Author Topic: Insurrection (Including J6) and the Second American Civil War  (Read 263041 times)


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #900 on: January 07, 2021, 09:23:57 AM »
G M,  What do you suggest all like-minded people do next?

You need to get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can find. Prepare for what is coming. Beans, bandages and bullets.

The American Republic is deader than a 14 year Air Force veteran on the floor of the Capitol.

Thank you.  Not all that might considered 'mine' are like-minded.  And it seems the seller inventories of ammo etc will be a bit challenged for the foreseeable future.


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #901 on: January 07, 2021, 09:29:14 AM »
Well, at least you know your property and your personal safety will be respected by the Minnesota power structure!

G M,  What do you suggest all like-minded people do next?

You need to get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can find. Prepare for what is coming. Beans, bandages and bullets.

The American Republic is deader than a 14 year Air Force veteran on the floor of the Capitol.

Thank you.  Not all that might considered 'mine' are like-minded.  And it seems the seller inventories of ammo etc will be a bit challenged for the foreseeable future.


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #902 on: January 07, 2021, 09:57:40 AM »
G M, Nobody respects property rights like the Minneapolis City Council.

Wait, maybe Xi Jinping does.

Minneapolis' representation in Washington is literally right out of Mogadishu.  If you watched the movie 'Blackhawk Down' with her, she's pulling for the other side.

Covid ray of hope: Schools and colleges have had their indoctrination interrupted.  Also fewer new future pupils coming:


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #903 on: January 07, 2021, 10:08:18 AM »
If you remain there, you accept whatever fate they have planned for you.

G M, Nobody respects property rights like the Minneapolis City Council.

Wait, maybe Xi Jinping does.

Minneapolis' representation in Washington is literally right out of Mogadishu.  If you watched the movie 'Blackhawk Down' with her, she's pulling for the other side.

Covid ray of hope: Schools and colleges have had their indoctrination interrupted.  Also fewer new future pupils coming:


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #904 on: January 07, 2021, 11:38:04 AM »
G M wrote:  If you remain there, you accept whatever fate they have planned for you.

Note he did not say, peacefully accept.     :wink:

"the reddest county, in the reddest state"  A friend is investing in NW Arkansas.  Red county in a red state definition. 
Nice place, but I don't speak the language.  Other ideas?

Too bad Colo went blue; that is my next choice.  Florida is divided, always one election from never coming back.

The blue people control a lot of the desired places.  We need to build the red paradise [God said to Brigham].


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Re: Second American Civil War
« Reply #905 on: January 07, 2021, 12:17:14 PM »
Next to you, there are the Dakotas. If I recall correctly, S. Dakota has the best privacy laws of any state. Wyoming is nice. Utah. Texas. Montana, Idaho.

If your Governor and your Sheriff believe in the Constitution, you should be ok.

G M wrote:  If you remain there, you accept whatever fate they have planned for you.

Note he did not say, peacefully accept.     :wink:

"the reddest county, in the reddest state"  A friend is investing in NW Arkansas.  Red county in a red state definition. 
Nice place, but I don't speak the language.  Other ideas?

Too bad Colo went blue; that is my next choice.  Florida is divided, always one election from never coming back.

The blue people control a lot of the desired places.  We need to build the red paradise [God said to Brigham].


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Re: Second American Civil War, Jan 6, 2020
« Reply #906 on: January 08, 2021, 07:46:19 AM »
5 deaths from the day the Capitol was stormed.

One, a murder captured on video.  Victim: Ashli Babbitt

Who shot her?  Where is the investigation?  Charges?

Two, Police officer hit with fire extinguisher, now dead.
Who hit him?  Where is the investigation?

Three people within the massive crowd died of medical reasons?
Who?  How?  Are they identified?  Waiting for medical examiner?


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of course dems true to form
« Reply #907 on: January 08, 2021, 08:17:25 AM »

all indications we WILL see statehood push packing the court and citizenship for 20 mill illegals (phony "pathway to citizenship) and most likely the electoral college being flushed down the proverbial outhouse

reversal of everything Trump accomplished


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Larry Correia on the current environment
« Reply #908 on: January 08, 2021, 09:02:57 AM »

Larry Correia
20 hrs ·
This was a comment I made in someone else’s post yesterday, but then it started getting shared:

I don't even like Trump, but I've spent the last four years getting screamed at by angry people for defending him, when I'm actually usually just defending basic reality.

