Author Topic: Islam in Europe and pre-emptive dhimmitude  (Read 434887 times)


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Welcome to Swedenistan…and have a lousy day
« Reply #652 on: June 01, 2016, 09:22:16 PM »

Welcome to Swedenistan…and have a lousy day

MY new neighbor, Dan, is a semi-retired orthodontist, working two days a week in a private clinic. His wife, Karla, was his nurse until her career was cut short by rheumatoid arthritis.
Though still Swedish passport-holders both describe themselves curiously as ‘former Swedes’ and their dearest wish is for their 30-year-old school-teacher daughter to leave Stockholm and join their doctor son in Canada.
And, if not the Maple Leaf nation, then Israel, the USA, Britain or Australia.
Now in their 60s, Dan and Karla – not their real names – came to Mallorca, partly to eke out their silver years in the balmy climes of a laid-back Club Med state, but, effectively, as they say, ‘asylum-seekers.’
‘All my life I’d been grateful to be part of a civilized society,’ explains Dan, whose parents were among almost the entire population of 8,000 Danish Jews, who were secretly ferried from Nazi-occupied Denmark in 1943 to sanctuary in neutral Sweden.
‘And, until about 2005, I felt blessed to live in a true social democracy, where people willingly paid high taxes for a fine welfare system and liberal values.’
So what prompted – or rather drove – the amiable Dan and his gentle wife, creator of the world’s most lip-smacking gravidlax, to sell their Malmö shoreline home, rip up their roots and migrate to Spain?
‘Sure, the sunshine and lifestyle played some part in our decision,’ he explains. ‘But the real reason was Sweden’s changing demographics and politics. The radical, Left-wing establishment became totally obsessed with multiculturalism and political correctness, which we didn’t need reminding had been part of Swedish ethos for centuries.
‘But this was different. It was verging on authoritarian diktat and the open-door immigration policy was threatening the nation’s cohesion. Only a fool couldn’t see this, but there was a conspiracy of silence, or rather a policy to whitewash the adverse effects of accepting half-a-million immigrants from the Middle East, who plainly weren’t interesting in adopting Sweden’s values and Swedish culture.
‘The politicians, the media, the intellectuals…they all played their parts in pandering to this dangerous ideology and, sadly, it’s changing the fabric of Swedish society irreversibly.’
Karla, who’d sat passively, occasionally nodding in agreement at Dan’s analysis, then interrupted, saying, ‘If you disagree with the establishment, you’re immediately called a racist or fascist, which we’re definitely not. At times I felt that this was what it must have been like to live in the old Soviet Union.’
Many Swedes wholeheartedly concur with the sentiment that Sweden’s long, noble record of liberalism has become perverted and are appalled at their extreme-socialist government’s incompetent, doe-eyed handling of the immigration issue.
‘It’s like a laboratory experiment gone horribly wrong,’ one told me. ‘But the scientists won’t admit they’ve made a monstrous mistake. So Sweden isn’t Sweden as we knew it – it’s become Swedenistan.’
For any in doubt, former Swedish Prime Minister, Frederik Reinfeldt, infamously stated in 2014 that Sweden now belongs to immigrants, not to the Swedes who have lived there for generations.
And the evidence stacking up in favor of kowtowing to incomers – a ‘lemming complex’, as Dan termed it – is growing increasingly stark and eccentric.
Displaying symbols, like the national flag, are frowned upon; Haribo, the candy-maker, was accused of ‘racism’, because its Skipper Mix included African masks; and children’s author, Jan Lööf, was pressured to self-censor his best-seller, Grandpa Is A Pirate, which featured characters like the wicked buccaneer, Omar, and street peddler, Abdullah.
All this coincided with the nation that gave the world flat-pack furniture and smorgasbord welcoming 500,000 incomers, mainly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, the overwhelming majority Muslim, though the government releases no official figures about migrants’ religious affiliations.
In this land of mystical forests and tranquil islands, whose population of around nine million remained relatively unchanged until contemporary times, such an influx was bound to have consequences, especially given where the huge wave of immigrants originated.
So, the impact on Sweden’s Jewry has been predictably disturbing.
Malmö, Dan and Karla’s former home and Sweden’s third largest city, has seen a dramatic surge in anti-Semitic violence over the last decade, in tandem with the exponential rise of its Islamic community, now numbering at about 75,000.
In 2009, its Jewish center was set ablaze and, since then, Jewish cemeteries have been repeatedly desecrated, worshippers abused on their way home from prayer, and Jews in the streets targeted with anti-Semitic insults by men of ‘dark and foreign’ appearance.
The case for historic toleration wasn’t helped by the city’s then mayor, far-Leftist, pro-Palestinian Ilmar Reepalu, who was accused by Malmö’s Jewish leadership of deliberately stoking animosity by claiming what Jews perceived as naked anti-Semitism was ‘just a sad, but understandable consequence of Israeli policy.’
(But – naturally – Reepalu is quick to add, ‘Of course, I’m not an anti-Semite.’)
Then, earlier this year, Sweden’s foreign minister, Margot Wällstrom, caused a diplomatic storm by alleging Israeli forces carried out extrajudicial killings of Palestinians.
Unsurprisingly, Israel’s deputy foreign minister, Tzipi Hotovely, slapped her down, calling Wallström’s comments ‘a mix of blindness and political stupidity.’
Meanwhile, as the pattern of unrest is being replicated throughout Europe, the ancient prejudices of the Middle East have spread their tentacles further and deeper into Sweden, where the dwindling, 20,000-strong Jewish community has been strongly advised against wearing any outward signs of their faith in public.
Like Dan and Karla did, many Swedish Jews are now contemplating futures away from a country that long boasted toleration as its totem. But no longer.
As Dr. Richard Prasquier, former president of France's national Jewish association, noted, ‘Jews are a litmus test of what’s going on in a country. It’s not only Jews who will leave. And it’s not only the country which will go down the drain; it’s not only Europe, it’s the entire Western world.’
For Sweden, then, the sands of time are running down.


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Islam in Germany-- translation needed
« Reply #653 on: June 20, 2016, 06:53:49 AM »


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Re: Islam in Germany
« Reply #654 on: June 20, 2016, 07:48:30 AM »
This article was sent to me by a German friend-- can we get a translation?

Google translation

NRW: arsenal with "heavy weapons of war" near mosque excavated

Epoch Times, Sunday, June 19, 2016 20:27
An arsenal of radical Islamists was dug in NRW. The "top-secret mission" had taken place about a week ago and promoted heavy military weapons to days. This was reported by the Hessian MPs Ismail Tipi (CDU).

According to information of the Hesse CDU deputies Ismail Tipi there has been a "top secret use" of seks in England about a week ago. In the refrigerator of a greengrocer near a mosque it said to have been found and seized weapons. "According to my information, a weapons cache was excavated with heavy military weapons in this operation. The danger of arming the fundamentalist violent Salafists in Germany is very large. That makes this secret use more than clear, "said Tipi on Friday in a press release .
The extremism -expert suspected that secret arsenals were also built in other German cities. So the Hamburg domestic intelligence speak for example, of an increase of supporters of armed jihad.

Meanwhile these are in Hamburg more than 300 identified supporters. "The information here on multiply. The fear is great that Salafist sleeper, jihadists and IS-terrorists found in Germany support from foreign intelligence services, which are not minded us amicably. By arsenals the sleepers and militant jihadists can be equipped on the way to their possible attack with weapons. Just something I always feared, "the Turkish origin MPs.

"Politicians must speak plainly"
Tipi admonishes: "If substantiate the fears, we can assume that the secret arsenals for a major terrorist attack not only in Germany but in the whole of Europe are used. It would be grossly negligent if we do not recognize this danger and not uncover these arsenals. "One problem is that many battle-hardened young Salafists have returned from combat zones to Germany and the migration stream many endangerers were introduced, the press release continues.

"We have to see this threat and act as quickly as possible. Here our security authorities have been invited should take a close look to determine precisely and to report any indications of all security-related enforcement and intelligence agencies, "said Tipi.
He asks: "Politicians need to talk, to highlight the potential dangers and threats, to educate the population and to encourage you that you can be awake and must report any kind of police observation plaintext. The problem of Salafism and IS-terror is increasing, if we do not all react. Here is every single demand. "

Tipis political commitment against radical Salafists already led to death threats against his person.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #655 on: June 20, 2016, 01:11:12 PM »
 :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #657 on: June 20, 2016, 04:42:58 PM »
Large arsenal of heavy military weapons found near mosque in Hamburg Germany.
..."suspected that secret arsenals were also built in other German cities."

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Just a little over-used, but what could possibly go wrong?  And who knew?  [gallows humor is all I have fleft]

The connection between Hamburg and terror goes back at least to the 911 planning.  Now the Islamist terrorists in Germany have a million new recruiting prospects to work with.  Maybe they will find a "lone wolf" to train and arm...


