Author Topic: Corruption, Sleaze, Skullduggery, the Swamp, and Treason  (Read 230109 times)


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Re: Pelosi's husband lucky stock buy
« Reply #152 on: April 20, 2016, 07:59:09 PM »


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #153 on: April 20, 2016, 09:09:26 PM »
IIRC Sen. Feinstein's husband got lucky with a contract to build the Supertrain or something like that , , ,


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #154 on: April 20, 2016, 09:13:59 PM »
IIRC Sen. Feinstein's husband got lucky with a contract to build the Supertrain or something like that , , ,

Right, "lucky".

When I started in sales they used to say, the harder you work, the luckier you get. 

Now they say, the more you give to liberal politicians, the luckier you get.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #155 on: April 20, 2016, 09:38:56 PM »
IIRC Sen. Feinstein's husband got lucky with a contract to build the Supertrain or something like that , , ,

Right, "lucky".

When I started in sales they used to say, the harder you work, the luckier you get. 

Now they say, the more you give to liberal politicians, the luckier you get.

A cynical person might question these transactions. I'm sure the US DOJ is cool though.


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The Danziger Bridge case
« Reply #157 on: April 26, 2016, 09:27:45 AM »
Serious misconduct and cover up by the New Orleans police followed by misconduct of the Justice Department lawyers in the case. The judge excoriates in very strong language the conduct of gov’t prosecutors and their supervisors in Washington. The judge puts the blame on the supervisors of the civil rights division of the Justice Dept. and Thomas Perez, the current Secretary of Labor and head of the Civil Rights Division at the time, is specifically mentioned.

Perez is a possible Hillary VP choice and Loretta Lynch runs a Justice Department that still hasn't acted on Fast and Furious, IRS targeting, black Panthers voter interference or Hillary Clinton's security breaches.  Also note the lack of coverage outside of that region.  Does anyone here know more on this?

More here:
and here:
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 10:58:51 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #158 on: April 26, 2016, 10:59:08 AM »
Please post in Rule of Law as well.  TIA


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Stinks to high heaven
« Reply #159 on: May 11, 2016, 12:48:35 PM »
From what we read in the press the State has been not as forthcoming as they could or should be.  Not totally like the IRS.  Officials at these agencies need to be held more accountable in my armchair opinion:


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Re: Stinks to high heaven
« Reply #160 on: May 11, 2016, 06:24:08 PM »
From what we read in the press the State has been not as forthcoming as they could or should be.  Not totally like the IRS.  Officials at these agencies need to be held more accountable in my armchair opinion:

Laws are for the little people.


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Senator Diane Feinstein & husband
« Reply #161 on: May 17, 2016, 07:37:56 PM »
The US has entered into a contract with a real estate firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. All 56 were built, operated, and paid for by tax-paying American citizens. Now enjoy reading the rest: The government has decided it no longer needs these buildings, most of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country.

The sale of these properties will fetch about$19 billion!

A regular real estate commission will be paid to the company that was given the exclusive listing for handling the sales. That company is CRI and it belongs to a man named Richard Blum.

Richard Blum is the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein!(Most voters and many of the government people who approved the deal have not made the connection between the two because they have different last names).

Senator Feinstein and her husband stand to make a fortune, estimated at between $950 million and $1.1 BILLION from these transactions!

His company is the sole real estate agent on the sale!

CRI will be making a minimum of 2% and as much as 6% commission on each and every sale. All of the properties that are being sold are all fully paid for. They were purchased with U.S. taxpayers’ dollars.

The U.S.P.S. is allowed free and clear, tax exempt use. The only cost to keep them open is the cost to actually keep the doors open and the heat and lights on. The United States Postal Service doesn't even have to pay county property taxes on these subject properties. QUESTION? Would you put your house in foreclosure just because you couldn't afford to pay the electric bill?

Well, the folks in Washington have given the Post Office the OK to do it! Worse yet, most of the net proceeds of the sales will go back to the U.S.P.S, an organization that is so poorly managed that they have lost $117 billion dollars in the past 10 years!

No one in the mainstream media is even raising an eyebrow over the conflict of interest and on the possibility of corruption on the sale of billions of dollars worth of public assets.

How does a U.S. Senator from San Francisco manage to get away with organizing and lobbying such a sweet deal ? Has our government become so elitist that they have no fear of oversight?

It's no mere coincidence that these two public service crooks have different last names; a feeble attempt at avoiding transparency in these type of transactions.

