Author Topic: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family  (Read 101348 times)


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Recklessness Born of Contempt
« Reply #400 on: July 13, 2022, 09:47:39 AM »
Wednesday Morning Rant [Joe Mannix]
—Open Blogger

Recklessness Born of Contempt
Another week, another Laptop From Hell story. Unable to control the problem, they've moved apparently to seeding in falsehoods with the main event (see the sidebar) - but the story cannot be stopped and it is essentially Hunter Biden's fault. He is an example of a phenomenon we've seen before, although his case is much more obvious: these people have no respect - for themselves or for others - and behave as if there are no consequences.

The Laptop from Hell itself came from a repair shop because of an unpaid bill, but even that breakdown in reasonable behavior isn't the worst of it. Hunter - though he is merely the biggest example - sends things in plain language via E-Mail. He syncs his illicit photos and non-email communications to public cloud storage. Revelation after revelation has exposed an appalling absence of both common sense and very simple security practices.

The disregard of even simple security protocols is shocking for what it reveals about his mindset. Nobody even remotely worried about getting caught would ever behave this way. Non-connected criminal networks don't do this. Your average mafia don or even street-level dope slinger is much more careful than our ruling-class elites. The continuing evidence of total security failure can only be explained, in my opinion, as a "right of power" kind of attitude. They have the power and they know it, they are unconstrained and they know it, they are free of consequences and they know it, so they behave with the cavalier attitude of men afraid of nothing.

Nobody with a modicum (or is it emoticon) of shame or fear or consideration of consequences would ever behave so recklessly. This degree of disregard for security requires a level of entitlement so great that it speaks to breathtaking levels of contempt. Contempt for the law, contempt for integrity, contempt for ethics, contempt for honesty and, most importantly, contempt for the people and for the country as a whole. Anyone without the requisite contempt would behave carefully. He would use burner phones and local encryption and careful document control. He'd keep track of his things but he would also ensure that his things were useless if he lost them.

The IT departments at major corporations do this. Even Hillary Clinton did this to some degree. The Bidens simply can't be bothered to do so at all. They don't care. They're immune and they know it and no security principles or practices are necessary. It's all just so much overhead in a consequence-free environment. Why bother being constrained by security when nothing bad will happen to you regardless? Who cares about encryption or secure communications or device management or even being careful when you can always just ring up FBI assistant directors and Secret Service agents to run interference and cover for you?

But for me, the real question is "where does it end?" If they were this reckless with their own criminal enterprise, how reckless are they with the big stuff they're running now?

is it routine for family members of a VP to have a direct contact number to the FBI?

Under normal circumstances, ANY employee of the FBI would face serious scrutiny for having anything to do with a crackhead involved in global criminality.

Hunter has been saved multiple times by federal law enforcement covering up things that would put you or me in federal prison.

The FBI cyber guys probably keep Hunter protected from the FBI's ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) task forces. Probably Pedo Peter as well.


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Re: Recklessness Born of Contempt
« Reply #402 on: July 13, 2022, 10:42:15 AM »

Wednesday Morning Rant [Joe Mannix]
—Open Blogger

Recklessness Born of Contempt
Another week, another Laptop From Hell story. Unable to control the problem, they've moved apparently to seeding in falsehoods with the main event (see the sidebar) - but the story cannot be stopped and it is essentially Hunter Biden's fault. He is an example of a phenomenon we've seen before, although his case is much more obvious: these people have no respect - for themselves or for others - and behave as if there are no consequences.

The Laptop from Hell itself came from a repair shop because of an unpaid bill, but even that breakdown in reasonable behavior isn't the worst of it. Hunter - though he is merely the biggest example - sends things in plain language via E-Mail. He syncs his illicit photos and non-email communications to public cloud storage. Revelation after revelation has exposed an appalling absence of both common sense and very simple security practices.

The disregard of even simple security protocols is shocking for what it reveals about his mindset. Nobody even remotely worried about getting caught would ever behave this way. Non-connected criminal networks don't do this. Your average mafia don or even street-level dope slinger is much more careful than our ruling-class elites. The continuing evidence of total security failure can only be explained, in my opinion, as a "right of power" kind of attitude. They have the power and they know it, they are unconstrained and they know it, they are free of consequences and they know it, so they behave with the cavalier attitude of men afraid of nothing.

Nobody with a modicum (or is it emoticon) of shame or fear or consideration of consequences would ever behave so recklessly. This degree of disregard for security requires a level of entitlement so great that it speaks to breathtaking levels of contempt. Contempt for the law, contempt for integrity, contempt for ethics, contempt for honesty and, most importantly, contempt for the people and for the country as a whole. Anyone without the requisite contempt would behave carefully. He would use burner phones and local encryption and careful document control. He'd keep track of his things but he would also ensure that his things were useless if he lost them.

The IT departments at major corporations do this. Even Hillary Clinton did this to some degree. The Bidens simply can't be bothered to do so at all. They don't care. They're immune and they know it and no security principles or practices are necessary. It's all just so much overhead in a consequence-free environment. Why bother being constrained by security when nothing bad will happen to you regardless? Who cares about encryption or secure communications or device management or even being careful when you can always just ring up FBI assistant directors and Secret Service agents to run interference and cover for you?

But for me, the real question is "where does it end?" If they were this reckless with their own criminal enterprise, how reckless are they with the big stuff they're running now?

is it routine for family members of a VP to have a direct contact number to the FBI?

Under normal circumstances, ANY employee of the FBI would face serious scrutiny for having anything to do with a crackhead involved in global criminality.

Hunter has been saved multiple times by federal law enforcement covering up things that would put you or me in federal prison.

The FBI cyber guys probably keep Hunter protected from the FBI's ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) task forces. Probably Pedo Peter as well.


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Re: Recklessness Born of Contempt
« Reply #403 on: July 13, 2022, 11:04:52 AM »

Wednesday Morning Rant [Joe Mannix]
—Open Blogger

Recklessness Born of Contempt
Another week, another Laptop From Hell story. Unable to control the problem, they've moved apparently to seeding in falsehoods with the main event (see the sidebar) - but the story cannot be stopped and it is essentially Hunter Biden's fault. He is an example of a phenomenon we've seen before, although his case is much more obvious: these people have no respect - for themselves or for others - and behave as if there are no consequences.

