Author Topic: Islam in America (and pre-emptive dhimmitude)  (Read 506159 times)


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IBD: FBI severs relations with CAIR
« Reply #200 on: February 02, 2009, 02:49:34 AM »
That is simply extraordinay Huss  :-o 

In its own way, this too is extraordinary:

Beware Of CAIR
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, January 30, 2009 4:20 PM PT

Homeland Security: You'd think the Council on American-Islamic Relations would be savoring the results of an election that favors its agenda. Instead, it's having to do major damage control.


Read More: Global War On Terror


Over the past several months, the Washington-based pressure group has suffered a series of punishing blows to its reputation as a self-proclaimed "moderate" voice for Muslim-Americans. In the latest setback, a "Dear Colleague" letter sent out to every House member warns lawmakers and their staffs to "think twice" about meeting with CAIR officials.

"The FBI has cut ties with them," the letter says. "There are indications" CAIR has links to Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group.

The letter, signed by five Republicans, including the head of the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus, is attached to an article by a homeland-security news service. It reports that the FBI has been canceling outreach events across the country with CAIR, following a recent directive from headquarters to cut ties with the group.

It's a major policy shift at the FBI, which has appeased the notoriously litigious CAIR since 9/11. The group aggressively attacks critics with threats of boycotts and discrimination lawsuits.

The marginalization of CAIR, which has enjoyed astonishing access to official Washington, comes after the successful prosecution of leaders of a U.S. Muslim charity that funneled millions to Hamas terrorists. CAIR and its co-founder Omar Ahmed were named unindicted co-conspirators in that Holy Land Foundation case.

CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad, moreover, was caught on tape participating in a meeting with Hamas leaders to disguise payments as charity. During the trial, the FBI described CAIR as a front group for Islamic extremists.

It just gets worse for CAIR. Former clients of the group are suing it for fraud. The Muslims say CAIR, which claims to be an advocate for Muslim rights, extorted thousands of dollars from them in a scam in which CAIR said it would help them get U.S. citizenship.

According to the federal lawsuit, CAIR directed an unlicensed lawyer to handle their immigration cases. The phony lawyer shook them down for their life savings and bungled their paperwork. When the victims said they would go to the media, the suit charges, CAIR's board threatened to sue them and forced them to sign releases.

Such aggressive tactics are typical of CAIR. The group has threatened CEOs who don't kowtow to its demands to Islamize the workplace and airlines trying to protect passengers from terrorism. It's bullied, as well, scores of critics on TV and talk radio, even getting some hosts fired. Thankfully, the threats are no longer working.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #201 on: February 02, 2009, 04:20:30 PM »
February 1, 2009
Canadian woman held against her will in Saudi Arabia by her husband -- "under Saudi law, she is his property"
I've often noted that Islamic law relegates women to the status of commodities, and have been called "Islamophobic" as a result. But in this story, we're told that "under Saudi law, she is his property because she is the mother of his children." And Saudi law, of course, strictly adheres to the norms of Islamic Sharia. Does that mean that Islamic law is "Islamophobic"?

"Canada intervenes in Saudi marital dispute," from the Canwest News Service, January 30 (thanks to Twostellas):

MONTREAL — A high-level representative of the federal government has met with Nathalie Morin, a 24-year-old Quebec woman who claims she is being held against her will in Saudi Arabia.
Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon, met with Morin and her Saudi husband, Abdallah Ramthi Al-Bishi, in Saudi Arabia on Dec. 22 to mediate in the couple’s dispute, a Foreign Affairs spokesperson told Canwest News Service last night.

He could not say what the next step might be. Ottawa has said in the past that Canadians in Saudi Arabia are subject to its laws. Morin met Al-Bishi in Montreal when she was 17 and when he was a Concordia University student....

Morin’s mother has said her daughter is unable to leave because, under Saudi law, she is his property because she is the mother of his children....

Posted by Robert at February 1, 2009 3:05 PM


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #202 on: February 02, 2009, 04:21:43 PM »
February 02, 2009
You have GOT to be Frickin' Kidding Me! - UK Police Adopt Hijab Uniform
When I first saw the title of the below news article - I thought that this MUST be a joke - surely not serious. But, to my dismay, the article is true - Police in (the once) Great Britain have dhimmified-up enough so that they now offer a HIJAB UNIFORM for female muslim police.

Sughra Ahmed says ""There may also be women who are already with the force who do not wear the scarf but choose to later. Again, this will be positive for them." --------Oh let's be sure we encourage hijab wearing -- plus you can be sure those muslim women who have chosen to not wear the veil will soon receive "pressure" from the Islamo-Sharia-police to do so. (Despite his prior comment)

For in-depth discussion of Muslim women and the veil - go to HERE

Some quick questions:

1) So if a hijabbed up muslim female policewoman is in pursuit of a criminal or helping another police officer or victim during or immediately after a crime  & her veil falls off  - does she have to stop ? Has this woman committed a crime against Islam for being seen without her veil. If so - Which court would she have to go to - British court OR the "local" Sharia court?

2) If someone either intentionally or accidentally pulls off the muslim policewoman's hijab - will they be charged with a crime? What crime would that be? And which court will they go to - British court OR the "local" Sharia Court??

3) If I am either the victim, bystander or veil stealing culprit and see the muslim policewoman without her hijab - have I/we committed a crime? And again which court will judge me - British court OR the "local" Sharia court?

4) Can these muslim policewomen even be around men? - what if she touches or is touched by a infidel or muslim man (not her husband) - Something tells me that's a "no-no".  Yep - it's a BIG no-no according to HERE - So which court will the offender(s) go - British court OR the "local" Sharia court?

I'm betting Sharia court on both #1 - #2 - #3 & #4.

Of course all of the above begs the question if these are problems - just what do "devout" muslim women DO in the police and why they heck are they there to begin with??  Oops - guess that's just more of the (myth of) Islamophobia.

That is how far the Islamization of Great Britain has gone -the hijab is mainstream.

(One wonders when the full face veil - or niqab - will make it into the official British police uniform line-up - can't be too long now.)

Article in full - just in case it "disappears" (as they so often do) and you all think I'm barking mad. Link in title.

Police adopt uniform hijab

Saturday, January 31, 2009, 09:30
Police have opened the door to female Muslim recruits by incorporating the hijab into the uniform.

The force has become the latest to approve a design for a headscarf suitable for officers on patrol.

Senior officers believe the lack of the option has deterred applications from the considerable number of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab.

The police hijab is plain black and made of a flame-retardant material.

Officers will be able to wear a standard police hat on top of it.

Metropolitan police officers wearing a uniform hijab


A small number of forces nationwide have taken a similar step, including Thames Valley and the Metropolitan police.
Superintendent Geoff Feavyour, who leads the Leicestershire Constabulary recruitment team, compared the development to the incorporation of the turban several years ago, which removed a barrier to the recruitment of male Sikhs.

The police's annual report for 2007/08 showed women made up about 23 per cent of the force's officers.

The number of officers from black and Asian communities stood at about six per cent – short of the 15 per cent target.

Mr Feavyour said: "Clearly, we want people from all walks of life to join the force and the fact we have the hijab available now shows our commitment to that. It's an extension to our uniform which will, hopefully, show people they are welcome.

"It is very important to us that the force reflects the community it serves."

The move has also been welcomed by officers, including the Leicestershire branch of the National Association of Muslim Police.

Sgt Yakub Ismail, chairman of the branch, said: "Leicestershire Constabulary is always understanding and supportive of the religious needs of its staff.

"It has always encouraged applicants from all communities and religious denominations.

"I firmly believe neighbourhood policing can only be truly achieved by having officers from within those neighbourhoods being part of the police family."

Sughra Ahmed, a research fellow at the Islamic Foundation, in Markfield, said: "Not every Muslim woman who wants to join the police would want to wear the hijab, but that choice is there now and that is a very important step.

"There may also be women who are already with the force who do not wear the scarf but choose to later. Again, this will be positive for them."

Sabrina Khan, a 19-year-old student from Evington, Leicester, said: "I don't wear the veil, but a lot of my family and friends do.

"I have seen Sikh officers wearing turbans and if I saw a female officer wearing the hijab, I would feel that the police respected the Muslim faith."

Osob Osman, an 18-year-old student from North Evington, said: "The hijab has had a lot of bad press during the past couple of years.

"This will give women more career opportunities and, hopefully, change people's attitudes to Muslim people."

Police spoke to community groups, including the Leicestershire Federation of Muslim Organisations, when they were developing the garment.

Suleman Nagdi, spokesman for the federation, said: "It's a wonderful move and it will help the police encompass a wider range of people in its recruitment."

Resham Singh Sandhu, chairman of the Sikh Welfare and Cultural Society and a trustee of Leicester Council of Faiths, said: "This is a positive step forward for religious people who want to serve the community as police officers."


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #203 on: February 02, 2009, 06:50:59 PM »

Fascinating stuff.

Please forgive me for being a bit anal, but please note there are several "Islam in , , ," threads.  There is this one, one for Europe, one for Islamic countries, one for Asia etc.



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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #204 on: February 02, 2009, 08:23:32 PM »

Fascinating stuff.

Please forgive me for being a bit anal, but please note there are several "Islam in , , ," threads.  There is this one, one for Europe, one for Islamic countries, one for Asia etc.


I put it in this thread because its relevant as to why its a bad idea for western woman to marry into islam.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #205 on: February 02, 2009, 09:02:43 PM »
I got that  :-D-- I was referring to the hijab LEO uniforms in the UK.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #208 on: February 05, 2009, 09:05:44 PM »
U.S. Jewish targets listed on Muslim website
'Give them the Islamic message,' demands New York-based extremist
Posted: February 05, 2009
5:03 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

JERUSALEM – A U.S. jihadi website has issued a series of videos targeting the New York headquarters of Chabad, a Jewish outreach movement, just two months after the group was rocked by a deadly terrorist attack in Mumbai, India.

The videos also ask viewers to "give the Islamic message" to Yeshiva University, a Manhattan-based Jewish college, as well as "Jewish Federation buildings all over the U.S." in response to the institutions' purported funding for Israel amid its recent offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The Islamic threats already resulted in a New York Police Department investigation and a beefed-up police presence outside the Chabad headquarters, WND has learned.

"When an atrocity is done like what was done in Gaza, indiscriminately killing women and children, we know who the source is," stated Yousef Al-Khattab, the CEO of in a video address posted on the website.

"These are definitely the sources," Khattab stated, citing Chabad and the other Jewish institutions.

"We think it's imperative to hold these people responsible, speak in front of their homes, give them the Islamic message. Leave them the message of Islam. That's not a threat, that's what it is," Khattab said in the video.

While Khattab, who spoke to WND today, claimed his website is not issuing threats against Jewish groups, a second video posted on the site contains what can easily be interpreted as lightly veiled threats of violence against Chabad.

The video features a slideshow of images of wounded Palestinians and then repeatedly switches to pictures of Chabad's main headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. It then presents a picture of a blood-stained Jewish prayer book taken from inside a Jerusalem seminary following a deadly shooting massacre there last March that killed eight Jews.

The video ends with the sound of gunshots.

Asked whether the video montage was implying Chabad's headquarters should be targeted by Islamic violence, Khattab told WND, "It is what it is."

Khattab said he did not have the authority to issue a directive to carry out specific attacks.

Further petitioned to explain the intended meaning of the blood-soaked prayer book interspersed with images of Chabad's headquarters, Khattab replied, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

He told WND he supports Hamas' suicide bombings against Israelis, including attacks targeting cafes, restaurants and nightclubs.

"There is no such thing as Israeli civilian," he said. "I pray to Allah for the complete destruction of Israel."

In a video on his website, Khattab states he normally advises others to "just ignore [the Jews]. That's not racist. We don't like to deal with them ... but when there is a terrorist war of destruction, killing of kids ... [Israeli] genocide, then we have to take to the forefront."