Pass this info on before it's pulled from the Internet. You can verify it on TruthorFiction and Snopes:…/Blum-Post-Office-Sale-06101…


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San Fran State U. allies with Palestinian enemy
« Reply #164 on: July 01, 2016, 07:50:31 PM »
A California University's Troubling Terrorism Ties
by Cinnamon Stillwell
Independent Journal Review
July 1, 2016

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Originally published under the title "Why Is A San Francisco University Secretly Partnering With An Arab College That Promotes Jihad?"
SFSU President Leslie Wong has come under criticism for failing to take sufficient action against anti-Israel hate groups on campus.

San Francisco State University (SFSU), which has a well-deserved reputation as a breeding ground for anti-Israel radicalism, became national news in April. That's when campus police stood by as a hate-Israel group, the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), shouted down and disrupted a lecture by Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, prompting much criticism of SFSU's president, Leslie Wong.

But there's worse. As revealed by an investigation into SFSU by Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum, SFSU has partnered with a Palestinian university that's a hotbed of radicalization.

What our investigation turned up:

SFSU signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with An-Najah University of Hebron in 2014 at the behest of Rabab Abdulhadi, director of SFSU's Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED) and founding member of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.
Najah states on its website that the MOU was signed on September 10, 2014 and Abdulhadi sang its praises at an April 2015 reception:

The memorandum of understanding that President Wong signed with An-Najah National University in Palestine ... is the first time that we have any agreement with any university in the Arab or Muslim world and we are very excited about that.

Wong also trumpeted the MOU at the 2015 reception, boasting of his role in helping bring it to fruition:

When I returned from Palestine two years ago, I said I want to be one of the first major universities to sign an agreement with An-Najah or any of the other Palestinian universities, or any of the universities in the Arab world.

Given this public preening, it is disturbing to learn that SFSU's administration officially only corroborates the MOU indirectly on its website. Worse, in an arrogant disregard for the public's right to know, Wong has refused to respond to repeated inquiries from Campus Watch about the agreement's specific contents. What are the terms? The duration? The financial arrangements? And so forth.

Supporters of Hamas and Fatah rally during the Najah University student council elections in 2006.

This reticence may be due to Najah U being lauded by Hamas itself as a "greenhouse for martyrs." Matthew Levitt, director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, says it's known for "terrorist recruitment, indoctrination and radicalization of students," while the Anti-Defamation League reports that its student council "glorifies suicide bombings and propagandizes for jihad against Israel."

For example, Najah student Maram Hassoneh was killed attempting her second knife attack on IDF soldiers in 2015. At the June 2014 graduation ceremony, students held up three fingers to represent Hamas's kidnapping of three Israeli teens. On another occasion, Najah students constructed a gruesome replica of the 2001 suicide bombing in a Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem.

Despite Najah's notoriety as a repository for terrorism, Abdulhadi singled it out as a desirable partner for SFSU. Little wonder that, after pledging to set up a student exchange program with Najah in November 2015, she added this disclaimer:

We do not want to ... teach students how to grow up and build bombs and destroy other people.

President Wong's silence following repeated inquiries is unacceptable. Californian taxpayers fund SFSU and they have a right to know the details of and the implications of its MOU with Najah.

The American public deserves to know the full truth about SFSU aligning itself with the enemy.

To that end, Campus Watch has prepared a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to SFSU to make public the MOU.

Campus Watch also calls on the chancellor of the California State University, Timothy P. White, to investigate SFSU's memorandum of understanding with Najah; and on the education committees of the California state legislature and U.S. Congress to hold hearings into this matter.

In a time of global jihad, the public deserves to know the full truth about one of its universities aligning itself with the enemy.

Cinnamon Stillwell is the West Coast Representative for Campus Watch, a project of the Middle East Forum.


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See Something, Say Nothing
« Reply #165 on: July 03, 2016, 10:37:27 AM »
(Photo: Twitter)

Appearing this week on CBN News, former Department of Homeland Security officer Philip Haney gave an insider’s perspective on the Obama administration’s dedication to avoiding offending Muslims at the expense of national security.

Haney, who details his experience as a whistleblower in his new book “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad,” came to the realization in 2009 when his superiors made an odd request regarding valuable information he had gathered and entered into the DHS electronic database.

“They told me, we want you to eliminate – the word was ‘modify’ – all the linking information in about 850 records that I put into the system on guess what group? The Muslim Brotherhood,” Haney told CBN’s Jennifer Wishon.

Haney said the Obama administration did not wish to investigate Muslim Brotherhood members as terrorists because it relied on the Brotherhood and other Muslim groups with ties to terrorism to help form U.S. counter-terrorism policy.

Three years later, in 2012, the administration purged all 67 of Haney’s records dealing with Muslims associated with a movement known as Tablighi Jamaat.

