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Brett Stephens - no loss
« Reply #1950 on: April 13, 2017, 09:58:51 AM »


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Re: Brett Stephens - no loss
« Reply #1951 on: April 13, 2017, 10:43:04 AM »
but also a Hillary Clinton voter

Stephens did not say he voted for Hillary; Levin is saying he helped her by not supporting Trump.

Trump gave plenty of reasons to doubt him.  Hadn't heard of the nuclear triad, agreed with Bernie Sanders and on Iraq, dispose of NATO, etc.  Trump has educated himself and shifted since.  Trump was wrong on his economic analysis that won him the rust belt, Mexico, China and bad trade deals are the reasons for your troubles.  No, your Michigan problems reside in Washington DC and Lansing and they are excess taxation and over-regulation.  Among Trump's character revealed was labeling opponent Carly "That Face!" [and Ted, "lying Ted"; he paid no taxes because "I'm Smart"].  Not hard to be turned off that candidate.

Stephens is a foreign policy guy.  If you ignore the campaign and look at their histories, Clinton was the hawk and Trump was the Ron Paul.

Also beware of Stephens' immigration weakness, but my experience is that Bret Stephens is normally a great foreign policy thinker and writer - with the exception of the areas where I disagree with him.  )

Mark Levin is tough on people who disagree with him on anything.  Just hated Rubio, for example.  Turned against Trump too.

In the Levin link 'Trump’s GOP has left me', Stephens ends with:  "If I can’t get my Grand Old Party back, I’d rather help build a new one."

That is exactly what Levin says every broadcast evening.

In the other link, he criticizes Ted Cruz for running to win the right-most side of the Republican party instead of running to win the nation.  That is pretty much what I was saying then even though I agree with Ted Cruz on issues.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 10:48:47 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1954 on: April 17, 2017, 04:09:36 AM »
"some serious ovaries"



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Say it ain't so Bill
« Reply #1957 on: April 19, 2017, 12:19:32 PM »
I will miss O'Reilly.   :cry:  Didn't always agree with him but usually did.

We all knew he was a major egotist but if he was really abusing women like Ailes was then his departure is definitely for the best.   He will make a lot of women and lawyers rich now...........

I am thinking this Fox news person would be a great replacement  :-):

She is really good on the Fox news business station.  And she seems to be on the the right politically.


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Glenn Beck on Bill O'Reilly and FOX
« Reply #1958 on: April 19, 2017, 02:08:40 PM »
I'm no fan of Bill O'Reilly and I don't watch cable, but a company settling lawsuits is not evidence, and the most recent claim is not credible.

Glenn Beck laid this out on radio this morning. He went through the same thing. They declared they would get Bill O'Reilly for his views before they found out what he might have done wrong. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity next.  The group is Media Matters and their mentor is Bill Clinton, not exactly a symbol for fighting sexual harassment.

No link but check or the blaze for the story if interested.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2017, 08:28:42 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Caroline Glick on Bret Stehphens
« Reply #1960 on: April 21, 2017, 07:48:23 AM »

CG comments on the article:

The JTA's profile of Bret Stephens posted below is a largely fair and accurate portrait of the extraordinary career of a fantastic writer.
But I have one problem with it. I have a problem with the article's strange, unfair and distorted portrayal of the Post's former publisher Tom Rose.
During his tenure as publisher of the Jerusalem Post, in 2002 Tom Rose hired Bret Stephens, then a young editorial writer at the Wall Street Journal in Europe, to serve as editor of the Jerusalem Post, a major newspaper with a global audience.
This would have been an enormous promotion for anyone. It was certainly a career maker for a 28 year old writer.
Bret Stephens in turn hired me to serve as a senior columnist and deputy managing editor of the paper. This too was a major development in my career. Until then, I had no significant exposure to the English language audience. I was then serving as a senior writer for Makor Rishon.
I was then, and remain still today, deeply appreciative to Bret for recruiting me to the paper.
There are many things that I appreciate about Bret, beyond the fact that he hired me. The role he played in getting Tom fired is not one of them.
This is very old news, and would not be worth recalling, except that strangely, for no apparent reason, the 13 year old episode was highlighted in the JTA profile of Bret, on the eve of his move from the Wall Street Journal to the New York Times.
Over the years that passed since his departure from the paper, Tom and I struck up of friendship. We haven't spoken for several months, and it is important for me to note that at he did not, and never would, ask me to write about this. In fact, I imagine he wouldn't want me to say anything at all. But like I said, we haven't spoken for awhile so I am doing what I think is right, under these strange circumstances.
Tom was hired by Hollinger to serve as the Post's publisher with the specific duty to de-unionize the paper.
Not surprisingly, a lot of people hated him for it.
Bret's hire was also part of the transformation the Post underwent under Tom's leadership from a cumbersome, expensive, local Israeli paper, owned by the Histadrut labor union if I am not mistaken, into a lean, global publication, that ran on a streamlined budget.
If Tom hadn't been there, Bret would not have received the opportunity of his lifetime, (and he wouldn't have hired me, giving me an opportunity of my lifetime).
Tom, like Bret, (and like me), has his share of rough edges. He is however, a brilliant, exceedingly competent professional and a wonderful person. He doesn't deserve to be assaulted again, 13 years later in a weird attempt to provide a foil for Bret's many good qualities. It is unfair and it feels vindictive.
I have to say that I am mystified at the motive.
I wish Bret the best of luck at the New York Times. He is a gifted writer and he did me a great service 15 years ago when he asked me to join him at the Post.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1962 on: April 21, 2017, 07:43:17 PM »
EVen Michael Savage who generally makes no secret that he does not like OReilly (he calls him the leprechaun)
was incensed on how the LEFT and the class (less) action lawyers can get away with  destroying someone with allegations
He was not defending OReilly if he did harass women only that there is no due process.  He is already guilty in the court of public opinion and he will be forever tarnished over this. He also added most of what we have heard is so over blown.   