Security bolstered at Chabad headquarters

Motti Seligson, a spokesman for Chabad, told WND although not all threats are serious, his organization is "work[ing] closely with law enforcement to ensure that all threats are handled properly, as safety is of paramount concern."

Immediately following RevolutionMuslim's first posting about Chabad two weeks ago, the NYPD stationed a large police presence, including NYPD vans, outside the Jewish group's headquarters.

NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelley called Chanina Sperlin, vice president of the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council, to assure him the police were looking into the situation and were taking any threats seriously.

Khattab said he was questioned by NYPD investigators.

Expert: Take threats seriously

One Chabad official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he was not particularly concerned about the alleged threats.

But U.S. terrorism expert Steve Emerson said videos like those posted on should be taken seriously.

"Any site that advocates violence or provides incitement to violence has to be taken seriously," he told WND.

'We appreciate support of American progressives'

Realizing his statement may attract the attention of U.S. law enforcement agencies, Khattab delivered a direct message to the NYPD, CIA and FBI: "You can put me in jail for the rest of my life. As long as I got that information out there for people, I did something. I didn't sit on my behind."

Khattab also lashed out against any website that may pick up on his statement.

"It just attracts Drudge, the JAWA report, Atlas Shrugs (blog), and Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch blog) and just other whining little queers and stuff like that."

But he celebrated what he said is his website's non-Muslim following of "progressive Americans, socialists, anarchists, communists ... people who can really contribute, they give us dialogue and send us nice e-mails."

Khattab, a 39-year-old New York taxi driver who converted to Islam from Judaism, said he launched with the mission of "preserving Islamic culture," "calling people to the oneness of God" and asking them to "support the beloved Sheik Abdullah Faisal, who's preaching the religion of Islam and serving as a spiritual guide.

He told WND his site's main goal is to establish worldwide Islamic dominance. He runs the site from his home in Queens, N.Y., and even advertises his personal phone number.

Faisal, the website's spiritual adviser, was convicted in the UK in 2003 for urging his followers to kill Jews, Hindus and Westerners. In videotaped recordings, Faisal was taped delivering sermons calling on Muslims to use chemical weapons to "exterminate unbelievers" and "cut the throat of the Kaffars (nonbelievers) with (a) machete." previously reported Faisal's sermons may have influenced "shoe bomber" Richard Reid, who attended mosques where Faisal preached.

Khattab's website is no stranger to controversy. In the past it featured a video praising al-Qaida's beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl under the banner "Daniel Pearl I am Happy Your Dead :)," and a puppet show making light of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq.


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US Muslim Demographics
« Reply #209 on: March 17, 2009, 07:11:25 AM »
First time I've encountered this source. Though I have questions about the source extensively quoted in the piece--seems a lot of tea is made of her perceptions--I've long felt the impact our culture is one of our best tools for battling Islamic Fundamentalism.

Debunking Muslim Myths
American Muslims are diverse, women highly educated, and many politically moderate.


By Galia Myron
March 16, 2009


Gallup’s first national poll of randomly selected Muslims in America revealed that this community is the most racially diverse religious group in the United States, that most consider themselves as religious as many Christians do, and that Muslim women are among the most educated females in the country, earning salaries on par with their male counterparts.

Which ethnic group makes up the largest number of American Muslims? Over one-third of American Muslims are African-American (35 percent), while more than a quarter of Muslims are white (28 percent). Less than one in five is Asian (18 percent), along with other races (18 percent). Most of the other religious groups in America are far less diverse, with 88 percent of Protestants, more than three-quarters of Catholics, 91 percent of Mormons, and 93 percent of Jews listed as white. These numbers indicate that followers of Islam are the most ethnically diverse religious group in the country, Gallup says. 

Compared with the general U.S. population, Muslim Americans are more highly educated, second only to Jewish Americans. Slightly more Muslim women report having a college degree or higher (42 percent) than their male counterparts (39 percent), while more than half of Jewish American females (58 percent) and nearly two-thirds of Jewish American males (64 percent) report the same high educational levels as their Muslim cohorts. By contrast, less than a third (29 percent) of overall Americans hold a college degree or higher.

Mormons report the greatest gender discrepancy in terms of education, with 28 percent of women and 35 percent of men holding a college degree or higher, a seven-point difference. Catholics report the lowest gender discrepancy, with a two-point difference, as less than a third of men (30 percent) and 28 percent of women report holding a college degree or higher. However, the gender gap between Muslim men and women is a mere three-point difference, (42 versus 39), a number which challenges sex stereotypes about gender equality. 

“The findings go a long way towards dispelling the stereotype about ‘Islam is a religion which oppresses women,’ says author Dilara Hafiz, who co-wrote The American Muslim Teenager’s Handbook, with her two children, Imran and Yasmine.

“While the religion clearly advocates equality of the sexes, sadly, many Muslim-majority countries are unable or unwilling to ensure this equality due to poor governance, socio-economic factors, or cultural interpretation—I have hope that this situation will redress itself as global economic advancement continues to raise standards of living in these countries,” Hafiz tells demo dirt.

Perhaps due to equal educational levels, Muslim American women fare equally as well economically as do their male counterparts, both at the upper and lower income levels. Reported monthly household incomes indicate that among the general U.S. population, about one-third of men (33 percent) make $5,000 or more, compared with about one-quarter of women (24 percent) who report the same, a nine-point difference. On the lower end of the economic spectrum, less than a quarter of women in the general U.S. population report making less than $1,999 a month (22 percent) versus less than one in five men who make the same income (17 percent), a five-point difference.

By contrast, one quarter of Muslim women (25 percent) and the same number of men (25 percent) report a monthly household income of $1,999 or less, while there is only a five-point gender gap at the higher end of the spectrum. About one-third of Muslim American men report a monthly income of $5,000 or more (about the same as the national average for men) and a quarter of Muslim women report the same (25 percent).

What do results stating that Muslim women and men are not only enjoying the same levels of education, but also are on par with one another economically, mean to Muslim Americans? Hafiz says that it means that American Muslim women are far more relatable to their Jewish, Christian, and other peers than previously given credit.

“American Muslim women can certainly be role models for women all over the world—regardless of faith!  Education, personal accountability, and social justice are all important elements of Islam which I believe can be applied in productive manners to enhance one’s own economic standing,” she contends. 

While gender equality and education are important issues within the young American Muslim community (ages 18 to 29), civic engagement is relatively low, as only half the members of this group are registered to vote (51 percent), while the national average indicates a number closer to two-thirds (65 percent). The number of voter registered American Muslims falls far behind the number of Protestants (78 percent), Jews (73 percent), Mormons (69 percent) and Catholics (56 percent).

Why are young American Muslims seemingly the least civically engaged, and is theirs the only age group that lacks political activity? “First-generation Muslims may be loathe to participate in the election process due to the disillusionment they may have felt towards the political system in their home country—many Muslim majority countries are still struggling to overcome the effects of colonization which led to institutionalized corruption or dubious ‘free’ elections,” Hafiz explains. 

Politically, most young American Muslims define themselves as moderate (39 percent), while more than a quarter (28 percent) call themselves liberal or very liberal. Only one in five (20 percent) consider themselves conservative.

“I do believe that over time, American Muslims will fully participate in the US voting process—Islam is fully compatible with the principles of democracy—there is no inherent religious reason which is preventing Muslims from participating, simply inexperience or lack of vision in terms of seeing themselves as a coherent voting bloc,” she says.

Muslims in America are less likely than fellow cohorts to feel that their group is “thriving,” the Gallup poll says. Participants were asked to evaluate their lives as well as their expectations of where they think they will be in five years using a ladder scale with steps numbered from 0 to 10, where "0" indicates the worst possible life and "10" indicates the best possible life. “Thriving” was defined by Gallup as seeing oneself on at least step 7 on the ladder, with an expectation to be on step 8 or higher five years from now. 

By this measure, well under half of American Muslims were found to consider themselves thriving in society (41 percent), making this the religious group as the least likely to see themselves this way, even falling below the U.S. general population average (46 percent). More than half of Jews (56 percent) and Mormons (51 percent) see themselves as thriving, followed by Protestants (48 percent) and Catholics (45 percent), with Muslims placing last.

Could this sentiment among American Muslims be connected to the relative lack of civic involvement? Hafiz says that feelings of alienation, isolation, and invisibility are contributing factors.

“One of the challenges facing American Muslims is the simultaneous desire to become fully integrated and accepted into America, while also remaining true to their faith,” Hafiz explains. “They need to engage in more interfaith dialogue in order to counter the rising tide of Islamophobia which is based upon ignorance, and in some cases, malicious misunderstanding of the basics of Islam.”

“Another challenge facing modern American Muslims today is responding to an institutional alienation of Islam in the United States. Firstly, American Muslims must deal with people who claim that Islam is not, in its essence, truly American,” she says. “Muslims have been a presence in the United States of America ever since the country was founded. The other part of this that American Muslims must deal with is ‘immigrant’ Islam, namely, the idea that immigrants from other countries know Islam better than Muslims in the United States.”

While the Muslim community in America is diverse, Hafiz says that the media’s tendency to group all Muslims together and stereotype their political, religious and social views is frustrating and hurtful to many.

“There is so much discussion and diversity within the Muslim community, yet somehow the media tends to portray all Muslims as part of a monolithic group who all hold exactly the same opinions—completely untrue!” she maintains. “I think American Muslims feel both ‘invisible’ in terms of how they see themselves inaccurately portrayed [and] stereotyped by the media, while simultaneously feeling ‘magnified’ in terms of Islam being mentioned so negatively to the exclusion of one’s nationality, professional standing, educational attainments [and so on]—we’re between a rock and a hard place and it’s extremely stressful!  Living life on the defensive is wearying.” 

Finally, just how devout are Muslims in America? Gallup results indicate that Muslims in the U.S. are as religious as their Christian counterparts: 41 percent of Muslims and Protestants state that they attend their houses of worship once a week, as do 37 percent of Catholic Americans. Of all the religious groups polled, only Mormons were more likely than Muslims to state that religion plays a key role in their everyday lives (85 percent versus 80 percent, respectively); by contrast, only 39 percent of Jews agreed with that statement, as did 65 percent of the general population.

But for Muslims, what does it mean to say that religion plays a key role every day? What tenets of Islam do Muslims observe most and consider being daily connections to the religion? Is it following call to prayer? Is it following halal dietary laws? Is it giving to the poor? 

“This poll conclusion is actually the one which I most question, [because] perhaps people of faith don’t want to ‘let their side down’ by admitting that they’re less observant than they want people to think!” Hafiz says. “I think these findings suggest that the central tenet of Islam—the belief in the one God—is certainly a belief which most Muslims would adhere to, regardless of whether they pray regularly or fast during the month of Ramadan [and so on].”

Again, it is difficult to speak for such a diverse group, although there are basic traditions that are generally followed. “There’s a wide variety of observance within the Muslim community, but I think it’s safe to say that most Muslims believe and actively participate in charitable acts and donations, personal prayer, and general avoidance of alcohol and pork consumption,” she adds. 

Hafiz also notes that religious identification may be influenced by world events and political situations. “I also believe that if this poll had been taken prior to 9/11, the results would have shown that American Muslims considered themselves less religious than these results,” she says.  “9/11 has forced American Muslims to view themselves in terms of their religion because American society [and the] media overwhelmingly focused on the religion of the hijackers rather than their nationality!”

Notably, Gallup states that American Muslim women are as likely as their male peers to attend mosque once a week, while foreign Muslim females are less likely than their male counterparts to do so. 

Overall, the Gallup poll indicates that the American Muslim community is diverse, gender equality and education are priorities, and that to feel less alienated, it is important to become more civically engaged. Hafiz hopes that increased education and awareness will eradicate the fear that has been previously associated with the religion.

