Author Topic: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left  (Read 521472 times)


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2000 on: March 06, 2024, 10:56:59 AM »
It is massive lawfare/media warfare/DNC lawfare against Musk since he took over Twitter.

I think lawyers are worth hundreds of thousands per hour don't you.


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Old Man Yells at Half the Nation
« Reply #2002 on: March 08, 2024, 06:51:59 AM »
Various reactions to th SOTU:

Republican Security Council
This photo sums up the response of many to President Biden's State of the Union address. 12 reactions from the right and left.
1) The Atlantic "This State of the Union was the most unusual in living memory."
2) Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report is a Democrat who says "The speech felt like something you would hear at the Democratic National Convention rather than a State of the Union address. He mentioned his 'predecessor' in negative terms at least 11 times."
3) Republican Security Council "At the beginning, Biden made some important observations about the combined major threats from China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, but at the same time he is proposing a defense budget below the level of inflation."
4) AEI "Biden moved quickly from important fundamental points at the beginning to partisan policy points undermining the tone and potential bipartisan agreement he was building on. His speech writers are idiots."
5) Pollster Frank Luntz "It was the loudest State of the Union speech. Let’s see whether undecided voters like being yelled at."
6) Politico "Biden clearly choose a hammer over an olive branch."
7) Marc Thiessen, Washington Post "Biden focused on his predecessor instead of pitching himself to American voters."
8 ) Former Bush press secretary Ari Fleischer "If Trump gave a blatantly partisan State of the Union address like this, MSNBC and CNN would have quickly cut away from the live coverage. This was at a level never seen before."
9) PolitiFact "Biden said 'There are 1000 billionaires in America... the average federal taxes for those billionaires… 8.2%.
”That’s False. The wealthiest Americans currently pay an effective tax rate of more than 20% of their income, not 8%. . .  The president's son is under federal indictment for not paying his taxes or taking care of his family."
10) Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) is not happy because Biden said Laken Riley was "killed by an illegal." National Review "This will actually help Biden if he can stand the pressure from the left."
11) The New York Times "What's astonishing is how interactive it was. Biden was actually engaging with his hecklers, challenging and gently razzing them."
12) Noah Pollak, Free Beacon "The Gaza pier optics were particularly bizarre. Biden is helpless to stop millions of illegal aliens but instead of a border wall he's building piers in terrorist-held territory 7,000 miles away. What?"


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Re: The Left's only criticism : word "illegal"
« Reply #2004 on: March 08, 2024, 08:17:06 AM »

and Leftist Peggy Noonan thought it was great:

Does she not realize she epitomizes the perjorative labels = "elistist " and "swamp creature"?

NPR does not really deny it was an angry, divisive, partisan political speech.

Looks like he's ready to do rallies. We'll see how many sign up to attend when the attendance isn't compulsory.

No I didn't watch it. Was out doing more fun things:


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2005 on: March 08, 2024, 08:37:47 AM »
" No I didn't watch it "

you missed nothing.

It was more of the same LEFTIST/OBAMA crap shoved down our throats

"fair share"
bash the "rich"
shoutout to teachers unions - teachers should be paid more
shoutout to the unions - build back better with green jobs

shout out to Climate activists
shout out to Palestinians
shout out to minorities
shout out to "illegals"
shout out to abortionists
shout out to endless Ukraine war
do not touch Social Security - he will guard it with his life etc

more government programs

F/U to Trump
F/u to anyone who opposes him

and of course the female all dressed in white in the audience to stand for "abortion"
their only majority supported issue

here is what he said about China :

while most likely his speech was delivered on TikTok to reach the younger crowd - one of his team's
assortment of ragtag voters.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2007 on: March 08, 2024, 09:14:12 AM »
Ok I'm listening now.  Three comments and maybe I'll have to come back to clean up the language, angry man, fucking liar and economic ignoramus.

If you combine lying with deceptions, it's almost every sentence.

He says "more affordable" at every turn but nearly every proposal will make things less affordable.

No mention of spending 40% more than we take in, but he did cut the deficit by billions or was it trillions? Raise your hands, fiscal hawk independents, if you think President Biden is the balanced budget candidate. "It's no joke."

What is he mad about? He made this mess and he had control of Congress for 2/3 of his time so far.

Last mention before closing, he's going to cure cancer.  BINGO! Whoops, I thought that was a first term promise. He also promised to be a transitional president, serve a term and step aside. But when the lips move, the lies and deception come out. Half his audience loves that.
To the Dems, isn't chanting "four more years!" at an official government proceeding just as rude as the other side heckling or shouting him down? (The gold star dad heckler was arrested.)
And then there was RFK jr, (releasing a 10-minute campaign film), now I've seen them all.

1. He lacks the charisma of his father and uncle, even of Ross perot.   

2.His message starts with linking liberty with prosperity, good for him!