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Theresa May forced to defend views on Sharia Law as she prepares to enter No 10

By Pamela Geller on July 12, 2016

I am glad that the UK Prime Minister-to-be Theresa May is being called out on her craven cowardice in the face of sharia demands in her country (as described here: Sharia Enforcer Theresa May to be New UK Prime Minister). Not only did she ban me from entering the UK, but she sanctions the brutal sharia courts notoriously punishing towards women. Nightmare.

A number of news outlets went undercover at these sharia courts. A BBC Panorama Documentary went undercover in one of the 85 sharia courts operating as a parallel legal system in the UK, uncovering the extensive abuse of women, refusal to grant divorces, charging of the woman but not the man for divorce proceedings, and even the taking away of the woman’s children, and rulings contrary to British law. In 2007, Channel 4 documentary did a series called called Divorce Sharia Style, in which Muslims appeared to express a desire to impose Sharia law on the UK.

When women described being beaten and abused, court officials laughed. Evil.

And while Theresa May is “reviewing” these sharia courts, this is being branded a “whitewash.” This from the Independent, July 9, 2016:

    Theresa May’s review of sharia courts has been branded a “whitewash” before it has even begun, with more than 200 individuals and human rights groups signing an open letter urging her to dismantle the panel chosen to oversee the inquiry.

    They claim that by appointing an Islamic scholar as chair and placing two imams in advisory roles, the panel’s ability to make an impartial assessment of how religious arbitration is used to the detriment of women’s rights will be seriously compromised.

What are the credentials of the “experts”?

    “Theresa May forced to defend views on Sharia Law as she prepares to enter No 10,” By Zole O’Brien, The Express, July 12, 2016:
    INCOMING Prime Minister Theresa May has defended her position on Sharia Law on the eve of taking over as the leader of the Conservative party.
    May sparked controversy when she spoke out in support of the Islamic courts operating in the country, telling the nation they could “benefit a great deal” from Sharia teachings.
    The future Tory leader made the comments as she ordered a review into the system which are accused of ordering women to stay with abusive partners.Mrs May, said she is worried the courts are “misused” and “exploited” to discriminate against Muslim women, but defended their place in society.

    Sharia is Islam’s legal system derived from both the Koran, Islam’s central text, and fatwas – the rulings of Islamic scholars.

    There are thought to be around 100 Sharia Law courts operating throughout the UK, dispensing Islamic justice outside the remit of our own legal system.

    Judgements handed down by the informal courts have no legal basis, but there are fears their presence means many Muslim women are not getting access to the justice they deserve.

    Now, before she takes over Number 10, May has been forced to restate her position on Sharia Law.

- See more at:
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Robert Spencer: The Worst Possible Prime Minister...
« Reply #663 on: July 13, 2016, 01:13:27 PM »
Robert Spencer in Epic Times: Theresa May Prime Minister: A Disaster for Brit­ain

July 12, 2016  By Robert Spencer

Over at Epic Times, I discuss the worst Prime Minister Great Britain could possibly have: its next one.

    OPINION – The worst outcome of Britain’s unexpected vote to leave the European Union was the resignation of David Cameron as Prime Minister – not because he was a great leader (he wasn’t), but because his successor is Theresa May, who promises to surpass even her feckless predecessor and become the weakest, most appeasement-minded Prime Minister since Neville Chamberlain.

    As I was banned by Theresa May from entering Britain for the crime of correctly noting that Islam has doctrines involving violence against unbelievers, I know firsthand her anxiousness to please forces that do not regard free speech and open debate as positives for society. But there is more. As head of the UK Home Office, May announced a review of Britain’s Sharia courts – then appointed Muslims to oversee it, drawing protests from human rights activists concerned that her review board would be too biased to note the courts’ violations of women’s rights.
    Theresa May Has A History Of Oppression

    May also disregarded warnings about security risks and scrapped an aerial surveillance program that had been designed to stop migrants from sneaking into Britain. With May heading the Home Office, the British government helped illegal immigrants quash convictions for fraud and other crimes, so that they could stay in the country.

    May has claimed counterfactually that the Islamic State’s “actions have absolutely no basis in anything written in the Quran.” She asserted, in the teeth of abundant evidence (including a statement from ISIS saying that jihad attacks would continue in France “as long as they boast about their war against Islam”), that the November 2015 jihad massacre in Paris had “nothing to do with Islam.” This willful ignorance hamstrings intelligence and law enforcement officials’ ability to fight the jihadis: one cannot defeat an enemy while refusing to name or understand it.

    But May is on the case. With the jihad threat higher than ever, May vowed to fight all forms of extremism, from “Islamist” to “neo-Nazi.” Does Britain have a big neo-Nazi problem? Did neo-Nazis set off bombs on a London bus and behead a British soldier in the street? Are goosesteppers strutting around in Trafalgar Square? No. By “neo-Nazis,” May means those people who dare to speak out against the immigration and national security policies she has pursued that have brought Britain to the brink of catastrophe.

    As Prime Minister, she may get the chance to push Britain off the edge.
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #664 on: July 13, 2016, 01:16:45 PM »
Posted on social warriors thread too.  Somehow I don't believe this is everything.  If it was why are ties to feminism and gay issues on their website there?

BLM manifesto:


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« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 12:46:53 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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France Suppressed News of Torture of Bataclan Victims...
« Reply #669 on: July 15, 2016, 06:38:22 PM »
France ‘SUPPRESSED NEWS OF GRUESOME TORTURE’ at Bataclan JIHAD Massacre: gouged out eyes, castrated victims, shoved testicles in their mouths, some disemboweled, Women stabbed in genitals

ByPAMELA GELLER on July 15, 2016

Police witnesses in Parliament said they vomited when they saw the disfigured bodies.

Again we ask, why are Western elites protecting the savage barbarians who are committing unspeakable acts of violence and torture in the cause of Allah?

Why scrub the evil from the evildoers? When is it going to stop? When are rational, civilized, freedom-loving peoples going to break the chains of the leftist/Islamic axis of evil?

People are woefully disarmed in the information battle-space, thanks to the left’s choke hold on media, academia, and culture. When Jesse Hughes, leader of the band Eagles of Death Metal, who was playing at the Bataclan the night of the monstrous jihad attack in Paris, spoke out about what he saw, he was demonized, marginalized and had gigs canceled. That is the world of those of us who speak up against jihad terror and sharia.

“EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed News of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre,” By Louise Mensch | Heatstreet, 10:50 am, July 15, 2016

HEAT STREET EXCLUSIVE – A French government committee has heard testimony, suppressed by the French government at the time and not released to the media, that the killers in the Bataclan tortured their victims on the second floor of the club.

Police witnesses in Parliament said they vomited when they saw the disfigured bodies.

Wahhabist killers apparently gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were stabbed in the genitals – and all the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda. For that reason, medics did not release the bodies of torture victims to the families, investigators said.

But prosecutors claimed these reports of torture were “a rumor” on the grounds that sharp knives were not found at the scene. They also claimed that maybe shrapnel had caused the injuries.

Q. For the information of the Commission of Inquiry….can you tell us how you learned that there had been acts of barbarism within the Bataclan: beheadings, evisceration, eyes gouged out …?

Investigator: After the assault, we were with colleagues at the passage Saint-Pierre Amelot when I saw weeping from one of our colleagues who came outside  to vomit. He told us what he had seen.

Q. Acts of torture happened on the second floor?

Further on the investigator described how this was kept from relatives:

A. Bodies have not been presented to families because there were beheaded people there, the murdered people, people who have been disembowelled . There are women who had their genitals stabbed.

Q. All this would have been videotaped for Daesh !

A. I believe so. Survivors have said so.

Elsewhere the investigator says women were sexually tortured, stabbed in the genitals, and their eyes were plucked out. People were decapitated.

The committee chief pressed the investigator on whether victims were decapitated or mutilated. He stated that the authorities had given out conflicting information that said victims were merely shot or blown up. The President of the Committee replied with this damning statement about one victim’s father discovering the gruesome truth in the morgue:

Mr. President Georges Fenech Indeed, the Committee is troubled by this information which has appeared nowhere [in the media]. Thus, the father of one of the victims sent me a copy of a letter he sent to the investigating judge, which I quote in summary: “On the causes of the death of my son A., at the forensic institute in Paris, I was told, and what a shock it was for me at that moment, they had cut off his testicles, had put them in his mouth, and he was disemboweled. When I saw him behind glass, lying on a table, a white shroud covering it up to the neck, a psychologist was with me. He said: This is “the only presentable part, your son’s left profile.” I found that he had no right eye. I made the remark; I was informed that they had punctured his eye and  sliced down the right side of his face, where there was a very large hematoma that we could all see. ”

This particular witness could corroborate the statements that we heard from one of the BAC officials, that one of his investigators vomited immediately on leaving the Bataclan after finding a decapitation and evisceration. Are you aware of such facts?

