Author Topic: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments  (Read 549684 times)


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SCOTUS gives IRS broad new power
« Reply #1201 on: May 21, 2023, 06:56:34 AM »
Supreme Court Rules IRS Can Secretly Grab Bank Records of Outside Parties
The IRS building is seen in Washington on Sept. 28, 2020. (Erin Scott/Reuters)
The IRS building is seen in Washington on Sept. 28, 2020. (Erin Scott/Reuters)
Matthew Vadum
By Matthew Vadum
May 19, 2023Updated: May 20, 2023
biggersmaller Print



The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously in a delinquent taxpayer case that it is lawful for the IRS to secretly summons the bank records of third parties.

In other words, the nation’s highest court recognized that the Internal Revenue Service is not required to notify third parties who are not under investigation when seeking a summons for banking records thought to be relevant to the tax delinquency of another person.

One lawyer who briefed the Supreme Court said the new ruling gives the IRS “startlingly broad authority to pry into the financial records of people who may be only remotely connected to a delinquent taxpayer.”

The ruling, a victory for the Biden administration, came after the administration’s attempts to strengthen IRS enforcement efforts became an issue in the midterm congressional elections. The Inflation Reduction Act, which President Joe Biden signed into law in August 2022, allocated almost $80 billion to the IRS to hire an extra 87,000 agents. Democrats say the IRS has long been underfunded, but Republicans say the extra money will be used to harass taxpayers.

At oral arguments on March 29 the justices had seemed sympathetic to the claim of the wife of a man who owed substantial taxes that the IRS went too far in pursuing her bank records without prior notice. At the same time, they acknowledged the agency needs effective tools to attempt to collect delinquent accounts.

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the court’s opinion (pdf) in Polselli v. IRS, court file 21-1599, which was issued on May 18.

The IRS claims Remo Polselli owes $2 million in assessed taxes and penalties and issued summonses without notice seeking financial records from banks. His bank records as well as those of his wife, Hanna Polselli, and law firms that performed work for them were sought.

The Biden administration said the IRS does not need to provide notice to third parties and that having to do so would give delinquent taxpayers “a head start in hiding assets.” Besides, the administration argued, persons involved in the process have access to the courts to combat alleged abuses.

Petitioner Hanna Polselli and the law firms argued that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit departed from a 2000 ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, creating a circuit split the Supreme Court needed to resolve.

The 6th Circuit held that the disputed summonses were lawful because they were covered by an exception in the tax code pertaining to third-party record keepers. The 6th Circuit rejected the 9th Circuit’s holding that the exception applies only when the targeted taxpayer has a recognized legal interest in the records.

But the Supreme Court disagreed with Polselli and affirmed the 6th Circuit ruling.

“Congress has given the IRS considerable power to go after unpaid taxes,” Roberts wrote.

“One tool at the Service’s disposal is the authority to summon people with information concerning a delinquent taxpayer. But to safeguard privacy, the IRS is generally required to provide notice to anyone named in a summons, who can then sue to quash it. Today’s case concerns an exception to that general rule.”

The IRS is allowed to request the production of “books, papers, records, or other data” from “any person” who possesses information concerning a delinquent taxpayer, Roberts wrote.

“Given the breadth of this power, Congress has imposed certain safeguards” and generally has to give notice of the summons to any person identified in the summons, who is then entitled to bring a motion to quash the summons. But notice does not have to be provided if the summons is issued in aid of the collection of an assessment made or judgment rendered.

“In other words, the IRS may issue summonses both to determine whether a taxpayer owes money and later to collect any outstanding liability. When the IRS conducts an investigation for the purpose of ‘determining the liability’ of a taxpayer … it must provide notice … But once the Service has reached the stage of ‘collecting any such liability,’ … —which is a distinct activity—notice may not be required.”

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson filed a separate opinion concurring with the Supreme Court’s judgment. Justice Neil Gorsuch joined her concurring opinion.

Congress has “recognized that there might be situations, particularly in the collection context, where providing notice could frustrate the IRS’s ability to effectively administer the tax laws,” Jackson wrote.

“For instance, upon receiving notice that the IRS has served a summons, interested persons might move or hide collectable assets, making the agency’s collection efforts substantially harder.”

But when writing the tax code, Congress balanced the interests of the IRS and the taxpayer and “did not give the IRS a blank check, so to speak, to do with as it will in the collection arena,” Jackson wrote.

The Epoch Times reached out to Shay Dvoretzky, counsel for Polselli, and the U.S. Department of Justice, which represented the IRS, but had not received a reply from either as of press time.

Paul Sherman, counsel for the Institute for Justice, a nonprofit public interest law firm, expressed alarm at the new ruling. The group filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of Polselli.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling grants the IRS startlingly broad authority to pry into the financial records of people who may be only remotely connected to a delinquent taxpayer.

“That ruling raises serious Fourth Amendment concerns. Thankfully, the Court stressed that its ruling was narrowly focused on the statutory question before it. In a future case, the Court should address the constitutional limits on the government’s power to demand access to people’s most sensitive financial information.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which also filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of Polselli, declined to comment.


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Lost Privacy, 23 and me info for sale
« Reply #1203 on: October 09, 2023, 10:12:11 AM »

A quarter of a million pages of federal regulations alone - all the way down to what light bulb can you read under - and nothing that even warns about this.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2023, 10:30:49 AM by DougMacG »


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WT: Curtaily Big Tech's privacy abuses
« Reply #1204 on: November 07, 2023, 04:25:42 AM »
Curtailing Big Tech’s privacy abuses

Just how far companies can go to use AI to track our every move

By Joseph R. Pitts and Ed Towns

The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Innovation, Data and Commerce subcommittee recently held a hearing on the need to better protect Americans’ data privacy rights in the new artificial intelligence era, particularly from the Big Tech behemoths.

The committee is right: Artificial intelligence, while poised to bolster efficiency, innovation, and economic growth, should be allowed to grow only if Americans can maintain their rights and retain control of their sensitive information.

AI is pulling their data — including their sensitive information — from all corners of the web in an attempt to build and refine large corporations’ business models and user profiling algorithms.

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica scandal highlighted this point well. The social media giant allowed Cambridge to collect millions of users’ data without their consent so the company could perfect its political digital advertising modeling. It used AI to make its digital campaigning tools even more targeted and powerful.

Less known but equally problematic is the example of Clearview AI, a U.S. company that collected photographs of children and adults for mass surveillance, facial recognition, and personal sale. This case study demonstrates just how far companies can go in using AI to track our every move.

While AI has become the technology whipping boy of the past few years, one of the testimonies Congress heard last month made a compelling point: The problem isn’t AI. It’s the lack of a comprehensive federal data privacy standard.

Even absent AI, for the past decade, unscrupulous companies have used and abused the fact that Congress has yet to define, enact and enforce privacy protections for today’s smart technology. Americans’ personal information is being continuously seized and monetized on too many digital channels as a result.

Drivers are victimized the second they get in their cars, especially their autonomous vehicles. These cars’ built-in sensors, cameras, microphones and GPS trackers are capturing unprecedented data about each user in what could become a $2 trillion revenue stream for the automotive industry. That’s a problem on its own, but it’s especially a concern when many of these car manufacturers have been found to have significant data security vulnerabilities.

Teenagers and families are often affected when they log in to social media websites and apps, where their information has sometimes been found to be tracked and mined without their consent.

Because minor privacy rules and statutes have not been updated meaningfully since 2013, even children are seemingly harmed by the absence of a federal privacy standard. We may have seen this when SchoolCare, a technology company used by over 3,000 schools nationally to connect students with health care services, sold itself to Findhelp, a social care company. A 2022 data breach that affected the information of 2 million minors followed. The Fourth Amendment protects Americans’ persons, homes and property from undue searches and seizures. But in this digital age, shouldn’t the same protections be extended to their digital presence and property? Shouldn’t we have property rights over our data and have the authority to say who can (or can’t) use it, and under what terms? The answer, of course, is yes, and the takeaway from Wednesday’s hearing was that Congress needs to create a federal privacy standard. While some pending bills, such as Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Richard Blumenthal’s Kids Online Safety Act, appear poised to pass and remedy small portions of this growing problem, a more comprehensive solution should also be considered. Some hearing participants spoke fondly of the framework presented in the American Data Privacy Protection Act, a bill that had resounding bipartisan support (and an impressive number of Democratic and Republican co-sponsors) last year but never received a rollcall vote. Perhaps Congress should consider resurrecting and reconsidering this framework in the upcoming lame-duck session. Truthfully, however, it doesn’t matter which solution members choose. All that matters is that it’s comprehensive enough to tackle the data privacy challenges that Americans have faced over the last decade — with not only AI but also the fast-moving digital economy more generally. The fate of their rights, their peace of mind, and their data security depend on it.

Joseph Pitts, a Republican who represented Pennsylvania in Congress from 1997 to 2017, and Ed Towns, a Democrat who represented New York in Congress from 1983 to 2013, served together on the House Energy and Commerce Committee


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CVS Customers (Among Others) Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Privacy
« Reply #1205 on: December 17, 2023, 09:05:34 AM »
One of the outcomes of my various medical travails is that I now use the pharmacy in the hospital a couple miles from home, for several reasons:

• They appear to have a more direct track to obtaining drugs. During the various Covid etc. supply chain “interruptions” I had no trouble snagging the sundry drugs I take such as Creon, which allows my pancreas-free bod digest protein, among others, while my wife who uses a national chain (freaking CVS, more on them in a bit) had difficulties.

• They are nicer. Think I mentioned I can’t take NSAIDs any more unless I want to part ways with my kidneys, too, and so am take various pain meds, which it seems like causes the chain pharmacists to assume I’m shady or something as I always get an off vibe. Well my chart is attached to my meds at the hospital so no explanations needed, and no askance glances received.

• No ‘effin’ robocalls. CVS in particular has a system in place that not only endlessly pesters you about refills and such, but which they also make quite difficult to opt out of. I don’t like doing business with companies that seem to assume out the gate I belong in a memory ward, if not being an outright candidate for protective restraint. The latter would also make it easier for ‘em to force feed me their nostrums.

And now:

• They are constrained by HIPPA and have lawsuit averse beancounters working for ‘em providing impetus NOT to release my medical records without a modicum of concern over my privacy, unlike the companies, including freaking CVS, noted below.


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Cato Seeks 702/FISA Data
« Reply #1206 on: February 22, 2024, 05:14:21 PM »
We were founded under principles of federal checks and balances. Where FISA is concerned, there are none:

Cato Seeks Injunction To Obtain DOJ Internal FISA Audits
Cato @ Liberty / by Patrick G. Eddington / Feb 22, 2024 at 11:49 AM
Patrick G. Eddington

Maximum public transparency has never been achieved during prior congressional debates over the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 electronic surveillance program. In an effort to break that pattern, the Cato Institute today filed a motion for a preliminary injunction (along with my declaration) against the Department of Justice (DOJ) over a long‐​standing Cato Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking internal DOJ audits of the Section 702 program.

As I’ve noted previously, throughout its 15‐​year history, the Section 702 program has been responsible for violations of Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights at scale. Executive branch officials claim that the number of US‐​person‐​related queries of the Section 702 database have dropped from almost 3.4 million in 2021 to a mere several hundred thousand in 2022—still a radically high number of queries that generally appear to have had little if any connection to a genuine national security threat.

And there is one additional critical fact about the Section 702 program’s abuses that has never received significant press coverage or congressional attention.

The actual internal DOJ audits of the Section 702 program remain secret; only summaries of them have ever been made public. Accordingly, American citizens and Congress have no way of comparing DOJ claims about alleged reductions in violations with what the original audits themselves reveal about those violations.

In an effort to remedy that problem, in June 2023 Cato filed a FOIA request seeking the release of the Section 702 database audits available as of the date of the request. Instead of promptly processing Cato’s request, the DOJ sat on it for months.

Mindful of the looming April 19, 2024, expiration of the Section 702 authority, on February 8, Cato filed suit in federal district court in DC to compel disclosure of those records. With the DOJ still having failed to respond to Cato’s request, today Cato filed a preliminary injunction in the DC circuit court seeking expedited processing and release of the Section 702 query audits on or before March 29. We expect a decision from the court sometime next month.

Had the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) done its job—i.e., actually pushed the DOJ to make the full audits public—Cato would never have been forced to file the FOIA request and the subsequent legal actions in this case.

Instead, HPSCI chair Mike Turner (R‑OH) has been at war publicly and privately with other House GOP and Democratic members on the Judiciary Committee over their efforts to renew the Section 702 program only if it has a warrant requirement for the search of stored US persons data and a ban on the purchase of such information from data brokers. Turner’s actions should cause all House members to reevaluate whether or not the HPSCI should have any jurisdiction over surveillance programs that put Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights at risk.


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WSJ loves Section 702
« Reply #1207 on: March 29, 2024, 03:46:44 PM »
Doubling up BBG's post here:


The WSJ Hearts 702
« Reply #96 on: March 28, 2024, 07:25:11 PM »

Oddly given their reputation the WSJ editorial board comes out in favor or renewing broad surveillance tools:

WSJ Ed Board Knifes Fourth Amendment, Betrays Journal's Reporters and Readers

Cato @ Liberty / by Patrick G. Eddington / Mar 27, 2024 at 12:19 PM

Patrick G. Eddington

Financial Surveillance
I’ve been in Washington over 30 years, but sometimes even I can be stunned by the short memories and shortsightedness of members of the Fourth Estate. Today’s example is the editorial board of the venerable (and usually pretty sane) Wall Street Journal.

The ostensible topic of their latest pronouncement (paywall) was the recent terrorist attack in Moscow, which appears to have been the work of violent Salafist terrorists. After offering some fairly standard pre‐​Trump era Establishment fare on the need for still more US military action in the Islamic world, the WSJ ed board ended its piece by stating,

The ISIS comeback also argues for the House to overcome its disagreements and reauthorize Section 702 authority to surveil foreign communications even if it accidentally catches some Americans in the sweep. The House Intelligence bill contains enough safeguards without adding bureaucratic and political obstacles to rapid surveillance of real threats. Americans don’t want another attack on U.S. soil like last week’s horror show in Moscow.

Item 1: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Section 702 telecommunications intercept program does not “accidentally” sweep up the communications of US persons with no connection to criminal activity. The very structure and operational characteristics of both the 702 program and the global telecommunications system guarantee that the emails, text messages, and the like of innocent Americans are inevitably captured and stored in a vast database for years. It is a database that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have repeatedly been found to have used to conduct warrantless digital fishing expeditions on Americans not wanted for any crime.

That means that the communications of Journal reporters (especially those traveling to or reporting from overseas) are very likely getting swept up via the 702 program. The same thing is almost certainly happening to the digital letters to the editor or op‐​eds submitted to the Journal by Americans overseas or who visit the Journal’s website to read its news coverage, etc. All of that, and literally millions of communications of other Americans are available for perusal by FBI agents with access to the 702 database. To be a cheerleader for a surveillance program that’s likely collecting the communications of its reporters and readers is probably not what those reporters or readers view as a legitimate government function or use of their taxpayer dollars.

Item 2: Multiple bills have been introduced to impose an actual warrant requirement for any federal law enforcement access to that stored data, but the most recent one introduced is a bipartisan Senate bill that, while not going as far as many privacy and civil liberties advocates would like, would be a vast improvement over where we are now with the 702 program. The House Intelligence Committee bill championed by the WSJ ed board would, if enacted, largely be another classic example of the old Capitol Hill game of “Let’s not but say we did” when it comes to surveillance reform. The Journal ed board seems not to recognize that the House and Senate Intelligence Committees have long been “organizationally captured” by the various intelligence and law enforcement entities they were created to oversee in 1978. Both committees are cheerleaders for mass surveillance, not our protectors from it.

Item 3: The Journal ed board is engaged in a form of magical thinking with respect to mass surveillance. No mass surveillance program has ever stopped a terrorist attack on America. That was the case with the 702 program’s progenitor, the infamous STELLAR WIND program. It was also the case with the PATRIOT Act’s Section 215 telephone metadata mass surveillance program. And while the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) continue to make incredible claims about the program’s effectiveness, the actual FBI internal audits of the 702 program have never been released. Cato is trying to remedy that information deficit via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit currently before D.C. Circuit Judge Tanya Chutkan.

The WSJ ed board could’ve enlightened its readers with all of these publicly available, sourced facts. Instead, it chose to fearmonger in favor of a program that is not and never has been Fourth Amendment compliant in the way the Founders intended, a program that almost certainly sweeps up the communications of its own reporters, editors, and readers. How the mighty have fallen.


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Big Brother will control your car
« Reply #1208 on: April 29, 2024, 01:52:48 PM »

"When fitted, the technology will send a warning beep or the steering wheel will vibrate when drivers pass the speed limit. If the driver does not take action, the accelerator will ease up, reducing the speed to keep in line with the limit."

Feature will be offered as an "option".  Driver can switch it on and off.  Sure.  Here we go again with Lucy and the football.  How many things were sold to us that way?

Is anyone here a golfer?  When you rent a golf cart today, they might tell you to stay on the cart path. Don't get close to the green or tees. Then if you do, the GPS senses it and shut's off your vehicle. It only allows you to switch to reverse and back out. 

The central planners want central control of your vehicle, all vehicles.

A friend made fun of the age of my car.  I didn't think to tell him, I prefer vehicles built before they had a government shutoff switch.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 01:54:57 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments
« Reply #1209 on: April 29, 2024, 06:21:21 PM »
This is a big part of the push for EVs.


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Re: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments
« Reply #1210 on: April 30, 2024, 06:51:22 AM »
This is a big part of the push for EVs.

Like the Left said under Trump,  RESIST!

I wouldn't mind driving an electric car.  But not as my only vehicle and not one that connects to the internet or can be controlled or hacked remotely.


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Big Brother, Kill Switch
« Reply #1211 on: May 01, 2024, 07:06:36 AM »

If you're too impaired to drive ... also if you're too conservative to drive or going somewhere not approved by the regime.

How many programs start small and innocent and then become monstrous?  All of them, always.


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Re: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments
« Reply #1212 on: May 08, 2024, 09:57:09 AM »
I've long wondered how many of thes apps/utilities/social media platforms have spooks lurking about the backend:

Christopher F. Rufo
Signal’s Katherine Maher Problem
Is the integrity of the encrypted-messaging application compromised by its chairman of the board?
/ Eye on the News / The Social Order, Technology and Innovation
May 06 2024
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The encrypted-messaging service Signal is the application of choice for dissenters around the world. The app has been downloaded by more than 100 million users and boasts high-profile endorsements from NSA leaker Edward Snowden and serial entrepreneur Elon Musk. Signal has created the perception that its users, including political dissidents, can communicate with one another without fear of government interception or persecution.

But the insider history of Signal raises questions about the app’s origins and its relationship with government—in particular, with the American intelligence apparatus. Such a relationship would be troubling, given how much we have learned, in recent years, about extensive efforts to control and censor information undertaken by technology companies, sometimes in tandem with American government officials.

First, the origin story. The technology behind Signal, which operates as a nonprofit foundation, was initially funded, in part, through a $3 million grant from the government-sponsored Open Technology Fund (OTF), which was spun off from Radio Free Asia, originally established as an anti-Communist information service during the Cold War. OTF funded Signal to provide “encrypted mobile communication tools” to “Internet freedom defenders globally.”

Some insiders have argued that the connection between OTF and U.S. intelligence is deeper than it appears. One person who has worked extensively with OTF but asked to remain anonymous told me that, over time, it became increasingly clear “that the project was actually a State Department-connected initiative that planned to wield open source Internet projects made by hacker communities as tools for American foreign policy goals”—including by empowering “activists [and] parties opposed to governments that the USA doesn’t like.” Whatever the merits of such efforts, the claim—if true—suggests a government involvement with Signal that deserves more scrutiny.

The other potential problem is the Signal Foundation’s current chairman of the board, Katherine Maher, who started her career as a U.S.-backed agent of regime change. During the Arab Spring period, for instance, Maher ran digital-communications initiatives in the Middle East and North Africa for the National Democratic Institute, a largely government-funded organization that works in concert with American foreign policy campaigns. Maher cultivated relationships with online dissidents and used American technologies to advance the interests of U.S.-supported Color Revolutions abroad.

Maher then became CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation in 2016, and, earlier this year, was named CEO of National Public Radio. At Wikipedia, Maher became a campaigner against “disinformation” and admitted to coordinating online censorship “through conversations with government.” She openly endorsed removing alleged “fascists,” including President Trump, from digital platforms, and described the First Amendment as “the number one challenge” to eliminating “bad information.”

According to the insider, a woman named Meredith Whittaker, who became president of the Signal Foundation in 2022, recruited Maher to become board chair because of their mutual connections to OTF, where Maher also serves as an advisor, and to nonprofits such as Access Now, which “defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world,” including in the Middle East and North Africa. Whittaker, like Maher, is highly ideological. She previously worked in a high position at Google and organized left-wing campaigns within the company, culminating in the 2018 “Google Walkout,” which demanded MeToo-style sexual harassment policies and the hiring of a chief diversity officer.

So what does all this mean for American users—including conservative dissidents—who believe that Signal is a secure application for communication? It means that they should be cautious. “Maher’s presence on the board of Signal is alarming,” says national security analyst J. Michael Waller. “It makes sense that a Color Revolutionary like Maher would have interest in Signal as a secure means of communicating,” he says, but her past support for censorship and apparent intelligence connections raise doubts about Signal’s trustworthiness. David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of the popular Ruby on Rails web-development framework, agrees, saying that it had “suddenly become materially harder” to trust the Signal Foundation under Maher’s board leadership.

For those who believe in a free and open Internet, Maher’s Signal role should be a flashing warning sign. As she once explained, she abandoned the mission of a free and open Internet at Wikipedia, because those principles recapitulated a “white male Westernized construct” and “did not end up living into the intentionality of what openness can be.” The better path, in her view, is managed opinion, using, alternately, censorship and promotion of dissent—depending on context and goal—as the essential methods.

We’re entering a dangerous period in political technology, and Maher is in the thick of it. Under her ideology, “Internet freedom” is a tactic, not a principle, and “fighting disinformation” means speech suppression, including here at home. When people tell you who they are, believe them.

Christopher F. Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of America’s Cultural Revolution.


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Privacy, Protonmail
« Reply #1213 on: May 09, 2024, 11:45:10 AM »

Protonmail hands over the info per subpoena.

I don't know if they did the right or the wrong thing but this doesn't seem as private and secure as presented.

What do others think?

Protonmail is Swiss and the subpoena was from Spain.  (Nothing to do with American laws.)


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Re: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments
« Reply #1214 on: May 09, 2024, 07:32:54 PM »


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Re: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments
« Reply #1215 on: May 10, 2024, 05:19:15 AM »
"I don't know if they did the right or the wrong thing but this doesn't seem as private and secure as presented"

I dunno either.
If because the person was a suspected tax cheat I would not like it.
If the person was conspiring to murder Jews or launch a terrorist attack I would be ok with it.

If some rich Spanish connected woman wanted to know if her husband was cheating - you guessed it.


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Re: Privacy, Big Brother (State and Corporate) and the 4th & 9th Amendments
« Reply #1216 on: May 10, 2024, 06:53:45 AM »
A thought:

Once we start going on a case-by-case basis, the bright line will be vaporized.   There may be costs to it, but I'm thinking a bright line is worth it to have the privacy of our communications from the Surveillance State.


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Cell Phone Companies Sell Customer Location Data
« Reply #1217 on: May 13, 2024, 06:03:57 PM »
This is galling. I try to lock down all my devices re location data; not sure how effective this is is your cellphone company sells your data:

FCC Fines Major U.S. Wireless Carriers for Selling Customer Location Data
FCC fines wireless carriers $200M
•Krebs on Security / by BrianKrebs / Apr 29, 2024 at 5:06 PM
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today levied fines totaling nearly $200 million against the four major carriers — including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon — for illegally sharing access to customers’ location information without consent.

The fines mark the culmination of a more than four-year investigation into the actions of the major carriers. In February 2020, the FCC put all four wireless providers on notice that their practices of sharing access to customer location data were likely violating the law.

The FCC said it found the carriers each sold access to its customers’ location information to ‘aggregators,’ who then resold access to the information to third-party location-based service providers.

“In doing so, each carrier attempted to offload its obligations to obtain customer consent onto downstream recipients of location information, which in many instances meant that no valid customer consent was obtained,” an FCC statement on the action reads. “This initial failure was compounded when, after becoming aware that their safeguards were ineffective, the carriers continued to sell access to location information without taking reasonable measures to protect it from unauthorized access.”

The FCC’s findings against AT&T, for example, show that AT&T sold customer location data directly or indirectly to at least 88 third-party entities. The FCC found Verizon sold access to customer location data (indirectly or directly) to 67 third-party entities. Location data for Sprint customers found its way to 86 third-party entities, and to 75 third-parties in the case of T-Mobile customers.

The commission said it took action after Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) sent a letter to the FCC detailing how a company called Securus Technologies had been selling location data on customers of virtually any major mobile provider to law enforcement officials.

That same month, KrebsOnSecurity broke the news that LocationSmart — a data aggregation firm working with the major wireless carriers — had a free, unsecured demo of its service online that anyone could abuse to find the near-exact location of virtually any mobile phone in North America.

The carriers promised to “wind down” location data sharing agreements with third-party companies. But in 2019, reporting at showed that little had changed, detailing how reporters were able to locate a test phone after paying $300 to a bounty hunter who simply bought the data through a little-known third-party service.

Sen. Wyden said no one who signed up for a cell plan thought they were giving permission for their phone company to sell a detailed record of their movements to anyone with a credit card.

“I applaud the FCC for following through on my investigation and holding these companies accountable for putting customers’ lives and privacy at risk,” Wyden said in a statement today.

The FCC fined Sprint and T-Mobile $12 million and $80 million respectively. AT&T was fined more than $57 million, while Verizon received a $47 million penalty. Still, these fines represent a tiny fraction of each carrier’s annual revenues. For example, $47 million is less than one percent of Verizon’s total wireless service revenue in 2023, which was nearly $77 billion.

The fine amounts vary because they were calculated based in part on the number of days that the carriers continued sharing customer location data after being notified that doing so was illegal (the agency also considered the number of active third-party location data sharing agreements). The FCC notes that AT&T and Verizon each took more than 320 days from the publication of the Times story to wind down their data sharing agreements; T-Mobile took 275 days; Sprint kept sharing customer location data for 386 days.

Update, 6:25 p.m. ET: Clarified that the FCC launched its investigation at the request of Sen. Wyden.