Author Topic: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.  (Read 527320 times)


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Watchdog True the Vote: 137k illegal ballots in WI
« Reply #2054 on: April 01, 2022, 02:54:33 AM »
Not sure I understand the use of cell phone pings here, , ,

Election Watchdog Finds 137,500 Ballots Unlawfully Trafficked in Wisconsin

10 trillion unique cell phone 'pings' were used to reconstruct the movements of ballot box intermediaries in 2020 election
By Steven Kovac March 29, 2022 Updated: March 30, 2022biggersmaller Print

At least 137,500 absentee ballots were cast through unlawful vote trafficking throughout several of Wisconsin’s largest cities in the 2020 election, according to research presented last week to the state Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections by the public interest organization True the Vote (TTV).

Ballot trafficking is an activity in which absentee ballots and votes are solicited, sometimes in exchange for money or other valuables. They are then collected through a process called “harvesting” and delivered to drop boxes by intermediaries (someone other than the voter), who are often paid a per-ballot fee by partisan actors.

“An organized crime against Americans” is how TTV cyber expert Gregg Phillips described to the committee what happened in Wisconsin and elsewhere during the 2020 election.

Based on his 15-month study of election practices in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Michigan, Phillips estimates that at least 4.8 million votes were trafficked nationally.

According to the True the Vote report, 242 intermediaries in metro Atlanta made 5,668 stops at drop boxes during elections in late 2020. In its report, TTV said it obtained 4 million minutes of drop box video surveillance tape that helped to document its Georgia findings.

“Many of the traffickers we spoke with do not recognize what they are doing as being a problem,” TTV spokesperson Catherine Engelbrecht said.

The study found that in Arizona, 202 intermediaries made 4,282 separate visits to ballot boxes in Maricopa County.

Several Arizonans have since been indicted for election law violations, with at least one conviction, according to Phillips.

Epoch Times Photo
Poll workers count ballots inside the Maricopa County Election Department in Phoenix, on Nov. 5, 2020. (Olivier Touron/AFP via Getty Images)
Phillips told the committee that, in the states studied, TTV purchased from commercial brokers 10 trillion unique cell phone identity signals called “pings.”

Human rights organization First Freedoms funded the time-consuming and costly project.

Using a technique called geospatial mobile device signal analysis, Phillips said researchers are able to reconstruct a four-dimensional “pattern of life” of cell phone holders.

“From these pings, it can be determined where you work, where you sleep, and even what floor you are on within inches,” he said.

The Wisconsin study focused primarily on the Milwaukee County area, with some partial initial data coming from Racine and Green Bay, where the study will soon be further expanded, Phillips said.

In those three areas, TTV’s cell phone ping research found that in the two weeks from Oct. 20 through Nov. 3, 2020, 138 individuals each visited the location of a nongovernmental organization at least five times and made a combined total of 3,588 trips to absentee ballot drop boxes.

“That’s an average of 26 trips per person to drop boxes in the Milwaukee area,” Phillips said.

“Is this evidence of fraud?” committee member Lisa Subeck, a Democrat, asked.

“Vote trafficking is being done through the process. It is illegal,” replied Engelbrecht, who stated that every vote cast illegally cancels the vote of a legitimate voter.

Wisconsin Statute 6.87 (4)(b)1 provides that an absentee ballot envelope, in which the cast absentee ballot is placed, must be “mailed by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk issuing the ballot or ballots.” The Circuit Court in Waukesha County in Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, has agreed, holding that use of drop boxes for absentee voting violates Wisconsin law.

Drop boxes, if unattended by a municipal clerk or in an unauthorized location, are illegal under Wisconsin law. The law is currently being challenged in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

In her testimony, Engelbrecht stressed that the TTV report was focused on the process and wasn’t attempting to prove the 137,551 votes were illegal votes.

State Rep. Dave Murphy, a Republican member of the committee, stated: “If you vote in an illegal way, it is an illegal vote. If the process is illegal, the vote is illegal.”

Earlier in March, the report of special counsel Michael Gabelman on voter fraud revealed that some personnel of nongovernmental organizations are suspected of coordinating the 2020 ballot harvesting operations in Wisconsin’s five largest heavily Democrat-run cities—Milwaukee, Kenosha, Green Bay, Madison, and Racine.

When asked by Rep. Donna Rozar, a Republican, to name the NGOs in the study that were repeatedly visited by intermediaries, Phillips declined.

A spokesperson for Micah Inc., a leading Milwaukee nonprofit philanthropic organization, told The Epoch Times that Micah does conduct “voter engagement efforts,” but declined to say more.

Phillips and Engelbrecht testified that enormous nonprofits, such as National Vote at Home, are promoting voting from home and favor doing away with in-person voting on Election Day entirely.

“Most countries around the world vote in person on election day, including Ukraine,” Phillips said.

Engelbrecht argued that some countries have perfected secure blockchain electronic voting and said she thinks U.S. technology is advanced enough to at least ensure accurate election data.

She said that some U.S. election jurisdictions view inaccurate voting rolls as a “feature rather than a bug.”

“Our rolls are abysmal. Bad records are the gateway to fraud,” Engelbrecht said.

“If you can’t verify identity, you can’t do anything else,” Phillips said.

Rep. Ron Tusler, a Republican, asked if TTV could identify the 138 alleged ballot harvesters (also known as “mules”).

“We know the names but are not disclosing them,” Phillips said. “Anyone can buy them commercially. However, law enforcement would need a warrant.”