3. His main point through the meat of the speech is that the state of the union is sh*tty. A slam on both parties but more specific would be a slam on the incumbent and the trifecta of power that he wasted the first two years.

4. Like Ross Perot, brilliant at describing what's wrong; vacuous at detailing a solution. We are a great country we can come together... blah blah. Recreate what we had BEFORE JFK, the 1950s, good luck with that.

From the point of linking freedom and prosperity, you would think that he would draw mostly from Trump votes. But look back to the candidacy of Ross Perot. Two candidates stood up on stage beating up on the status quo. But if voters want to disrupt the status quo, get more individual liberty and prosperity, the electable answer is Trump, like it or not.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 10:49:05 AM by DougMacG »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, I told Bibi...
« Reply #2008 on: March 08, 2024, 10:41:16 AM »
President Biden: "I told him, Bibi, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting."

“I’m on a hot mic here. Good. That’s good.”

(Doug). What is a "come to Jesus" meeting with a Jewish leader anyway?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 10:50:35 AM by DougMacG »


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The little man again
« Reply #2009 on: March 08, 2024, 01:05:20 PM »
as always wearing his shyster mobster color -> black

I suppose he assumes this is akin to a Judge's black robe.....

twisting and turning tying and untying rotating folding the arguments to fit his DNC narrative :


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Tone Deaf Protest
« Reply #2010 on: March 09, 2024, 12:39:47 PM »
Palestinian protest held at the World Trade Center. Not sure how they expect the optics and associations to help their cause, so I guess this was more of an in-your-face effort:


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Jill ignores sexual harrassment at WH
« Reply #2011 on: March 12, 2024, 06:27:22 AM »

I am thinking this guy must be gay .

What hetero would be obsessed with penis size ?

What a sick person .  Who talks like this at work?


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Gen Milley is knighted
« Reply #2012 on: March 15, 2024, 08:37:47 AM »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Sotomayor too old at 69?
« Reply #2014 on: March 28, 2024, 08:52:32 AM »
Any irony here?  The people promoting Biden at 82 are afraid that Sonia Sotomayor is too old at 69.

Besides losing the presidency as the polls stand today, Democrats see that they may never control the Senate again.

As they radicalize the polarization, half the country is extreme maga, whatever that is, Red States may not elect democratic senators anymore. Cf West Virginia, Montana, Ohio.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2015 on: March 28, 2024, 09:08:14 AM »
Hi Doug,

Sotomayor has juvenile diabetes since age 7

far more likely then not she has complications

eye problems
kidney problems
nerve problems
heart problems

for example

she could get into medical trouble at any time far more than the average 69 yo.

that is why dems wring their hands over her longevity.


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2016 on: March 28, 2024, 09:34:44 AM »
Thanks ccp.  (I didn't know that.)

Biden has some health concerns as well.

It would be nice if the person pushing Sotomayor out for health reasons was - her, and not political hacks.  Former Justice Breyer looks like the character from Monte Python, look I'm still alive...

Who will they pick for the Female Hispanic Identity Seat?  Maybe someone just finishing liberal law school to get the maximum number of years out of her. Needless to say, white, conservative, constitutionalist males need not apply.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Advice from Obama, Clinton
« Reply #2018 on: March 29, 2024, 09:09:38 AM »

Umm, isn't it Obama's staff anyway, wasn't he calling the shots, that is until Joe refused to step down late last year.

Name three things Clinton, Obama and Biden have in common.

Lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the race for the successor.

One more thing, they could lie to your face without hesitation.  I didn't have sexual relations with that woman Monica Lewinski.  You can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. I had nothing to do with my son's business dealings.

How would these advice sessions from Obama to Joe go?

  'Uh Joe, uh, tell 'em your gonna tax the rich.'  'Barack, I already did.'  'Uh Joe, leave the border open'.  'Barack, it's open.'  ' Uh Joe, tell 'em your gonna transform America.'  'Into what?'

Nothing funny here, point is Clinton and Obama got by on personal political skills, not by having magical ideas or governing well.

Clinton was saved by Newt Gingrich.  He was on a one term path before Republicans took Congress.

Obama was saved by Mitt Romney and Candy Crowley.  If Mitt had done his homework and stood up to Candy with facts, Barack was also headed to the ash heap of one term Presidents history - and there would be no Trump.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2024, 10:20:37 AM by DougMacG »


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the xenophobia trope used about Russia
« Reply #2019 on: March 30, 2024, 06:33:16 AM »

4 Mooslim Tajikastanis terroize innocents at a theater
and then the normal backlash against them is labelled ->XENOPHOBIA

how stupid and annoying is this.

what are Russians supposed to do invite every know Tajikastani to dinner for a love fest?