Oh, we are so fucked. Today is nothing. It's probably going to get worse, because we're on a road that I can't see any off ramps.

Sorry, here comes a rant.

People are confused and constantly bombarded by conflicting information, some correct, some bullshit, and nobody knows what to believe because nobody trusts the people we are supposed to be able to trust. Then we have a super powerful global media complex that straight up gas lights everyone, and we're shocked the people have lost trust in information sources.

Then when people have valid concerns, they get mocked, belittled, and insulted. They get gas lighted and told what they've seen with their own eyes didn't happen, and then they're "fact checked" with things that are basically a list of excuses generated by partisans who have zero clue what they're talking about.

Repeat that daily, for literally every topic, and you get to a point where nobody trusts anybody and we have massive competing groups that can't even agree on basic pieces of relative truth anymore. And social media then rubs that in everyone's face, so we don't feel any commonality with our countrymen.

But that's basically because we are several different countries crammed into one. As a people we've got two primary philosophies with a bunch of offshoots of those two, except they are mutually exclusive and cannot exist at the same time. So instead we get a muddled mixture of nonsensical bullshit that isn't really either, but is primarily a vehicle that exists to benefit the same people who benefit from our totally untrustworthy information sources.

Then let's have a global pandemic, make everybody poorer, put them out of work, make everything they would normally do to blow off steam illegal, and once again if they express any concerns about this situation and the conflicting information presented to them, they get insulted, belittled, disparaged, and disrespected.

Then let's have riots and looting and arson and murder for months on end, where the rule of law appears to be a one way street.

Oh, and let's have a bunch of scandals with our political betters that tell everybody we have a two tiered justice system, where we're peasants, but our moral betters can do pretty much anything and get away with it.

All while our information sources obviously lie and conflict with each other and run interference for their powerful friends, but giant soulless mega corporations will straight up destroy regular mundane people if they feel like it.

And then at the very end of this shitty year, let's have a election that is insanely anomalous in a bunch of ways, but let's not actually investigate it in any meaningful manner, and instead let's just insult anybody who is concerned about it.

Because nothing bad could possibly happen from tens of millions of people believing that their votes will never matter again and the system is irreparably rigged against them in a country with billions of guns and nuclear weapons.

Whew... And that's just this year, after the last two decades of escalating tensions in a country filled with people who hate each other's fundamental beliefs.

Which brings us to now... Which is why when buildings start exploding and politicians get beheaded, I won't be in the least bit surprised.

And I'm usually the optimist. I'm seeing people I would consider boring vanilla normies, not gun culture people, not Trumpkins, not preppers, not even that political, now talking about violence and revolution like those are perfectly normal topics. Twenty years ago that was reserved for us internet gun nuts and taboo crazy talk for everyone else.

Yeah... we are basically fucked.


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agree with the above
« Reply #909 on: January 08, 2021, 02:59:29 PM »
good post Larry Correia by GM above

Oh, we are so fucked. Today is nothing. It's probably going to get worse, because we're on a road that I can't see any off ramps.

Never trumpers, those who plead just calm down , democrats now they are firmly in massive and near total power
  give us this shit:

At least the rich globalists don't bother to even mention lets work on things we can agree on BS

they just mow down obstacles with money
  bribes massive lawfare and control of the 95% of media outlets


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BI: Inside job, attempted coup
« Reply #910 on: January 08, 2021, 03:47:10 PM »


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Josh must be doing something right
« Reply #911 on: January 08, 2021, 03:52:26 PM »

Sen Murray :

"At the end of the day, our job is to keep this country a democracy where voices win, not brute force. Any Senator who stands up and supports the power of force over the power of democracy has broken their oath of office. Senators Hawley and Cruz should resign."

but if you are a Republican you need to shut up and keep your opinions to yourself

whats more if she were accurate why are they using brute force to impeach
and does this mean they will not use "brute force"
to ram down all their agenda down the throat of one half of the legal citizens of this country?

lets see what she votes on for statehood electoral college e tc. laws they propose!