“Islam is already incorporated into the American culture, as Islam seeks to promote the Abrahamic values of justice, freedom, and equality that America was founded upon,” she explains.  “Unfortunately, moderate Muslims have felt ignored or marginalized—it’s not easy to make headlines when your message is peace at a time when people are swayed by fear.”

News relevant to demographic trends--such as the generational trends of Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Matures--is posted several times a week on and demo dirt GOLD. To contact the editor, please email Galia Myron.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #210 on: March 17, 2009, 09:18:07 AM »
An interesting read, but some of it leaves me wondering-- e.g.

"—Islam is fully compatible with the principles of democracy" 

Is this really so?


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #211 on: March 17, 2009, 11:52:49 AM »
Yeah, it's a pat response and one can't but wonder how much misdirections is involved. I work with a lot of Muslim 20 somethings, and most of 'em will tell you--perhaps soto voce--that they don't have a lot of use for what the fundamentalists are selling. I think the young women in particular realize the cloisters they avoid while living in the West.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #212 on: March 17, 2009, 12:38:01 PM »
An interesting read, but some of it leaves me wondering-- e.g.

"—Islam is fully compatible with the principles of democracy" 

Is this really so?

Look at all the islamic democracies across the planet. There is your answer.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #213 on: March 17, 2009, 12:57:00 PM »

post Bush 1-Gulf War Kuwait?

 , , , Post Bush 2--Iraq? 


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #214 on: March 17, 2009, 02:54:04 PM »
Look at all the islamic democracies across the planet. There is your answer.

There was a time when that could be said about Eastern Europe, Asia, and so on. I think our response needs to be two pronged: take on the zealots and encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation. The last thing we need to be is as myopic as our opponent.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #215 on: March 19, 2009, 07:48:27 AM »
BbG said, "I think our response needs to be two pronged: take on the zealots and encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation. The last thing we need to be is as myopic as our opponent."

It has been awhile  :-D  but I agree with you.  A lot of time and discussion has been spent "taking on the zealots" and I too support aggressive measures towards zealots, but what do you suggest or what have you read that is interesting and persuasive that will "encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation."  I think it was GM who commented about the noted silence of these "good" Muslims assuming GM believes there are any "good" muslims  :-)  He has a point; I too noted their silence.  So what can be done to encourage that moderates take the path toward reformation?


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #216 on: March 19, 2009, 09:25:24 AM »
Nice turn of conversation!

Lets take this to


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Missing Somalis return
« Reply #217 on: March 24, 2009, 09:59:40 PM »,2933,509839,00.html

Source: 'Several' Missing Somali-Americans Back in U.S. After Overseas Terror Mission

Thursday , March 19, 2009
By Mike Levine

Many of the Somali-American men who were recruited to join an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group overseas have returned to the United States, according to a source familiar with an FBI investigation into the matter — but the FBI still has not revealed publicly if it is pursuing arrests in the case.
"Some of the guys who were missing aren't missing anymore," the source said. "Some of them got blown up and some of them came back, and some of them are still there [in Somalia]."
For several months the FBI has been investigating at least 20 Somali-American men from the Minneapolis area who traveled to war-torn Somalia, where some of them trained and fought with an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist group known as al-Shabaab, according to counterterrorism officials.
Asked to characterize how many of those men are now back on American soil, the source would only say that "several" have returned. Federal authorities believe the men went to Somalia to join al-Shabaab, which has been warring with the moderate Somali government since 2006.
Usama bin Laden weighed in Thursday on the battle. In an audiotape posted online, the Al Qaeda leader urged Somalis to fight against the Somali government, insisting, "The war which has been taking place on your soil these past years is a war between Islam and the international crusade."
At a Senate hearing in Washington last week, counterterrorism officials said there is no intelligence to indicate that Somali-Americans who traveled to Somalia are planning attacks inside the United States.
“We do not have a credible body of reporting right now to lead us to believe that these American recruits are being trained and instructed to come back to the United States for terrorist attacks,” said Philip Mudd, a top-ranking official with the FBI’s National Security Branch. “Yet, obviously, we remain concerned about that, and watchful for it.”
Minneapolis has become the hub — and the media focus — of the FBI's investigation. But the FBI is casting a wide and growing net across the country, even in places hundreds of miles away from Minneapolis.
Testimony from counterterrorism officials and others at the Senate hearing last week suggested that the FBI investigation is active in Columbus, Ohio; Cincinnati, Ohio; Boston; Seattle; and San Diego.
"The FBI will follow leads wherever they takes us," said Rich Kolko, the chief of the FBI's National Press Office.
In fact, the FBI Field Office in San Diego has already interviewed "dozens" of people from the Somali-American community there, according to a local attorney.
The lawyer, Mahir Sherif, said he knows many of those who were interviewed, and he said the FBI often asked the same questions: Do you know anyone who has left the United States for Somalia? What are your feelings about Somalia? What are your feelings about Barack Obama? Do you know anyone who has committed an act of terrorism?
Sherif also said he knows at least one Somali-American who has received a subpoena to appear before a San Diego grand jury in the next couple of weeks. Sherif wouldn't identify the person but described him as a naturalized U.S. citizen in his 30s. Sherif said the person "consulted" with him after receiving the subpoena. The person recently traveled to the Middle East, which may have raised a red flag with authorities, according to Sherif. He did not say where in the Middle East the person visited.
Last week, a Muslim leader in the Minneapolis area told FOX News that at least 10 people in the Somali community there had been subpoenaed to testify before a Minneapolis grand jury, and another 40 had been interviewed by the FBI.
In cases like this, the field office leading the investigation — with help from FBI headquarters in Washington — "outlines" an investigative plan that is then implemented by other field offices, according to Kevin Donovan, a former FBI Assistant Director with the New York Field office.
"The lead field office basically sends out assignments in field offices across the U.S. and even around the world," he said.
It's unclear exactly what the FBI or any grand jury in San Diego would be investigating. A former Justice Department official said an FBI or grand jury investigation could be looking into something as clear-cut as a group of men from San Diego who joined al-Shabaab in Somalia, or they could be investigating whether someone from the San Diego area helped finance the Minneapolis men's travel overseas.
Either way, the former official said, "there has to be some kind of link to the Southern District of California."
Meanwhile, law enforcement officials tell FOX News that federal authorities in Seattle have been keeping track of a group of men in Washington state with alleged ties to Somali-American terrorists.
Authorities in Seattle recently arrested a Muslim convert the FBI believes had been in contact with Ruben Shumpert, one of the first Americans to join Islamic militants in Somalia. Shumpert, also a convert to Islam, was killed in Somalia last year.
Two weeks ago federal authorities charged Jimmy Lee King with drug and weapons-related offenses stemming from an incident in late November, according to court documents. An FBI official said King had been on the FBI's radar for some time, first gaining the FBI's attention after "assocating" with Shumpert. It's unclear whether the FBI has interviewed King in its investigation of Somali-linked terrorism, but court documents filed two weeks ago by the Joint Terrorism Task Force say King talked with the FBI "on several previous occasions regarding matters unrelated to the [November incident]."
The FBI official said King is believed to be involved in gang activity in Seattle, but the FBI is still trying to determine exactly how strong of a connection — if any — he has to international terrorism.
Donovan, the former FBI official, said charging a suspect with "lesser charges" when that suspect may have information relevant to a bigger investigation is "prudent."
"Many times it would be absolutely critical using lesser charges ... to get deeper into an organization," he said.
Dan Springer contributed to this report from Seattle

“We do not have a credible body of reporting right now to lead us to believe that these American recruits are being trained and instructed to come back to the United States for terrorist attacks,” said Philip Mudd, a top-ranking official with the FBI’s National Security Branch. “Yet, obviously, we remain concerned about that, and watchful for it.”


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #218 on: March 25, 2009, 08:08:29 AM »
BbG said, "I think our response needs to be two pronged: take on the zealots and encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation. The last thing we need to be is as myopic as our opponent."

It has been awhile  :-D  but I agree with you.  A lot of time and discussion has been spent "taking on the zealots" and I too support aggressive measures towards zealots, but what do you suggest or what have you read that is interesting and persuasive that will "encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation."  I think it was GM who commented about the noted silence of these "good" Muslims assuming GM believes there are any "good" muslims  :-)  He has a point; I too noted their silence.  So what can be done to encourage that moderates take the path toward reformation?

Those that wish to reform islam tend to hide as those that go public tend to be killed or live under police protection from their fellow muslims.

Aside from that, the core theological issue preventing the islamic reformation is changing the words and conduct of Muhammad. If he is the final prophet of allah and the perfect embodiment of humanity and the qu'aran is the direct word of allah, then how do you ignore the verses commanding that non-muslims be forced to submit to islam via jihad?


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #219 on: March 25, 2009, 02:10:23 PM »
THAT is the key question!!!


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #220 on: March 25, 2009, 08:23:14 PM »
I'm not sure.  I think GM makes a good point about "those that go public tend to be killed or ...."
However, on the second point, let's substitute Christianity and Jesus.  If "Jesus" is the final prophet (son of God) and is the perfect embodiment of humanity and the "Bible" is the
direct word of God, then how do you ignore verses commanding that the non "Christians" be forced to submit to.... God.  The Bible, especially the old testament is full of versus stating in essence, kill the infidels.
Not much different than a jihad.   

Yet, on another post (I forget by whom) it was mentioned that Christianity has "evolved".  I and I think most people will agree.  So isn't this possible for Islam?  And as BbyG pointed out, how do we "encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation?"


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #221 on: March 25, 2009, 09:25:57 PM »
I'm not sure.  I think GM makes a good point about "those that go public tend to be killed or ...."
However, on the second point, let's substitute Christianity and Jesus.  If "Jesus" is the final prophet (son of God) and is the perfect embodiment of humanity and the "Bible" is the
direct word of God, then how do you ignore verses commanding that the non "Christians" be forced to submit to.... God. 

**The old testament had the Israelites waging war in a specific place and time. There is no part of the torah that Jewish theologians interpret as commanding Jews to wage war forever. The same with Christian theology and the old and new testaments. Not one endorses eternal war against non-believers. Jesus absolutely refused to be a political leader and taught "Render unto Caesar...."**

The Bible, especially the old testament is full of versus stating in essence, kill the infidels.
Not much different than a jihad.   

**Very different, as I previously pointed out.**

Yet, on another post (I forget by whom) it was mentioned that Christianity has "evolved".  I and I think most people will agree.  So isn't this possible for Islam?  And as BbyG pointed out, how do we "encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation?"

Well, to start we protect free speech. Unfortunately, the left allies it's self with jihadists to use "hate speech" laws to silence those that would scrutinize islam in the same way judaism and christianity are deconstructed.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #223 on: March 25, 2009, 10:29:55 PM »
Thread coherence nazi here.  The last 5 posts (including one by me  :oops: ) belong on Islam vs. Free Speech or the Communicating with Islam threads.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #224 on: March 26, 2009, 08:48:06 AM »
The Old Testament Bible is full of "Holy Wars".  Battles fought, entire cities full of infidels destroyed, etc. in the name of and/or at the direction of the Lord.
Much later, as you look at the Crusades; look at the deep hostility of Christians towards non believers throughout the Middle Ages and after,
it is not hard to find the deep animosity of Christians against other faiths.

But as I mentioned and as someone else pointed out, Christianity has evolved in a positive way.
My hope is for Islam will do the same.

The question is how do we "encourage moderates to take the path toward reformation".
There will always be zealots, but this silent majority needs to wake up and participate.

GM; I do agree free speech is essential.  But somehow we need encourage moderates to speak out and organize.