My God
it is alleged among others he committed the following "crimes":
 he called somebody blond
            he called someone hot chocolate
            he called someone attractive


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Michael Savage's son
« Reply #1966 on: April 27, 2017, 05:43:14 PM »


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April 27, 2017
Leftist Fascism Reaches New Lows in Blatant Thuggery, as "Mainstream" Left Covers Up for Them and Blames the Right
This is the post I delayed because I didn't know how to write it.

I won't write it. I'll just link the stories.

I will just repeat my urgent warning and threat: The rules you make for us are the rules you also make for yourselves. If you're comfortable with that, then I suggest you begin making serious preparations for the hell you are determined to unleash on this once-peaceful country.

Leftist "Anti-Fascist" Criminals Threaten to Attack and Drag Off Any Republicans in Portland's Annual Rose Parade; City Cancels Event. I don't know if they'll also be mounting a serious investigation into who made these threats and then prosecuting them to the worst the law will allow. I suspect they'll do neither.

Here's Althouse on it.

The New York Times previously blamed Milo and the rightwing for making the leftwing riot and physically attack people in Berkeley. They now do so again in the case of threats against the safety of author Ann Coulter.

Ms. Coulter, the acid-penned conservative writer, canceled a planned appearance on Thursday after the political organizations that invited her rescinded their support over fears of violence. "It's a sad day for free speech," she said.
Howard Dean and Sarah Silverman are "acid-tongued." (Not penned; they don't write.) If rightwing criminals threatend to assault them over speech, would the New York Times be searching for what they have recently called "false equivalency" between the two competing sides-- one side that says they have the right to speak without fear of assault, and another side that says if they speak they'll be physically attacked?

Jim Ruttenberg specifically called for an end of this practice of seeking "balance" were there was none -- in the New York Times itself. Of course, he meant that in the sense of not giving "balance" to conservative claims when leftist claims were so obviously the truth and All Conservatives Are Liars.

Notice they've gone back to seeking "balance" when the obvious malefactors are their fellow violent, fascist progressives.

But across the country, conservatives like her are eagerly throwing themselves into volatile situations like the one in Berkeley, emboldened by a backlash over what many Americans see as excessive political correctness, a president who has gleefully taken up their fight, and liberals they accuse of trying to censor any idea they disagree with.
The situation adds up to a striking reversal in the culture wars, with the left now often demanding that offensive content be excised from public discourse and those who promote it boycotted and shunned.

A striking reversal? "Now"?

The left has been doing this with increasing militancy since the 1980s.

How fucking old and out of touch do you have to be to call this "striking reversal" as happening "now"?

It has happened and happened and grown worse every year precisely because the alleged "responsible voices" of the left, who could be expected to chastise their misbehaving correligionists and tell them to stop, have in fact covered up for them every step of the way, thereby tacitly approving of them and encouraging them to go further.

Remember the "Climate of Hate," where it was posited that somehow Sarah Palin had inspired a deranged man obsessed with the mind-control patterns of regular English grammar to shoot a Representative who didn't take his theories about grammar seriously?

If you believe in a "Climate of Hate" encouraging violence from more excitable members of a political cult, then you must also believe that the left's endless justification and excuse-making for violence -- when not openly calling for it-- creates a Climate of Hate on the left for visiting violence on the right.

You can't deny that. It's non-deniable.

What the Times and the left are doing, therefore, is simply supporting the Climate of Hate, and hoping to cause violence. So long as it's directed against the right people.

The rest of the article (so far as I could read) is less egregious than that opening -- claiming the victim provoked the attacker -- but that rhetorical excuse for political violence is quite enough.

I'm pretty sure that if Rush Limbaugh defended, justified, and make excuses for right wing gang violence the Times would not say the left "provoked" them by "throwing themselves" into "volatile situations" (like state-funded college campuses).

