Author Topic: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues; foreign manipulation of US media  (Read 1123578 times)


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Re: Joe Rogan hammers Dr. Sanjay Gupta
« Reply #3250 on: October 17, 2021, 10:14:11 AM »


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see world! TRUMP shares blame biden on Afghanistan
« Reply #3251 on: October 18, 2021, 02:01:00 PM »
wants the world to know

yes biden withdrawal from afghan was bad

BUT TRUMP *EQUALLY* shares the blame

(of course, no mention of Obama pull out leading to ISIS)


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Just to celebrate Bill Gates daughter's wedding
« Reply #3252 on: October 19, 2021, 06:15:46 AM »

The righteous NYT media publishes this non story :

he sent flirty emails to MSFT people .... what an evil man he is.
while he was married !!!

[heavy on the sarcasm]

Look this has already been aired, he got divorced and paid her 40 billion for his evil behavior.

I am not a huge fan of Bill's politics or his plan for corona early in the epidemic, or his ruthlessness while at MSFT but I do recognize and respect his attempts at spending most of his fortune in positive non selfish ways.

I am just sick of the self righteous media .


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Re: Just to celebrate Bill Gates daughter's wedding
« Reply #3253 on: October 19, 2021, 08:15:05 AM »

The righteous NYT media publishes this non story :

he sent flirty emails to MSFT people .... what an evil man he is.
while he was married !!!

[heavy on the sarcasm]

Look this has already been aired, he got divorced and paid her 40 billion for his evil behavior.

I am not a huge fan of Bill's politics or his plan for corona early in the epidemic, or his ruthlessness while at MSFT but I do recognize and respect his attempts at spending most of his fortune in positive non selfish ways.

I am just sick of the self righteous media .

His plan to depopulate the planet?


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Re: Just to celebrate Bill Gates daughter's wedding
« Reply #3254 on: October 19, 2021, 10:14:27 AM »

The righteous NYT media publishes this non story :

he sent flirty emails to MSFT people .... what an evil man he is.
while he was married !!!

[heavy on the sarcasm]

Look this has already been aired, he got divorced and paid her 40 billion for his evil behavior.

I am not a huge fan of Bill's politics or his plan for corona early in the epidemic, or his ruthlessness while at MSFT but I do recognize and respect his attempts at spending most of his fortune in positive non selfish ways.

I am just sick of the self righteous media .

His plan to depopulate the planet?


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NPR and "terrorized " school board members
« Reply #3259 on: October 25, 2021, 06:52:51 AM »

I looked it up in past
most of NPR is private but it does get public money

why do Republicans support funding a media outlet that is always 100% Democrat propaganda

typical lib article
the poor school board members

they are simply being inclusive
and against racism homosexual ism , gener ism

( as though they are not teaching a  racist  theory )

What is wrong with teaching the age old golden rule?

(answer of course this will not bring about reparations, and power)

when Repubs gain power

 time to defund NPR !


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This is CNN
« Reply #3263 on: October 30, 2021, 12:14:15 PM »


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Confederate False Flag
« Reply #3264 on: November 02, 2021, 09:17:51 AM »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3269 on: November 13, 2021, 08:10:01 AM »
Not as loud as Tucker :-D


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Tucker stream of consciousness
« Reply #3271 on: November 19, 2021, 06:56:47 AM »


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amazing what big news this is in the MSM
« Reply #3273 on: November 22, 2021, 01:13:09 PM »

Certainly more important then a black guy running down white people

who the story is was running fleeing domestic violence !    :roll: :wink:

as for hayes and goldberg - NO ONE was paying attention to either and I have no idea why Fox wasted money on either.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3275 on: November 23, 2021, 06:56:17 AM »
I have and liked Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism".  I liked Hayes as a member of the Baier panel.  I find both of them to be intelligent and thoughtful, even when I disagree with them, and worthy of being on FOX whether they agreed with Trump or not.

That said, this seems a bit "panties in a bunch".  Perhaps a play to jump for a contract elsewhere?


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Re: maybe we can get rid of chris wallace too
« Reply #3276 on: November 23, 2021, 08:40:21 AM »
:wink: :wink:

Yes.  Chris Wallace rose to the highest level of solo hosting a Presidential debate, then ran the worst one ever.  Did no homework on the real issues that would come up, and handled it the opposite of even-handedly.

I have not tuned in since except tidbits that tell me he is the worst kind of awful, posing as impartial and doing the opposite.

He is a young 74.  He can still go spend his prime years coming up at CBS or wherever Dan Rather went, as far as I am concerned.  Fox News deserves someone with actual impartiality if we can't have just one network with a center right bias, like the majority of the nation.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3277 on: November 23, 2021, 09:22:10 AM »
"I have and liked Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism"


I can relate to being annoyed by Trump that Goldberg did not like him
but he pissed me off with his never Trumpism

to the extent he hurts the Right overall

to my knowledge he is NOT a warrior for the right but more of a rino bush type

if I recall he talks of bipartisanship compromise

  which is foolish while the LEFT talks of endless marching forward that looks at bipartisanship and compromise as a temporary inconvenience - not a solution

Tell me how my interpretation of Gold B. is wrong
  with Republicans like him = > we lose

that said I have not and do not want to read his book
plus I think he is overrated as a thinker to start with.


