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Misread your question.  Interest costs past a trillion last year;

AND rising rapidly with new debt replacing old and continuing deficits still way into the trillions.

One figure for revenues was $4.44 T.

So it looks like roughly 1 in 4 dollars of tax revenue, 25%, go straight to interest,

But from there it will get worse.
Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« Last post by ccp on June 01, 2024, 10:55:30 PM »
on thinking about it more
the DNC will let Merchan know what sentence to give DJT (in some private or covert way)
based on what polling or other data shows would help them in the polls and election most

If jail time serves to decrease his numbers he will get jail .
if jail time boosts his support he will get something else

anyone who thinks or any lawyers who come out and tell us that Merchan is not influenced by what the DNC wants
should re enroll in  kindergarten as far as I am concerned.

Politics & Religion / Re: Mexico-US matters
« Last post by ccp on June 01, 2024, 06:33:55 AM »
" Can she save the country from cartel violence? "

My short answer is NO.
Politics & Religion / second post prediction
« Last post by ccp on June 01, 2024, 06:14:24 AM »
I don't agree with most of the lawyers

I predict Trump will either get jail time OR minimally house arrest.

The LEFT has gone this far to distort the rules to "get him"
so why would they not finish the job and sentence him to prison or at the very least house arrest.

We need to stop assuming they will be reasonable when by now it is obvious they will stop at nothing to keep him out of November.

Politics & Religion / Alan Dersh and Mark Garagos on Meghan Kelly
« Last post by ccp on June 01, 2024, 06:10:23 AM »
Very interesting discussion.
Recommend listen from 30 minute mark to 1:02 time
more objective legal analysis
prior and post part of podcast also ok but a bit not anything we haven/t already heard on the cable pundits:

My favorite part is Meghan telling Dersh to "be quiet"

Meghan in my opinion is correct and Dersh wrong about how we proceed from here.
I agree with her we need to take the battle right to the Leftists and not let them get away with this.
Do to them as they do to us!
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