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Sen. Tom Cotton: Insurrection demands forceful response
« Reply #913 on: January 08, 2021, 06:13:55 PM »
Insurrection Demands Forceful Response
The politics of the mob don’t matter. Government must preserve civic order.
By Tom Cotton
Jan. 7, 2021 6:27 pm ET

National Guardsmen man the grounds outside the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 7.

Over the summer, as insurrection gripped the streets, I called to send in the troops if necessary to restore order. On Wednesday insurrectionists occupied the Capitol and disrupted the proceedings of Congress.

These groups waved signs with different slogans, but our response must be the same: no quarter for insurrectionists. Those who use violence to advance their agendas must be stopped with the full force of the law.

Mob violence exploded over the past year. Last May rioters and looters terrorized many cities following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. Left-wing radicals capitalized on the chaos by attacking courthouses and tearing down statues of Washington, Lincoln, Grant and others.

Local Democratic officials’ response to this outburst of violence was weak and conciliatory, perhaps because the perpetrators shared their beliefs.

Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.

Mayor Bill de Blasio assailed the New York City Police Department for “provocations under cover of darkness,” while rioters were running over officers with cars and looters were going on smash-and-grab sprees in SoHo and the Diamond District. Mr. de Blasio called for “mediation and dialogue” to stop the unrest. Unsurprisingly, it was the NYPD, not Mr. de Blasio, that restored order to the city.

The lessons from last summer’s insurrection are clear to sober-minded observers. When leaders indulge the mob, they embolden the mob. The best way to maintain or restore order is an overwhelming display of force, which often can prevent the use of force.

Too few of our leaders learned these lessons. The president heedlessly goaded the crowd on the mall, while some Republicans had spent a week encouraging false hope that Congress could overturn the results of the election. Washington’s left-wing mayor, Muriel Bowser, insisted National Guardsmen come unarmed to the protest. Guardsmen would have to return to their armory to retrieve weapons if things spiraled out of control, which they did. The mob outnumbered and overwhelmed Capitol Police and Secret Service at the Capitol, despite their commendable efforts to maintain control.

Some liberals appear to have shed their reservations about the use of force now that the mob carries different signs and chants different slogans. Some of the same pundits who called roughly half the country “fascists” last year for thinking troops may be necessary to restore order now ask where the troops were on Wednesday. Perhaps they’ve learned the lesson that political violence leads to more political violence. If the lesson doesn’t stick, they’ll soon learn another: Revolutions tend to eat their own.

Mob rule contributes to a more general breakdown of public order. Our country suffered such a breakdown last year, as the number of homicides increased at the fastest rate on record. The victims of violent crime are the most tragic casualties of disorder. Other victims are never recorded in crime statistics, such as the elderly who are afraid to go outside their homes or mothers afraid to take their children to the park.

While law-abiding citizens are the immediate victims of the mob, they aren’t its ultimate target. Mobs attack property like the Capitol and public monuments because they are symbols of civilization. Attacks on these institutions demoralize our people and shake their faith in our government and way of life. The final victim of what Lincoln called “the mobocratic spirit” is thus “the attachment of the people,” the very spirit of civic-minded patriotism that’s necessary to preserve our republic.

Strong leaders maintain order not only to protect their people from criminal violence but also to preserve confidence in civilization. Too many leaders have failed in this foundational task over the past year.

As Lincoln said, we must insist that “there is no grievance that is a fit object for redress by mob law.” Instead of cowering before the mob, we must support the police, arrest the perpetrators, and end the chaos.

Mr. Cotton, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Arkansas.


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Re: Sen. Tom Cotton: Insurrection demands forceful response
« Reply #914 on: January 08, 2021, 06:27:05 PM »
More than a billion dollars short and 6 months late...

Insurrection Demands Forceful Response
The politics of the mob don’t matter. Government must preserve civic order.
By Tom Cotton
Jan. 7, 2021 6:27 pm ET

National Guardsmen man the grounds outside the U.S. Capitol, Jan. 7.

Over the summer, as insurrection gripped the streets, I called to send in the troops if necessary to restore order. On Wednesday insurrectionists occupied the Capitol and disrupted the proceedings of Congress.

