Author Topic: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family  (Read 101356 times)


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter)
« Reply #300 on: November 29, 2021, 06:28:46 AM »
Imagine the names reversed, Trump for Biden, and the media reaction.  It's been a year!  Democrats only reaction has been to ban the newspaper.  So much for caring about corruption and integrity. They don't.

Unlike Trump stories, everything turned out to be true and they came across the information legally. The story isn't about Hunter.  It is about Joe letting himself be the product Hunter is selling.  The amounts paid to the Bidens are millions and the gains made by the Chinese are in the billions.  And still no one left of center knows or cares.  The FBI is investigating conservative parents. What a country.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2021, 06:38:13 AM by DougMacG »


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what ???? Tucker had been friends with Hunter
« Reply #301 on: December 04, 2021, 10:55:17 AM »

seems like everyone in DC is in bed with everyone else somehow.............

everyone is connected directly or through one to two people



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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter)
« Reply #302 on: December 04, 2021, 03:09:39 PM »
I've been thinking about this story.

a) Tucker, a lifelong Washingtonian has consistently spoken kindly of the human dimension of man losing his mind and that he always found Biden personally friendly;

b) He has gone after the Hunter-Grifter Joe story with true vengeance.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter)
« Reply #304 on: December 07, 2021, 08:21:04 AM »
how do we know Hunter is not taking money from drug dealers
who are laundering money?


we don't.

laws for you not for thee.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #309 on: January 24, 2022, 06:11:21 AM »

"Life is tough.  It is tougher when you are stupid."
John Wayne

And we are about to discover just how much tougher that can be.  Prepare to have our assumptions shattered.

Electing this man to the presidency is of a level of stupidity that may well bring our country down:


Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer on Sunday revealed how the Biden family have profited from business with individuals “linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence.”

Schweizer, the author of Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, said Biden’s son Hunter, while the elder Biden was serving as both vice president and president, was engaged in deals with individuals tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence. He called the Biden family’s business dealings “unprecedented.”

“One of the most startling things we uncovered is the simple fact that the Biden family, while he was vice president of the United States and continuing when he became president, received some $31 million from Chinese individuals who are linked to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence,” Schweizer outlined on Fox News Channel’s Life, Liberty & Levin.

He continued, “And these deals, which we lay out in the book, were carried out by a couple of individuals. One is a guy named Che Feng. Hunter Biden, in the Hunter Biden emails, refers to him as the Super Chairman. That’s kind of his nickname for him, and he says in one email, ‘I don’t believe in the lottery anymore, but I believe in the Super Chairman.'”

“His business partner was the vice minister at the ministry for state security,” Schweizer added. “He was in charge of, among other things, recruiting foreign nationals to spy for China. He was the head of something called the Number Eight Bureau. It doesn’t get any higher than that. These are the sorts of individuals that were striking deals with Hunter Biden. In this particular case, Che Feng happened to help a $20 million deal be secured. Another individual that helped arrange that deal is a guy named Mr. Zhao. Mr. Zhao helped with that $20 million deal. He also sent $5 million to Hunter Biden, and he sent that money from a very interesting business called Harvest Global.”

According to Schweizer, Jiao’s business partner is “the daughter of the former head of the ministry of state security.”

“This is the guy who runs the entire spy apparatus for China,” Schweizer emphasized. “Again, it does not get any higher than that.”

“And for the life of me, Mark, this is unprecedented,” he added. “I don’t know of a time in American history where the American first family has had this kind of a financial bond with a foreign intelligence service, particularly a foreign intelligence service that wants to defeat the United States in global competition.”


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #310 on: January 24, 2022, 10:50:11 AM »
"Electing this man to the presidency is of a level of stupidity that may well bring our country down"

yet the LEFT will blame Trump

just shows how the statement is true:

"everyone has their price"

well almost everyone ......


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ET: Grassley challenges Garland to explain
« Reply #314 on: February 04, 2022, 04:56:52 AM »
Grassley Challenges Garland to Explain Why He Won’t Answer Key Biden–China Questions
By Mark Tapscott February 3, 2022 Updated: February 3, 2022biggersmaller Print


Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to answer Sen. Charles Grassley’s (R-Iowa) “fundamental questions related to the Hunter Biden criminal investigation,” and the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee isn’t taking it sitting down.