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Modern Left DNC storm troopers
« Reply #2020 on: April 02, 2024, 12:53:18 PM »


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Valuation of the business is the worst crime imaginable
« Reply #2021 on: April 02, 2024, 01:41:38 PM »
Valuation of the business is the worst crime imaginable, brought to you by the people who think donors buying Hunter painting for millions is fine.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2024, 01:43:24 PM by DougMacG »


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Project Ceasefire “Anti-Violence” Worker (& Former Felon) …
« Reply #2022 on: April 03, 2024, 09:18:17 AM »
… arrested for carrying a concealed firearm. Chicago/Illinois citizens tax dollars in action:

CHICAGO: Another Day, Another ‘Ceasefire’ ‘Anti-Violence’ Worker Busted on Gun Charges
By John Boch - April 1, 202446

The do-gooders in Illinois believe that if you hire enough felons to “interrupt” violence, somehow you’ll make the streets safer. Given that Murder City USA has kept that title for 12 years in a row now, one would think that smarter heads would prevail and the state legislature would vote to stop paying millions of taxpayer dollars to these foolish endeavors.

Yet each year, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs off on scores of millions paid to these organizations like “CeaseFire” who employ ex-cons who will supposedly stop gang violence.  ($110M in 2022 alone!)  Ironically, CeaseFire lost one of its recent leaders thanks to an arrest for beating his wife domestic battery.

And while shoveling the money at these groups never stops, neither do the arrests of these paid “anti-violence” workers, often times for gun charges. Take Davon Turner, aged 35 – or in common parlance, “old enough to know better.”

See Davon, a frequent felon in the Land O’ Lincoln’s criminal justice system (or what masquerades as such), walked out of the house that day packing a GLOCK Fo-Tay. He came to the attention of Five-Oh because he and a bunch of his buddies acted like fools while smoking the Devil’s lettuce in a building where not everyone appreciated the smell of skunk.

One thing led to another and cops cuffed him after finding (Surprise!) that GLOCK .40. Of course, when he showed up at the Cook County Jail, he proudly mentioned that he had gainful employment.  Indeed, he worked for CeaseFire/FLIP anti-violence programs. Paid for by Illinois taxpayers.

Why if Illinois’ leaders only treated the law-abiding people as kindly as they treated the criminal class (to include illegal aliens) as well. From CWB Chicago:

CHICAGO — An anti-violence worker is facing a Class X felony gun charge after Chicago police said they found him carrying a gun on the Near West Side.

Cops were called to the 2300 block of West Van Buren on Saturday evening by someone who said a group of men were smoking pot and refusing to leave the building, according to the arrest report for Davon Turner, 35.

The first officers to arrive found a firearm magazine at the scene and radioed descriptions of a group of men who were leaving the area, including at least one who was holding their waistband, said the report.

CPD officers stopped a group matching the description nearby. Turner, who was clutching his waistband near an “L-shaped object,” was one of them, the report stated. Prosecutors say the cops recovered a 40-caliber handgun from Turner.

The arrest report lists Ceasefire/FLIP, two Chicago anti-violence programs, as his employer.

He’s charged with Class X armed habitual criminal and being a felon in possession of a firearm. His previous felony convictions include being a felon in possession of a firearm in 2014 and narcotics cases in 2018, 2013, 2008, and 2007.

Moreover, it’s worth mentioning that not a single syllable was mentioned about how Gov. and Presidential-hopeful J.B. Pritzker’s so-called “Protect Illinois Communities Act” failed to protect Illinois communities from ne’er-do-wells like Davon Turner.

Maybe the PICA gun and magazine ban really just disarms the law-abiding, not the criminal class.

Who would have thunk it?


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Give Me Persecution or Give Me Death as Those are the Two Choices Hamas Allows
« Reply #2023 on: April 04, 2024, 11:40:08 AM »
... but don't you dare say so out loud. If you need any further proof that "Progressive" politics and cognitive dissonance march hand in non-gender specific hand, I provide you this it's-homophobic-to-point-out-Hamas-is-homophobic gem. The upside? Defenestration is much more difficult in Gaza these days given all the Hamas enclaves Israel has leveled:

Unhinged Rutgers prof says it’s ‘homophobic’ to note that Hamas brutalizes LGBT people

Criticizing people who point out Hamas's harsh treatment of LGBT-identifying people, a Rutgers teacher said: 'We have to start naming this as homophobic. You cannot rehearse violence to queer people,’ the professor asserted.
The other professor involved in the event had previously dismissed Israel’s tolerance to LGBT-identifying people as ‘pinkwashing’ done for propaganda purposes.

Michael Duke | New York Correspondent
April 3, 2024, 9:07 am ET
A Rutgers University professor said it is “homophobic” to point out that LGBT-identifying people face persecution in the Gaza Strip.

At Rutgers University in New Jersey on March 20, Maya Mikdashi, an associate Professor of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Rutgers joined University of Illinois professor Nadine Naber for a discussion titled “Palestine is a Feminist and Queer Anti-Imperialist Abolition Struggle,” according to the Daily Mail.