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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #225 on: March 26, 2009, 05:36:59 PM »
The crusades happened after 300 years of muslim invasion and oppression in europe.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #226 on: March 26, 2009, 05:48:10 PM »
Amazing how the Crusades being a REACTION to Muslim conquest has been forgotten by so many , , ,


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #227 on: March 26, 2009, 06:32:22 PM »

A Canadian feminist, openly lesbian muslim trying to spur a reform in islam. She faces constant threats, and it ain't from rednecks in pickups.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #228 on: March 26, 2009, 06:39:48 PM »

May 5, 2004
Irshad Manji: Islam's marked woman
Irshad Manji is a lesbian Muslim who says her religion is stuck in the Middle Ages. The outspoken author tells Johann Hari how she became a target for assassination

The death threats began six months ago. One morning,Irshad Manji opened her e-mail and read the first ofmany pledges to kill her. "It contained some prettyconcrete details that showed a lot of thought had beenput into the death-threat," she explains now,unblinking. She can't say how many she's received -"The police tell me not to talk about this stuff" -but she admits that "they are becoming pretty up-closeand personal."

"One story that I can tell you," she says, "a storythat I have the permission from the police to tellyou, is that I was in an airport in North Americarecently and somebody at the airport recognised me. Ihad a conversation with them. While I was engaged inconversation with a very portly, very sweetfifty-something man and his wife, an Arab guy came upto my travel companion and said, 'You are luckier thanyour friend.' As a nice polite Canadian she asked,'What do you mean?' and he didn't say anything. Heturned his hand in to the shape of a gun and he pulledthe make-believe trigger towards my head. She didn'tknow what to make of this, so she asked him to clarifyhis intentions. He said 'Not now, you will find outlater,' and then he was gone."

Sitting with Irshad in a London boardroom, it would behard for anybody to guess that she is the starattraction on jihadist death-lists. She has the small,slender body of a ballet-dancer, and a Concorde-speedCanadian voice that makes her sound more like acharacter in a Woody Allen movie than an enemy ofOsama Bin Laden's. So what has she done to earn abullet in the head?

Irshad is a key figure in the civil war withintwenty-first century Islam. She is the Saladin ofprogressive Muslims, an out-rider for the notion thatyou can be both a faithful Muslim and a mouthy,fiercely democratic Canadian lesbian. As one Americanjournalist put it, "Irshad Manji does not drinkalcohol and she does not eat pork. In every otherrespect, she is Osama Bin Laden's worst nightmare."

"What I want is an Islamic reformation," she says,leaning forward, her palms open. "Christianity did itin the sixteenth century. Now we are long overdue. Ifthere was ever a moment for our reformation, it's now,when Muslim countries are in poverty and despair. Forthe love of God, what are we doing about it?"

We are all going to have to learn about this battlefor an Islamic reformation, because it will be raging- and occasionally blasting its way onto our citystreets - for the rest of our lives. Manji'sbest-selling book, 'The Trouble With Islam - a Wake-UpCall For Honesty and Change', is both a crash coursein its terminology and a manifesto for the progressiveside. The core concept in Maji's thought - and that ofall progressive Muslims - is 'itjihad'. It's a simpleidea, and devastatingly powerful. Itjihad is theapplication of reason and reinterpretation to themessage of the Koran. It allows every Muslim toreconsider the message of the Koran for the changedcircumstances of the twenty-first century. "What wastrue for ninth century Mecca and Medina may not be thebest interpretation of Allah's message today", Irshadexplains.

This seems obvious to post-religious European ears,but it is (literally) heresy to conservative and evenmost mainstream Muslims. "At this stage, reform isn'tabout telling ordinary Muslims what not to think. It'sabout giving them permission to think. We can't beafraid to ask: what if the Koran isn't perfect? Whatif it's not a completely God-authored book? What ifit's riddled with human biases?"

"We Muslims have to understand our own history," shesays. "Itjihad isn't some wacky new idea. When Muslimswere at their most prosperous, their most innovative,their most respected, it was when we practiseditjihad, in Islam's golden age from 750 to 1250 CE.The greatest Muslim philosopher, Ibn Rushd, championedthe freedom to reason."

"It was the closing of the gates of itjihad that ledto disaster for Muslims, not the Crusdaers or the Westor anything else. Sure, they were all bad, but thedecline started with us," Irshad says. "It's therefusal to believe in independent reason that hascontributed to a totalitarian culture in the Muslimworld. Of course if Muslims can't reason forthemselves, they become dependent on Mullahs andoutside authorities. Of course if you think all truthis contained in one book and all you have to do isreturn to it - a belief I call 'foundationalism' -then you won't be dynamic and seek new solutions fornew problems. Others have responsibilities as well,but we Muslims closed the gates of itjihad onourselves. We need to take responsibility for that,and turn it around."

It was in the twelfth century that Baghdad scholars"formed a consensus to freeze debate within Islam,"she explains, and "we live with the consequences ofthis thousand-year old strategy. They did it to keepthe Islamic empire from imploding - they thought allthis dissent and disagreement would lead us to fallapart. But I've got news for you: The Islamic empireno longer exists, and our minds still remain closed."

In case this sounds cerebral - how could this aridintellectual debate have such a drastic effect on theworld? - Irshad is quick to underline its practicaleffects. From the mass-murder of democrats in Algeriato the uprising of students against the Mullahs inIran, from the mosques of Finsbury Park to the ethniccleansing being perpetrated by Islamic fundamentalistsin Sudan, "this is the fight between progressive Islamand the Islamofascists."

Irshad does not just rant against Islamicfundamentalism. She offers a constructive long-termprogramme for undermining it, which she dubs'Operation Itjihad.' The solution lies with Muslimwomen. "At the moment, half the resources of Muslimsocieties - the women - are squandered. Yet investingin women makes amazing sense. Educate a Muslim boy andyou've educated a boy. Educate a Muslim woman andyou've educated a whole family. The multiplier effectof helping Muslim women is amazing."

So 'Operation Itjihad' would require us to redeploy alarge chunk of our aid and national security budgetsto small business loans for Muslim women."Micro-lending has an extraordinary 30year-track-record. For example, in Bangladesh theGrameen ('Village') Bank loans tiny amounts of moneyto people whom standard lenders consider untouchable -especially landless women. They have helped 31million people, and they have a staggering repaymentrate of 98%. Helping women achieve financialindependence en masse butresses their existing, oftenunderground, attempts to become literate. They won'tneed the oracles of the big boys if they can reachtheir own conclusions about what the Koran says.

"Empowering women is the way to awaken the Muslimworld," she continues. "If you are serious aboutundermining the culture that created al-Quaeda, thisis the way to do it. When women have money they haveearned themselves, they are far more likely to beginthe crucial task of questioning their lot. It willtransform a culture of hate and stagnation." Thisfeminism shouldn't be alien to good Muslims, she adds."Mohammed's beloved first wife Khadija was a self-mademerchant for whom the Prophet worked for many years. Isometimes point out to Muslim men that if they areserious about emulating the Prophet, then they shouldgo work for their wives." What do they say? "There isa dour, sour silence."

"Then I remind them that it was Ibn Rushd who said -way ahead of any European feminists - that the reasoncivilisations are poor is that they do not know yet,the ability, the full ability, of their women," shecontinues. So how did Islam get so entwined with amisogynist culture? "I think you have to distinguishbetween Islam and the Arabic culture of the ninth andtenth centuries that very quickly became entwined withit. We have to disentangle Islam from the norms of thedesert. Desert Islam was always opposed to thepluralistic, haggling life of the el-haraa - the urbanalleyway bazaars. It is fanatic. Islam was meant tomove the Arabs beyond tribe. Instead, tribe has movedthe Arabs beyond Islam."

Irshad is needlingly, constantly aware that she couldnot even begin to enjoy the freedom she currentlyenjoys in any Muslim society. Her family were refugeesfrom Idi Amin's West African tyranny, and the familywashed up in Canada when Irshad was four years old. "Iam also aware it wasn't Islam that fostered my beliefin the dignity of every individual. It was thedemocratic environment to which I and my familymigrated. In this part of the world, as a Muslimwoman, I have the freedom to express myself withoutfear of being maimed or tortured or raped or murderedat the hands of the state. You know, as corny as thismay sound, as a refugee to the West, I wake up everyday, thanking God that I wound up here."

She grew up with "a miserable father who despised joy"and exhibited the worst of the Mullah mentality. Thenin her local mosque - as an inquisitive, open-mindedgirl - she became aware of an attempt to "close mymind. It was a 'shut up and believe' mentality," shesays. "Even in a free society where nobody was goingto challenge us or hurt us for asking questions, eventhen our minds were still slammed shut. A crude, cruelstrain within Islam continues to exist in even themost cosmopolitan of cities. That shows it isn't justexternal evil influences that have done this. We have- I repeat - done it to ourselves."

Irshad knows that she is dragging into the open anargument many Western Muslims have confined to theirown minds for a very long time. She is critical ofthe "reflexive identification some Muslims in the Westunthinkingly offer to groups like Hamas or theTaliban. I met one person [like that] at OxfordUniversity last night. I asked, 'Do these womenrealise that the very groups and individuals whom theyare defending are the very people who, if they were inpower here, would frankly their daughters particularlyof their right to be at Oxford at all?'"

She is frustrated that more moderate Muslims do notfight. "At all of the public events I've done topromote this book, not once have I seen a moderateMuslim stand up and look an extremist in the eye andsay, 'I'm Muslim too. I disagree with yourperspective. Now let's hash it out publicly.' Yes,after the event people tip-toe up to me and say,'Thank you for what you are doing.' And there aretimes when I really want to say, 'Where was yoursupport when it mattered? Not for my ego. But to showthe extremists that they are not going to walk awaywith the show.'"

"It's insane that I get sometimes accused of'Islamophobia', or offering comfort to people who hateIslam," she quickly adds, anticipating my nextquestion. "I like to respond to that by talking aboutMatthew Shepherd [a young gay man who was recentcrucified and burned to death in Texas]. I say to mygood-hearted liberal friends, would you have let theseyahoos get away with insisting that gay-bashing ispart of their culture and as a result they deserveimmunity from scrutiny on that front? Well, why ismisogyny and homophobia in Saudi Arabia any different?No, it's up to us Muslims in the West to dropreactionary charges of racism against thewhistleblowers of Islam - people like me and yourheroic colleague Yasmin Alibhai-Brown - and lead thecharge for change."

She believes we are falling for a false kind of moralequivalence between democratic societies andtyrannies. "For example, the next time you hear anIslamo-fetishist, an imam of the ninth-century school,wax eloquent that Muslim societies today have theirown forms of democracy thank you very much, we don'tneed to take any lessons, right there, ask him a fewquestions. What rights do women and religiousminorities actually exercise in these democracies? Notin theory, but in actuality. Don't tell me what theKoran says, because the Koran, like every other holybook, is all over the map, ok. No, tell me what ishappening on the ground."

She continues, her voice hard and rhythmic, "Tell mewhen your people vote in free elections. Tell me howmany free uncensored newspapers there are in your'democracy'. There is I believe, such a thing as thesoft racism of low expectations. And I believe thatthere is more virtue in expecting Muslims like anybodyelse, to rise above low expectations, because you knowwhat? We're capable of it."

It will not ultimately be Western bombs or Westernmarkets that defeat Islamic fundamentalism. It will bewomen like Irshad, refusing to allow their religion tobe dominated by fanatics. But there are a lot ofpeople who want to stop her. "I actually don't live mylife in fear, no not at all," she says, not entirelyconvincingly. "In fact I'll tell you right now, Ideliberately did not bring my bodyguard to Britainwith me against the better judgement of many peoplewho want to see me alive."

"If I am going to convince young Muslims in particularthat it is possible to dissent, and live, I can't besending the mixed message of having the bodyguardshadowing me wherever I go," she says, her voice nowuncharacteristically low and soft. "Even if somethingterrible happens, I stand by the decision, because Ithink at this stage it is far more important to giveyoung people hope, to give them a sense of realoptimism that there is room to be unorthodox."


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BO seeks Muslims for WH posts
« Reply #229 on: March 29, 2009, 06:11:25 PM »
Obama seeks Muslims for Whtie House posts


WASHINGTON – Barack Obama is conducting his own affirmative action program to get more Muslims in the White House.
The move began with Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn, who took his oath of office with a hand on the Quran, to solicit the resume of what he considered to be the nation’s most qualified adherents of Islam.