“This time they didn’t just modify the information in the records; they completely eliminated them out of the system, erased them forever,” Haney explained. “And then they investigated me for putting that information into the system when that was exactly the job that I was supposed to be doing.”

This pattern continued after the recent terror attack in Orlando, when the Justice Department initially redacted all of shooter Omar Mateen’s references to Islam and ISIS from a transcript of his 9-1-1 call. In fact, Haney discovered immediately after the shooting that the Fort Pierce, Florida, mosque Mateen attended had ties to the Tablighi Jamaat case that the Obama/Clinton State Department shut down in 2012. If Haney’s information had not been eliminated, the Orlando massacre might have been prevented.

Get “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad” now at the WND Superstore!

“I can’t explain to you the ideology or the worldview of this administration that makes them so adamant to protect Islam from harm by addressing it in its true nature,” Haney said.

Islam, he noted, is not just a religion, but a system of laws – Shariah – that Muslims who adhere to fundamental teaching wish to establish over all the world.

“The power of Shariah is very difficult to exaggerate how much influence it has on the lives of Muslims around the world,” the whistleblower warned.

In fact, Haney believes America is presently locked in a battle between the U.S. Constitution and Shariah law.

“Are we going to submit to the influence of Shariah law and make it legal for one particular religion to have more than one wife?” he asked. “Or are we going to say, ‘No, you cannot implement those provisions as long as you want to be a citizen of United States’?”

The answer, according to Haney, is for Americans to become more familiar with the Constitution.

“If you become more familiar with the Constitution, you’ll be able to see more clearly the points of conflict between the U.S. Constitution and Shariah law, and then you can discuss it without fear of being called a racist or a bigot or an Islamophobe,” he advised.

Haney, who testified before a Senate subcommittee Tuesday, told CBN’s audience his Christian faith has helped him get through his long ordeal. In fact, only faith in God could help him overcome the dark forces he has faced.

“We’re talking about very, very high-level, malevolent kind of forces here at work, and it is very sobering to see these kinds of things operating,” he said. “These are biblical-level events that we’re talking about.”

Get “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad” now at the WND Superstore!
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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #168 on: July 05, 2016, 06:25:59 AM »
Yup .  Sure is.

But the response would be , "but can you prove it?".  Though now it is even if one could prove it , it still doesn't matter to the Dems.

We all know the NYT is tight with the Clinton campaign.  The piece was written in coordination with the Clinton people for sure. 

Look at Sidney Blumenthal.


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Newt: Some call it Ransom
« Reply #172 on: August 05, 2016, 05:28:14 PM »

More Obama Doublespeak on Iran

The Obama administration has instructed us that Obamacare’s tax is not a tax, that its policy of not enforcing immigration law is “prosecutorial discretion,” and that hundreds of American military personnel on the ground in Iraq and Syria are not “boots on the ground.” So it’s not surprising to hear from the President this week that money paid in exchange for hostages is not a “ransom”.

The administration insists that’s not what we should call the planeload of $400 million in cash that arrived in Iran at the same time as four American hostages were released in January.

Thankfully, the facts are in less dispute than the definition of the word.

In negotiations that led to the release of the hostages, the Wall Street Journal reports, “The Iranians were demanding the return of $400 million” sent to the U.S. in 1979, and “they also wanted billions of dollars as interest accrued since then.”

Since it would be a violation of U.S. law to pay the regime in U.S. dollars however, the Journal reports that the Treasury Department asked European central banks to change its payment into Euros and Swiss Francs before loading the notes on a plane and flying them to Iran.  There, one of the hostages involved told Fox News, the Iranian captors told the Americans they were “waiting for another plane” before they would be released.

So to review: the Iranians made a demand for $400 million in exchange for releasing the hostages. The U.S. government went to extraordinary lengths to deliver $400 million to Iran. And as a result, the hostages were released. But this wasn’t a ransom situation?

“No, it was not,” says White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. “It is against the policy of the United States to pay ransom for hostages."

"We do not pay ransom,” President Obama echoed. “We didn't here, and we won't in the future.”

In his famous essay, “Politics and the English Language,” George Orwell describes words for which “the person who uses them has his own private definition, but allows his hearer to think he means something quite different.” Perhaps President Obama’s own private definition of “ransom” requires the use of a paper bag--or U.S. dollars.

Whatever the President’s beliefs about what he’s done, however, clearly he has sent a signal to Iran that the regime can take hostages and extract concessions. The $400 million in cash will likely endanger more Americans and result in more false imprisonments.

It is worth remembering that prisoners whose stories are known to the public had done absolutely nothing wrong, and should never have been imprisoned to begin with. No payment should have been required to secure their release. And yet the same administration that recently arrested a police officer who tried to send $245 to ISIS has now sent hundreds of millions to the world’s leading state sponsor of terror.

