Author Topic: Larry Elder  (Read 4269 times)


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Larry Elder
« on: August 05, 2021, 04:49:55 PM »
Here's to the next governor of California!


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Larry Elder is a Front Sight member
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2021, 08:38:39 PM »

I will be sending him some money, although I expect the dems will "find" enough votes to keep New-scum in office.


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2021, 04:21:13 AM »
I will send him some too.


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2021, 05:53:38 AM »


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2021, 01:16:31 PM »
Please post that in SEIU thread as well.


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Re: Larry Elder vs. Newsom, Biden, Harris
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2021, 07:45:32 AM »

Biden Harris plan to campaign for Newsom.  Let's see if they have coattails like Obama had, losing the House, Senate, Governorships and Presidency.

Before they jump in they should ask themselves, besides losing, doesn't this raise the national standing of Larry Elder?

I wonder what a Biden - Elder debate might look like?  Not really fair that one of them can't think or talk.
Here is the "Guardian" with an attempted hit piece on Larry Elder.

If I'm reading this right, they're accusing him of wanting to honor the constitution and follow the science when it comes to economics.  OMG!

"He has repeatedly claimed that Black people are more prone to crime and violence than other demographic groups"
   - Is that true or false?  They made a slight jump there.  Black people are more prone to dependency on government programs that create dependency and destroy families.  Kids who grow up in that environment are provably more prone to crime and violence.  Democrats are universally opposed to breaking that deadly cycle.  Who wins that debate if it goes beyond a talking point?

"the only reason why he’s able to say much of what he says is because he’s Black"
   - Isn't THAT racist?

"he’s even more extreme than Trump"
   - More extreme in peace, or in prosperity?  Or wanting to count all the legal votes?  Where is this extremism?  He doesn't recognize the unlimited right to slaughter your young?

"the idea that unprepared and untested Elder might lead the most populous US state is unconscionable”
   - This from the people who picked Biden and Harris to lead the formerly free world.  Good.  Let's draw the contrast.

Seriously, from the best of the Left, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 07:54:25 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Larry Elder vs. Newsom, Biden, Harris
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2021, 08:24:00 AM »

Biden Harris plan to campaign for Newsom.  Let's see if they have coattails like Obama had, losing the House, Senate, Governorships and Presidency.

Before they jump in they should ask themselves, besides losing, doesn't this raise the national standing of Larry Elder?

I wonder what a Biden - Elder debate might look like?  Not really fair that one of them can't think or talk.
Here is the "Guardian" with an attempted hit piece on Larry Elder.

If I'm reading this right, they're accusing him of wanting to honor the constitution and follow the science when it comes to economics.  OMG!

"He has repeatedly claimed that Black people are more prone to crime and violence than other demographic groups"
   - Is that true or false?  They made a slight jump there.  Black people are more prone to dependency on government programs that create dependency and destroy families.  Kids who grow up in that environment are provably more prone to crime and violence.  Democrats are universally opposed to breaking that deadly cycle.  Who wins that debate if it goes beyond a talking point?

"the only reason why he’s able to say much of what he says is because he’s Black"
   - Isn't THAT racist?

"he’s even more extreme than Trump"
   - More extreme in peace, or in prosperity?  Or wanting to count all the legal votes?  Where is this extremism?  He doesn't recognize the unlimited right to slaughter your young?

"the idea that unprepared and untested Elder might lead the most populous US state is unconscionable”
   - This from the people who picked Biden and Harris to lead the formerly free world.  Good.  Let's draw the contrast.

Seriously, from the best of the Left, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!


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Re: Larry Elder vs. Newsom, Biden, Harris
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2021, 09:02:32 AM »

It doesn't get more racist than that.  He's not entitled to hold his opinions because he is black. When does the sarcastic name 'woke' come to equal racist and Marxist in a bad way for the 'center left' Democrat voters of habit? 

With all institutions of media academia and all major offices controlled by the Left and Trump banned from social media, the right is SO lacking in podiums and bullhorns for messaging, and Larry Elder is a chip shot of becoming Governor of by far the most populous state.