The prosecutor replied lamely that no sharp knife had been found at the scene that could have been used for torture. Perhaps shrapnel had caused the mutilation, he said. The head of the committee asked if an explosion would have placed testicles in a victim’s mouth:

Prosecutor: I specify, for the sake of clarity: some of the bodies found at the Bataclan were extremely mutilated by the explosions and weapons, to the point that it was sometimes difficult to reconstruct the dismembered bodies. In other words, injuries described this father may also have been caused by automatic weapons, by explosions or projections of nails and bolts that have resulted.

Q. Would those have put a man’s balls in in his own mouth?

Prosecutor: I do not have that information.

The news follows reports that German police sat on the huge number of sexual assaults committed by Islamist migrants in Cologne, which a secret report estimated at thousands, not hundreds. Heat Street will continue to report.

- See more at:
"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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France: Colonization by Immigration
« Reply #670 on: July 18, 2016, 07:43:52 AM »
Colonization by Immigration
“Sheer Horror” in Paris

The Orwell of his generation visits the Banlieues, finding out the truth of "no go" zones in the heart of France.
BY CounterJihad · @CounterjihadUS | July 11, 2016

Ben Judah is a journalist who comes especially well-recommended.  His two books, one about Russia and the other about London, have been hailed for their shockingly honest accounts of unpleasant truths.  Of his work on London, the New Statesman reviewer wrote:  “Every MP should be given a copy immediately. On every page lies an uncomfortable truth, in every paragraph sheer horror.”

Now he has turned to the rapid shift towards Islam in France.  Brought on by mass immigration and hardline Islamic preachers, Judah finds a neighborhood in the shadow of the tombs of French kings that is no longer French.

    “The French are too scared to come and shop in Saint-Denis since the attacks. There’s fear. There’s less order — less police, more druggies, more dealers and more thieves. It’s getting worse. I tell you — ten years ago it was not this bad.”

    How does the French state explain all this? I take the butcher’s accusation to the prefect. Grey-haired Philippe Galli is Saint-Denis’s most powerful official and the president’s envoy to the department of Seine-Saint-Denis. His throaty, gravelly voice is accustomed to power.

    “Those same people who say there is a lack of authority,” snaps the 60-year-old prefect, “are the same ones who refuse the police access when they try and enter. Those from the Maghreb, by origin, permit themselves to behave in ways that would be unthinkable where they came from.”

    He tells me that the secret services are currently monitoring 700 people at risk of radicalisation in Saint-Denis, and the police are too frightened to enter alone most areas under his control.

The whole of his piece should be read.

The French government has been drawing up counter-insurgency plans against those al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) have been recruiting.  Last year’s multiple major terror strikes in Paris not only led to the deaths of hundreds, but also highlighted the failure of European police authorities to handle the problem of rising Islamic radicalism.

Meanwhile, with French native birthrates continuing to be below replacement level, mass immigration has continued apace.  A quarter of teenagers in France are now Muslims, implying a future in which any radicalized Islam poses only a greater threat to the stability of the Republic.  Second generation immigrants, according to several major inquiries, seem to be the ones most inclined to radicalization.  The problems of France today may well pale in comparison to the problems of a generation from now.

When can you kill civilians with suicide bombers? Also, what does it take to qualify as a "civilian" who might enjoy any level of protection from suicide bombs?
BY Immanuel Al-Manteeqi

Already Judah’s article identifies a rising Antisemitism that is driving French Jews from their homes.  But it is also driving non-Jewish French from their homes, and making those who continue to live in the changing neighborhoods feel besieged.

The response by the French has been a rising nationalism.  Even al Qaeda’s top figure in charge of recruting from France has endorsed the National Front.  “If the French don’t want war, they should vote Marine Le Pen,” he said. “OK, she’s a woman, and one can call her a racist.  But at least she defends the true values of France.”

Does she?  Judah cites a gay leftist who has come to feel inclined towards a more nationalist politics.  “I realised… my error of interpretation on immigration and Islamisation, which is a danger to liberty…. [A]ll around us this rise of halal, this halalisation of France through its dishes, it’s a conquest of France through its dishes, if you look closely.”

That has parallels in Germany, where nationalism is also rising as a response.  These stories may not be pleasant to read, but every wise person should consider them, and ponder what is to be done.


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Re: "Allah Akbar" translates to "we may never know the motive"
« Reply #674 on: July 24, 2016, 05:37:32 AM »
That's right, They holler Allah Akbar and we don't know the motive?!   Muslim Brotherhood is secular? Islamic State is not Islamic?   [An economy stuck in place is in recovery? Affordable housing and healthcare are the kinds you can't afford, requiring subsidy?  Tax cuts are racist?   Exhaling is pollution?  Marriage is not when a woman become husband and wife?] We live in George Orwell's 1984.   They took over thoughts by taking over language.   It could backfire.  A man who owns 11 trillion and lives in a palace can represent the common man.  Europe has their own Trumps to oppose the Islamic invasion and the denial of it.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2016, 08:14:43 AM by DougMacG »


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Media Covers Up Munich Killer's "Allahu Akbar" Jihad...
« Reply #675 on: July 24, 2016, 06:34:22 AM »
Mainstream media covers up Munich killer’s ‘Allahu Akbar’ jihad, tries to link him to mass shooters like Breivik

By PAMELA GELLER on July 23, 2016

The heinous attack by the Munich jihadi who specifically targeted children is being scrubbed and whitewashed by the enemedia. Ali Sonboly was an Iranian German who took direction from al Qaeda and ISIS manuals to target and slaughter children for maximum effect. It is reported that Ali was “obsessed with mass shootings.” Sonboly was studying mass shootings in order to achieve a maximum kill rate. One of the mass shootings Ali reviewed was Breivik. Hellzapoppin in news rooms everywhere.

The enemedia is hang on to the very thinnest reed or no reed at all to avoid the motive behind this worldwide war – Islam.

Because of this tangential and minor point, the media has jumped all over the Breivik aspect. How corrupt and absurd. There is nothing that points to Ali being “inspired.” His inspiration is Islam. His method of jihad was mass shooting, so of course he would review past shootings. From this the enemedia announces, “Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboly ‘inspired by far-right terrorist Anders Breivik.'”

And who can believe the German police? They scrubbed the thousands of sexual attacks on New Year’s Eve in order to protect Islam. They even deleted the CCTV tapes. Merkel’s sharia is strictly enforced.

In the hundreds of jihad attacks, the devout Muslim murderers cite Quran chapter and verse and scream Allahu Akbar while they behead, gouge out eyes, sexually mutilate, etc. But the media will never make the connection to Islam. Close to 30,000 jihad attacks since 9/11, and not once did the media connect it to jihad and Islam. But because Ali Sonboly had some of Breivik’s writings in his extensive collection of mass shootings among his possessions, the media has found its target —  Breivik. Breivik quoted Obama and JFK, will the media blame them too?

The enemedia is at war with us. They are vile deceivers. The BBC doesn’t see fit to inform its readers about how Sonboly screamed “Allahu akbar.”  Beware — they stand with jihad.

Mainstream media covers up Munich killer’s jihad, tries to link him to Breivik

July 23, 2016, By Robert Spencer:

This is what we know: this is a time of sorting. The political and media elites are threatened to a degree they have not been in decades or longer. Brexit and the success of Donald Trump have challenged their hegemony and threatened to end it altogether. It would be naive in the extreme to assume that they won’t strike back, and try to protect that hegemony by any and every possible means. That means, if Hillary Clinton is elected, the likely end of the First Amendment and the enactment of laws criminalizing “hate speech,” by which will be meant opposition to jihad terror.

And in the meantime, we should not be surprised to see desperate rear-guard attempts, however ludicrous, to fool people and divert them from the obvious, particularly in regard to jihad terror attacks. The elites, besotted with the multiculturalist idea, enthralled with internationalism, and intent on socialist leveling, are importing Muslims into Western countries in staggering numbers. Yet every jihad massacre awakens more non-Muslims in the West to the suicidal folly of this program. And so the public must be fooled into thinking that none of the jihad attacks are actually jihad attacks. The Orlando jihadi, you see, he was gay and exacting revenge for a bad relationship, or for getting AIDS. The Nice jihadi, you see, he was a bad driver. This one had psychological problems. That one was bullied by his non-Muslim coworkers. That one over there, he got kicked out of a study group. And on and on. Every jihad attack was not jihad, if you believe the mainstream media: yes, it just happened to involve a Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” as he opened fire, but you see, the reality is that he had a troubled childhood, doncha know?

Oh, and the Munich jihadi did indeed scream “Allahu akbar”:

“Munich shooting: 9 victims, gunman dead, police say,” by Catherine E. Shoichet, Ralph Ellis and Jason Hanna, CNN, July 23, 2016:

Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is great” in Arabic.

“I know this because I’m Muslim. I hear this and I only cry,” she said.