The Laptop from Hell itself came from a repair shop because of an unpaid bill, but even that breakdown in reasonable behavior isn't the worst of it. Hunter - though he is merely the biggest example - sends things in plain language via E-Mail. He syncs his illicit photos and non-email communications to public cloud storage. Revelation after revelation has exposed an appalling absence of both common sense and very simple security practices.

The disregard of even simple security protocols is shocking for what it reveals about his mindset. Nobody even remotely worried about getting caught would ever behave this way. Non-connected criminal networks don't do this. Your average mafia don or even street-level dope slinger is much more careful than our ruling-class elites. The continuing evidence of total security failure can only be explained, in my opinion, as a "right of power" kind of attitude. They have the power and they know it, they are unconstrained and they know it, they are free of consequences and they know it, so they behave with the cavalier attitude of men afraid of nothing.

Nobody with a modicum (or is it emoticon) of shame or fear or consideration of consequences would ever behave so recklessly. This degree of disregard for security requires a level of entitlement so great that it speaks to breathtaking levels of contempt. Contempt for the law, contempt for integrity, contempt for ethics, contempt for honesty and, most importantly, contempt for the people and for the country as a whole. Anyone without the requisite contempt would behave carefully. He would use burner phones and local encryption and careful document control. He'd keep track of his things but he would also ensure that his things were useless if he lost them.

The IT departments at major corporations do this. Even Hillary Clinton did this to some degree. The Bidens simply can't be bothered to do so at all. They don't care. They're immune and they know it and no security principles or practices are necessary. It's all just so much overhead in a consequence-free environment. Why bother being constrained by security when nothing bad will happen to you regardless? Who cares about encryption or secure communications or device management or even being careful when you can always just ring up FBI assistant directors and Secret Service agents to run interference and cover for you?

But for me, the real question is "where does it end?" If they were this reckless with their own criminal enterprise, how reckless are they with the big stuff they're running now?

is it routine for family members of a VP to have a direct contact number to the FBI?

Under normal circumstances, ANY employee of the FBI would face serious scrutiny for having anything to do with a crackhead involved in global criminality.

Hunter has been saved multiple times by federal law enforcement covering up things that would put you or me in federal prison.

The FBI cyber guys probably keep Hunter protected from the FBI's ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) task forces. Probably Pedo Peter as well.


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Dr Biden coming to terms her husband is a gigantic failure
« Reply #404 on: July 17, 2022, 09:12:13 AM »
of course , by blaming external events :

while being second lady she could work on cancer community colleges military families ( :roll:)

but now she has to be a baby sitter.......

How could she have known a cognitively impaired man would become , well, more cognitively impaired   :wink:


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NRO: Go after Joe
« Reply #406 on: July 18, 2022, 07:08:33 PM »
July 18, 2022 6:30 AM
In December 2020, once it was clear his father had been elected president, Hunter Biden grudgingly admitted that the Justice Department had advised that he was the subject of a criminal investigation. Biden fils said the probe was limited to his “tax affairs.”

Hunter Biden’s taxes are the least important “affair” the Justice Department should be scrutinizing. For that matter, Hunter Biden is the least important person who should be under the microscope. The major question is whether Hunter is a vehicle by which his father, the now-president of the United States, indirectly cashed in on his political influence.

It’s certainly true that Hunter Biden has major tax problems. His ex-wife acknowledged in divorce proceedings that they owed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the IRS, the revenue agency slapped a $112,805.09 lien on the formerly married couple in 2019, and the District of Columbia added a $453,900 lien in July 2020. Kevin Morris, a wealthy Hollywood lawyer and Joe Biden booster, has reportedly extended a $2 million loan to Hunter, in order to pay his back taxes and other debts — obligations he can apparently not yet cover through his latest new career as an artist (or, rather, his newest shady arrangement for huge paydays with no disclosure of where the money comes from and where it goes).

The issue is much bigger than taxes, though. In just the past few weeks, there have been tawdry new revelations about the troubled Hunter’s misadventures with crack cocaine and prostitutes. These include indications that Joe Biden, apparently inadvertently, provided the funds for Hunter’s $30,000 spending spree on “escort” services from November 2018 into March 2019. Joe Biden reportedly provided his son with $100,000 just for the months of December and January.

Where did this money come from? Hunter Biden is known to have stated that his father took half of his salary. There are emails between Hunter and longtime Biden family confidant Eric Schwerin showing that Hunter was expected to pay a number of his father’s household expenses. These disclosures trace to the laptop computer that Hunter abandoned at a Delaware repair shop.

The laptop yielded information about a 2017–18 Biden family venture with a conglomerate known as CEFC, which was patently a Chinese intelligence operation. But it’s not just the laptop. After the New York Post broke the story, a witness came forward: Tony Bobulinski, an entrepreneur the Bidens and their associates recruited to build the corporate structure for a joint liquified-natural-gas venture with CEFC. Bobulinski has publicly stated that he had two face-to-face meetings with Joe Biden about the CEFC negotiations, as well as numerous meetings with Hunter and with Jim Biden, the now-president’s brother.

Hunter admits he was enticed into the transaction by the “gift” of a 2.8-karat diamond by Ye Jianming, the CEFC chairman and protégé of Chinese president Xi Jinping. In the course of negotiations, Hunter (in the accompanying paper trail) said Ye offered him a three-year consulting contract, at $10 million per annum “for introductions alone.” The deal then evolved into a joint venture that Hunter described as “so much more interesting to me and my family,” in which CEFC and the Bidens would be partners. The documentation memorializing the arrangement indicates that Jim Biden was to get 10 percent of the Biden side’s haul, while Hunter was not only to get 20 percent for himself but was to hold 10 percent “for the big guy.” Bobulinski, who was also to get 20 percent, has confirmed that this was the anticipated split, and that “the big guy” was Joe Biden — whose name Bobulinski was admonished not to mention if it could be avoided.

The LNG transaction never materialized, but the money flowed. An investigation (still ongoing) by Republican senators Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) established that CEFC paid nearly $6 million into accounts controlled by Hunter Biden, from 2017 into 2018. About $1.4 million of this was diverted into accounts controlled by Jim Biden and his wife. And Ye paid $1 million of the CEFC funds to Hunter for legal representation of Patrick Ho, a suspected Chinese spy (as even Hunter acknowledges in a laptop recording) who was under U.S. FISA surveillance and ultimately convicted by the Justice Department on corruption charges.