The mayor of Berkeley -- who liked a By Any Means Necessary Facebook posts (BAMN being one of the violent groups, as their name would imply), and who has ordered police to stand down and let BAMN and antifa attack citizens at random -- says that both antifa and the right which baits people into assaulting them are mutually to blame, and Mother Jones, naturally enough, agrees.

Keep your eye open for when Mother Jones speaks in the passive voice -- no human actor specified -- and when it gets suddenly specific about a human actor involved in an outcome.

On the eve of what was shaping up to be the latest in a string of violent clashes in Berkeley, California--
When a mugger attacks a citizen for his money, it's a "clash," but usually we do note who criminally attacked the other to start this "clash."

--between militant far-right and far-left activists,
Who's throwing M80s and bricks into crowds? Eh, doesn't matter. Niggling detail. There's a Higher Truth to be discovered.

-- Mayor Jesse Arreguin vowed that police would act aggressively to quash illegal behavior. "Berkeley is about the free exchange of ideas, but that's not what's happening," he said in an interview at City Hall late Wednesday.
Why? Who is it who is stopping the free exchange of ideas -- Ann Coulter, or the terrorists who threatened to harm her for speaking her ideas?

"So I think going forward we are going to need to have a more visible police presence at these incidents and intervene."
A confession that the standing orders have been to let Antifa attack whoever it likes, and that the only problem he sees her is that the attacked have begun counter-attacking.

Protesters who engage in violence or vandalism, Arreguin warned, will be arrested and prosecuted "to the fullest extent of the law."
Which ones? You only arrested one guy at the Milo riot. I have a feeling you'll be arresting more of the attacked than the attacking.

Ever since a planned speech at the University of California-Berkeley in February by far-right media provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos was canceled amid a rash of violence and property destruction,

Amidst a rash of violence and property destruction which self-generated itself with no identifiable human agents behind it.

.... Berkeley has become a prime target for right-wing groups mobilizing under the banner of "free speech" ...
Ah. The right-wing is targeting Berkeley. Under the banner of quote-unquote "free speech."

...and trolling political opponents with bigoted rhetoric.
They can't name who is committing the violence and property damage, but they're Johnny on the Spot when it comes to Naming and Shaming those guilty of "trolling."

Alt-right and other far-right demonstrators have repeatedly scuffled with antifa counterprotesters in the city, most recently on April 15, when protracted brawls led to the arrest of 20 people.
They mutually "scuffled." No one, say, began attempting to storm the state where permitted speakers were legally speaking.

They add this, after noting Ann Coulter cancelled her appearance, but "fanned the flames" of wishing to speak without being physically assaulted:

alt-right agitators have vowed to cause mayhem whether she shows or not.
Again, Mother Jones finds its voice in being able to identify the trouble-makers, a task it found strangely elusive when it came to BAMN and antifa violence earlier.

And is antifa also vowing to battle in the streets?

I guess we'll never really know. It's just these alt-righters, I guess.


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National Geographic: now another liberal rag
« Reply #1970 on: April 30, 2017, 04:50:19 AM »
Another great magazine or "media" source that is turned into leftist propaganda by Susan Goldberg ?

I subscribe to it but I am tired of the progressive onslaught influence in nearly *every* article .
Either about railing at white people , men, climate change, race , and the rest.

I am reading Goldberg's introduction article for this month issue about genius and she turns it into a rant about/against white men .  See for yourself:

National Geographic: now another liberal rag though with beautiful pictures

Now along with reading my medical journals I have to be forced to see liberal dogma on a daily basis.  I don't have to turn on MSNBC or CNN but I can't avoid all this media onslaught for all angles.
I can't get medical updates by listening to talk radio.    :cry:


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Re: National Geographic: now another liberal rag
« Reply #1971 on: April 30, 2017, 10:07:07 AM »
Another great magazine or "media" source that is turned into leftist propaganda by Susan Goldberg ?

I subscribe to it but I am tired of the progressive onslaught influence in nearly *every* article .
Either about railing at white people , men, climate change, race , and the rest.

I am reading Goldberg's introduction article for this month issue about genius and she turns it into a rant about/against white men .  See for yourself:

National Geographic: now another liberal rag though with beautiful pictures

Now along with reading my medical journals I have to be forced to see liberal dogma on a daily basis.  I don't have to turn on MSNBC or CNN but I can't avoid all this media onslaught for all angles.
I can't get medical updates by listening to talk radio.    :cry:


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Re: National Geographic: now another liberal rag
« Reply #1972 on: May 01, 2017, 06:59:06 AM »
Strange to live in a world where the Scientific American, National Geographic and New England Journal of Medicine have all been destroyed by leftism.

Having control of all the networks and major newspapers, and Google and Facebook, is not enough; now they are taking over Fox news too.  You have to find conservative media by word of mouth.  Yet people still seem to know the left is wrong.  Dems and leftism has lost 10 points or more of support in many states since the last leftist takeover.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 07:49:48 AM by DougMacG »


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Re: Media, Colbert vulgarity on Trump
« Reply #1973 on: May 03, 2017, 01:43:31 PM »
Remember when 'comedians' at least pretended to have balance?  Neither do I.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency, I love your presidency. I call it “Disgrace the Nation.”