“Did Munich killer Ali Sonboly lure children to their deaths on Facebook? Police probe fake ad for free food at massacre McDonald’s where Iranian, 18, killed first of his nine victims before turning gun on himself,” by Anthony Joseph, Patrick Lion and Alan Hall, Mailonline, July 23, 2016:

But just a week after another teenager attacker launched an ISIS-inspired axe attack on a German train, witnesses in McDonald’s described hearing yesterday’s attacker shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’, or ‘God is Great’, a cry used by Islamist terrorists during previous attacks. And ISIS supporters took to social media in the hours after yesterday’s atrocity to celebrate the killings.

“What we know about Ali David Sonboly after he was named as Munich shopping centre massacre gunman,” by Sam Adams, Mirror, July 23, 2016:

In footage he was seen bursting from a McDonald’s restaurant toilet before opening fire on children. He reportedly screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ before shooting them at close range.

Not long before he hijacked a jetliner and flew it into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, Mohamed Atta wrote this to himself: “When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”

So in the face of this, the mainstream media narrative is that Munich jihad murderer Ali Sonboly was inspired not by Islam and jihad, but by…Anders Breivik:

Look at the Telegraph’s headline: “Live: Munich shooting: Teenage killer Ali Sonboly ‘inspired by far-right terrorist Anders Breivik’ and ‘used Facebook offer of free McDonald’s food to lure victims,’” by Harriet Alexander, Barney Henderson, Chiara Palazzo, Luke Heighton, James Rothwell, Zia Weise, Camilla Turner, and Justin Huggler, Telegraph, July 23, 2016.

Now, with that headline in mind, read the salient portion of the Telegraph’s story:

Dr Peter Langman, the author of Why Kids Kill, the book which was found among Ali Sonboly’s possessions told The Telegraph he was “distressed” at the thought the book was being used in the wrong way.

He said: “It’s disturbing, I don’t know why he had the book. It could be he was better trying to understand himself because he needed mental health treatment and he was trying to get help. Or it could be he was looking for a role model. A lot of young shooters look for an Anders Breivik, or someone similar, as a role model. And since the attack was on the anniversary of the Norway attack, it suggests he was imitating Breivik….

According to German newspaper, classmates said he had even used an image of Breivik as his profile picture on the social media network WhatsApp.

Does any of that establish what the Telegraph headline announces, that Sonboly was inspired by Breivik? No. In fact, it was Langman, not Sonboly, who linked Sonboly to Breivik. Authorities found the book Why Kids Kill among Sonboly’s possessions. It could have been there for any number of reasons, but in any case Langman uses it to link Sonboly to Breivik. Authorities did not find any “right-wing” or “anti-immigrant” literature among Sonboly’s possessions, or you can be sure they would have said so. The Telegraph also tells us that his classmates said that Sonboly had a picture of Breivik on his WhatsApp page, but provides no screenshot or anything else that would make this claim anything more than hearsay.

And even if Sonboly had admired Breivik, that in itself doesn’t establish that Sonboly was the “right-wing extremist terrorist” for which the mainstream media has been pining for so long. He may have admired his technique, not his ideology. We should remember in this connection that Sonboly’s parents were immigrants from Iran. Is it really likely that he harbored nativist “anti-immigrant” sentiment?

Needless to say, the Telegraph doesn’t bother to inform its readers that Sonboly screamed “Allahu akbar” as he opened fire. And the BBC is even worse:

“Munich gunman ‘obsessed with mass shootings,’” BBC, July 23, 2016:

The 18-year-old gunman who killed nine people in Munich was obsessed with mass shootings but had no known links to the Islamic State group, German police say.

Written material on such attacks was found in his room. Munich’s police chief spoke of links to the massacre by Norway’s Anders Behring Breivik.

Note the artfully deceptive writing. If anything actually linking Sonboly to Breivik had been found in Sonboly’s room, the BBC and other media sources would have said so plainly. The juxtaposition of these two sentences gives the impression that something linking him to Breivik was found in Sonboly’s room, but in fact all we have there is an assertion by Munich’s police chief that the shooting was linked to Breivik. Given the failure to produce any evidence to support this, and German authorities’ record of covering up crimes by Muslims, this link is extremely questionable.

The gunman, who had dual German-Iranian nationality, later killed himself.

His name has not been officially released but he is being named locally as David Sonboly….

The BBC doesn’t think it is important to tell you that the killer’s name was actually Ali David Sonboly. Why did they drop the “Ali”? Maybe so as not to give aid to those dreaded “right-wing extremists” by giving people the impression that there might be something to be concerned about in Islamic jihad?

The BBC added:

Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae said there was an “obvious” link between the new attack and Friday’s fifth anniversary of Breivik’s attacks in Norway, when he murdered 77 people….

But here again, Andrae doesn’t explain why Sonboly’s link to Breivik is “obvious.” He simply asserts it, with all the weight of his office, and that’s that.

Also needless to say, the BBC doesn’t see fit to inform its readers about how Sonboly screamed “Allahu akbar.” You don’t need to know that. It doesn’t fit what the political and media elites want you to believe; therefore it didn’t happen. Go back to sleep. When the knife slices through your throat, your death will be quick and almost painless, I promise.

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"You have enemies?  Good.  That means that you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill.


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Another whodunnit in Germany
« Reply #676 on: July 24, 2016, 12:25:19 PM »

It's like there has been some sort of change in Germany's population. I wonder what happened.


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« Last Edit: July 24, 2016, 08:58:45 PM by G M »


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There is bad rumint on all sides
« Reply #678 on: July 25, 2016, 02:26:53 PM »
A German friend says this report calls pants on fire about the assertion of a major weapons cache.


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Interpol calls for open carry! 2.0
« Reply #682 on: July 29, 2016, 06:26:37 AM »

Just noticed, this is from from last year , , ,
« Last Edit: July 29, 2016, 10:46:37 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #683 on: July 29, 2016, 07:52:28 AM »
The number of Muslims in Europe goes up and thus anti semitism goes up.

Happening here too with the boycott Israel movements that include the college campuses that  have muslim students.   I am certain at least some BLM kids feel the same way.


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #685 on: July 30, 2016, 06:38:34 PM »
It is important that we report this sort of story too.  We seek Truth.


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Nothing lasts forever
« Reply #690 on: August 01, 2016, 08:31:59 AM »

How much longer?


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European Prisons Fueling Spread of Islamic Radicalism WSJ
« Reply #693 on: August 04, 2016, 06:36:47 AM »
A nice place to meet new people:
European Prisons Fueling Spread of Islamic Radicalism  WSJ
Convicted terrorists sit atop the social pecking order in many facilities, using jail time to plot new attacks or groom petty criminals for jihad
Fleury-Mérogis Prison, Europe’s largest, has become a hotbed of Islamist radicalism.
July 31, 2016
PARIS—After his capture in Belgium, the Paris terror suspect Salah Abdeslam was transferred to a prison cell in France where the paint on the walls was still fresh.

Prison staff had spent three weeks renovating the space, bolting down furniture and installing video cameras to make sure the 26-year-old’s solitary confinement went smoothly, said Marcel Duredon, a guard at Fleury-Mérogis, the high-security facility on the outskirts of Paris.

Still, the measures did little to calm the ruckus that erupted in the cell blocks as dusk fell and word spread about the prison’s newest inmate, the last surviving suspect in the Nov. 13 attacks.

“Some welcomed him as the messiah,” Mr. Duredon said.

The rise of Islamic State has caught Europe’s prison systems flat-footed. Convicted terrorists, some of whom serve prison terms as brief as two years, sit atop the social pecking order in facilities like Fleury-Mérogis.

Many use jail time to forge ties with petty criminals from the predominantly Muslim suburbs that ring European cities, authorities say, grooming them for jihad missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria—or attacks at home.

Now the return over the past year of an unprecedented number of jihadists from Islamic State territory is placing European prisons in an even bigger bind. To keep militants off the streets, authorities are throwing many of them in jail, but that is injecting battle-hardened radicals into overcrowded prisons. Researchers estimate that 50% to 60% of the roughly 67,000 inmates in the French prison system are Muslims, who represent just 7.5% of the general population.

Prison officials are also faced with a difficult choice between absorbing hardened militants into the general prison population, where they might radicalize others, or to concentrate them in special wards where they may be better able to hatch plots.

“We’re sitting on a time bomb,” says Adeline Hazan, who heads a state agency tasked with auditing French prisons.

Last week, a French teenager who had recently been released from Fleury-Mérogis stormed a church in the north of France with an accomplice and killed a Roman Catholic priest celebrating Mass. Adel Kermiche, 19, wrote that he met his “spiritual guide” in the prison, where he was being detained for twice trying to travel to Syria, according to police, who reviewed messages he posted on Telegram, an encrypted messaging app. The “sheik,” as Kermiche referred to him, “gave him ideas,” he wrote.