In the other states studied, government-made video surveillance tapes of ballot drop boxes obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests were used as part of the process of estimating how many ballots were trafficked, along with personal interviews with intermediaries and other tipsters and cell phone ping data.

Engelbrecht told the committee that in Wisconsin, in September of 2020, her organization set up a hotline to receive tips from informants.

Unlike other states where video surveillance footage of the drop boxes was made available to TTV investigators, Engelbrecht said that only one of the 17 Wisconsin localities studied provided TTV with video.

Engelbrecht stated that in the summer of 2020, the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) announced it approved of video surveillance of the state’s drop boxes, as recommended by the federal Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

“WEC did not follow through,” she said.

Neither did WEC provide to localities written guidelines based on CISA’s recommendations for the locations where the drop boxes were to be placed, according to Engelbrecht.

She testified that across the country, the majority of the ballot drops surveilled typically happened between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.

Epoch Times Photo
Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, in January 2020. (Masooma Haq/The Epoch Times)
She told the committee that the removal of 234,000 problem names from Wisconsin’s registered voter rolls, as recommended by the Electronic Registration Information Center, was stopped by a lawsuit.

Forty-nine-year veteran elections attorney James Bopp Jr. came before the committee to provide a legal perspective to the facts presented in the TTV report.

Bopp has litigated 200 election lawsuits and is currently legal counsel to TTV. He is also representing special counsel Gabelman in several lawsuits against him stemming from his investigation.

Bopp testified that filing an avalanche of lawsuits was part of a years-long effort by Democrats “to make the whole system more susceptible to fraud and abuse.”

He said 425 lawsuits were filed across America by Democratic Party operatives or front organizations in the runup to the 2020 election.

Bopp asserted the suits were designed to ensure ineligible people were maintained on voting rolls; to expand voting to every voter on the rolls, whether active or inactive; and “to tear down every other anti-fraud protection, such as prohibiting signature verification and striking down witness requirements for absentee voting.”

Turning to Wisconsin, Bopp pointed the committee to what he called “the corrupt and illegal activity and administration of election laws for partisan ends engaged in by your Wisconsin state government and municipalities designed to maximize the number of Democrat votes.”

Addressing the alleged embedding of partisan get-out-the-vote efforts within local governments in Wisconsin’s largest cities, Bopp said the practice evades federal and state campaign contribution limits of just a few thousand dollars, and gives real-time, hour-by-hour, cost-free access to voter rolls to partisan actors.

Bopp said the practice disguises its partisan nature, disguises the identity of out-of-state billionaire donors contributing millions, thereby violating the principle of transparency and exceeding contribution limits.

“Despite clear and unequivocal state law, drop boxes created the infrastructure to accomplish all of this,” he said. “Drop boxes left unstaffed and located anywhere clearly violated state statutes.”

He criticized what he said was the “grossly partisan, corruptly political, and blatantly illegal” actions of the people administering Wisconsin election laws.

Bopp asserted that the actions in Wisconsin gave significant partisan political advantage to Democrats, exactly the people the plan was designed to help.

“Ruthlessly exploited by large-scale organized and illegal ballot harvesting operations, involving not-for-profits and the people working with them, (the scheme) could very well have influenced the outcome of the 2020 election,” he said.

“What has been disclosed—and, in my view, proven—is that there were sufficient irregularities in the 2020 election that a court, at the time, could have reached the conclusion that the true result cannot be determined. But that time has passed.

“It’s not about overturning the 2020 election. It’s about the future. The situation is crying for reform.”

Rozar reminded the audience that numerous election reforms passed by the legislature have been vetoed by Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat.

Neither Evers nor state Attorney General Josh Kaul, also a Democrat, responded by press time to requests for comment.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 02:58:15 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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« Reply #2055 on: April 01, 2022, 05:12:30 AM »


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Election Integrity
« Reply #2056 on: April 01, 2022, 10:21:24 AM »

We are not raising confidence in our elections by banning investigation and discussion.


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Re: Election Integrity
« Reply #2057 on: April 01, 2022, 01:58:55 PM »
If the left actually believed 2020 was honest, they would be happy for a detailed examination. Funny how they aren’t.

We are not raising confidence in our elections by banning investigation and discussion.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2062 on: April 07, 2022, 06:48:41 AM »


here is the PROOF

of what we all knew was going on

the shysters can't BS out of this one - so they will simply ignore


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WT: WI drop boxes questioned
« Reply #2065 on: April 14, 2022, 01:22:42 AM »
Skeptical Wisconsin Supreme Court justices question ballot drop boxes

BY SCOTT BAUER ASSOCIATED PRESS MADISON, WIS. | Skeptical Wisconsin Supreme Court justices questioned Wednesday whether state law allows for voters to give their absentee ballot to someone else to return or whether drop boxes can be placed outside municipal clerk offices. The court’s ruling later this spring or summer is expected to establish rules for the upcoming midterm election where the battleground state’s Democratic governor and Republican U.S. senator are on the ballot.

The court in February barred the use of drop boxes outside election clerk offices for the April spring election where local offi ces such as mayor, city council and school board were decided. But the larger question the court has yet to address is whether to allow the boxes going forward in places such as libraries and grocery stores.

The fight is being closely watched as Republicans push to limit absentee voting following President Biden’s 2020 win in Wisconsin, beating Donald Trump by just under 21,000 votes. Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson are on the ballot in November.

