Author Topic: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family  (Read 84668 times)


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shysters very hard at work
« Reply #602 on: July 06, 2023, 10:39:28 AM »
on. how to play word games and behind scenes legal maneuvering
on how to get out of this with MSM waiting for marching orders on what to send to all propaganda outlets the BS :

I might add they are doing this at probably $600 per hr +
in defense of democracy
and because they are the most righteous humans on Earth  :wink:
« Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 10:50:48 AM by ccp »


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More corruption uncovered : Derek Hines Louis Freeh & Biden crime family
« Reply #603 on: July 06, 2023, 11:36:03 AM »

"Assistant United States Attorney Derek Hines, who previously worked for Hunter Biden’s business partner, signed off on the charges, along with U.S. Attorney David Weiss, against the president’s son for two federal tax violations and one violation of gun laws."

" In April 2016, Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to 2 of then-VP Joe Biden's grandkids' trust."

" One month prior to the donation, Freeh inquired with Hunter about pursuing “future work options” together, with Joe Biden."

WHAT the heck is this ?




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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #605 on: July 11, 2023, 09:43:03 AM »
Exactly so.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #606 on: July 11, 2023, 05:49:32 PM »
It takes 1 hour (really 1 minute) to determine it does or does not have fingerprints on it. If it didn't have fingerprints on it we would know that, therefore - it does.

I thought at first, not Hunter. Could be anyone. What are the odds?

Then we find out Hunter was there that day, carrying a backpack of unknown contents. It may be that he lives in the White House - to avoid service from baby mama.

Then we realize that this discovery tied to Hunter could screw up his plea deal in his plea deal is what makes the case against the Biden crime family go away.

I thought this was a small matter. It's a big matter.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #607 on: July 11, 2023, 06:00:09 PM »
"Then we find out Hunter was there that day, carrying a backpack of unknown contents."

Not finding this , , ,


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Counter Strike to Biden accusations? Or legit?
« Reply #608 on: July 12, 2023, 02:05:36 AM »
Ex-Trump adviser targeted in plot to push pro-China policies


A dual U.S.-Israeli citizen who once lived in Maryland has been indicted for serving as a Chinese agent and working with Beijing in a 2016 plot to recruit a senior adviser to President-elect Donald Trump to push pro-China policies.

Gal Luft, a critic of President Biden and co-director of the Institute for Analysis of Global Security in Gaithersburg, was charged in a November indictment unsealed Monday with eight criminal counts, including failure to register as an agent of another country. He was also charged with arms traffi cking, violating Iranian sanctions laws and making false statements to federal agents.

Mr. Luft was arrested Feb. 17 in the Republic of Cyprus based on the charges in the indictment. However, he fled after being released on bond and is a fugitive, prosecutors said in announcing the case. Mr.Luftdid not respond to an email request for comment.

The accused has also emerged as a figure in the controversy surrounding President Biden’s son Hunter Biden. Mr. Luft has accused Mr. Biden’s family of receiving millions of dollars from a Chinese energy interest in exchange for access and promoting its business lines.

The 58-page federal indictment details what prosecutors say was a plot by Chinese agents working with Mr. Luft to recruit an unnamed aide to Mr. Trump when he was president-elect in 2016.

The New York Post identified the aide on Twitter as former CIA Director R. James Woolsey. Mr. Woolsey, who was an adviser to Mr. Trump for a short period, did not respond to a request for comment. He and former Reagan security aide Robert McFarlane helped found Mr. Luft’s research group, and Mr. Woolsey resigned from the Trump transition team shortly before Mr. Trump took office in January 2017.

According to the indictment, Mr. Luft worked “to advance the interests of the People’s Republic of China” in the United States without registering as required under U.S. law.

“Specifically, Luft agreed with others to and did … covertly recruit and pay, on behalf of principals based in China, a former highranking U.S. government official, including while the former official was an adviser to the then-president- elect, to publicly support certain policies with respect to China,” the indictment said.

Among other charges, Mr. Luft allegedly worked with a Chinese national who was formerly home affairs secretary in Hong Kong and head of a non-governmental organization funded by a Chinese state-run energy company. The New York Post identified the Chinese national as Patrick Ho, who was sentenced to three years in prison in 2019 on bribery charges linked to CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd.

The person identified in the indictment as “Co-conspirator 1” was said to enjoy “very close relations with [Chinese] President Xi Jinping.”

The unnamed Chinese national reportedly made annual payments of $350,000 to Mr. Gal’s think tank. In exchange, a Chinese national was to be appointed to the group called the China Energy Fund Committee.

Mr. Luft is also charged with brokering deals with Chinese nationals, including “illicit arms deals involving Libya, United Arab Emirates and Kenya.” The arms deals violated the Arms Export Control Act, the indictment said.

Mr.Luftalso was charged with brokering exports of Iranian oil to China.