Eighty-two French nationals have been convicted of terrorism since the summer of 2012 and 154 alleged terrorists are in jail awaiting trial, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office. In addition, more than 1,000 inmates are under surveillance by intelligence services as suspected Islamist radicals, according to French officials.

The influx, authorities warn, is transforming facilities designed for punishment into incubators for future terror attacks. The moment Mehdi Nemmouche completed a prison term for armed robbery in 2012, prison administrators flagged him to intelligence as a radical Islamist who was a threat to national security, according to a Paris prosecutor. He later traveled to Syria and then resurfaced in May 2014 at the Jewish Museum in Brussels, where he allegedly shot four people dead—an allegation he denies.

Mohamed Merah—who killed three paratroopers, a Jewish schoolteacher, and three children in 2012 before being shot dead by police—was also radicalized in a French prison, authorities say. When he entered prison, for snatching a woman’s handbag, Mr. Merah was “just a kid banging on his cell’s door shouting for his PlayStation,” says Philippe Campagne, a prison guard who knew him.

Mr. Abdeslam himself was once a petty criminal who in 2010 served time in a Belgian prison for attempted car robbery. His partner in that crime, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was sentenced to the same prison. Months later, both men were released. Mr. Abaaoud eventually traveled to Syria, tapping Mr. Abdeslam to shepherd suicide bombers across Europe, where they mounted attacks that killed 130 people in Paris, according to police.

Now re-incarcerated, Mr. Abdeslam has joined an informal class system that a 2015 audit of French prisons conducted by a state agency described as “astonishing.”

Within that system, Islamist radicals act as an “aristocracy,” the audit said, dictating prison etiquette to other inmates by forbidding them to take showers naked or listen to music. Televised matches of women’s tennis are also banned by inmates in some cells, the audit said.

A 52-year-old inmate who has been in and out of prison for a decade said radicals who once kept to themselves have begun reaching out to thieves and drug dealers to expand their following.

“They’re now willing to promote their cause by whatever means possible,” he said.

The audit found that radicals have little trouble communicating beyond prison walls. French intelligence recovered contraband mobile phones from one jail showing that many inmates had contacted people in Syria and Yemen. A popular wallpaper for such phones, the audit noted, was the Islamic State’s flag.

Terror attacks come from many sources—Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the truck attacker who mowed down 84 people in Nice on July 14, wasn’t known to have any connection to terrorist groups, prosecutors say. Officials though are most concerned about the conversions taking place in prisons.

Mohamadou Sy, 24, who served part of a three-year sentence for drug dealing in Fleury-Mérogis, recalls how a retinue of “soft-spoken and well-educated” men regularly made the rounds in the prison yard. They bonded with other inmates, he said, by teaching hand-to-hand combat, a useful skill in prison.

“If you’re weak, you’re done,” said Mr. Sy, who was transferred to another prison from Fleury-Mérogis five months ago.

In an attempt to disrupt the aura around radical inmates, governments across the continent have begun to experiment with special measures, such as segregating radicals from other prisoners by housing them on special floors or wards.

Implementation has been piecemeal and sluggish. Only a fraction of the terrorists in French and Belgian jails have been transferred to these new units so far and legal challenges could constrain authorities from holding radicals in solitary confinement for long stretches of time. Assigning radicals to live together in a special ward, meanwhile, also risks being challenged in court as an extrajudicial form of punishment, officials say.

In Belgium, the West’s biggest supplier of Islamic State fighters on a per capita basis, two prisons have been retrofitted with special wards to house radicals. Opened in April, each of the new wards has room for only 20 prisoners.

The Belgian government wants to keep radicals among the general prison population as long as possible and transfer them to the new wards only once they are caught recruiting other prisoners, according to Sieghild Lacoere, spokeswoman for the Belgian Justice Ministry.

“We don’t want to create a Guantanamo,” she said.

That softer approach hinges on the prisons’ experimental use of “de-radicalization” therapy, which aims to reintegrate radicals into European society. Doctors, social workers and state-approved imams are brought into prisons to meet with radicals and attempt to rehabilitate them before their release. Critics of this approach, who point to at least one high-profile failure in Germany, say it is ineffective and distracts from the primary goal of securing public safety.

In France, which has spawned more Islamic State fighters in absolute numbers than any other Western country, authorities have begun grouping radicals together in special units. But the arrangement has failed to fully isolate them from other inmates. The units are often located in cell blocks that house other prisoners and where messages can be passed between cells using bedsheets or word-of-mouth.

The initiative has stirred an internal debate among top officials in President François Hollande’s Socialist government. While some ministers publicly praise the measures as a long-overdue reform, other officials are seething in private, according to people familiar with the matter.

Former Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, who resigned in January to protest the government’s plans to strip terrorists of their French citizenship, expressed “grave reservations” over the idea of grouping radicals together.

“This is madness,” said a former counterterrorism official. “We are putting together terrorists who didn’t know each other and belonged to different groups, and helping them create tight, impenetrable networks,” the official said.

Fleury-Mérogis, located on the outskirts of Paris, is Europe’s largest prison, with 4,200 inmates spread across 445 acres. A netting of metal wires stretches over its rooftops to prevent inmates from escaping aboard helicopters.

In 2004, the prison received a new inmate: 23-year-old Amedy Coulibaly. Convicted of armed robbery, Mr. Coulibaly spent 22 hours a day locked up in his cell.

“Prison changed me,” Coulibaly would later tell French journalist Warda Mohamed after his release in 2008. Ms. Mohamed, a French journalist who interviewed Coulibaly as part of a documentary on prison life, said she didn’t publish the comments at the time.

“I learnt about Islam in prison. Before that I wasn’t interested, now I pray,” Coulibaly told Ms. Mohamed, she said. “Just for that, I’m glad I went to prison.”

Prosecutors say Djamel Beghal cultivated a circle of followers around him in prison and radicalized one of the Charlie Hebdo gunmen.
Prosecutors say Djamel Beghal cultivated a circle of followers around him in prison and radicalized one of the Charlie Hebdo gunmen. PHOTO: STAVEL CHRISTIAN/MAXPPP/ZUMA PRESS
His mentor, according to court documents, was 39-year-old Djamel Beghal, an al Qaeda recruiter who was serving a 10-year prison sentence in a cell near Coulibaly’s for his involvement in a 2001 plot to bomb the U.S. Embassy in Paris.

Mr. Beghal managed to cultivate a circle of followers around him because he was a “man of science and religion,” Coulibaly would tell police in 2010, according to a transcript of the interrogation. Coulibaly was being questioned on suspicion he had joined Mr. Beghal in a plot to break a terrorist out of prison. Both men were tried and convicted of taking part in the plot.

By the time Coulibaly was released in March 2014, the officials who run France’s prison system realized they had a big problem. In May, Paris’ top prison administrators wrote a letter to the government raising the alarm about the growing influence of radicals inside their walls, according to the 2015 audit.

The letter, the audit said, described the prisons as being “on the verge of a breakdown.”

In one facility, the audit said, a dozen prisoners jailed on suspicion of terrorism had managed to attract a following of 20 other inmates with no history of radicalization. During a cell search, authorities found an Islamic State headband along with a map of the Paris region railways network, according to the audit.

Some women visiting the prison, the audit said, were under pressure to change out of their jeans and T-shirts into hijabs—a scarf that covers the head and torso—before meeting inmates. Women who refused were insulted by prisoners and ordered to cover up.

In the fall of 2014, the warden of Fresnes, one of France’s oldest prisons, decided to shake things up. Stéphane Scotto rounded up 22 radical inmates and transferred them to a single floor.

The group was singled out, he said, because they had begun “dictating their own rules inside the prison, forbidding inmates from talking to women, taking showers naked or listening to music.” One inmate had posters and photos in his cell torn down by the group, Mr. Scotto recalled, adding: “I could no longer allow that,” he said.

The push for a revamp was too late to prevent the next attack.

In January 2015, Coulibaly gunned down a police officer in the street and four shoppers in a kosher grocery before being killed in a police raid.

Across Paris, televisions inside Fresnes prison broadcast news of Coulibaly’s attacks to the inmates. At the time, Mr. Sy was inside Fresnes, awaiting trial for drug dealing. His prison cell, he recalled, was right above the unit Mr. Scotto had created for radicals. The group was ecstatic about Mr. Coulibaly’s bloody exploit.

“They all shouted Allahu akbar,” Mr. Sy recalled. “I could hear them preaching to other inmates through the window.”

In a video filmed before his death, Coulibaly pledged allegiance to Islamic State and calmly explained that he had coordinated attacks with Chérif Kouachi, whom he had also met inside Fleury-Mérogis prison. Days earlier Kouachi and his brother Said had killed a dozen people during an attack on the newsroom of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

The bloodshed persuaded the government the prison system was in need of retooling. It launched a pilot project designed to create criteria for identifying radical inmates and finding a way to rehabilitate them.

The two-month program worked with inmates who volunteered to meet with social workers, sociologists, former inmates and terrorism victims.

