Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 567806 times)


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WSJ: Scorched Earth Judging in North Carolina
« Reply #1900 on: October 04, 2021, 05:16:00 AM »

Scorched-Earth Judging in North Carolina
A liberal state Supreme Court gambit threatens political legitimacy.
By The Editorial Board
Oct. 3, 2021 5:11 pm ET

Donald Trump tried to overturn at least three state elections in 2020. But liberal groups in North Carolina are trying to overturn or sidestep four separate elections in that state from 2018 and 2020. Unlike the U.S. Supreme Court in 2020, a filing last week suggests North Carolina’s Supreme Court is willing to entertain the political revanchists’ claims.

The scorched-earth politics at work are elaborate, so bear with us. The two elections immediately under fire are a 2018 state referendum capping North Carolina’s income tax at 7% and another referendum requiring photo identification for in-person voting in the state.

North Carolina’s constitutional amendment process requires a three-fifths majority of the Legislature to put a measure on the ballot, and then for the public to ratify it in a referendum. The Republican Legislature placed the tax and voting amendments on the ballot in 2018, and voters approved them by about 15 and 11 percentage points, respectively.

Liberal groups want to throw out those decisive outcomes, and their sweeping claim extends beyond the 2018 election. It’s that the entire Legislature of America’s ninth largest state was essentially illegitimate for the better part of a decade due to gerrymandering. Federal litigation forced North Carolina to redraw its 2011 legislative maps in 2017.

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Therefore, the plaintiffs argue in NC NAACP v. Moore, the Republican Legislature should not have been able to put the measures on the ballot, rendering both of the voters’ verdicts void. A North Carolina lower-court judge agreed. But he was reversed by a state appellate court, which balked at the notion of retroactively stripping an elected Legislature of its powers and nullifying referenda, no matter the outcome of litigation over district boundaries.

The shenanigans don’t end there. The case is now before the seven-member North Carolina Supreme Court, which is closely divided along partisan lines. The three Republicans include Tamara Barringer and Phil Berger, who were elected in 2020. That’s where the next layer of electoral subversion comes in.

The plaintiffs this July filed a motion for the two justices elected in 2020 to be removed from the case. The pretext is that Justice Barringer served in the North Carolina state Legislature when the constitutional amendments were passed, and Justice Berger’s father is a GOP legislative leader and therefore named as a defendant as a stand-in for the state.

Yet the public and the press were well aware of this high-profile case and the justices’ backgrounds when they were elected in 2020. Past service as a legislator is not normally disqualifying from hearing cases related to legislation passed during that service, and removing a judge at a “court of last resort” requires a higher burden since that judge can’t be replaced.

One of the liberal justices, Anita Earls, litigated extensively against North Carolina’s 2011 maps before she was elected to the Supreme Court in 2018. Yet Justice Earls’ removal is not sought because a liberal majority to overturn the two constitutional amendments would depend on her vote.

Recusals at the U.S. Supreme Court are at the discretion of the Justice alone, and it might be expected that Justices Barringer and Berger would see through this political gambit. But last week the court’s liberal justices suggested that they might be considering an unprecedented effort to evict their conservative colleagues involuntarily—a stunning and destabilizing prospect.

The court delayed argument in the case and last Tuesday sent out an unusual order asking the parties a number of questions, including, “Does this Court have the authority to require the involuntary recusal of a justice who does not believe that self-recusal is appropriate?”

That suggests that Justices Barringer and Berger believe, rightly, that they do not need to recuse from the case, but at least some (perhaps a majority) of the other justices have been moved by the liberal pressure campaign to consider a vote to oust them.

It’s worth reviewing the radicalism of what may be transpiring. Democrats in North Carolina lost policy votes in 2018 around taxation and voting, and elections for the state’s highest court in 2020.

Now liberal interests are seeking to reverse their 2018 election defeats using the courts. It would be one thing to challenge policy through the normal judicial process. But because Democrats lost seats on the state Supreme Court in the 2020 elections, they want to effectively undo the impact of those elections on this case with a selective removal of justices.