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MSNBC host used Cuomo advisers spin "like verbatim"
« Reply #3281 on: December 01, 2021, 05:55:33 AM »
We know that's what they do, but this is in their own words, smoking gun.  "News Anchor" is  part of PR department for Dem politicians. An established fact, not an accusation.

Smith bragged that MSNBC host Katy Tur was using her talking points about Cuomo live on air.

“I’m texting w Katy Tur,” Smith wrote to the group. “Katy is saying my spin live. Like verbatim.”
« Last Edit: December 01, 2021, 12:00:37 PM by DougMacG »


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Cuomo back by January says Stelter
« Reply #3282 on: December 02, 2021, 07:49:24 AM »

Surprise !    :roll:

gets $ 6 mill per yr
for low ratings.   :roll:


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The Wires of War
« Reply #3283 on: December 02, 2021, 08:08:39 PM »
READ FOR REFLECTION-- the first three and the last two paragraphs in particular:
‘The Wires of War’ Review: How Online Lies Become the Truth

First, cook up an ‘untruth.’ Then ‘layer’ it, obscuring its source. At any hint of suspicion, use a ‘firehose’ to drown out the correct details.

By Joseph C. Sternberg
Nov. 30, 2021 6:20 pm ET

The scam runs something like this: You start with what’s known as “placement.” “Some untruth is cooked up,” Jacob Helberg tells us. “The disinformation can be completely fabricated” or “it may originate with hacked or compromising information.” Next comes “amplification,” using shells or false online identities to disseminate that cooked-up untruth. From there one proceeds to “layering,” in which intermediaries “obscure the original source of disinformation and spread propaganda far and wide.” The coup de grâce arrives with “integration,” the point at which the lie has been so widely propagated that it becomes accepted as truth.

Mr. Helberg here isn’t describing the process by which theSteele dossier, concerning Donald Trump’s alleged Russia collusion, deranged American politics for five years. Instead, the author’s purpose in “The Wires of War: Technology and the Global Struggle for Power” is to explain how Russia and China, among others, seek to wage digital war on America and its allies.

A worthwhile meditation on this so-called gray war might reflect on how we often wage such a war on ourselves. With the Steele dossier, a series of absurd allegations concocted—sorry, “placed”—at the instigation of a desperate presidential campaign were amplified and layered via campaign operatives, reporters’ anonymous sources and a pathologically gullible Federal Bureau of Investigation before achieving integration nirvana at the precise moment Mr. Trump’s alleged exploits in a Moscow hotel room were first “reported” on cable news.

"The Wires of War: Technology and the Global Struggle for Power"

Alas, Mr. Helberg focuses only on the foes outside the gates. He is correct that malign foreign powers view the internet as a battlefield on which to wage asymmetric war. He offers a comprehensive, if often jumbled, account of the forms such warfare can take, whether the “software war” playing out as social-media misinformation or the “hardware war” for access to your smartphone and the secrets about you it can reveal. Russia is a primary combatant in the former; China, the latter.

We get a long account of Russian misinformation efforts during and after the 2016 presidential election. We get a retread of debates about technological infrastructure, from Huawei’s communications equipment to Apple’s Chinese-built iPhones, and a warning about how hackers can shut down power to large sections of major cities, such as a “devastating” 2016 blackout in Kyiv triggered by a phishing attack. It’s all worth repeating, although Mr. Helberg, a senior adviser at Stanford University’s Center on Geopolitics and Technology, has little new to offer about the contours of these conflicts. This is especially irritating given his past as a Google senior manager.

Because what we’re really here for is Mr. Helberg’s experience as a leader in Google’s battle against misinformation in its news-related products. He dangles that prospect before us in his opening pages, recounting the day in 2017 that he and other executives discovered that the Vladimir Putin-linked Internet Research Agency (IRA) had purchased “thousands of dollars of ads on Google” during the 2016 election. Too bad we only learn here what “the media later reported” since, as Mr. Helberg writes, “I can’t recount many of the sensitive internal details.”

This matters because although we now understand that Russian and other propagandists try to confuse politics in many Western democracies, it remains hard to discern to what extent they succeed, or how. Mr. Helberg describes the techniques Russian troublemakers deploy online. These include blasting tweets in farcically ungrammatical English and “firehosing,” or flooding the internet with false or misleading stories about a news event to drown out the correct details.

Presumably Google has some internal data on the effectiveness of such strategies, but if it does Mr. Helberg is keeping shtum. Instead, the reader repeatedly encounters variations on “It’s difficult to know how many of these [Russian] efforts paid off, but some did.” Says who?

As an example of Russian success, Mr. Helberg offers an anecdote about Trump activists in Florida allegedly paid by Russians active on social media to stage a 2016 piece of street theater mocking Hillary Clinton. However, Mr. Helberg neglects to mention that this performance seems to have gone unheeded by anyone, including Florida voters—until Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller dredged it up two years later in an indictment of the IRA. Only at that point did the stunt show up in the newspapers. Is that amplification, or layering?
Elsewhere, Mr. Helberg writes of the apparent Kremlin firehose that sprayed denials of responsibility for the 2018 nerve-agent poisoning, in Salisbury, England, of Russia’s former intelligence agent Sergei Skripal and others: “If you are unaware of or confused by exactly what occurred, then the Russians did their job.” Except the next sentence suggests they didn’t: “The facts, however, are widely accepted.”