The Left's biggest problem is over-reach and Larry Elder knows how to point that out.  Tactics, messaging, voting, constitutional process, maybe he and others can inspire a generation to stop the Left machine if only we could reach people other than ourselves with something other than their nonsense.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 09:11:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2021, 10:03:12 AM »
The left dilemma

how do you call a black man a white supremacist?

you call him the black face of white supremacy - that's how.

yes we  here that right.


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Re: Larry Elder, lame criticism
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2021, 06:01:37 AM »
And kind of lame of me to answer someone as shallow as Juan Williams point by point.

in previous criticism, Elder opposes minimum wage laws - as does every honest economist.  So Larry doesn't deny science.

Someone in Calif asked Williams if he was Larry Elder, and that is his first point?  Looks??  It doesn't get much deeper.

Elder is a "Trumpian Right Winger".  Name calling is point two, and guilt by association.  FYI to the reader, Elder is not Trump and Trump is not Elder.  Listen to both if you doubt me, or just look at them if you are as shallow as Juan.

Just a talk show host?  Elder is a lifelong Californian, highly educated and experienced, who has thought, wrote and spoken widely and deeply on the issues that face the state.  Who is more qualified than that? 

"The best evidence cited against Newsom is that he violated his state’s COVID rules by attending a birthday party, indoors with no mask, at a fancy restaurant.  Bad optics, for sure. But there is no evidence of bad governance or corruption."

   - That is both corruption and bad governance, passing laws that don't apply to him, that he knows won't be enforced against him.  Of course they didn't even pass the law; just issued the edict.

Newsom has great approval numbers, just ask CBS?  Then what's the worry?   )

Diane Feinstein might [retire].  A great point made here on the forum by CD.  Elections matter and Governors have powers.  That alone might have been a good reason for Newsom and the Dems to govern better.

Feinstein's seat might determine the next Supreme Court pick.  It just keeps getting better.

"They want to render the state government dysfunctional and chaotic to humiliate Democrats."

   - The Democrats are self humiliating and yes, disrupting failed one party rule is the point.

"Republican governors to allow their states to become breeding grounds for COVID."

   - Like New York??!!

"Far-right subversion is similarly at work across the nation in efforts to suppress Democratic voter turnout."

   - Right, with their vote only once per person and you must be alive to vote initiative?

If that is far right, maybe Calif should try it.


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Gov. Larry Elder before it's too late! 265 companies moved HQ out of Calif
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2021, 03:04:01 PM »
265 California companies moved their
headquarters to other states from January 1, 2018, through June 30, 2021.
The losses are accelerating: 74 relocations in the first half of 2021 exceed those for all of 2020.


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Re: Larry Elder, Governor?
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2021, 06:20:06 AM »
Latest poll, Newsom up by 8% on top line question, recall yes or no.

From afar I see Calif as a roughly 60-40 Dem state. 40% conservative, Republican or lean right is an awful lot of people, more right leaning people than in perhaps any other state.

It would seem (obvious) to me that the recall vote is more motivated than the keep Newsom for all the great work he has done vote.

Polls showing Newsom leading "more comfortably" would tend to further feed the complacency of the recall No vote.  No one wants to keep Newsom, we are just measuring the hate level for the alternative.

One week to go and if you are a frustrated conservative living as a subject of the overbearing, over-taxing, over-regulatory state of California non-consensually all these years, how do you not have a 100% turnout this time around?  This is your one chance to put one nail in their tire as they speed us down the road to Orwellian totalitarianism. 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 06:27:34 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2021, 03:17:49 AM »
The flagrant racism of the gorilla mask seems worth noting too.


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2021, 08:29:08 AM »
The flagrant racism of the gorilla mask seems worth noting too.

Yes.  Reminds me of this:

Tennis sportscaster was fired for saying Serena Williams was using "guerrilla" tactics.  [The dark colored animal is spelled 'gorilla'.]
Adler, who has announced some 3,000 matches, recalls “Guerrilla Tennis” was the name of a famous Nike TV commercial in the 1990s featuring Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras.  Adler was an all-American from USC.