State law is silent on drop boxes, but the bipartisan Wisconsin Elections Commission has told local election officials they can be placed at multiple locations and that ballots can be returned by people other than the voter.

Justice Brian Hagedorn, a conservative who sometimes sides with the court’s liberal minority, zeroed in Wednesday on what it means to deliver a ballot and whether wording in the law means someone other than the voter can return it. “If I’m mailing an absentee ballot and my wife takes the three steps to put it in the mailbox, have I violated the law?” Justice Hagedorn asked. “Do we need to decide that question?”

Attorney Rick Esenberg, president of the conservative law firm Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty that brought the lawsuit, said that question did need to be addressed. In response to questions, Mr. Esenberg said he did not think it would be legal for someone to hand their ballot to a family member within feet of a mailbox and have that person drop it in.

“I’m sure you can appreciate how absurd that result is,” liberal Justice Jill Karofsky said.

Justice Hagedorn also asked whether a ballot would be delivered “in person” if the voter had it dropped off by a representative of a political party. Charles Curtis, attorney for the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, said he thought that it would be legal as long as the ballot wasn’t tampered with.

Conservative Justice Rebecca Bradley appeared to doubt that the law would allow for anyone other than the voter to return an absentee ballot.

Advocates for people with disabilities and others argue that not allowing someone other than the voter to return a ballot makes it more difficult for voters who have limited mobility or other physical impairments.

Justice Hagedorn also questioned exactly where an absentee ballot drop box could be placed and still be considered legal.

“I think its really important that we define this carefully and not generically,” he said.

In January, Justice Hagedorn sided with liberals and put on hold a lower court’s ruling barring drop boxes outside clerk offices for the February primary. But in February, he reversed and sided with the conservative majority in reinstating the lower court’s ruling that put the ban in effect for the April election and beyond pending the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The elections commission rescinded its guidance pending the outcome of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Wisconsin’s top elections offi cial testified last year that at least 528 drop boxes were used by more than 430 communities in the presidential election. The popularity of absentee voting exploded during the pandemic in 2020, with more than 40% of all voters casting mail ballots, a record high.

Republicans who control the Wisconsin Legislature have also tried to enact laws limiting the use of absentee ballots, but Mr. Evers has vetoed them.

Wisconsin law is silent on election ballot drop boxes, but the state elections panel has told local officials that they can be placed at multiple locations and ballots can be returned by people other than the voter. ASSOCIATED PRES


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WSJ: Rivkin & Grossman: Averting a 2024 election disaster in 2023
« Reply #2067 on: April 25, 2022, 01:18:44 PM »
How to Avert a 2024 Election Disaster in 2023
With a clear decision in a redistricting case, the Supreme Court can head off dangerous litigation.
By David B. Rivkin Jr. and Andrew M. Grossman
April 24, 2022 2:30 pm ET

Pennsylvania lawmakers in 2019 decided to allow mail-in voting for the first time. They enacted a statute providing that “a completed mail-in ballot must be received in the office of the county board of elections no later than eight o’clock P.M. on the day of the primary or election.” In 2020 the state Democratic Party went to court, arguing that in light of the Covid pandemic, the deadline “results in an as-applied infringement” of the right to vote.

The Democrat-dominated Pennsylvania Supreme Court—its members are chosen in partisan elections—sided with the party and ordered a deadline extension, even as it acknowledged the statutory language was clear and unambiguous. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal, so the 2020 election was conducted under this and other new, judge-imposed rules.

Usually there’s no reason for the high court to review a state-court decision about state law. But election law is different. The U.S. Constitution mandates that state legislatures make the laws governing federal elections for Congress and the presidency. The Pennsylvania ruling was therefore unconstitutional. But the justices in Washington, perhaps chastened by the enduring political controversy over Bush v. Gore (2000), seem reluctant to take up such cases close to an election. Fortunately, they will soon have an opportunity to address the issue and to avert the possibility of an electoral meltdown in 2024.

Pennsylvania wasn’t alone in 2020. Faced with Republican control of many state legislatures, the Democrats and their allies took advantage of the pandemic to upend that year’s voting process. Longstanding wish-list items like near-universal voting by mail, ballot “harvesting,” drop boxes, extended deadlines, and loosened identification and signature-match requirements came to pass in much of the country, often by state court order.

The pandemic disruption may be behind us, but litigation over election rules continues. One reason is the success of the Democrats’ 2020 efforts, which their current cases treat as setting a new legal baseline. Returning to ordinary pre-pandemic procedures, they claim, amounts to unlawful “voter suppression.”

But there’s another reason for the state-court litigation explosion: redistricting after the 2020 Census. If state judges are willing to second-guess voting laws, why not the maps too? New maps are often litigated, but what’s different this time is the number of cases asking courts to toss out alleged partisan gerrymanders. The U.S. Supreme Court closed the door to such claims under the federal Constitution in Rucho v. Common Cause (2019), reasoning that there was no “clear, manageable, and politically neutral” standard for courts to apply. The same objection applies to suits brought under state law, but Rucho didn’t address that question.

So they proliferated. Many states where Democrats could pick up House seats with a different map have faced lawsuits based on open-ended state constitutional provisions, such as North Carolina’s proclaiming “all elections shall be free.” Several states’ top courts have tossed out legislature-enacted maps; the North Carolina justices even authorized a lower court to hire its own mapmakers. Republicans won state-court decisions against Democratic gerrymanders in Maryland and New York state.

