Author Topic: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden  (Read 69981 times)


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Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« on: March 19, 2014, 06:54:32 PM »
We need a bit more levity around here, hence a thread dedicated to Shotgun Joe:


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden - Breaking News
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2015, 01:07:45 PM »
Breaking News -

A Federal Court has ruled that neither Obama or Biden are entitled to celebrate Labor Day or have the weekend off.

The ruling cites that neither have engaged in real labor since Jan 20, 2009.



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« Last Edit: November 23, 2017, 10:55:45 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Creepy Old Joe Biden
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2019, 09:56:44 AM »
I was going to joke about whether or not Biden would implode before he got his own thread, but there it was...

No, this woman is not his wife.  Whether a whisper or a kiss, she did not consent to any intimacy, especially with her husband right there.

Please, please, please leave me alone.

Not his granddaughter, and no, she isn't liking it.

Ticklish?  Or just surprised?

Does your boyfriend at school hold you and touch you here?

I don't think it's going to be the divisive issues of the day that brings down creepy old Joe.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2019, 10:01:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Joe Biden - Debating the Iraq War 2002
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2019, 10:19:06 AM »

Hey, was Biden lying about WMD or was that just Bush?
Saddam possesses Chemical and Biological Weapons.

When Saddam took over Kuwait and we had the big coalition, Sen Biden OPPOSED the intervention.

"Wrong side of history,..." Biden opposed Reagan's SDI:
"The president's continued adherence to [SDI] constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft."


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2019, 10:24:18 AM »
My understanding is Saddam did have chemical weapons but snuck them to Syria .

But that was just an excuse to bomb him.

As far as I can tell Bush et al really though once Saddam was overthrown
most Iraqis would welcome it and be happy to form a free government.

And that was the real reason they bombed  and invaded.

Plus of course the horrendous stories coming out of Iraq certainly did make some of us want to get rid of the monster.


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Joe Biden: I believe Lucy Flores
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2019, 03:24:34 PM »
No new allegation here, just Joe Biden doing what he does all the time in plain view.  This woman, then the Dem candidate for Lt. Gov. of New Mexico, a young Latina, seems to be the first to really come out and say in strong words that she didn't like it.  Busted. The question has been called and people are going to be called out to say, this is okay or it isn't.

Elizabeth Warren:  "I believe Lucy Flores"

So do I.  Joe Biden will not survive this - because it's true and because he doesn't have any positive qualities to fall back on.


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Re: Joe Biden: I believe Lucy Flores
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2019, 05:38:27 PM »
No new allegation here, just Joe Biden doing what he does all the time in plain view.  This woman, then the Dem candidate for Lt. Gov. of New Mexico, a young Latina, seems to be the first to really come out and say in strong words that she didn't like it.  Busted. The question has been called and people are going to be called out to say, this is okay or it isn't.

Elizabeth Warren:  "I believe Lucy Flores"

So do I.  Joe Biden will not survive this - because it's true and because he doesn't have any positive qualities to fall back on.

He is done.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2019, 04:26:12 AM »
" .He is done. "

But wait, he apologized for not sticking up for poor old Anita.
(If I remember correctly , he actually did bash Thomas just like he did Bork)
Doesn't this atone for his girly sins?

Funny how all these gals were silent when Obama needed a rich old white man to balance the  Prez ticket to be more racially diverse.

Oh but now..........
« Last Edit: March 31, 2019, 05:28:56 AM by ccp »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2019, 09:05:25 AM »
We all here don't like Joe, and surely it is fun to see yet another Dem hoisted on the MeToo petard, but I fear that my joining in, all in the name of demanding consistency from the other side or some such notion, that when the dust clears the result will not be that the SJW Progs have backed off now that the consequences are applied to them too, but rather as the reign of PC terror bloodletting continues, it will be applied to us too.

Time to speak some common sense methinks. 

Such as:

a) there is a statute of limitations on accusations.  One year?  Three years?  Hell, I don't know-- but there needs to be one.  Going up to married Bill Cosby's apartment in the evening and sharing drinks and 'ludes and then accusing of rape 30-40 years later is bullturds.

b) Time to man up ladies.  You don't get to go into the infantry and fall in the toilet when the seat is left up.   Which is it?  Get off the fg pedastal and learn how to deal with a pass from a man.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2019, 12:48:26 PM »
"Get off the fg pedastal and learn how to deal with a pass from a man."

Fair points Crafty and a good warning for all of us not to jump with the crowd without consideration.  What Biden is doing is minor in the scheme of things, but it is creepy.  To lean in to whisper and touch is one thing but this is a pattern.  It's not a pass from a man, meet me backstage later, but a violation of space norms.  Two hands on shoulders is not hands on breasts or vagina.  The awkward kiss, if true, makes it a little weird and inappropriate.  Who else do you grab and kiss in casual acquaintance?

In a sports situation I heard a female friend tell a male friend recently as nicely as possible not to pat her on the butt.  She didn't mean how dare you, you pervert, or that was out of line, she just meant don't do it - and I'm sure he won't again.  From the quote above, 'know how to deal with it'.  It was an awkward moment, it would have been way easier for her to just take it or dodge it but she spoke up.

The remedy to most things minor is freedom of speech.  In this case, belatedly, Flores spoke up.  Not criminal charges, not disqualifying in itself for higher office, not ad hominem, he might be a great family man otherwise, just that she has seen this happen to others, it happened to her, and she didn't like it.  Sounds fair to me.

Biden's real problem is his lack of good Presidential qualities...   Top of the class smarts?  No.  History of being right on foreign policy?  No.  Amazing legislative accomplishments during his 36 years in the Senate?  No.  Handling controversy under pressure well when he was head of the Judiciary committee?  No.  Proven popularity in national elections?  No.  Was a valuable and essential part of a very successful administration?  No.  Great positive contrast to Trump in character, race, gender?  No.  Can speak with accuracy and precision, free of the gaffes and offensive comments that Trump makes?  No.  Then why put up with creepy. 


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2019, 06:18:13 PM »
We all here don't like Joe, and surely it is fun to see yet another Dem hoisted on the MeToo petard, but I fear that my joining in, all in the name of demanding consistency from the other side or some such notion, that when the dust clears the result will not be that the SJW Progs have backed off now that the consequences are applied to them too, but rather as the reign of PC terror bloodletting continues, it will be applied to us too.

Time to speak some common sense methinks. 

Such as:

a) there is a statute of limitations on accusations.  One year?  Three years?  Hell, I don't know-- but there needs to be one.  Going up to married Bill Cosby's apartment in the evening and sharing drinks and 'ludes and then accusing of rape 30-40 years later is bullturds.

b) Time to man up ladies.  You don't get to go into the infantry and fall in the toilet when the seat is left up.   Which is it?  Get off the fg pedastal and learn how to deal with a pass from a man.

We are well past the point of shaping some shared civic values. Now, it’s just a matter of sitting back and watching the left feed on it’s self.


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Mika and Joe agree with CD
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2019, 10:44:18 AM »
How far are we going to go?

I must say that the very very weird behavior of kissing and putting hands on shoulders of acquaintances and strangers is what? OK?

Biden, the hypocrite himself certainly doesn't think it ok for Clarence Thomas to have mad a crude remark to Anita Hill and ask her out enough to do everything he could to Bork him and ruin his life.

While I agree with CD for the most part I agree with GM , the cat is out of the bag.
As GM points out let the LEFT eat their own shit for a change.
Screw Biden.  The guy who cheated in law school ...........

Fool now on his knees apologizing for being an old white guy ..  what a fool.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2019, 11:22:05 AM »



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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2019, 01:27:24 PM »


Make the enemy live by their rules.

Playing the noble frog to the left’s scorpions hasn’t moderated their behavior yet, has it?



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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #19 on: April 01, 2019, 01:56:26 PM »
"Make the enemy live by their rules."

Actually, in this case that is not the case.

The concept of a statute of limitations is simply a due process concept that applies to everyone.  The MeToo folks need to be told they don't get to bring excrement up after a certain point.  I'll suggest three years for adults, longer for adolescents and longer yet for children.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #20 on: April 01, 2019, 02:40:08 PM »
"Make the enemy live by their rules."

Actually, in this case that is not the case.

The concept of a statute of limitations is simply a due process concept that applies to everyone.  The MeToo folks need to be told they don't get to bring excrement up after a certain point.  I'll suggest three years for adults, longer for adolescents and longer yet for children.

The left lost interest in "due process" as soon as they took over the various institutions in American society.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2019, 04:00:34 PM »
Regardless, it is the tip of OUR spear!


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2019, 04:07:10 PM »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2019, 07:33:57 AM »
"The concept of a statute of limitations is simply a due process concept that applies to everyone.  The MeToo folks need to be told they don't get to bring excrement up after a certain point.  I'll suggest three years for adults, longer for adolescents and longer yet for children."