Details of the plot to recruit a Trump adviser who could infl uence policy in favor of China began in September 2016, around the time when Mr. Woolsey was named as an adviser on China policy to Mr. Trump. Mr.Luftthat same month notified the Chinese he had recruited an aide who would be paid by China.

The Chinese national then replied that Beijing is ready to pay the person and stated, “Our side is more than happy to have someone we know to be the channel with [first letter of then-presidential candidate’s last name].”

Mr. Luft then responded that the recruited aide “needs to be better educated and versed in our narrative so the other side doesn’t shape his views.”

Other communications indicated the Trump aide would be invited to China “undercover” after the Nov. 8, 2016, election. An email said the Trump aide was to lead the presidential transition team for international security, China and Iran policy.

China agreed to pay the Trump aide $6,000 a month to write articles for Chinese propaganda outlets before the 2016 presidential election, the indictment says, promoting “a grand bargain in which the U.S. accepts China’s political and social structure and commits not to disrupt it in any way in exchange for China’s commitment not to challenge the status quo in Asia.”


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Deceit behind the Hunter plea deal, our side Andy
« Reply #609 on: July 12, 2023, 06:39:12 AM »

"it was Garland’s duty to appoint a special counsel.

There can be no greater conflict of interest than that posed by the president’s Justice Department’s having to investigate the president himself and/or a close family member of the president.

It is the textbook case for a special counsel.

The Biden Justice Department could not credibly investigate the Biden family. Garland knows that, yet he refused to appoint a special counsel.

Garland is the culprit in this disgraceful saga."
« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 07:39:46 AM by DougMacG »


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NO LEADS in cocaine at WH
« Reply #610 on: July 13, 2023, 08:32:17 AM »

who would have guessed?

of course

"no PROOF of coverup" will shysters tell us .....

McCabe will be on CNN
telling us why this would not be unusual ..........


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Byron York, Bribe Tapes and Double Standards
« Reply #611 on: July 14, 2023, 06:17:42 AM »
(Doug) Either defund the FBI or keep cutting the head off until the fish doesn't stink.  FBI redacted the Bribe doc. Senator Grassley has seen the unredacted document and the FBI's filthy work..   It is unclassified. Stop covering up for criminals in power. Accomplice after the fact should be charged with the underlying crime.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2023, 06:24:03 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #613 on: July 19, 2023, 05:45:13 AM »
Whistleblowers testifying in committee today.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #615 on: July 19, 2023, 07:16:32 AM »
and the media and their guests play dumbfounded
when anyone points out the obvious hypocrisy on how the justice system is
weaponized, and always in the favor of the Democrat Party .


and the progressively more and more senile President is the denying jerk he has always been

and the media yawns ......

but are breathless with excitement and exhilaration when it is anything Trump
or Republican to bash about


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #616 on: July 19, 2023, 07:48:08 AM »

zero charges against Hunter or Joe
just "investigation is ongoing so we are not able to comment"

and the media
not only ignores this
but then pretends we have no reason to be outraged

but only will say  "Republicans claim this" or "conspiracy theory"

and pretend we are being simply political and they are not

thank you
I will get off my soap box
and give it a rest
till I read media headlines tomorrow
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 08:20:04 AM by ccp »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #617 on: July 19, 2023, 12:13:16 PM »
Right, the story is that Republicans are attacking America's great institutions like the FBI, don't trust elections and need so much investigating because of their immoral criminal behavior, not that these institutions have broken down into purely partisan political actors. Imagine if the IRS, the FBI and the like were political actors aligned with Trump or Bush or Nixon, how would that go?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 12:38:20 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #618 on: July 19, 2023, 12:52:30 PM »
"Trump infamously instructed the Georgia secretary of state, Republican Brad Raffensperger, to “find” enough votes to rob Joe Biden of his win in the battleground state."

   - I wonder if the words "rob Joe Biden of his win" are not in the transcript?  Or is that just nakedly hyper-partisan msm reporting?


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Yes Joe Knew
« Reply #620 on: July 20, 2023, 07:13:13 AM »
Representative Goldman's exploding cigar:

From the article:
... Goldman was trying to get the witnesses to say there is no evidence that President Biden was personally involved in the alleged felonies of his son.

He raised the shocking WhatsApp message that Hunter had allegedly sent to a Chinese official with foreign intelligence contacts.
In the message, Hunter wrote: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight. And, Z, if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”

Most Democrats have avoided the message, which is incredibly damaging and seems to contradict the president’s long denial of any knowledge or involvement in his son’s dealings.

Goldman pressed veteran IRS investigator Gary Shapley about his suggestion that Joe Biden discussed the foreign dealing with his son.

Shapley eagerly said he would be happy to explain, but Goldman cut him off and said he did not have time for such explanations.

At this point, most lawyers would have reversed engines out of troubled waters, but Goldman plowed full speed ahead.

He said the references to Joe sitting next to his son do not mean that they actually discussed his business.