“Sir, you attract more skinheads than free Rogaine.”

“You have more people marching against you than cancer.”

“You talk like a sign language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

“In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Video at the link.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 02:50:30 PM by DougMacG »


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love birds
« Reply #1975 on: May 04, 2017, 02:57:57 PM »
Down on one knee proposing?   That must have been a sight:

I wonder about his new father in law.


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The mystery of Venezuela's collapse
« Reply #1976 on: May 06, 2017, 08:37:22 PM »

What Caused Venezuela's Collapse Is No Mystery — Except To Economically Illiterate Journalists

Economics: Why is it that reporters keep scratching their heads about Venezuela's descent into extreme poverty and chaos? The cause is simple. Socialism. End it and you will end the misery.

When the New York Times wrote about Venezuela's ongoing collapse a year ago, it described how the country was suffering "painful shortages … even of basic foods," and how "electricity and water are being rationed, and huge areas of the country have spent months with little of either."

Here is how the Times explained the reason for Venezuela's dire situation: "The growing economic crisis (was) fueled by low prices for oil, the country's main export; a drought that has crippled Venezuela's ability to generate hydroelectric power; and a long decline in manufacturing and agricultural production."

There's no mention — not one — of the fact that Hugo Chávez tried to turn Venezuela into a socialist paradise, policies that his successor Nicolás Maduro has continued. The Times' coverage is par for the course.

Venezuela was never a model free market economy. A couple decades ago, the Heritage Foundation gave it a 59.8 ranking on its Index of Freedom — which measures how free or government-controlled an economy is. That put it at the edge of being "moderately free."

Then Chavez nationalized the oil industry, agricultural operations, transportation, power generation, telecommunications, steel production, banks. Today Venezuela is the third least free economy in the world, ahead of only Cuba and North Korea.

As a direct result of those actions, Venezuela went from being on the wealthiest countries in South America — one rich in natural resources — to a country where people are literally fighting for scraps of food. Last year, Venezuela's economy shrank 18%. The unemployment rate is 25% and climbing. Inflation could reach 2,068% next year. Riots have become routine.

As we have noted many times in this space, it is socialism, not oil prices or the weather or greedy businessmen or any other such factor that's to blame for Venezuela's economic crisis. This is what socialism produces. Always and everywhere. It is as close to an iron law of economics as there can be.

Yet reporters continue to obfuscate, if not totally ignore, this economic reality when they try to explain to readers what is going on down there.

The Los Angeles Times says that it's only "anti-government protesters" who "blame Venezuela's economic crisis on the policies of Maduro and his predecessor, Hugo Chávez." While "supporters of the government say the culprits are a drop in international oil prices as well as 'corrupt' business leaders."

There's no attempt made by the reporter to say who is right.

An explainer by the Associated Press says the "oil boom and bust" is to blame for the crisis. "The plunge in world oil prices has left the government owing money across the board, from foreign airlines to oil service companies. Most of the anti-poverty gains made under Chavez have been erased and people are grappling with severe food and medicine shortages."

USA Today said that the reason Venezuelans were resorting to hunting dogs and pigeons for food was because "although Venezuela has the world's largest petroleum reserves, the country has suffered from a combination of lower oil prices and tight limits on dollar purchases that have cut off vital food and most other imports. The result has been a plunging economy and the world's highest inflation rate — above 700%."

Others blamed a drought for the country's problems. The Wall Street Journal reported last spring that "the newer hardships are water scarcity and increasingly critical power blackouts — a byproduct of the lack of water in a country dependent on hydroelectric dams."

Why do reporters ignore the obvious? We'd surmise that it's largely because liberal journalists are infatuated with the idea of socialism.

Here's how the AP lovingly described Chavez: "a political outsider promising to upset the old order and funnel some of the country's enormous oil wealth to the poor. Poverty rates fell sharply during his administration, and many people continue to see him as a beloved Robin Hood figure who gave them houses, free health care, better education and a place at the table in government."

That list of "accomplishments" reads like the Democratic Party platform.

It is their unwillingness to admit that socialism can't work that drives so many mainstream journalists to look for something, anything, else to blame when socialist economies invariable fail.


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Re: The mystery of Venezuela's collapse
« Reply #1977 on: May 08, 2017, 01:24:37 PM »
quote author=G M
What Caused Venezuela's Collapse Is No Mystery — Except To Economically Illiterate Journalists

More on that:
As Venezuela Implodes, NBC Avoids Naming the Cause: Socialism

Leftists should be proud of what their policies wrought.  Not just an end to obscene prosperity, but also genocidal weight loss.

I like this line from GM's post:  The list of Chavez / Maduro accomplishments reads like a Democratic Party Platform.