What’s remarkable is that the advocates claim that their tactics in serially subverting the judgments of voters are somehow a defense of democracy. If successful, this institutional mischief will reverberate far beyond North Carolina.


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District of Columbia is well represented in government
« Reply #1903 on: October 09, 2021, 09:28:59 AM »
Most Fed employees live in Maryland and Virginia which have 10 and 13 electoral votes respectively

and the majority of Senators and Congressman are crats just like Fed employees

So basically the DC area with its Federal largess already controls a huge chunk of Federal power

no need to make DC a state - these people control two surrounding states
and with at least Virginia turn the state blue.


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Re: District of Columbia is well represented in government
« Reply #1904 on: October 09, 2021, 11:50:09 AM »
Readers' Digest:

"in short, statehood for D.C. would directly contradict the Constitution."

Article 1, Section 8 in particular:

“[The Congress shall have Power] To exercise exclusive Legislation…over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may…become the Seat of the Government of the United States.” The article also stated that this 100-mile district would come from land ceded by the states so that the new seat of government would be independent of any state.

This means change only by amendment, not by unconstitutional legislation like "HR-51. 

[Doug] The District of Columbia could be redefined to include only government properties and not residential. The residential areas effected could make agreement with an adjacent state if they want 'statehood' and Senate representation.  Even someone from Rhode Island would not think statehood for an area so small.  What are their industries, government and what else?  The only people thinking statehood are the same traitors who leave our border open, let anyone vote and game the system every other way they can think of.  That won't win the 38 states they need to amend the constitution.


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Re: District of Columbia is well represented in government
« Reply #1905 on: October 09, 2021, 12:02:06 PM »
The constitution means anything the left wants it to mean.

Readers' Digest:

"in short, statehood for D.C. would directly contradict the Constitution."

Article 1, Section 8 in particular:

“[The Congress shall have Power] To exercise exclusive Legislation…over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may…become the Seat of the Government of the United States.” The article also stated that this 100-mile district would come from land ceded by the states so that the new seat of government would be independent of any state.

This means change only by amendment, not by unconstitutional legislation like "HR-51. 

[Doug] The District of Columbia could be redefined to include only government properties and not residential. The residential areas effected could make agreement with an adjacent state if they want 'statehood' and Senate representation.  Even someone from Rhode Island would not think statehood for an area so small.  What are their industries, government and what else?  The only people thinking statehood are the same traitors who leave our border open, let anyone vote and game the system every other way they can think of.  That won't win the 38 states they need to amend the constitution.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1908 on: October 14, 2021, 10:29:00 AM »
26 demented or otherwise incapacitated voters decided to vote


anyone care to guess who the votes were for

(not mentioned, of course ).

"“Our election system is secure, and today’s charges demonstrate that in the rare circumstances when fraud occurs we catch it and hold the perpetrators accountable.” Benson added, “These charges also send a clear message to those who promote deceitful claims about widespread fraud: the current protocols we have in place work to protect and ensure the integrity of our elections. It’s time to share that truth and stop spreading lies to the contrary.”

oh really .  probably the only reason it came to fore
would be a relative found out a vote was cast for the Nursing Home pt.

how else would anyone know?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1909 on: October 14, 2021, 10:33:23 AM »
Admittedly, Dementia patients voting for Biden does seem to make sense.

26 demented or otherwise incapacitated voters decided to vote


anyone care to guess who the votes were for

(not mentioned, of course ).

"“Our election system is secure, and today’s charges demonstrate that in the rare circumstances when fraud occurs we catch it and hold the perpetrators accountable.” Benson added, “These charges also send a clear message to those who promote deceitful claims about widespread fraud: the current protocols we have in place work to protect and ensure the integrity of our elections. It’s time to share that truth and stop spreading lies to the contrary.”

oh really .  probably the only reason it came to fore
would be a relative found out a vote was cast for the Nursing Home pt.

how else would anyone know?