That Iran would take innocent Americans hostage for ransom is a reminder of how untrustworthy and dangerous a regime the Obama administration is dealing with on nuclear weapons. Such actions are one of the reasons there are sanctions on the country in the first place.  Indeed, those restrictions made the $400 million in cash an even sweeter deal than it might seem. It solved a serious problem for the regime.

As a senior U.S. official explained to the Wall Street Journal, “Sometimes the Iranians want cash because it’s so hard for them to access things in the international financial system. They know it can take months just to figure out how to wire money from one place to another.”

In other words, Iran got more than its money’s worth out of the plane full of cash. And what did the regime do with it? As Bloomberg reported, the funds are going straight into their war chest: “Iran's Guardian Council approved the government's 2017 budget that instructed Iran's Central Bank to transfer the $1.7 billion [the ransom plus interest] to the military.”

So the Obama administration hasn’t just struck a deal with Iran that will allow it to obtain nuclear weapons. In paying the ransom money, the U.S. has also funded the military that could seek to use those weapons against us.

Your Friend,


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #176 on: August 23, 2016, 01:11:55 PM »

ONe pollster pointed out we will see *this week* if any of the new released corruption news on Hillary will make ever a dent in her lead in the polls.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #177 on: August 23, 2016, 03:29:55 PM »
I guess the key to closing the evidential proof of crimes committed will be to prove that favors were returned to those who paid access.  That will tough to prove.  especially with the wall of liars and coverups with this mafia group.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #178 on: August 24, 2016, 07:40:05 AM »
What I am reading is that paying/donating for face time is legal.

However, I think this misses an important point.  The right to petition one's elected representatives, and to support their efforts, is all well and good (and is limited to Americans, yes?)  but the Secretary of State is a qualitatively different matter.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #179 on: August 24, 2016, 01:21:57 PM »
"What I am reading is that paying/donating for face time is legal."

It is illegal for foreign entities to give money to our campaigns.  Making the donations one or two steps removed is a violation of at the least of the spirit of the law.  Donations to the Foundation benefit the Clintons and the campaign.  It is a revolving door of co-mingled funds including some employees who worked for both the State Dept and the Foundation at the time.

"However, I think this misses an important point.  The right to petition one's elected representatives, and to support their efforts, is all well and good (and is limited to Americans, yes?)  but the Secretary of State is a qualitatively different matter."

Good point, and what is the right of Persian Gulf Sheiks and Putin/Russia to petition our Secretary of State through her personal and power enrichment for quid pro quo US Government favors?  What does $100 Billion buy in government favors these days?

To point out the obvious, the dispensing of that money empowers them also, in a perpetual motion way with 11% skimmed off before the other shenanigans even get started.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #180 on: August 24, 2016, 01:48:46 PM »
It does not stand to reason that all these sophisticated wealthy individuals, governments, business concerns and whatever else were just gving money for "face time".

Word HAD to be out (one the street) that Clintons were playing for pay.


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She claimed to have MBA she didn't earn , Wikipedia
« Reply #182 on: August 26, 2016, 06:04:28 PM »
However her father got her awarded one because he pulled strings and she was awarded a bogus one.  Later rescinded and people resigned but now she is a multimillionaire .

MBA controversy
Main article: West Virginia University M.B.A. controversy
Bresch was an MBA student at West Virginia University.[8] In 2007, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that Bresch had claimed to have an MBA degree from West Virginia University, but the university disputed that.[8] The university subsequently awarded her an EMBA despite the fact that she had not attained sufficient credits. Her father was governor of the state of West Virginia at the time.[9]

In the ensuing controversy, the university announced in April 2008 that it would rescind Bresch's degree. Michael Garrison, WVU President at the time, was reported to be "a family friend and former business associate of Bresch"[10] and a former consultant and lobbyist for Mylan.[8] After a faculty vote of no confidence, Garrison and several university officials subsequently resigned.[11][9]


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Champions of the Poor
« Reply #183 on: September 07, 2016, 01:59:25 PM »
A while ago, there was a discussion somewhere here about the accumulated wealth of Chavez, Sanders, Clinton, et al., whom are "magnates" of the "people."

I promised GM a list on this a while ago, but here is some of what I have come up with. Throwing it here, because I'm not sure where to put it. I'll admit that I have limited the list to Democrats, due to the fact that Republicans operate under a different philosophy and don't claim to be champions of the poor and oppressed. It bears mentioning, that several politicians, David Koch and Michael Bloomberg for example, either lean heavily left on social issues (as with the former) or in the latter case, started as a Democrat, and registered as a Republican in a traditionally blue state, just to be able to run, therefore, I have also included several RINOs and the sort.