Goldman then went even further and raised a “lunch where Joe Biden came to say hello at the Four Seasons hotel to a lunch that he was having with CEFC executives.”

He then reads from the record in how Biden associate Rob Walker described the origins of the meeting with the Chinese officials to get his dad to stop by: “Hunter told his Dad that ‘I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys.’ “

Goldman then pounced and said slyly, “Now let me ask you something, that doesn’t sound much like Joe Biden was involved in whatever Hunter was doing with the CEFC if Hunter Biden is telling him that he is trying to do business with them, does it?”

That is when Shapley stated the obvious: “No, but it does show that he told his father that he was trying to do business and …”

Goldman finally heard the train whistle and tried to get off the track: “OK, well, that is true that Hunter Biden does try to do business, that is correct.”
Too late.

Goldman was citing the testimony of Walker that Joe Biden not only came to lunch on Hunter’s foreign dealings but did so after being told that Hunter wanted to lay the foundation for such a deal.
More here, they were protecting Joe, not Hunter.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 09:14:12 AM by DougMacG »


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« Last Edit: July 21, 2023, 05:30:39 AM by DougMacG »


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AMcC: The Biden family history of influence peddling explained
« Reply #624 on: July 22, 2023, 04:22:46 PM »

The Biden Family’s History of Influence-Peddling, Explained

Then-vice president Joe Biden arrives for a meeting with Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv, Ukraine, November 21, 2014.(Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters)

July 22, 2023 6:30 AM

Before Ukraine, the president’s playbook seems to have worked like a charm in Romania.
It was the spring of 2014, and Kyiv was in tumult. For all its talk about democracy, the Obama administration had enthusiastically supported the mass protests in western Ukraine that, on February 21, had ousted the democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych.

Progressives have memory-holed much of this history. The Obama State Department and its European counterparts had an embarrassingly notorious hands-on role in the Maidan revolution and the new Ukrainian government that emerged in its aftermath. Predictably, this meddling in another nation’s domestic politics, to the point of toppling the elected government, was exploited by Vladimir Putin to rationalize Russia’s responsive aggression in eastern Ukraine — the annexation of Crimea and the border war that exploded into today’s full-out war when Moscow launched its February 2022 invasion.

Though more Euroskeptic than his political rivals in Kyiv, Yanukovych had leaned toward entering Ukraine into a political association and trade agreement with the European Union. As I detailed in Ball of Collusion, this prompted a furious reaction from the Kremlin, which was always in a natural position to leverage its neighbor’s dependence on Russian goodwill for energy supplies, safe commerce, and domestic tranquility. Putin thus threatened that if Yanukovych made his bed with the West, he would block Ukraine’s imports, slash its exports, cut off its energy lines, bleed its economy, and drive it into collapse. Yanukovych succumbed, ditching the European deal in favor of an alternative Russian pact. This accommodation, to fend off the bear on the border, triggered the internal strife that led inexorably to Yanukovych’s abdication and flight to safety in Moscow.

The post-Soviet history of Eastern Europe teaches that chaos is good for the profiteers.

Already one of the developed world’s most corrupt countries, Ukraine was in utter chaos when President Obama made his vice president, Joe Biden, an infamous hack with the pretensions of a geopolitical strategist, his point man for American policy there. Not exactly a boon for America, but it was a windfall for the Biden family business of cashing in on “the big guy’s” political influence.

In these badlands, standing up a new government — basically consisting of the people who were besieged by the ousted government — looks more like a battle of competing mafia protection rackets than an exercise in spontaneous democracy. For a corrupt company such as Burisma, it would mean new regulators demanding payoffs, in conjunction with the government’s existing extortionate demands.

As a confidential informant explained to the FBI (an explanation recorded in a Form 1023 report controversially made public this week), bribery is such a deep-seated part of business culture in Ukraine and Russia that businesses customarily account for it in budgeting — the Russian word for the line item is podmazat, which literally means to “oil, lubricate, or make things run smoothly.” Indeed, when Biden took the point on U.S. policy toward Kyiv, our close allies in Britain were about to pounce on Burisma’s well-heeled founder and CEO Mykola “Nikolay” Zlochevsky — in their ongoing bribery probe, the Brits would soon seize $23 million he’d squirreled away in London bank accounts, as Eastern European oligarchs were then wont to do.

The Left Isn’t Even Pretending to Work within the American System of Government Anymore
Zlochevsky, then 48, had been a minister in Yanukovych’s government. He knew the long knives would be out for him — and not just from the new regime. The new Poroshenko government’s U.S. State Department patrons had put Zlochevsky on a “ban list,” preventing him from traveling to America. With his Ukrainian allies out of power, Zlochevsky would need new, potent allies to protect him and Burisma from his suddenly empowered Ukrainian rivals.

Joe Biden may not know much, but he knew that.