“I’ve asked serious ethical questions of the Justice Department (DOJ) that the department refuses to answer. In fact, the department has actually publicly contradicted itself,” Grassley said during a Senate floor speech on Feb. 2.

The contradiction came, according to Grassley, in a federal court filing by the DOJ in which it said it had information about Patrick Ho, a Chinese businessman with deep connections to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Beijing’s intelligence apparatus. The information had been obtained under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

“Patrick Ho was also charged and convicted of international bribery and money laundering offenses relating to his work for companies connected to the communist regime,” Grassley told the Senate. “After his arrest, his first call was reportedly to James Biden, President [Joe] Biden’s brother. Hunter Biden reportedly represented Patrick Ho for $1 million.”

Grassley, along with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), asked DOJ in a March 2021 letter to share the FISA information about Ho and other Chinese nationals connected with Hunter Biden.

Grassley and Johnson have been investigating Hunter Biden’s dealings for nearly two years, and issued a September 2020 report and a November 2020 update that together detailed extensive links between the Biden family and business interests and individuals with close ties to Beijing. Grassley was Senate Finance Committee chairman and Johnson chaired the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs when the report and update were issued.

The DOJ response to the March 2021 letter, Grassley explained, said: “‘Unfortunately, under the circumstances described in your letter, we aren’t in a position to confirm the existence of the information that is sought (if it exists in the department’s possession).’

“‘If it exists in the department’s possession.’ Simply put, that’s not a true and accurate statement,” Grassley told the Senate, noting that either DOJ has the FISA information, as it told the court, or it doesn’t.

Grassley and Johnson asked Garland in a November 2021 letter to clear up the contradiction. To date, Garland hasn’t responded.

Grassley also told the Senate that he and Johnson “asked Attorney General Garland if Nicholas McQuaid is recused from the Hunter Biden criminal case.”

“McQuaid works in the Department’s Criminal Division but worked with Hunter Biden’s criminal attorney before joining the Department. This poses a clear conflict of interest,” he said.

Again, no answer has been forthcoming from Garland, Grassley said.

In a third example of Garland failing to respond to the senators, Grassley said Garland initially didn’t say if Susan Hennessey—a DOJ National Security Division employee who was publicly critical of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation of issues linked to the Russiagate accusations against former President Donald Trump—was recused from that probe.

Garland claimed in a November 2021 appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee that Hennessey has no role “whatsoever” in the Durham probe. Garland said the same thing when asked if Margaret Goodlander, a DOJ employee who is married to Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan, is recused from the Durham investigation.

Grassley told the Senate: “Sullivan worked for the Clinton presidential campaign. While there, he peddled the false Alfa Bank story about the Trump Organization having a secret back-channel with the Russian bank.

“On the one hand, Attorney General Garland has publicly said Susan Hennessey and Margaret Goodlander have no role in the Durham investigation. On the other hand, Attorney General Garland refuses to say the same for McQuaid and the Hunter Biden criminal case. Why? Why won’t Attorney General Garland say that McQuaid has no role in the criminal case involving the president’s son? This is a fundamental ethical question.

“What’s the Biden Justice Department hiding? This blatantly inconsistent treatment has cast a cloud over the Hunter Biden criminal case. Just imagine if this fact pattern involved President Trump and his sons.

“You wouldn’t hear the end of it from my Democratic colleagues and the media. Yet not a sound from them in this case. The American people are rightly skeptical of how the Justice Department is handling the Hunter Biden criminal case. And the secrecy and lack of public transparency will only increase that skepticism.”

The DOJ media relations office didn’t respond by press time to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.

In a related development, it was learned last week that U.S. Attorney David Weiss issued a grand jury subpoena in 2019 for bank records of Hunter Biden and James Biden, the president’s brother. Little else is known about the DOJ’s continuing investigation of Hunter Biden’s lobbying, financial activities, and tax problems.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #315 on: February 22, 2022, 08:47:01 AM »
I wonder if President Biden will continue with plans to double the number of IRS agents, as he looks at his own family's tax issues looking into vast amounts of monies made overseas.

Hunter may go to jail.  The Big Guy to follow? Or does he have Democratic immunity?


