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Messages - DougMacG

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 366
Misread your question.  Interest costs past a trillion last year;

AND rising rapidly with new debt replacing old and continuing deficits still way into the trillions.

One figure for revenues was $4.44 T.

So it looks like roughly 1 in 4 dollars of tax revenue, 25%, go straight to interest,

But from there it will get worse.

Thank you.

And what % of revenues is interest on the debt?

Roughly 1 trillion out of 27 trillion, or approaching 4% of gdp.

Using the first set of numbers, that percentage is 23%. Federal spending as a percentage of GDP.

I have no idea why numbers from different sources give different answers.

I think these were all quoted as fiscal year 2023, rear view mirror accounting. Still, some could be excellent some estimates. I suppose there's no perfect way of knowing GDP, it's always an estimate. I can't believe there's no exact way of knowing Federal spending.

One more number, Federal interest expense went up 152% under President Biden. (CTUP)

Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:55:52 AM »
On the right I hear legal analysts say 100% chance these verdicts will be overturned on appeal.  I translate that in our world to mean 50% this is overturned.

My layman view:  It would be easy for an appellate court to reduce these 34 felony convictions to misdemeanors because that's what they are, and for a misdemeanor charge the statute of limitations had expired, so the verdict is stricken.

Grounds for appeal:  Judge should have been recused.  Second charge was not specified or prosecuted.  Without the underlying crime, the bookkeeping errors could not have been charged.  Defense could not defend that which was not specified or charged.  Defense legal expert not allowed to testify.  Jury could only hear another view or legal theory through defense lawyer.  Jury was not allowed to hear that federal prosecutor investigated but found no underlying campaign finance crime.

Mark Levin says take it straight to the Supreme Court.  Others say climb the entire appeals ladder.  Let the New York Court fix the obvious errors. That would be a MUCH bigger win.  If the Supreme Court declines to hear the state case, Trump is screwed.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Sunspots Coming Around Again
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:32:14 AM »

I admit being a hoax denier!  Stubborn facts!

How many parts per thousand, to the nearest part per thousand, is the CO2 level in our atmosphere right now?

   - Zero.  400 PPM parts per million = 0.4 parts per thousand, rounds to zero and will never approach one part per thousand with "human caused" CO2 emissions, especially if/when we make the transition soon to nuclear or something better.  (They would have you believe CO2 already approaches 100% of the atmosphere, trapping all heat in.)

Which is more threatening to life on the planet, CO2 levels doubling or CO2 levels plummeting by that same amount?

  - Carbon dioxide is but a trace molecule in the atmosphere at less than 1/2 part per thousand.  Without CO2, all life as we know it ends.

Normally we measure an important component in percentages.  CO2 = 0.04% of the atmosphere, not one percent, not 1/10th of a percent, not even a half of a tenth of a percent.  Oh no, we're suffocating in it!

We should panic if these low levels of essential CO2  were declining, not if they increase by less than 0.1 parts per thousand in out lifetime.

30,000 ppm can cause respiratory arrest and death.  We are at 400.

Federal spending is 32% of GDP?!?!?!?

Spending is WAY out of control, but I don't think that number is right.
Numbers I can find:

Fiscal Year 2023
Revenues 4.44T
Spending 6.13T  (38% greater than revenues)
Deficit 1.7T

Total government spending in FY2023 is estimated to be around $10.55 trillion:
Federal Government Spending: $6.94 trillion
State Government Spending: $2.29 trillion
Local Government Spending: $2.41 trillion
Total Government Spending: $10.55 trillion    = 38% of GDP


Convicting your opponent of 34 pseudo felonies does make that fact go aeay.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Re: Sunspots Coming Around Again
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:58:29 PM »
The sun plays a role in warming, who are these 'scientists' who never thought of that...

A question I like to ask " the “CO2 is really scary” crowd when I see them:

How many parts per thousand, to the nearest part per thousand,  is the CO2 level in our atmosphere right now?

Bonus question, which is more threatening to life on the planet, CO2 levels doubling or CO2 levels plummeting by that same amount?