Interesting that I learned of this story through Larry Elder, posted 2017:


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Re: Classic dem operation
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2021, 08:59:51 AM »

Seems to me an egg at that speed hitting side of the head would be like being hit by a baseball without a helmet, or worse.
 Could kill someone or end life as you knew it.  cf. Kirby Pucket, Henry Boucha.

After gun and knife control, is this next?


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Re: Larry Elder - Don't forget what fueled the recall
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2021, 05:42:22 PM »
If leftists didn't have double standards. they'd have no standards.
Gov. Gavin Newsom dined with 11 friends and lobbyists at one of the country’s most expensive restaurants as he pleaded with Californians to stay home.

Photos of the maskless dinner showed the Democratic governor going against what he had been urging for months to combat the coronavirus: don’t gather in groups, keep your distance, wear a mask. That it was happening at the French Laundry — where the cheapest meal is $350 — fueled the idea Newsom was out of touch.


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how the rich can swing elections
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2021, 09:49:14 AM »

especially with mail in ballots

have union members and other paid operatives go out and bribe or persuade voters to sign

caveat : this is  a University Berkeley poll .  of course they are biased up the rear end to the left.


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Re: how the rich can swing elections
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2021, 10:32:07 AM »

especially with mail in ballots

have union members and other paid operatives go out and bribe or persuade voters to sign

caveat : this is  a University Berkeley poll .  of course they are biased up the rear end to the left.

I used to wish that black conservatives like Thomas Sowell could find a way to be heard by black voters.  Win or lose, Larry Elder has already accomplished something nationwide, not just in Calif.  He isn't an Uncle Tom, a follower of Trump or of anyone else they consider a white supremacist.  He isn't a follower.  He's a leader.  He was a conservative before Trump was.   He's a true thought leader who got up from his comfortable chair aand comfortable living and tried to make a difference.  When you take race out of it, they have to make their arguments on merit.  Is California better off for having Dem rule.  Are blacks' interests best served by Democrat policies?  Are black's interests different than anyone else's interests?  Do blacks benefit from prosperity?  Do blacks benefit from solar mandates and subsidies?  How about SCHOOL CHOICE?  Do blacks benefit from being put all in one group politically and taken for granted?  Is it racial that white Gov. Newsom ordered mandates on everyone that did not apply to him and his most powerful supporters?  A short time ago, no one (but us) was asking these questions.


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Rose McGowan leaves Dem party with disgust, endorses Larry Elder
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2021, 08:56:03 AM »
It's all coming together.

Source Megyn Kelly.  Also Daily Beast, links below.

At a press conference in Los Angeles on Sunday, political activist and actress Rose McGowan endorsed Larry Elder, the leading Republican challenger of Gavin Newsom in California’s gubernatorial recall election.

McGowan began by announcing she no longer considered herself a Democrat because anyone who has “harassed, stalked, and stolen” from her in Hollywood has allegedly been a Democrat. After expressing her disgust for the party, McGowan spoke on the issue Elder’s campaign had invited her for: allegations that Gov. Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, tried to bribe her in an attempt to hush her 2017 sexual assault accusations against disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

In a YouTube interview last week, McGowan said Newsom’s wife had called her and asked “what it would take to make [her] happy.”

McGowan added at Sunday’s press conference that Jennifer Siebel Newsom “inferred that she was a Weinstein rape victim to get into this private group of Weinstein rape victims.”

McGowan continued to go off on Democrats, bizarrely bringing up former President Obama’s daughter’s internship with the Weinstein Company. “They’re all in on it,” she said.

“Do I agree with him on every issue? No. So what?” said McGowan of Elder’s policies. “He is the better candidate. He is the better man.”

When Elder took the floor, he briefly touched on the allegations against Newsom’s wife but directed most of his attention to alleged unfair media coverage and reasons why America is no longer racist.

Elder also criticized the media for insufficiently covering the gorilla-masked woman who attacked him with an egg in Venice, saying that if he were a Democrat, the media would be “talking about it in Bangladesh” and investigating the incident as a hate crime.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2021, 09:10:06 AM by DougMacG »


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Larry Elder, Calif recall results
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2021, 05:33:08 AM »
65% keep Newsom
35% recall meaning Elder

Same partisan result as the last presidential election.