President Biden continues to insist that he knew nothing of any of this and never discussed his son’s foreign business dealings. Even without Bobulinski’s contradictory account, that assertion was already risible given the mounting evidence that, while vice president, Biden met with some of Hunter’s associates from China, Ukraine, Mexico, and elsewhere. It is even more ridiculous now, given the recent revelation — reportedly due to the hacking of an encrypted back-up of a Hunter cellphone — that Biden left a voicemail for his son on the evening of December 18, 2018, after the New York Times published an article about the CEFC debacle. “I thought the article released online, it’s going to be published tomorrow in the Times, was good,” Biden said. “I think you’re clear.” Joe Biden knew CEFC was a big problem, and he was worried about it.

That, and not Hunter’s taxes, is why the Biden investigation matters. And there’s still more beyond CEFC. Hunter and his longtime partner Devon Archer (who was convicted in a federal fraud case in June 2018) were paid a combined $4 million to sit on the board of the shady Ukrainian energy company Burisma, beginning in 2014. The State Department raised the obvious problem with then-Vice President Biden that the arrangement was frustrating the administration’s anti-corruption message, but Biden took no action and Hunter kept getting paid.

In 2013, Hunter hitched a ride to Beijing with his father on Air Force Two to strike an investment partnership deal with another group of Chinese regime–connected financiers, including the Bank of China, an arm of the communist government whose investments are guided by its objectives. Hunter introduced the then-vice president to Jonathan Li, the point man on the China side of what would become Bohai Harvest RST. China licensed the venture days later, and suddenly Hunter had access to $3 billion in funds and investment opportunities in China unavailable to the unconnected.

This venture worked against American interests. It enabled an arm of the Chinese military to purchase Henniges, a world leader in manufacturing dual-use anti-vibration technologies. Because of the national-defense implications, the deal had to be approved by the Obama/Biden administration. It was, of course. Meantime, Hunter and his Xi regime partners also colluded to help China acquire a coveted Cobalt mine in Congo for a cool $3.8 billion. Cobalt is a key component in batteries that power electric cars, which the Obama and Biden administrations have tried to steer Americans into. But they’re very expensive, in part due to high battery costs. Later, it emerged that Joe Biden had been so busy “not” discussing Hunter’s China business that he wrote a letter of recommendation, at Hunter’s request, to try to help Jonathan Li’s son score admission into Brown University.

But after raking in what NBC News estimates is $11 million in revenue from his foreign partners in just the period from 2013 to 2018, Hunter Biden still apparently could not pay his bills. Lucky for him that his influential father was flush enough to extend thousands of dollars here and there when he was in a bind.

The yeoman’s work of Grassley and Johnson notwithstanding, there are severe limits on what Republicans can do to investigate unless and until they take control of at least one congressional chamber after the midterms. The Justice Department has been at the investigation for over two years, yet nothing has happened. Attorney General Merrick Garland owes the nation an explanation of the probe’s status, of why he has not appointed a special counsel despite federal regulations that would seem to call for one, and why Americans should have any confidence that there will be no political interference in the probe, no matter how high the suspect list goes.


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Re: NRO: Go after Joe
« Reply #407 on: July 18, 2022, 09:25:43 PM »

Like we have a rule of law anymore...

July 18, 2022 6:30 AM
In December 2020, once it was clear his father had been elected president, Hunter Biden grudgingly admitted that the Justice Department had advised that he was the subject of a criminal investigation. Biden fils said the probe was limited to his “tax affairs.”

Hunter Biden’s taxes are the least important “affair” the Justice Department should be scrutinizing. For that matter, Hunter Biden is the least important person who should be under the microscope. The major question is whether Hunter is a vehicle by which his father, the now-president of the United States, indirectly cashed in on his political influence.

It’s certainly true that Hunter Biden has major tax problems. His ex-wife acknowledged in divorce proceedings that they owed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the IRS, the revenue agency slapped a $112,805.09 lien on the formerly married couple in 2019, and the District of Columbia added a $453,900 lien in July 2020. Kevin Morris, a wealthy Hollywood lawyer and Joe Biden booster, has reportedly extended a $2 million loan to Hunter, in order to pay his back taxes and other debts — obligations he can apparently not yet cover through his latest new career as an artist (or, rather, his newest shady arrangement for huge paydays with no disclosure of where the money comes from and where it goes).

The issue is much bigger than taxes, though. In just the past few weeks, there have been tawdry new revelations about the troubled Hunter’s misadventures with crack cocaine and prostitutes. These include indications that Joe Biden, apparently inadvertently, provided the funds for Hunter’s $30,000 spending spree on “escort” services from November 2018 into March 2019. Joe Biden reportedly provided his son with $100,000 just for the months of December and January.

Where did this money come from? Hunter Biden is known to have stated that his father took half of his salary. There are emails between Hunter and longtime Biden family confidant Eric Schwerin showing that Hunter was expected to pay a number of his father’s household expenses. These disclosures trace to the laptop computer that Hunter abandoned at a Delaware repair shop.

The laptop yielded information about a 2017–18 Biden family venture with a conglomerate known as CEFC, which was patently a Chinese intelligence operation. But it’s not just the laptop. After the New York Post broke the story, a witness came forward: Tony Bobulinski, an entrepreneur the Bidens and their associates recruited to build the corporate structure for a joint liquified-natural-gas venture with CEFC. Bobulinski has publicly stated that he had two face-to-face meetings with Joe Biden about the CEFC negotiations, as well as numerous meetings with Hunter and with Jim Biden, the now-president’s brother.

Hunter admits he was enticed into the transaction by the “gift” of a 2.8-karat diamond by Ye Jianming, the CEFC chairman and protégé of Chinese president Xi Jinping. In the course of negotiations, Hunter (in the accompanying paper trail) said Ye offered him a three-year consulting contract, at $10 million per annum “for introductions alone.” The deal then evolved into a joint venture that Hunter described as “so much more interesting to me and my family,” in which CEFC and the Bidens would be partners. The documentation memorializing the arrangement indicates that Jim Biden was to get 10 percent of the Biden side’s haul, while Hunter was not only to get 20 percent for himself but was to hold 10 percent “for the big guy.” Bobulinski, who was also to get 20 percent, has confirmed that this was the anticipated split, and that “the big guy” was Joe Biden — whose name Bobulinski was admonished not to mention if it could be avoided.