I agree in concept but I'm not sure what to do about it.  Statue of limitations applies to criminal charges.  Proof beyond reasonable doubt requires reasonably fresh evidence and memories and the rights to a speedy trial and to confront your accusers require a right to know what you are accused of in a timely manner. 

With candidates and nominees, we look at their whole life but have to make judgments about what people bring up or make up later.

It turns out the Flores thing was 2014, I thought it was 2016.  That is the difference of being within the three years limit.  But she is exercising her freedom of speech, not  accusing him of a crime.  She of course can't be limited in saying what she said but we need to look at context in how we consider it or react to it.

What she says fits right into what we already know about Biden and it is reasonably recent.  What Kavanaugh's false accusers allege fit nothing we know about him and were more than a quarter century old.

If I read Crafty right, we shouldn't act like them, agreed.  But we can't anyway.  No one would take us seriously if we made accusations like that or tried to hear out unverifiable charges from ages ago.  But no amount of good behavior on our part will stop them from what they do.

Leftists aren't going to agree to a reasonable set of rules.  The Kavanaugh accusers were nothing compared to what will come with the next Supreme Court nominee, hypothetically if Amy Barrett is chosen to replace RBG.  To the Left this is nuclear war with no rules. 

People on the Left still believe Anita Hill because they want to, and they wanted so desperately to believe Kavanaugh was a boy scout of the gang rapist variety to stop Trump and to fight the changing balance of the Court.  It was really just one more form of denying constitution process and denying the results of the last Presidential and Senate elections. 

I can't see that we have any answer for their tactics except to call the out and keep trudging forward.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2019, 07:45:17 AM »
I get that SoL applies to criminal charges.

I am suggesting to apply the concept politically to charges of misbehavior long after the fact.  We may have glee and regard turnabout as fair play when our opponents (Biden here) suffer from what they have done, but I think in the long run we benefit if we apply it across the board. 

"Look people, it just isn't fair to bring up things from long ago.  Just as in the law we have the SoL, the same reasons apply here.  Not only do memories change over time, particularly in the retellings that occur over time, but even more so when the timing of the charge may have political motivation.  Charges should be made while the accused has a chance of remembering and defending himself.  If you didn't speak up within a reasonable time frame (three years?) time to shut up now."



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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2019, 07:47:18 AM »
I get that SoL applies to criminal charges.

I am suggesting to apply the concept politically to charges of misbehavior long after the fact.  We may have glee and regard turnabout as fair play when our opponents (Biden here) suffer from what they have done, but I think in the long run we benefit if we apply it across the board. 

"Look people, it just isn't fair to bring up things from long ago.  Just as in the law we have the SoL, the same reasons apply here.  Not only do memories change over time, particularly in the retellings that occur over time, but even more so when the timing of the charge may have political motivation.  Charges should be made while the accused has a chance of remembering and defending himself.  If you didn't speak up within a reasonable time frame (three years?) time to shut up now."


Gosh, I guess we haven't been nice enough to the left...


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #27 on: April 02, 2019, 07:50:20 AM »
When we apply it to the Left, we get to apply it to "our side" too-- and present ourselves as above the partisan fray.


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #28 on: April 02, 2019, 07:53:24 AM »
When we apply it to the Left, we get to apply it to "our side" too-- and present ourselves as above the partisan fray.

The left has no rules in combat. Right?


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #29 on: April 02, 2019, 09:19:20 AM »
Ed Rendell on Laura last night putting Biden in context :
He  even says Joe massaged his shoulders and whispered in his ear
(not sure if he smelled his Old Spiced and kissed his hair though ) and he was not offended!

Main point is Ed points out that , at this time, Joe has the best and only chance of beating Trump so the "establishment " Dems will of course start rallying around him  and this whole Me Two thing with him will just blow over .

In the meantime it is a true joy watching the LEFT pummel themselves for a darn change!

I agree with CD in principal .   He rightly points out we will get blow back from this.  Laura of note thought and I think Tucker too, that  the allegations against Biden are totally blown out of proportion by Bernie and Warren people. 

But being principled has not helped Republicans  except in out own minds.  We need good policies but we need to fight the LEFT the same way they fight us - and harder .

Just wait till Gloria Allred comes out with her whole assembled stable of gals with ha giant law suit against Trump sometime prior to the election !!!!  IT IS COMING.

