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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #700 on: March 27, 2023, 07:26:37 AM »
"The medical establishment did not handle this well.  The CDC clearly bungled it early on, but we meant well."

Readily granted that in the initial chaos, it was only natural that what hindsight would reveal to be errors would be made.

OTOH "meant well" does not cover the suppression of contrary data, the cancellation of serious people with serious resumes in the area, and firing vaxx resistors, and keeping unvaxxed children out of school.  These were outright malicious, frequently corrupt, and thoroughly unAmerican.


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #701 on: March 27, 2023, 07:33:25 AM »
"The medical establishment did not handle this well.  The CDC clearly bungled it early on, but we meant well."

Readily granted that in the initial chaos, it was only natural that what hindsight would reveal to be errors would be made.

OTOH "meant well" does not cover the suppression of contrary data, the cancellation of serious people with serious resumes in the area, and firing vaxx resistors, and keeping unvaxxed children out of school.  These were outright malicious, frequently corrupt, and thoroughly unAmerican.

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #702 on: March 27, 2023, 08:04:07 AM »

with regards to military

we need to be prepared for war
if half the army is out sick then we are not

I am familiar with Nuremberg .

we can agree on most other topics
and will just have to disagree on this
with respect ccp


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #703 on: March 27, 2023, 02:34:55 PM »
The argument that the Army has the POWER to compel here is sound, but it is a distinct question whether it have exercised that power.

To lose super young fit tip of the spear warriors (the SEALs, others) who were quite unlikely to get seriously sick was a destructive act of bullying by the bureaucracy in the Pentagon; yet again backing the fukkery of the Progs.

The play here was a particularly destructive cost of the dishonesty in suppressing inconvenient truths; a tremendous display of truculent obstinacy of holding on to this coercion long after plausible claims of "following the science" should have expired.  No different than the teachers unions fighting to coerce vaxxing of children so that they could stay out of work longer.


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #704 on: March 27, 2023, 02:59:36 PM »
I have not heard a single opinion in retrospect assuming what we knew then and what we know now
what should have been done

should we have shut things down
bother with masks
social distance
close business events

so for all those who can criticize I do not hear one iota of what you would have done

medical community handling of it did not work well
but it may have slowed things down in the beginning and much was learned about the infection though stopping it was probably impossible


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #705 on: March 27, 2023, 04:02:06 PM »
I'm going to disagree with that.

The Great Barrington Declaration, which DeSantis tended to follow, very much was a distinct, and superior, approach.

There is also the question of where on the timeline of it all we are focused.  In the beginning, I agree with you-- but as the saying goes, when the facts change we need to change our mind.  Instead, facts and different points of view were viciously suppressed, and compulsory vaxxes were expanded to less and less suitable age groups.

Question for you:  Where do you stand on compulsory vaxxes for civilians?


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #706 on: March 27, 2023, 05:02:57 PM »
".Great Barrington Declaration"

I don't remember this
it may have been a good place to start
was before vaccines

I don't take a stand on vaccines
I was for them and people getting them
as for being mandatory - no
I was never clear it made sense for those at low risk to get
they were not approved till later for those 12 - 18
and then younger after that but the benefit was essentially zero for children
so to give it to them to protect older was wrong
to give to get to some goal of population immunity was dubious to me
as Fauci and co. were pushing

but I understand some who advocated for. them if one wants to ride subway fly planes or keep our military prepared it was not unreasonable

could one say maybe only those at high risk should be encouraged to get ? sure

can I be dismissed from the witness stand?

am I guilty ?


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #707 on: March 27, 2023, 06:51:52 PM »

".Great Barrington Declaration"

I don't remember this
it may have been a good place to start
was before vaccines


I don't take a stand on vaccines
I was for them and people getting them
as for being mandatory - no

MARC:  Good answer.  I was opposed FOR ME because of my natural antibodies.  I was, and am, deeply angry at the suppression of data about natural antibodies.   If I did not have natural antibodies, at my age I have no idea what I would have done-- but I sure would have been angry had compulsion been tried.