The LNG transaction never materialized, but the money flowed. An investigation (still ongoing) by Republican senators Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) established that CEFC paid nearly $6 million into accounts controlled by Hunter Biden, from 2017 into 2018. About $1.4 million of this was diverted into accounts controlled by Jim Biden and his wife. And Ye paid $1 million of the CEFC funds to Hunter for legal representation of Patrick Ho, a suspected Chinese spy (as even Hunter acknowledges in a laptop recording) who was under U.S. FISA surveillance and ultimately convicted by the Justice Department on corruption charges.

President Biden continues to insist that he knew nothing of any of this and never discussed his son’s foreign business dealings. Even without Bobulinski’s contradictory account, that assertion was already risible given the mounting evidence that, while vice president, Biden met with some of Hunter’s associates from China, Ukraine, Mexico, and elsewhere. It is even more ridiculous now, given the recent revelation — reportedly due to the hacking of an encrypted back-up of a Hunter cellphone — that Biden left a voicemail for his son on the evening of December 18, 2018, after the New York Times published an article about the CEFC debacle. “I thought the article released online, it’s going to be published tomorrow in the Times, was good,” Biden said. “I think you’re clear.” Joe Biden knew CEFC was a big problem, and he was worried about it.

That, and not Hunter’s taxes, is why the Biden investigation matters. And there’s still more beyond CEFC. Hunter and his longtime partner Devon Archer (who was convicted in a federal fraud case in June 2018) were paid a combined $4 million to sit on the board of the shady Ukrainian energy company Burisma, beginning in 2014. The State Department raised the obvious problem with then-Vice President Biden that the arrangement was frustrating the administration’s anti-corruption message, but Biden took no action and Hunter kept getting paid.

In 2013, Hunter hitched a ride to Beijing with his father on Air Force Two to strike an investment partnership deal with another group of Chinese regime–connected financiers, including the Bank of China, an arm of the communist government whose investments are guided by its objectives. Hunter introduced the then-vice president to Jonathan Li, the point man on the China side of what would become Bohai Harvest RST. China licensed the venture days later, and suddenly Hunter had access to $3 billion in funds and investment opportunities in China unavailable to the unconnected.

This venture worked against American interests. It enabled an arm of the Chinese military to purchase Henniges, a world leader in manufacturing dual-use anti-vibration technologies. Because of the national-defense implications, the deal had to be approved by the Obama/Biden administration. It was, of course. Meantime, Hunter and his Xi regime partners also colluded to help China acquire a coveted Cobalt mine in Congo for a cool $3.8 billion. Cobalt is a key component in batteries that power electric cars, which the Obama and Biden administrations have tried to steer Americans into. But they’re very expensive, in part due to high battery costs. Later, it emerged that Joe Biden had been so busy “not” discussing Hunter’s China business that he wrote a letter of recommendation, at Hunter’s request, to try to help Jonathan Li’s son score admission into Brown University.

But after raking in what NBC News estimates is $11 million in revenue from his foreign partners in just the period from 2013 to 2018, Hunter Biden still apparently could not pay his bills. Lucky for him that his influential father was flush enough to extend thousands of dollars here and there when he was in a bind.

The yeoman’s work of Grassley and Johnson notwithstanding, there are severe limits on what Republicans can do to investigate unless and until they take control of at least one congressional chamber after the midterms. The Justice Department has been at the investigation for over two years, yet nothing has happened. Attorney General Merrick Garland owes the nation an explanation of the probe’s status, of why he has not appointed a special counsel despite federal regulations that would seem to call for one, and why Americans should have any confidence that there will be no political interference in the probe, no matter how high the suspect list goes.


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Charges against Hunter?
« Reply #409 on: July 21, 2022, 10:17:08 AM »

Tax charges?  What about corruption, organized crime, prostitution, drugs, guns?


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Re: Charges against Hunter?
« Reply #410 on: July 25, 2022, 10:06:22 PM »
Alex, I'd like "things that will never see the inside of a courtroom" for a thousand dollars.

Tax charges?  What about corruption, organized crime, prostitution, drugs, guns?


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Re: Charges against Hunter?
« Reply #411 on: July 25, 2022, 10:07:29 PM »

Anyone surprised to read this?

Alex, I'd like "things that will never see the inside of a courtroom" for a thousand dollars.

Tax charges?  What about corruption, organized crime, prostitution, drugs, guns?


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #412 on: July 26, 2022, 05:32:56 AM »
"FBI Sabotaged Hunter Biden Evidence To Derail Investigation: Whistleblowers"

funny , I hadn't heard this anywhere else.

this is second presidential election in row
that rogues in FBI suppressed evidence in favor of crats

remember Comey:
‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case against Clinton for emails'

he forgot to qualify :

no Democrat prosecutor ...........


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Re: Charges against Hunter? Hunter is the victim!
« Reply #413 on: July 26, 2022, 10:03:14 AM »

Where is the ATF? Hunter is prohibited from the possession of firearms due to his well documented history of illegal drug use/addiction.

Alex, I'd like "things that will never see the inside of a courtroom" for a thousand dollars.

Tax charges?  What about corruption, organized crime, prostitution, drugs, guns?


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #415 on: July 27, 2022, 09:45:17 AM »
A very clear-headed point.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #416 on: July 27, 2022, 12:11:46 PM »
"FBI Sabotaged Hunter Biden Evidence To Derail Investigation: Whistleblowers"

funny , I hadn't heard this anywhere else.

this is second presidential election in row
that rogues in FBI suppressed evidence in favor of crats

remember Comey:
‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would bring a case against Clinton for emails'

he forgot to qualify :

no Democrat prosecutor ...........


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AMcC: Time for a Special Prosecutor
« Reply #418 on: July 29, 2022, 09:45:41 PM »
Barr Calls for Special Counsel in Probe of Bidens
Then-A.G. William Barr participates in a roundtable discussion in Atlanta, Ga., September 21, 2020. (Elijah Nouvelage/Reuters)
July 29, 2022 11:05 AM

It's time.