And none of us should be surprised when Al Franken announces his come back.  Already some are suggesting that when they claim he resigned too soon.

As for SOL for crimes  -  from a pure legal point of view makes sense.  I would like to hear what a Dershowitz would think. 
Aren't there some crimes for which there is not statute?  rape ?  murder ?
And how do we define sexual assault?   One persons assault is another just being aggressive .
What about harassment?  I think this goes to juries (civil?)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 09:24:58 AM by ccp »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2019, 01:01:43 PM »
"Look people, it just isn't fair to bring up things from long ago.  Just as in the law we have the SoL, the same reasons apply here.  Not only do memories change over time, particularly in the retellings that occur over time, but even more so when the timing of the charge may have political motivation.  Charges should be made while the accused has a chance of remembering and defending himself.

   - Agreed, we need to ignore or discount anything old and unsubstantiated.

"If you didn't speak up within a reasonable time frame (three years?) time to shut up now."

   - Fair enough.  Maybe the time frame to just speak up is a little more lenient than to press charges but not decades or generations.  Also it is unilateral disarmament.  Democrats have rejected this SoL idea over and over, Anita Hill, Kavanaugh, etc.  They don't just speak up; they make it up.  Hard to make a rules agreement with a group that openly admits ends justify means.  The political idea of 'skeletons in the closet' goes back hundreds of years.  Regarding Kavanaugh, the Chair should have said these charges are unsubstantiated and way too old to hold a hearing.

"When we apply it to the Left, we get to apply it to "our side" too-- and present ourselves as above the partisan fray.

   - Yes.  Here on the forum I think we often pause to ask, would this be fair if the sides were reversed?  That does not happen on the Left.

For the Left to see fairness, let their rules apply to them but even that doesn't change them. 

With Biden, it may not be that the charge is old, but that maybe the charge is trivial.  He put his hands on her shoulders in a public setting etc.  We are not the ones taking him down for it.  We are just (IMHO) pointing out it is weird, and hypocritical.  He is done only when Dems drop their support; he never had mine.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 02:34:03 PM by DougMacG »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2019, 04:59:28 PM »
"If Biden Runs, They’ll Tear Him Up"

so says Noonan

Why, I hope he gets Borked out of the room!  into the sunset .....


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2019, 12:29:15 PM »
"Maybe the time frame to just speak up is a little more lenient than to press charges but not decades or generations.  Also it is unilateral disarmament.  Democrats have rejected this SoL idea over and over, Anita Hill, Kavanaugh, etc.  They don't just speak up; they are make it up.  Hard to make a rules agreement with a group that openly admits ends justify means.  The political idea of 'skeletons in the closet' goes back hundreds of years.  Regarding Kavanaugh, the Chair should have said these charges are unsubstantiated and way too old to hold a hearing."



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The Biden 2020 t-shirt
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2019, 12:54:58 PM »


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breitbart certainly has the way to point out the hypocracy
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2019, 03:40:03 PM »
I  though his old man was a postal carrier
now he sold cars

must have been use cars since the lying BS rubbed off to his son
I supposed he worked in steel, coal, construction, farming  (went on hay ride with little Joe once) and let us see what else ?  maybe he has some Cherokee in him.

From the man who worked in government his whole life and was VP for the supreme elitist who he described as very articulate and good looking (his opinion):
« Last Edit: April 05, 2019, 03:44:09 PM by ccp »


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2019, 04:50:07 AM »
JB was most corrupt VP of our lifetime........

but all middle class people should vote for him because his father worked for the post office among other stories he tells.

Ironic isn't it that anita hill is annoyed with him after he tried to do to Clarence Thomas what he did do to Bork.

this is as much of a joke now as it was then

he asked brock NOT to endorse him......   too clever by half to say the least .


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Joe Biden voted to restore Robert E. Lee's citizenship
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2019, 11:05:35 AM »
Wonder if it was a coincidence that Trump mentioned the Robert E. Lee statute in Charlottesville the other day?


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Re: Up from the memory hole on Anita Hill
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2019, 12:37:22 PM »

Nina Totenberg tried to save the world by leaking a story everyone knew was false.  Biden's big chance at leadership started the country down a rat hole.  We went from pubic hair on a coke can to boy scout gang rape.  What's next?


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2019, 04:32:15 PM »

and Hill ought to apologize to Justice Thomas


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Re: Obama's life insurance policy: Joe Biden
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2019, 07:26:48 PM »
Good find Doug.