Politics & Religion / MY Biden Trump trial, the jury deliberate
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:33:26 AM »
Two trial lawyers that founded Powerlineblog opine on the trial. Worth the read.

Speculation of what the jury will do will be over soon. And then the next inning begins.

I can't imagine that it's an outright acquittal, but that's what the fax and the law would indicate. What are the odds that 12 jurors from New York City look to the facts and the law over politics and emotion. In Washington DC during the Trump Administration we learned that they don't.

Politics & Religion / Cognitive Dissonance of the left, DeNiro
« on: May 30, 2024, 07:17:14 AM »

This went so badly that David Axelrod wrote a column on it and CNN published it.

I don't think the prosecution wants the jury to know that this is all about politics.

Great post, exposing a terrible situation. The Harry Browne quote makes you wonder, who doesn't want "a government so small it could fit inside the constitution"? The answer of course is all liberal leftists including 3 sure votes on the Supreme Court.

I've been inside the administrative trial system twice and seen the problem first-hand. The first one was a mock trial, where by the end you realize the prosecutor, the judge, the jury (there isn't one) all go to lunch together when it's over, they all work in the same office for the same agency. The second time was during covid and so the mock trial was held over the phone. I submitted time stamped photographic evidence proving my innocence. A guy listened to my story and then a decision comes in the mail, guilty. These were both relating to housing inspections in the City of Minneapolis. The preponderance of evidence to their co-worker, the judge, was simply that the inspector said so. In the second case, his error was as simple as putting the wrong house number down on an alleged violation of sidewalk shoveling. Sounds like a small matter, but having a ticket against a rental property in Minneapolis can lead to losing what they call Tier 1 status and cost thousands of dollars more in future license fees and lead to greater scrutiny, more false charges, down the road on all your properties.

Because the cases are administrative, not criminal, the defendant has no rights and the prosecution needs no proof. But what is the difference? I'm accused of breaking the law. If this was this was a criminal case, I would be subject to fines, if guilty. This is an administrative case so they can issue same fines plus take away my entire livelihood and net worth.

If they find a way of striking this system down, that would be great. Imagine if people in this country had rights, like the right to defend yourself against false charges.

Politics & Religion / Biden wants Trump freed, or does he?
« on: May 29, 2024, 11:12:17 PM »

09/12/2019 09:27 PM EDT

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday declared that he believes “nobody should be in jail for a nonviolent crime.”

  - [Doug]  Does a New York Courtroom count as a jail?  He was not free to leave during the trial.

New Study confirms what we already knew:

Source CBO / Compiled by Heritage Foundation Economist

More Evidence That the Trump Tax Cuts Did NOT Cause the Biden-era Trillion Dollar Deficits

"Biden keeps claiming that the reason the deficit reached nearly $2 trillion last year and is expected to stay well above $1 trillion annually for the next decade, is the “Trump tax cuts for the rich.” It’s a good line that resonates with some voters.  Too bad it is all false. 

The Trump tax cuts created more jobs, more economic activity, more investment in the U.S., and… an unexpectedly high rate of tax revenue growth. 

Preston Brashers, a Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, has compared how much revenues from 2018-27 were expected after the tax cut passed, and the more current estimates based on the tax collections that have already come in through 2022. 

He finds that so far tax collections are running at a pace $1.7 TRILLION higher than forecast.  Even more amazingly, the revenues are now coming in at a pace some $600 billion higher than CBO predicted over the period 2018-27 with NO tax cut at all. 

How did CBO get it so wrong. They still use “static revenue analysis” that fails to take account of the positive economic impact of the tax cuts.  They don’t believe in Laffer Curve effects.  We won’t say the Trump tax cuts paid for themselves, but we know for certain that they were a major economic stimulus.

Biden’s promise to repeal every provision of the Trump tax cuts would be like shoving Quaalude depressants down the throat of the American economy."