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« Reply #1910 on: October 16, 2021, 05:34:01 PM »
funding of the Dem operative army

I am sure soros james winfrey contributed too:


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« Reply #1914 on: October 27, 2021, 04:03:54 AM »
GOP guarding unattended ballot drop boxes in Virginia


The Republican Party of Virginia, unnerved by the high number of drop boxes around the commonwealth that are not monitored by public officials, has deployed volunteers to keep an eye on the ballot receptacles.

Drop-box voting, launched by the state’s Democratic-run government in 2020 as part of COVID-19 measures, is a ballot security issue for the state GOP as Virginians decide the close governor’s race between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe.

“You have them in secure locations, namely in the registrar’s office, and they’re only accessible to the public, obviously, during business hours of the registrar’s office,” Virginia Republican Party Chairman Rich Anderson told The Washington Times. “But once they’re outside, those are the ones we’re concerned about — that somebody could go drive up to one under current law and dump a bushel basket of ballots in there.”

He added, “I kid you not. It’s hard to believe, but it is legal under Virginia law because it just simply doesn’t address [security] one way or the other.”

The Virginia Democratic Party and the Virginia Department of Elections did not respond to requests for comment.

Expanded early voting in the state this year is expected to add to the volume of ballots deposited at drop boxes.

For the most part, voters in Virginia are only allowed to deposit their own ballot at the drop boxes.

Virginia law presently allows a designated representative to cast an emergency ballot for an incapacitated or hospitalized voter. It is required for the representative to complete a statement, and a false statement is a felony violation.

“They can go into nursing homes and assist individuals who are registered to vote to fill out a ballot and, without regard to their capacity to mentally process the information, and make an independent decision and render an uninfluenced vote,” Mr. Anderson said. “That is very vulnerable to manipulation, but it’s hard to say to what extent that happens.”

He concedes that it would be difficult to tell if an individual is engaged in illegal activity just by dropping loads of ballots at a drop box.

However, having volunteers and paid staffers and video cameras monitoring drop boxes located at unattended sites is a precaution that Mr. Anderson says is necessary.

“The feeling is that by being present, several things happen. First of all, it may deter the large-scale dropping off of ballots, which, to me, is an indication that something nefarious is taking place. And, [secondly,] to ensure that the boxes themselves are not tampered with.”

Since the 2020 election, Virginia voters can cast their ballots inside designated drop boxes set up in their districts around the commonwealth.

Lawmakers in Richmond last year, through the Democratic majority, voted for the change to receive and collect ballots from voters who may be concerned about exposure to the coronavirus. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation in September 2020, allowing municipalities to set up drop boxes inside and outside their registrar’s offi ces, at satellite voting sites and on Election Day at polling locations.


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Re: WT: VA
« Reply #1915 on: October 27, 2021, 06:52:41 AM »
Votes will magically appear inside the counting rooms.

GOP guarding unattended ballot drop boxes in Virginia


The Republican Party of Virginia, unnerved by the high number of drop boxes around the commonwealth that are not monitored by public officials, has deployed volunteers to keep an eye on the ballot receptacles.

Drop-box voting, launched by the state’s Democratic-run government in 2020 as part of COVID-19 measures, is a ballot security issue for the state GOP as Virginians decide the close governor’s race between Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe.

“You have them in secure locations, namely in the registrar’s office, and they’re only accessible to the public, obviously, during business hours of the registrar’s office,” Virginia Republican Party Chairman Rich Anderson told The Washington Times. “But once they’re outside, those are the ones we’re concerned about — that somebody could go drive up to one under current law and dump a bushel basket of ballots in there.”

He added, “I kid you not. It’s hard to believe, but it is legal under Virginia law because it just simply doesn’t address [security] one way or the other.”

The Virginia Democratic Party and the Virginia Department of Elections did not respond to requests for comment.