The economic results are relevant to the US political economic argument.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1978 on: May 08, 2017, 02:14:09 PM »
It is hard to believe Sally Yates was acting AG for all of , what, 11 days !   One would think she was Eisenhower who led us through WW2 for goodness sakes with the front and center media/Democrat part circus.

So she claims she warned Trump about Flynn who has long been FIRED and long gone.

So what ?

What is she some sort of hero?

So because some obvious partisan stated he should be fired Trump was to take her biased word for it?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1979 on: May 08, 2017, 02:27:51 PM »
It's just the two minute hate of the moment.

It is hard to believe Sally Yates was acting AG for all of , what, 11 days !   One would think she was Eisenhower who led us through WW2 for goodness sakes with the front and center media/Democrat part circus.

So she claims she warned Trump about Flynn who has long been FIRED and long gone.

So what ?

What is she some sort of hero?

So because some obvious partisan stated he should be fired Trump was to take her biased word for it?


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JW on the case
« Reply #1980 on: May 08, 2017, 03:01:29 PM »


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Re: JW on the case
« Reply #1981 on: May 08, 2017, 03:36:39 PM »
Interesting.  I wonder what they are looking for.

Given their track record, it should be pretty good.


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May 08, 2017
James Clapper Won't Give Straight Answer on Whether He Gave Unclassified Information to a Reporter to Plant a Story
Clapper repeatedly said he did not give classified information to a reporter, "knowingly or wittingly."

But he didn't say if he gave unclassified information.

I proposed on Twitter he should be asked just that.

 Baby Goat Alliance @AceofSpadesHQ
Good question for Clapper: is he a source for the partisan Democrat shills at @CNN, whether of clasified or non-classified info?
12:00 PM - 8 May 2017
  10 10 Retweets   13 13 likes

Senator Grassley did ask. He asked something like, "Have you ever given information of an unclassified nature to a reporter to get a story planted in the newspaper?"

Clapper's answer was -- and this is just from memory, but this is close -- "Uhhhhmmmmmmmm... well if it's not classified, it's not leaking."

The entire hall exploded in gales of laughter -- which I take to be "You've got to be fucking kidding me" laughter, not "Yeah, you tell 'em!" laughter.

Watch this story -- also watch the media not cover this big moment.

NBC did, in a tweet, but I don't think you'll see this moment on the evening newscasts:

 NBC News ✔ @NBCNews
"Unclassified is not leaking": James Clapper when asked if he'd ever leaked unclassified information to the press
1:49 PM - 8 May 2017
  218 218 Retweets   464 464 likes

They're going to bury this story, just like they bury stories about other people they feel, for some strange reason, must be protected.

Almost as if they have personal reasons they won't report on questions as to whether Clapper fed them information.

You will also note the CNN reporters -- who feel strangely compelled to flack for Clapper -- mounting pre-emptive defenses of him.

 Jake Tapper ✔ @jaketapper
Context for the young'uns: Every president tries to make the story How Did The Scandal Get Leaked instead of How Did The Scandal Happen?
5:45 AM - 8 May 2017
  2,997 2,997 Retweets   8,269 8,269 likes

Context for anyone who's stupid enough to go to Jake Tapper for "analysis:"

Anytime there's a leak about a Republican, the media's story is about the (negative) contents of the leak.

Anytime there's a leak about a Democrat, the media ignores the contents of the leak and focuses with laser precision and intensity about what terrible skullduggery and crimes were committed in the process of leaking.

Does Jake Tapper remember Valerie Plame? She got her liberal husband the gig of reviewing the WMD evidence in Iraq -- did the media concentrate on that, or about how this dastardly leak occurred?

Quite very much the latter. They campaigned openly for a special prosecutor to find out who leaked this and ultimately got one -- and a prosecution, and a conviction.

Is Jake Tapper now calling for a special counsel to investigate how classified information and surveillance on unmasked Americans made it to the press?

No, he's not. Now he's warning the "young'uns" against being distracted by attempts to ask questions into exactly how so much information that passed across IC desks made it on to the air at CNN.

Even more brazenly, CNN's John Roberts grunting hunched silverback gorilla John King and Dana Bash accused Trump of witness intimidation for firing out a tweet undermining Sally Yates:

CNN's John King did not mince words while discussing President Donald Trump's Monday morning tweet about Sally Yates's upcoming congressional testimony.
"I used to cover the courts a lot," he said. "A lawyer would call that witness intimidation."

CNN colleague Dana Bash chimed in by saying, "Completely!" before adding, "from the President of the United States!"

Here was Trump's tweet-- and I think this is a good question:

 Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Ask Sally Yates, under oath, if she knows how classified information got into the newspapers soon after she explained it to W.H. Counsel.
7:43 AM - 8 May 2017
  11,260 11,260 Retweets   37,954 37,954 likes

Theory: CNN doesn't want to know who leaked because they already know who leaked, and they don't want to go to jail shielding their sources like Judith Miller was forced to do in the Valerie Plame prosecutions they acted as cheerleaders for.

Watch this story, folks.

The more they want to bury it, the more it needs to be dug into.