President Biden in State of the Union 2024:
"The last administration enacted a $2 trillion tax cut overwhelmingly benefit the top 1 percent — the very wealthy"

[Doug]   - But that's not true.  They didn't 'cut taxes' by one cent.  They cut cut tax rates.  Taxes measured in dollars, the measure he chose, didn't go down at all.  Tax revenues went up.  It's measurable, provable and now proven. They went up more than they were projected to go up without the tax rate cuts. It's not an opinion; it's fact.

The tax rate cuts didn't "overwhelmingly benefit the top 1 percent".  The top 1% were already rich, it hardly changed their lives at all except maybe they didn't have to move their headquarters to other countries.  The tax rate cuts benefited the economy, the workers, the country. 

Point of clarity on the Laffer Curve.  Not all tax rate cuts bring in more revenue, no one says they do.  In this case, tax rates were egregiously high, chasing productive investments out of the country. That's how lower rates brought in greater revenues.

I'll stop preaching on this once the deniers stop denying.

Science, Culture, & Humanities / Covid Pandemic Vaccine Issues
« on: May 29, 2024, 08:25:50 AM »

Dr. Fukushima also had some harsh words for the mainstream media and its failure to report on the dangers of the vaccines. He also called out the media for calling vaccine critics anti-science “heretics” and said those who silenced these individuals are the ones going against science, adding that they are “more akin to faith, hysteria or even cult behavior.”

The decorated oncologist set up the first outpatient cancer clinic at Kyoto University in Japan and was responsible for the first course at the school in pharmacoepidemiology.
[Doug]  I don't know the validity of any of this, just very sick of the selective censorship on the topic.

18    Excerpts:

"The median home sale price in the US has jumped by nearly 30% since the end of 2019, hitting $420,000 this spring."

"And that's not factoring in the added costs from higher interest rates, which now stand at roughly 7% for the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage that is typical in the US, up from about 3% in 2020."

"Homebuyers today need an annual income of more than $100,000 - well above the country's household median of about $75,000 - to comfortably afford a home in most places in the US, research firms such as Zillow and Bankrate say, and face monthly payments that have roughly doubled in just four years."

"Just 40.1% of renters expect to ever own a home one day, according to the New York Federal Reserve, the smallest share since the bank started asking renters the question in 2014."

"Nearly one third of all households now spend more than a third of their income on housing - the standard cut-off for affordability - the highest level since 2015, according to Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies."

"A recent Harris poll found more than 70% of Americans believe the market is only going to get worse."

"Inflation has been a political noose for Biden in recent years," says Brian Connolly, professor of business law at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, whose work focuses on housing issues. "Housing costs are another place where people are experiencing this financial squeeze."

"With more people priced out of homeownership, rental rates may prove more resilient than expected, keeping inflation elevated."

"No matter what happens - whether they raise, lower or hold them - I feel as though the next decade is probably just going to be difficult no matter what for most people," he says. [Senior economist at Zillow]
[Doug] They say housing prices are up.  I say, value of the dollar is down.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Politics of Meaning
« on: May 29, 2024, 07:33:52 AM »

Every time I hear the term “inflation reduction act” I want to box the ears of the fool emitting it….

RIGHT, perfect example!  The "Inflation Reduction Act" was a multi-trillion dollar spending bill - right while excess spending IS the problem.

Republicans had their own dark years.  Going back to the 70s, President Nixon had the "Price Wage Freeze" and Gerald Ford had buttons that said "Whip Inflation Now".  These were borne out of economic ignorance and are embarrassments of history and of past 'Republican' failure.  But out of that came Reagan and a grow-the-economy and empower-the-people mindset. 

With today's Leftist crowd, starting with candidate Barack Obama's answer to Charlie Gibson that it doesn't matter that raising capital gains tax rates brings in no new revenue, it isn't about ignorance.  It's about deception.

By now they know, the war on poverty is keeping people poor.  The open border is destroying our cities and our country.  Runaway spending is destroying our dollar.  The tax system, especially if Biden's new plan becomes reality, is destroying wealth.  They know pipelines are the safest way to move oil and gas, yet cancel them.  The know nuclear is the safest, cleanest source of 'round the clock energy.  They know American weakness doesn't prevent war.  They even know abortion isn't a constitutional right.  It's a matter that couldn't have been more specifically left to the states to decide, long before Roe or Dobbs.

