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Messages - Bowser

Pages: [1]
Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 29, 2006, 12:23:25 AM »
We don't see a eye to eye at all.



Politics & Religion / Help our troops/our cause:
« on: July 28, 2006, 08:51:22 PM »
Those troops are not out there for you, they are out there for Bush and his cronies. . . . and Bush and co, they don't care a jot for you, as you will one day realise when you have to confront them yourselves.


Politics & Religion / Lebanon
« on: July 28, 2006, 08:46:22 PM »
American tourists in the middle east  :roll:

 Can't you stick to toting cameras and coca cola. . . . you are leaving too much trash and not enough historic buildings.

 Damn you !




Opinions from across the spectrum are welcome here, but the general tenor of Bowser's posts this evening is not what we are looking for.


Politics & Religion / Geo Political matters
« on: July 28, 2006, 08:43:21 PM »
Mr cut and paste strikes again !  :roll:

 Is that how you fight. . . .  cut and paste moves. . .  or do you respond to the situation at hand using your own resources ?

 Just wondering


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 28, 2006, 08:39:52 PM »
Quote from: Crafty_Dog

Martial Arts begins with the consciousness that we are worthy of defending.



Defence? This war is the equivalent of you coming and attempting to destroy my house and family because your president tells you that you are defending yourself by doing so even though i am innocent of any attack. . . . that's not defence, that's an attack. . . .  calling it defence is just pseudo political double talk. . . . and so apparently is your "higher consciousness through harder contact" claim.

Martial arts are not a pseudo patriotic political excuse to indulge in mechanised killing. . ..  but that's what you are treating them as. . . shame on you.. . . you get no repect from this puppy.


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 28, 2006, 05:38:33 PM »
One of the main goals of martial arts should be the prevention of world wars through the expression of warlike instincts in a harmless way.

 Higher consciousness through harder contact prevents war. . .  if you are indulging in harder contact while supporting war then you have not achieved higher consciousness and should re evaluate your martial activities.


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 23, 2006, 09:07:12 PM »
Quote from: captainccs
Quote from: Bowser
Of course Israelis have the right to self defence, but not sure if Israel has the right to take war outside its territory

By this reasoning, the Allies should not have bombed and invaded Japan or Germany in WWII, they should have just stayed in their own territory until Japan and Germany got tired of invading. Does not sound practical to me. :(

I said that i am not sure. . .  that's what I meant. . .  I can only speak with absolute certainty regarding my own territory and tactics.

Quote from: Bowser
No fear makes terrorism impossible by definition !  

If I'm fearless, then no Katyusha rocket can fall on my house? Defies logic. :?

It can but it is less likely to. . . . fear attracts that which is feared


Politics & Religion / Help our troops/our cause:
« on: July 23, 2006, 08:15:28 PM »
Yeah right, war can certainly be glorious, but I prefer the Dog Brothers method of fighting, The US Army is too techno for my taste and takes up too much of other people's space.

 Individuals on both sides need support, and just like in the Vietnam war are likely to need more support after it is over.

Just a personal dislike here but images of C Rice and G Bush posing as warriors doesn't ring true. . .  i wonder why ?


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 23, 2006, 08:08:18 PM »
Quote from: xtremekali

I would assume if someone invaded your small piece of land in NZ then you would do whatever it took to defend it.

Don't you believe that Israel also has the right to self defense?

Please excuse my ignorance but what is a "watcher"?

Myke Willis


Correct xtremekali. . .  I would defend it, ideally without fear. Note however that they would have to actually invade, I will not fight in their territory.

Of course Israelis have the right to self defence, but not sure if Israel has the right to take war outside its territory

Crafty Dog speaks of the watcher. . . activating the watcher as you enter the adrenal state . . . it's a higher consciousness, one's higher self. . . . I would like to hear from Crafty Dog on the subject, I am sure that he has a lot to share after more than 140 Dog Brothers fights.


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 23, 2006, 07:58:59 PM »
Quote from: captainccs
Quote from: Bowser
Regarding the war on terror, I believe that the best way to fight it is quite simply by fearing nothing.

Been there, done that, didn't work.


It works for me, so I am sticking to it.. . .  doesn't prevent actual fighting either. . .  just prevents fear, which helps with everything, that's why i said it's the best way, it's kind of prior to everything else. . . at least that's my way of seeing it. No fear makes terrorism impossible by definition !


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 23, 2006, 01:10:05 AM »
Quote from: ppulatie
What is Balintawak?