These groups waved signs with different slogans, but our response must be the same: no quarter for insurrectionists. Those who use violence to advance their agendas must be stopped with the full force of the law.

Mob violence exploded over the past year. Last May rioters and looters terrorized many cities following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody. Left-wing radicals capitalized on the chaos by attacking courthouses and tearing down statues of Washington, Lincoln, Grant and others.

Local Democratic officials’ response to this outburst of violence was weak and conciliatory, perhaps because the perpetrators shared their beliefs.

Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.

Mayor Bill de Blasio assailed the New York City Police Department for “provocations under cover of darkness,” while rioters were running over officers with cars and looters were going on smash-and-grab sprees in SoHo and the Diamond District. Mr. de Blasio called for “mediation and dialogue” to stop the unrest. Unsurprisingly, it was the NYPD, not Mr. de Blasio, that restored order to the city.

The lessons from last summer’s insurrection are clear to sober-minded observers. When leaders indulge the mob, they embolden the mob. The best way to maintain or restore order is an overwhelming display of force, which often can prevent the use of force.

Too few of our leaders learned these lessons. The president heedlessly goaded the crowd on the mall, while some Republicans had spent a week encouraging false hope that Congress could overturn the results of the election. Washington’s left-wing mayor, Muriel Bowser, insisted National Guardsmen come unarmed to the protest. Guardsmen would have to return to their armory to retrieve weapons if things spiraled out of control, which they did. The mob outnumbered and overwhelmed Capitol Police and Secret Service at the Capitol, despite their commendable efforts to maintain control.

Some liberals appear to have shed their reservations about the use of force now that the mob carries different signs and chants different slogans. Some of the same pundits who called roughly half the country “fascists” last year for thinking troops may be necessary to restore order now ask where the troops were on Wednesday. Perhaps they’ve learned the lesson that political violence leads to more political violence. If the lesson doesn’t stick, they’ll soon learn another: Revolutions tend to eat their own.

Mob rule contributes to a more general breakdown of public order. Our country suffered such a breakdown last year, as the number of homicides increased at the fastest rate on record. The victims of violent crime are the most tragic casualties of disorder. Other victims are never recorded in crime statistics, such as the elderly who are afraid to go outside their homes or mothers afraid to take their children to the park.

While law-abiding citizens are the immediate victims of the mob, they aren’t its ultimate target. Mobs attack property like the Capitol and public monuments because they are symbols of civilization. Attacks on these institutions demoralize our people and shake their faith in our government and way of life. The final victim of what Lincoln called “the mobocratic spirit” is thus “the attachment of the people,” the very spirit of civic-minded patriotism that’s necessary to preserve our republic.

Strong leaders maintain order not only to protect their people from criminal violence but also to preserve confidence in civilization. Too many leaders have failed in this foundational task over the past year.

As Lincoln said, we must insist that “there is no grievance that is a fit object for redress by mob law.” Instead of cowering before the mob, we must support the police, arrest the perpetrators, and end the chaos.

Mr. Cotton, a Republican, is a U.S. senator from Arkansas.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #915 on: January 08, 2021, 06:34:54 PM »
I suspect that Cotton was objecting during the Antifa BLM riots too.


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Re: BI: Inside job, attempted coup
« Reply #916 on: January 08, 2021, 08:12:39 PM »
"BI is very lefty"

Yes.  If they really were business insiders, like Martha Stewart, they probably wouldn't name their publication that.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #917 on: January 08, 2021, 09:10:41 PM »
I suspect that Cotton was objecting during the Antifa BLM riots too.

Probably. And his dem counterparts were cheering BURNLOOTMURDER on.


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Protest at the Capitol, Jan 6 2021
« Reply #922 on: January 09, 2021, 07:51:16 PM »
Relatives drove to Washington to attend and support Trump, gave us their first hand look at it today.

Nice, friendly, they took the family, met nice people, it was great, they didn't see anything violent or scary.  No one hurt, no vandalism, no medical problems.

One observation stood out.  There is a distance between the speech and the Capitol.  It takes time to get between the two, especially when the area was packed with people.  But there was no time lag between the speech and when the Capitol was attacked.  No one who attacked the Capitol at the start was at the speech.  Therefore Trump didn't incite them, at least not in person on that day.