According to the Denver Post, when White House officials heard about the program, it was put on overdrive.
So far, 45 Ivy League grads, Fortune 500 executives and government officials have been submitted for consideration.
J. Saleh Williams, program coordinator for the Congressional Muslim Staffers Association, sifted through more than 300 names as part of the search.
“It was mostly under the radar,” Williams said. “We thought it would put (the president) in a precarious position. We didn’t know how closely he wanted to appear to be working with the Muslim American community.”
Ellison is serious about his faith. He made the pilgrimage to Mecca with the sponsorship of the Muslim American Society, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.
In 1991, Mohamed Akram wrote a memo for the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood that explained its work in America as “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ’sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”


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sharia's growing influence in US
« Reply #230 on: March 30, 2009, 08:48:13 AM »,2933,511361,00.html

Islamic Law's Influence in America a Growing Concern
Sunday, March 29, 2009 
By David Lewkowict

Print ShareThisAs America's Muslim population grows, so too does the influence of Islamic law, or Shariah, in daily life in the U.S.

"Shariah Law is the totality of the Muslim's obligation," said Abdullahi An-Na'im, a professor of law at Emory University in Atlanta. According to An-Na'im, Shariah is similar to Jewish Talmudic Law or Catholic Canon Law in that it guides an adherent's moral conduct.

"As a citizen, I am a subject of the United States," An-Na'im said. "I owe allegiance to the United States, to the Constitution of the United States. That is not inconsistent with observing a religious code in terms of my own personal behavior."

While many view this as a testament to the "great American melting pot," others see Islamic law's growing influence as a threat. Shariah's critics point to cases such as the airport in Minneapolis, where some Shariah-adherent taxi drivers made headlines in 2006 for refusing to pick up passengers they suspected of carrying liquor. The drivers' aversion to alcohol stemmed from a verse in the Qur'an that describes "intoxicants and gambling" as "an abomination of Satan's handiwork."

Last year, a Tyson Foods plant in Shelbyville, Tenn. replaced its traditional Labor Day holiday with paid time off on Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim festival — marking the end of fasting during Ramadan. A labor union had requested the change on behalf of hundreds of Muslim employees— many of them were immigrants from Somalia.

But public outcry over the decision to dismiss Labor Day quickly prompted the company and union to negotiate a new contract that makes accommodations for both holidays.

In 2007, the University of Michigan installed ritual foot baths to accommodate Islamic tradition. "These things are beginning to percolate up as Shariah-adherent Muslims insist that their preferences and practices be accommodated by the rest of the population," said Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy — a Washington think tank.

Gaffney predicted the U.S. could soon face problems similar to some Western European countries, where the religious values of Muslim immigrants sometimes clash with their highly secular host cultures.

But Professor An-Na'im believes it will be different in America. "The variety of American secularism — which is much more receptive of public displays of religion and a public role for religion — is, in fact, more conducive for Muslims to be citizens and to be comfortable with their religious values and citizenship than European countries," An-Na'im said.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #231 on: March 31, 2009, 08:44:03 AM »
"As a citizen, I am a subject of the United States," An-Na'im said. "I owe allegiance to the United States, to the Constitution of the United States. That is not inconsistent with observing a religious code in terms of my own personal behavior."

Sounds reasonable...

A good friend (Welsh - Episcopalian) sends his children to an expensive, but superb private school near Los Angeles.  The majority of the students are of the Jewish faith therefore
Christmas, Easter, Good Friday, and other Christian holidays are minimized or eliminated yet quite a few Jewish holidays are celebrated and school is often
closed on these Jewish religious days.  Yet no one complains very much about religious values of Jewish families sometimes clashing with the host culture.  Nor should anyone
complain.  Why are a Muslim's religious values any different?

According to the article Tyson Foods labor union had requested the change.  It seems Tyson a privately owned business negotiated a holiday schedule in good faith hoping to please the
majority of their workers at their Tenn. plant.  Odd, non employees i.e. the "public" objected and Tyson had to accommodate their outcry.   
Why does the "public" care which holidays Tyson and their employees agree upon in their collective
bargaining agreement?


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #232 on: March 31, 2009, 09:11:13 AM »
Because of concerns of which as a reader of this thread you know well.  :lol:


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Voluntary v. Imposed
« Reply #233 on: March 31, 2009, 09:29:33 AM »
Because of concerns of which as a reader of this thread you know well.  :lol:

For real. The concerns isn't about individual and voluntary practice of religion, the concern is about religious tenets being imposed on a non-voluntary basis. Your Welsh friend voluntarily enrolled a child in a Jewish school and could vote with his feet if he so elected. Though some may claim that a cloistered, burqa wearing, woman in an arranged marriage who can't drive because doing so violates an article of religious law voluntarily entered into that arrangement, I would beg to disagree. Practice it, no problem. Impose it on others, big problem.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #234 on: March 31, 2009, 09:39:02 AM »
There is also the matter of those parts of Islam that are a fascist political ideology:  It seeks superiority of Islam and submission of others to it.  It opposes freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and seeks to merge church and state.  I too wish it were as easy as you do JDN, but denial is denial.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #235 on: March 31, 2009, 09:45:32 AM »
Actually, my Welsh friend did not enroll his children in a "Jewish school"; it just so happens that the majority of the students are from very affluent Jewish families.
And while he doesn't object, his wife doesn't appreciate that Christmas and Easter are minimized yet Jewish Holidays are celebrated to the fullest extent; these Jewish school holidays
and religious tenets are being "imposed" upon her children.  And yes, he "could vote with his feet if he so elected."  As can the Muslim, albeit more difficult (discussed some time
ago on another forum; please not again) vote with her feet.

The article posted by Crafty referenced the Tyson plant.  The employees voluntarily voted to honor the muslim holiday versus labor day; the "public" imposed
upon the corporation demanding that the Labor Day be honored...  Why can't the group voluntarily chose?


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #236 on: March 31, 2009, 09:59:44 AM »
Crafty as I said before I have absolutely no sympathy for the zealots, "those parts of Islam that are a fascist political ideology."

However, I started my comments on this post by agreeing and quoting An-Na'lm, the Muslim referenced and quoted in you post. 
While acknowledging his Muslim faith, he seems quite reasonable.  And I like his statement, "I owe allegiance to the United States,
to the Constitution of the United States."


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #237 on: March 31, 2009, 12:59:47 PM »
As a person who thinks religion is, for the most part, superstitious twaddle I have a general disdain for some of the machinations embraced by those who want to honor imaginary omnipotent friends, omnipotent friends that allow all manner of savage behavior to occur in their name. I suppose if some employees opted to deify eggplants and enact company holidays around the vegetable's ascension that's their option, but I see little reason to support this sort of silliness. Indeed, the left is generally all about preventing the imposition of a religion upon others, witness all the ACLU suits against nativity scenes and Ten Commandment references. Guess if the religion isn't Christianity the rules change.

I would like to know by what route you think the woman in the burqa could vote with her feet without being, say, whipped or worse, as it appears the last iteration of the discussion didn't disabuse you of the notion of that choice being available to many Muslim women in traditional societies.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #238 on: March 31, 2009, 02:48:18 PM »
Unfortunately, I acknowledge few choices are available to many Muslim women in traditional societies.

However, the issue in these recent posts (in response to Crafty's post) is Islam in America.  I would like to think that Muslim women although
perhaps facing rejection and possibly being ostracized by their group, still would never face "whipping or worse" in America.  They could "vote with their feet".
America offers freedom of choice and freedom of speech to all people.  And I expect America will protect those physically threatened with "whipping or worse".

Also, I would hope that the ACLU would file suit against ANY religion that tried to impose religion upon others in a public place.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #239 on: March 31, 2009, 03:20:11 PM »

And I acknowledge that An Na'lm's statement is lined up correctly. 

My concern is fourfold: 

a) lying-- e.g. one can find similar statements from seditious organizations such as CAIR
b) even when such statements are genuinely American (i.e. the speaker would stand with America against Islamic fascism) I wonder if there are even more who say similar things but who ultimately are unwilling to act against the fascists in their midst
c) such statements and beliefs may become less common as Muslim numbers increase
d) political correctness/political cowardice will use statement's such as An Na'lm's to avoid the hard questions and hard answers, and harder yet actions necessary to deal with the fascist element.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #240 on: March 31, 2009, 05:41:53 PM »

June 9, 2007

Fitzgerald: No public funds for Islamic footbaths

DEARBORN -- The University of Michigan-Dearborn plans to spend $25,000 for foot-washing stations, making it easier for Muslim students to practice their religion but sparking questions about the separation of church and state.
The university claims the stations are needed to accommodate Muslim students, who must ritually wash their bodies -- including the feet -- up to five times each day before prayers. But critics hit conservative blogs and radio airwaves Monday to argue public money shouldn't cover the cost. -- from this article

I have been in airport bathrooms when someone will come up, paying no attention to right or left, and start performing his wudu, while water flies all over the place as that person places his feet, one after the other, in the sink and washes them. While these -- to many -- nauseating public ablutions take place, most people hasten away without going near even the empty sinks.

There is no god-given right to come to other countries and inflict one's behavior, in fulfilling some kind of faith-based mandate, in public places. The nurses who were arrested for singing Christmas carols behind closed doors, in their own apartments in Western apartment complexes, in Saudi Arabia, were not inflicting this on anyone: it was the religious police checking up, as they do everywhere they can. But, for example, the slitting of a sheep's throat, and letting it bleed to death on the street, can and should be banned -- whether or not this is considered "part of Islam."

If Muslim students wish to have foot-washing sinks available, then they can certainly pay for them. After all, there is hardly a mosque or a madrasa in this country that does not receive, when it needs it, all kinds of financial support from those who, across the seas, batten on the unmerited oil trillions, and by this point have used, collectively, more than one hundred billion of it (the estimate for Saudi Arabia alone) to pay for mosques, madrasas, armies of Western hirelings, and propaganda of every sort.

A mere $25,000 shouldn't faze the Saudis. And you might argue that $25,000 is so little -- why not spend it ourselves? But it is a symbolic act, an act that will be, and is, taken by Muslims not as a kind act, an act of accommodation (as those behind it might naturally think, for they think in terms of sweet reason, and compromise, and all that), but instead is taken in quite a different spirit, as one more indication (see the postings at Jihad Watch of the commenter who calls herself “Naseem,” passim) that Islam Is On the March, that here and there, little by little, the Infidels are yielding. It is of great symbolic value to Muslims. And it will not result in gratitude, but merely in a swelling of the sense that obstacles, one by one, to the spread of Islam are being removed. And that, after all, is what Jihad is partly about: the removing of those obstacles, and of obstacles of all kinds wherever they are, so that Islam may spread and dominate, and eventually Muslims come to rule. The dismissal of this as merely an alarmist fantasy shows that the dismisser has not been paying attention -- not to the tenets of Islam, not to 1350 years of Islamic history and the subjugation of non-Muslims, and certainly not to what has happened, over just the last 2-3 decades, in the lands of Western Europe.

Every concession, every misuse of public funds, every Muslim employee of city or state government who has been permitted undiscovered or unpunished to be relentlessly pushing for special deals in order to promote Islam or to make sure that fellow Muslims are hired here, and here, and here -- all of this, every single act, needs to be noisily (and also quietly) opposed. (See that Boston Redevelopment Authority employee, working to get city-owned land sold in a sweetheart deal for a mosque, and see what else that employee did on his still-unexplained trip or trips to Saudi Arabia.) "We must fight them over here so we don't have to fight them over there" would be an apter description of what needs to be done, although in truth there is no place where such "fighting" (not necessarily of the conventional, military variety) will not have to take place.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #241 on: March 31, 2009, 05:58:35 PM »
Power Line Blog: John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, Paul Mirengoff

Doing that wudu that they do so well

June 19, 2007 Posted by Scott at 6:08 AM
The Detroit News reports from Dearborn on the University of Michigan's plan to spend $25,000 for the installation of footbaths on campus: "Muslims won't fund footbaths." The article reports that "Muslim leaders in metro Detroit have decided not to raise private money to pay for two footbaths" on campus. For them, it clearly seems less to be about religious observance than about the submission of public authorities to their observance. If you've followed our series on wudu you know, to paraphrase Creedence Clearwater Revival, that there's a bad dhimmitude rising.