Expanded early voting in the state this year is expected to add to the volume of ballots deposited at drop boxes.

For the most part, voters in Virginia are only allowed to deposit their own ballot at the drop boxes.

Virginia law presently allows a designated representative to cast an emergency ballot for an incapacitated or hospitalized voter. It is required for the representative to complete a statement, and a false statement is a felony violation.

“They can go into nursing homes and assist individuals who are registered to vote to fill out a ballot and, without regard to their capacity to mentally process the information, and make an independent decision and render an uninfluenced vote,” Mr. Anderson said. “That is very vulnerable to manipulation, but it’s hard to say to what extent that happens.”

He concedes that it would be difficult to tell if an individual is engaged in illegal activity just by dropping loads of ballots at a drop box.

However, having volunteers and paid staffers and video cameras monitoring drop boxes located at unattended sites is a precaution that Mr. Anderson says is necessary.

“The feeling is that by being present, several things happen. First of all, it may deter the large-scale dropping off of ballots, which, to me, is an indication that something nefarious is taking place. And, [secondly,] to ensure that the boxes themselves are not tampered with.”

Since the 2020 election, Virginia voters can cast their ballots inside designated drop boxes set up in their districts around the commonwealth.

Lawmakers in Richmond last year, through the Democratic majority, voted for the change to receive and collect ballots from voters who may be concerned about exposure to the coronavirus. Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam signed legislation in September 2020, allowing municipalities to set up drop boxes inside and outside their registrar’s offi ces, at satellite voting sites and on Election Day at polling locations.


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WSJ anally rapes Trump
« Reply #1917 on: October 28, 2021, 04:39:19 PM »
The progressive parsons of the press are aflutter that we published a letter to the editor Thursday from former President Trump, objecting to our editorial pointing out that he lost Pennsylvania last year by 80,555 votes. We trust our readers to make up their own minds about his statement. And we think it’s news when an ex-President who may run in 2024 wrote what he did, even if (or perhaps especially if) his claims are bananas.

Mr. Trump’s letter is his familiar barrage, with 20 bullet points about alleged irregularities that he says prove “the election was rigged.” It’s difficult to respond to everything, and the asymmetry is part of the former President’s strategy. He tosses off enough unsourced numbers in 30 seconds to keep a fact-checker busy for 30 days. When one claim is refuted, Mr. Trump is back with two more.

To highlight a few, he objects to the way the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rewrote the deadline for mail ballots. We do too. But he insinuates that the presidential results include thousands of tardy votes, and “none of these should have been counted.” They weren’t, per a directive by Justice Samuel Alito. “Those ballots were segregated as the court ordered,” says a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State. “They are not included in the vote totals.”

Mr. Trump says that “25,000 ballots were requested from nursing homes at the exact same time.” His citation for this—no kidding—is a Nov. 9 cable-TV hit by Sen. Lindsey Graham. Mr. Trump is alleging 25,000 fake votes in Pennsylvania, based on a stray remark by someone from South Carolina. Breaking news: A politician on TV repeated a rumor. We emailed to follow up, and Mr. Graham’s office tells us this was “an allegation, one of many others,” but it now “can be laid to rest.”

Some of Mr. Trump’s figures appear to come from amateur spelunking into voter data. Caveat emptor when this is done by motivated partisans unfamiliar with election systems. The “audit” team in Arizona asserted that Maricopa County received 74,000 more mail votes than were sent out. This was debunked as a misunderstanding of the files.

Mr. Trump says Attorney General Bill Barr “ordered U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain to stand down and not investigate” the election. Mr. McSwain claims as much. Yet Mr. Barr, who’s no liberal patsy, has said it’s “false,” and Mr. McSwain is running for Governor. Mr. Barr said Mr. McSwain “told me that he had to do this because he was under pressure from Trump.” We believe Mr. Barr.

This is how it goes for election truthers. First the allegation was ballots marked with Sharpies, then voting machines tied to Venezuela, then more votes than voters. Now Mr. Trump apparently thinks his own Attorney General did an inside job. Electoral fraud does happen: A Pennsylvania man received five years of probation this spring after voting for Mr. Trump on behalf of his dead mother. The price of liberty, as they say, is vigilance. But the evidence doesn’t show anything real that could dent Pennsylvania’s 80,555-vote margin.

Even if it did, Mr. Trump would be two states short of victory. Georgia’s ballots were counted three times and a signature check done. The Arizona audit was a dud. A Michigan inquiry led by a GOP lawmaker ended up keelhauling “willful ignorance” and grifters who use misinformation “to raise money or publicity.” Mr. Trump’s lawyers who made baseless claims have been sued for defamation—twice. They’ve been sanctioned by a federal judge. Does Mr. Trump imagine a conspiracy so deep that practically everybody is in on it?

Mr. Trump is making these claims elsewhere, so we hardly did him a special favor by letting him respond to our editorial. We offer the same courtesy to others we criticize, even when they make allegations we think are false.

As for the media clerics, their attempts to censor Mr. Trump have done nothing to diminish his popularity. Our advice would be to examine their own standards after they fell so easily for false Russian collusion claims. They’d have more credibility in refuting Mr. Trump’s.


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Re: WSJ anally rapes Trump
« Reply #1918 on: October 28, 2021, 04:42:34 PM »
Never Trumpers gonna never Trump. Anyone who says 2020 was a legitimate election is lying or a complete moron.

The progressive parsons of the press are aflutter that we published a letter to the editor Thursday from former President Trump, objecting to our editorial pointing out that he lost Pennsylvania last year by 80,555 votes. We trust our readers to make up their own minds about his statement. And we think it’s news when an ex-President who may run in 2024 wrote what he did, even if (or perhaps especially if) his claims are bananas.

Mr. Trump’s letter is his familiar barrage, with 20 bullet points about alleged irregularities that he says prove “the election was rigged.” It’s difficult to respond to everything, and the asymmetry is part of the former President’s strategy. He tosses off enough unsourced numbers in 30 seconds to keep a fact-checker busy for 30 days. When one claim is refuted, Mr. Trump is back with two more.

To highlight a few, he objects to the way the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rewrote the deadline for mail ballots. We do too. But he insinuates that the presidential results include thousands of tardy votes, and “none of these should have been counted.” They weren’t, per a directive by Justice Samuel Alito. “Those ballots were segregated as the court ordered,” says a spokeswoman for the Pennsylvania Department of State. “They are not included in the vote totals.”

Mr. Trump says that “25,000 ballots were requested from nursing homes at the exact same time.” His citation for this—no kidding—is a Nov. 9 cable-TV hit by Sen. Lindsey Graham. Mr. Trump is alleging 25,000 fake votes in Pennsylvania, based on a stray remark by someone from South Carolina. Breaking news: A politician on TV repeated a rumor. We emailed to follow up, and Mr. Graham’s office tells us this was “an allegation, one of many others,” but it now “can be laid to rest.”

Some of Mr. Trump’s figures appear to come from amateur spelunking into voter data. Caveat emptor when this is done by motivated partisans unfamiliar with election systems. The “audit” team in Arizona asserted that Maricopa County received 74,000 more mail votes than were sent out. This was debunked as a misunderstanding of the files.

Mr. Trump says Attorney General Bill Barr “ordered U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain to stand down and not investigate” the election. Mr. McSwain claims as much. Yet Mr. Barr, who’s no liberal patsy, has said it’s “false,” and Mr. McSwain is running for Governor. Mr. Barr said Mr. McSwain “told me that he had to do this because he was under pressure from Trump.” We believe Mr. Barr.

This is how it goes for election truthers. First the allegation was ballots marked with Sharpies, then voting machines tied to Venezuela, then more votes than voters. Now Mr. Trump apparently thinks his own Attorney General did an inside job. Electoral fraud does happen: A Pennsylvania man received five years of probation this spring after voting for Mr. Trump on behalf of his dead mother. The price of liberty, as they say, is vigilance. But the evidence doesn’t show anything real that could dent Pennsylvania’s 80,555-vote margin.