Also they saw buses dropping off people at the Capitol in front of the crowd walking there from the speech.

If attackers planned what they were doing before the speech, the speech is not what incited them. 

Plus, I watched the speech (on c-span later).  There was nothing there to incite.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #923 on: January 09, 2021, 08:34:57 PM »
That could change everything , , ,


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #924 on: January 09, 2021, 08:52:36 PM »
That could change everything , , ,



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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #925 on: January 10, 2021, 03:11:32 AM »
Because it disproves the narrative of Trump whipping up the crowd to do  this.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #926 on: January 10, 2021, 07:03:31 AM »
One point on the current impeachment effort and they're not shy about saying it this time, impeachment and removal in the last week would result in Donald Trump banned from ever running for President again.  It's not a symbolic gesture.

I don't want Trump to be the nominee in 2024 by the choice of the people, not by those in power banning their strongest opponents names from appearing on a ballot.

To those who want to impeach, take a breath.  Next week your dream guy will be in the Oval Office.  The leader of the smart party.  Soon we will have gender and no gender bathrooms for everyone and wind turbines mandated on cars.  It's gonna be great.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #928 on: January 10, 2021, 08:05:51 AM »
Because it disproves the narrative of Trump whipping up the crowd to do  this.

You think the left cares about the truth? Since when?


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #930 on: January 10, 2021, 09:21:41 AM »
"You think the left cares about the truth? Since when?"

Right but...

There is "The Left", and then there are our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, etc, who vote with them.  People with intelligence and morals not much different than our own, you would at least think.  We HAVE TO keep trying to get at the truth and split them away if the truth is on our side.  This is not their grandfather's democratic party, grandfather's left side of the political spectrum, not the level of media bias of some day gone by.  This is not Walter Cronkite, secretly a Dem, posing as neutral.  These are extremists trying to divide us and destroy everything we live and fight for.  We need to keep making the case to those who do value truth: don't blindly believe them.  Don't join them or be them.

Notice that blacks and Hispanics and other demographic groups have started to walk away.  Truth leaks out.  Allegiances shift slowly with much resistance.

"Baseless allegations" repeated thousands of times on hundreds of media outlets, when half the people knew the 'allegations' had plenty of basis, was more inciteful than anything Trump wrote or said.  The investigators refusing to investigate.  The Courts telling America they lack standing to legally and peacefully challenge election results that are full of anomalies.  THAT was inciteful.
When vote fraud swung Venezuela from 40-60 to 60-40 for Chavez, my question was, why were there 40% supporting him?


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #931 on: January 10, 2021, 09:36:40 AM »

Voting? Like this last election? You can't outvote the dem fraud machine.

"You think the left cares about the truth? Since when?"

Right but...

There is "The Left", and then there are our family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, etc, who vote with them.  People with intelligence and morals not much different than our own, you would at least think.  We HAVE TO keep trying to get at the truth and split them away if the truth is on our side.  This is not their grandfather's democratic party, grandfather's left side of the political spectrum, not the level of media bias of some day gone by.  This is not Walter Cronkite, secretly a Dem, posing as neutral.  These are extremists trying to divide us and destroy everything we live and fight for.  We need to keep making the case to those who do value truth: don't blindly believe them.  Don't join them or be them.

Notice that blacks and Hispanics and other demographic groups have started to walk away.  Truth leaks out.  Allegiances shift slowly with much resistance.

"Baseless allegations" repeated thousands of times on hundreds of media outlets, when half the people knew the 'allegations' had plenty of basis, was more inciteful than anything Trump wrote or said.  The investigators refusing to investigate.  The Courts telling America they lack standing to legally and peacefully challenge election results that are full of anomalies.  THAT was inciteful.
When vote fraud swung Venezuela from 40-60 to 60-40 for Chavez, my question was, why were there 40% supporting him?


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #932 on: January 10, 2021, 10:30:54 AM »
Voting? Like this last election? You can't outvote the dem fraud machine.

Margaret Thatcher:  "First you win the argument, then you win the vote."