Former Trump attorney general Bill Barr is publicly urging incumbent Biden attorney general Merrick Garland to appoint a special counsel in the ongoing Biden investigation, which is said to focus on the president’s son Hunter.

The investigation has been ongoing since 2018 and has scrutinized shady foreign financial transactions that stretch back to at least 2014 (when Joe Biden was vice president and steering Obama administration policy in Ukraine, where Burisma, a corrupt energy company tied to the corrupt government, suddenly decided it was a fine idea to put Biden’s drug-addled son with no relevant experience on its board of directors and pay him a king’s ransom). As we observed in a recent NR editorial, Hunter is the least important Biden in the investigation, the central question of which must be “whether Hunter is a vehicle by which his father . . . indirectly cashed in on his political influence.”

Although I despise the pernicious institution of special counsel, I argued back in early December 2020, when it was clear that Biden had won the election and would be the next president, that the Biden investigation was primed for the appointment of one. That’s because there is no getting around two problems: (1) The Justice Department has a profound conflict of interest if it is in the position of having to investigate the president and/or his close family members, and (2) federal regulations instruct the attorney general that when the department is conflicted in this way, a special counsel (i.e., a scrupulous, experienced attorney from outside the government) is to be appointed.

Barr elected not to appoint a special counsel before leaving office right before Christmas 2020. In his position at that time, it was the right call and a prudent one.

It was right because there was no conflict in the Trump Justice Department’s conducting of the Biden investigation. Clearly, if Barr had made the appointment in anticipation of Biden appointees taking over the Justice Department, the move would have been seen as political — exactly the opposite of what Barr was trying to do in depoliticizing the DOJ.

It was prudently deferential of Barr to trust his successor, who turned out to be Merrick Garland, to make the call on whether there should be a special counsel. The case appeared to be in capable hands, led by David Weiss, the highly regarded U.S. attorney in Delaware (although, as I’ve warily pointed out, there are other cooks in the kitchen, principally including Tax Division at Main Justice). Garland did not displace Weiss, and that no doubt has a lot to do with Barr’s having handled things the right way.

But as Barr now points out, things have changed. The clearest recent indication of this is Senator Chuck Grassley’s letter this week to Garland and FBI director Chris Wray, raising disturbing whistleblower reports from within the bureau that, in the run-up to the 2020 election, high-ranking FBI officials colluded with Senate Democrats to portray credible, derogatory information about the Bidens as “disinformation” from foreign-intelligence services.

I will have more to say about those allegations over the weekend. (With Jack Butler ably pinch-hitting for Rich Lowry, we discussed the allegations in recording The McCarthy Report podcast yesterday.)

Meantime, Barr told the Federalist, “Intervening events, especially recent reports about FBI whistleblowers and the possible reach of the investigation, warrant adding the protections of special counsel status to assure that key decisions are made independently without political ‘favor.’”

To be sure, the regs give the AG leeway, in some situations, to avoid a special counsel appointment. But not in a situation like this. The idea is that an investigation may be retained within “the normal processes of the Department” if the conflict can be mitigated by recusing particular officials. When the president and his close family members are implicated, however, it is the Department of Justice, not just the AG or particular officials, that is conflicted. That’s when a special counsel is required.

Attorney General Garland should appoint a special counsel: a reputable former prosecutor who will have credibility with Republicans as well as Democrats, and who is appropriately skeptical of the institution of special counsel, and therefore won’t exploit the appointment to grandstand or unduly compromise the administration’s capacity to govern. There are such lawyers, and they would do a good job — no doubt beginning by maintaining Weiss and his staff so that the wheel needn’t be reinvented; and continuing by avoiding the Robert Mueller mistake of recruiting partisan critics of the administration to conduct the investigation. A good special counsel would avoid zealots, instead bringing in solid former prosecutors acceptable to both parties.

Garland also knows that, if the shoe were on the other foot, he would be calling on a Republican attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor for an investigation potentially implicating a Republican president — or at least such a president’s son — in criminal activity. Moreover, an outsider with rectitude would be more likely than the Justice Department to scrutinize the FBI’s behavior, which is among the most alarming aspects of this misadventure.

It’s time.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2022, 09:52:14 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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NRO: The remarkable apathy about Biden Family Corruption
« Reply #422 on: August 19, 2022, 02:46:45 PM »
The Remarkable Apathy about Biden-Family Corruption
President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden depart from Holy Spirit Catholic Church after attending Mass on St. Johns Island, S.C., August 13, 2022. (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)
August 19, 2022 9:29 AM

On the menu today: President Biden and China’s Xi Jinping are expected to have their first in-person meeting in Indonesia this November, leading some to argue that the administration should set preconditions for Xi before granting him a face-to-face meeting with the American president. (This is a little tougher for a president to do once he’s chosen to fist-bump Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.) Of course, Biden’s renewed engagement with China’s leaders also brings us back to an infamous, mysterious, wildly underexamined phrase in our national life: “ten percent for the big guy.”

‘Ten Percent for the Big Guy’

Ira Stoll, writing in the New York Sun a few days ago:

America may not realize it, but it has the upper hand. Even China’s own bogus economic data show high unemployment and slowing economic growth there. It turns out that communism doesn’t work. Goldwater was correct.

A weaker American position will only fuel suspicions of corruption — “10 percent for the big guy.” Why are the Chinese Communists so desperate to buy off American elites? Because on some basic level, deep down, they know the truth is Goldwater was right. Communism is beyond hope. The Communist Party in China, like the Soviet one before it, is just buying time until the eventual ineluctable reckoning with freedom.

There is a remarkable national lack of curiosity about that message, “10 percent for the big guy.” If I said to you that a company that was effectively controlled by the Chinese government paid Hunter Biden almost $5 million for vaguely defined “consulting” and legal work, wouldn’t that bother you? Even if you’re a loyal Democrat — even if you were so progressive you’re to the left of Bernie Sanders — do you want members of president’s family to get in bed with the Chinese government*?

There is no argument on any part of the American political spectrum that it is good for the kids of politicians to cash in on their parents’ connections by accepting fortunes from hostile foreign states.