I was never clear it made sense for those at low risk to get

MARC:  Agree

they were not approved till later for those 12 - 18
and then younger after that but the benefit was essentially zero for children

MARC:  FWIW my sense of things is that the various approvals as time went on were quite dishonest.

So to give it to them to protect older was wrong


to give to get to some goal of population immunity was dubious to me
as Fauci and co. were pushing



but I understand some who advocated for. them if one wants to ride subway fly planes or keep our military prepared it was not unreasonable

MARC:  In the early days of the vaxx, this was plausible but as time went on there was a lot of cognitive dissonance.  If the vaxx worked, then why care if others were not?

could one say maybe only those at high risk should be encouraged to get ? sure


can I be dismissed from the witness stand?

MARC:  Apologies if I came across like I was grilling you.  Just honing in to determine areas of agreement and disagreement and in so doing it is revealed that you and I are in substantial agreement  8-) 8-) 8-)

am I guilty ?


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #708 on: March 27, 2023, 08:54:06 PM »
yes sir,  you are guilty of defending the natural rights and freedoms of all US citizens

you are guilty of working to protect truth, justice, and the American way.

And I  therefore sentence you to pay the exact amount of  $1 dollar to the charity or cause of your choice.


[a bit corny]


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #715 on: April 07, 2023, 10:47:11 AM »
I've not the time to read the site's privacy policies, so may I ask that you post the entire article?


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #720 on: April 12, 2023, 08:12:05 AM »

over 95% of published studies are of dubious value as I have posted here over the yrs

statisticians even try to make heads or tails of all these studies by concocting even more detailed analyses of aggregate evaluations of the studies to come up with some sort of
They try to tell us these Cochrane reviews or "meta- analyses " are very good and helpful

the methods used are so complicated
and often (despite what they say)
arbitrary (which past small study then accept and those they don"t)

i have strong doubts about these as well -DESPITE the claims and even peer review

many a data nerds try to promote their careers , their place in academia, quest for research dollars , with publication of these analyses

Most are in my view - BS or exaggerated

One journal I used to be member of had articles almost all consisting of these reviews promoting as best "available evidence "
data shows this or that

total BS
not always but I read these things and just throw up my hands

so some analyst could find a 20 % benefit of this test or that therapy
how can a sensible person who is not a robot believe or fall for this gobbly goop?


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NRO: The Smoking Gun in the Senate Report on Covid Origins
« Reply #723 on: April 18, 2023, 08:14:40 AM »

The Smoking Gun in the Senate Report on Covid Origins

On the menu today: Last week, the man who oversaw safety programs at the U.S. Army’s maximum-containment lab at Fort Detrick, Md., examined the way the Chinese government runs its labs and warned that, “It is very, very apparent that their biological safety training is minimal.” Yesterday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee released its full report, detailing the evidence that researchers affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology started working on a vaccine for the virus that causes Covid-19 before the rest of the world had even heard about the virus. In this light, it is not surprising that most Americans agree with the FBI and Livermore Labs: The most likely cause of the Covid-19 pandemic was a lab accident at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

How Could the Wuhan Lab Research a Covid Vaccine before the Outbreak?

By 2019 the Wuhan Institute of Virology had collected, at a minimum, approximately 20,000 bat- and other animal-virus samples from field expeditions conducted all across China.

After going into caves and other locations to collect the samples and, in some cases, live bats, researchers would take the samples back to Wuhan, where they “routinely underwent initial evaluation in Biosafety Level 2 settings where they were first evaluated, usually by graduate students, for the presence of SARS-related beta coronaviruses. If viruses were present, researchers then attempted to isolate and sequence the virus.”

This information is in the full report on the origin of Covid-19 released yesterday by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. The report is 300 pages and has 1,570 footnotes.