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #316 on: February 22, 2022, 09:03:49 AM »
Be serious Doug. You know they are untouchable. An unprotected person would be in federal prison for what was on Hunter's laptop alone, much less for all the other federal crimes the feds actively intervened in to avoid charges or negative publicity.

Remember the gun incident?

Or this?

Or this?

I wonder if President Biden will continue with plans to double the number of IRS agents, as he looks at his own family's tax issues looking into vast amounts of monies made overseas.

Hunter may go to jail.  The Big Guy to follow? Or does he have Democratic immunity?


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Will "weed slut" take down Jr.?
« Reply #317 on: February 22, 2022, 02:54:09 PM »

what a farce
goal is to get him on tax evasion?

big deal.


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Re: Will "weed slut" take down Jr.?
« Reply #318 on: February 23, 2022, 09:56:00 AM »

what a farce
goal is to get him on tax evasion?

big deal.

I'll believe it when I see it, but successful prosecution of the tax charge will prove he made the income.

At this point his Ukraine, china deals are 'baseless accusations of the right wing media'.  We could use a higher level of proof that he was making millions on deals worth billions. 

And what was Hunter selling, his expertise or was he selling his Dad's influence?  The photos and emails released since the election show what it was and that Dad was a willing accomplice.  The repeat and referral business Hunter kept receiving proves his customers were getting what they were paying for, and it wasn't a crackhead's time and expertise.  What did he call it, a lottery jackpot?  Those generally don't require a contract for labor to get paid.

Aren't 'online handles' self named?   'Weed slut 420', I wonder what her interests were.

A moderate center right friend said he leans (Kasich) Republican but could not vote for Trump because of "integrity".  And he voted for Biden?  Here's an integrity question for Biden, how many grandchildren do you have?  Joe Biden does not recognize the innocent child of his only living son, born out of wedlock, but supports his son's underground multimillion dollar criminal enterprises at every turn.  Joe Biden is our national model of integrity?  Good f'ing grief.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 09:59:50 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: sr. fixes for jr. again
« Reply #320 on: February 24, 2022, 05:45:19 PM »


It’s in the same vault as the Epstein client database and the hidden camera video footage of Bill Clinton on Pedo Island.


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #321 on: February 25, 2022, 04:34:01 AM »
Nice find CCP.

What a banana republic we've become.

Of course, this will go unnoticed by the Pravdas.


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Devon Archer gets one year for defrauding Native Americans of $25M
« Reply #322 on: February 28, 2022, 05:30:32 PM »
Hunter Biden Associate Devon Archer Sentenced to One Year, One Day in Jail
By Zachary Stieber February 28, 2022 Updated: February 28, 2022biggersmaller Print
A longtime associate of President Joe Biden’s son was sentenced on Feb. 28 to one year and one day in jail for defrauding a Native American tribe.

Devon Archer was convicted for participating in a scheme to bilk the Wakpamni Lake Community Corporation of the Oglala Sioux Tribe of tens of millions of dollars. The tribe didn’t answer a phone attempt for comment on Monday.

Archer was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams, an Obama nominee who split the ground between prosecutorial and defense sentencing recommendations.

Prosecutors asked for 30 months in prison, arguing for the same sentence as the one handed down to Bevan Cooney, a co-defendant. Prosecutors noted that there were 10 or more victims of the scheme, which caused a loss in excess of $25 million, and said guidelines would lead to a sentence of between 108 and 135 months, but decided not push for a longer sentence because of a “need to avoid unwanted sentencing disparities.”

Matthew Schwartz, representing Archer, claimed his client was “plainly kept in the dark” about much of the scheme and himself lost “a substantial amount of his own money” while receiving nothing from the plot. Schwartz asked the court for no jail time.

Abrams told the courtroom that the fraud was too serious for a sentence of no time behind bars but that the COVID-19 pandemic led her to give a shorter sentence than the one prosecutors sought, the New York Post reported.

Abrams also ordered Archer to forfeit some $15.7 million and pay over $43 million in restitution.

Abrams is the same judge that tossed Archer’s conviction in 2018, only for an appeals court to reinstate it in 2020.

An appeal to the Supreme Court from Archer was rejected in late 2021.

Archer has been linked with Hunter Biden, President Biden’s son, for years.