Back in 2017, one of Hunter Biden’s business associates, James Gilliar, emailed him to discuss the equity stakes that the key players in their newly created firm would get from a joint venture with CEFC China Energy Co. “10 held by H for the big guy?” he asked, suggesting that some unnamed male person of importance would get 10 percent of the deal. (“H” is Hunter Biden.)

President Biden has insisted that he was never involved in his son’s business dealings.

The first point to keep in mind is that there is no longer any doubt that these particular emails on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop are real. Back in March, the Washington Post developed a long-delayed curiosity about the emails and commissioned an investigation by tech-security experts. Those experts concluded that:

Thousands of emails purportedly from the laptop computer of Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, are authentic communications that can be verified through cryptographic signatures from Google and other technology companies, say two security experts. . . . In particular, there are verified emails illuminating a deal Hunter Biden developed with a fast-growing Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy, for which he was paid nearly $5 million, and other business relationships.

The veracity of the emails does not depend upon what you think of the New York Post. They nailed the story. Those 51 former intelligence officials who contended that the story was Russian misinformation were wrong, and insisted something that was true could not possibly be true to the American public. To the best of my knowledge, not even one of those former intelligence officials has ever retracted or apologized for jumping to conclusions. As of this March, all of them either declined to comment or insisted that their assessment was reasonable at the time.

The question now is: What were the consequences of Hunter Biden’s effort to go into business with a Chinese energy company? And did that ten percent end up getting held for “the big guy”? And did that deal influence President Biden’s perspective and actions regarding China?
Because the Chinese money ended up going to Hunter Biden. As the Post separately elaborated:

Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.

Back in 2017, CEFC China Energy Company was one of the largest companies in the world, ranking 222nd globally in the Fortune 500. As with all entities in China, its independence from the whims of the state and the Chinese Communist Party is — or I should say, was — highly conditional. As CNN would later describe it:

At its height, Ye’s company, CEFC China Energy, aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two. . . . Two thirds of the company’s financing came from the state-owned China Development Bank.” The Jamestown Foundation summarized the company “epitomizes the close party-state-military-market nexus of the political system in China, wherein corporate interests serve the political agenda of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP). CEFC China Energy has been involved in energy investments with the military’s ‘princeling’ elite, and its affiliate China Energy Fund Committee is a pro-CCP think tank with ties to retired military intelligence officer.

It is reasonable to contend that Hunter Biden was going into business with the Chinese government, or at minimum, with a company that was effectively controlled by the Chinese government.

By February 2018, the company’s CEO was being investigated by the Chinese government for “financial crimes.” By December of that year, per CNN, “A Chinese state-owned company taking control of many of its international assets.” By March 2020, the company had declared bankruptcy. Any pretense that it was an independent, private company had been abandoned as its assets came under full state control.

Once again, it seems fair to ask just what Hunter Biden offered a de facto Chinese government entity that would justify paying him nearly $5 million. For those who want to say it was his expertise and insight, keep in mind, according to Hunter Biden’s own memoir, “From 2016 to 2019, Hunter Biden’s life was a mess. He and his wife divorced, and he drank and smoked crack just about every day.” The president’s son characterizes this time as “I was smoking crack every 15 minutes.”

The only value that Hunter Biden could possibly have to the Chinese government was as a conduit to his father. No one in their right mind saw Hunter Biden as a financial genius or an astute analyst. He was the former vice president and potential future president’s severely screwed-up man-child who was desperate for cash — exactly the sort of target that Chinese foreign-influence operations desired.

And as the Post reported, the Chinese reached out to Hunter Biden when everyone could see he was in dire straits:

During divorce proceedings with his wife Kathleen, a court filing in the case described “outstanding debts [that] are shocking and overwhelming,” with the couple carrying maxed-out credit cards, double mortgages on both properties they owned and a tax debt of $313,970. Three checks to their housekeeper had bounced, and they owed money to medical providers and therapists, according to a February 2017 filing in D.C. Superior Court.

An intermediary from CEFC initially reached out to Hunter Biden in December 2015 to set up a meeting between the then-vice president’s son and Ye Jianming, the founder and chairman of the Chinese firm, according to verified emails from a purported copy of the laptop hard drive reviewed by the outside experts for The Post.

What do you think the Chinese government wanted from Hunter Biden that was worth millions of dollars?

Fast forward about two years to the first months of his 2020 presidential campaign, and we see Joe Biden contending that the notion of China as a threat was wildly overstated.

Back in May 2019, Biden declared:

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east, I mean in the west. They can’t figure out how they are going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not competition for us (emphasis added).” Then, a few days later, Biden said, “What are we doing? We’re walking around with our heads down, ‘Woe is me.’ No other nation can catch us, including China. I got criticized for saying that. I’ve spent as much time with [Chinese President] Xi Jinping as any world leader has.”

Was Biden’s soft-on-China perspective a result of “10 percent for the big guy”? Or was it just the reflection of a calcified geopolitical mind that had trouble moving on from the discredited notion that Beijing was America’s “partner in prosperity” and that greater engagement would make China more like the U.S., instead of making the U.S. more like China?

Biden doesn’t talk about how harmless China is anymore; the past few years have brought the Covid-19 pandemic, the crackdown in Hong Kong, even more evidence of the genocide of the Uyghurs, increasing threats against Taiwan, and all kinds of other CCP abuses and crimes.
In November, Xi Jinping will travel to the G-20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia, and is expected to have his first in-person meeting with Joe Biden since Biden was elected president. What kind of thoughts will go through Xi’s mind, when he sits across the table from the American president?

“I can roll this guy”? “I can buy this guy”? “I’ve got leverage over this guy”?

*I know, I know: Insert an Eric Swalwell joke here.


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Trailer for "My Son Hunter"
« Reply #423 on: August 26, 2022, 06:12:40 AM »


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can anyone name Joe Biden's full name ?
« Reply #427 on: August 26, 2022, 08:17:07 AM »
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. !

source widipedia


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Re: can anyone name Joe Biden's full name ?
« Reply #428 on: August 26, 2022, 08:29:20 AM »
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. !

source widipedia

Joseph Ashleyraper Biden


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #429 on: August 26, 2022, 09:04:34 AM »
from now on i will call him Joe R. Biden jr.