The Detroit News also reports that the ACLU finds nothing constitutionally objectionable in public support for the footbaths. Just in case you were wondering, Detroit ACLU director Kary Moss explains:

"We view it as an attempt to deal with a problem, not an attempt to make it easier for Muslims to pray," said Moss, who likened the plan to paying for added police during religious events with huge turnouts.
"There's no intent to promote religion."

The unholy alliance between the radical left and radical Islam continues unabated.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #242 on: March 31, 2009, 06:00:52 PM »
So, as usual, the American Criminal Liberties Union will only use it's resources to undercut America while assisting the global jihad.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #243 on: March 31, 2009, 06:05:49 PM »
Islam's doctrines of deception
by Raymond Ibrahim
Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst
October 2008

To better understand Islam, one must appreciate the thoroughly legalistic nature of the religion. According to sharia (Islamic law) every conceivable human act is categorised as being either forbidden, discouraged, permissible, recommended, or obligatory.

"Common sense" or "universal opinion" has little to do with Islam's notions of right and wrong. Only what Allah (through the Quran) and his prophet Muhammad (through the Hadith) have to say about any given issue matters; and how Islam's greatest theologians and jurists – collectively known as the ulema, literally, "they who know" – have articulated it.

According to sharia, in certain situations, deception – also known as 'taqiyya', based on Quranic terminology, – is not only permitted but sometimes obligatory. For instance, contrary to early Christian history, Muslims who must choose between either recanting Islam or being put to death are not only permitted to lie by pretending to have apostatised, but many jurists have decreed that, according to Quran 4:29, Muslims are obligated to lie in such instances.

Origins of taqiyya

As a doctrine, taqiyya was first codified by Shia Muslims, primarily as a result of their historical experience. Long insisting that the caliphate rightly belonged to the prophet Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali (and subsequently his descendents), the Shia were a vocal and powerful branch of Islam that emerged following Muhammad's death. After the internal Islamic Fitna wars from the years 656 AD to 661 AD, however, the Shia became a minority branch, persecuted by mainstream Muslims or Sunnis – so-called because they follow the example or 'sunna' of Muhammad and his companions. Taqiyya became pivotal to Shia survival.

Interspersed among the much more numerous Sunnis, who currently make up approximately 90 per cent of the Islamic world, the Shia often performed taqiyya by pretending to be Sunnis externally, while maintaining Shia beliefs internally, as permitted by Quranic verse 16:106. Even today, especially in those Muslim states where there is little religious freedom, the Shia still practice taqiyya. In Saudi Arabia, for instance, Shias are deemed by many of the Sunni majority to be heretics, traitors and infidels and like other non-Sunni Muslims they are often persecuted.

Several of Saudi Arabia's highest clerics have even issued fatwas sanctioning the killing of Shias. As a result, figures on the Arabian kingdom's Shia population vary wildly from as low as 1 per cent to nearly 20 per cent. Many Shias living there obviously choose to conceal their religious identity. As a result of some 1,400 years of Shia taqiyya, the Sunnis often accuse the Shias of being habitual liars, insisting that taqiyya is ingrained in Shia culture.

Conversely, the Sunnis have historically had little reason to dissemble or conceal any aspect of their faith, which would have been deemed dishonorable, especially when dealing with their historic competitors and enemies, the Christians. From the start, Islam burst out of Arabia subjugating much of the known world, and, throughout the Middle Ages, threatened to engulf all of Christendom. In a world where might made right, the Sunnis had nothing to apologise for, much less to hide from the 'infidel'.

Paradoxically, however, today many Sunnis are finding themselves in the Shias' place: living as minorities in Western countries surrounded and governed by their traditional foes. The primary difference is that, extremist Sunnis and Shia tend to reject each other outright, as evidenced by the ongoing Sunni-Shia struggle in Iraq, whereas, in the West, where freedom of religion is guaranteed, Sunnis need only dissemble over a few aspects of their faith.

Articulation of taqiyya

According to the authoritative Arabic text, Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam: "Taqiyya [deception] is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream...Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era."

The primary Quranic verse sanctioning deception with respect to non-Muslims states: "Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels instead of believers. Whoever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah – unless you but guard yourselves against them, taking precautions." (Quran 3:28; see also 2:173; 2:185; 4:29; 22:78; 40:28.)

Al-Tabari's (838-923 AD) Tafsir, or Quranic exegeses, is essentially a standard reference in the entire Muslim world. Regarding 3:28, he wrote: "If you [Muslims] are under their [infidels'] authority, fearing for yourselves, behave loyally to them, with your tongue, while harbouring inner animosity for them... Allah has forbidden believers from being friendly or on intimate terms with the infidels in place of believers – except when infidels are above them [in authority]. In such a scenario, let them act friendly towards them."

Regarding 3:28, the Islamic scholar Ibn Kathir (1301-1373) wrote: "Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels'] evil, may protect himself through outward show."

As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad's companions. Abu Darda said: "Let us smile to the face of some people while our hearts curse them." Al-Hassan said: "Doing taqiyya is acceptable till the day of judgment [in perpetuity]."

Other prominent ulema, such as al- Qurtubi , al-Razi, and al-Arabi have extended taqiyya to cover deeds. Muslims can behave like infidels – from bowing down and worshipping idols and crosses to even exposing fellow Muslims' "weak spots" to the infidel enemy – anything short of actually killing a fellow Muslim.

War is deceit

None of this should be surprising considering that Muhammad himself, whose example as the "most perfect human" is to be tenaciously followed, took an expedient view on the issue of deception. For instance, Muhammad permitted deceit in three situations: to reconcile two or more quarreling parties; husband to wife and vice-versa; and in war (See Sahih Muslim B32N6303, deemed an "authentic" hadith).

During the Battle of the Trench (627 AD), which pitted Muhammad and his followers against several non-Muslim tribes collectively known as "the Confederates", a Confederate called Naim bin Masud went to the Muslim camp and converted to Islam. When Muhammad discovered the Confederates were unaware of Masud's conversion, he counseled him to return and try somehow to get his tribesmen to abandon the siege. "For war is deceit," Muhammad assured him.

Masud returned to the Confederates without their knowledge that he had switched sides and began giving his former kin and allies bad advice. He also went to great lengths to instigate quarrels between the various tribes until, thoroughly distrusting each other, they disbanded and lifted the siege. According to this account, deceit saved Islam during its embryonic stage (see Al-Taqiyya Fi Al-Islam; also, Ibn Ishaq's Sira, the earliest biography of Muhammad).

More demonstrative of the legitimacy of deception with respect to non-Muslims is the following account. A poet, Kab bin al-Ashruf, had offended Muhammad by making derogatory verse about Muslim women. Muhammad exclaimed in front of his followers: "Who will kill this man who has hurt Allah and his prophet?"

A young Muslim named Muhammad bin Maslama volunteered, but with the caveat that, in order to get close enough to Kab to assassinate him, he be allowed to lie to the poet. Muhammad agreed.

Maslama traveled to Kab and began denigrating Islam and Muhammad, carrying on this way till his disaffection became convincing enough for Kab to take him into his confidences. Soon thereafter, Maslama appeared with another Muslim and, while Kab's guard was down, they assaulted and killed him. They ran to Muhammad with Kab's head, to which the latter cried: "Allahu akbar" or "God is great" (see the hadith accounts of Sahih Bukhari and Ibn Sad).

The entire sequence of Quranic revelations are a testimony to taqiyya and, since Allah is believed to be the revealer of these verses, he ultimately is seen as the perpetrator of deceit. This is not surprising since Allah himself is often described in the Quran as the "best deceiver" or "schemer." (see 3:54, 8:30, 10:21). This phenomenon revolves around the fact that the Quran contains both peaceful and tolerant verses, as well as violent and intolerant ones.

The ulema were uncertain which verses to codify into sharia's worldview. For instance, should they use the one that states there is no coercion in religion (2:256), or the ones that command believers to fight all non-Muslims until they either convert or at least submit to Islam (9:5, 9:29)? To solve this quandary, they developed the doctrine of abrogation – naskh, supported by Quran 2:105. This essentially states that verses "revealed" later in Muhammad's career take precedence over those revealed earlier whenever there is a discrepancy.

Why the contradiction in the first place? The standard answer has been that, because Muhammad and his community were far outnumbered by the infidels in the early years of Islam, a message of peace and co-existence was in order. However, after Muhammad migrated to Medina and grew in military strength and numbers, the militant or intolerant verses were revealed, urging Muslims to go on the offensive.

According to this standard view, circumstance dictates which verses are to be implemented. When Muslims are weak, they should preach and behave according to the Meccan verses; when strong, they should go on the offensive, according to the Medinan verses. Many Islamic books extensively deal with the doctrine of abrogation, or Al-Nasikh Wa Al-Mansukh.

War is eternal

The fact that Islam legitimises deceit during war cannot be all that surprising; strategist Sun Tzu (c. 722-221 BC), Italian political philosopher Machiavelli (1469-1527) and English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) all justified deceit in war.

However, according to all four recognised schools of Sunni jurisprudence, war against the infidel goes on in perpetuity, until "all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to Allah" (Quran 8:39). According to the definitive Encyclopaedia of Islam (Brill Online edition): "The duty of the jihad exists as long as the universal domination of Islam has not been attained. Peace with non-Muslim nations is, therefore, a provisional state of affairs only; the chance of circumstances alone can justify it temporarily. Furthermore there can be no question of genuine peace treaties with these nations; only truces, whose duration ought not, in principle, to exceed ten years, are authorised. But even such truces are precarious, inasmuch as they can, before they expire, be repudiated unilaterally should it appear more profitable for Islam to resume the conflict."

The concept of obligatory jihad is best expressed by Islam's dichotomised worldview that pits Dar al Islam (House of Islam) against Dar al Harb (House of War or non-Muslims) until the former subsumes the latter. Muslim historian and philosopher, Ibn Khaldun (1332- 1406), articulated this division by saying: "In the Muslim community, holy war [jihad] is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and the obligation to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defence. But Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations."

This concept is highlighted by the fact that, based on the ten-year treaty of Hudaibiya , ratified between Muhammad and his Quraish opponents in Mecca (628), ten years is theoretically the maximum amount of time Muslims can be at peace with infidels (as indicated earlier by the Encyclopaedia of Islam). Based on Muhammad's example of breaking the treaty after two years, by citing a Quraish infraction, the sole function of the "peace-treaty" (hudna) is to buy weakened Muslims time to regroup for a renewed offensive. Muhammad is quoted in the Hadith saying: "If I take an oath and later find something else better, I do what is better and break my oath (see Sahih Bukhari V7B67N427)."

This might be what former PLO leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Yasser Arafat meant when, after negotiating a peace treaty criticised by his opponents as conceding too much to Israel, he said in a mosque: "I see this agreement as being no more than the agreement signed between our Prophet Muhammad and the Quraish in Mecca."

On several occasions Hamas has made it clear that its ultimate aspiration is to see Israel destroyed. Under what context would it want to initiate a "temporary" peace with the Jewish state? When Osama bin Laden offered the US a truce, stressing that "we [Muslims] are a people that Allah has forbidden from double-crossing and lying," what was his ultimate intention?

Based on the above, these are instances of Muslim extremists feigning openness to the idea of peace simply in order to bide time.