The information about the Biosafety Level 2 labs comes from a thesis on the “Geographic Evolution of Bat SARS-related Coronaviruses” submitted to the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences by Yu Ping, a graduate student pursuing a degree of Master of Natural Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, supervised by Professor Cui Jie and Professor Shi Zheng-Li, which was published in June 2019. You can read that thesis here. You may recognize the name Shi Zhengli, the Chinese virologist nicknamed “Bat Woman” for her work with that species, the one who told Scientific American early in the pandemic that when she first heard about the virus spreading through Wuhan, she initially wondered, “Could they have come from our lab?”

This is significant because the safety standards at Biosafety Level 2 labs are not as extensive and stringent as those at Biosafety Level 4 labs. Level 2 labs handle bacteria and viruses such as Lyme Disease and the standard flu; Level 3 labs handle more dangerous pathogens such as anthrax and HIV; and Level 4 labs handle the most dangerous viruses, such as Ebola.

Last week, the Washington Post published an excellent report examining the safety record of China’s government-run laboratories overall, not just focusing on the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the Wuhan Centers for Disease Control. The opening anecdote is terrifying:

In the summer of 2019, a mysterious accident occurred inside a government-run biomedical complex in north-central China, a facility that handles a pathogen notorious for its ability to pass easily from animals to humans.

There were no alarms or flashing lights to alert workers to the defect in a sanitation system that was supposed to kill germs in the vaccine plant’s waste. When the system failed in late July that year, millions of airborne microbes began seeping invisibly from exhaust vents and drifting into nearby neighborhoods. Nearly a month passed before the problem was discovered and fixed, and four months before the public was informed. By then, at least 10,000 people had been exposed, with hundreds developing symptomatic illnesses, scientific studies later concluded.

The events occurred not in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus pandemic began, but in another Chinese city, Lanzhou, 800 miles to the northwest. The leaking pathogens were bacteria that cause brucellosis, a common livestock disease that can lead to chronic illness or even death in humans if not treated. As the pandemic enters its fourth year, new details about the little-known Lanzhou incident offer a revealing glimpse into a much larger — and largely hidden — struggle with biosafety across China in late 2019, at the precise moment when both the brucellosis incident and the coronavirus outbreak were coming to light.

Perhaps the most chilling quote in the article comes from biosecurity expert Robert Hawley, “who for years oversaw safety programs at the U.S. Army’s maximum-containment lab at Fort Detrick, Md.” Hawley told the Post he saw “‘imprudent’ lab practices in inspection reports obtained by a congressional oversight committee.”

“It is very, very apparent that their biological safety training is minimal,” Hawley said.

The closest thing to a smoking gun in the full Senate report is the evidence that researchers affiliated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology began working on a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, before almost anyone else in the world had heard of the virus:

November 2019 also appears to be the timeframe that PLA researchers began development of at least two SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Professor Zhou Yusen, Director of the 5th Institute at the Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS), worked with the WIV, and possibly at the WIV, episodically, for several years prior to the pandemic. Zhou or AMMS researchers may have been working at the WIV no later than the Fall of 2019 conducting research for a paper that he coauthored with two WIV researchers, Shi Zhengli and Chen Jing, on a known adverse effect of SARS-related vaccines and antibody treatments. There is reason to believe Zhou was engaged in SARS-related coronavirus animal vaccine research with WIV researchers beginning no later than the Summer or early Fall of 2019. Zhou submitted one of the first COVID-19 vaccine patents on February 24, 2020.

The patent includes mouse-derived serological data from vaccine-related experiments which experts, consulted with during this investigation, assess could not have been completed unless Zhou’s team began work on vaccine development before the known outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in late December 2019. The research required both access to the sequence of and the live SARS-CoV-2 virus. Several experts assessed that Zhou likely would have had to start this vaccine development research no later than November 2019 to achieve the February patent submission date. Zhou later published transgenic mouse infection and vaccine challenge studies in mice, including humanized mice and non-human primates. The location(s) where Zhou’s animal vaccine challenge studies were performed was not disclosed. There is reason to believe that these vaccine experiments were performed at the original WIV’s downtown Wuhan campus and possibly at the Wuhan University Institute of Animal Models located approximately a mile from the WIV.