He also knew that the anti-corruption racket is a profitable one for people in power. The game works like this: You inveigh against corruption, ostensibly to encourage a corrupt but supposedly reforming regime to clean up its act; that, of course, increases the pressure on the regime’s corruption targets (e.g., those who’ve bribed their way to fortune); those targets, already no strangers to paying off whomever must be paid off, become more willing to pay the anti-corruption poseurs.

As the House Oversight Committee has shown (see preliminary report, pp. 11–17), Biden appears to have made this work like a charm in Romania.

In 2014 and 2015, when not railing at officials in Kyiv about corruption, he was railing at officials in Bucharest about corruption. At the time, one of their most high-profile corruption targets was Gabriel Popoviciu, a real-estate tycoon ultimately convicted of paying a bribe to acquire a highly desirable lot at a bargain price. While Vice President Biden pressured Romania to ratchet up anti-corruption prosecutions, Popoviciu paid Hunter Biden to use his connections to fend off the Romanian prosecutors.

As the committee documents, the payments were structured to conceal the fact that they were coming from Popoviciu: multiple payments over time by the Romanian tycoon’s business (Bladon Enterprises Limited) to the Bidens’ business partner, Rob Walker. Because smaller money transfers draw less regulatory attention, Walker parceled out Popoviciu’s transfers into smaller payments and doled them out, over time, to various Hunter Biden accounts and accounts of business associates, and even sent $10,000 to an account of Hallie Biden — Beau Biden’s widow with whom Hunter was romantically involved. All in the family.

Amazing how this works: After the vice president congratulated President Klaus Iohannis on the strides Romania was making to crack down on corruption, Hunter stepped up efforts for Popoviciu — the incumbent vice president’s son using his contacts to beseech State Department officials to help a Romanian corruption target’s lawyers get a meeting with Romanian anti-corruption prosecutors. In the midst of the payments from Popoviciu detailed by the committee (which stretched from November 2015 through the end of his father’s term in office), Hunter wrote in one email on behalf of his Romanian client, “He is in my estimation a very good man that’s being very badly treated by a suspect Romanian justice system” (emphasis added). I’m sure you’ll be shocked to hear that the Romanian courts didn’t see it that way, upholding Popoviciu’s nine-year prison sentence.

With Romania and the committee report as background, should we really be all that surprised about the allegations that emerged this week implicating Joe Biden in Ukrainian bribery schemes?

On April 16, 2014, with Kyiv still in upheaval, Vice President Biden was visited at the White House by Hunter and Devon Archer, Hunter’s longtime chum and business partner (who is now looking at prison time, in addition to tens of millions of dollars in fines and restitution costs, after recently losing the appeal of his 2022 federal fraud conviction over a $60 million fraud scheme). Just five days later, Vice President Biden was in Ukraine to conduct various meetings and — well, wouldn’t you know it — the very next day (April 22) it was announced that Archer had been named to the Burisma board of directors, with Hunter’s installation to that board already quietly in the works.

The press lauded Joe Biden as the face of American policy in Ukraine. We don’t know everyone he met with on his visit to Ukraine, nor everyone he spoke with about it. We do know, however, that Zlochevsky told the FBI’s informant he had spoken with both Joe and Hunter Biden about placing Hunter in a lucrative position on Burisma’s board — though the younger Biden, who’d just been ousted from a cushy Navy appointment over his cocaine use, had no experience in the energy sector.

Burisma’s chief financial officer was Vadim Pozharsky. That’s a name you want to remember. The FBI’s informant attended a business meeting with Burisma executives in late 2015 or early 2016, during which Pozharsky explained that the company had hired Hunter to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.” As we shall see, this is completely consistent with statements we know Pozharsky has made.

Hunter did not formally join his partner Archer on the Burisma board until May 12, 2014. In the intervening three weeks, two important things happened. First, the aforementioned British seizure of Zlochevsky’s accounts in London on April 28. Second, well, Burisma started paying up.

As related in a report compiled by Senators Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), the funds started rolling in with a quarter-million-dollar transfer on May 7 to the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP, where Hunter (who went to law school) was “of counsel” (see report, pp. 66–68). Not coincidentally, Boies Schiller is the same firm used by Hunter in the Popoviciu caper. In all, Burisma paid Hunter Biden and Archer over $4 million combined. A big chunk of it came during Joe Biden’s vice presidency. And — mirabile dictu — it seems, for some unfathomable reason, that Hunter’s salary was halved once his father was out of office.

The day Hunter formally joined Burisma’s board, he and Archer were sent an “urgent issue” email by Pozharsky. After alluding to their recent meetings together in Lake Como in Lombardy, Pozharsky reminded his new partners about the new Ukrainian regime’s tormenting of Zlochevsky, which he referred to alternatively as “blackmailing” and as efforts to extort him for money. Because these tactics had been unsuccessful, the regime had now moved on to “concrete” legal actions aimed at “intimidating” Burisma’s commercial contacts and “destabilizing” its business. Consequently, Pozharsky stressed, “we urgently need your advice on how you could use your influence to convey a message/signal, etc., to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions.”