How could they not know?

Yet onward they march with an angry, destructive, deceptive agenda, and most of their followers keep following...

Politics & Religion / Re: A post I made on FB
« on: May 29, 2024, 07:11:12 AM »
Great post!

These deceptions and contradictions need to be pointed out, and not lost in the memory hole.

Politics & Religion / Re: The Politics of Meaning
« on: May 28, 2024, 06:03:23 PM »
Thanks BBG. This resonates with me. They say, politics of meaning. I've been saying, they're stealing our language. Good to see someone on it.

We are such sheep as a people to keep following these people with their nonsense terminology. Good examples in the article. Others: Affordable housing is anything but.  Affordable Care also means subsidies. 'Smart planning', really? Pro-choice means kill someone, but make kids go to the same bad schools?

Gay means happy and rainbow is a real thing, not a symbol.

A flag flying upside down means his wife was in distress, nothing to do with being a traitor.

Election stolen is an opinion, and you can have a different one, but it isn't something "falsely claimed unless you personally tracked every vote  and every tabulation.

And on it goes. Why are they always calling the shots?

Politics & Religion / Re: Politics by Lawfare, and the Law of War
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:15:36 AM »
They face pressure in deliberations from each other, but jurors also have to live with their verdict.  Which result is easiest to say forever, 'hey that was the right decision'?

Speaking of living with the decision, the politics of the spouse (of the juror and of politicians in general) is underestimated in these things.  "YOU VOTED TO ACQUIT HIM??!!"

You can hate Trump, want him to lose and never be President and still vote not to convict if that's what you see.  There are liberal commentators who have doubts about this feeble case.  Democrats can see that the persecution strategy is not been working to put him down. In fact it has helped him.

For both sides of it, can you (each juror) explain in a sentence or two why he is guilty or why the prosecution didn't fully make the case? It looks like he maybe had sex with a porn star lady doesn't do that.  Proving crime tied to an underlying, proven beyond a reasonable doubt crime, did credible testimony do that?  Pretty easy to say no.  It hinged on the word of a convicted liar and no underlying crime was really pinpointed.

Can and will 1, 2 or 3 of them who don't fully buy it hold out and stand their ground to the end? You would think yes but other political jury verdicts in NY and DC indicate no.  The (hate) politics of it will prevail is the betting line, I believe.

And then we have a "convicted felon" at the top of the ticket, even if overturned, like they wanted all along, and everyone will have their own opinion, like the OJ verdict - in reverse.

'Republicans don't accept election results. They don't even accept jury verdicts.'


The Washington Post lost $77 million last year - in large part because publisher Will Lewis announced that the paper’s readership has fallen by 50% in four years.

Sorry, subscription required to view the article.    :wink:

Closing arguments today and maybe into tomorrow. Instructions to the jury, and then jury deliberation.  What will happen next?

Jury was not sequestered during the trial. Jury was not allowed to hear in court a legal expert tell how ridiculous this theory is. Did they find that viewpoint on their own elsewhere, when they weren't supposed to be looking?  Two lawyers on the jury.  Will they or someone else have sway on the rest?  In which direction? Will TDS prevail or will this come down to very specific legal requirements of the alleged series of crimes, knowledge and intent?  Will we the country get to hear the defense closing argument? Presumably yes on that, through the lawyers, won't everyone be free to talk once the verdict is in?

What will the verdict be? What will happen next if it is a hung jury?  What happens next if found guilty?  Incarceration while awaiting appeal??  They want the handcuff photo, but what point is overreach at this point?  Seems impossible he will be found not guilty, but that would be monumental in the fight against deep state and lawfare persecution.

Apparently there is a fast path to appeal.  This could go all the way to the US Supreme Court - before the election. What do they think of all this? Defective instructions to jurors and defective rulings all the way through is grounds for that. It takes just a certain number to want to hear the case.

But being overruled by a so-called Trump Supreme Court is not full political vindication of a jury verdict, certainly not to Democrats.  Just as a Manhattan jury verdict is not conclusive proof of a crime to Republicans.

What a strange political year. Speaking of politics, how long does the judge have to wait to make this year's contribution to Biden and the Democrat Party?
Did the jury read this?  Did ONE of them read this or anything not in line with the prosecution and judge?

Politics & Religion / Re: Taiwan was never ever part of China
« on: May 28, 2024, 06:21:51 AM »

I watched, listened, and was blown away by the argument it seems we've never heard.  I wish I knew the credibility of the expert, it seems he is a professor from Australia who has done extensive research on the subject.  His point seems so obvious I wonder what the other side of the argument is.

My (layman) argument has been, the communists, the PRC, the PLA, have never ruled the island of Taiwan.  His argument is that Taiwan was never part of China, was never under rule by mainland China.

If true, the Communist Chinese argument would be these people should be under our rule (because we defeated them on the mainland), therefore we are the 'rightful' government of the island.  A very specious argument.
Looking for other sources... 
Wikipedia (with hundreds of sources listed) says the Dutch settlement (who controlled only part of the island) were defeated in 1662 by a Chinese general who was defeated in 1683 by the Qing Dynasty (China), but this only refers to parts of the island, not all.  (And that is a shorter period than the current democratic era.) And then it was under Japanese control from 1895 through to WWII.
The video then argues that the Chinese who migrated to Taiwan over time are Taiwanese over time, not Chinese, particularly after democratization in 1988.  A big part of the Taiwanese culture today is the value and tradition of democracy, and other freedoms not practiced in China.

What I don't fully understand is why the US (both parties for all these years) and the world play along with Communist Chinese propaganda.  One China Policy?  Why?  I have said "reunite" only after democratization on the mainland, and both sides vote.  But 'reunite' is a false flag if China and Taiwan never were one.

If everything that was once under China rule under one dynasty or another is rightfully Chinese, what about Vladivostok, Russia?  Should we help defend that?

In any case, it looks to me that under China's logic, Japan has a stronger claim to Taiwan than China does.  That claim was lost in WWII, just like any brief Qing dynasty claim was lost centuries ago.

If the argument is that (many of) the people are or once were ethnically Chinese, what about Singapore?  What about Malaysia?  What about Britain France and Spain's claims (and many others) to the US?

What about 'indigenous peoples' claims.  Do we all owe our land back to them?

Someone should talk to the Chinese about consent of the governed.

I like Schlicter and have the same reservations about referring others to him.  But I don't understand discussing a 'win' without figuring what happens in the House and Senate as well.  Plus some of the electoral reforms need to come from the state legislatures.

If Trump alone wins, it won't be much of a win.  Plus it's only for 4 years.  Who he picks for VP and successor will make a difference.

There's Left rule, there's divided government, and then there's what we should do if we really do win the controls of power.

"Don’t underestimate what they [Democrats] are capable of."

  - [Doug]  That depends a lot on whether Hakim Jeffries is the Speaker of the House or the Minority Leader.

A few interesting points in this.
[Doug] The article is about avoiding another world war today.  The passage below has to do with lessons from history.  I have asked on these pages and in discussions, what were the lessons of WWII?

My first answer (unfortunately) is intervene (against evil) earlier.
From the article:
"As Churchill wrote subsequently in his history The Gathering Storm, “One day, President Roosevelt told me he was asking publicly for the suggestions about what the war should be called. I said it was ‘the Unnecessary War.’” Churchill then goes on to explain that “There never was a war more easy to stop than that which just wrecked what was left of the world form the previous struggle.” Had they only listened: when Hitler violated the terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty and remilitarized the Rhineland in 1936, Churchill called for Britain and France to send troops to enforce the peace. Had they done so, the German general staff would very likely have ousted Hitler, and World War II would never have happened."

[Doug]  (Churchill was not elected Prime Minister until 1940.)

How does this apply today to US China policy regarding South China Sea and the impending, threatened invasion of Taiwan?