PLA AMMS Major General Wei Chen led a second, separate, effort to develop another candidate COVID-19 vaccine. Chen collaborated with the China state-owned biopharmaceutical company SinoPharm. Chen’s vaccine experiments with humanized mice, ferrets and non-human primates occurred at the Harbin veterinary research facility BSL-4 laboratory in northern China.124 Human clinical trials began in mid- March 2020. Chen submitted a patent for her vaccine March 18, 2020  Based on this timeline, experts believe Chen would have had to begin her vaccine efforts no later than early December 2019. Chen’s vaccine candidate was also dependent on the availability of SARS-CoV-2’s genetic sequence that would not be published until January 11, 2020. However, unlike Zhou, there is no evidence that Chen’s vaccine efforts were associated geographically or temporally with the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan.

This is further evidence that the Chinese government knew it was dealing with a contagious virus and deliberately lied to the rest of world that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission” up until January 20, 2020.

This is one of the many maddening aspects of this matter. Even if this all traces back to a natural transmission of someone ordering bat soup or grilled pangolin in a seafood market, or as Jon Stewart memorably characterized it, “Maybe a bat flew into the cloaca of a turkey and then it sneezed into my chili,” the Chinese government was still lying when the world needed the truth and lives were at stake. We all had years of our lives taken away from us because the Chinese government refused to acknowledge that there was a contagious virus spreading around their country and the world. In the month of January 2020, more than 1,300 flights from China arrived at 17 U.S. airports, carrying roughly 381,000 passengers.

When did the Covid-19 pandemic start? The Senate HELP committee report indicates that people in Wuhan were starting to notice an abnormal rate of viral infections in October and November:

Eyewitness accounts, media reports, epidemiological modeling and additional academic studies further support October 28 to November 10 as the window of emergence. Diplomats stationed at the U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan have attested to observations of what they believed at the time to be the early onset of a ‘bad flu’ season. The Deputy Consular Chief recalled: “By mid-October 2019, the dedicated team at the U.S. Consulate General in Wuhan knew that the city had been struck by what was thought to be an unusually vicious flu season. The disease worsened in November.” These observations were reported to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing during this period.

By one measure, the argument about the lab-leak theory, which has gone on for about three years, is effectively over. Those of us who suspect human error is the cause of one of the world’s greatest modern calamities have persuaded an overwhelming majority of the American public of that.

A Quinnipiac University poll conducted in March showed 64 percent of Americans think the pandemic was “caused by a laboratory leak” and just 22 percent believe it was “caused by a natural transmission from animals to humans.” Another poll taken a week earlier by Economist/YouGov showed an even stronger split in favor of a lab leak: 66 percent to 16 percent. If I were a meaner person, I would characterize the zoonotic origin as a fringe theory.

That Senate report also acknowledges the potential for a “zoonotic spillover” — after all, either this virus or its evolutionary precursor had to be in a bat at some point — but points out the frustrating lack of conclusive evidence:

To date, China has not acknowledged the infection or positive serological sample(s) of any susceptible animal prior to the recognized outbreak. Genetic analysis of published SARS-CoV-2 sequences from the early outbreak does not show evidence of genetic adaptation reflecting passage through a susceptible animal species such as a palm civet, raccoon dog or mink. To this end, no intermediate host has been identified.

Despite these facts, three data points do present themselves to support the zoonotic origin theory. First, approximately 33 percent of the earliest known human COVID-19 cases (with symptom onset dates in mid- to late-December 2019) were associated with the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan. Second, several animal species susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 were sold live and in poor animal welfare conditions at the market. Finally, the identification of genetic sequences of raccoon dogs in samples taken from the market in early 2020 confirm that this susceptible intermediate host was at the market at the time of the outbreak. As noted, “there is no data . . . associating SARS-CoV-2 with the presence of any of these animals.” These data themselves, however, do not explain the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This Senate committee report was overseen by the now-retired North Carolina GOP senator Richard Burr. Back in November, the Charlotte Observer editorial board thundered that “Richard Burr, who typically keeps a relatively low profile, seems to be playing games on his way out of office.” The board referred to the lab-leak theory as “a Covid conspiracy,” contending that the interim report “fueled the fire of disinformation that has been blazing since the pandemic began. It also gives the COVID conspiracy theorists a new bone to chew on.”

