Dr. Pierre Kory, December 2021, page 2-4

[6] Bitchute, December 8, 2021, 5:30

[7] Bitchute, December 8, 2021

[8] A Special Interview With Dr. Pierre Kory, December 2021, page 2 para 3

[9] Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 29, 2022

[10] Journal of Hospital Infection, 2022;126

[11] Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 29, 2022

[12] Journal of Hospital Infection, 2022;126

[13] Journal of Hospital Infection, 2021;118 Table 1

[14] BitChute, April 2, 2021

[15] NBC News, September 16, 2013

[16] National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, January 19, 2021

[17] Nature, January 11, 2021

[18] Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases, 2017;80(4)

[19] Food and Drug Administration, February 11, 2022

[20] Endpoint News, June 29, 2022

[21] Endpoint News, June 29, 2022

[22] Food and Drug Administration, February 11, 2022

[23] Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2021;99:19 Findings Median IFR 0.23%

[24] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 29, 2022, Table 1

[25] Sharyl Attkisson, July 17, 2020

[26] Fox News, April 9, 2020

[27] American Medical Association, April 22, 2022

[28] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 28, 2022

[29] Food and Drug Administration, February 11, 2022

[30], Bebtelovimab

[31] Fierce Pharma, January 4, 2022

[32] Fierce Pharma, January 4, 2022

[33] Bloomberg April 29, 2022 (Archived)

[34] Bloomberg April 29, 2022 (Archived)

[35] Bloomberg April 29, 2022 (Archived)

[36] CNBC, June 15, 2022

[37] CNN, June 30, 2022

[38] CNN, June 30, 2022

[39] CNN, June 30, 2022

[40] GoodRx, December 22, 2021

[41] Dr. Vladimir Zelenko

[42] Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance

[43] Front Line, COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, Protocols

[44] Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, COVID-19 Care Providers

[45], Bebtelovimab

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times. Epoch Health welcomes professional discussion and friendly debate. To submit an opinion piece, please follow these guidelines and submit through our form here.