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May 08, 2017
"Hate Crime" Reported on By Washington Post 15 Times Turns Out to Be, Get This, a Hoax; Washington Post Refuses to Run a New Story On the Hate Hoax
Old news, but whatever:

Shortly after the election last year the media became obsessed with a rise in reported hate crimes. One incident which was widely reported at the time involved a church in Bean Blossom, Indiana which had been spray-painted with a swastika and the phrase "Heil Trump." A slur for gay people was also painted on the church. This week police revealed the crime was actually a "false flag" carried out by the church's own organist, who is himself gay.

In its initial report on the incident, the Washington Post quoted Rev. Kelsey Hutto on her decision to leave the graffiti in place for a few weeks. "It's no secret that the atmosphere of hatred has kind of permeated the nation right now," Hutto told the Post. According to the Daily Caller, the Post mentioned the incident in 15 separate stories.

Although this is now four days old, it remains unreported by the Washington Post as a freestanding, new news story.

A google search for the Washington Post fails to disclose the name of the hoaxer ("George Nathaniel Stang"). A search of the Washington Post's own records turns up only this -- quite down the page, which is where they want it to be:

Acts of Faith This Indiana church was defaced with "HEIL TRUMP" graffiti -- and is keeping it
By Sarah Larimer

November 15, 2016

Note the headline remains at the Washington Post. Also note the date-- from six months ago. This is their original story -- they just added an update to it. Without changing the headline to "HOAX "HATE" INCIDENT IN INDIANA" or whatever.

Update May 8, 2017: The Brown County Prosecutor’s Office charged George Nathaniel Stang with institutional criminal mischief, following a lengthy investigation. Stang, 26, was the organist at St. David’s Episcopal Church, according to a news release. "Stang stated that he wanted to mobilize a movement after being disappointed in and fearful of the outcome of the national election," the release stated.
That's the only Washington Post reportage on it -- adding an update to a six month old story that no one will see unless they search really hard (I didn't find it on my first look, as I was expecting it to be, you know, in the past week).

And they kept the headline intact.

And the rest of the story, too, it appears, though I wouldn't bet against stealth deletions.

Published on Nov. 15, 2016:
The Rev. Kelsey Hutto said she learned about the graffiti from an organist, who had arrived at St. David’s Episcopal Church on Sunday morning.

Hutto called the authorities and went to the central Indiana church herself, where she saw what had been spray-painted on its walls.

"HEIL TRUMP," read one message.

Etc. The rest of the story is just the same from November 15, 2016, same narrative, same panic about an explosion of hate crimes.

It's just -- the entire thing was false from the start.

And they just added this "update" to a flagrantly wrong story today, despite the fact this broke last week. And they still haven't given this story its own, you know, story. Just a parenthetical update to a long-buried story they hope no one will see.

Democracy Dies in Darkness, doesn't it?


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1984 on: May 10, 2017, 03:47:44 PM »
The left wing media HAS to be bribing inside people for dirt.  They have to be .  This otherwise makes no sense:


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1985 on: May 10, 2017, 03:57:50 PM »
The left wing media HAS to be bribing inside people for dirt.  They have to be .  This otherwise makes no sense:

They have no problem inventing things from whole cloth when required.


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Re: Left went after the guy who interfered with their narrative no doubt
« Reply #1987 on: May 11, 2017, 07:00:18 AM »

Paragraph after paragraph of different angles to look at a shiny object.

President Trump said Comey wasn't doing a good job.

A minute before the firing, everyone in the country thought Comey was not doing a good job.

Even Comey said he has long believed a president can fire an FBI director for any reason or no reason.

No honest person in America believes the laws of the land were even-handedly enforced over Comey's tenure.

Do you remember the uproar from the last time a president fired an FBI director, Bill Clinton firing William Sessions in 1993?

Neither do I.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1988 on: May 11, 2017, 07:27:19 AM »
Doug agreed. some Republicans are as they always do showing weakness in the face of the Dem party and the complicit third party media intimidation.

They need to stand together and fight the LEFT.

I am dubious they will.   

LEft Media  (and add Sheppard Smith) frenzy storm then the immediate "surveys" (after blanketing all news outlets with negative Trump stuff )
and the Repubs start bailing out .

There is not another day.  This is it now.
my opinion.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1989 on: May 14, 2017, 08:23:30 AM »
Good interview last night by Trump on Judge Janine (whom I can't stand)


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hillary held to unfair standard
« Reply #1990 on: May 14, 2017, 11:14:27 AM »
so says this "legal scholar".  Being labelled "crooked" is just so unfair. 

and people like this teach at universities?


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Morris on Roger Ailes
« Reply #1992 on: May 18, 2017, 01:30:41 PM »
In Praise Of Roger Ailes
Published on on May 18, 2017
Roger Ailes belongs right up there with William Buckley as a key force in adapting and popularizing modern conservatism for a new audience.  Just as Buckley rescued us from the me-too-ism of the New Deal era, so Roger helped us find our voice after Reagan had left the scene. 