Even if it did, Mr. Trump would be two states short of victory. Georgia’s ballots were counted three times and a signature check done. The Arizona audit was a dud. A Michigan inquiry led by a GOP lawmaker ended up keelhauling “willful ignorance” and grifters who use misinformation “to raise money or publicity.” Mr. Trump’s lawyers who made baseless claims have been sued for defamation—twice. They’ve been sanctioned by a federal judge. Does Mr. Trump imagine a conspiracy so deep that practically everybody is in on it?

Mr. Trump is making these claims elsewhere, so we hardly did him a special favor by letting him respond to our editorial. We offer the same courtesy to others we criticize, even when they make allegations we think are false.

As for the media clerics, their attempts to censor Mr. Trump have done nothing to diminish his popularity. Our advice would be to examine their own standards after they fell so easily for false Russian collusion claims. They’d have more credibility in refuting Mr. Trump’s.


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Sheriff declares fraud in WI
« Reply #1919 on: October 28, 2021, 05:19:03 PM »
Which is  why it is so important that Trump make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!

Here's this:


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Re: Sheriff declares fraud in WI
« Reply #1920 on: October 28, 2021, 06:24:34 PM »
Remember when the DOJ had the FBI investigate all the vote fraud allegations so we'd know exactly what did or didn't happen?

Which is  why it is so important that Trump make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!

Here's this:


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Re: WSJ anally rapes Trump
« Reply #1921 on: October 29, 2021, 05:46:13 AM »
That is the most impressive refute yet.  If they are wrong, it needs to be answered point by point with specifics, not generalities.
Crafty:  "Which is why it is so important that Trump (anyone) make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!"

Right!  Suddenly 'we' are on the logic side of false but true.  You can't be wrong on specifics and expect people to buy the conclusion.

Regarding not investigated, it's been a year.  The case for what should be investigated needs to be made with search warrant application accuracy and specificity.  Every ineligible person who voted needs to be prosecuted and everyone who organized fraud needs to be caught and charged with a higher crime, no matter how many or how few that entails.

States (especially with R legislatures) need to get serious with vote integrity laws going forward, and states that don't need to be called out.

No one is going to reverse the 2020 result, but at this point a year later, no one can point to exactly what happened.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1922 on: October 29, 2021, 06:46:12 AM »
 "Which is why it is so important that Trump (anyone) make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!"

or pillow makers
who claim they know someone who will prove the case for fraud without real evidence to support the claim

that makes him and by association , us , look like fools.


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Re: WSJ anally rapes Trump
« Reply #1923 on: October 29, 2021, 09:18:17 AM »
As I type this, I am walking distance from a graveyard that contains at least one voter from 2020. That voter has been in that graveyard for roughly 6 years at this point. Do you think the dem AG for this state has opened a single case on any of these many instances?

That is the most impressive refute yet.  If they are wrong, it needs to be answered point by point with specifics, not generalities.
Crafty:  "Which is why it is so important that Trump (anyone) make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!"

Right!  Suddenly 'we' are on the logic side of false but true.  You can't be wrong on specifics and expect people to buy the conclusion.

Regarding not investigated, it's been a year.  The case for what should be investigated needs to be made with search warrant application accuracy and specificity.  Every ineligible person who voted needs to be prosecuted and everyone who organized fraud needs to be caught and charged with a higher crime, no matter how many or how few that entails.

States (especially with R legislatures) need to get serious with vote integrity laws going forward, and states that don't need to be called out.

No one is going to reverse the 2020 result, but at this point a year later, no one can point to exactly what happened.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1924 on: October 29, 2021, 09:23:11 AM »
Yes, we need credibility to make our case to the people that think there are 157 genders and a penis can be a female sex organ!