If Islam must be in a constant state of war with the non-Muslim world – which need not be physical, as radicals among the ulema have classified several non-literal forms of jihad, such as "jihad-of-the-pen" (propaganda), and "money-jihad" (economic) – and if Muslims are permitted to lie and feign loyalty to the infidel to further their war efforts, offers of peace, tolerance or dialogue from extremist Muslim corners are called into question.

Religious obligation?

Following the terrorist attacks on the United States of 11 September 2001, a group of prominent Muslims wrote a letter to Americans saying that Islam is a tolerant religion that seeks to coexist with others.

Bin Laden castigated them, saying: "As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels, this is summarised by the Most High's Word: 'We renounce you. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us – till you believe in Allah alone' [Quran 60:4]. So there is an enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility from the heart. And this fierce hostility – that is battle – ceases only if the infidel submits to the authority of Islam, or if his blood is forbidden from being shed [a dhimmi – a non-Muslim subject living as a "second-class" citizen in an Islamic state in accordance to Quran 9:29], or if Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable [a circumstance under which taqiyya applies]. But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy! Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim. Battle, animosity and hatred, directed from the Muslim to the infidel, is the foundation of our religion. And we consider this a justice and kindness to them."

This hostile world view is traceable to Islam's schools of jurisprudence. When addressing Western audiences, however, Bin Laden's tone significantly changes. He lists any number of grievances as reasons for fighting the West – from Israeli policies towards Palestinians to the Western exploitation of women and US failure to sign the Kyoto protocol – never alluding to fighting the US simply because it is an infidel entity that must be subjugated. He often initiates his messages to the West by saying: "Reciprocal treatment is part of justice."

This is a clear instance of taqiyya, as Bin Laden is not only waging a physical jihad, but one of propaganda. Convincing the West that the current conflict is entirely its fault garners him and his cause more sympathy. Conversely, he also knows that if his Western audiences were to realise that, all real or imagined political grievances aside, according to the Islamic worldview delineated earlier, which bin Laden does accept, nothing short of their submission to Islam can ever bring peace, his propaganda campaign would be compromised. As a result there is constant lying, "for war is deceit".

If Bin Laden's words and actions represent an individual case of taqiyya, they raise questions about Saudi Arabia's recent initiatives for "dialogue". Saudi Arabia closely follows sharia. For instance, the Saudi government will not allow the construction of churches or synagogues on its land; Bibles are banned and burned. Christians engaged in any kind of missionary activity are arrested, tortured, and sometimes killed. Muslim converts to Christianity can be put to death in the kingdom.

Despite such limitations on religious freedom, the Saudis have been pushing for more dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims. At the most recent inter-faith conference in Madrid in July 2008, King Abdullah asserted: "Islam is a religion of moderation and tolerance, a message that calls for constructive dialogue among followers of all religions."

Days later, it was revealed that Saudi children's textbooks still call Christians and Jews "infidels", "hated enemies" and "pigs and swine". A multiple-choice test in a book for fourth-graders asks: "Who is a 'true' Muslim?" The correct answer is not the man who prays and fasts, but rather: "A man who worships God alone, loves the believers and hates the infidels". These infidels are the same people the Saudis want dialogue with. This raises the question of whether, when Saudis call for dialogue, they are merely following Muhammad's companion Abu Darda's advice: "Let us smile to the face of some people while our hearts curse them"?

There is also a philosophical – more particularly, epistemological – problem with taqiyya. Anyone who truly believes that no less an authority than God justifies and, through his prophet's example, sometimes even encourages deception, will not experience any ethical qualms or dilemmas about lying. This is especially true if the human mind is indeed a tabula rasa shaped by environment and education. Deception becomes second nature.

Consider the case of former Al-Qaeda operative, Ali Mohammad. Despite being entrenched in the highest echelons of the terrorism network, Mohammed's confidence at dissembling enabled him to become a CIA agent and FBI informant for years. People who knew him regarded him "with fear and awe for his incredible self-confidence, his inability to be intimidated, absolute ruthless determination to destroy the enemies of Islam, and his zealous belief in the tenets of militant Islamic fundamentalism", according to Steven Emerson. Indeed, this sentiment sums it all up: for a zealous belief in Islam's tenets, which, as has been described above, legitimises deception, will certainly go a long way in creating incredible self-confidence when deceiving one's enemies.

Exposing a doctrine

All of the above is an exposition on doctrine and its various manifestations, not an assertion on the actual practices of the average Muslim. The deciding question is how literally any given Muslim follows sharia and its worldview.

So-called "moderate" Muslims – or, more specifically, secularised Muslims – do not closely adhere to sharia, and therefore have little to dissemble about. On the other hand, "radical" Muslims who closely observe sharia law, which splits the world into two perpetually warring halves, will always have a "divinely sanctioned" right to deceive, until "all chaos ceases, and all religion belongs to Allah" (Quran 8:39).


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CAIR at it as usual
« Reply #244 on: April 14, 2009, 11:27:50 AM »
In Defense Of The Constitution

News & Analysis
April 14, 2009

CAIR:  Defending Muslim Student “rights”?

When Americans send their children to school, it is assumed that the school will reasonably protect the student from harm; this includes college.  What if this harm is inflicted by an agency of the federal government; an agency that has as part of its mission the protection of individual rights?  What if that agency were the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)? reports that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is claiming that local colleges are not protecting the rights of predominantly Somali Muslim college students.  CAIR claims that it has received “numerous reports” by Muslim students that they are being “interrogated” by FBI agents.  The students are being questioned as part of an on-going investigation into the whereabouts of several male Somali students whom have gone missing and are suspected of leaving the US to fight in Somalia’s long-running civil war.

In an article titled, “Pressure by FBI puts Somalis in bind” CAIR’s Minnesota chapter civil rights director Taneeza Islam claims “Students' legal rights need to be upheld and they aren't currently being afforded the only true legal protection they have when talking to the law enforcement-an attorney."

Islam’s concern is confirmed by this example of the FBI’s brutal interrogation methods involving a Muslim student:  “In December, one of her friends who works for the University of Minnesota police approached her, saying the FBI would like to talk about her organization. The agent, she said, was polite and made it clear she could refuse to talk. "He wanted to know how we got funded and what activities we do," she said of the 20-minute interview. He also wanted to know "how some of the missing boys were involved in the organization," she said, adding she never felt pressured.”

So, the FBI agent explained she didn’t have to talk and the student stated the agent was polite.  Where is the coercion?  What “rights” did the FBI agent not explain?  

Considering CAIR’s reputation when it comes to providing legal advice; buyer beware.  In addition to the numerous proven allegations that CAIR is directly tied to Islamic terrorism and individual Islamic terrorists, CAIR has also been accused of providing shoddy legal advice to the very North American Muslim population it claims to represent and protect.

What does it say about CAIR when they apparently set off to deliberately commit fraud against American Muslims?

So why would the Somali Muslim students turn to CAIR for legal advice?  The simple answer, from the article, is that they didn’t.  Nowhere in the article does CAIR make the claim that CAIR supplied any legal advice to any of the students.  
Why?  Would it be outside the realm of possibility that CAIR completely fabricated that claim that “numerous” students filed complaints with them?  

We also learn from the article that apparently none of the students interviewed for the article had anything bad to say about the FBI, except CAIR.  None of the students stated that they were abused, denied rights, or forced to answer any questions.  None were taken into custody.

For instance, the opening line from the article: “When the FBI approached the young women at the University of Minnesota, they said they didn't mind talking.”  Does this sound like abuse, or a case where Muslim Somali students are responding to legitimate FBI concerns?


From the article, “But the women, both second-year students who don't want their names used because they fear for their safety, said the investigation into whether missing Somali men from Minnesota have been recruited by terrorists to fight in their homeland has left many students caught between wanting to help investigators find the truth and facing scorn from some in their community.”  

Where is the abuse?  Actually, from the statements of the Muslim women, it sounds as if they have more to fear from their own Muslim community than they do from the FBI.  Why doesn’t CAIR step up and demand that local law enforcement provide protection to those who want to cooperate in the investigation?  Once again, CAIR selectively focus’s “outrage” against not only the college, FBI, but against Muslim students who see nothing wrong with providing information that may help locate fellow missing students.

Just what is CAIR’s game?  CAIR recently announced that it is severing ties with the FBI because the FBI, rightly, cut off contact with the terrorist supporting “civil rights” group.

The truth of CAIR’s disdain for the FBI is summed up by Islam’s statement regarding the FBI cut off of contact with CAIR; from the article: “Islam added the FBI’s decision to discontinue its outreach efforts through CAIR “is a huge loss for them”.”  However, can anyone remember when CAIR has ever provided genuine, actionable information to the FBI or any other law enforcement agency that resulted in the prevention of a radical Islamic action?
It took the FBI over ten years to end its association with CAIR; an association that contributed absolutely nothing to the FBI’s understanding of peaceful Islam and CAIR calls it a “huge loss for them”.  This would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic.

We can take heart that it appears that none of the students approached CAIR for assistance or took any of CAIR’s “legal” advice.  Apparently, the Somali Muslim students simply aren’t aware that the FBI is as bad as CAIR claims them to be.  What is left unanswered by CAIR is, “if the FBI is so bad regarding Muslim civil rights, why does CAIR complain about ties being severed?”

This article was an excellent example of CAIR’s waning influence and inability to attract attention to yet another non-event involving American Muslims having their rights “violated”.

It didn’t happen, CAIR knows it, and the students did not support even one of CAIR’s claims.

Perhaps the Somali Muslim students understand the threat of radical Islam and want to do what they can to assist their adopted country in the battle against radical Islam.  Maybe they understand, as others do not, exactly how bad radical Islam in practice really is and want no part of it in the USA?  

Either way, it is a great win for the FBI and a smack in the face to CAIR’s attempts to butt in where they aren’t wanted or needed.

Andrew Whitehead


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #245 on: April 21, 2009, 10:22:27 AM »
Next US terrorist attack - Juval Aviv recent NYC lecture & good advice on preparation

Juval Aviv was the Israeli Agent upon whom the movie Munich ' was based.He was Golda Meir's bodyguard.

She appointed him to track down and bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who took the Israeli athletes hostage

and killed them during the Munich Olympic Games. In a lecture in New York City a few weeks ago, he shared information that EVERY American needs to know -- but that our government has not yet shared with us.

He predicted the London subway bombing on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox News, stating publicly that it would happen=2 0within a week. At the time, O'Reilly laughed and mocked him saying that in a week he wanted him back on the show. But, unfortunately, within a week the terrorist attack had occurred. Juval Aviv gave intelligence (via what he had gathered in Israel and the Middle East ) to the Bush Administration about 9/11 ,ONE MONTH before it occurred. His report specifically said they would use planes as bombs and target high profile buildings and monuments. Congress has since hired him as a security consultant.These are his future predictions:
The next terrorist attack on the U.S. will occur within the next few months. Forget hijacking airplanes, because he says terrorists will NEVER try and hijack a plane again as they know the people on board will never go down quietly again. Aviv believes our airport security is a joke -- that we have been reactionary rather than proactive in developing strategies that are

truly effective. For example:
(1) Our airport technology is outdated. We look for metal,and the new explosives are made of plastic.

(2) He talked about how some idiot tried to light his shoe on fire. Because of that, now everyone has to take off their
shoes. One group tried to bring aboard liquid explosives. Now we can't bring liquids on board. He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; at which point, security will have us all traveling naked! Every strategy we have is 'reactionary.'

(3) We only focus on security when people are heading to the gates. Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/where people are checking in. It would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom or get a drink, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved. In Israel , security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport. Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people congregate.
(i. e., Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, big cities (New York,San Francisco, Chicago, etc.) and that it will also includeshopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, etc.,as well as rural America this time (Wyoming, Montana, etc.).