[RELATED: Columbia taps pro-Hamas, ‘anarchist interdisciplinary activist-scholar’ to teach intersectional history]

During the event, Mikdashi commented: “So I’ve been at protests where I’m then told ‘don’t you know what Hamas would do to you, if you were in Palestine’. . . . We have to start naming this as homophobic. You cannot rehearse violence to queer people. It’s violent,” wrote the Daily Mail.

Naber claimed: “We’re going to need our organizing to center queer and trans people not only because they are especially vulnerable to colonial violence and the racism and the doxxing, but they also embody exceptionally nuanced wisdom about Zionism because they are living it in all its complexity,” the Daily Mail continued.

Naber also claimed Israelis have been guilty of raping Palestinian women since the founding of the Jewish State: “ndeed the practices of rape and sexual assault that have been well-documented during the founding of Israel and continued today are not an exception or a secondary impact of colonial violence. . . [They] are part of the settler, colonial white supremacist logics and practices of Israel that conflate colonized women with the land and nature and assume that therefore to dominate the land necessitates dominating Palestinian women’s bodies and their reproductive capacities from 1948 until today,” reported the Daily Mail.

Naber has previously argued that Israel “pinkwashes” itself to improve its image, claiming in a 2021 Truthout op-ed: “Pinkwashing is a . . . strategy that Israel deploys to distract attention away from its oppression of Palestinians in the face of a growing international Palestinian solidarity movement. AlQaws activists, centering the experiences of queer Palestinians, describe pinkwashing as an international propaganda effort that aims to rebrand Israel as a liberated ‘modern’ and therefore ‘gay-friendly’ state compared with what it portrays as hyper-homophobic ‘Palestinian-Arab-Muslim culture.’”

[RELATED: Unhinged student group at Massachusetts college promotes violence as ‘the only way to liberate Palestine’]

The Daily Mail related that “Queers for Palestine” protests have risen in frequency in the U.S. since Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre of Israeli civilians, and that some critics have pointed out the apparent inconsistency in LGBT support for a Palestinian government that is not seen as friendly to LGBT issues.

LGBT-identifying people face great hardship and discrimination in Palestinian-controlled territories, and a great number of LGBT-identifying Palestinians go to Israel to find safety from persecution by other Palestinians, Reason Magazine reported.

Campus Reform has reached out to Rutgers University, Maya Mikdashi, and Nadine Naber for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.


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whatever you say, Jim Clyburn
« Reply #2024 on: April 11, 2024, 07:49:15 AM »

asked a question that begins with people "feel" like they are being gaslighted and then he proceeds to gaslight us and as usual tells us it is a messaging problem

then gets cut off the air with the honest news... that tells everyone he is full of shit.


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To Prevent Gun Crimes DC Police Sell Guns Used to Commit Gun Crimes
« Reply #2025 on: April 11, 2024, 06:17:54 PM »
This could live more than one place but given the abject asshattery documented in this piece I’ll drop it here:

“Crime Guns” -- D.C.’s MPD Under an ATF Cloud

MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2024 “Crime Guns” -- D.C.’s MPD Under an ATF Cloud

Some reckonings are a long time coming. The District of Columbia’s irrational hostility to all things gun-related and to legitimate, licensed retail gun dealers in particular, has reportedly culminated with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) scrutinizing the D.C. police department under a program aimed at suspected “bad apple” gun dealers.

When the District’s one and only Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) who processed gun transfers lost his lease in 2011, D.C.’s restrictive zoning laws forced him to temporarily close his business because he was unable to get approval for an alternative location. District law forbids firearm transfers between unlicensed individuals, which meant residents were left without a legal means of acquiring or transferring handguns. It was only after a lawsuit was filed that local politicians agreed to lease him space in the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) headquarters, allowing the FFL to resume operations. Even so, the location was not zoning-compliant and required emergency legislation to sanction it.

In March 2020, the FFL “abruptly” shut down his business, and the MPD itself stepped in as the District’s FFL. Mayor Muriel Bowser justified the move as necessary to avoid more litigation, “so that we wouldn’t run into any constitutional issues or open ourselves up to meddling in our gun laws from outside groups… once there is a viable commercial alternative licensed to operate in D.C., MPD will no longer need to serve this role.”     

As one source pointed out, not only did the MPD-as-FFL continue to charge $125 per firearm for each transfer –“$100 more than the average cost in the USA to process a firearm transfer for an eligible citizen” – there were questions as to whether the MPD qualified for an FFL and whether the ATF “gave the MPD special treatment” in granting the license. There was also the conflict between the D.C. government, a federal enclave, acting as an FFL and keeping the mandatory records required by that role at its “business premises,” which premises also happened to be “a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof,” contrary to the prohibition in 18 U.S.C. § 926(a)(3).   

A report from NBC’s News4 I-Team now claims to have “federal documents proving a concerning number of guns the Metropolitan Police Department helped bring into the District ended up at crime scenes. So many guns recovered at crime scenes, in such a brief period, that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives placed D.C. police into a program designed to give extra scrutiny to dealers with higher levels of so-called crime guns.”

The report alleges that the ATF issued the MPD a “Demand 2 Program” letter in May 2022. The Demand 2 Program requires FFLs with 25 or more firearm traces in a calendar year, with a short “time to crime” of three years or less, to submit an annual report of firearms transactions to the ATF, followed by quarterly reports of used firearms acquired by the FFL. The reporting requirement applies until the FFL is instructed to stop by the ATF. The letter, of course, concerns just the eight or so months that the MPD acted as the District’s exclusive FFL, when it limited itself to processing transfers, including conducting background checks and enforcing the District’s gun registration and other requirements.

Based on the NBC report, “at least 25 of the guns MPD helped sell to D.C. residents in 2020 and 2021 were recovered at crime scenes in 2021 alone,” and that “[f]or the dozens of guns recovered at crime scenes that D.C. police helped sell, the time-to-crime was at most 20 months – less than two years.”

The initial reporting period under the Demand 2 Program is as identified in the ATF letter or no less than the 12 months prior to the date of the letter; follow-up reporting periods are quarterly, going forward from the date of the ATF letter. The ATF’s stepped-up reporting requirements are likely meaningless in the case of the MPD, given that the department ceased its short-lived tenure as an FFL effective January 4, 2021.

Anti-gun politicians and their gun control allies have argued for years that high crime rates in gun control strongholds are fueled by so-called “bad apple” gun dealers and less stringent laws in adjacent jurisdictions. The Brady Campaign, for instance, claimed that Chicago’s strict gun control was undermined by neighboring states’ laws and certain suburban dealers that “simply flood the streets of Chicago with thousands of guns.” The Giffords Law Center asserts that Washington, D.C. “has some of the strongest” gun control in the nation and “(b)ecause of this, firearms purchased in DC are rarely used in crimes… nearly every gun recovered at a crime scene in DC was originally purchased in another state.” This statement conveniently overlooks D.C.’s rising crime rates and that guns could only be purchased elsewhere, given that the District lacks a single retail gun store.

The NBC report refers to a letter in a similar vein that Mayor Bowser wrote to Virginia lawmakers on January 8, 2020. It named Virginia (a Giffords B plus-rated state) as the main source of “crime guns” used in the District, and asked for measures to address gun trafficking through stronger licensing and increased inspections for gun dealers (“ATF data show that criminal or negligent gun dealers are responsible for ‘nearly half’ of the total number of trafficked firearms uncovered in ATF investigations”).

A few months later, on April 20, Bowser signed Mayor’s Order 2020-064, authorizing the MPD to obtain a federal firearms license on behalf of the District. Not only did the MPD allegedly advise the NBC news team that “it started dealing guns more than two weeks before Mayor Muriel Bowser’s order allowing them to do so,” but it facilitated bringing guns into D.C. that ended up being used in crimes. The NBC News4 I-Team reportedly contacted the Mayor’s office about the letter and MPD’s role as a gun dealer, and while the office “acknowledged the questions” it “never answered them.”

By now, having “facilitated the legal transfer” of approximately 8,000 firearms for an estimated revenue stream of over a million dollars, the MPD and the District’s political leaders face questions as to how these facilitated sales impacted public safety.

Ironically, given the mayor’s concerns over “open[ing] ourselves up to meddling in our gun laws from outside groups,” at least two of the outside groups asking questions are the gun control group Brady and the ATF. According to a Brady spokesperson quoted in the NBC report, “MPD is ultimately responsible for the public safety of the residents … Everything that they do should have an eye towards protecting the public safety. If Washington [MPD] is engaged in selling firearms to the public, they have an obligation to the residents of D.C. to make sure that they are doing so safely and responsibly.”

The greater irony, by far, is that many of D.C.’s politicians pushed a bill last year to crack down on “firearm industry members” (any entity “engaged in the manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing, wholesale, or retail sale of firearm-related products”). If passed, one of the responsibilities of regulated entities would be to prevent “the unlawful … use of a firearm-related product,” with the District’s Attorney General, private citizens and others being authorized to bring civil actions with respect to alleged violations. A specific section reads, “An intervening act by a third party, including, but not limited to, criminal misuse of a firearm-related product, shall not preclude a firearm industry member from liability under [this] title.” At the time, the bill’s sponsor described the bill as “a meaningful step towards measured responsibility for the ongoing trauma gun violence inflicts on District residents.”       