I'm very sad to say that this great candidate made no impact on this dysfunctional state.


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A liberal look at what became the Newsom Elder race
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2021, 04:53:30 AM »

New Yorker, Cost of the recall


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2021, 05:36:00 AM »
The result was a huge disappointment in my eyes but the optimist side of me says something good comes from this.

The Newsom (recall no) won 82% of the black vote reportedly against a black conservative.  Recall yes (Elder) won 18%. Democrats used to win 98%.  This means some noticed him and connected with his message.  82% for the white guy also means people were choosing ideology over race and that ideology is slipping with blacks.  My take in hindsight is it takes more than this brief exposure to change minds and that brief exposure was tainted by the liberal media's distortion of Elder and his views. Perhaps he loosened the jar.  More importantly this race was noticed nationwide.

A second point is that Larry Elder is more consistently conservative than the usual Calif Republican nominee.  In that sense, getting the usual vote means he won virtually all Republicans including RINOs and the Kasich Romney types.  That's a conservative breakthrough.  Caitlin Jenner looked good at the start and got less than 1%.  Lefties also did not cross over for their preferred gender identity over ideology.

A moment of truth and clarity occurred when Elder said he would pick a Republican for Senate if the opportunity arose.  The race suddenly became about politics in Washington and less about correcting the errors of the Newsom governance.

Elder was accused by his detractors of running for self promotion rather than to win.  I would say he ran for ideas promotion and maybe that will come true.  Maybe a few more of the persuadable will take note of his widely available, highly substantive, afternoon drive radio show where anti Elder slurs can not drown out his highly persuasive views.

Since they compare American conservatives to the Taliban, time to start looking at this contest of ideas and ideology as a thousand year war.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2021, 05:53:49 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2021, 12:50:04 PM »
How many fraudulent votes do you think there were, Doug?


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2021, 01:53:04 PM »
How many fraudulent votes do you think there were, Doug?

G M,  Probably the usual which no one has quantified.  In this argument, my side of it is not that there is not widespread fraud and cheating without prosecution.  We are discussing what to do about it or what to do because of it.

The biggest cheating is the monopoly of information through Big Tech, government schools and narrative agenda media. 


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2021, 02:50:45 PM »
You can't vote or convince your way out of vote fraud.

How many fraudulent votes do you think there were, Doug?

G M,  Probably the usual which no one has quantified.  In this argument, my side of it is not that there is not widespread fraud and cheating without prosecution.  We are discussing what to do about it or what to do because of it.

The biggest cheating is the monopoly of information through Big Tech, government schools and narrative agenda media.


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2021, 03:13:35 PM »
You can't vote or convince your way out of vote fraud.

You keep saying that and shooting down all ideas to stop it.  You are right; I alone cannot.  100 million people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud.

I'm not thrilled with your idea if I understand it correctly.  Stop fighting electoral battles.  Surrender the country to the cheaters.  Boycott elections and concede complete legitimacy.  Retreat and think you can hold them off there.

The central political problem in California is not vote fraud, it's voter preference.  Voters ARE getting the government they want.


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2021, 03:29:56 PM »
The American Republic you grew up in is dead.

Denial prevents people from making the steps they need to do to be ready for the really bad times.

100 million ARMED people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud.

You can't vote or convince your way out of vote fraud.

You keep saying that and shooting down all ideas to stop it.  You are right; I alone cannot.  100 million people, if they tried their hardest, could stop vote fraud.

I'm not thrilled with your idea if I understand it correctly.  Stop fighting electoral battles.  Surrender the country to the cheaters.  Boycott elections and concede complete legitimacy.  Retreat and think you can hold them off there.

The central political problem in California is not vote fraud, it's voter preference.  Voters ARE getting the government they want.


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2021, 03:40:08 PM »


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Re: Larry Elder
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2021, 09:14:22 PM »

The left doesn't respect the rule of law. They will learn to respect the rule of .308/556.


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Re: Just a reminder
« Reply #36 on: October 02, 2021, 06:23:47 PM »
"Larry Elder was hit with repeated racial attacks and they said nothing."

   - Means when they do say something, it means nothing.