And what do you believe in regards to Iraq and Israel with Lebanon? It will clarify things for us here.

A higher consciousness when it comes to the War on Terror means nothing to me. Unless it is the recognition that we are in the fight of our live and for our lives.

Hi Ppulatie,

I practice Balintawak Escrima as taught by Bobby Taboada:

Regarding Higher consciousness, it is the goal of the Dog brothers is it not?

Regarding the war on terror, I believe that the best way to fight it is quite simply by fearing nothing.


Politics & Religion / Re: Semblance of Sense
« on: July 22, 2006, 03:42:29 PM »
Quote from: buzwardo
Quote from: Bowser
Extrapolating your righteous duty to deveop (sic) your fighting qualities into support for a mass market global military war is evidence in my opinion that your fighting nature is not completely  grounded in morality and that your watcher is asleep or wearing blinkers.

Jeepers that sounds bad. What does it mean when you combine mass market global military extrapolations with non-sequiturs and pompous gibberish?

Snipe away if that's what floats your boat, but how 'bout trying to make a semblance of sense along the way? And if you take that advice I'll go pick up a lotto ticket as I've yet to encounter a troll interested in informed debate.

Looks like you missed the 'higher consciousness' goal of the Dog Brothers

I am not a troll, I practice Balintawak and am expressing my sincere opinion. . .  

I fail to find a non sequiteur in my post, please explain why you suggested that there is one.


Politics & Religion / Libertarian themes
« on: July 21, 2006, 04:54:53 PM »


 I'm with you Dogs on this Civil Liberties business.

 Stick it to them !


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 21, 2006, 04:48:54 PM »
Extrapolating your righteous duty to deveop your fighting qualities into support for a mass market global military war is evidence in my opinion that your fighting nature is not completely  grounded in morality and that your watcher is asleep or wearing blinkers.

 Let's hope that the war does not extend to the Phillipines.




Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:15:29 PM »
Quote from: xtremekali

After reading your post I myself felt like swatting your nose with a rolled newspaper for the blatant disrespect.  

Hi Mike

The only problem we have there is one of distance, I am in New Zealand.

I maybe wrong but I feel you are against this war.  Many people in this "tribe" share your feelings.  Instead of throwing out insults why not share why you are against this action.

My inner watcher does not allow me to support this war.

If your watcher does, then so be it. . .  

Have you been to Iraq?  If not, why not?

Currently my territory is about a third of an acre, and it isn't in Iraq.

The military purpose of a dog (IMO) is to defend its territory, which is what I do.



Politics & Religion / Help our troops/our cause:
« on: July 20, 2006, 05:05:14 PM »
I hear you crafty dog, this thead is, as you say, about the troops.

 Perhaps I should have said:

" I would like to learn from you by fighting with you in the spirit of the Dog Brothers, using wet towels as a weapon"




Politics & Religion / Help our troops/our cause:
« on: July 19, 2006, 07:09:46 PM »
Growl woof Crafty Dog,

 I agree that we are under attack by a world wide fascist movement, however I have two points  which I must humbly present:

 1) That we must 'activate our watchers' very well indeed in order to determine where the fascism really is . . . . and by that I mean our internal watchers. . .  . not our television and newspaper watchers.

2) That war is often the result of  personal  aggression problems suffered by those in power . . . . they have no personal outlet for aggression, and they have not anchored theor warrior instincts in morality by actually fighting . . . . .  those in power have not activated their watchers sufficiently. . . . they don't even know what it means to do so.

. . . so be very wary of following the media and entering wars started by people who won't and can't actually fight in them. . . . they are not worthy of your support. . .    



PS I still want to slap your ears... . that's what it's all about !


Politics & Religion / WW3
« on: July 18, 2006, 04:57:50 PM »
Why the F are you not in Iraq yourself if you feel so strongly about it ?

 How unfortunate that I now feel like slapping your ears for your warlike lunacy when I actually respect your fighting philosophy


Politics & Religion / Help our troops/our cause:
« on: July 18, 2006, 04:54:32 PM »
Hello Crafty Dog,

 I am inspired by the Dog Brothers philosophy as presented in your video clips, however I am disappointed to find that political aims are being presented here. . . . I realise that you are a tribe, and that as a tribe you have  a patriotic and political bent, but I must say that it is one that I disagree with strongly.

 I find that by extending your excellent fighting philosophy into the global political realm you weaken it


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