If nothing else, this latest development may persuade D.C. lawmakers to reconsider the flaw in blaming industries and institutions, rather than individual perpetrators, for crime and violence, especially as one of the institutions involved is the District itself.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2024, 06:22:28 PM by Body-by-Guinness »


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tax the rich Joe
« Reply #2026 on: April 16, 2024, 08:31:15 PM »
"President Joe Biden made a nostalgic return to the house where he grew up in working-class Scranton on Tuesday, kicking off three days of campaigning across Pennsylvania by calling for higher taxes on the rich and casting Donald Trump as an out-of-touch elitist"

I (me) would vote for such legislation in a second with one stipulation:

The rich must be rich Democrats , you know those who are intellectual, vote for the party of the poor, call themselves for the people, upholding Democracy, decent, know it all types like this well known beautiful person who is so wise, caring, and much more astute then most of the rest of us who just don't get it, for instance:

If only I would tune out Trump I would be able to see the light they see......I could be reborn as a crat.

« Last Edit: April 16, 2024, 08:33:44 PM by ccp »


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When it Comes to Doxing the Left can Dish it Out ...
« Reply #2027 on: April 18, 2024, 05:12:24 AM »
... but it can't deal with it. I'd argue, moreover, that when "Progressives" go after someone their general offense has more to do with failing to kowtow before far left sensibilities (if they can be called that) than any sort of concrete offense moral or criminal ... like giving aid and comfort to terrorists that embrace abject anitsemitism and advocate for the utter destruction of Israel.

Someone find me a tiny violin I can play for these whiners and their WaPo handmaidens:


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Your Daily Dose of Irony Overload
« Reply #2029 on: April 19, 2024, 01:59:06 PM »
Yahoos from my ol’ stomping grounds partake of circlejerks plotting to make the upcoming Democratic convention in Chicago as memorable as the ‘68 convention was in that “toddling town,” as Sinatra calls it.

Fat chance, say I, as convention planners have become adept at stringing cyclone fence, establish “free speech zones” far from media convenances, and indeed have the model of the Jan. 6 “riots” to call upon to threaten people with, not that “Progressive” protestors are held to the same standard.

The angst is fun to watch, though:


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High School Student Suspended for Using Term “Illegal Aliens”
« Reply #2030 on: May 08, 2024, 07:52:47 PM »
More specifically, when assigned to use the term “alien,” this student sought to clarify whether the ”space” or “illegal” type were the subject of the assignment:

Hopefully a significant award to this kid as a result of his suit will send the message that this type of foolishness is best avoided.


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, Miami Herald Editorial Board
« Reply #2032 on: May 11, 2024, 07:06:14 AM »

Miami Herald attacks Sen Rick Scott for his reachout to Hispanics. 
[Doug: Are Republicans not supposed to reach out to Hispanics??
Or are they not supposed to call out Dem lies and failures?]

"Scott has shown that he will fear-monger his way to reelection by claiming Democrats are trying to turn America into a socialist country — or that “socialist teachers” may teach children that a “man can become a woman” instead of math or English, as he says in Spanish in a new ad."

Miami Herald continues:

"Republican after Republican has beaten Democrats in South Florida by evoking one thing many voters with roots in Cuba, Venezuela and other countries fear deeply: a socialist take over.

Democrats might advocate for greater government involvement in things like taxes or the rights of workers. Many voters may dislike things like welfare or higher taxes on the wealthy. But the standard definition of socialism is something different: “the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods,” according to Merriam Webster dictionary."

[Doug]  They go on to say both sides mis-use the terms. In fact, Democrats have proposals in place to have the majority of what some earn go to the government.
 Isn't that closer to socialism than to 'free enterprise'?

But if "socialism" is only when government owns the means of production, and communism is when they do that by force and threat of government force, the only way it can happen, then what is the term for leaving ownership private but having all major decisions production decisions, like what kind of car to make, under central control? 

The correct term is Fascism.

'Fascism is an economic system that combines elements of capitalism and socialism, with a strong emphasis on state intervention and control over the economy.'

Hey Miami Herald, stick that definition in your pipe and smoke it.

"Socialism", "Communism" and "Fascism" all (rightfully) evoke fear of government tyranny in the minds of people who lived under and escaped government tyranny. 

Florida, with all it's immigrants and true refugees, has gone Republican.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 07:26:29 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2033 on: May 11, 2024, 08:16:37 AM »
But if "socialism" is only when government owns the means of production, and communism is when they do that by force and threat of government force, the only way it can happen, then what is the term for leaving ownership private but having all major decisions production decisions, like what kind of car to make, under central control?

The correct term is Fascism.

'Fascism is an economic system that combines elements of capitalism and socialism, with a strong emphasis on state intervention and control over the economy.'