Hillary Clinton    $31.3-111 million - Methodist

John Kerry            $193 million - Catholic

Al Gore            $100 million - Baptist

Ted Kennedy    $163 million - Catholic

Nelson Rockefeller    $1 billion (deceased, Republican, stated as such on Wikipedia, the idea of any Rockefellers being considered Republican is a joke, but their influence cannot be left out of the discussion and they are widely considered liberals). In fact, Jay Rockefeller will be listed shortly as a Democrat. - Baptist (however they are listed on the list of Jewish Billionaires site)

Mark Dayton    Minnesota       $1.6 billion - Presbyterian

Jared Polis         Colorado          $388 million - Jewish

Mark Warner                               $243 million - Presbyterian

Nancy Pelosi                               $29 million - 101 million - stated wealth come from "consulting," (for what?) and public relations.  - Catholic

Jon Corzine        New Jersey         $300 million - former Goldman Sachs CEO Comey worked for HSBC, HSBC is connected to the Clinton Foundation (James Comey is a board member of the Clinton Foundation) through a number of initiatives, including its “Building the Corporate Coalition,” “Scaling Rainwater Harvesting for 21st Century Mexico,” “Investing in Management and Leadership in Vietnam,” and other projects. Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, and a number of transnational corporations, also participate. Clinton has given speeches at Goldman Sachs, refused to release the transcripts of speech. He was charged by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in connection with MF Global's bankruptcy, due to his mismanagement, in 2011. - United Church of Christ

Michael Bloomberg    $41.2 billion -  Banking industry - A Democrat before seeking elective office, Mayor of New York City - Jewish

David Koch                 $44.2 billion - Republican/libertarian, but is an admitted social liberal, supporting every hot topic there is, including gay marriage, stem cell research, etc. - Donate to Catholic schools, many think are Jewish. Religion maintained private

Michael McCaul            $294 million - NOTED Republican, 2nd wealthiest member of Congress,  connected to Clear Channel Communications (as is the bush family), Bush connections to Clear Channel pushing war - (there is a dead link in the article that was supposed to state where Bush made his money), which Clinton also endorsed "On October 11, 2002, Clinton voted in favor of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq," but a pattern is there, that perhaps all of the politicians are in bed together. An interesting point would be, how did Clinton manage to enrich herself from it? "Campaign 2016: Hillary Clinton Pitched Iraq As 'A Business Opportunity' For US Corporations"
McCaul also voted in favor of the war "Voted YES on declaring Iraq part of War on Terror with no exit date. (Jun 2006)
Point being, this guy is probably about as Republican as anyone, but it is still interesting to see what business ties (making money off of conflict right along with the Democrats) they all have in common (another subject altogether), getting back to Democrats... - Catholic

Rep. John Delaney    Democratic    Maryland    $111.92 million - Made money off of the healthcare and banking industries - Catholic

Sen. Jay Rockefeller    Democratic    West Virginia    $108.05 million -     The name speaks for itself as far as involvement in finance and politics goes - Presbyterian - Jewish

Sen. Richard Blumenthal    Democratic    Connecticut    $62.06 million - 80.1million - married to the daughter of Peter L. Malkin, and who's wife's brother has net worth of some $10 billion -  Jewish.

Rep. Scott Peters    Democratic    California    $45.04 million - "He served as an economist on the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), then earned a law degree from the New York University School of Law. Peters served as a deputy city attorney in San Diego from 1991 to 1996. Prior to his election to the City Council, Peters worked as an attorney in private practice." How one amasses that much money in being a public servant and a lawyer, is beyond me. -Lutheran

Sen. Dianne Feinstein    Democratic    California    $43.72 - 47.2 million - but is married to Richard Blum who is worth perhaps more than a $1 billion , much of which accumulated to the way his wife votes. At the age of 23 in 1958, Blum, who is currently 81, held a job working for Sutro & Co., becoming a partner 7 years later. In 1975, he formed his own business, Blum Capital, five years later, marrying Pelosi, who at the time was mayor of San Francisco. When attempting track down Blum's worth in 1980, it is difficult to peg. What is clear; however, is that there has been no shortage of scandals between the two, and that Blum has run his own business as well as chairing CBRE, collectively worth billions, and in no uncertain terms, has used his wife's position to his great advantage. ODDLY, Goldman Sachs pops up here as well. It's probably a coincidence. -Jewish

Rep. Suzan DelBene    Democratic    Washington    $37.89 million - self made, Microsoft. -     Episcopalian