Archer and the others involved in the scheme used Hunter Biden’s name in convincing the Native American tribe to invest assets, and emails show Hunter Biden was involved with Archer’s company. Hunter Biden was never charged in the defrauding operation, and his lawyer has told news outlets that those who were “invoked and used Hunter’s name—without his knowledge—to lend their business venture more credibility.”

Hunter Biden is currently under investigation by federal prosecutors.

All but one other defendant in the fraud scheme has been sentenced. Jason Galanis, who authorities said orchestrated the scheme, was sentenced to 189 months in prison; John Galanis was sentenced to 10 years in prison; Gary Hirst was sentenced to 8 years; and Michelle Morton was sentenced to 15 months. Abrams sentenced all of them, and Cooney.

High Dunkerley, the other defendant, recently successfully pushed his sentencing back to later this year.


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Peter Schweizer: Big Guy Biden, Hunter and the Super Chairman
« Reply #323 on: March 01, 2022, 10:09:51 AM »
More coverage, 7 email revelations. Joe's mortgage and finances intertwined?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 10:58:24 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #325 on: March 11, 2022, 06:32:04 AM »
"More coverage, 7 email revelations. Joe's mortgage and finances intertwined?"

MSM response =>>> **THE BIG LIE** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #327 on: March 11, 2022, 06:53:07 AM »
Thank you.


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laptop shop owner
« Reply #328 on: March 12, 2022, 09:42:54 AM »
near bankrupt

compare his treatment to those used to call out about Trump or his family:

they are heroes, they are given whistle sucker protection, they get gigs in CNN
publishers rush to offer them big money for their story

but if it is a Democrat you get destroyed in every way except death

I know first hand how well connected funded people can effect your life.
Or the opposite if it is in their interest.


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Re: laptop shop owner
« Reply #329 on: March 12, 2022, 10:30:10 AM »

near bankrupt

compare his treatment to those used to call out about Trump or his family:

they are heroes, they are given whistle sucker protection, they get gigs in CNN
publishers rush to offer them big money for their story

but if it is a Democrat you get destroyed in every way except death

I know first hand how well connected funded people can effect your life.
Or the opposite if it is in their interest.


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Hunter indicted on tax fraud
« Reply #331 on: March 18, 2022, 08:36:59 AM »

that's it?

what about the obvious Joe Biden connection
no independent counsels

to prove the connection to the PREZ like

dems deep state did to Trump ?


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Mother of Hunter's love child testified to feds
« Reply #334 on: March 21, 2022, 11:08:26 AM »
Mother of Hunter Biden’s Child Testified to Federal Investigators: Lawyer
By Zachary Stieber March 21, 2022 Updated: March 21, 2022biggersmaller Print
The mother of one of Hunter Biden’s children answered questions from federal investigators probing Biden’s financial dealings, according to her lawyer.

Clint Lancaster, representing Lunden Roberts, told The Epoch Times in an email that Roberts “testified pursuant to a subpoena.”

Biden, one of President Joe Biden’s sons, had a child with Roberts in 2018.

Several former romantic partners of Biden were reported to have testified to federal investigators in the probe, which Biden has described as exploring potential tax crimes and includes looking at records of transactions with a bank in China, according to a grand jury subpoena obtained by The Epoch Times.

Lancaster, Roberts’s lawyer, told CNBC recently that he gave “a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records” to investigators and that both he and Roberts were interviewed by a U.S. prosecutor, an FBI agent, and an agent with the Internal Revenue Service.

“I expect him to be indicted,” Lancaster said. “Just based on what I saw in his financial records, I would be surprised if he’s not indicted.”

The testimony took place in Arkansas, where Roberts lives, more than one year ago, he added.

Lancaster declined to share more details, saying Roberts has not authorized him to make further comments or engage in additional interviews.

Another former girlfriend, Zoe Kestan, reportedly testified to the grand jury in Delaware. Kestan has not responded to a request for comment. A lawyer for Biden has not returned queries.

Biden, 52, engaged in numerous financial deals while his father was vice president, including doing business with firms in China and Russia, a congressional report released in 2020 concluded.

The report said there were concerns about potential criminal activity related to the transactions. Lawmakers also said the millions of dollars in transactions raised extortion concerns.

Biden and his father have said the younger Biden didn’t do anything wrong.

The White House has repeatedly declined to comment on developments on Biden, noting he is not part of the federal government.