My sister in law was at the Jan 6 speech, not the Capitol, I wonder if she resents being called an erectionist.

Birth rate in this country indicates Biden's effect is anti-erectionism.

Ten corrections to one speech.  This is the Biden White House correcting the President.  How do we know who to believe??

“We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down,”

“I protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act, saving millions of families $800,000 in prem- — $8,000 in — a year in premiums.”

   - White House 'corrected' it to $800.  [Doug] Did anyone's premiums go down under Biden?

Biden has made “148 mistakes in public remarks so far this year,”

When I mis-speak, I generally hear myself do it and try to correct it.

These mistakes don't count his intentional, outright lies.

Pj Media has the laptop timeline:

First, Hunter left three laptops with a Delaware Mac repair shop and forgot to pick up one of them.

Then the FBI got a copy of the laptop in 2019 and pretended it didn't exist.

Then the intelligence community, knowing it could be a storyline in the 2020 election, "pre-bunked" the content of the laptop at an Aspen gathering, telling journalists invited to the yearly confab that if they heard anything about the laptop they should know it was "hacked" and should disregard it as disinformation.

Then it was dismissed as Russian disinformation and anyone reporting the story was a Putin poodle.

Then they got social media companies to censor the story and any outlet that reported it.

Then before the 2020 election, the worst secretary of State of all time got 51 lying politicians who used to work at the CIA and other spook agencies to say it sure looked like Russian disinformation.

Then its existence was a right-wing conspiracy theory.

Then Hunter's legal team confirmed its veracity in court papers.

Then the Biden poodle who had been "investigating" Hunter for years was caught doing nothing.

Then he looked at it to discover there were Mann Act and "gun use crimes while high on crack" evidence on the laptop.

Then whistleblowers highlighted Hunter's lawbreaking.

Then this week the laptop was real and its contents will be used as evidence in Hunter's upcoming gun trial.

Then the 53-year-old Biden said that his computer was hacked.

[Doug]  I wonder what it's like to be an Orwellian Democratic Sheep and obediently follow these people wherever they take you.

Politics & Religion / Re: WSJ: What was Fauci's top aide hiding
« on: May 27, 2024, 07:24:53 AM »
‘I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear,’ David Morens wrote in one email.
  - Can you now learn to live in a federal prison cell?
Federal employees may be subject to criminal penalties for the willful and unlawful destruction, removal, or private use of federal records, 18 U.S.C. § 2071.

Did Dr. Fauci lie to Congress or not?

18 U.S.C. § 1001, it is a crime to “knowingly and willfully” make a “materially false” statement to any of the three branches of the federal government, including Congress. This law applies to both sworn and unsworn statements, the penalty for violating it is up to five years in prison and a fine.

quote author=Crafty_Dog
Much to disagree with here, but some important questions raised.

Open Borders Produced the Biden Economic Boom
Why doesn’t he get credit for strong growth?

It's not just that the 'new' jobs went to the foreigners, and so those at the low end of our economic ladder were left out.  It's not just that the influx happen to be illegals, and disproportionately causing crime and chaos in our cities.  it's the imbalance of 'immigration' when it comes unchecked across the southern border.

Legal immigration can have plan and purpose to it.  Besides choosing doctors or business owners for example among the mix, the mix comes from different places and different regions into the great melting pot and that is not happening.

E pluribus unum is dead.

I have black friends, gay friends, Jewish friends, atheist friends, Christian friends, even Far Left friends, but I don't have any friends who recently came from a third world country that don't speak English.

Luskin: "The conventional answer [to why Biden doesn't get credit for economic growth] is persistent inflation, and there’s truth to that."

[Doug]  There wasn't any real growth per person in income or wealth so far under Biden other than for illegals and recent immigrants who had no US income before, and there should have been V-shaped growth coming out of the Covid closures reopening.

The growth we've had under Biden is in 3 areas, debt, foreclosures and bankruptcies.

Yes, good points made.  Strange that Trump is outpolling other Republicans.