None of this passes constitutional muster. State courts can interpret and apply laws governing federal elections and consider challenges to them under federal law, including the Constitution. But they have no authority to strike those laws down under state constitutions, let alone a freestanding power to contrive their own voting rules and congressional maps. The U.S. Constitution often assigns powers and duties to the “states” generally, but Article I’s Elections Clause directs that the “times, places and manner” of conducting congressional elections shall “be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof,” unless overridden by Congress. The Electors Clause similarly vests the “manner” of choosing presidential electors in “the legislature.”

In McPherson v. Blacker (1892), the U.S. Supreme Court recognized that the Electors Clause “leaves it to the legislature exclusively to define the method” of choosing electors and that this power “cannot be taken from them or modified by their state constitutions.” In State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission (2015), it held that “redistricting is a legislative function, to be performed in accordance with the State’s prescriptions for lawmaking.”

Still, it’s no wonder plaintiffs and state judges have felt emboldened to buck these limitations. The decision of a state supreme court can be appealed only to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has shied away from such cases. Around the same time the justices declined to hear the 2020 Pennsylvania case, they turned back a request to block North Carolina officials from altering legislatively enacted mail-in ballot deadlines. This year, they denied emergency requests to block judge-made maps in North Carolina and Pennsylvania from being used in November.

Election-law cases present unique timing considerations, given the potentially disruptive consequences of changing laws or maps with an election approaching. When courts make changes weeks before a filing deadline or Election Day, the justices’ ability to right the wrong is severely constrained. There’s rarely a serious basis to press the issue after votes have been cast. Those circumstances apply in most election-law cases.

But unlike state-court orders meddling with voting procedures, which typically apply to one election only, congressional maps remain in place until they’re altered, which usually isn’t for a decade. So there’s no timing issue to prevent the court from hearing a redistricting case.

Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch dissented from last month’s denial of the North Carolina stay application, arguing that the case was a good vehicle to consider the power of state courts to rework federal-election laws. Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote separately to say that the court should take a case raising the issue, but this one came too close to the 2022 election. North Carolina’s House speaker has petitioned the court to take the case in its next term. If it does, a decision would likely come next summer, nearly a year and a half before the 2024 election.

The court’s failure to resolve this issue could spell catastrophe. If the 2024 presidential vote is close in decisive states, the result will be an onslaught of litigation combining all the worst features of the 2000 and 2020 election controversies. The court’s precedents in this area all point toward legislature supremacy but leave the door cracked enough for canny litigants, abetted by state judges, to shove it open and seize electoral advantage. To avoid a constitutional crisis, the justices need to articulate with clarity that state courts can’t rely on state constitutions or their own judicial power to alter either congressional redistricting maps or voting rules in federal elections.

Mr. Rivkin served at the Justice Department and the White House Counsel’s Office in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. Mr. Grossman is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute. Both practice appellate and constitutional law in Washington.


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democrat lawyers and judges rigged the 2020 election
« Reply #2068 on: April 25, 2022, 01:59:20 PM »
"Pennsylvania wasn’t alone in 2020. Faced with Republican control of many state legislatures, the Democrats and their allies took advantage of the pandemic to upend that year’s voting process. Longstanding wish-list items like near-universal voting by mail, ballot “harvesting,” drop boxes, extended deadlines, and loosened identification and signature-match requirements came to pass in much of the country, often by state court order."

so they tell us with screeching nails on black boards on the MSM


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From 2005 Carter Election Commission recommends
« Reply #2070 on: April 28, 2022, 03:51:31 PM »

Election commission recommends overhaul of US election system
Kate Heneroty
SEPTEMBER 19, 2005 10:48:00 AM

[JURIST] The private Commission on Federal Election Reform [commission website], a 21-member bipartisan panel headed by former US President Jimmy Carter [Wikipedia profile] and former Secretary of State James Baker [Wikipedia profile], recommended Monday that widespread changes be made to the federal electoral process to ensure fairness and accuracy. The Commission, which spent five months studying the most pressing problems with the nation's electoral system, issued 87 recommendations [PDF summary; full text, PDF] and urged Congress to enact the changes if political parties don't change the system by 2008. The Commission's recommendations include requiring a paper trail for electronic voting machines, requiring photo ID at the polls, a reorganization of the presidential primary system, unrestricted access for all "legitimate domestic and international election observers" and prohibiting senior election officials from serving political campaigns in a partisan way. According to Commission Executive Director Robert Pastor, "Many of the recommendations build on the Help America Vote Act, while correcting its vagueness and limitations." The Help America Vote Act [text] was passed by Congress in 2002 with the intention of helping states update voting systems, streamline voter registration and provide voter and poll worker education. The Los Angeles Times has more. American University's Center for Democracy & Election Management has additional resources.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 03:58:33 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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2000 Mules, D'inesh, D'Sousa
« Reply #2074 on: May 02, 2022, 03:27:36 PM »
I've been saying we need a Project Veritas undercover approach to discovering and eliminating the fraud.  This is even better if true. They went through state camera footage obtained through freedom of information act requests.

What exactly did they find?  Massive scale, in violation of laws, they have the footage, will anyone investigate further and prosecute?

My understanding is that D'Souza is a reliable source.  Agree?

We need to send our correspondent to the launch.

Sebastian Gorka had Dinesh on today.


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Re: 2000 Mules, D'inesh, D'Sousa
« Reply #2075 on: May 02, 2022, 03:33:06 PM »
I've been saying we need a Project Veritas undercover approach to discovering and eliminating the fraud.  This is even better if true. They went through state camera footage obtained through freedom of information act requests.