Rep. Chellie Pingree    Democratic    Maine    $34.47 million - Pingree shot up the list this year after her marriage to hedge fund manager Donald Sussman. Sussman has been described as a billionaire by some sources. Sussman himself has donated more than 10 million, the majority to Democrats, 103K to Republicans - Lutheran-Jewish

Rep. Alan Grayson    Democratic    Florida    $26.18 million - Grayson worked as a law clerk at the Colorado Supreme Court in 1983, and at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals from 1984 to 1985, where he worked with two judges who later joined the U.S. Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia. He was an associate at the Washington, D.C. firm of Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson for five years, where he specialized in contract law. In 1991 he founded the law firm Grayson & Kubli, which concentrated on government contract law. - - Jewish

Rep. Joseph Kennedy III    Democratic    Massachusetts    $20 million - Catholic

Sen. Claire McCaskill    Democratic    Missouri    $18.38 million - Insurance and law - Catholic

Sen. Tom Harkin    Democratic    Iowa    $11.85 million - Military, lawyer, politics - Catholic

Rep. Brad Schneider    Democratic    Illinois    $11.71 million - Business and Insurance -Jewish

Rep. Lloyd Doggett    Democratic    Texas    $11.51 million - Not unlike Sanders, he has only ever worked in politics, left school roughly 1970, since 1973 has been a politician ever since. - Methodist

Rep. Jim Cooper    Democratic    Tennessee    $11.51 million - After getting his law degree, he spent two years working for the law firm Waller, Lansden, Dortch and Davis in Nashville, then ran for Congress in 1982 -Episcopalian

Rep. Nita M. Lowey    Democratic    New York    $11.48 million - Life long career in government and public service - Jewish

Sen. Kay Hagan    Democratic    North Carolina    $9.12 million - Law, Finance and since 1999, politics    -Presbyterian

Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney    Democratic    New York    $7.73 million - she worked as a teacher and an administrator for the New York City Board of Education, In 1977, she obtained a job working for the New York State Legislature and held senior staff positions in both the State Assembly and the State Senate. She's basically, since being a teacher, worked in government since 1977.     -Presbyterian

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (deceased 2013) Democrat New Jersey $56.9 million - Succeeded by his crony, Jon Corzine (mentioned above), Lautenberg entered office at the age of 58, and after founding ADP (one of the most used payroll services in the country). Though little is clear about any wrongdoing by Lautenberg, he was very much friends and working partners with Corzine, who has so much dirt on him, that even Liberal New Jerseyans, hate him. - Jewish

Digging into this, there are several relationships that are uncovered, for example, Goldman Sachs, who is primarily run by Democrats, many of whom, go on to become politicians, such as; Timothy Geithner - United States Secretary of the Treasury - up to $6 million per CNN, Bradley Abelow, Treasurer and Chief of Staff to Jon Corzine (his name just keeps coming up), Josh Bolton - Whitehouse Chief of Staff under G.W. Bush, William C. Dudley -  president of Federal Reserve Bank of New York (who was preceded by Geithner by the way), Rahm Emanuel - Mayor of Chicago (who was preceded by Josh Bolton - listed just previous to this, with Emanual also serving as WH Chief of Staff previously), Judd Gregg (who's father also was governor of the same state)- Former New Hampshire governor and senator (listed as a Republican, but nominated by Obama to serve as Secretary of Commerce), Jim Himes - sitting Democratic Representative for Connecticut (net worth 4.5 million), Arthur Levitt (deceased 2001) - Chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission under Bill Clinton, Evan McMullin - Independent Candidate for US President 2016 (former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference in the U.S. House of Representatives, former CIA operations officer), Henry Paulson -  United States Secretary of the Treasury (preceded Geithner and was preceded by Corzine), Robert Rubin - Chairperson for the Council on Foreign Relations (which helps sitting politicians decide how they're going to make more money in foreign matters).

When seeing just the amount of interaction between politics and Goldman Sachs, there's no wonder why the banks weren't allowed to fail.

In fairness, even Trump's name come up in this with Stephen Bannon, a former Goldman Sachs employee being the former executive officer of Breitbart News and the CEO of Trump's presidential campaign, not to mention, he is the co-founder and executive chairman of the Government Accountability Institute (which touts itself to be a is a conservative nonprofit investigative research organization).... we'll just sit back while they all scratch each others backs. Bannon isn't the only one from Goldman Sachs to jump on board with Trump either. Steve Mnuchin joived even before Bannon did.

Clinton connection to Goldman Sachs -


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The Low-Trust State
« Reply #184 on: September 08, 2016, 08:27:10 AM »

The Low-Trust State
Posted on September 7, 2016   

Social trust is one of those things that we know is important to economic growth, sound government and social stability. When the people of a society generally trust one another and wish to be trusted by others, their society prospers. The question that always arises is over causality. Some would argue that altruism is a biological trait that scales up to social trust. Others would argue that good government and the rule of law encourages positive economic growth, which in turn increases social trust. It is one of those topics that keeps academics busy.