In a thoroughly modern style, he did it not by his speeches or writings but by creating a media format, in Fox News, that let others articulate what was in our hearts and on our minds.  Without Ailes, we would still have to be content with the droppings of the conventional media, accepting their center-left synthesis of current opinion.

But Ailes made it possible for us to be heard.  He created the pre-conditions for our political triumphs.

And, in the process, he forced other outlets to choose their paths.  MSNBC has found success in becoming the liberal alternative.  CNN has yet to find its place.

Now, we can only hope and pray that the Murdoch family does not undo all the good it has done.  Without Roger to keep them on the conservative path, we don't really know what to expect. 

But Roger Ailes will be a loss for us all.  Rest in Peace.


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May 18, 2017
Flashback: Obama, Over Objections of the British, Gave Russia the Serial Numbers of the Trident Nuclear Missiles We Sold to the UK, Confirming the Size of the UK Nuclear Arsenal

But that's okay, because Obama was The Prince Who Was Promised.

But where were these Democratic and left-wing Krakatoas [Ponuru uses "volcanoes" as a metaphor for Democrats suddenly erupting with natsec Concern -- ace ] when Obama gave Putin the identity and whereabouts of Great Britain's nuclear missiles?
The Telegraph of London cited U.S. Embassy cables that it received via Wikileaks and summarized in its February 4, 2011, edition. "A series of classified messages sent to Washington by US negotiators show how information on Britain’s nuclear capability was crucial to securing Russia’s support for the 'New START' deal," Matthew Moore, Gordon Rayner, and Christopher Hope wrote.

According to their report on the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), "the leaked cables show that Russia used the talks to demand more information about the UK's Trident missiles, which are manufactured and maintained in the US."

The authors continued:

Washington lobbied London in 2009 for permission to supply Moscow with detailed data about the performance of UK missiles. The UK refused, but the US agreed to hand over the serial numbers of Trident missiles it transfers to Britain.
"This appears to be significant because while the UK has announced how many missiles it possesses, there has been no way for the Russians to verify this," Professor Malcolm Chalmers of the Royal United Services Institute told The Telegraph. "Over time, the unique identifiers will provide them with another data point to gauge the size of the British arsenal."

Obama's treaty was amazingly cold as it back-stabbed America's cousins, from the Scottish Highlands to the white cliffs of Dover. The secret U.S. cable originated in "Mission Geneva." Dated February 25, 2010, it summarizes a meeting that had occurred on February 9 between American and Russian arms negotiators, including decisions on submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Item No. 13 detailed "An agreed statement on the transfer of Tridents II SLBMs to the United Kingdom."

The Parties agree that, in order to increase transparency in relation to the use of "Trident-II" SLBMs, transferred by the United States of America to equip the Navy of Great Britain, the United States of America shall provide notification to the Russian Federation about the time of such transfer, as well as the unique identifier and the location of each of the transferred missiles.
Wait -- the location of the hidden missiles?

You may be hearing of this for the first time (I am myself), and that's because the media didn't report it.


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Bob Beckel fired for racial comment
« Reply #1994 on: May 19, 2017, 05:34:18 PM »
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 09:00:19 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Keep Watching the News, But Be Very Skeptical of Everything You Are Told
« Reply #1995 on: May 22, 2017, 10:41:07 AM »

Keep Watching the News, But Be Very Skeptical of Everything You Are Told

President Donald Trump (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
It took a few years of police work to turn me into a discerning consumer of news. My family had subscribed to the Los Angeles Times as I grew up, a practice I continued as I went off to college and later joined the Los Angeles Police Department. The paper’s left-of-center leanings didn’t much concern me at the time as I, after coming of age in the days of Watergate and President Nixon’s downfall, and after being indoctrinated at a Jesuit high school and in college, shared many of these same leanings.

Then I became a cop, a job that offered an unequaled view of the many ways liberal politicians infantilize and enfeeble the very people they purport to help. It was on this Road to Damascus journey that I also learned to read and watch the news with a critical eye. I was working in South Central L.A. in a time of escalating gang violence, and even as it reached horrific levels it was largely ignored by the Los Angeles Times and other local media. And when crime was covered, it was most often in a way that made the police seem at least as responsible as the criminals for what ailed the city.
This was especially so in the Los Angeles Times, whose reporters and editors – even its editorial cartoonist – seemed to harbor a grudge against the police in general, the LAPD in particular, and police chief Daryl Gates most of all. I found that as I read the Times’s stories about the LAPD, the facts were invariably presented in a light that was more favorable to police critics than the police themselves. If any nuance was implied, the benefit of the doubt was always given to the crooks, never to the cops. This was most obvious to me when I read stories about incidents in which I had been involved. I once watched a Times reporter working through the crowd that had gathered after a racially charged incident in South Central L.A. Though I was within earshot as she interviewed people who expressed reasonable opinions on what had happened, when the story appeared the next day it was the loudest, most obnoxious, and most ignorant voice in the crowd who was quoted. The story itself wasn’t false, or “fake news” in today’s parlance, but it was incomplete, presenting only one version of events when others had been given to the reporter. This could only have been by design.