Hunter responded that he was with Archer in Doha, Qatar, and asked for more information about “the formal (if any) accusations being made against Burisma.” “Who,” he asked, was “ultimately behind these attacks on the company? Who in the current interim government could put an end to such attacks?” Meantime, Hunter and Archer immediately began work on trying to get Zlochevsky removed from the State Department’s ban list in hopes of helping him obtain a visa — a project for which they enlisted Boies Schiller’s help.

By December, however, even with the U.S. vice president’s son on his board, Zlochevsky apparently decided to deal with his troubles the old-fashioned way: by paying a $7 million bribe to officials at the office of Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Vitaly Yarema. State Department official George Kent learned about the bribe, reporting it to his superiors and the FBI. He also raised the concern with the vice president’s office that Hunter Biden’s association with Zlochevsky was compromising the Obama administration’s anti-corruption efforts.

I know you’ll be stunned to hear this, but Vice President Biden took no action.

Hunter and Archer, of course, continued working for Burisma and Zlochevsky. In early 2015, they began planning a dinner party in Washington at which Vice President Biden would stop by and meet a number of their business associates. The dinner was held in the private Garden Room of Café Milano in Georgetown on April 16, 2015. Notwithstanding the mounting bribery allegations against Zlochevsky, Hunter invited Pozharsky. Thus did the Burisma CFO get a coveted meeting with the sitting U.S. vice president. Pozharsky gushed in an email the following day, “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.” Pozharsky was soon headed to the airport but asked Hunter to meet for coffee before he departed.

Alas, Pozharsky was not gushing when he emailed Hunter, Archer, and their partner Eric Schwerin nearly six months later, on November 2. Instead, he was bemoaning the lack of “concrete tangible results that we set out to achieve in the first place” — referring, obviously, to Burisma’s installation of Hunter and Archer on its board in order to help Zlochevsky. Having looked at planning documents Hunter and his associates had just provided, Pozharsky complained that they failed to

offer any names of top US officials here in Ukraine (for instance, the US Ambassador) or Ukrainian officials (the President of Ukraine, chief of staff, Prosecutor General) as key targets for improving Nicolay’s [i.e., Zlochevsky’s] case and his situation in Ukraine.

Of course, Pozharsky conceded, maybe this was intentional. After all, one should avoid naming names in such documents. That said, what was written was unimportant only as long as “all parties in fact understand the true purpose of the [Burisma] engagement and all our joint efforts.” It was critical, he asserted, for everyone to “be on the same page re our final goals.” Pozharsky thus demanded a list of “concrete deliverables,” including “meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their ‘positive opinion’ and support of [Zlochevsky]/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers” — repeating that this meant Ukraine’s president, chief of staff, and prosecutor general.

Pozharsky concluded this remarkably blunt email with the hope that “widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers” would come to Ukraine in the coming weeks to help achieve this “ultimate purpose to close down for any cases/pursuits against [Zlochevsky] in Ukraine.”

These are not the demands, and this is not the tone, of friends who are seeking a favor but of hard men who are paying dearly for a service and who are running out of patience — wondering whether it’s worth continuing to pay.

In a few short weeks, Burisma appears to have gotten what Pozharsky was demanding. Vice President Joe Biden came to Kyiv in early December and met with Ukraine’s president and other top officials. He threatened to withhold $1 billion of U.S. funding unless, within six hours, the regime fired Viktor Shokin — the prosecutor who was investigating Zlochevsky and Burisma.

Mind you, at the time, Ukraine was under siege by Russia. Perhaps you recall Donald Trump’s being impeached by Democrats for withholding aid from Kyiv while it was struggling to fight off Putin’s aggression in the east. But Biden was going to withhold $1 billion . . . over a prosecutor?

We know Biden did this because he bragged about it in a 2018 interview at the Council on Foreign Relations. Never having been the sharpest tool in the shed, he thought this helped him by showing his toughness as he prepared for his presidential run. He claimed it was all about — all together now — fighting corruption! In character, moreover, Biden exaggerated his role in getting the prosecutor axed. Shokin was not fired in six hours; it took four months of arm-twisting, and the threat by Christine Lagarde, director of the International Monetary Fund, to withhold $40 billion of Ukrainian aid — again, to fight corruption, it was said — had more to do with it than did Biden’s gambit.

That said, here we have Biden beating his chest about how he strong-armed Kyiv to fire the prosecutor who was then investigating Zlochevsky’s company — which we now know was then beseeching Biden’s son to persuade top U.S. officials to weigh in on Burisma’s behalf with top Ukrainian officials. If Biden’s very clear admission was not on video, does anyone doubt that he would now deny having said any such thing, just like he vehemently denies ever discussing the business dealings he risibly continues to claim were his son’s and not his own?

In early 2016, when the FBI informant met with Zlochevsky in Vienna, he asked about Shokin’s investigation of Burisma, which had gone public. “Don’t worry,” the informant recalled Zlochevsky responding, “Hunter will take care of all those issues through his dad.” Subsequently, he elaborated that he’d paid $10 million in bribes to the Bidens — half for the then–vice president, half for his son.

Mind you, that wasn’t going to be enough. Though Zlochevsky said he found Hunter useless (his dog, he said, was smarter), Burisma still needed to keep the vice president’s son on the board “so everything will be okay.” If that’s true, then the already obvious is explicit: Hunter’s lucrative sinecure was part of the bribe. And we know Hunter was on the board and was paid millions.

In a later phone call, Zlochevsky told the FBI informant that he wasn’t worried about law-enforcement heat over the bribes he said he had been forced to pay the Bidens. He claimed to have saved texts and recordings that would prove the coercion. Did he really? We can’t say . . . but is it really that hard to believe? Not if you’ve read the WhatsApp message in which Hunter makes extortionate demands of a Chinese business partner with, he claims, his father sitting right there beside him and ready to make the partner’s life miserable.

And Zlochevsky says his payments to the Bidens were structured in such a labyrinthine manner, using multiple companies and bank accounts, that it would take investigators “ten years” to trace the bribe dollars to Joe Biden. Does that really sound so unbelievable once one has studied the House Oversight Committee’s preliminary report? Bear in mind the Popoviciu payment scheme and the dozens of others like it with Chinese and other “business partners”: transaction after transaction in which millions of dollars come the Bidens’ way in exchange for no apparent comparable value.

Nothing, that is, except Joe Biden’s political influence.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2023, 07:18:21 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Comer: Criminal referrals coming
« Reply #626 on: July 23, 2023, 07:42:17 AM »

BTW, remember how the Dems went after Gaitz on Mann Act type stuff?

MTG can be a stupid twat, but I must say her in the hearing putting the pix up of Hunter banging the hookers was hysterical.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #627 on: July 23, 2023, 09:12:27 AM »
especially obnoxious is Hunter is seen all the time at important events , dinners, overseas trips
with Joe
going around shaking hands and waving to the crowd.

no one is above the law


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Hunter attends State Dinner for PM Modi, msm yawns
« Reply #628 on: July 23, 2023, 12:59:08 PM »
ccp: "especially obnoxious is Hunter is seen all the time at important events , dinners, overseas trips
with Joe
going around shaking hands and waving to the crowd

Perhaps the boldest move of Joe's presidency:

ABC News:
"Just days after agreeing to plead guilty to tax-related misdemeanors, Hunter Biden on Thursday night attended a White House state dinner hosted for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi."

(Doug). Why?!  Anyway it proves Hunter has father Joe by the short hairs.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 03:13:21 PM by DougMacG »


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Eli Lake, Hunter, Joe, deep state
« Reply #629 on: July 24, 2023, 04:55:02 PM »
"Savor the irony. In an effort to counter Russian disinformation, the FBI actively allowed American disinformation to spread."
« Last Edit: July 24, 2023, 10:25:54 PM by DougMacG »


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quid. pro. quo
« Reply #630 on: July 25, 2023, 08:14:41 PM »
Buys the paintings from Hunter but gets appointed by Joe. That's not very many degrees of separation.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 01:36:03 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #631 on: July 26, 2023, 05:34:43 AM »
It's Hunter plea deal day today in court. A judge has her reputation on the line. Justice is ready to be made a mockery.
Update, plea deal falls apart:
« Last Edit: July 26, 2023, 01:15:17 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #632 on: July 26, 2023, 08:05:00 AM »
conservative outlets point out how Biden attorney
impersonated someone else to falsely get information.

not a peep about it on MSM sites

except for our ~ 5% outlets we would never know about the Democrat's corruption .

what was attorney's excuse - "miscommunication"

remarkable what lawyers can get away with

equal justice under the law except Democratic partisan attorneys

where are the state bars who are supposed to take action
is anyone sending in complaints to them?


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The Weiss - Matthew Graves - Fatima Graves - Joe Biden connection
« Reply #634 on: July 27, 2023, 10:40:33 AM »
in unprecedented actions

both US attorney:

E Martin Estrada  US attorney for California ( a Biden appointee !!! and Kamal donor)


Matthew Graves  US attorney for DC ( a Biden appointee !!! and dem and biden donor)

refused to assist

Delaware US attorney David Weiss in Hunter investigation,office%20since%20February%2022%2C%202018.&text=Philadelphia%2C%20Pennsylvania%2C%20U.S.