"Which is why it is so important that Trump (anyone) make his case with care instead of bombastic bullshit that devastates our credibility on the issue!"

or pillow makers
who claim they know someone who will prove the case for fraud without real evidence to support the claim

that makes him and by association , us , look like fools.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1925 on: October 29, 2021, 11:13:50 AM »
My old boss used to say,  'Don't come to me with problems.  Come to me with solutions.'

G M: "... graveyard that contains at least one voter from 2020. That voter has been in that graveyard for roughly 6 years at this point. Do you think the dem AG for this state has opened a single case on any of these many instances?"

Which one voted?  When did you notify the Dem AG?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1926 on: October 29, 2021, 11:19:33 AM »
Other people have, and it's been studiously ignored.

My old boss used to say,  'Don't come to me with problems.  Come to me with solutions.'

G M: "... graveyard that contains at least one voter from 2020. That voter has been in that graveyard for roughly 6 years at this point. Do you think the dem AG for this state has opened a single case on any of these many instances?"

Which one voted?  When did you notify the Dem AG?


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Biden's Inexplicable Victory, Nine Unexplainable Anomalies
« Reply #1929 on: November 02, 2021, 11:27:36 AM »

Extreme data anomalies don't prove fraud, but they can point to it where you may find it.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1933 on: November 04, 2021, 06:00:25 AM »
"This comes after obvious issues were identified overnight where 40,000 ballots were awarded to Murphy in Bergen County after the county was reported as 100% reported."

Dem typical defense of this :

"every vote counts you racist white supremacist dog whistler!"


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1935 on: November 04, 2021, 07:20:26 AM »
". "

can't get any more blatant then this

when I went to see Frank speak at a local campaign stop near by
one of the first questions asked of him was something like:
"what do we have in place to stop the likely steal and election fraud that will take place"

his response was kind of curious
he basically shrugged it off and said something to the effect not to be concerned
and tried to focus on policies

In Elizabeth nj where I grew up (next to newark). the population was 1/3 black 1/3 white and 1/3 Latin (Cubans and Puerto Ricans)

now it is 2/3 Latin and if you drive around you feel like you are in Guatemala City or maybe San Salvador

Anyone think all these residents have green card or citizenship?

Anyone think locals are not letting them vote ?


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Was McAwful just off his fraud game?
« Reply #1937 on: November 04, 2021, 10:14:04 AM »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1939 on: November 04, 2021, 08:04:03 PM »
Fk fk fk  :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1940 on: November 04, 2021, 09:03:16 PM »
Fk fk fk  :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Don't worry, the DOJ is investigating and getting ready to makes arrests, right?


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #1943 on: November 05, 2021, 07:37:33 AM »
One more deep thought.  Precincts and counties should report their results - all at the same time.  Basic premise of elections, you don't get to see how the others voted before you vote, this should apply to precincts and counties as well.  If they stay up late, we stay up late, since cheating seems to have become an as-needed thing.

Winning margin 2020 Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, was roughly 0.0% of the vote.  If that was cheating, they seemed to know exactly what they needed to win.  Now NJ?


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VOAR harder - yes this is frustrating - clear cut stealing
« Reply #1945 on: November 05, 2021, 07:46:10 AM »
always in Democrat
 districts as far as I know

often in middle of night
shipped to warehouse.  :x

of course with armed guards and cameras provided by Republican security
to ensure no tampering.  :roll:

I don't know why we can never stop this shit
we KNEW it would happen in a tight race
esp. in NJ

(like at Copyright Office when they used to ship CW from the main building to a ware house
and low and behold - the delivery truck broke down and had to go to repair shop - and then CR miraculously disappeared or were switched ).


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Real vote fraud database
« Reply #1947 on: November 09, 2021, 12:57:38 PM »

Proven instances of voter fraud

Criminal convictions

Not an exhaustive list.