What exactly did they find?  Massive scale, in violation of laws, they have the footage, will anyone investigate further and prosecute?

My understanding is that D'Souza is a reliable source.  Agree?

We need to send our correspondent to the launch.

Sebastian Gorka had Dinesh on today.

Reminder, Project Veritas DID election stings. Who went to jail? NO ONE.


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Dinesh D'Souza
« Reply #2076 on: May 02, 2022, 07:08:29 PM »
Of Mules and Donkeys
Dinesh D’Souza
May 2, 2022 Updated: May 2, 2022
Today, I release a new documentary film called “2000 Mules.”

The film releases in 300 theaters on May 2 and May 4, and there’s an in-home virtual premiere on May 7. After that, it will be available for digital download, but only on two uncancellable platforms: the Rumble-owned platform Locals and the Salem Media platform SalemNow. I’ve made six documentaries, but in an age of censorship, you have to create a novel way of distributing them.

Here I want to talk about mules and donkeys. Strictly speaking, of course, a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. A few months after I came to the United States as an exchange student from India, my host parent in Arizona took me to the Grand Canyon.

“We can try to walk down,” they told me, “or we can ride a mule.”

We chose to walk, but on the way down we saw mules carrying tourists and sure-footedly making their way down the treacherous pathways to the bottom of the canyon.

2000 Mules: Extended Trailer

The term mule is now commonly used in drug trafficking and sex trafficking. The mule is the middleman, the guy who makes the transport. My friend Catherine Engelbrecht, who runs the election intelligence organization True the Vote, borrowed this term to apply it to the paid political operatives who engage in ballot trafficking. Mules are professional deliverymen and women who are hired by left-wing organizations to deliver fraudulent and illegal ballots to mail-in dropboxes.

Now let’s turn to the evidence in the movie that was assembled by True the Vote. The organization purchased 10 trillion pings of cellphone data. Basically, they bought the data covering all cellphone movements in key urban areas of the five swing states in which the 2020 election was decided. True the Vote then ran a search algorithm seeking to ferret out mules who picked up stashes of ballots from left-wing organizations embedded in those cities and then made delivery drops of those ballots to 10 or more drop boxes.

The point of this high bar was to avoid false positives and only capture the most industrious mules. After all, there might be some reason why a person might stop by a local activist organization and then go to, say, two drop boxes. Perhaps he dropped off his ballot at the first and then had to tie his shoelace, causing him to stop at the second. But can anyone think of a rational reason for someone to go to 10 mail-in drop boxes? The only conceivable reason is to dump illegal ballots.

Since each of our cellphones has a distinct ID, True the Vote has the cellphone IDs of more than 2,000 mules hired by left-wing organizations to do ballot trafficking in Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the greater Philadelphia area. These mules alone generated approximately 400,000 illegal ballots. When you break down the fraud state by state, you see that it was more than enough fraud to tip the balance in the presidential election. Trump should have won, not Biden.

The geotracking evidence is corroborated by video evidence, and I’m talking about the official surveillance video taken by the states themselves. True the Vote obtained more than 4 million minutes of video, and the movie shows mule after mule after mule stuffing illegal ballots into the drop boxes.

Typically, this occurred in the middle of the night. In many cases, you can see the mules stuffing in multiple ballots. Some mules wear gloves, so as not to leave fingerprints. Mules typically take photos of the ballots going into the boxes, evidently to confirm that they’re performing the work so that they can get paid.

All of this is flatly illegal. To understand this, we must make an important distinction between vote harvesting—legal in some states—and paid ballot harvesting—illegal in all states. In Georgia, for example, it’s legal to give your absentee ballot to a family member or caregiver to drop off. In no state, however, can money change hands, whether it’s money paid to a voter or money paid to a mule or other type of delivery man.

Who’s deploying the mules? I believe the answer is the donkeys. By donkeys, I obviously mean the Democrats—the party of the donkey. Donkeys are the recognized experts at election fraud. They’ve been doing it since the 19th century. In the Tammany Hall days, for instance, Democrats would greet immigrants coming right off the boat, ask them to sign ballots that the Democrats would later fill out on their behalf, and give them in exchange a bottle of alcohol or a reference for someplace where they might find work.

This fraud operation was ramped up in the 2020 election, largely because of the changes in the rules instituted under the pretext of COVID-19. Suddenly, mail-in ballots were dispatched by the tens of millions. Suddenly, mail-in drop boxes proliferated, especially in the major donkey strongholds. No wonder the fraudsters saw their opportunity to escalate their operations—and they did.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Dinesh D’Souza


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Re: Dinesh D'Souza
« Reply #2077 on: May 02, 2022, 07:30:07 PM »
I'm sure once AG Garland (Deep State Andy approved!) sees the movie, he'll pull the FBI off of hunting J6 protesters and get the DOJ focused on ending vote fraud forever!

Of Mules and Donkeys
Dinesh D’Souza
May 2, 2022 Updated: May 2, 2022
Today, I release a new documentary film called “2000 Mules.”

The film releases in 300 theaters on May 2 and May 4, and there’s an in-home virtual premiere on May 7. After that, it will be available for digital download, but only on two uncancellable platforms: the Rumble-owned platform Locals and the Salem Media platform SalemNow. I’ve made six documentaries, but in an age of censorship, you have to create a novel way of distributing them.

Here I want to talk about mules and donkeys. Strictly speaking, of course, a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. A few months after I came to the United States as an exchange student from India, my host parent in Arizona took me to the Grand Canyon.

“We can try to walk down,” they told me, “or we can ride a mule.”

We chose to walk, but on the way down we saw mules carrying tourists and sure-footedly making their way down the treacherous pathways to the bottom of the canyon.

2000 Mules: Extended Trailer

The term mule is now commonly used in drug trafficking and sex trafficking. The mule is the middleman, the guy who makes the transport. My friend Catherine Engelbrecht, who runs the election intelligence organization True the Vote, borrowed this term to apply it to the paid political operatives who engage in ballot trafficking. Mules are professional deliverymen and women who are hired by left-wing organizations to deliver fraudulent and illegal ballots to mail-in dropboxes.

Now let’s turn to the evidence in the movie that was assembled by True the Vote. The organization purchased 10 trillion pings of cellphone data. Basically, they bought the data covering all cellphone movements in key urban areas of the five swing states in which the 2020 election was decided. True the Vote then ran a search algorithm seeking to ferret out mules who picked up stashes of ballots from left-wing organizations embedded in those cities and then made delivery drops of those ballots to 10 or more drop boxes.

The point of this high bar was to avoid false positives and only capture the most industrious mules. After all, there might be some reason why a person might stop by a local activist organization and then go to, say, two drop boxes. Perhaps he dropped off his ballot at the first and then had to tie his shoelace, causing him to stop at the second. But can anyone think of a rational reason for someone to go to 10 mail-in drop boxes? The only conceivable reason is to dump illegal ballots.

Since each of our cellphones has a distinct ID, True the Vote has the cellphone IDs of more than 2,000 mules hired by left-wing organizations to do ballot trafficking in Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the greater Philadelphia area. These mules alone generated approximately 400,000 illegal ballots. When you break down the fraud state by state, you see that it was more than enough fraud to tip the balance in the presidential election. Trump should have won, not Biden.

The geotracking evidence is corroborated by video evidence, and I’m talking about the official surveillance video taken by the states themselves. True the Vote obtained more than 4 million minutes of video, and the movie shows mule after mule after mule stuffing illegal ballots into the drop boxes.

Typically, this occurred in the middle of the night. In many cases, you can see the mules stuffing in multiple ballots. Some mules wear gloves, so as not to leave fingerprints. Mules typically take photos of the ballots going into the boxes, evidently to confirm that they’re performing the work so that they can get paid.

All of this is flatly illegal. To understand this, we must make an important distinction between vote harvesting—legal in some states—and paid ballot harvesting—illegal in all states. In Georgia, for example, it’s legal to give your absentee ballot to a family member or caregiver to drop off. In no state, however, can money change hands, whether it’s money paid to a voter or money paid to a mule or other type of delivery man.

Who’s deploying the mules? I believe the answer is the donkeys. By donkeys, I obviously mean the Democrats—the party of the donkey. Donkeys are the recognized experts at election fraud. They’ve been doing it since the 19th century. In the Tammany Hall days, for instance, Democrats would greet immigrants coming right off the boat, ask them to sign ballots that the Democrats would later fill out on their behalf, and give them in exchange a bottle of alcohol or a reference for someplace where they might find work.

This fraud operation was ramped up in the 2020 election, largely because of the changes in the rules instituted under the pretext of COVID-19. Suddenly, mail-in ballots were dispatched by the tens of millions. Suddenly, mail-in drop boxes proliferated, especially in the major donkey strongholds. No wonder the fraudsters saw their opportunity to escalate their operations—and they did.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Dinesh D’Souza


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Re: Gatestone: Election Integrity Dead
« Reply #2080 on: May 03, 2022, 03:52:01 AM »


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Dinesh : 2000 Mules
« Reply #2081 on: May 07, 2022, 10:34:07 AM »

I want to see it
I guess I have to buy a streaming version

Dinesh - superstar !!

I like him like VDH. Newt , Tucker  8-)

PS - we all knew this happened
        amazing it took cell phone pings to prove it
       MSM - LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Dinesh : 2000 Mules
« Reply #2082 on: May 07, 2022, 10:38:47 AM »
Wait for the sequels, they'll be even better.


I want to see it
I guess I have to buy a streaming version

Dinesh - superstar !!

I like him like VDH. Newt , Tucker  8-)

PS - we all knew this happened
        amazing it took cell phone pings to prove it
       MSM - LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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« Reply #2084 on: May 08, 2022, 10:12:56 AM »

I think this was tested at the SCOTUS level

but I still don't like it

it skirts the the concept of keeping the rich dominating elections


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See 2000 Mules here!
« Reply #2089 on: May 10, 2022, 03:08:42 PM »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2090 on: May 11, 2022, 08:59:26 AM »
Group launches bid to elect officials committed to secure elections


A center-right political group announced Monday a $2 million endeavor to elect state election officials committed to strengthening the integrity of the ballot.

The Election Transparency Initiative (ETI) plans to be active in several states this election cycle targeting at least 10 swing states, including Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania considered pivotal ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

“It’s easy for candidates running for office to embrace the concept of election integrity, but it takes a greater examination to determine if they actually support free and fair elections in practice,” said Ken Cuccinelli, former Virginia attorney general and ETI’s national chairman.

A coalition of several influential national conservative groups, including FreedomWorks and the legislative affiliate of the Family Research Council, are working in support of ETI’s effort, but not financing its work.

ETI will specifically work to elect candidates to state legislatures, as well as secretary of state offices — two public positions that have significant sway over elections.

State legislatures are responsible for determining policy, including how individuals vote or if they need to prove identity to do so. Secretaries of state, meanwhile, administer elections, overseeing everything from voter rolls to the date and times that polls are open.

To receive the coalition’s endorsement, which includes campaign financing help and get-outthe- vote efforts, candidates will have to back voter ID laws. They will also have to pledge to oppose early voting, ballot harvesting, same-day voter registration and the private funding of elections, among others.

“If candidates truly support making it easy to vote and hard to cheat in our elections, they should have no hesitation backing up their public pronouncements and campaign promises by signing their name to the coalition’s comprehensive election integrity pledge,” Mr. Cuccinelli said. “Election integrity is a decisive issue for successful campaigns in 2022.” The effort is meant to push back on the stark politicization of elections that has taken place since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. This year alone, Republicans and Democrats are targeting state Supreme Court and secretary of state races across the country.

Both parties say that holding such offices will be critical in 2024, especially if there is another close election. President Biden, himself, summed up the sentiment earlier this year when pushing an unsuccessful rewrite of the nation’s voting laws.

“Not just whether or not people get to vote, [but] who counts the vote,” Mr. Biden said. “That’s what this is about.”

At the height of the pandemic in 2020, state legislatures overhauled voting laws to hold elections as safely as possible.

In some instances, states signifi cantly expanded early voting and implemented new guidelines allowing for temporary vote-bymail. The changes were not uniform among individual counties, let alone all 50 states.

Since the 2020 contest, numerous state elected officials have admitted that many of the pandemic voting laws were flawed.

“I was as frustrated as anybody else,” Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp said at a recent gubernatorial debate. “That’s why we passed the strongest election integrity act in the country, because a lot of things were done by other people.”

Last year, under Mr. Kemp, Georgia streamlined its voting laws. The overhaul greatly changed the requirements for regular and absentee voting and added ballot security measures.

Voters seeking absentee ballots are now required to provide proof of identification.

Previously, voters had to ensure only that the signature on their absentee ballot matched the signature on file with local elections officials.

The law also prohibited political organizations from handing out food and water within 150 feet of a polling location or 25 feet of a voter. During the 2020 election, some groups had solicited voters outside polling locations with items inscribed with a candidate’s message, symbol or likeness.

The new law makes such political advertising at the polls a misdemeanor offense. Democrats, who are working just as feverishly to elect state election officials, say such legislation is a throwback to the era of racial segregation.


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Election fraud and the nattering nabobs of negativity
« Reply #2091 on: May 16, 2022, 09:22:51 AM »
Above Spiro Agnew quote meant in good fun but the message is mission critical.  There is no point in pursuing good content on a site that mocks conservatives for voting and tells them to give up.  I've tried everything to change your mind, but no.

I can't affiliate with that message - even though I agree with you on maybe 99% of issues.

* "Local is all you have the chance to control, state and federal elections have been and will be stolen." *

It's from another thread because that is the message coming through on all the threads.  'All is lost, don't bother trying to stop it'. 

Maybe we won't win but 'can't win' is wrong in so many ways, no matter how quick or strong the dismissals.

FEDERAL ELECTIONS draw in voters for LOCAL elections.  By telling people don't bother with state and federal, to the extent anyone reads here or similar messages elsewhere, you are helping to make the red jurisdictions fewer and fewer and less red - while more optimistic messages have accomplished the opposite.

In the category of elections that matter, no one mentioned the Supreme Court where a 6-3 or 5-4 majority is won only by winning Presidential and Senatorial elections over an extended period.  It's the only thing left holding up the constitution - which is also mission critical.  Funny that it's now Democrats who think they can't do that.

Do the math on cheating.  The state of the fraud argument today is the 2000 Mules documentary.  Let's assume this and more is true regarding organized Democrat cheating.  We are talking about 330 thousand votes out of 330 million people.  One out of a thousand.  Reduce that to eligible voters, maybe it's one in 500.  That was enough to sway the election - because we failed to otherwise win the argument on the candidates and the issues to better than about a 49-49% tie.  And the Senate is 50-50, while the states lean conservative by more like 30-20.  Closer to a 60-40 R Senate is attainable, as is 270+ electoral votes consistently.

Leave the current cheat in (we won't) and we have to change one in a thousand from D to R to offset it.  We can't change the mindset and vote of one in a thousand?  Are you kidding?  We're changing minds faster than ever just by watching Democrats govern.  If we came out with a coherent and persuasive message, we could own the electoral market share of millions of disillusioned liberals and independents and maybe win more conservatives too.  Have you seen the markets lately (of course you have)?  Inflation is going crazy, real wages are shrinking, energy is basically banned with no backup coming.  It's a true war on the working AND the investing classes.  And we can't win the who-can-govern-better argument by better than 50-50?

'Well, they will just cheat more and more.'   - No, they will cheat less and less when the rules tighten up, when the prosecutions begin, when these 24 hours drop off boxes are closed and every ballot is monitored. 

80% want voter ID.  Can't pass that?  B*llsh*t.  'We stop the cheating one way and they will do it another way?'  Yes, but they will be less effective from prison.  Less effective when they are out of power.  Less effective under tighter rules and enforcement.

Instead of pointing out no enforcement, how about we cause enforcement?

The repeating negative message around here doesn't have to be the outcome.  We stop the cheating by winning the elections - in more counties, in more states, by wider margins.  Not by retreating, by winning.