Republicans in Congress have vowed to investigate Biden if they gain control of either or both chambers of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections. One aspect would be probing how social media firms blocked access to stories about emails from a laptop purportedly belonging to Biden just before the 2020 election.

“We know for a fact that Big Tech, the mainstream media, and allies of the Democrat Party worked together in the last days of the 2020 election to censor fact-based journalism and shut down social media platforms to ensure that the public did not have access to the truth about the scandals involving Hunter Biden and the Biden family,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a statement on March 18. “This is the most consequential political scandal since Watergate, and it deserves an investigation no less robust and no less bipartisan.”


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Re: Mother of Hunter's love child testified to feds
« Reply #335 on: March 21, 2022, 11:13:48 AM »
Has the deep state decided to switch figureheads?

Mother of Hunter Biden’s Child Testified to Federal Investigators: Lawyer
By Zachary Stieber March 21, 2022 Updated: March 21, 2022biggersmaller Print
The mother of one of Hunter Biden’s children answered questions from federal investigators probing Biden’s financial dealings, according to her lawyer.

Clint Lancaster, representing Lunden Roberts, told The Epoch Times in an email that Roberts “testified pursuant to a subpoena.”

Biden, one of President Joe Biden’s sons, had a child with Roberts in 2018.

Several former romantic partners of Biden were reported to have testified to federal investigators in the probe, which Biden has described as exploring potential tax crimes and includes looking at records of transactions with a bank in China, according to a grand jury subpoena obtained by The Epoch Times.

Lancaster, Roberts’s lawyer, told CNBC recently that he gave “a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records” to investigators and that both he and Roberts were interviewed by a U.S. prosecutor, an FBI agent, and an agent with the Internal Revenue Service.

“I expect him to be indicted,” Lancaster said. “Just based on what I saw in his financial records, I would be surprised if he’s not indicted.”

The testimony took place in Arkansas, where Roberts lives, more than one year ago, he added.

Lancaster declined to share more details, saying Roberts has not authorized him to make further comments or engage in additional interviews.

Another former girlfriend, Zoe Kestan, reportedly testified to the grand jury in Delaware. Kestan has not responded to a request for comment. A lawyer for Biden has not returned queries.

Biden, 52, engaged in numerous financial deals while his father was vice president, including doing business with firms in China and Russia, a congressional report released in 2020 concluded.

The report said there were concerns about potential criminal activity related to the transactions. Lawmakers also said the millions of dollars in transactions raised extortion concerns.

Biden and his father have said the younger Biden didn’t do anything wrong.

The White House has repeatedly declined to comment on developments on Biden, noting he is not part of the federal government.

Republicans in Congress have vowed to investigate Biden if they gain control of either or both chambers of Congress in the upcoming midterm elections. One aspect would be probing how social media firms blocked access to stories about emails from a laptop purportedly belonging to Biden just before the 2020 election.

“We know for a fact that Big Tech, the mainstream media, and allies of the Democrat Party worked together in the last days of the 2020 election to censor fact-based journalism and shut down social media platforms to ensure that the public did not have access to the truth about the scandals involving Hunter Biden and the Biden family,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said in a statement on March 18. “This is the most consequential political scandal since Watergate, and it deserves an investigation no less robust and no less bipartisan.”


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #344 on: April 02, 2022, 10:49:48 AM »
Lawmakers Demand Hunter Biden’s Communications With Obama White House
By Jack Phillips April 1, 2022 Updated: April 1, 2022

Several GOP lawmakers sent more letters to the Biden administration demanding records of any communication between Hunter Biden and the White House.

“Hunter Biden’s connections throughout the Russian sphere of influence have now become especially relevant in the fast-moving and developing Russian war in Ukraine,” the Republicans on the House Oversight Committee said in their letters to the White House, dated Thursday, March 31.

They argued that “if the Russian government is attempting to influence American policy in Ukraine by exploiting Hunter Biden’s connection with his father—the President of the United States—the American people deserve to know it,” according to their letter.

The Republicans are seeking “documents and communications” between the White House and “members or associates of the Biden family” from Jan. 20, 2021, to now, the letter said. They’re also seeking a list of “past and ongoing foreign business interests and past and ongoing foreign relations for members of the Biden family.”