What is pointed out in O'Reilly podcast on July 19 th with guest Senator Cruz

is that Matthew Graves wife, Fatima Graves


Bill suspects she IS THE LIASON between Justice so called "investigation" of Hunter.
Of course since there would a paper trial if communications by any other means to the President and DOJ ,  she goes to the WH to do it without leaving any kind of recorded trail.

This is how the Biden ( so did BROCK !) communicates with Justice is alleged

it is plainly obvious they do it - could this be the way?

Certainly same concept along with the Soros klan.

One of them goes to WH and asks Biden team - where can we help you with money .........
« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 10:42:36 AM by ccp »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #635 on: July 27, 2023, 01:17:12 PM »
The game runs deep and dirty in Rome.


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we just want what is best for the 4yo
« Reply #636 on: July 28, 2023, 05:46:38 PM »

Let's see.

Hunter pays the stripper partly with paintings that she turns around and sells to a apparently rich lawyer named Morris or perhaps some Chinese art lover whose name Hunter cannot spell

this all about the child  :roll:

now that is "off the table" we can all move on ......


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shysters try to pull a fast one on the judge
« Reply #637 on: July 29, 2023, 07:09:33 AM »

"This is from Sol Wisenberg, a former prosecutor for independent counsel Kenneth Starr: "A broad immunity provision (arguably covering every crime Hunter may have committed during the relevant time frame) was hidden in Paragraph 15 of the Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement and this was done by the parties in order that the judge could not accept or reject the broad immunity portion of the overall deal. Totally unprecedented."

Paragraph 15 said the government "agrees not to criminally prosecute Biden ... for any federal crimes" involving the behavior covered by both the tax charge agreement and the gun charge agreement. So if prosecutors, for example, decided that Biden was representing a foreign government in the course of his shady overseas financial dealings, he might be charged with violating the law requiring him to register as a foreign agent. But Paragraph 15, buried in the gun charge agreement, would have forbidden that.

Why was it done this way, "totally unprecedented," in Wisenberg's words? It seems entirely possible that the DOJ and the Biden defense team were trying to pull a fast one on the judge. Indeed, Wisenberg noted the transcript of the hearing "shows that the judge didn't even see the key paragraph until shortly before the hearing." Whatever the case, it didn't work. Noreika put a stop to the proceedings and ordered both sides to work something else out.


reminds of a NJ attorney we were going to hire for copyrights.  We explicitly made it clear in the contract that we had total control and he was only to act with our express consent.

then when we received the contract - hidden on page 37 was a sentence that he could act without our knowledge of consent or something like that.
a single line - showed up on page 37

same bullshit shysterism........

needless to say he was out immediately; and
he was recommended as a long time friend of my relative........

like they say ,  anyone can be bribed.  or nearly anyone....
« Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 07:12:32 AM by ccp »


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The girl is four!!
« Reply #639 on: July 30, 2023, 06:06:38 PM »

One of the Left wing NYT columnists called him out on this.  Not useful idiots anymore, the puppet strings run the other way.

They say success by 6 for a child, and  they just missed 4 1/2 years of that.  Don't act like some caring grandparents now.  Where was moral-less Jill on this, hates kids.  Who shuns their grandkids for the behavior of the parents? My parents didn't.  Given the broken 'family', doesn't the grandchild need the support even more?

Her grandfather is President of the United States.  In some other time that might be the greatest man in the world.  She's never met him, hidden in Arkansas in shame, with denied existence.  Raised by former stripper mom; happens to be the person in the family with the most integrity.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 06:24:17 PM by DougMacG »


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Biden & Son (Hunter), Bill McGurn, WSJ
« Reply #642 on: August 01, 2023, 11:50:28 AM »
If you are an honest liberal, serious term, no matter how much you hate trump, how do you read the whole Biden story with anything short of complete outrage?!  They were corrupt. Big money changed hands. Real quid pro quo. Plenty of evidence.  And he denied it to our faces!
 Just like Nixon saying, I'm not a crook, Biden said, "I knew nothing about my son's business dealings.". "My son did nothing wrong".  What about multiple felonies under FARA, the foreign agent registration act they prosecuted Paul manafort under?


Devon Archer Throws a Curve
Joe Biden’s denials about Hunter and his laptop are now disproven. What will he say in the 2024 presidential debates?
By William McGurn
July 31, 2023 6:22 pm ET

Hunter Biden's former business partner, Devon Archer, has testified behind closed doors to the House Oversight Committee about the President's ties to his son's foreign business dealings, which included more than 20 calls on speaker phone with business associates.
Up to now the big question about Joe Biden and 2024 has been whether he’ll be physically up for the debates. But former Hunter Biden business associate Devon Archer’s closed-door testimony to the House Oversight Committee on Monday, on the heels of Hunter’s failed plea, raises another question: Will the president have to apologize for misleading the public during the 2020 debates, when he categorically denied his son’s influence-peddling overseas?

All this would have gone away if Hunter’s plea agreement hadn’t blown up in federal court. Prosecutors told the court that Hunter might still be charged with failing to register as a foreign agent.

