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Rest in Peace R.I.P. RIP

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I remember travelling to Lehigh to see Timothy Leary give a lecture in the mid 70's.

My impression was he was brain damaged due to too much LSD.  He was somewhat incoherent, rambling, almost "Sheen-like" saying something about space colonies.  That is all I remember.  My friend was also as less than impressed.

OTOH, maybe it wasn't the acid but was Harvard that did that to him.

The late Terrence McKenna (see e.g. "Nector of the Gods") was also from the same Harvard clique as Leary IIRC.

I would recommend reading the "Electric Acid Kool-Aid Test" and Hunter S. Thompson's "Hell's Angels" together at some point.  Kesey and the HA were parts of a social circle and the differences of perspective on interactions is interesting (as are the interactions, all by themselves!). 

Haven't read EAKAT, but did enjoy HT's HAs many years ago.

Also part of that crew was Ram Dass.  Is he still alive?


--- Quote from: Crafty_Dog on March 17, 2011, 01:45:39 PM ---Haven't read EAKAT, but did enjoy HT's HAs many years ago.

Also part of that crew was Ram Dass.  Is he still alive?

--- End quote ---



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