Starting about a year ago, the younger Biden started producing artwork, which has been shown during an exhibition in New York. Some of the paintings are reportedly being sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars, which has led to speculation that he’s using his name and influence to sell the paintings for a higher price, although Biden told outlets that his art is “literally keeping me sane” and dismissed such allegations.

Now, Republicans also are seeking seeking “all documents and communications” from Jan. 20, 2021, to now about Biden’s artwork, while demanding “all policies and procedures in place to ensure the Biden family does not profit from the presidency of Joe Biden.”

House Oversight Republicans said they’re seeking all records between Obama administration officials and “members or associates” of Biden’s family relating to Russia or Ukraine as well as all documents and records relating to Yelena Baturina, one of the richest women in Russia and the wife of a former Moscow mayor, Yuri Luzhkov. There have been allegations that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from Baturina, which Joe Biden has denied.

Republicans also allege the Biden family made a significant amount of money by leveraging Biden’s political influence when he was a senator from Delaware and when he served as vice president.

“The Biden family has for decades profited from Joe Biden’s positions of public trust. Hunter Biden has particularly benefitted from his father’s success in politics, from managing a Ukrainian energy conglomerate, to selling cobalt mines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to connecting his father to Kazakhstani oil oligarchs, and preventing a Romanian real estate tycoon’s conviction for bribery charges,” their letter states.

The letters are addressed to Dana Remus, counsel to President Joe Biden, as well as David Ferriero, who heads the National Archives and Records Administration.

White House communications director Kate Bedingfield on Thursday said that Biden was telling the truth in a late 2020 presidential debate that Hunter Biden didn’t make money in China or in other overseas business deals.

“We absolutely stand by the president’s comment,” Bedingfield told reporters. “And I would point you to the reporting on this, which referenced statements that we made at the time, that we gave to The Washington Post, who worked on this story. But as you know, I don’t speak for Hunter Biden so there’s not more I can say on that.”

The Epoch Times has contacted the White House for comment. Hunter Biden’s lawyer has not responded to requests by The Epoch Times for comment.


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Hunter’s laptop
« Reply #345 on: April 04, 2022, 11:23:44 AM »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #346 on: April 04, 2022, 01:37:00 PM »
My thinking
that after a few in the MSM were brought kicking and screaming to admit this was the kid's laptop

it is only after the lawyerlisters have made clear to them the "bid guy"

is safe from this

I don't think the Dem machine is throwing the big guy under the bus as some have suggested (bongino)


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #347 on: April 04, 2022, 02:02:18 PM »
Right.  They (NYT etc) are not fully throwing him under the bus, only admitting what can no longer can be denied.  They are (years too late) admitting something happened, 'that old story' , as part of the Clinton-like protocol.  Then minimize, no one or at least not the big guy gets indicted.  For Hunter it gets limited to tax evasion, not treason, no jail, and then the denial shifts to, it was just a relative with a tax issue, no connection (hardly) to Joe.  Then Trump gets indicted or we all get pointed to some other new shiny object.

Both sides need new leaders and candidates anyway.  It's a pretty big stretch to believe what's left of Joe Biden will be the nominee in '24.  36% approval and all policies failed, it's not what the Warren AOC wing want to see.  Fool me once...

If HRC is really the next nominee, God forbid, our focus is on the wrong scandals anyway.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2022, 02:10:33 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Big Guy Biden & Son (Hunter) and family
« Reply #348 on: April 04, 2022, 02:23:11 PM »
"If HRC is really the next nominee, God forbid, our focus is on the wrong scandals anyway."

did you see her on Todd yesterday

boasting about Dem accomplishments
talking touch on Putin (more sanctions keep him off committee assignments - after I presume
"meeting with our friends and allies ")

nothing about the disaster of the Dem party which she is trying to ingratiate into choosing her again ....

Bunker " hill " to the rescue "to save democracy". oh vey

OTOH she may good for Repubs to whip her ass again. Not sure
since she is so corrupt .......

as is the whole Dem machine....


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John Kerry's step son in business with Hunter
« Reply #349 on: April 05, 2022, 07:48:11 AM »
"Biden’s son was in business with John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz. So, that’s two relations of Democrats who had run for president and occupied high government office coincidentally doing buckraking together."

this tidbit I did not know