Because Burr is usually “low profile” and isn’t a bomb-thrower, a frothing-at-the-mouth demagogue, or an unhinged conspiracy theorist, shouldn’t the editorial board sit up and take notice when he is putting his name behind a contention like this?

FBI director Christopher Wray is not a wide-eyed conspiracy theorist. The U.S. Department of Energy, and in particular the Livermore Labs’ “Z Division,” is not full of guys who believe lizard people walk among us and who insist they saw Elvis at their local convenience store. Former CDC director Robert Redfield is not some nut who believes in healing crystals and werewolves.

In the face of the biggest and most consequential mystery in modern history, some of us looked at the remarkable coincidence of a novel coronavirus most like those found in bats emerging near not one but two laboratories doing gain-of-function research on novel coronaviruses found in bats — going back to April 3, 2020, I remind you. And in response, we’ve gotten name-calling, sneers, and smears.


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Berenson: FDA raising white flag on nRNA Covid Shots
« Reply #724 on: April 18, 2023, 04:04:58 PM »

VERY URGENT: the FDA is raising the white flag on the mRNA Covid shots.
Unvaccinated adults will no longer be offered more than a single mRNA dose. (Tell that to the 230 million Americans who already took two.) And almost no one under 65 is eligible for a second booster.
APR 18


The Food and Drug Administration just all-but-gave up on mRNA Covid jabs.

This afternoon, under the guise of “simplify(ing)” the Covid vaccination schedule, the FDA ended the two-dose mRNA vaccination regimen for unvaccinated people.

Americans who have not yet been vaccinated can now receive only a single dose of the newer “bivalent” vaccines, which supposedly work better against the Omicron strain -though real-world evidence of their improved effectiveness is nearly nonexistent.



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An honest doctor
« Reply #727 on: April 19, 2023, 04:28:01 PM »


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Fauci lied, people died
« Reply #728 on: April 21, 2023, 09:33:11 AM »

Fauci to be arrested in 3,2….never.

But he will have an awesome pension!


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #731 on: April 24, 2023, 06:39:48 AM »
syphilis too


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #732 on: April 24, 2023, 06:44:03 AM »
syphilis too

Syphilis is surging in Australia?


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #734 on: April 25, 2023, 07:08:20 AM »
Tangential observation:  With Trump (as either nominee or president) this will all get swept back under the rug.


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #735 on: April 25, 2023, 07:20:28 AM »
Tangential observation:  With Trump (as either nominee or president) this will all get swept back under the rug.

Trump's hubris (and ours) has brought us to this point.

There will be no sweeping all the coming ClotShot deaths under the rug. "All these fit young people with heart attacks, strokes and aggressive cancers is  global warming CLIMATE CHANGE!"


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biden admin announces end to various vaxx mandates
« Reply #740 on: May 02, 2023, 05:02:53 AM »
Biden Administration Announces End to Federal COVID Vaccine Mandates

Zachary Stieber
By Zachary Stieber
May 1, 2023Updated: May 1, 2023
biggersmaller Print


The Biden administration is going to end a slew of COVID-19 vaccine mandates, including its requirement that foreign travelers provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, officials said on May 1.

The mandate for noncitizen nonimmigrants arriving by air will end on May 12, as will mandates for federal workers and federal contractors, the White House stated.

The proof of vaccination required at U.S. land borders will also end on May 12, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Mandates for Head Start employees and health care facilities certified by federal regulators will also be wound down in the future, the administration stated, although no specific dates were given.

Mandates imposed by some agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, will remain in place for now, the White House told The Associated Press.