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Heard of Danegeld? How ‘Bout a Bit of DEIgeld?
« Reply #2035 on: May 16, 2024, 08:45:45 PM »
This feel good story could land several places: first Facebook then Nike hired a lass to polish their DEI laurels, which she does with gusto, turning their desire to stave off “protected class” grudge holders into a cottage industry where she had darn well everyone she knew setting up shell companies and providing non-existent goods and services they’d bill for, collect payment, and then split the gains.

The Danegeld metaphor is apt: you pay it and get more Danes for your trouble. Same w/ DEInizens, in this case to the tune of $5 million+.


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Re: Heard of Danegeld? How ‘Bout a Bit of DEIgeld?
« Reply #2036 on: May 17, 2024, 04:28:39 AM »
Funny BBG that this is a feel good story.  Let's see, she's DEI exec, her education is a fraud, her job is a fraud, her purpose is a fraud, her employers are frauds, her paycheck is a fraud, and then they all act surprised when she uses her job to commit a fraud.  What did they think she would do, make tennis shoes, write code?  It's all a fraud.  A good defense attorney could have fun with this one. They wanted more of their money to go to people like her and it did.


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Hanoi Jane Calls for a “Pussy Boycott” for Climate Change
« Reply #2038 on: May 23, 2024, 04:30:06 PM »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the Left, MSNBC analyzes Nikki
« Reply #2039 on: May 27, 2024, 05:10:58 AM »

The "real reason" she's voting for Trump...

Is exactly what she said.  There are two choices.  For Trump she has made her differences clear.  The other, Biden, is a "catastrophe".

Also true, she wants a future with the GOP.  Not the DNC.

Radical idiots at MSLSD should read the forum.  This election will be decided by the 'double haters', not by a love fest for one of these two choices.

Biden is not the moderate Joe they sold us in the Senate.  His policies are literally 100% out of the 'braintrust' of Obama, the most Left Senator to ever serve.  Unless they really are the Orwell 1984 crew, burning and denying history, that is not the Dem Party 86 year old Joe Biden (age at the end of his second term) grew up in.

They, the Left, are asking (demanding) moderate Dems (including Joe) swallow this radical far Left pill, but can't accept that moderate Republicans have NO CHOICE left other than Trump.

From the article (don't click on it)
"If you were somehow still clinging to the illusion that Haley is a moderate at heart, allow her promise to vote for Trump in November disabuse you of that notion."

   - Umm, moderates are going to vote for one of these two (or three) or not vote at all, and Trump's policies are WAY more moderate than Biden's.

[Haley supporting Trump is]  "advocating openly for dictatorship".

   - Oh good grief, how small do you want your readership to be?

If Dems wanted to win the moderate vote, why didn't you put up a moderate candidate with a moderate agenda?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 05:19:17 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: The Cognitive Dissonance of the left
« Reply #2040 on: May 27, 2024, 07:52:18 AM »
saw a small portion of Chris Hayes interviewing Rachel Maddow yesterday
and she says we are going to have a "dark" year and possibly "dark" yrs beyond.

Akin to the Dark Ages , I guess.

Darkness and a steel curtain descends on the US if Trump wins.....


as though the Biden Obama years are the "enlightended" age.


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Because they Can….
« Reply #2041 on: May 28, 2024, 02:34:35 PM »
This piece minds me of an old joke:

Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?

A: Because they can.

The same applies to “Progressive” lies.

BTW, the reason I use scare quotes whenever typing  the term “Progressive” is because they are not; they are instead regressive. Much like the term the Bolsheviks usurped the Russian term for “majority” when in fact they were in the minority as the Mensheviks, based on the term “minority” were in fact the majority revolutionary faction. The choice was quite intentional where Lenin et al were concerned and I think it’s the same for those that embrace the term “Progressive” as they seek to connote that they are some sort of progress based vanguard when in fact they embrace Puritan, authoritarian, and utterly failed Marxist elements in their anything but forward thinking view.

They lie because they get away with it
MAY 28, 2024

On Monday, we honored the million men who died defending our great nation and protecting our God-given rights. Sadly, the current resident in the White House decided to honor instead a drug addict and armed robber who died in police custody. His staff perpetuated the lie that George Floyd was murdered by a policeman — a lie upheld by a kangaroo court in Minnesota.

That’s the power of the Big Lie.

The death of Morgan Spurlock showed why people in the media lie. They get away with it and it pays well. He made a movie for $65,000 called Super Size Me and collected a hefty share of its $22 million gross at the box office.

The premise was he ate nothing but McDonald’s food for 30 days and it ruined his health. The food did not. He died of cancer not obesity. His liver likely was in bad shape but it wasn’t from milkshakes and Big Macs. It was from 40 years of drinking, going back to when he was 13.

Nevertheless, the media sold the lie for 20 years, and continued the lie in his obituaries, although a few outlets included a paragraph or two buried in the story that put his lie in perspective.

The Daily Mail shouted in a headline, “Horrifying effects of eating McDonald's for a month on Morgan Spurlock's body revealed — including 'turning his liver to paté.'“

That was a lie.