"Democratic (senate)  candidates led in all four of the states we tested: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona and Nevada."

  - That's bad news, but they are skipping over West Virginia, Ohio, Montana and Michigan.  Four possible pickups, plus the four above mentioned.  Picking up four of those eight wouldn't be all bad.  Not mentioned, Republicans are leading to hold all their seats.

Oops, plus Hogan apparently leads in Maryland.  We could get another Susan Collins/Murkowski.

Events between now and November are not likely to turn in the Dem favor IMHO and these Senate candidates are way less known than Biden and Trump.

The Dem money advantage though is crippling to the Republicans.  How do you get an effective statewide message out in the face of all those millions of dollars of negatives coming through?


The "real reason" she's voting for Trump...

Is exactly what she said.  There are two choices.  For Trump she has made her differences clear.  The other, Biden, is a "catastrophe".

Also true, she wants a future with the GOP.  Not the DNC.

Radical idiots at MSLSD should read the forum.  This election will be decided by the 'double haters', not by a love fest for one of these two choices.

Biden is not the moderate Joe they sold us in the Senate.  His policies are literally 100% out of the 'braintrust' of Obama, the most Left Senator to ever serve.  Unless they really are the Orwell 1984 crew, burning and denying history, that is not the Dem Party 86 year old Joe Biden (age at the end of his second term) grew up in.

They, the Left, are asking (demanding) moderate Dems (including Joe) swallow this radical far Left pill, but can't accept that moderate Republicans have NO CHOICE left other than Trump.

From the article (don't click on it)
"If you were somehow still clinging to the illusion that Haley is a moderate at heart, allow her promise to vote for Trump in November disabuse you of that notion."

   - Umm, moderates are going to vote for one of these two (or three) or not vote at all, and Trump's policies are WAY more moderate than Biden's.

[Haley supporting Trump is]  "advocating openly for dictatorship".

   - Oh good grief, how small do you want your readership to be?

If Dems wanted to win the moderate vote, why didn't you put up a moderate candidate with a moderate agenda?


As of May 2024, thirteen counties in Oregon had approved ballot measures in favor of Greater Idaho: Baker, Crook, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Union, Wallowa, and Wheeler.

Oregon (Dems) would lose electoral votes and Idaho (R) would gain.  Democrats in Oregon would never let that happen and Democrats in DC would never let it happen.  It could only happen if Oregon became a swing state and wanted to ditch their hated Republicans.

The point is still made, the Democrats have no qualm about making these people live without consent of the governed.

Almost every blue state and swing state has this same problem, outstate is ruled against their will by the urban, metro, coastal liberals.


Margaret Brennan, Face the Nation asks Pete Buttigieg, how is it that only 7 or 8 charging stations have been built since 2021 (at a billion dollars each)?  He insists a half million will be built by 2030 (he forgets 2024 is his last year in office).

Sec Buttigieg, paraphrasing, well these things are REALLY hard to build you know...

[Doug] Then why are we 4 years into phasing out gas you bleeping morons?


"Gender affirmation" surgery??

Doctors do this and don't lose their license? 

Taxpayers pay for this?

Politics & Religion / 'EV' battery fire, "emission free" Lithium
« on: May 25, 2024, 05:19:58 AM »

They are trying to contain it to the bldg it started in.

My question, Are the DOE, EPA, state regulators measuring the emissions?  If it exceeds Fed or state maximums, will it be shut down?


"End of Everything"  - Victor Davis Hanson

[Doug] Same line, it can't happen here was said in Venezuela, formerly the richest country in Latin America.

Why do our leaders and voters think we can do everything wrong and no harm will come of it?  Completely insane.


I'm proud of Tom Emmer (R-MN) for his role in this.

I'm not sure what the legal impact is of having one chamber pass it.

Politics & Religion / Abortion Politics 2024
« on: May 24, 2024, 08:10:00 AM »
This from the Left, warning themselves not to be too smug on the abortion issue:

Gallop:  34% believe abortion should be legal under all circumstance.  In other words, Republicans are getting hammered on the issue but only 34% agree with the current Democrat position.