The mandates were imposed by President Joe Biden and top deputies in 2021 as the administration tried to increase the number of vaccinated Americans, despite a growing body of evidence that the vaccines bestow transient protection against symptomatic infection and hospitalization.

Some of the vaccination requirements have been blocked by court, including one for federal workers, after judges said they were likely illegal. One for large private employers was struck down by the Supreme Court, and another for members of the military was withdrawn because of a bill passed by Congress.

The White House stated that the mandates “helped ensure the safety of workers in critical workforces including those in the healthcare and education sectors, protecting themselves and the populations they serve, and strengthening their ability to provide services without disruptions to operations,” adding that the mandates “bolstered vaccination across the nation, and [the] broader vaccination campaign has saved millions of lives.”

A White House spokesperson pointed to a blog post from the Commonwealth Fund that was based on modeling.

“White House advisors were not smart. Initially, there was no proof that forcing a third party provided additional benefit to someone who was vaccinated. Then, it was clear by summer 2021 that vaccine cannot hold transmission. Ergo mandate always unethical,” Dr. Vinay Prasad, a professor at the University of California, San Francisco, wrote on Twitter.

Biden is among the officials who have made false claims about the vaccines, which don’t prevent transmission, infection, or severe illness.

“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” he said. Meanwhile, a top COVID-19 adviser falsely said in 2022 that there are no serious side effects of the shots.

Biden previously announced that the COVID-19 public health emergency is going to end on May 12. But it was unclear whether the mandates would be rescinded at the same time.

The COVID-19 national emergency, a similar declaration, ended this month after Biden signed a bill approved by Congress.

The emergency declarations underpinned many of the mandates.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), whose definition of “fully vaccinated” has forced millions of Americans to receive multiple doses of a Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson version, just said that foreign travelers would meet the mandated requirements if they received one shot of the unproven, updated Moderna and Pfizer formulations.

Some 81.3 percent of the U.S. population had received at least one vaccine dose as of April 26, according to the CDC. But just 16.8 percent of people had received an updated booster shot, an indication of how unpopular the vaccines have become.

The CDC stated that more than 1.1 million people have died with COVID-19 in the United States, although critics note that the deaths include people who had a different primary cause of death. For the week ending on April 26, though, the death toll was just 1,052—the lowest since March 2020.

“While vaccination remains one of the most important tools in advancing the health and safety of employees and promoting the efficiency of workplaces, we are now in a different phase of our response when these measures are no longer necessary,” the White House stated.


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Re: The War with Medical Fascism
« Reply #741 on: May 02, 2023, 05:27:53 AM »


U.S. to Finally End COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements on May 11th
By Eric Lendrum
May 2, 2023
On Monday, the Biden White House announced that it will finally put an end to national COVID-19 vaccine mandates for federal employees and federal contractors.

As reported by Fox News, May 11th is also the date that the Chinese coronavirus public health emergency will expire, and the Biden Administration has no plans to renew it. The mandate for federal employees and contractors, as well as international air travelers, is the last national vaccine mandate that remained in place after legal challenges brought down similar mandates for private businesses.

“Additionally, HHS and DHS announced today that they will start the process to end their vaccination requirements for Head Start educators, CMS-certified healthcare facilities, and certain noncitizens at the land border,” the White House said in its statement. “In the coming days, further details related to ending these requirements will be provided.”

The Chinese coronavirus vaccine mandates were always the most controversial aspect of the American response to the pandemic. Although the three official vaccines – developed by Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson – were developed under the presidency of Donald Trump, President Trump never ordered or required vaccination at the federal level. Upon taking power, Joe Biden vowed to force all Americans to get vaccinated, and thus pursued vaccine mandates in every aspect of American life.

The most widely-opposed mandate that Biden attempted to implement would have forced vaccinations for every private business with 100 employees or more. However, the Supreme Court struck down that mandate as government overreach, noting that the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) did not have the authority to declare such a mandate without congressional approval. An additional mandate, forcing vaccinations for healthcare workers at facilities funded by Medicare and Medicaid, was also upheld by the Supreme Court alongside the mandate for federal employees.