Then came Mr. Archer’s Monday testimony. According to a statement by Chairman James Comer, Mr. Archer testified that Joe Biden joined phone conversations with Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, a Hunter client, to “sell the brand.” Mr. Archer further said that Burisma pressured Hunter to get help from “D.C.” regarding prosecutor Viktor Shokin, for whose firing Vice President Biden pushed.

This doesn’t prove Joe Biden discussed business terms or shared in any profits. But at the very least, it exposes Mr. Biden’s gaslighting of the American people in 2020.

Hunter featured prominently in both presidential debates because Donald Trump kept bringing him up. The first mention came in the Sept. 29 debate in Cleveland. After Mr. Biden criticized President Trump’s China policy, the incumbent said:

“China ate your lunch, Joe. And no wonder your son goes in and, wha—he takes out billions of dollars. He takes out billions of dollars to manage. He makes millions of dollars. And also, while we’re at it, why is it just out of curiosity, the mayor of Moscow’s wife gave your son 3½ million dollars?”

He then asked: “What did he do with Burisma?”

Altogether Mr. Biden declared “that is not true” or words to that effect eight times. He said seven times that Mr. Trump’s assertions were “discredited,” sometimes “totally discredited.” Near the end he added, “My son did nothing wrong at Burisma.”

Mr. Trump wouldn’t let it rest: Hunter “made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places.” Mr. Biden again denied it: “That is simply not true.”

Mr. Biden counted on a compliant press to move on, and it largely did. But then the Bidens came up against Judge Maryellen Noreika. She confirmed with Hunter Biden himself that, contrary to his father’s assertions, he did receive a small fortune from Ukrainian and Chinese firms.

Then there’s the $3.5 million 2014 wire transfer from Elena Baturina, widow of the former Moscow mayor, that Mr. Trump harped on. Hunter’s lawyer has said his client had no interest in and wasn’t a co-founder of the recipient firm. But Mr. Archer is linked to the firm—and he also knows how Hunter’s deals were structured. Maybe we’ll learn more from the transcript.

Mr. Biden continued issuing absolute denials in the second debate, on Oct. 22. Again Mr. Trump wouldn’t let it rest. “If this stuff is true about Russia, Ukraine, China, other countries, Iraq—if this is true, then he’s a corrupt politician,” he said. Mr. Trump then brought up the “laptop from hell,” prompting Mr. Biden to imply it wasn’t Hunter’s.

“Look,” he said, “there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what this, he’s accusing me of, is a Russian plan. They have said that this has all the characteristics—four—five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.”

This was also untrue. The “50 former national intelligence folks” Mr. Biden invoked did suggest the laptop could be Russian disinformation. But we now know the laptop was Hunter’s—and the former intel officials were the ones spreading disinformation.

In short Mr. Biden wasn’t telling the truth about Hunter during the debates, and there is no way to defend those answers today. In the runup to next year’s election, we are likely to learn even more as the congressional investigations continue.

Even the Biden White House recognizes that the president’s blanket denials are no longer credible. No doubt it’s why press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently switched the official party line from “the president never discussed his son’s business with him” to “the president has never been in business with him.”

The real danger for Mr. Biden in the 2024 debates is if the Republican candidate asks him the obvious: “Mr. President, we have learned since 2020 that almost everything you claimed about your son’s business overseas the last time you were on this debate stage was untrue. Why should the American people believe anything you say now?”
« Last Edit: August 01, 2023, 11:53:40 AM by DougMacG »


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Remember intelligence people whistle blower rules changed for Trump in 2019
« Reply #645 on: August 02, 2023, 08:23:29 AM »
From a post on 9/27/23:

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whistleblower rules changed for intelligence people this past yr
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2019, 03:33:25 PM »
This is outrageous:

Now all whistleblower reports are the LEFT


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« Last Edit: August 02, 2023, 02:29:44 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Tucker soft ball interviews Devon Archer
« Reply #647 on: August 02, 2023, 03:48:08 PM »
I agree with Greg Kelly

Tucker sounds a bit like a doofus here

He asks Archer some questions with minimal follow up questions or pressing for more explicit answers from a guy who sleazed his why through the Congressional oversight committee testimony (from what it sounds to me)

Kelly also asks , why is Tucker laughing - I agree THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER - Tucker get rid of the laugh PLEASE


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #649 on: August 06, 2023, 08:05:18 AM »
but he stopped short of actually naming Biden as participating or taking the bribe

the calls were only about Beau according to shyster mobster Goldman.

that is where they set up the wall around Biden

and following Weissmann's cue, I hear the media parrot "there is no there there!"

I cannot think of a more stupid line but I have been hearing more and more.

I think Hillary's "there is no controlling authority" more nearly applies.

It should be there is no controlling authority that will do the control.

(except a slim majority in Congress)

« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 08:10:07 AM by ccp »