The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country (terrorists like big impact), involving at least 5-8 cities, including rural areas. Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas , they can simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away. Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U. S. government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts. The world is quickly going to become 'a different place', and issues like 'global warming' and political correctness will become totally irrelevant. On an encouraging note, he says that Americans don't have to be concerned about being nuked. Aviv says the terrorists who want to destroy America will not use sophisticated weapons. They like to use suicide as a front-line approach. It's cheap, it's easy, it's effective; and they have an infinite abundance of young militants more than willing to 'meet their destiny'.

He also says the next level of terrorists, over which America should be most concerned, will not be coming from abroad. But will be, instead, 'homegrown' -- having attended and been educated in our own schools and universities right here in the U. S. He says to look for students' who frequently travel back and forth to the Middle East . These young terrorists will be most dangerous because they will know our language and will fully understand the habits of Americans; but that we Americans won't know/understand a thing about them. Aviv says that, as a people, Americans are unaware and uneducated about the terroristic threats we will, inevitably, face. America still has only have a handful of Arabic and Farsi speaking people in our intelligence networks, and Aviv says it is critical that we change that fact SOON.

So, what can America do to protect itself?From an intelligence perspective, Aviv says the U.S. needsto stop relying on satellites and technology for intelligence. We need to, instead, follow Israel 's, Ireland 's and England 's hands-on examples of human
intelligence, both from an infiltration perspective as well as to trust 'aware' citizens to help. We need to engage and educate ourselves as citizens; however, our U. S.government continues to treat us, its citizens, 'like babies'. Our government thinks we 'can't handle the truth' and are concerned that we'll panic if we understand the realities of terrorism. Aviv says this is a deadly mistake. Aviv recently created/executed a security test for our Congress, by placing an empty briefcase in five well-traveled spots in five major cities. The results? Not one person called 911 or sought a policeman to check it out.

In fact, in Chicago , someone tried to steal the briefcase! In comparison, Aviv says that citizens of Israel are so well 'trained' that
an unattended bag or package would be reported in seconds by citizen(s) who know to publicly shout, 'Unattended Bag!'
The area would be quickly & calmly cleared by the citizens themselves.But, unfortunately, America hasn't been yet 'hurtenough' by terrorism for their government to fully understand the need to educate its citizens or for the government to understand that it's their citizens who are, inevitably, the best first-line of defense against terrorism. Aviv also was concerned about the high number of children here in America who were in preschool and kindergarten after 9/11, who were 'lost' without parents being able to pick them up, and about our schools that had no plan in place to best care for the students until parents could get there. (In New York City , this was days, in some cases!) He stresses the importance of having a plan, that's agreed upon within your family, to respond to in the event of a terrorist emergency. He urges parents to contact their children's schools and demand that the schools, too, develop plans of actions, as they do in Israel .. Does your family know what to do if you can't contact one another by phone? Where would you gather in an emergency? He says we should all have a plan that is easy enough for even our youngest children to remember and follow. Aviv says that the U .. S. government has in force a plan that, in the event of another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off Everyone's ability to use cell phones, blackberries, etc., as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated. How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot speak? You need to have a plan.


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Islam Day in HI?
« Reply #246 on: May 07, 2009, 09:29:21 AM »
HONOLULU -- Hawaii's state Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday to celebrate "Islam Day" -- over the objections of a few lawmakers who said they didn't want to honor a religion connected to Sept. 11, 2001.
The Senate's two Republicans argued that a minority of Islamic extremists have killed many innocents in terrorist attacks.
"I recall radical Islamists around the world cheering the horrors of 9/11. That is the day all civilized people of all religions should remember," said Republican Sen. Fred Hemmings to the applause of more than 100 people gathered in the Senate to oppose a separate issue -- same-sex civil unions.
The resolution to proclaim Sept. 24, 2009, as Islam Day passed the Senate on a 22-3 vote. It had previously passed the House and now goes to Republican Gov. Linda Lingle.
The bill seeks to recognize "the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions" that Islam and the Islamic world have made. It does not call for any spending or organized celebration of Islam Day.
"We are a state of tolerance. We understand that people have different beliefs," said Sen. Will Espero, a Democrat. "We may not all agree on every single item and issue out there, but to say and highlight the negativity of the Islamic people is an insult to the majority" of believers "who are good law-abiding citizens of the world."
But Republican Sen. Sam Slom argued that the United States has become too sympathetic toward Islamic extremists.
"I don't think there's any country in the history of the world that has been more tolerant than the United States of America, and because of that tolerance, we've looked the other way a lot of times, and many thousands of our citizens have been killed by terrorists," said Slom, a Republican.
The lone Democrat voting against the bill opposed it on church-state separation fears.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #247 on: May 07, 2009, 10:10:19 AM »
"The lone Democrat voting against the bill opposed it [Islam Day] on church-state separation fears."

That makes sense.  While we struggle to build a conservative party, it would be nice if the ruling party would exercise a little common sense and respect for the history of this country.


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Re: Islam in America and the rest of the western hemisphere
« Reply #248 on: May 14, 2009, 04:54:15 AM »
Denounce Muslim group, UC Irvine chancellor urged
May 12, 2009

NEW YORK (JTA) -- Nearly 2,700 people have signed an online petition encouraging a California university chancellor to publicly condemn an annual Muslim student event.

The document urges University of California, Irvine's Michael Drake to denounce the Muslim Student Union's "Israel: The Politics of Genocide" event, which began May 5 and runs through May 21.

"As an American, you have the right to speak out and explicitly denounce anti-Semitism, especially when it occurs on your campus," the petition reads. "As an educational leader, you have the moral obligation to speak out."

The petition also calls on Drake to condemn the Muslim group as a whole, alleging that it consistently violates a campus pledge to create "a learning climate free from expressions of bigotry."

The Irvine campus has been a hotbed of pro-Palestinian activism, and Drake himself has drawn fire in the past from some Jewish groups who have urged him to publicly denounce activity that is said to cross the line into anti-Semitism. Drake thus far has declined to denounce specific activities, speaking out only against hate speech in general.

The two-week program features lectures from noted Palestinian activists such as British Parliament member George Galloway and former Georgia congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, among other events, according to the Orange County Weekly.


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This could get interesting
« Reply #249 on: May 29, 2009, 11:50:38 AM »
Trouble Brewing for AIG and Federal Government; Challenge of AIG Bailout Allowed to Proceed

May 27, 2009

ANN ARBOR, MI – Proclaiming that times of crisis do not justify departure from the Constitution, Federal District Court Judge Lawrence P. Zatkoff allowed the lawsuit against Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the Federal Reserve Board challenging the AIG bailout to proceed. The lawsuit was filed last December by the Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and attorney David Yerushalmi, an expert in security transactions and Shariah-compliant financing.

In his well-written and detailed analysis issued yesterday, Judge Zatkoff denied the request by the Obama administration’s Department of Justice to dismiss the lawsuit. The request was filed on behalf of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the Federal Reserve Board – the named defendants in the case. In his ruling, the judge held that the lawsuit sufficiently alleged a federal constitutional challenge to the use of taxpayer money to fund AIG’s Islamic religious activities.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center, commented, “It is outrageous that AIG has been using taxpayer money to promote Islam and Shariah law, which potentially provides support for terrorist activities aimed at killing Americans. Shariah law is the same law championed by Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban. It is the same law that prompted the 9/11 terrorist attacks on our soil that killed thousands of innocent Americans. We won this skirmish. But the war to stop the federal government from funding Islam and Shariah-compliant financing is far from over.”

In its request to dismiss the lawsuit, the DOJ argued that the plaintiff in the case, Kevin Murray, who is a former Marine and a federal taxpayer, lacked standing to bring the action. And even if he did have standing, DOJ argued that the use of the bailout money to fund AIG’s operations did not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. The court disagreed, noting, in relevant part, the following:

In this case, the fact that AIG is largely a secular entity is not dispositive: The question in an as-applied challenge is not whether the entity is of a religious character, but how it spends its grant. The circumstances of this case are historic, and the pressure upon the government to navigate this financial crisis is unfathomable. Times of crisis, however, do not justify departure from the Constitution. In this case, the United States government has a majority interest in AIG. AIG utilizes consolidated financing whereby all funds flow through a single port to support all of its activities, including Sharia-compliant financing. Pursuant to the EESA, the government has injected AIG with tens of billions of dollars, without restricting or tracking how this considerable sum of money is spent. At least two of AIG’s subsidiary companies practice Sharia-compliant financing, one of which was unveiled after the influx of government cash. After using the $40 billion from the government to pay down the $85 billion credit facility, the credit facility retained $60 billion in available credit, suggesting that AIG did not use all $40 billion consistent with its press release. Finally, after the government acquired a majority interest in AIG and contributed substantial funds to AIG for operational purposes, the government co-sponsored a forum entitled “Islamic Finance 101.” These facts, taken together, raise a question of whether the government’s involvement with AIG has created the effect of promoting religion and sufficiently raise Plaintiff’s claim beyond the speculative level, warranting dismissal inappropriate at this stage in the proceedings.

Click here to read Judge Zatkoff’s entire ruling.

The lawsuit, which was filed in December of last year in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, is a constitutional challenge to that portion of the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” (EESA) that appropriated $40 billion in taxpayer money to fund and financially support the federal government’s majority ownership interest in AIG, which engages in Shariah-based Islamic religious activities that are anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Jewish.

According to the lawsuit, “The use of these taxpayer funds to approve, promote, endorse, support, and fund these Shariah-based Islamic religious activities violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

The lawsuit was brought on behalf of Murray, a former Marine who served honorably in harm’s way in Iraq to defend our country against Islamic terrorists. Murray objects to being forced as a taxpayer to contribute to the propagation of Islamic beliefs and practices predicated upon Shariah law, which is hostile to his Christian religion. He is being represented by Thomas More Law Center Trial Counsel Robert Muise and by David Yerushalmi, an associated attorney who is an expert in Shariah law and Shariah-compliant financing, as well as general counsel to the Center for Security Policy.

According to the lawsuit, through the use of taxpayer funds, the federal government acquired a majority ownership interest (nearly 80%) in AIG, and as part of the bailout, Congress appropriated and expended an additional $40 billion of taxpayer money to fund and financially support AIG and its financial activities. AIG, which is now a government owned company, engages in Shariah-compliant financing which subjects certain financial activities, including investments, to the dictates of Islamic law and the Islamic religion. This specifically includes any profits or interest obtained through such financial activities. AIG itself describes “Sharia” as “Islamic law based on the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet [Mohammed].”

With the aid of taxpayer funds provided by Congress, AIG employs a “Shariah Supervisory Committee,” which is comprised of the following members: Sheikh Nizam Yaquby from Bahrain, Dr. Mohammed Ali Elgari from Saudi Arabia, and Dr. Muhammed Imran Ashraf Usmani from Pakistan. Dr. Usmani is the son, student, and dedicated disciple of Mufti Taqi Usmani, who is the leading Shariah authority for Shariah-compliant finance in the world and the author of a book translated into English in 1999 that includes an entire chapter dedicated to explaining why a Western Muslim must engage in violent jihad against his own country or government. According to AIG, the role of its Shariah authority “is to review our operations, supervise its development of Islamic products, and determine Shariah compliance of these products and our investments.”

An important element of Shariah-compliant financing is a form of obligatory charitable contribution called zakat, which is a religious tax for assisting those that “struggle [jihad] for Allah.” The amount of this tax is between 2.5% and 20%, depending upon the source of the wealth. The zakat religious tax is used to financially support Islamic “charities,” some of which have ties to terrorist organizations that are hostile to the United States and all other “infidels,” which includes Christians and Jews.

The Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, an example of an Islamic “charity” that qualifies for receipt of the zakat, was recently convicted by a federal jury for providing millions of dollars to Islamic terrorist organizations. As a direct consequence of the taxpayer funds appropriated and expended to purchase and financially support AIG, the federal government is now the owner of a corporation engaged in the business of collecting religious taxes to fund interests adverse to the United States, Christians, Jews, and all other “infidels” under Islamic law.