In this case winning the argument means getting through to one more person behind the scenes at the Atlanta, fake water main break scene, and 5 other cities, getting one more whistle blower, one more smoking gun to speak up, expose and stop this.

Even better would be to investigate this thoroughly and and exhaustively and find out we were wrong, there was no cheat, we were 40,000 votes short of an electoral victory and needed not much more than that to win the House and Senate too. 

The timeliness of getting the 2020 election right has ended, but the need to get the truth out - on everything - lives on.

What other choice do we have?  Surrender, concede elections?  Not a chance.  Already mentioned, can't shoot our way out of this.  Can't help the cause much if in federal prison or dead.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #933 on: January 10, 2021, 10:39:02 AM »
You are talking to dems who watched their city burn, and then continue to vote dem. But you are going to convince them with words?

Voting? Like this last election? You can't outvote the dem fraud machine.

Margaret Thatcher:  "First you win the argument, then you win the vote."

In this case winning the argument means getting through to one more person behind the scenes at the Atlanta, fake water main break scene, and 5 other cities, getting one more whistle blower, one more smoking gun to speak up, expose and stop this.

Even better would be to investigate this thoroughly and and exhaustively and find out we were wrong, there was no cheat, we were 40,000 votes short of an electoral victory and needed not much more than that to win the House and Senate too. 

The timeliness of getting the 2020 election right has ended, but the need to get the truth out - on everything - lives on.

What other choice do we have?  Surrender, concede elections?  Not a chance.  Already mentioned, can't shoot our way out of this.  Can't help the cause much if in federal prison or dead.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #934 on: January 10, 2021, 11:12:04 AM »
quote author=G M
"You are talking to dems who watched their city burn, and then continue to vote dem. But you are going to convince them with words?"

Yes.  Not all Dems.  Changing the mindset of 0.4% of them would swing 4 states and the election, not counting fraud. Problem is we can't get words to them, (also the fraud). 

My rich, white, 'moderate', suburban male friends who voted Biden don't like the extreme Left either.  That is something they have to deal with, without the help of any of our words.

Arguing with me makes them lock into their starting position, not reconsider it.  Watching the cities burn equals thousands of words that can't be blocked or not believed.  The facts are on our side - or we wouldn't be running roughly even with of 93% media coverage against us.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 11:16:59 AM by DougMacG »


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Ideology by state, Gallup 2016
« Reply #935 on: January 10, 2021, 11:13:57 AM »
Choosing up sides for the next war...
These numbers don't match the election results very well.  Would be nice to have 2020 numbers.
States ranked by Ideology, Gallup 2016 
       Conservative Moderate Liberal
Wyoming   49   33   14
North Dakota 43    42   12
Mississippi   46   33   15
Oklahoma   46   33   16
Alabama   47   31   17
Arkansas   45   34   17
Idaho   45   35   17
Louisiana   44   34   17
Montana   44   34   18
Utah         44   35   18
Tennessee   43   34   17
South Carolina  42   36   17
South Dakota  41   38   16
Kentucky   42   34   20
Kansas   40   37   19
Missouri   42   34   21
North Carolina 40   34   20
Texas   40   35   20
Iowa    40   37   21
Indiana   39   36   20
Georgia   39   36   20
West Virginia  41  34   22
Nebraska   39   35   21
Ohio    37   37   21
Virginia   37   36   22
Arizona   36   37   22
Nevada   36   35   23
Florida   36   35   23
New Mexico 36   37   23
Pennsylvania 36   36   24
Wisconsin   36   37   24
Alaska   34   37   23
Michigan   34   36   24
New Hampshire   34   37   25
Minnesota   34   37   25
Colorado   35   36   26
Delaware   32   38   25
Illinois   32   36   28
New Jersey 31   37   27
Rhode Island 30   41   26
Hawaii   28   41   26
Maryland   29   38   28
Oregon   31   36   30
California   30   35   29
Maine   31   33   31   
Washington 30   36   30   
New York   29   35   31
Connecticut 27   38   31
Massachusetts 25   37   33
Vermont   26   32   40
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 11:19:22 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #936 on: January 10, 2021, 11:18:40 AM »
You will NEVER outvote the fraud machine. You won't outvote the millions of illegals turned citizens and their chain migration relatives.