It has been with this experience in mind that I have read newspapers and watched television news ever since. In the frothing media maelstrom that now surrounds the Trump administration, it is important to maintain a certain level of skepticism. A reader taking in a story about the president in any major newspaper would be wise to imagine a prologue at the outset, one that goes something like this:

The story you are about to read was written and edited by people who a) voted for Hillary Clinton, b) think Donald Trump is a menace, and c) are appalled that 63 million of their fellow citizens – all those ignorant rustics out there in the howling wilderness between Beverly Hills and the Hudson River – could have so abased themselves as to choose Mr. Trump over Mrs. Clinton. Furthermore, these same reporters and editors go about their daily lives with no contact with anyone who might have a different opinion, and if they were to encounter one by accident they would run shrieking from the room. Every one of these people hope to be their own era’s Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein and be remembered as the journalist who saved America and the world from Donald Trump. And finally, these aspiring Woodwards and Bernsteins have ready access to what seems to be an endless supply of aspiring Deep Throats, anonymous “administration sources” equally desirous of seeing President Trump impeached, jailed, or otherwise rendered impotent.
Which brings us to the latest (at least as of this writing) media revelation of something certain to doom the Trump presidency—the “Comey memo.” Perhaps like you, I first heard of the memo on radio and television, where it was breathlessly described as “devastating” and “extremely serious” and in other similarly grave terms. “The president obstructed justice,” we were told. “This may finish him.”

And then I read the New York Times’s story on the matter, after which I said, “That’s it?” As reported by the New York Times, now-former FBI Director James Comey wrote a memo on a meeting he had with the president, who, we are told, urged Mr. Comey to drop the inquiry into Michael Flynn’s foreign ties. “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go,” Mr. Trump allegedly told Mr. Comey. Keep in mind that the Times reporter, Michael Schmidt, had not himself seen the memo, but relied on portions of it that were read to him over the telephone by an anonymous source.
So, we have a portion of a memo we have not seen and whose entire contents is unknown, being read over the phone by a person we do not know. From this we are to conclude the president should be impeached. Count me among the unpersuaded.

To start with, absent the larger context of the complete memo, if it indeed exists, it’s impossible to determine how damning it truly is. Did the president attach any conditions to his expressed hope for an end to the Flynn investigation? Did he say, for example, “If the evidence doesn’t pan out, I hope you can let this go”? Or did he say, “No matter how much dirt you have on Flynn, I hope you can let it go”? Judging from the way the New York Times (and almost everyone else) has covered the Trump administration, my suspicion is that the quote was isolated precisely for its inflammatory implications, but that when viewed in its full context the memo will amount to little.

But now to the larger point: By firing James Comey, did President Trump hope to end the Flynn investigation and any other FBI inquiries into his administration’s ties to Russia? If so, he’ll be disappointed. I can’t claim to have much inside knowledge of the FBI, but over the years I have worked with some agents on joint investigations. Based on this admittedly limited knowledge, I find it inconceivable that the investigation would shut down based on Mr. Comey’s ouster. If anything, the tempo and aggressiveness of the investigation would only increase, as the involved agents would be all the more eager to demonstrate their independence from political considerations.

So, the investigation will indeed continue, but now under the direction of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. And with the continuing investigation will come all the leaks and rumor-mongering to which we are growing so wearily accustomed. Let us hope that Mr. Mueller can uncover the facts and let justice be done quickly.

In the meantime, Mr. Trump might enjoy any number of successes that will be overlooked in favor of the latest “explosive revelation.” Mr. Trump could simplify the tax code, he could bring peace to the Middle East, he could cure cancer, he could part the Red Sea, and the front-page, above-the-fold story in the New York Times would still be about how he failed to rewind a Blockbuster video in 1983.

Keep watching the news, gentle readers, but be skeptical of what you are told.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1996 on: May 22, 2017, 03:17:14 PM »
It really is remarkable watching the lackies on CNN going crazy trying to down play Trump and everything he says and bring the topic back to this big investigation.  You can hear the desperation in their voices and in the facial expressions .

Faaaaareeeeeed, I have news for you .  Obama did not give this speech despite having 8 yrs to do so.

OTOH McCarthy also thinks this speech had some Obama similarities :    :-o
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 04:26:32 PM by ccp »


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These are professional journalists with credentials!
« Reply #1997 on: May 22, 2017, 07:53:20 PM »

But make sure to swallow all the other scoops about Trump without question.


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Re: Media, Ministry of Truth Issues
« Reply #1999 on: May 24, 2017, 12:15:29 PM »
Fox back on top.  I believe for the past few weeks Maddow was # 1 - uggggghhhhh!

Shep Smith is ok but I believe he comes across as a leftist frankly: