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Politics & Religion / Trump pick loses in Tx
« Last post by ccp on May 29, 2024, 06:18:54 AM »

On one hand we do want candidates who understand the Left's counter revolution and goal to turn it around
OTOH we want people who can win.
this seems eerily similar to Biden going to his daughter in laws house
Jesse Waters pointed out he has NEVER been there prior, so the claim he went on some anniversary of Beau Biden is specious.

Politics & Religion / VDH on why we should support Israel
« Last post by ccp on May 29, 2024, 06:07:54 AM »
he answers callers question who felt Israel is a leech who we support with $$$ and yet seemingly they do not provide us with much.
He also talks about how the Jews were mentioned in Egypt hieroglyphics 1200 BC then of course the Christians 1200 yrs later and not until the 600s did the Muslims come along and thus the notion of the "right of return" the Palestinians speak of is rather absurd.

Should Erdogon give Constantinople back to the Pope, etc.

Same March 28th podcast:
Politics & Religion / VDH on The Arnold as Cali governor
« Last post by ccp on May 29, 2024, 06:03:14 AM »
listen to the March 28th

at end he says there is a rumor that Arnold may have been forced to the far left by his Kennedy wife who knew of his affair while he was still governor and agreed to keep it quiet till after his term if he would move Left.

Not clear this was true but his move left may have been simply his caving to the reality of the evolution of Cali politics.
Cal. will never have a Repub governor again unless the Latins turn right.
Pretty daunting to do that but perhaps possible.
Except for the illegals who keep flooding in.
Politics & Religion / exactly as predicted
« Last post by ccp on May 29, 2024, 05:56:16 AM »
I read the delay of the invasion would give Hamas more time to set booby traps
and place hostages next to the traps:

delay was/is a military mistake

VDH recently had podcast that Eisenhower removing Patton and caving in to the ego of Montgomery resulted in the battle of the bulge.
Montgomery MO was to advance a small amount the dig in , advance then dig in.
Patton was full speed ahead no delay.
The delay gave Nazis time to mount the offense later labelled battle of the bulge
the "bulge" describing their push through a weak gap in the allied lines.

This VDH guy is really something.  He writes two or more articles a week as well as his books.
He is writing machine.

Like Katherine tells me ,  real true writers can write and write and write.
Politics & Religion / A post I made on FB
« Last post by Crafty_Dog on May 29, 2024, 02:50:14 AM »
There is a reason I bring this up today from the Memory Hole:

By the way, until I saw this particular piece I did not know the reporter who broke the story was Hillaried , , ,

The article does miss two highly significant details though when it writes: 

"The meeting took place days before then-FBI Director James Comey announced the bureau would not recommend charges against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton's wife, for her emails. However, Comey called her handling of classified information "extremely careless."

FIRST DETAIL:   Decisions about whom to prosecute are made by the Dept of Justice i.e. AG Lynch.  However due to her getting caught in this violation of the canons of judicial ethics by having an ex parte meeting without representatives of both sides being present in political terms Lynch was a non-starter to make the decision.

It was at this moment Comey leaped into the vacuum and purported to make the decision to not prosecute-- a decision which in no way was his to make!  After all the FBI is for INVESTIGATION, NOT PROSECUTION.   

Given the highly perfidious behavior of the seventh floor of the FBI in burying Hillary's many felonies in the saga of her illegal private email server, her destruction of 33,000 Congressionally subpoenaed emails, and much more it seems safe to say that this was a highly purposeful overreach designed to get Hillary off the hook for her many serious felonies.

This brings us to the SECOND DETAIL, which is the standard of the statute against mishandling top secret materials.   Remember this is what was used to prosecute and convict genuine war hero General Petraeus for letting his biographer (and lover), whose clearance was a step below his ("Secret" as vs. his "Top Secret") -- in other words this stuff is taken seriously-- as it should be.

Most felonies have a standard of "intent"-- but given the gravity of the consequences of the crime in question, the statute merely requires "recklessness"-- so note well Comey's misdirect with the slickly chosen phrase "extemely careless" so as to avoid its homonym "reckless".

All this comes to mind with today's revelation of President visiting a primary witness in Hunter's upcoming gun trial:

Witness tampering anyone?

Note too this:

"Joe Biden’s visit to Hallie Biden follows a state dinner held by the White House last week with Hunter Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland on the guest list.

"Garland is responsible for appointing special counsel David Weiss, who is leading the prosecution of Hunter Biden. The younger Biden’s attorneys have unsuccessfully sought to dismiss his gun charges based on arguments that Weiss is unlawfully appointed and selectively prosecuting Biden, even though Weiss’s boss is an appointee of Biden’s father."

Meanwhile in the Spermy Daniels trial wherein a State DA prosecutes an unnamed federal election crime which as a State DA he does not have the authority to do, the State gets to go last with the jury meaning the defense had to do its summation without knowing what the federal charge was-- the one purported to rectify the fact that the state misdemeanor charge was years past the statute of limitations.


Nothing to see here folks, keep moving, keep moving , , ,
Politics & Religion / Smoking Gun for Covid Clots?
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on May 28, 2024, 08:25:15 PM »
2nd post. Remember the good old days when you’d be banned from social medial for suggesting Covid caused clots and such? Guess those days are past:
Politics & Religion / Re: The Politics of Meaning
« Last post by Body-by-Guinness on May 28, 2024, 06:50:45 PM »
Thanks BBG. This resonates with me. They say, politics of meaning. I've been saying, they're stealing our language. Good to see someone on it.

We are such sheep as a people to keep following these people with their nonsense terminology. Good examples in the article. Others: Affordable housing is anything but.  Affordable Care also means subsidies. 'Smart planning', really? Pro-choice means kill someone, but make kids go to the same bad schools?

Gay means happy and rainbow is a real thing, not a symbol.

A flag flying upside down means his wife was in distress, nothing to do with being a traitor.

Election stolen is an opinion, and you can have a different one, but it isn't something "falsely claimed unless you personally tracked every vote  and every tabulation.

And on it goes. Why are they always calling the shots?

Every time I hear the term “inflation reduction act” I want to box the ears of the fool emitting it….
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