Stop kidding yourself. The American Republic is dead.

quote author=G M
You are talking to dems who watched their city burn, and then continue to vote dem. But you are going to convince them with words?

Yes.  Not all Dems.  Changing the mindset of 0.4% of them would swing 4 states and the election, not counting fraud. Problem is we can't get words to them, (also the fraud). 

My rich, white, 'moderate', suburban male friends who voted Biden don't like the extreme Left either.  That is something they have to deal with, without the help of any of our words.

Arguing with me makes them lock into their starting position, not reconsider it.  Watching the cities burn equals thousands of words that can't be blocked.  The facts are on our side - or we wouldn't be running roughly even with of 93% media coverage against us.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #937 on: January 10, 2021, 11:55:15 AM »
When I was in the police academy, a long time ago, an instructor told us about his experience responding to a car vs 18 wheeler fatal accident. The car had rear ended the trailer and was pinned underneath (Notice the low mounted bumpers with the red/white markings on trailers these days, that's there to prevent this).

Fire/Rescue extracted an uninjured man from the wreckage. He had been sleeping while his wife drove and his two daughters were in the back seat. He survived because he had leaned his seat back enough that he avoided being guillotined when the car went under the trailer. His family didn't.

So, he was standing there, talking to the first responders about how much it would cost to repair the car, body work etc.

Was he a sociopath? No. It's displacement. His new world was horribly changed and he had no way to fix it.

I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow.


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #940 on: January 10, 2021, 03:09:41 PM »
"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."

This should be a classic line for the ages! 

But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?

BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .

The fraction of  a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am .  The mind is amazing .

Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .


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Re: Insurrection and the Second American Civil War
« Reply #941 on: January 10, 2021, 06:28:18 PM »
1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.

"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"

That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.

"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."

This should be a classic line for the ages! 

But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?

BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .

The fraction of  a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am .  The mind is amazing .

Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .


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Enemies of the People
« Reply #942 on: January 10, 2021, 07:09:48 PM »

1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.

"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"

That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.

"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."

This should be a classic line for the ages! 

But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?

BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .

The fraction of  a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am .  The mind is amazing .

Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .
« Last Edit: January 10, 2021, 07:15:03 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Enemies of the People
« Reply #943 on: January 10, 2021, 08:24:00 PM »

Can't happen here!

1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.

"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"

That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.

"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."

This should be a classic line for the ages! 

But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?

BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .

The fraction of  a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am .  The mind is amazing .

Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .


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Re: Enemies of the People
« Reply #944 on: January 10, 2021, 10:54:12 PM »

Can't happen here!

1. Get you and yours to the reddest county, in the reddest state you can. Places with water and food production.
You DO NOT want to be in the NE US when things go sideways.

"But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?"

That already happened. Now it's about surviving the pogroms.

"I suggest that everyone Kubler-Ross their way through things and start making serious plans for the upcoming shitshow."

This should be a classic line for the ages! 

But how is storing up food weapons water
and bunkering hunkering up going to stop a Democrat takeover of our nation?

BTW , while traveling across country with a friend and family I was at the wheel and we passed an accident.
For not even once second I caught the sight of a pickup truck that smashed under a tracker trailer and in the crushed cabin I could see the very blown up arm sticking out and hanging down .

The fraction of  a second has stuck in my mind well over 40 yrs .
and other things I can't recall from this am .  The mind is amazing .

Back to the present - so what do we do.
We know what is coming politically .


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even Forbes exec trying to ruin lives of Trump supporters
« Reply #945 on: January 11, 2021, 06:01:31 AM »

yes this IS a pogrom
not of jews but of the Right

ironically, many of those who call for this ARE Jews


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Re: even Forbes exec trying to ruin lives of Trump supporters
« Reply #946 on: January 11, 2021, 12:57:07 PM »
Look at the language used to describe Jews in pre-holocaust Germany. Look at the language being used to describe white conservative males now. See any similarities?

yes this IS a pogrom
not of jews but of the Right

ironically, many of those who call for this ARE Jews


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At the Brink
« Reply #947 on: January 11, 2021, 01:05:47 PM »


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