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ET: Bobulinski on Corrupt Legacy Media and FBI
« Reply #435 on: October 13, 2022, 11:41:20 AM »
Tony Bobulinski Exposes the Corrupt Legacy Media and the FBI
Despite shocking revelations from Bobulinski, Hunter Biden continues to be protected by the legacy media
Stu Cvrk
October 12, 2022


In an hour-long interview with Tucker Carlson on Oct. 4, Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, ripped the scab off a festering wound that the Biden family (and their many enablers) hoped had long been healed (and forgotten) forever.

Two years ago, the New York Post broke a bombshell story about a laptop abandoned by Hunter at a computer repair shop in Delaware. The shocking revelations from emails and files on that laptop illuminated a Biden crime family operation that has been ongoing for decades.

For example, several of the emails retrieved included “a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month,” the Post reported. Pozharskyi thanked Hunter for his assistance in arranging a meeting with his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, in Washington.

Enter Bobulinski, who confirmed the Biden family’s corrupt dealings with communist Chinese-linked companies in a Tucker Carlson interview on Oct. 27, 2020. He also stated in that interview that Joe Biden received a cut from every corrupt deal. Biden was euphemistically referred to in some emails as “the Big Guy.”

As the laptop emails and Bobulinski interview directly contradicted Biden’s frequent claims that he had “never spoken to his son” about his overseas business initiatives, the Biden presidential campaign went to battle stations in orchestrating a complete cover-up consisting of immediate public denials by Biden and campaign operatives, the FBI burying the laptop and preventing access to it by anyone outside of the Department of Justice, and the orchestration of a public letter signed by 50 former intelligence officials who claimed that the emails from the laptop “showed signs of a Russian disinformation operation.”

Most important, given the explosive nature of the story, was the construction of a legacy media narrative that echoed the Russian disinformation nonsense, with zero investigative follow-up reporting conducted and the bombshell revelations quickly dropped down the media memory hole to minimize political damage to Biden.

And thereby, their blatant collective interference in the 2020 election pulled it off for Biden.

All Roads Lead to Hunter

Biden’s elder son Beau was being groomed for a political career to replace his father in the Senate until his untimely death from brain cancer in 2015. Grooming younger son Hunter for politics wasn’t an option, given his long history of drug abuse and other hedonistic behavior, but that could have been why he briefly served as a public relations officer in the naval reserve until booted for testing positive for cocaine in 2014—to punch a ticket as a step toward replacing his gravely ill brother. But of course, his personal demons wrecked that possibility, so he continued his “lobbying career” and service as his family’s “bagman.”

Interestingly, Hunter was still serving in the naval reserve when the first of his big China deals was hatched with BHR Partners in 2013. Enter Bobulinski, one of Hunter’s partners in the deal. Hunter and Bobulinski knew that the Chinese “partners” involved in that deal were directly connected to the Chinese intelligence services. Did they report their contacts with Chinese intelligence operatives to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the FBI, as they were obligated to do? This was yet another troubling aspect in Hunter’s infamous career that has been filed down the memory hole—and indeed never even mentioned—by the Democrat media complex.

Hunter is reportedly under investigation by the FBI for tax evasion—at least, that’s something.

Tony Bobulinski

Except for an occasional article from independent media, there has been near-total legacy media silence about Hunter’s laptop and especially Bobulinski to this very day. A simple web search of the name “Bobulinski” evinces zero articles by CNN, zero by CBS News, six by NBC News, with reporting ended on Oct. 30, 2020 (including three disparaging mentions in MSNBC show transcripts in October 2020), and eight by ABC News ending in a typical AP article on Oct. 28 that spun the story into a nothing-burger by claiming the emails and Bobulinski’s allegations “couldn’t be verified.”

What happened to the vaunted legacy media investigative reporting that can somehow dig and spin dirt on Donald Trump incessantly for years but somehow can’t be bothered to investigate the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop? Not a single mention of Bobulinski has been made by any of these legacy media outlets since Oct. 30, 2020!

In the meantime:

A poll conducted by Newsbusters on Nov. 24, 2020, found that “full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump.” And nary a peep from the legacy media about that poll!

After more than a year of denial, The New York Times finally admitted that the laptop is, in fact, legitimate, which the Times buried in a March 2022 story summarizing Hunter’s tax evasion investigation.

Conservative commentators like Cal Thomas have called out The New York Times and others for their “dereliction of duty,” as reported by The Washington Times: “Not only did the Times and other major and social media ignore the story, in some cases the story was deemed fraudulent and blocked on several platforms.” Perhaps most insightful was this comment: “The tardy tacit admission by the Times that the New York Post was right will add to the view of many that today’s journalism is driven mostly by agendas and not facts.”
A July 2022 Rasmussen poll reported that “fifty-two percent believed the [laptop] story was buried so as to not damage Joe Biden’s presidential aspirations [while] 32% say it was ignored because it was a ‘partisan hit job.’”

Bobulinski apparently grew tired of the FBI’s apparent inaction in investigating and charging Hunter, as well as the lack of media reporting on the subject. To call attention to that malfeasance, he dropped some incredible bombs during his interview with Tucker Carlson on Oct. 4.

He reiterated Joe Biden’s complicity in and knowledge of Hunter’s various overseas business dealings. Silence from the legacy media!

Bobulinski confirmed again that Hunter committed fraud by diverting money from a Chinese company, of which he owned 20 percent, to an American LLC, of which he owned 100 percent. This was disclosed to the FBI in 2020. Where’s the indictment for fraud and tax evasion?

He stated that he voluntarily gave an interview to the FBI in October 2020, disclosing damning evidence, including emails, that confirmed all of his allegations made in the 2020 Tucker Carlson interview (and more).

While that five-hour FBI interview was being conducted, Bobulinski stated that he received a phone call from James Biden’s number but that no one spoke when he answered his cell phone. Who but someone at the FBI could have possibly tipped James Biden et al. that Bobulinski just happened to be in the middle of an FBI interview at that particular moment? Where are the legacy media investigative reporters beating down the doors of the FBI for the details on this bombshell?