The distinguishing characteristic of low-trust societies is a near total lack of trust in the state by the people. Russians, during the old Soviet Union, understood that everything that was said by the state was a lie of some sort. In fact, the only thing they could trust from the Bolsheviks was that whatever they said was untrue. This amplified the natural distrust of Russians as they did not have an authority to which they could appeal in order to arbitrate disputes. Contracts have to be enforceable before anyone will enter into them.

The point here is that you can debate the causality of social trust, but a society with a corrupt and untrustworthy state is going to be a low-trust society. Alternatively, to use the language of the pseudo-sciences, social trust correlates with public corruption. The causal arrows may point one way or both ways, but public corruption is a good proxy for social trust. There are measures of public corruption and the most popular is from these guys, who publish downloadable statistics every year for the pseudo-sciences.

Trust in the state is always going to drift over time, but you can spot some trends. Just take a look at the US over the last few decades. In the 1980’s, the savings and loan crisis put a lot of people in prison. Even some politicians got dinged for getting too cozy with the crooked bankers. A decade later we had the dot-com bubble and the accounting scandals, but no one went to jail. They just lost money. Less than a decade later we had the mortgage crisis and the crooks got bailed out by the government with taxpayer funds. This is a trend worth noticing.

Now, look around at what we are seeing today. The Clinton e-mail scandal is so outlandish, it is now threatening the rule of law. In the 70’s, Nixon was run from office from 18 missing minutes of tape. Clinton erased 17,000 emails, some may have been under subpoena. It is blazingly obvious that she and her cronies violated Federal law by mishandling classified information. The most logical explanation for all of this is they were selling it for cash through that ridiculous charity they run. A charity that has systematically violated the law with regards to accounting for donations.

How is it possible that this woman and her flunkies are not in jumpsuits waddling around Danbury FCI?

The first problem is the head of state appears to be a pathological liar. This Iran story is the sort of thing that used to bring down governments. It was certainly the sort of thing that should have administration officials hiring lawyers in preparation for the FBI visit. That would require an FBI that is not equally corrupt. Of course, the FBI is a product of the political class and ours is proving to be astonishingly corrupt. Today we learn that the politicians are conspiring to rig public hearings, which are the bedrock of popular government.

A certain amount of public corruption is to be expected. Politics will always attract shady characters, but it should also attract honest characters too. These are the folks that enjoy the boring work of good government. They police the system, enforce the rules and make public appeals for cleaning up the problems. Today, those people either do not exist or they have become too afraid to speak up. The American political class looks a lot like a corrupt police precinct. The crooks are in charge and they have inverted morality so that the honest fear detection by the corrupt.

It is not unreasonable to think that we may have passed the point where the political class can be expected to reform itself. Their unwillingness to even try to thwart the rise of these vulgar grifters from the Ozarks suggests the the political elite has lost the capacity to feel shame. Anyone willing to defend Hillary Clinton to the public is someone, who will lie about anything, violate any law, violate any taboo. That is a person lacking in anything resembling a soul. A political class populated with such people is a ruling class at war with itself, the very definition of a low trust state.

The truly frightening thing is that the only institution the public trusts is the military. Take a look at what is happening with the sports ball players protesting during the national anthem. This coming Sunday is 9/11 and even the most reptilian of Progressives are saying such a protest on that day would be a slap in the face to the men and women who serve the country. When no one trusts the ruling class, and the military is the only institution in which the public has faith, there is always one result. It does not have to be that way, but that’s the way it has always been.

At some level, some portion of the public understands this. The Trump phenomenon is not about Trump in the conventional sense. There’s a lot not to like about the man, but he is honest, he loves his countrymen and he is not doing this for the money. Whether or not he understands his role and the movement he is leading is unknown. Maybe his election will just be a false dawn and what follows is what always follows the onset of a low-trust state. If things are going to turn out different for us, Trump will win and usher in an era of reform.

Otherwise, what comes next will be much worse.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #185 on: September 08, 2016, 09:45:26 PM »
Very interesting post with an uncommon and perceptive filter.  Please post in American Creed as well.


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We all know Obama put out the word to "fix it" just as much
« Reply #187 on: October 02, 2016, 06:19:36 PM »
as we all know Hillary was selling State favors when she was there and certainly the same when she was a Senator.