NBC summed up the legend of Mister Spurlock pretty well:

Super Size Me was by far his best-known creative venture and claim to fame. In the movie, he recorded the month of his life when he ate nothing but burgers, fries and other quick-fix staples from McDonald's — an experiment that he claimed took a toll on his mental and physical health.

The documentary helped boost public consciousness about the nutritional content of fast food and America's obesity epidemic, inspiring a backlash against McDonald's and other big-name restaurant chains. Super Size Me was nominated for best documentary feature at the 77th Academy Awards in 2005.

Super Size Me provoked a national debate and grossed more than $22 million on a modest $65,000 budget. But it came under the microscope over the accuracy of some of its claims about health and science. Spurlock's disclosure in 2017 that he was drinking heavily through much of his life put his purported symptoms in a new light.

The media heavily promoted him and his movie when it debuted 20 years ago. Overnight, journalists became instant dietitians — just like they became instant virologists 4 years ago when covid 19 arrived from Wuhan.

NBC was among the cheerleaders: “Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Spurlock eats McDonald's for a month— and gets sick. What does McDonald's have to say about the experiment-turned-film? Deborah Norville Tonight interviews Spurlock, and McDonald's global nutritionist Cathy Kapica.”

They should have known better.

Via Instapundit, James K. Glassman called the fellow out before the movie’s premiere in 2004, in a piece called, “A Big Con Man.” Glassman wrote:

Super Size Me is not a serious look at a real health problem. It is, instead, an outrageously dishonest and dangerous piece of self-promotion. Through his antics, Spurlock sends precisely the wrong message. He absolves us of responsibility for our own fitness. We aren't to blame for being fat; big corporations are! And the remedy, he suggests, is to file lawsuits and plead with the Nanny State and the Food Police for protection.

While the film demonizes McDonald's and other restaurants, Spurlock's weight gain and health decline have nothing to do with where he ate (after all, Robert DeNiro gained 60 pounds for his role in Raging Bull by dining at great restaurants in Italy), but rather with how much he consumed and how little he exercised (Spurlock even cut down on normal walking).

The media ignored Glassman when the movie came out for the exact reason Glassman stated. The lie shifted the blame for being fat to Big Corporations.

The Big Lie works because it sells the myth people want to believe. Conservatives talk a great deal about personal responsibility but really few people want to take responsibility for their situation.

Hillary is a good example of this. She ran against a rookie candidate in 2016, whom the media demonized. She had a then-record billion dollars to blow on the campaign. At one point she asked, why aren’t I 50 points ahead?

The answer is that she rhymes with witch.

After Trump humiliated her, as she drowned her sorrow in Chardonnay, she concocted a conspiracy theory that Putin stole the election for Trump. She’s nuts. But her Putin-ate-my-election lie worked. Even after an intensive investigation by Bobby Mueller that resulted in no indictments related to Russian interference, the press continued to push this wild-eyed lie.

Time magazine said on April 18, 2019:

When Russia set out to interfere with the 2016 election, it went all out.

Over the course of the election, a wide-ranging group of Russians probed state voter databases for insecurities; hacked the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic National Committee; tried to hack the campaign of Sen. Marco Rubio and the Republican National Committee; released politically damaging information on the internet; spread propaganda on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram; staged rallies in Florida and Pennsylvania; set up meetings with members of the Trump campaign and its associates; and floated a business proposition for a skyscraper in Moscow to the Trump Organization.

The goal, as determined by the U.S. intelligence community and backed up by evidence gathered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller: To damage the Clinton campaign, boost Trump’s chances and sow distrust in American democracy overall.

Again, Mueller found nothing.

In a sane world, a president could sue for such libel. But under the ridiculous NYT v. Sullivan ruling, a president cannot sue. The press knows it has a license to lie and uses it like a teenage girl with her daddy’s credit card. The more outrageous the lie, the more the press promotes it.

The press promoted cloth masks but cloth masks do not stop a virus.

The press promoted social distancing but it does not stop a virus.

The press dismissed ivermectin as horse paste but it worked against covid 19.

The press demanded mandatory shots but Pfizer’s shot is not a vaccine.

In each case the press accepted the government’s lies instead of the truth. The idea that the press can hold anyone accountable is as nonsensical as saying a 5-year-old can pick his sex. Come to think of it, the press believes that too.

I do not mean to pick on Morgan Spurlock. Our thoughts and prayers should be with his friends and family, but he illustrates and super-sizes the problem with lies: they work.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2024, 04:02:38 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Cognitive Dissonance of the left, DeNiro
« Reply #2043 on: May 30, 2024, 07:17:14 AM »

This went so badly that David Axelrod wrote a column on it and CNN published it.

I don't think the prosecution wants the jury to know that this is all about politics.