Bobulinski confirmed that the FBI assigned Timothy Thibault as the agent to manage the Bobulinski whistleblower investigation but that neither Thibault nor anyone else at the FBI has followed up with him after the FBI interview on Oct. 23, 2020. No follow-up with a key material witness in the FBI’s supposed investigation of Hunter’s laptop? How do you spell “sham investigation”? (Note: Thibault “resigned”—or perhaps was forced out—in August after allegations surfaced that he “shielded Hunter Biden from criminal investigations into his laptop and business dealing,” the New York Post reported.

Concluding Thoughts

The legacy media have yet to report on the Bobulinski interview with Tucker Carlson despite the damning allegations made of criminal conduct by the Biden family, as well as the apparent complicity of the FBI in continuing to cover up that criminality. It’s as if the Bidens, the corrupt FBI, and the equally corrupt legacy media have no play left other than to maintain the fiction that the Bidens are “innocent” of any crimes of fraud, corruption, or obstruction of justice, and that any allegations and evidence “simply can’t be confirmed.”

The wound that Bobulinski reopened may not be healed without some serious indictments. And we should all thank him for exposing the legacy media’s continuing political corruption in service of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


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biden guilty of 6 crimes
« Reply #440 on: October 24, 2022, 05:10:05 PM »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #444 on: October 28, 2022, 02:08:35 PM »

I sense we could be seeing the beginning of the log jam on this breaking loose.  The desire to get rid of Biden helps of course.


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independent forensic analysis
« Reply #447 on: November 21, 2022, 11:33:47 AM »
"CBS News has verified the contents reportedly belonging to Hunter Biden’s laptop after conducting an independent forensic review, the network shared Monday."

funny , when it is about a Republican only an anonymous source making a claim seems to be enough

verified it being in NYT or WP


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Re: independent forensic analysis
« Reply #448 on: November 21, 2022, 12:12:08 PM »
"verified it being in NYT or WP"

  - Those two won Pulitzer Prizes for unverified "Russian Collusion" coverage that all turned out to be false.

No correction.  No contrition.  No remorse.  Just lie, lie, lie, lie.

And for this, they are two elections too late to be of any news value.

Yet they keep their good name, Washington Slimes and New York Compost or something like that.  Expensive bird cage liner.


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Hunter laptop repairman relates FBI threats
« Reply #449 on: November 22, 2022, 05:59:10 AM »
Hunter Biden Laptop Repairman Reveals ‘Chilling’ Warning From FBI Agent
By Jack Phillips November 21, 2022 Updated: November 21, 2022biggersmaller Print

John Paul Mac Isaac, the laptop repairman who allegedly obtained Hunter Biden’s laptop, revealed Monday that he is working with Republican lawmakers as they prepare to investigate the younger Biden after taking the House majority during this month’s midterms.

Mac Isaac alleged in a Monday interview with Fox News that an FBI agent gave him a “chilling” warning when he first interacted with the bureau after finding the laptop. The Delaware-based laptop repairman said he recalled telling one agent that he would change their names when he published his book.

“That’s when Agent Mike turned around and told me that, in their experience, nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things,” Mac Isaac said, claiming that it was a veiled threat to keep silent.

“I have been dealing with retaliation from multiple fronts for the past two years when what I did was leaked to the country. I’m expecting it, and I’m going to expect it to continue,” he added to Fox News while promoting his book.

Republicans, he said, should hold “the FBI accountable for colluding with our mainstream and social media to block a story, a real story with real consequence,” and they should “get to the bottom of what the Biden family was up to when Joe Biden was vice president.”

On Monday, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, Chris Clark, told CBS News that Mac Isaac did not have Hunter’s “consent to access his computer data or share it with others.” Some analysts said that it may have been the first time one of Hunter Biden’s lawyers confirmed that he left the laptop at the Delaware computer repair shop.

Earlier this year, Mac Isaac recalled to the New York Post about how Hunter Biden arrived at his shop in Wilmington, Delaware, in April 2019.

“I’m glad you’re still open,” Hunter Biden allegedly told him. “I just came from the cigar bar, and they told me about your shop, but I had to hurry because you close at seven.”

“I need the data recovered off these, but they all have liquid damage and won’t turn on,” Mac Isaac recalled him saying.

Other Details
It came as CBS cited an independent expert as saying that the data sourced from Hunter Biden’s laptop is genuine, coming about two years after the NY Post and other news outlets, including The Epoch Times, reported on it. It’s not clear why CBS decided to publish its report Monday.

The Epoch Times has contacted the FBI’s press office for comment.

After Republicans recaptured the majority in the House, top GOP lawmakers indicated that they will investigate bank records and claims by whistleblowers that show connections between Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden.

With weeks to go before the 2020 General Election, the New York Post published information sourced from the laptop, showing what Republicans and other critics say are shady business deals between the Biden family and individuals linked to the Chinese Communist Party and Ukrainian energy firms. The younger Biden, in a 2019 interview, has denied that he did anything wrong but acknowledged that such deals created a negative outward impression.

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), who is expected to chair the House Oversight and Reform Committee, told reporters last week that the committee will investigate not just Hunter Biden but also President Biden.

“I want to be clear. This is an investigation of Joe Biden. That’s where the committee will focus in this next Congress,” Comer told reporters.

“This committee will evaluate the status of Joe Biden’s relationship with his family’s foreign partners and whether he is a president who is compromised or swayed by foreign dollars and influence,” Comer said, adding that his committee has acquired suspicious activity reports filed by major banks.

In response, the White House said in a statement last week House Republicans are engaging in partisan attacks against Biden’s family members. The administration accused the GOP of trafficking in “long-debunked conspiracy theories,” without elaborating.

“President Biden is not going to let these political attacks distract him from focusing on Americans’ priorities,” Ian Sams, a spokesman for the White House Counsel’s office, told news outlets.

Weeks after the 2020 election, the younger Biden said that Delaware prosecutors were investigating his tax affairs, although he hasn’t been charged with a crime. Since then, few details have been publicly disclosed about that investigation.

As Republicans conduct their investigation, it’s not clear how many Americans will consider it a top priority.

Fewer than 30 percent of voters said in a recent poll that Hunter Biden should be a top priority for the next Congress, with about 52 percent of Republicans expressing an interest in investigating him. For months, other polls showed that President Biden’s approval rating has remained largely underwater amid high inflation, fears of a recession, and a surge of violent crime nationwide.