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Raffensperger: The Dems stole America's confidence in Elections
« Reply #1949 on: November 15, 2021, 05:42:02 PM »
Who Stole Americans’ Confidence in Elections?
The Clinton campaign and Stacey Abrams spread falsehoods about vote theft years before Trump’s loss.
By Brad Raffensperger
Nov. 15, 2021 6:47 pm ET

I’m mostly known for standing up for the integrity of Georgia’s November 2020 elections. I spent months debunking conspiracy theories, refuting lies about our voting procedures, and enduring threats because I refused to bend on the facts.

Before all that, I was a Trump supporter. In June 2016, I donated to the Trump campaign. Little did I know that at around the same time, one of the most significant election disinformation operations was beginning—one that would create almost constant turmoil for President Trump during his four years in office and convulse the country. Ultimately, the Steele dossier would set the stage for a political environment where Americans have more confidence in stolen election claims than in the elections themselves.

That is what the Steele dossier always was: election disinformation. Several years of investigations into the origins of the salacious lies has resulted in two indictments, one of them handed up Nov. 3, of men connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about those connections. An FBI lawyer also admitted to altering an email that the bureau used to secure the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant connected to the dossier. It turns out that not only did much of the unverified report alleging collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign come from biased political sources, many of the claims were made up or regurgitated from rumors published in various news outlets.

Mainstream media organizations reported breathlessly on the claims in the dossier after it was released by Buzzfeed. Its claims had never been verified. Yet news outlets gave it legitimacy through constant repetition and breaking-news headlines.

Major elected officials and members of the intelligence community raised public alarms about the dossier. But too many treated its unverified and baseless allegation as a smoking gun that proved an imaginary scheme to steal the 2016 presidential election.

Tragically, these unverified claims were also used to turn federal law enforcement into a weapon against the Trump campaign. The FBI used the claims in the dossier to secure a warrant to wiretap a former member of the Trump campaign. The FISA court application contained only one footnote about possible political motivations. The misinformation reached the highest levels of America’s law-enforcement apparatus, given credibility by the media and others trying to undermine the integrity of America’s 2016 election.

The evidence was obviously unreliable. The main source—the defendant in this month’s indictment—had heavy ties to the Clinton campaign and other Democratic Party organizations, not to mention the Russian government.

The damage this dossier did may be irreparable. With the complicity of major media outlets, the country was told to believe a falsehood. The Clinton campaign, Democratic Party affiliates and mainstream media ran a concerted campaign to undermine the integrity of the 2016 election.

All too often, conservatives like me get accused of plotting complicated “House of Cards”-style efforts to steal elections. Stacey Abrams has alleged, without any credible evidence, that Georgia Republicans did such things in 2018, and she still refuses to concede that year’s election for governor. Yet the Steele dossier, and how it was used improperly to turn America’s justice system to political ends, serves as the starkest example in memory.

The atmosphere of distrust fed Ms. Abrams’s claims. After all, it was gospel among liberals that the Trump campaign had colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election. The media and the public had been primed to believe an election could be stolen.

When Mr. Trump said the 2020 election was stolen, it should have been obvious how easy it would be to convince Americans not to trust the election. They had just watched major political figures, law-enforcement officials and trusted news anchors spend years making similar assertions about Mr. Trump. Many of the same actors unquestioningly endorsed Ms. Abrams’s claims that her election was stolen.

There has been no mea culpa from anyone involved in pushing the 2016 and 2018 stolen-election lies. To this day, Ms. Abrams maintains that her election was stolen and argues her case was “different” from Mr. Trump’s. The same media outlets that reported around the clock that Mr. Trump stole his election have been quiet since the evidence disproved that claim.

I have said many times that stolen-election claims undermine the integrity of America’s elections, regardless of who makes them or why. They are as bad when they come from Republicans as Democrats. American politicians need the moral courage to accept their losses and move on. If American democracy is to survive, political figures of both parties need to abandon stolen-election claims once and for all.

Mr. Raffensperger, a Republican, is Georgia’s secretary of state.