“The idea was to create a dialogue,” says Ouisa Kies, a Paris-based sociologist who ran the program.

While Ms. Kies was conducting her research, Salah Abdeslam was allegedly at work shepherding radicals across Europe to stage a terrorist attack that would rank as the bloodiest in French history.

When the group struck—killing 130 people at the Bataclan concert hall and in restaurants and bars across Paris’ nightlife district—Mr. Abdeslam slipped away, allegedly ditching his explosive suicide vest.

The government accelerated its plans to overhaul the prison system, announcing plans to set up anti-radicalization units in four prisons, including Fleury-Mérogis and Fresnes. Prison staff was tasked with identifying inmates for the unit.

As of May, about 10 inmates had been transferred to a floor in Fleury-Mérogis dedicated to holding 40 radicals.

The new units are expected to hold a wide spectrum of radicals, ranging from Islamic State recruiters to the hundreds of French nationals jailed after returning home from Syria to people imprisoned for simply speaking out in support of terrorists.

“We are creating the best conditions for the worst to happen,” said the former antiterror official who is critical of the program.

One inmate slated for the radicals unit at Fleury-Mérogis is Karim Mohamed Aggad, the older brother of a suicide bomber who attacked the Bataclan.

Mr. Mohamed Aggad has denied playing any role in the November attacks.

“I’ll go to the unit. Like a laboratory rat,” Mr. Mohamed Aggad told a court in June. He was sentenced to nine years in jail on July 6 on terrorist association charges for traveling to Syria in December 2013 with his younger brother and joining Islamic State. His lawyer Francoise Cotta said her client didn’t get a fair trial and that judges were “guided by fear” rather than reason in their ruling. She plans to appeal the ruling.

Under questioning from police, Mr. Mohamed Aggad recounted how he and his brother filled out an Islamic State form shortly after their arrival in Syria, specifying whether they planned to fight in the Syrian civil war or become a suicide bomber, according to court documents.

“We chose to fight,” Mr. Mohamed Aggad told police.

Mr. Mohamed Aggad told police he became disillusioned with the war and returned to France in April 2014, leaving his brother behind.

After his arrest, he was sent to Fleury-Mérogis, where he received a visit from his mother.

“What are they going to do?” Mr. Mohamed Aggad asked her, according to court documents. “Open my skull and take the radical part out of my brain?”
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How a Secretive Branch of ISIS Built a Global Network of Killers
« Reply #694 on: August 04, 2016, 06:51:32 AM »
Must read.  Chiling.
New York Times
How a Secretive Branch of ISIS
Built a Global Network of Killers
A jailhouse interview with a German man who joined
the Islamic State reveals the workings of a unit whose
lieutenants are empowered to plan attacks around the world.

BREMEN, Germany — Believing he was answering a holy call, Harry Sarfo left his home in the working-class city of Bremen last year and drove for four straight days to reach the territory controlled by the Islamic State in Syria.

He barely had time to settle in before members of the Islamic State’s secret service, wearing masks over their faces, came to inform him and his German friend that they no longer wanted Europeans to come to Syria. Where they were really needed was back home, to help carry out the group’s plan of waging terrorism across the globe.

“He was speaking openly about the situation, saying that they have loads of people living in European countries and waiting for commands to attack the European people,” Mr. Sarfo recounted on Monday, in an interview with The New York Times conducted in English inside the maximum-security prison near Bremen. “And that was before the Brussels attacks, before the Paris attacks.”

The masked man explained that, although the group was well set up in some European countries, it needed more attackers in Germany and Britain, in particular. “They said, ‘Would you mind to go back to Germany, because that’s what we need at the moment,’” Mr. Sarfo recalled. “And they always said they wanted to have something that is occurring in the same time: They want to have loads of attacks at the same time in England and Germany and France.”

In this rare jailhouse interview, a former ISIS member from Germany tells his story and provides new insight into the militant group’s plot to attack Western countries.
Publish Date August 3, 2016.

The operatives belonged to an intelligence unit of the Islamic State known in Arabic as the Emni, which has become a combination of an internal police force and an external operations branch, dedicated to exporting terror abroad, according to thousands of pages of French, Belgian, German and Austrian intelligence and interrogation documents obtained by The Times.

The Islamic State’s attacks in Paris on Nov. 13 brought global attention to the group’s external terrorism network, which began sending fighters abroad two years ago. Now, Mr. Sarfo’s account, along with those of other captured recruits, has further pulled back the curtain on the group’s machinery for projecting violence beyond its borders.

What they describe is a multilevel secret service under the overall command of the Islamic State’s most senior Syrian operative, spokesman and propaganda chief, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani. Below him is a tier of lieutenants empowered to plan attacks in different regions of the world, including a “secret service for European affairs,” a “secret service for Asian affairs” and a “secret service for Arab affairs,” according to Mr. Sarfo.

Reinforcing the idea that the Emni is a core part of the Islamic State’s operations, the interviews and documents indicate that the unit has carte blanche to recruit and reroute operatives from all parts of the organization — from new arrivals to seasoned battlefield fighters, and from the group’s special forces and its elite commando units. Taken together, the interrogation records show that operatives are selected by nationality and grouped by language into small, discrete units whose members sometimes only meet one another on the eve of their departure abroad.

And through the coordinating role played by Mr. Adnani, terror planning has gone hand-in-hand with the group’s extensive propaganda operations — including, Mr. Sarfo claimed, monthly meetings in which Mr. Adnani chose which grisly videos to promote based on battlefield events.

Based on the accounts of operatives arrested so far, the Emni has become the crucial cog in the group’s terrorism machinery, and its trainees led the Paris attacks and built the suitcase bombs used in a Brussels airport terminal and subway station. Investigation records show that its foot soldiers have also been sent to Austria, Germany, Spain, Lebanon, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia.

With European officials stretched by a string of assaults by seemingly unconnected attackers who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, Mr. Sarfo suggested that there may be more of a link than the authorities yet know. He said he was told that undercover operatives in Europe used new converts as go-betweens, or “clean men,” who help link up people interested in carrying out attacks with operatives who can pass on instructions on everything from how to make a suicide vest to how to credit their violence to the Islamic State.

The group has sent “hundreds of operatives” back to the European Union, with “hundreds more in Turkey alone,” according to a senior United States intelligence official and a senior American defense official, both of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence.

Mr. Sarfo, who was recently moved out of solitary confinement at his German prison because he is no longer considered violent, agrees with that assessment. “Many of them have returned,” he said. “Hundreds, definitely.”

The first port of call for new arrivals to the Islamic State is a network of dormitories in Syria, just across the border from Turkey. There, recruits are interviewed and inventoried.

Mr. Sarfo was fingerprinted, and a doctor came to draw a blood sample and perform a physical examination. A man with a laptop conducted an intake interview. “He was asking normal questions like: ‘What’s your name? What’s your second name? Who’s your mom? Where’s your mom originally from? What did you study? What degree do you have? What’s your ambition? What do you want to become?’” Mr. Sarfo said.

His background was also of interest. He was a regular at a radical mosque in Bremen that had already sent about 20 members to Syria, at least four of whom were killed in battle, according to Daniel Heinke, the German Interior Ministry’s counterterrorism coordinator for the area. And he had served a one-year prison sentence for breaking into a supermarket safe and stealing 23,000 euros. Even though the punishment for theft in areas under Islamic State control is amputation, a criminal past can be a valued asset, Mr. Sarfo said, “especially if they know you have ties to organized crime and they know you can get fake IDs, or they know you have contact men in Europe who can smuggle you into the European Union.”

The bureaucratic nature of the intake procedure was recently confirmed by American officials after USB drives were recovered in the recently liberated Syrian city of Manbij, one of the hubs for processing foreign fighters.

Mr. Sarfo checked all the necessary boxes, and on the third day after his arrival, the members of the Emni came to ask for him. He wanted to fight in Syria and Iraq, but the masked operatives explained that they had a vexing problem.

Continue reading the main story
“They told me that there aren’t many people in Germany who are willing to do the job,” Mr. Sarfo said soon after his arrest last year, according to the transcript of his interrogation by German officials, which runs more than 500 pages. “They said they had some in the beginning. But one after another, you could say, they chickened out, because they got scared — cold feet. Same in England.”

By contrast, the group had more than enough volunteers for France. “My friend asked them about France,” Mr. Sarfo said. “And they started laughing. But really serious laughing, with tears in their eyes. They said, ‘Don’t worry about France.’ ‘Mafi mushkilah’ — in Arabic, it means ‘no problem.’” That conversation took place in April 2015, seven months before the coordinated killings in Paris in November, the worst terrorist attack in Europe in over a decade.

While some details of Mr. Sarfo’s account cannot be verified, his statements track with what other recruits related in their interrogations. And both prison officials and the German intelligence agents who debriefed Mr. Sarfo after his arrest said they found him credible.