Mr Fitton said,

"“It’s outrageous but not surprising. Welcome to our world. This is what we put up with all the time from the agencies,”

This fits exactly what the Judicial Watch attorney said over 10 years ago when I explained the fraud at the Copyright Office.  I told him what was going on and how copyrights were being switched around altered and made to disappear and applications were being held up and  the Copyright Attorneys instead of wanting to get to the bottom of it (like little old naive me thought) just wanted it covered up.  He laughed (sympathetically and with me, NOT at me) and said this is "typical" [of our Federal government]

Evidence it came from Obama as per Judicial Watch.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #188 on: October 02, 2016, 09:21:14 PM »
Rule of Law thread too please.


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Sorry i don't believe these allegations.
« Reply #189 on: October 04, 2016, 08:13:39 AM »
Yeah right .  The most wanted man on the planet thought he would rape some girls while hanging out in Stockholm for a few days.

This reeks of a setup.  Sounds like a European scam paid for by Brussels to set him up.   
I wonder if Soros sent these ladies some cash:


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I would bet that Cheryl Mills
« Reply #190 on: October 13, 2016, 08:33:06 AM »
laptop could be linked to the "One" and that accounts for collusion to cover it all up:


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #192 on: October 14, 2016, 10:41:50 AM »
Listening to Mona Charen last night on John Batchelor she made a comment that Trump's anti-globalization pitch is basically anti-semitic.  This disgruntled ex Breitbart empolyee echoes the same thing here:

This is totally off the mark and nothing whatsoever to do with Jews in my opinion.


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Re: Corruption, Skullduggery, and Treason
« Reply #193 on: October 14, 2016, 11:37:30 AM »
Oy vey, and better on the Anti-semitism thread anyway.


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Another Democrat criminal
« Reply #195 on: October 18, 2016, 08:07:27 PM »
Steps down and tries to blame the messenger and switch the subject.  Caught red handed.  So he steps down but we know there will be no real punishment and he will simply pop up in another Democrat mafia post.   The "kicker" is this guy already served time.

This is his wife:


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Why are we so cynical? to think that Hillary is going to
« Reply #196 on: October 21, 2016, 09:40:20 AM »
be the one playing ("bringing us together" and "bridges not walls")  the Holy high ground here.

The following article is just so outrageous.   And so Clintin/Obameasque.   The crimes and coverup is so much worse than anything Nixon did and yet the MSM helps her over the Presidential finish line.  They speak of Trump's character but what about the character of a criminal that has no integrity to drop out of any race for public office and POTUS who also helps her.  

NO system is not rigged.  :roll:  No Trump should promise up front to accept the results of an election.  :roll: And yes we should trust our government, and the media.  :roll: :roll: :roll:
And the worst part is many Bush and Neocon Republicans agree by defacto voting against Trump.  Did anyone see MEg Whitman running to shake Hillary's hand and tell her how wonderful she was after the 3 rd debate.  What a loser she is.      :x


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Re: Why are we so cynical? to think that Hillary is going to
« Reply #197 on: October 21, 2016, 03:14:57 PM »
be the one playing ("bringing us together" and "bridges not walls")  the Holy high ground here.

The following article is just so outrageous.   And so Clintin/Obameasque.   The crimes and coverup is so much worse than anything Nixon did and yet the MSM helps her over the Presidential finish line.  They speak of Trump's character but what about the character of a criminal that has no integrity to drop out of any race for public office and POTUS who also helps her.  

NO system is not rigged.  :roll:  No Trump should promise up front to accept the results of an election.  :roll: And yes we should trust our government, and the media.  :roll: :roll: :roll:
And the worst part is many Bush and Neocon Republicans agree by defacto voting against Trump.  Did anyone see MEg Whitman running to shake Hillary's hand and tell her how wonderful she was after the 3 rd debate.  What a loser she is.      :x

My brother and I grew up in Iowa. When our parents divorced, we moved to Los Angeles.

You see the guys on the streets playing the shell game. The best thing to do is not get involved. If the guys operating the shell game get to close.... you bash them right in their flipping nose... hard. Really hard. Repeatedly... this was a lesson I've learned in other places too, and it's always the same exact thing and process.

You don't play, because you already should know what you're going to get. If you have to play, you'd better win.

Once they've set their eyes on you, the only thing left to do is let them know that involving themselves with you was a mistake.

Sun Tzu---- 1 or 10,000... same thing.

That is what this election is.

Democratic-Socialists don't care what their leaders do. They care about achieving their means, the ends justifying the means.

Diplomacy? Mob rule. Foreigners allowed voices, so long as they favor the right side statistically.

We're already guessing which shell the ball is under, and soon, it will be time to cough up the $20 or punch the guy in the nose.

Sorry if that's over simplistic, but that is what it is.