Mr. Helberg’s caginess about what Google and other tech companies know about such malign online activities (and what they are doing about it) undermines the author’s policy recommendations, which boil down to “trust us elites more.” He suggests Washington pour more funding into Silicon Valley to counter gray warfare, so the technologists can sort things out in coordination with the same Capitol Hill denizens who chased fake “collusion” claims for years. Ditto his suggestion that citizens cross-check anything they read online against the reports of “authoritative sources” such as the New York Times—a source so authoritative that it shared a Pulitzer Prize with the Washington Post for their now-debunked reporting on the Russia-collusion narrative.

The glib opacity of reporters hiding behind anonymous sources, of tech companies hiding behind trade-secret algorithm tweaks, and of lawmakers and FBI agents hiding behind everyone else, is a direct cause of the distrust that’s corroding America’s democracy from the inside, a phenomenon Russia and China happily exploit but don’t necessarily cause. The first question for any serious examination of information warfare—a question with which Silicon Valley giants, intelligence officials and the media steadfastly refuse to engage—is the extent to which those institutions’ own neuroses make them bigger gray-war patsies than any Trump voter.

Mr. Sternberg, a member of the Journal’s editorial board, writes the Political Economics column.
Copyright ©2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 87990cbe856818d5eddac44c7b1cdeb8
Appeared in the December 1, 2021, print edition as 'How Online Lies Become the Truth.'


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Tucker and Hunter?!?
« Reply #3284 on: December 03, 2021, 06:28:37 PM »
I was pretty rattled two nights ago when Tucker spoke well of Alex Jones and now this:

It is not like Tucker has not gone HARD after Hunter, but still this surprises.  That said, I do remember Tucker speaking well of his personal interactions with Joe over the years.


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second coumo -out
« Reply #3285 on: December 04, 2021, 02:29:02 PM »
« Last Edit: December 04, 2021, 02:32:34 PM by ccp »


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« Reply #3288 on: December 05, 2021, 09:11:16 AM »
"The relief would come in the form of a payroll tax credit earmarked for local news organizations . . . [and] will provide $1.67 billion over the next five years for newspapers, websites, radio and TV stations, and other outlets that primarily cover local news. If eligible, they could reap up to $25,000 for each locally focused journalist they employ in the first year and $15,000 in each of the next four.

The bill also encompasses large chains (such as Gannett) “that include publications focused on local coverage.”

One can suggest this billion-dollar corporate media bailout is less crass than paying them by the editorial—but not by much."

Is there a Constitutional issue here?

The government supporting news organizations.

Is there evidence that the dole outs go to Left wing more than Right wing?
Who decides where the moolah goes?

And is anyone monitoring this ?

How can we let the public know about this sleaze if the bribe recipients are the news (propaganda ) outlets themselves ?


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Brian Williams - good riddance
« Reply #3290 on: December 10, 2021, 08:07:18 AM »

“My biggest worry is for my country,” Williams said. “I'm not a liberal or a conservative. I'm an institutionalist"

       (yeah sure he is not a Democrat   :roll:  he is an "institutionalist" - does anyone know
        what this means ?  Big government ?)

"As a proud New Jersey native, this is where I get to say, regrets, I've had a few, too few to mention,”

     illogical -  he has so "few" it should be easy to mention.


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Chris Wallace "comes home"
« Reply #3291 on: December 12, 2021, 10:23:33 AM »
leaves Fox for CNN which like Fox, is  in the streaming biz now.

« Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 10:59:04 AM by ccp »


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NPR looking out for "civilians"
« Reply #3292 on: December 12, 2021, 07:57:26 PM »

Just let me think a moment....

who was President then ?  Oh wait is was Donald Trump.   


Is NPR suing anyone now?   :roll:


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Re: Chris Wallace "comes home"
« Reply #3293 on: December 12, 2021, 08:28:52 PM »
leaves Fox for CNN which like Fox, is  in the streaming biz now.


Good riddance.  I used to believe he was a down the middle journalist but he pulled a Candy Crowley in 2020 and I have no time for him ever since.  I hope they pick someone good to replace him on Fox News Sunday.  The rest of the Sunday shows have (also) become horrid.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3294 on: December 13, 2021, 04:46:53 AM »
My wife has strongly disliked him for a long time now.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3296 on: December 13, 2021, 11:22:19 PM »


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Jonah Goldberg has a point
« Reply #3297 on: December 17, 2021, 06:46:57 AM »

 I am certainly no great fan of JonahG anymore

but I agree on his point here,  and I am also tired of cleaning up Trump's messes

lets NOT go thru this all over again

Lets go Desantis!


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #3298 on: December 17, 2021, 09:31:38 AM »
Please post that in one of the Trump threads or the Insurrection thread as well.