Since the rise of the Islamic State over two years ago, intelligence agencies have been collecting nuggets on the Emni. Originally, the unit was tasked with policing the Islamic State’s members, including conducting interrogations and ferreting out spies, according to interrogation records and analysts. But French members arrested in 2014 and 2015 explained that the Emni had taken on a new portfolio: projecting terror abroad.

“It’s the Emni that ensures the internal security inside Dawla” — the Arabic word for state — “and oversees external security by sending abroad people they recruited, or else sending individuals to carry out violent acts, like what happened in Tunisia inside the museum in Tunis, or else the aborted plot in Belgium,” said Nicolas Moreau, 32, a French citizen who was arrested last year after leaving the Islamic State in Syria, according to his statement to France’s domestic intelligence agency.

Mr. Moreau explained that he had run a restaurant in Raqqa, Syria, the de facto capital of the group’s territory, where he had served meals to key members of the Emni — including Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the on-the-ground commander of the Paris attacks, who was killed in a standoff with the police days later.

Other interrogations, as well as Mr. Sarfo’s account, have led investigators to conclude that the Emni also trained and dispatched the gunman who opened fire on a beach in Sousse, Tunisia, in June, and the man who prepared the Brussels airport bombs.

Records from French, Austrian and Belgian intelligence agencies show that at least 28 operatives recruited by the Emni succeeded in deploying to countries outside of the Islamic State’s core territory, mounting both successful attacks and plots that were foiled. Officials say that dozens of other operatives have slipped through and formed sleeper cells.

In his own interactions with the Emni, Mr. Sarfo realized that they were preparing a global portfolio of terrorists and looking to fill holes in their international network, he said.

He described what he had been told about the group’s work to build an infrastructure in Bangladesh. There, a siege by a team of Islamic State gunmen left at least 20 hostages dead at a cafe last month, almost all of them foreigners.

Mr. Sarfo said that for Asian recruits, the group was looking specifically for militants who had emerged from Al Qaeda’s network in the region. “People especially from Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia — they have people who used to work for Al Qaeda, and once they joined the Islamic State, they are asking them questions about their experiences and if they have contacts,” he said.

In his briefings with the German authorities, and again in the interview this week, Mr. Sarfo raised the possibility that some of the recent attackers in Europe who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State’s leader during their assaults might have a more direct link to the group than officials believe.

Mr. Sarfo explained that the Emni keeps many of its operatives underground in Europe. They act as nodes that can remotely activate potential suicide attackers who have been drawn in by propaganda. Linking them are what Mr. Sarfo called “clean men,” new converts to Islam with no established ties to radical groups.

“These people are not in direct contact with these guys who are doing the attacks, because they know if these people start talking, they will get caught,” he said of the underground operatives.

“They mostly use people who are new Muslims, who are converts,” he said. Those “clean” converts “get in contact with the people, and they give them the message.” And in the case of some videotaped pledges of allegiance, the go-between can then send the video on to the handler in Europe, who uploads it for use by the Islamic State’s propaganda channels.

The intelligence documents and Mr. Sarfo agree that the Islamic State has made the most of its recruits’ nationalities by sending them back to plot attacks at home. Yet one important region where the Emni is not thought to have succeeded in sending trained attackers is North America, Mr. Sarfo said, recalling what the members of the branch told him.

Though dozens of Americans have become members of the Islamic State, and some have been recruited into the external operations wing, “they know it’s hard for them to get Americans into America” once they have traveled to Syria, he said.

“For America and Canada, it’s much easier for them to get them over the social network, because they say the Americans are dumb — they have open gun policies,” he said. “They say we can radicalize them easily, and if they have no prior record, they can buy guns, so we don’t need to have no contact man who has to provide guns for them.”

Tanks captured by Kurdish militias in Syria last year. The Arabic writing identifies them as belonging to Jaysh al-Khalifa, or the Army of the Caliphate, an elite Islamic State unit. Credit Mauricio Lima for The New York Times
Training Days

Since late 2014, the Islamic State has instructed foreigners joining the group to make their trip look like a holiday in southern Turkey, including booking a return flight and paying for an all-inclusive vacation at a beach resort, from which smugglers arrange their transport into Syria, according to intelligence documents and Mr. Sarfo’s account.



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That cover story creates pressure to keep things moving quickly during the recruits’ training in Syria, and most get a bare minimum — just a few days of basic weapons practice, in some instances.

“When they go back to France or in Germany, they can say, ‘I was only on holidays in Turkey,’” Mr. Sarfo said. “The longer they stay in the Islamic State, the more suspicious the secret service in the West gets, and that’s why they try to do the training as quickly as possible.”

Mr. Sarfo’s facility in both German and English — he studied construction at Newham College in East London — made him attractive as a potential attacker. Though the Emni approached him several times to ask him to return to Germany, he demurred, he said.

Eventually, Mr. Sarfo, perhaps because of his burly build — 6-foot-1 and around 286 pounds when he arrived in Syria, though he has lost weight since then — was drafted into the Islamic State’s quwat khas, Arabic for special forces.

The unit only admitted single men who agreed not to marry during the duration of their training. In addition to providing the offensive force to infiltrate cities during battles, it was one of several elite units that became recruiting pools for the external operations branch, Mr. Sarfo said.

Along with his German friend, he was driven to the desert outside Raqqa.

“They dropped us off in the middle of nowhere and told us, ‘We are here,’” he said, according to the transcript of one of his interrogation sessions. “So we’re standing in the desert and thought to ourselves, ‘What’s going on?’” When the two Germans looked more closely, they realized there were cavelike dwellings around them. Everything above ground was painted with mud so as to be invisible to drones.

“Showering was prohibited. Eating was prohibited, too, unless they gave it to you,” Mr. Sarfo said, adding that he had shared a cave with five or six others. Even drinking water was harshly rationed. “Each dwelling received two cups of water a day, put on the doorstep,” he said. “And the purpose of this was to test us, see who really wants it, who’s firm.”

The grueling training began: hours of running, jumping, push-ups, parallel bars, crawling. The recruits began fainting.

By the second week, they were each given a Kalashnikov assault rifle and told to sleep with it between their legs until it became “like a third arm,” he said, according to his interrogation transcript.

The punishment for failing to keep up was harsh. “There was one boy who refused to get up, because he was just too exhausted,” Mr. Sarfo told the authorities. “So they tied him to a pole with his legs and his arms and left him there.”

He learned that the special forces program involved 10 levels of training. After he graduated to Level 2, he was moved to an island on a river in Tabqa, Syria. The recruits’ sleeping spots now consisted of holes in the ground, covered by sticks and twigs. They practiced swimming, scuba diving and navigating by the stars.

Throughout his training, Mr. Sarfo rubbed shoulders with an international cadre of recruits. When he first arrived at the desert campus, he ran laps alongside Moroccans, Egyptians, at least one Indonesian, a Canadian and a Belgian. And out on the island, he learned of similar special units, including one called Jaysh al-Khalifa, or the Army of the Caliphate.

A 12-page criminal complaint indicates that the Islamic State tried to recruit at least one American into that unit, but he declined to enroll.

The man, Mohamad Jamal Khweis, a 26-year-old from Alexandria, Va., traveled to Syria in December, only to be captured by Kurdish troops in Iraq in March. In his debriefing with the F.B.I., he explained that early on, he was approached by members of the unit. “During his stay at this safe house, representatives from Jaysh Khalifa, a group described by the defendant as an ‘offensive group,’ visited the new ISIL recruits,” the complaint says. “The representatives explained that their group was responsible for accepting volunteers from foreign countries who would be trained and sent back to their countries to conduct operations and execute attacks on behalf of ISIL. The group’s requirements, among other things, were that recruits had to be single, would train in remote locations, must be free of any injuries and had to stay reclusive when returning to their home countries.”

Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, the Islamic State’s spokesman, also commands a unit called the Emni, which has become both an internal policing force and an external operations branch.
The Big Man

As he progressed through the special forces training, Mr. Sarfo became closer with the emir of the camp, a Moroccan, who began to divulge details about how the Islamic State’s external operations effort was structured, he said. Mr. Sarfo learned that there was one outsize figure behind the group’s strategies and ambitions. “The big man behind everything is Abu Muhammad al-Adnani,” he said.

“He is the head of the Emni, and he is the head of the special forces as well,” Mr. Sarfo added. “Everything goes back to him.”

Born in the town of Binnish in northern Syria, Mr. Adnani is said to be 39, and is the subject of a $5 million bounty from the State Department’s Rewards for Justice program. But details about his life remain a mystery. There are very few available photos of him, and the one used on the State Department’s website is years old.

Mr. Sarfo explained that when recruits to the special forces finished all 10 levels of training, they were blindfolded and driven to meet Mr. Adnani, where they pledged allegiance to him directly. Mr. Sarfo was told that the blindfolds stayed on the whole time, so that even Mr. Adnani’s best-trained fighters never know what he looks like.