To the Republicans I say, this is a moral issue.  You do not criminalize that which nearly half the people think is fine. 

Also to the Republicans, you wanted this sent back to the states and you won, finally, so stop trying to get a federal ban on it.

The vast majority are in between complete ban and no restrictions.  Reasonable time frame, reasonable exceptions is where state laws should be at this point.

6 weeks makes sense in fetal development (heartbeat) but doesn't take into account the mother's lack of awareness in the earliest phase of pregnancy.

Democrats were winning on this issue only as far as they could point to Republican overreach.

Key points in the article, Dobbs did not ban abortion, and most people believe it is (still) easy to get an abortion.

And like three wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner, the unborn were not polled on the issue.

"Couldn’t happen to a nicer collection of “Progressive” shills:"

  - Yes, so sad.   :wink:   :wink:

Biden policies are shutting down family businesses in more ways than Selena Zito has room to describe in one column. For example, if you can't pass along all your hard-earned work to your family members, why would you work so hard to build it?

Completely unmeasurable of course are all the small businesses that never started due to all the complexity of over-regulation and punitive taxation.

Politics & Religion / 2024, Nikki Haley endorses Trump
« on: May 23, 2024, 05:25:44 AM »
This is a big deal I believe.  All rivals are on board. To my friends in the squishy middle who said they would vote for Haley but not trump, it's your turn.

Trump's policies are right down the middle of what the country needs right now. Biden is the extremist, a "catastrophe".

If you care about the country, there's only one choice left.

Haley passed up the opportunity to be the No Labels candidate. She recognized she has no path to the presidency without the endorsement of the Republican Party. Now she is at least on the list to be running mate. Failing that, she will be judged by Trump supporters by how well she supported him when 2028 comes around, which is in early 2027, not very far away.

This doesn't remove all her hurdles, but it was a necessary step for her.

NIKKI HALEY: "As a voter, I put my priorities on a president who is going to have the backs of our allies and hold our enemies to account, who would secure the border -- no more excuses. A president who would support capitalism and freedom, a president who understands we need less debt, not more debt.

Trump has not been perfect on these policies, I have made that clear many times, but Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for Trump.

Having said that, I stand by what I said in my suspension speech. Trump would be smart to reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they're just going to be with him. And I genuinely hope he does that."

Democrat analyst tries to flip the economic narrative for the election.

With no success.

Mention previously, net worth went up under Trump and not so under biden.

The jobs growth they talk about under Biden was the reopening following covid, everybody knows it.

This author thinks Trump benefited from growth coming out of the Obama Biden administration. Growth under Obama Biden was anemic, pathetic. The growth under Trump came from deregulation and tax reform, policies have consequences.

Politics & Religion / Re: Rubio for VP
« on: May 22, 2024, 07:53:29 AM »
Rubio has been a distinct pleasure over the past yr every time I have heard him speak.

He has clearly become the warrior for us.  Always was, but now he has extinguished the final Rino tendency in his rhetoric and policies.

I would vote for him for VP
however, I don't know if he would be best pick for Trump.

I don't know who would be.
None are slam dunk to me and all have some pros and cons.

I still like Pompeo but he would probably be better as SoS.

As for checking DEI boxes - my thought - to hell with that.
We want the best.

Doug Bergum would be a top choice for me.

I don't know either but add this appearance to the mix:

Since 2016 when I supported Rubio for President I have found issues and positions where I disagree with him.  But still, I would be very happy to have him on the ticket.  Like a believed then, he puts a pleasant and positive voice on conservatism.  Very skilled in answers and presentation.

Sean Trende:
"Rubio makes so much sense. He takes Florida off the board (to the extent that it isn’t already) and probably ices Nevada and Arizona as well. He might put New Mexico into play. He’s reassuring to suburbanites, and beloved of anti-anti-Trump Republicans. He sounded Trumpian themes on working class woes before Trump."

[Doug]  I'm not sure about what he says about those states.  If true, that is huge.  I like what he says about suburbanites.  I believe THAT is the battleground.

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