If that's not the mission, I'm out.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2022, 12:03:00 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Election fraud and the nattering nabobs of negativity
« Reply #2092 on: May 16, 2022, 12:57:24 PM »
I go dangerous places and do dangerous things sometimes. Seeing things the way you want things to be, rather than seeing things as they are is a good way to get hurt or worse.

Truth matters.

The 2020 election was painfully, obviously stolen. Not just the dems took part, much of the republican party was involved. The Deep State illegally spied on Candidate Trump and did what was one of their "Color Revolutions" on the American Republic. They not only violated their oaths to the constitution, they violated MANY federal laws.

Who went to jail? No one.

Who will go to jail? No one.

The quasi-official militias of the Deep State/DNC are free to BURN/LOOT/MURDER without consequence.

Meanwhile, the Deep State can kill or imprison anyone who protests in Garland's Gulag, often without the token elements of due process.

Think you still live in a free country? Explain the below to me:

The walls of a police state are being erected around us. You don't get to vote your way out of tyranny and you sure don't get to vote your way out of genocide.

"Just wait for the midterms, Stalin!"

Read up on the Ghost Dancers. They really believed that if they performed the correct rituals, the destruction of their way of life would be magically reversed.

I guess they should have voted harder.

Above Spiro Agnew quote meant in good fun but the message is mission critical.  There is no point in pursuing good content on a site that mocks conservatives for voting and tells them to give up.  I've tried everything to change your mind, but no.

I can't affiliate with that message - even though I agree with you on maybe 99% of issues.

* "Local is all you have the chance to control, state and federal elections have been and will be stolen." *

It's from another thread because that is the message coming through on all the threads.  'All is lost, don't bother trying to stop it'. 

Maybe we won't win but 'can't win' is wrong in so many ways, no matter how quick or strong the dismissals.

FEDERAL ELECTIONS draw in voters for LOCAL elections.  By telling people don't bother with state and federal, to the extent anyone reads here or similar messages elsewhere, you are helping to make the red jurisdictions fewer and fewer and less red - while more optimistic messages have accomplished the opposite.

In the category of elections that matter, no one mentioned the Supreme Court where a 6-3 or 5-4 majority is won only by winning Presidential and Senatorial elections over an extended period.  It's the only thing left holding up the constitution - which is also mission critical.  Funny that it's now Democrats who think they can't do that.

Do the math on cheating.  The state of the fraud argument today is the 2000 Mules documentary.  Let's assume this and more is true regarding organized Democrat cheating.  We are talking about 330 thousand votes out of 330 million people.  One out of a thousand.  Reduce that to eligible voters, maybe it's one in 500.  That was enough to sway the election - because we failed to otherwise win the argument on the candidates and the issues to better than about a 49-49% tie.  And the Senate is 50-50, while the states lean conservative by more like 30-20.  Closer to a 60-40 R Senate is attainable, as is 270+ electoral votes consistently.

Leave the current cheat in (we won't) and we have to change one in a thousand from D to R to offset it.  We can't change the mindset and vote of one in a thousand?  Are you kidding?  We're changing minds faster than ever just by watching Democrats govern.  If we came out with a coherent and persuasive message, we could own the electoral market share of millions of disillusioned liberals and independents and maybe win more conservatives too.  Have you seen the markets lately (of course you have)?  Inflation is going crazy, real wages are shrinking, energy is basically banned with no backup coming.  It's a true war on the working AND the investing classes.  And we can't win the who-can-govern-better argument by better than 50-50?

'Well, they will just cheat more and more.'   - No, they will cheat less and less when the rules tighten up, when the prosecutions begin, when these 24 hours drop off boxes are closed and every ballot is monitored. 

80% want voter ID.  Can't pass that?  B*llsh*t.  'We stop the cheating one way and they will do it another way?'  Yes, but they will be less effective from prison.  Less effective when they are out of power.  Less effective under tighter rules and enforcement.

Instead of pointing out no enforcement, how about we cause enforcement?

The repeating negative message around here doesn't have to be the outcome.  We stop the cheating by winning the elections - in more counties, in more states, by wider margins.  Not by retreating, by winning.

If that's not the mission, I'm out.


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2096 on: May 19, 2022, 07:21:37 AM »
so very strange so  many elections are soooooo close

I don't trust this one if OZ squeaks ahead


I cannot trust elections anymore
« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 07:32:13 AM by ccp »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2097 on: May 19, 2022, 07:37:52 AM »
so very strange so  many elections are soooooo close

I don't trust this one if OZ squeaks ahead


I cannot trust elections anymore

I guess we must VOTE EVEN HARDER!



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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2098 on: May 19, 2022, 07:58:44 AM »
"I guess we must VOTE EVEN HARDER!


look , we fight as hard as we can
and never give up

everybody wrote off Ukrainians
yet they never gave up
and the Ruskis are paying big time
maybe even vlad

NEVER give in
prepare for the worst
and  fight for the best

« Last Edit: May 19, 2022, 08:07:28 AM by ccp »


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Re: The electoral process, vote fraud, SEIU/ACORN et al, etc.
« Reply #2099 on: May 19, 2022, 08:05:23 AM »
Actual fighting is coming.

Be in a place where you are allowed to defend yourself when it starts.


"I guess we must VOTE EVEN HARDER!


look , we fight as hard as we can
and never give up

everybody wrote of Ukrainians
yet they never gave up
and the Ruskis are paying big time
maybe even vlad

NEVER give in
prepare for the worst
and  fight for the best