To the world, Mr. Adnani is better known as the official spokesman of the Islamic State, and the man who put out a global call this year for Muslims to attack unbelievers wherever they were, however they could.

“Adnani is much more than just the mouthpiece of this group,” said Thomas Joscelyn, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington who tracks the group’s leadership. “He is heavily involved in external operations. He is sort of the administrative ‘yea’ or ‘nay’ at the top of the pyramid,” who signs off on attack plans, the details of which are handled by his subordinates.

During his time in Syria, Mr. Sarfo was contacted by other German fighters who wanted him to be an actor in a propaganda film aimed at German speakers. They drove to Palmyra, and Mr. Sarfo was told to hold the group’s black flag and to walk again and again in front of the camera as they filmed repeated takes. Syrian captives were forced to kneel, and the other German fighters shot them, showing an interest only in the cinematic effect.

One turned to Mr. Sarfo immediately after killing a victim and asked: “How did I look like? Did I look good, the way I executed?”

Mr. Sarfo said he had learned that videos like the one he acted in were vetted by Mr. Adnani himself in a monthly meeting of senior operatives.

“There’s a vetting procedure,” he said. “Once a month they have a shura — which is a sitting, a meeting — where all the videos and everything that is important, they start speaking about it. And Abu Muhammad al-Adnani is the head of the shura.”

Mr. Sarfo said he had started doubting his allegiance to ISIS during his training, after seeing how cruelly they treated those who could not keep up. Making the propaganda video provided his final disillusionment when he saw how many times they recorded each scene in the five-minute film. Back in Germany, when he had been inspired by similar videos, he had always assumed they were real, not staged.

He began plotting his escape, which took weeks and involved sprinting and crawling in a field of mud before crossing into Turkey. He was arrested at Bremen Airport, where he landed on July 20, 2015, and he voluntarily confessed. He is now serving a three-year term on terrorism charges.

Among the Islamic State’s innovations is the role of foreigners, especially Europeans, in the planning of attacks.

Mr. Sarfo’s account agrees with investigation documents and the assessments of terrorism experts, who say that French and Belgian citizens like Mr. Abaaoud are more than just operatives and have been given managing roles.

“It’s a creative and interesting operational road map, to be able to lean on someone like Abaaoud, who has his own network abroad,” said Jean-Charles Brisard, chairman of the Center for the Analysis of Terrorism in Paris. “They gave him the autonomy regarding tactics and strategy, even if the operation as a whole still needs a green light from the Islamic State’s leadership.”

Looking at the current leaders of the Emni, investigators have homed in on two in particular. They go by the aliases Abu Souleymane, a French citizen, and Abu Ahmad, described as Syrian. Both are considered top lieutenants of Mr. Adnani, according to the senior American defense official and senior intelligence official.

The two men play a direct role in identifying fighters to be sent overseas, in choosing targets and in organizing logistics for operatives, including paying for smugglers to get them to Europe and, in at least one case, sending Western Union transfers, according to European intelligence documents.

A glimpse into the possible role of Abu Souleymane came from one of the hostages held by suicide bombers inside the Bataclan concert hall in Paris in November.

After gunning down dozens of concertgoers, two of the suicide bombers retreated into a hallway with a group of hostages, forcing them to sit against the windows as human shields, said the hostage, David Fritz-Goeppinger, 24. In the two-and-a-half-hour standoff that ensued, Mr. Fritz heard one of the bombers ask the other, “Should we call Souleymane?”

The second operative appeared annoyed that the first had asked the question in French, and ordered him to switch to Arabic.

“I immediately understood that, yes, this was the individual, maybe not the individual who had organized the attack, but who held a place in the hierarchy above them,” Mr. Fritz said in a telephone interview. His testimony is also included in a detailed, 51-page report by France’s antiterrorism police. “They were absolutely, like soldiers,” awaiting orders, he said.

Souleymane, whose full nom de guerre is Abu Souleymane al-Faransi, or Abu Souleymane the Frenchman, is believed to be a French national in his 30s who is of either Moroccan or Tunisian ancestry, according to Ludovico Carlino, a senior analyst with IHS Conflict Monitor in London. Mr. Carlino says he believes that Souleymane was promoted to be the top terrorism planner for Europe after Mr. Abaaoud’s death.

A snapshot of the other senior leader, Abu Ahmad, appears in the account of a man who investigators have concluded was supposed to be part of the team of Paris attackers: an Algerian named Adel Haddadi. Mr. Haddadi said he and another member of the team, a former Lashkar-e-Taiba member from Pakistan named Muhammad Usman, were separated from two other attackers after they reached Greece by boat.

Mr. Haddadi, 28, and Mr. Usman, 22, were eventually arrested in a migrant camp in Salzburg, Austria. The two men sent alongside them became the first suicide bombers to detonate their vests outside the Stade de France during the November attacks.

After arriving in Syria and being routed to the international dormitory there in February 2015, Mr. Haddadi worked as a cook in Raqqa for months before a member of the Emni came to see him, according to French and Austrian investigation documents.

“One day, a Syrian came into the kitchen to see me and said that someone called Abu Ahmad wanted to see me,” Mr. Haddadi was quoted as saying in the Austrian record of his interrogation. He was driven to a five-story building, where another Syrian holding a walkie talkie radioed Abu Ahmad. They waited for hours before the Syrian got orders to drive the recruit to the next location. In the street, a Saudi man wearing all white was waiting, and asked Mr. Haddadi to go on a walk.

After 300 yards, they reached an empty apartment building and sat down. “I was scared, I wanted to leave, but he talked the whole time,” Mr. Haddadi told the authorities.

“He said only positive things about me, that Daesh trusted me and that I now needed to prove myself worthy of that trust. He said that Daesh was going to send me to France,” Mr. Haddadi added, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. “The details, he said, I would get them once I arrived in France.”

Sometime after that, Abu Ahmad arrived. Mr. Haddadi described him as a Syrian man between 38 and 42 years old, slim with a long, black beard, and dressed all in black. He was, Mr. Haddadi said, “the giver of orders.”

Abu Ahmad brought Mr. Haddadi together with three other potential attackers, with the last man, Mr. Usman, being introduced just a day before they all set out for Europe. Mr. Haddadi and two of the other men were native Arabic speakers, and Mr. Usman spoke enough Arabic to communicate with them, the interrogation documents said.

The day of their departure, Abu Ahmad came and gave them his Turkish cellphone number, instructing them to store it in their phone as “FF,” to avoid registering a name. He gave Mr. Haddadi $2,000 in $100 bills, and they were driven to the Turkish border. A man met them in Turkey to take their photographs, and returned with Syrian passports. Another smuggler arranged their Oct. 3 boat trip to Leros, Greece.

All of these logistical steps, as well as Western Union money transfers, were organized by Abu Ahmad, one of the senior lieutenants running the Islamic State’s efforts to export terror. Until his arrest in December, Mr. Haddadi remained in touch with Abu Ahmad through messages on Telegram and via text messages to his Turkish number, according to the investigation record.

Abu Ahmad’s Turkish number was found somewhere else, too: written on a slip of paper in the pants pocket of the severed leg of one of the suicide bombers at the Stade de France.


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Re: Islam in Europe, 30,000 rejected asylum seekers in Sweden missing
« Reply #695 on: August 05, 2016, 01:05:23 PM »
Such nice, law abiding people too.

30,000 people whose asylum application had been rejected and were scheduled for deportation, had gone missing. The police say they lack the resources to track down these illegals. Three Somali men in their 20s, who took turns raping a 14-year-old girl, received very lenient sentences -- and all three avoided deportation. On June 7, it was reported that British citizen Grace "Khadija" Dare had brought her 4-year-old son, Isa Dare, to live in Sweden, in order to benefit from free health care. **  In February, the boy was featured in an ISIS video, blowing up four prisoners in a car. The boy's father, a jihadist with Swedish citizenship, was killed fighting for ISIS.

**  I recall that our moderator/host some years ago didn't understand why I posted a video of a violent Muslim riot in Malmo Sweden in the healthcare thread.  I feel vindicated.  If you're going to join a global revolution to invade sovereign countries and destroy them, might as well go to where they have the most generous benefits, Sweden, Minnesota, etc.  They aren't coming for the weather...

June 1: The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), released a report which showed that 11,007 people have been sentenced to deportation after being convicted of crimes.  There is no record that any were deported.

MUCH more at the link.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 01:12:47 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Islam in Europe
« Reply #696 on: August 05, 2016, 05:26:25 PM »
Point scored  :-)


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Another outbreak of mental illness
« Reply #697 on: August 06, 2016, 11:19:22 AM »

"Allah akbar!" Which of course means "Nothing to do with islam".

Nothing to see here, move along.


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RT: Germany-- ISIS cells already in.
« Reply #698 on: August 12, 2016, 03:35:11 AM »


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Mystery fires in europe
« Reply #699 on: August 16, 2016, 09:49:08 AM »